The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 28, 1903, Image 4

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Smart k
Of so extraordinary a character as to iosure extra busy times here.
Exquisite trimmed milliuery at
$3.50, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00.
A bevy of irresistably attiaclive
please women who appreciate artistic
designed Irom foreign models others our own adaptation, and among them
are all the new shades of brown, champagne, prune, navy, blue, etc.
There are flare hals, turbans, toques atid I novelty shape hats, trimmed
10 various (etching and tasty ways.
We particularly
Showing of Hats
Rare beauty and spleudid economy
pretty hals at these prices.
The Most Charming SUITS
Of the Season.
Tailor made suits with long skirted coats reign supreme. We are
showing innumerable varieties, each of
of them calculated to catch some particular fancy. Abundant proof that
we are splendidly prepared to meet all requirements is given by our great
and increasing daily sale'. In justice to your appe i ranee and your pocket
book, we suggest that you view our asnrtmetit while it is at its best.
Suits with instep length skirts of
mannish mixed cloths, long skirt
ed blouse with full ele ve, skirt
trimmed with box pleat, best style
and value, 315 00.
Of novelty suitings, brown and white
and blue and white mixtures, long
skirted blouse with full Meeve,
flaring instep skirt with lapped
seams, $17 50.
Of Scotch mixtures and suitings skirt
ed coat of good leog h, flaring in
step skirt strapped seams, $20 0(1.
Special This Week.
AV'oinen's walking aud dress Skirts.
mixtures, full gored strap trimmed, very
in these skirts.
Is Performing Wonders.
Thompson's Barosma, Kidney and Liver Cure
Is not only performing wonderful cures, as the following statements
will prove, but all the cures have been permanent, there being no re
turn of the disease or any of the symptoms after a lapse of many years.
K. K. Thompson & So, Titusville, Pa.: Dear Sirs Several years ngol was taken
with kidney and bladder disease, and suffered with terrible pains, lies ides losing con
trol of the action of my kidneys and bladder. A number of doctois had my ease nt
different times, but I received uo benefit, and was given up as incurable and fully ex
pected death would relieve my suffering. A friend recommended 1JAKOSMA and I
began taking it. At first I could sea little change, but niter taking about six bottles,
I began to get better. I continued to U3e it and today am entirely cured. I am au
old resident of this county and mil well known in this section, and consider myself a
walking advertisement for your TRULY v"OM)EKFUL medicine. BAKOSMA.
Yours respectfully, NATHAN BUKDICK, West Hickory, Ta.
The first bottle did me so much good that I bought the second and it cored mo of
female weakness, witli which I bad been troubled more than two years. I gained in
(strength oud hVsh aud have been well ever since. This was six vears ago.
Mks. M. GKOVE. Plum, Penn'a.
mm run
Republicans Prepared to Block the
Democracy's Game.
Younj Men Are Volunteering All Over
the State to Work to Get Out the
Republican Vo'j, As Did Many Who
Became Great Leaders.
l'Sp-vla.1 Correspondence.!
Philadelphia, Ot. 27. -With election
day but one week off Chairman Pen
rose, of '.he Republican state commit
tee, has practically completed nU work
of this campaign, and for the remain
ing days of (lie contest the whole re
sponsibility of the c-unvim bus b,jen
shifted to the members of the county
committees, the members of tho vigi
lant committees and the other active
workers throughout the state, upon
whom the organization depends to get
the vote to the polls.
While Chairman Penrose and Secre
tary Andrews will remain at head
quarters until after the returns are In,
they are now sending out their last
hatch of mail and a number of the em
ployes at the committee rooms are
being laid off, aa all their work has
been done.
Iiurhm the last f days the most
Take Laxative I'.romo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it fails
to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. Hoc;. 1-H-ly
(irow Htrong ami well alter using
Thompson's Swkkt Wohm Powukii.
Very pleaxunt to tike. Contains no
calomel. Never fails. Worms are often
mistaken for indigestion ami other di
cases. He sure to get Thompson's in
ns bottles. iM'uggists, 25 cents.
hats at these popular prices. Sure to
productions iu headwear. Some are
emphasize Our Great
at $3.50 and $5.00.
are combined in these wonderfully
them with distinctive feature?; each
Suits with full length skirts cf Vene
tian cloth, navy blue, brown and
black, long skirted blouse with
foil sleeves, flaring dress skirt,
Of black Cheviot, long skirted fly
fron- blouse with satin lining, flar
ing dress skirt of extreme length,
splendidly tailored and finished,
517 50.
Of fine Zibeline, in Oxford giav and
brown shades, long skirted, collar
lesss blouse with full sleeves, flar
ing full length skirt, $20 00.
The walking styles are in fancy
special at $5.00. No alterations
oni nn t appeals have oen made to tne
county chairmen to spur their associ
ates in the county commiltocs so as to
leave nothing undone In the final week
of the campaign lo insure the polling
of every vote possible on Tuesday next.
It 1 irii'' that i he Democrats of
Peiin: ylvuniti low not for years been
so d 'tiior:t!i;'. 'd and absolutely without
organization ami that they have not
undertaken to put up a light in the
open during the canvass this fall. But
It is tine that this fact has led
to apathy tn the ranks of the Republi
cans. Koine believe It would be easier to get
tut a ,'.,ood Republican vote had the
LemooT.ts madn an aggressive and
spirited contest. The danger to the Re
pubiican organization lies In Republi
cans taking it for granted that they
are going to win by a large majority on
account of the apparent indifference of
the Democracy.
While the party leaders of the De
inccvaey have not. figured In this cam
paign and their candidates have been
remrrkably silent it should not be
ovei looked that the rank and file of
the Democratic party are always on the
alert to gain any advantage for them
selves or their party whenever oppor
tunity shall present.
There is not a Democrat who ever
held office or who has aspired to office
who Is not looking forward to the
Presidential campaign of next year.
The federal patronage of which they
had a taste in the two Cleveland nd-
la the New and Better Breakfast
Food, bo different from all others
that it iileasea everybody. Get a
mrbigo to-day at your grocers.
ministrations is ever netore tnem.
They long to be restored to the post
offices, to the fat berths In the Tnited
States mint and customs service and
to the desirable positions in the various
departments at Washington and In tho
consular service.
The Democratic workers know that If
there shall be a large Democratic vote
polled in Pennsylvania and a corre
spondingly small Republican vote the
election returns from this showing
great Democratic gains will give en
couragement to tne Democrats all over
the country, will put new life in their
party and start them out in fine form
for the Presidential contest next year.
While Democrats are secretly snocu
lating upon the national political sit
uation and are determined to get anv
advantage possible out of the election
next Tuesday, it is fair to say that
many Republicans have boon aroused
to the Importance of the situation, and
from now until the ballots are counted
will work zealously to have their party
make a satisfactory showing in the re
turns. They propose to go among their
neighbors and have them arrange to
get to the polls early on Tuesday next.
They will impress upon them the
fact that one vote for the Republican
ticket on election day means more
than a whole year of argument in the
cause of Republicanism or in advocacy
of its principles.
The votes are what count, and this Is
another case where action means more
than words.
Tne stay-at-home Republicans are
little less than assistant Democrats,
and it is to the stay-at-home Republi
cans that the party organization in this
campaign is being urged to direct most
If it be true that the Democratic
managers have been carrying on what
they might designate a "still hunt"
campaign, it is more than ever essen
tial that the Republican committee
men shall offset these tactics by go
ing after the voters and seeing to it
that they get to the polls.
The Republican who loan? his horso
and wagoa to the committeemen to
carry the voters to the election booth
is as much a factor in the campaign
as the wealthy man who sends his
check to the state headquarters to
help defray the expenses of the or
The Republican who volunteers hi
services to work at the polls on elec
tion day Is deserving to be enrolled
among the "Honor Men" of his party
it is becoming to be the proper thing
for young men to tender their servlcef
to the county committeemen for elec
tion day and in this way become ac
quainted with the vo ers of their re
spective precincts. The association
and acquaintanceships thus made
place the young men in line for con
sideration at the hnnds of the partr
leaders and frequently :o advancement
In unexpected quartet :.
Lincoln, Grant, Garfield, Maine, Mc
Klnley, Roosevelt, and, In fact, nearly
a!! the men who have been signally
honored by the Republican party
started in politics working at their
polling places on election day.
New Yt.rV Provision Market
New York, Oct. 2(3.
WHEAT No. 2 red, 88c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 Duluth, 93c.
CORN No. 2 corn, 51c f. o. b
afloat; No. 2 white, Uc.
OATS No. 2 oats, 42c; No. i
white. 43c; No. 3 white, 43c.
PORK Mess, $12.75 13.50; familv
HAY Shipping, 0575c; good tc
choice, 8ufi 95c.
BUTTER Creamery, extras, 22c;
factory, 15 16c; wrsiern Itrritatlot
creamery, 1718c.
CHEESE State, full cream, good tr
prime, 11 He.
EGGS State and Pennsylvania
fancy, selected, 30(3 33c.
POTATOES State and eastern, po;
bbl., Jl.50ffil.87.
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, Oct. 26.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, 87c;
winter wheat, No. 2 red, 87c.
CORN No. 2 yellow, 51c f. o. b
afloat; No. 3 yellow, 51c.
OATS No. 2 white, 41c f. o. b
afloat; No. 3 white, 40c.
FLOUR- Spring wheat, best patent,
per bbl., J4.755.00; low grades, $.'1.25
BUTTER Creamery western e-.
tra tubs, 2222Vc; state and Penn
sylvania creamery, 21122c; dairy
fair to good, 1719c.
CHEESE Fancy full cream, 12Va'&
13c; good to choice, 11 12c; com
mon to fair, 810c.
EGGS State, fresh fancy, 2829c
POTATOES Per bu., 5500c.
East Buffalo Live Stock Market.
CATTLE Best steers r,a sale, J5.4C
5.75; good to choice butcher steers
J4.354.85; fair to good steers, J3.5C
(0)4.00 ; common to fair heifers, J2.5(
3.25; choice to extra fat heifers
J4.254.50; good butcher bulls, J3.0C
(fi 3.5(); choice to extra veals, J8.00g
8.50; common to light, J5.756.50.
lambs, J5.505.C5; yearlings, hand;
weight, J4.004.25; culls to common,
J1.75S3.00; wether sheep, J3.75400
HOGS Mixed packers' grades, J5.9C
6.00; medium hogs, J5.956.05;
pigs, light, J5.055.80.
Buffalo Hay Market.
HAY Timothy, ne-w, par ton, loose,
J14.001G.00; hay, prime on track
new, J14.5015.50; No. 1 do do, $13.00
14.00; No. 2 do do, Jll.0012.00.
For Sore Muscles,
Pain in Back,
Sore Throat
and Sprains.
AT ALL DRUGGISTS. 25c, 60c, $1.00,
Whereas, In aud by the act of the
General Assembly of the (.'oiiimou
wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act
to amend the tenth section of an act,
entitled 'An Act to regulate the nomina
tion and election of uublie olticers, re
quiring certain expenses incident thereto
to be paid by the soernl counties and
punishing certain offenses in regard to
uiioli elections, " approved the -lith day
of June, A. 1)., ISICi, it is made the duties
of the Sheriff of every county within this
l.viiiiiioiiwcalth to give public notice of
tie General Elections, and in such to
1 . Enumerate the olltcers to be elected
and give a list of all the nominations
made as provided in Ibis act, ami to be
voted for in such county, tuut the lull
text of nil constitutional amendments
submit tod to a vote of the people, but the
proclamation posted in each election dis
trict need not contain the names of any
candiilintes hut those to be voted for in
Biieh district.
II. Designate the place at which the
election is to be held.
III. He shall give notice that every
person, excepting Justices of the Peace,
who shall hold any olllee or appointment
or prolit or trust under the government
of the 1'nitoil States, or of this State,
or of any city, or incorporated district,
whether a commissioned ollleer or oth
erwise, n subordinate ollleer or agent
who is or shnll be employed under the
legislative, executive or judiciary de
partments of this State, or of the Unit
ed Slates, or of any city, or incorpor
ated district, aud also that every mem
ber of Congress and of the State Leg
islature, ami of the select or common
council of any city, or commissioners
of any ineoi pointed district, is by law
imnpahlc of holding or exercising at
the same time the olllee or appointment
of judge, inspector or clerk of any elec
tion of this Common-wealth, and that
no Inspector, judge or other ollleer of
any such election shnl! be eligible to any
olllee to ho then voted for, except that
of an election officer.
I, George W. Noblit, High Sheriff or
tlio t'ounty of l-orest, do iierehy niaae
known am) irivo this public notice to tho
electors of l!:o Count v of Forest that a
(Jem-nil Election will he held in said
County, on
Tuesday, November 3d, 1903,
between the hours of 7 R. tn. and 7 p. in..
at the several Kloetion Districts.
The lollowing are the o Ulcers to be
elected, and a list of all tho nominations
made therefor, aud which shall be voted
for in the form in which tney shall ap
pear upon the ballots:
Ullicers to tie elected
One person for State Teasurer of the
Slate of Pennsylvania.
One person tor Auditor Goneral of the
Slate of Pennsylvania.
Two persons for Judges of the Superior
Court of Pennsylvania.
One person for Distiiet Attorney or
Forest County.
One person for Coroner of Forest Coun
ty. List of Nominations
State Treasurer.
William L. Mathues. Republican. Cit
Joel G. Hill, Democratic, Independ
Henry D. Patton, Prohibition.
John A. Smith, Socialist.
David E. Gilchrist, Labor.
.4 uditor General.
William P. Snyder, Republican, Citi
zens. Arthur G. Dewalt, Democratic, Inde
pendence. Flisba Kent Kane, Prohibition.
Wm. W, Atkinson, Socialist.
Will. J. Eberle, Labor.
Judge of the Superior Court.
Thomas A. Moriison, Republican. Cit
izens. John J. Henderson, Republican. Citi
zens. John A. Ward, Democratic, lndeoend
euce. Calvin Rayburn, Democratic, Inde
Matthew H. Stevenson, Prohibition.
Einmett D. Nichols, Prohibition.
Alfred Leach. Socialist.
Louis Goaziou, Socialist,
Wm. H, Thomas, Labor.
John Burschell, Labor.
Dixtrict Attorney.
S, D. Irwin, Republican.
J. W. Morrow, Republican.
C. II. Wilton, Democrat.
The Electors of Barnett Townshin as fol
lows : Those residing io ih Cooksburg
Election District to-wit : Those embraced
in the following bouudary.vlz : Beginning
at a point on the Tyleruburg and Clariugtou
roan wurrH me said roau crosses or Inter
sects with the west line of Barnett Twp ,
thence in a southeasterly direction by the
various courses and distances of said road
to a point where the said road crosses tho
East branch of Coleman Ruu ; theuce down
ilie said run by its various courses and
meanderings to the Clarion Kiver : theuce
down the said river by the various courses
auu instance thereof to the southwest
corner of Barnett Twp. ; thence northerly by
the west line of said Township to the place
of beginning, shall vote at Cooksburg Hall.
I tie Electors of Barnett Towusli in as fol
lows : Those residing in the Kedclyfle
jMecuon District, to-wit: Those embraced
in the following boundary, viz: Beginning
at a point on the said Tylersburg aud dar
ing ton road where the same intersects with
the northern line of warraut No. 3o0."i ;
thence by the northern line of said warrant
No. Il'IO.'i, easterly to the west line of war
rant No, 31 IS; thence by the west line of
said warrant northerly to the norihwest
corner of said warrant No. 3148; thence east
erly by the northern line of said warrant
Ho. 4148 and the north line of warrant No.
314.) to the eastern line of Burnett Twp.;
tuence northerly by the east lint of said
Township to the northeast corner of Harnett
Townibip; theuce westerly by the northern
nue oi earn townBbip to the oortnwest cor
ner of BarnettTwn : thence bv the west line
of said Township southerly to the intersect
ion of said Township line with the Tylers
burg and Claringtou roat": thence southeast
erly by the various courses &nddittances of
saiu roau to the place ot beginning, shall
vote at Joseph Hall's Carpenter Shop.
The Electors of Barnett Township as fol
lows : Those residing in the Claringtou
Election District, to-wit : Those embraced
iu the following boundary, viz: Beginning
at a point on the said Tylersburg and Clar
ingtou road where the said road Intersects
with the northern line of warrant No. 3.105;
tiience southeasterly along said road by the
various courses and distances thereof to a
p lint where the said road crosses the eastern
oraucb of Coleman Run; theuce down the
said run by lis various courses and distances
thereof to the Clarion River; thence up the
said Kiver by its various courses aud dis
tances to the southeast corner of Barnett
Township; thence by the east line of said
Township northerly to the northeast corner
of warrant No. 314.; thence westerly by the
north line of said warrant No. 314-"i aud the
north line of warrant No. 314H to the north
west corner of said warrant No. 3148: theuce
southerly by the west liue of said warraut
JNo. .1148 to ibe northeast corner of warrant
No. 330 j ; I hence by the north line of said
warraut No. 3'l0."i westerly to the nlace of
beginning, shall vote in the County aud
Township House.
I'lie Electors of (ireen townsnin as
follows: Those rosiillnir in the Election
i;..t,.w f i!oitioiril!i to-wit: those
eniliraeecl m Ule toiiowiug iiounonry.
viz: Resinning nt n post, the north cor
ner of arrant No. ril,i.l. theuce south
forty-five degrees west throe hundred
n n cl twenty rods to the west corner of
solid tract, tlienee south forty-five de
grees east aloni; the dividing line between
trac ts Nos. 7:',. unci ri."ill."i to the mirth
corner of tract No. .Villi. I hence by tho
northwest line of Iruct ."illl unci the
southeast line of tracts Nos. .Vil l."i and
iVilll to the south corner of tract No.
fi'iiif. thence southwesterly to the norih
west comer of tract ivn. .i.wm, tunc such il
ea st corner of tract o.ill- on the ( Inrl-in
county line, thence by the same east
to the northeast corner of Clarion coun
ty, theuce north by the .looks township
lino to where the said JeuUs township
line crosses the northeast line of tract
fifiOO. thence northwesterly by the north
est liue of (irccu township to the place
of beginning, shall vole nt the County
House at (iiiilouvllle.
The Electors of fJroeit township re
siding outside of the territory embraced
in the nbove described Election District
of (iiiitonville, shall vale nt the Town
ship House, in Nebraska village.
The Electors of Harmony township
ns follows: I nose residing In the elee
tion district of lrppcr Harmony, to-wit:
those emnrncecl in the following liouii
dary. viz: Beginning on the Allegheny
River nt the Tionesta township line;
thence northerly by said line to the back
lino of the river tracts; thcii"o along tho
back line of the river tracts to West
Hickory Creek; thineo up said West
Hickory Ireek to the Warren (ounty
line; theiicp east along said Wnrren
county line to the Allegheny River;
thence down said river to the place of
beginning, nt (!. Y . Kings Hall, West
The Electors of ITarmony township re
siding outside of the territory embniced
in the above described I'pper Harmon)
shall vote at the Township Elect ior
House on tho Fogle rarm.
The Electors of Hickory township a
the Tow nship House.
The Electors of Howe township tit
follows. These residing in tile Election
District of .Middle Howe, to-wlt:
embraced in the following boundary, viz
lieginning nt a point where the west line
of Warrant No. Ml'.IS intersects the line
of Warren and Forest counties; tlienct
south bv the west lines of Wnrrnntf
PUIS, :tl!;t,31S!l.;tUS7 ami 3185 to a point
where the west line of Warrant .US5 in
tersccts willi the Jenks township line,
theuce l'.v Jenks township line east to n
point where the eastern line of said war
rant 3IS5 intersects said Jenks town
ship line; thence north along the
eastern boundary lines of warrants .'51S5.
ol!S7 nr.ii 'MSt to the northwest coi-ivi
of subdivision No. IK) of warrant No.
-!'.!;!; thence east along the north lint
of snli'M visions Nos. till, tiS, (15, (it ami
til to t lie northwest corner of warrant
No. 27oli; thence north nlong the cast
lircs of wan ants Nos. '.'il'.l.'t, the Fox
Estate. I and '2T. to where (lie easl
Hue ol L'l.i.i iiiieisuls the Warren line
Forest Counly line; thence by said War
ren and Forest county line west to tin
northwest (orner of Warrant .Sl'.lS, the
plan- of beginning, sliull vote nt tiushei
City School House.
The Electors of Howe township re
siding iu tlie Election District of Easl
Howe, to-wit: Those residing within tin
territory embraced by the followiuil
boundary lines, to-wil: Iteginning nt a
point in the Warren and Forest county
line where the same is intersected by the
east line of warrant -7:!5; thence south
along the eastern boundary line s of war
rants 17.:.-. Jil'.M. the Fox Estate, ami
warrant lii'H.'t to the northwest cornor ot
subdivision No. 51 in warrant -7.'!ii;
thence uist along the northern boundary
lines of warrants J7.'!li. 'J.SliS and Utlii,
to the Elk t ounty line; thence north
along the- V.l'i and Forest county lino to
where the same is intersected by the
Warren and Forest county line; thence
west along said Warren and Forest
county liue to the northeast corner of
warrant -7;i5, the place of beginning,
shnll vote at lirookston iu Itrookstou
Library Hall.
The Electors of Howe township re
siding iu the Election District of Frost's,
to-wit: Those residing within the territory
embraced by the following boundary
litl"s: Ciunnier.v'ng nt the northeast cor
ner of warrant '-'liU. and in the line di
viding Elk and Forest counties; theneo
south along said dividing line to the line
between Howe and Jenks township;
thence west along said lasl mentioned
line to the southwest corner of K. L.
Blood's subdivision ; thence north along
the west line of the K. L. Blood subdi
vision and warrants .'ISU't, 45)5, 2S7S,
21ISO tn northwest corner of subdivision
No. !! i'i wasiant li'.ltl.'!: thence east
aiong the north line of subdivisions
(l!, CiH. i;r. r, ami til of warrant L".l!i;t and
subdivisions 51, 5-. 5:t, 54 and 55 of war
rant 27-'hi, and subdivisions 21. '22. '2'..
24 nml 25 of warrant 2S0S and the north
line of ivanaut 24(4 to the Elk county
line, the place of beginning, shall vote at
Noblit's Hall, Frost's Station.
The Electors of Howe township re
siding iu the Election District of West
Howe, to-wlt: Those residing west of
the above described Middle Howe, at the
Hulltown School House.
The Electors of Howe township re
siding iu the dough's Election District,
to-wit: Those embraced in the territory
recently cut off from the Halltown Dis
trict, viz: Bcgini'ing at a point on the
east line of the ltalltowu Election Dis
trict where the north line of wari'i.ot
.S'Sll intersects the same; thence west
along the north lino of warrants 31SII,
31 SS and 47!M to the northeast line of
warrant 52S2; thence nlong the southeast
line or lines of warrant 52M2 to warrant
5101; theuce along the northeast line of
wiirronl 5101 to warrant 52ii(i; theuce
along the northwest line of warrants
51(11 end fill 14 to the Kingsley township
line, shall vote nt F. M. Rest Building,
dough's Mills.
The Electors of Jenks township as
follows Those residing In the Election
District of liyroin, to-wit: those em
braced in the following boundary, viz:
lieginning at the northeast corner of
tract No. 4133 and the northwest cor
ner oi unci -mi. n.vt. iiii-iice inn iiii-iist-
erly to the southeast corner of tract
No. 3ti4.'! and the southwest corner of
tract No. 35(11, thence north by the
western line of tracts Nos. 35(14. 3(541,
3(144 and 3S01 to the Jenks township
line, thence east by the same to tho
northeast corner of Jenks township,
thence south by the east line of Jenks
township lo the southeast corner there
of, thence west to the southeast corner
of tract No. 412!) thence north to the
northeast corner of said Warrant, thence
west to the beginning shall vote In Berg's
Hall, at Diihring in stiiil Township.
The electors of Jenks township resid
ing outside of tlie territory embraced in
the above described Election District of
Byrotntown. shall vote nt the Election
and Township House in Marienville.
The Electors of Kingsley township ns
follows: Those residing in the Mayliurg
District, to-wit: Those embraced in tho
following boundary, viz: Iteginning nt a
poin on the Hickory aud Kingsley town
ship line where the northwest corner of
tract No, 5212 intersects said line; thence
nlong the northeast lines of tracts 5212,
5213, 5214 and 521 iN, to the southwest
corner of 52(17; thence northeast nlong
the southeast line of 52(57 to the Howe
and Kingsley township line; thence north
along said township line to the Warren
and Forest County line; thence west
blenig said county line to where the lino
of Hickory and Kingsley townships in
tersects said county line; thence south
west along said township line to tlie place
of beginning, shall vole at the County
Tim electors of Kingsley township re
siding in the Newtown District, to-wil:
Those embraced in the territory laying
to the southwest of the above described
Mayliurg District, shall vote ut tlie
Township House, near tho northwest end
of Newton bridge.
Tlie electors of Tionesta township nt
the Township House, near the south
east end of the Tionesta creek bridge, at
the mouth of said en i-k.
The electors of Tionesta borough at
the Court House in said borough.
I also make known the following provi
visions of the new Constitution of Penn
sylvania. ARTICLE VIII.
SEC. 1. Every male citizen twenty
one years of age, possessing the follow
ing qualifications, shall he entitled to vote
nt all elections:
FIRST. He shall have been a citizen
of the railed States at least one month.
SFCOND.-He shall have resided iu
tho State on year, (or, if having pre
viously bei-n a iiialilied elector or na
tive born citizen of the State he shall
Imvn removed therefrom and returned.
J. O. Scowden,
Having purchased tho interest of my former partner, Mr.
Joseph Clark, in the Carriage and Wagon Factory, and CU;n
oral Hardware Store in this city, I desite to inform all old
aod new patrons that I sliall be prepared iu tho luturo na iu
the past to meet their evory want iu this lino. The stock of
Hardware, Heavy and Shelf Goods and Implements of every
description, wilhnot only be kept up to standard, but con
stantly increased and added to as the trade m iy demand.
Small Margins
on All Goods,
and a careful consideration of the wants of customers will he
strictly adhered to. Thanking all for past favors and solicit
ing a continuance of your patronage,
Yours truly,
Has Stood the Test lor Over . Year.
Is noted for its simplicity of construction, beauty ot proportion, excellence
of workmanship, faultless balance,
Experience and ability have placed
well deserved pooition as tho Best
est shot gnu manufacturers in America.
New York Salesroom, mi i'ir
04 nANNLll Ol. IlllllllMlie.
then mix moiulis.) liuine.iinieiy preccuiiig
the election.
1 1! litl). lie hiiiiiI have resided in flu
election district where lie offer to voto
at least two mohtlix iniuiediatclv nivecd-
IllK i no eio iitni.
( il 1! I'll. If twci-ty-two years of age
or iipwarc.s. lie shall have paid wilhin
two years u Slate or i-oiinly lax which
Hhall have been ii'-scssec' at least two
months unci paid at lease .ne month be
fore election.
SiIP. 2. The gem-mi eleelion nhnll lie
held annua ly on the Tuesday next fol
lowing the iu-st Monday of November,
but the (ioiiernl Assembly may, by law,
lix a clill'ireut day, two-thirds of all the
members of ench house consenting there
to. Notice is hereby given. That any per
son exceplins .Instil-in of the l'eace who
diall hold any olllee or appointment of
prolit or tirt under the i'liilcd Stntorf,
or this Slate, or any city or incorporated
distric t, whether commissioned officer or
Oinc-i wisc, a sulioiilii nte ollic er or iigent
who is or shr.l! b- employed under the
legislative, executive or judiciary depart
ment of this Slate, or ir. liny city, or of
liny incorporated district,, and also that
(Very member of Congress and of the
Male l.i isinture. or of the select or com
mon coiiuc il of any city, or eoniinission-i-rs
of any incorporated district, is by law
incapable of holding or exercising at the
time, the olllee or appointment of judge,
inspector or clerk of any election in thia
Commonwealth, and that no inspector,
judge or oilier ollicer of such election
shall be ('limbic to be then voted for.
The Judges of flu aforesaid clislricts
fdinll ropreseiitaliw'ly take charue of thu
ccrtilh utt s of return of the election of
tin ii- respective districts, and produce
theni at the I'rollioiintary's olllee in the
l'orough of Tioneslu, as follows: "All
judges livii.g within twelve miles of the
1 roihonotni y s olhcc, or within twenty-
four miles ii' their rcsidi nco be in a town,
village or lily upon Ilie lice of a railroad
tiding to coiiidy seat, shall before -
o'clock in., on WKDNKSIiAY. No
vember 4lb, 1003, and all oilier .Indues
shall, before 12 o'clock tn.. on THURS
DAY, November oth, KIO.I, deliver said
returns together with the return sheets,
to the rrothonotarv of the Court of Com
mon I'leiis of Forest counly, which said
return shall lie filed, and the day and
hour of filing marked therein, and shall
lie preserved by the 1'rothonotary for
public Inspect ion.
Given under my hand at my olllee in
Tionesta, fa., tula llltli day ol Uotober,
iu the year of our Lord nineteen bund
red and three, and in the nno hundred
and twenty-eighth year of tho Indepen
dence of the, United States.
QUO. W, NOUMT, .Shorilt'.
Good Stock, Good Carriagos and Hug
;ies to let upon the most reasonable terms.
Ie will also do
All orders left at the l'ost Oltiee wil
receive prompt attention.
Ottict ) fc 7M National flank Building,
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical.
f Hardware,
aud Hard .Shooting (iinlltlt'N.
the Pari.kk (Ji'N iu an envi' ble and
Gun in the world. Made by the old
Over 110,000 of tbfBe guts in use.
PARKER BROS., meriden, conn.
in the
that can ticket you
West, Southwest or Northwest
via every gateway across the
(J lUtinent.
i:. a. KixuTiut,
Travel Iiiy; I'nssoiior Agent
Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa.
can well be claimed of a book
that has received the unmi.ili
fled indorsGmonf. rsf tho
Executive Departments of the
Government, the U. S.
Supreme Court, all the State
SuDreme Courts, all the Rtnt.p
Superintendents of Schools,
nearly all or the College Presi
dents, and Educators almost
The New and Enlarged
Edition of Webster's Inter
national Dictionary of English,
BiocrraDhv. Geotrranhv. Fir-
tion, etc., has 2:iG4 quarto
pages with bU(JU illustrations.
25,000 new words and phrases
have recentlv horn nrlrlprl
under the editorship of W. T.
TT T-vl -r -r
narns, rn.D., LLAX, U. d.
Commissioner of Education,
bringing the work fully up to
"A Test In Pronunciation" v.-hicli nfTonlRa
lieti.-!iiii nun uii i-ucc ivc ovuiiiiiij a enier
taiiununt. Illustrated pamphlet also free,
G. d C. MERRIAM CO., Pub-v,
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