THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. l. C. WENK. COITOR 4 PKOPRIITOB. WEDNESDAY, OCTOnEU 21, 1003. 1903 OCTOBER 1903 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 456 J9 10 11 1213 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES. OvFull r 10:23 sMoon 0 a. tn. p- Third -iq 88 Hi. Quarter Id p.m. New cr 10:30 Mann lJ a.m. New First o Quarter 40 3:33 S.IU. ICiliiblianu Ticket. KTATK. State Treasurer L. MATHUES, Delaware County. Auditor Qencral-WM. P. SNYDER, Chester County. Superior Court Judges JOHH J. H EN DEKSON, Ciawlord County; THOMAS A. MOURISON. MoKean County. COl'NTY. District Attornry-S. D. 1HWIN. Corotur -Dr. J. W. MORROW. Who will continue to save the nation while Mr. Bryan is in Europe; Japan also has a Monroe doctrine, and the question is up to the Japs: Will they light for il? Dowm says the newspapei editors are all going to hell. Dear, oh dear! And he's an editor himself. A corx crop of 2,300,000,000 bushels is one of the digestible securities that point to continued good limes. Fok a man who made his fust speech in 1800, Senator Manna is giving Tom. Johnson a prolty good tussle. Is Lomlou tbt-rfl is a binh every fony seconds and a death every mlnuto and a quarter. It will take some years for New Yoik to equal this record, A mono the latest trado combinations is a toothpick trust. It ought to freeze out those people who make il a business to chew toothpicks In public places. Phokksou Lanulu's explanations of the wreck of his aiiship reuiiud one of Bryan's explanation of his failure to be elected Piesident of the United Statas. liiiYAN Democrats would rather see the old party die than get bick in the bands of L. rover Cleveland. A good many peo ple who are not Democrats feel the same way. King Alfonso is about to make a tour of Europe to find a wife. Judging from the condition of Spain's finances it would be good policy to marry an American heiress. The New York tnayorality election In volving the forluue if not the fate of Tammany Hall is of National import ance. Mayor Low's friends predict that he will be "re-elected handsomely." Employers throughout the country are going lo meet iu Chicago to form an international federation of employers. After the labor unions and employers union we will have to lorm a public tin ion. Thk Secretary of Arizona whose of ficial income, owing to the large fees be receives, is greater than that of the President of the United States is now iu Washington, answering to a charge of bribery. The Germans of Brazil are appealing to the German government for aid against the Americans, who are beating them commercially. As Brazil is Ger many's stronghold, we ought to ieel sat isfaction at the news. Judgir Reaoan of Texas, once a mem ber of the Jeff Davis cabinet, thinks the republic of the United States "is doomed." Tho judge, held the same opinion forty years ago, bnt missed his guess. A mob in Florida lynched a white man because be would not divulge the whereabouts of his brtther, who was wanted on the charge of committing an assault. It remains to be seen whether the State will allow such an act to go un punished. Some of our Democratic contemporar ies would like to have a non-partisan Supreme Court composed entirely of Democrats. Phila. Press. That is the way the Democrats look at the matter in about all judicial contests where tho election is likely te go against them. A Japanesk manufactures pearls by introducing a grain of sand or foreign substance into pearl oysters which he af terwards puts back in iheir beds. This is tho way pearls are made by naturo and it looks as if this enterprising Jap was going to asNist nature and glut the mar kot with the real thing. Is the Alaskan boundary dispute be tween the United States and Great Britain, which has been claiming the attention of our diplomats at London for some weeks pat, tho decision 1ms been in favor ol this government on all but a lew worth loss points which were conceded from tho start. Dial was to be expected, as your Uncle Sam never claims anything ho hasn't a good and lawful right to. The working balance in the treannrv ,7 of Pennsylvania, as announced by Treas urer Harris, Is $13,!KK5,101.3I, whi.-h U the largest amount that has been in the Treasury at any one time in recent yearsi It 1 a wondcrlul showing for an old Com monwealth and a first class tribute to Re publican management of the State finan ". Iu addition, the money iu the sink ing fund is Kullicieut to wipe ( lit theStnto debt. Franklin News. Since Mr. Cleveland retired from the Presidency, Uncle sa m has paid the ex penses of the Spanish war, largely in creased army and navy and put his Inter est bearing debt on the right sido of the billion dollar line-down to $012,000,000 and debt loss cash iu the Treasury to $017,000,000. Last month he paid over $0,000,000 on account of his debt, spent $54,000,000 less din ing tho last fiscal year than h a income, and now has an active cash workihg fund of fMt.OOO.OOO. Com paring recent experiences, Uncle Sam vows he will nover, no never, turn Democrat again. Is the eyes of Joseph Chamberlain the protective tarilf of the United States is au "abomination," It does not seem to have occurred to the British statosmun that our taritr system was devi-ed lo please the people of the United States and uo one else. The trainers of the Dingly law had in view the interests of this country and not the interests of foreign ers intent upon breaking into the big gest and best of markets. The ' abomi natiou" has proved tremendously suc cessful and popular with Americans so successful Indeed that Mr. Chamberlain is studying how to introduce something liko it in Great Britain. Dow ie expects to receive Jo.OOO.OOO in gifts as the result of his New Yoik visit, and with it ho proposes to build up two new .ions, one on the Pacific and one on the Atlantic side of the continent. Tue New York Tribune saya of the pro ject: He counts his chickens before the eggs are laid with as much confidence as if they w ere already iu the basket. But that is what he has always been do ing and somehow the eggs materialize as they are wanted, and the walls and halle lujahs of new .ions "rise slowly to a music slowly breathed, a cloud that ga'hois shape." Stranger things have happened than that he should get his ex pected $"i,000,000 and apply it according to the ter nsof his prospectus. The hearing in the suit of the bond holders of the United States Shipbuild ing Company to have the receivership made permanent is developing some strange facts in connection tvilb the or ganization ol this "trust." Three of the original directors were mere clerks, without a penny of interest in the cor poration. A share of stock was issued to each one of them and then transferred in blank and handed back. Under that form they served as directors. One of these directors said yesterday that he supposed the Bethlehem Sieel Works were in Homestead. He got a paper be fore a meeting of the directors was held telling him what would be brought up and how to vote. It is extraordinary that a great corporation of this kind should be managed in that way in order that the real heads of the concern could escape responsibility. No wonder that it was wrecked and that Mr. Schwab and some others came out w ith big profits. Phila. Press. Os accourt ol the unexampled prosper ity of the country and the fart that there is nothing anywhere in the United States that is even suggestive of unrest or dis satisfaction among the voters, Republi cans generally look upon the approach ing elections wild absolute complacency. Even the constitutional pessimist and habitual winner has been shamed into silence. No sane man questions the tact that Pennsylvania will elect the entire Republican ticket by a good majority, says the Punxsulawney spirit, aud all of which is true. It is incumbent, therefore, on the Republicans of Forest county to turn out and give the State and local ticket the usual off-year majorities. The fact that Pennsylvania will elect the Re publican ticket ought, by no manner of means, to lull the party to sleep, aud ev ery member of the party should take enough interest In the election to turn out and cast his ballot for the effect that a good turnout now will have on future elections, which will be more important, in a sense, than this one. Make your cal culations on getting out to vote on Tues day, November 3d, aud feel that you havo contributed your share toward an endorsement of the present state f pros perity. Deafness ( nil not He Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Iiealness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tli mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly cbwed deaincss is the result, and un less tile inllamalion can be taken out aud this lube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever j nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 75. Hall's Family Pills are the best. I'liniiiberliiln's CiiiikIi Remedy. No one who Is acquainted with its good qualities can be surprised at the great popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It uot only cures colds and grip ef fectually and permanently, but prevents these diseases from resulting in pneumo nia. It is also a certain cure for croup, Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy is given. It contains no opium orjother harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as loan adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these facts are taken Into considerntion it is not surprising that people in foreign lands, as well as at home, esteem this remedy very highly Bnd very few are willing to take any other after having once used it. For sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. On Thursdays, September 10, 17, and 24, and October 1, 8, 15, and 22, 1003, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from all points on the River Division, including the Plum Creek branch, to Pittsburg, at reduced rales, including admission to the expo sition. The tickets will be good going on regular trains on day of issue, and will be valid lor return passage within three days, including date of sale. o22 .Many Mother of a Like Opinion. Mrs. I'ilmer, of Cordova, Iowa, says: "One of niy children was subject lo croup of a severe typo, ami the giving of Cham berlain's Co imh Remedy promptly, al ways brought relief. Many mothers in this neighborhood think the same us I do about this remedy mu want no other kind for (heir children." For sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. TO VOTE SEW BALLOT. Special Correspondence. Harrlsburg, Oct. 1.., One of the Im portant duties of the members of the Republican countycommlttecs through out the state between now and election day will he to Instruct the voters re garding the chnnges that have been made In the form of tho official ballot and the method of mnrklns the ballot 60 as to cast a vote for tho full Repub lican ticket. Under the provisions of the law na passed at the last session of the legis lature the ballat will bo smaller than heretofore. The party columns have been abolished, and the names of the candidates will be grouped under the titles of the different offlces for wh'h they are running. The name of his party, however, will bo printed after the name of each candidate. In lieu of the party column and the party circle at the head of each col umn, there shall be printed on the ex tremo left of each ballot the names of tho several parties, and after tho name of each party there shall bo printed a square of sufficient size to permit of the convenient Insertion of a cross mark, like this: REPUBLICAN X DEMOCRATIC PROHIBITION PUT CROSS MARK IN SQUARE. This cross maik is to serve the same purpose ns did the cross mark used for the old ballot. When this cross mark Is placed in the square after tho name of any party, in this group of parties on tho left of the ballot, it signifies the Intention of the voter to vote for all tho candidates nominated by that party. Every mark within such square shall be equivalent to a mark against every name designated by that political ap pellation or party name, Including can didates nominated by more than one party or group of citizens. At tho head of eah ticket shall to printed the following Instructions: "To vote a straight party ticket marlc a cross (X) in the square opposite tho name of the party of your choice in tho first column. "A cross mark in the square op posite the name of any candidate Indi cates a vote for that candidate." INSTRUCTIONS AS TO COUNTING. A book of instructions has been Is sued by the Republican state commit tee, and Secretary Andrews expects that before the end of this week he will have conies of the same In the hands of all the county committeemen. In this bonk, which also contains other valuable data regarding the new law, the following instructions are given to election officers regarding the method of counting the ballots: The effort of a cross mark (X) In the square opposite the name of tho party of his choice, In the straight party column on the left of the ballot, shall be equivalent to a vote for every candidate of the party so marked. The placing of a cross mark (X) In the square at the right of the name of each candidate indicates a vote for each candidate so marked. A cross mark (X) in the square op posite the name of the party In the straight party column on the left of the ballot, votes a straight ticket, and is equivalent to a vote for every can didate of the party so marked, and the marking of one or more names In the group of candidates of another party, is the marking of more names than the voter is entitled to vote for, and is a marking of the ballot otherwise than is diroc-red by the act. and the ballot must uot be counted for such office, but must be counted for all other of fices, for which the name of the can didai';3 have been properly marked. For example A voter places a cross marl: opposite the name "REPUBLI CAN" in the column on the left of the ballot this mailt would Indicate that he had voted for every candidate of that party. If the voter, after having so marked his ballot, should place a cross marl; In the square to the right of the name of a candidate of the Democratic party, his vote would not be counted for either or any of the candidates for that office, because the voter would by doing so vote for more candidates for that office than he Is entitled to vote for, his vote, however, should be counted for all the other candidates of the Republican party. The placing of a cross mark In tho square opposite the name of the party of his choice in the straight party col umn on the left of the ballot, and at the sfjne time placing a cross mark in the square to tho right of the Indi vidual name of any or all of the candi dates of that party, will not affect the validity of the ballot. It will simply be surplusage, and a vote must be counted for each candidate of that party. When a candidate has died or with drawn, and a substituted nomination Is made after the ballots are printed, there shall he prepared and distributed with the ballots suitable Flips of p:i Tjor bearing the substituted name, to gether wit.i tlic Utlo c t'i.i oITlcs nn having adhesive pasto upon the reverse side, which shall be offered to each voter with tho regular ballot, and may bo affixed thereto. Under no other circumstances can ft "sticker" be used. A voter must not cross out any name on the ballot, nor cover a name with a sticker or paster, except in the case referred to herein. Ballots with the name of a candidate eraced by a voter must ho counted, for the name go erased, if a cross mark has been placed In the square oppo site to the name of his party. All votes shovdd be counted, except where the voter marks more names for any office than he Is entitled to vote for, or for any reason It Is impos sible to determine the voter's choice for any office, to be filled. The ballot should be self-explanatory. Stockholders' Meetlnir. The annuat meeting of tliostofkboldors of the Eorest Telephone and Telegraph Company will be hold in the Direciois' Room of the Goid Standard National Bank, at Marienville, October 20th, nt two o'clock p. m., 1003, for the purpose of electing oHlcers for too ensuing year. A. D. Neii.l., President. Cllilnr of Lockjaw. lockjaw, or tetanus, Is caused by a bacillus or germ which exists plentifully In strot t dirt. Jt Is inactive so long as exposed to the air, but when carried be- nea'li tho skin, aa in the. wounds caused by percussion cans or by rusty nails, and when the air is excluded the germ is roused to activity and produces the moat viruioni poison known. Tlieso germs may bo destroyed and all dangor of lock jaw avoided by applying Chamberlain's Pain Halm freely as soon as the iniurv is received. Pain Balm is nn anliceptic ami can-en cms, t, rinses anil like Injur ies to heal without maturation and In one-third the time required by tho usual treatment. It Is for sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. If a woman hesitates it must be ow ing to an impediment in her speech. . If troubled with a weak digestion try l liamlierlain'N Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They will do you good. For salo cy jr. j, v. Dunn. When the unexpected happens It is usually inferior to what was expected. A ItusliieiM Opportunity. Good live representatives with wide asquaiutances, wanted in every county to sell ou commission, tho heat tanning, truck-gardening and fruit lauds in the States of Kentucky, Tennes.-ee, Mississippi and Louisiana along the line of t lie IHiuois Central II. li. Advertising and descriptive matter will lie furnished free of charge. Fur furtliur information address E A. Ilichter, 512 Park Building, Pitts burg, Pa. B2:itf The question of precedence In this country is merely a question of bustle. Imw Hates West and Nnrllnvest. Via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, every day until November 30, 11)03. 83;!, Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and many other Pacilic Coast points. 830, Chicago to Salt Lake City, Og den, Grand Junction and many other poiots in Utah, Colorado and Wyom ing. Low ratea to hundreds of other points. Through traiii service, Chicago to San Francisco. Only $l for a double berth, tourist sleeper, all the way. To the Northwest via St. Paul or via Omaha. Write lo day for folder John R Pott, lloom D, Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. tN15 A marriage certificate is a thing no well regulatod family should be without. H OW atiout your stock of Stationery T Iiok it up, then call and see us. Some men waste a dollar's worth of time trying to save five cents. t If ANTED SEVERAL PERSONS of character and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business houses of solid financial standing. Salary $21. 00 weekly with ex penses additional, all payable in cash direct each Wednesday from bead offices. Horse and carriage furnished when nec essary. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial, 331 Dear born St., Chicago. s2-4m PROCLAMATION. Witekkas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Eorest, bus issued his pro cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Torminer unci General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for th"! County of Forest, to commence on the Third Monday of November, being the 10th day of November. 1003. No tice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables of said county, that they be then and there iu their propor persons at ton o'clock A. M., of said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their ollice appertain to be done, and to thoso w ho are bou nd i u recogn izance to prosecute against the prisoners i but are or shall he in the jail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given un der my band and seal this JOth day of October, A. I). 100:1. GEu. W. NOBLIT, L.S. Sheriff TUBAL LIST. List of causes set down for trial in tho Court of Common Pleasof Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the Third Mondav of November, 1003: 1. J. E. Beck vs. M.C. Watson, No. 28, Sept. Term, 1!0I . Motion to open judg ment. 2. W. A. Connelly vs. W. W.vman, Jo-eph Landers, No. 0, September Term, 1003. Summons in Action of Trespass. 3. H. E. Church vs. W. Wymnn, Jos ph Landers. No. 10. Sept. term, 1!03. Summons in action of trepas. 4. H. P. and J. J. Keverllne vs. J. E. Beck et al, as Zellers Oil and Gas Co. No. 33, Sv pt. term, l'.m. Appeal from J. P. 5. John W. Baxter vs. M. V. Pat terson, J. E. Beck, George Brown, trad ing as Patterson. Beck and Brown. No. 50, Sept. term, ISml. Appeal from J P. Attest, J. C. GEIST, Prothouotary. Tionesta, Pa., October 10, 190:. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing accounts have been filed in my office and will be presented at the next term of Court for confirmation : First and partial account of A. Wj Fid ler, administrator of J. II. Fidler, late of Jenks township, Forost county, Pa., de ceased. J. C. GEIST, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, Pa., October 10, 190:i. Fred. Grattcnbergcr GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit lings and General Blacksmi thing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronago solicited. FRED. G RETT EN H ERG ER- IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPER El ( Ji Fl JUST LITTLE BIT BETTER THAN Ifrll 1 'SFj i ANY B0DV ll,it couu) 00 'tM- in Overskirts. Ws are showing gome new up to date skirls, both in re gard to colorings and tdyle The prices put ilirtn within tho reach of every one. Shirtwaist Patterns. Exclusive, no two alike These comprise tho new, l ght colors for fall wear, and are proving very popular sellers. G. CIONKSTA ftlVltlCl-rrftf CORPKCTED EVEBY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour 1 sack .1.1531.40 Corn meal, feed, 100 fb i.3t) Corn meal, family, 100 lb l.fiO Chop feed, pure grain 1.3.") Oats ,1 Corn, shelled .75 Buckwheat Hour, lb .03 Beans V bushel 3.00 Ham, sugar cured ,10 Bacon, sugar cured .1(1 Shoulders ,10 Salt Pork, V Ih .14 Whitelish kit 70 Sugar 0(.00$ Syrup 3ft((a .50 N. O. Molasses 35' .50 Colfoe, Boast Rio 12J(i)l5 CofTeo, bleuded Java .20 Tea 36(3) .50 Butter .20 Rice 05(fi.(W Eggs, fresh y.20 Salt "A barrel 1.25 Lard .13 Potatoes, bushel .50 Potatoes, sweet, r It ,03 Lime barrel Wt.(X Nails V keg 2.75 A.C.UREY, LIVERY Feed & Sale STABLE. Fine Turnouts at All Times at Heasonablo Rates. Hoar of Hotel Weaver TIOIsTESTj, FJl. Telephone Xo. 20. Jos Jt.xmr9 PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs Hollers, Mill, Tanks, Agitator. Wnyn and Nells .Second - hand Hollers, F.le. Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End ofSiiHJiei ujnh Hridi'e Third ward, OIL t'l'ffl, IA. Practical ideas, up-to dale meth ods, make our siudeuta a succe?, aud the calls for (hem greater than we cau supply. The beta investment you can make tor the business world is to take our Comnierdal ami Short hand Course. Wn teach more in one year than the ordinary school can in three. 25 of our students hare ac cepted office positions since last April. Enter at any time. THE HOFF BUSINESS COLLEGE. Warren, Pa i'.)3 lo California mill Northwest, New Pullman "Ordinary" sleepers, wide vestibuled and with every mod ern con vi nience, in charge of compe tent agents from Cincinnati and Chi cago. Kates for berths less than half of cost in regular sleepers. Write to day for free descriptive mutter and full particulars to E. A. Kichter, Traveling Passenger Agent, Illinois Central Railroad, 512 Park Build ing, Pittsburg, Pa. s'23tf CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH to Wafo. Alwnvs rHInble. Ladle. psk Prupist fm 4 UK nt vn u M KX4ii.isi9 iu lu-il and (jlolil inftitliu- buxi's, mnl'l wiih blue ribbon. Tukn iiuiillirr. it-rne iliinuFroiw nl.i.(l futiotiMittMl liiiitn(in.. Huydl' vcmr lnii!t,'ist, nr rviiiI If. In Mumps lor l'artl-uliir. 1VC. monlnlw anil "llt-llcr Tor l.ailit.' in Uttrr, by it-turn Mail. lo.oooiVmimonlalH. ho I a by all llruvKiritb. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. SlOO Madiaon Sinarf, I'll I I.A., PA. MenUun tali mpw w.iin PENNYROYAL FILLS Laxative Bromo Quinine TaMets. Coton Mf'lmn ttnvoe tr.W in MS 12 fa New Dry Goods. New Dress Goods. New Ladies' Coats. New Misses' Coats. New Ladies' Skirts. Fall and Winter. Now Here and Arriving. fa fa. t4 I Si I S3 m HEATH AO. A. Waynb Cook, President. A. 11. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, DIRECTORS A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. N. P. Whoeler, T. F. Kitohey, Collections remitted'Cor on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom ers all the benefits consistent with conservative b king, lntorest pild on time deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited. It Will Only Cost One Cent to buy a postal card ami send to tho New York Tribuue farmer, New York City, for a free specimen copy. The New York Tribune Farmer is a Na tional Illustrated Agricultural Weekly for farmers an.1 their families, and EVERY issue contains matter instructive and entertaining to EVERY member of the family. Tho price is 81.00 per year, but if you like it you can Bocure it with your own favorite local news paper, The For. est Reithucan, Tionesta, Pa , at a bargain, Both papers one year only $1 25. Send your order and money to Tub Kk-ri'HLICAN, Don't buy trash Pay a little more, and you' 11 get the worth of your money. Manv of thecheap"filled"Watch Cases are made tow, not to wear. The Jas. Boss 8,d Case has been made for 50 years, and 7,000,000 have proved their worth. It is guaranteed to wear 25 years many have been worn over 40 years. By this mark ffi you know them. , We recommend this case. We cat) put any kind of movement you want in a ItOSM C'ASI", but recommend our special make of ILLINOIS AND HAMILTON tnovetnt-nis. For finish, strength, quality and time, they can't be beat. The LEADING JEWELER. 32 SKNKCA St., Oil, CITY, PA. We promptly obtain V. H. and Korean ' Send model, sketch or photo ol invention loi i r free report on patentability. patentability. For free book, : now ui secure TRADE-MARKS wr ; Patentfl and Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. To Cure a Cold in One Bay mnr.fJiS. Thl RlCnAtnrfl. VX I Pi P ITS & FEIT d H03S. Kki.i.y. Caahler. Wm. Smkarhauoh, Vice ProHUlon NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. 150.000. Robinson, Win. SmearbauKti, J. T. Pule, J. II. Kolly. Kill. WAV. TIME TABLE To Take Klloi t July (ilh, 1903. ! NOUTH J KiiMcrn Tiinr SOUTH "sutions j ij T a f i ! 7 Olll 17 aw Leave Arrive p. m. p. in It) f0 li 30 16 20 (I 15 1 00 0 00 12 45,5 50 12 35:5 40 12 10 S 'to Nol'riiska Hoa Hon Lamentation Newtown Mills Kellettvllli) 11 lick Mills M ay liu rg Porkey M mister Well ers Hastings Iilue Jav Henry's Mill Ilarnes Sliclllold Arrive Leavo 17 -IU 17 4 1 4f. 8 K 1 f)5 8 1JY 2 (If. 8 25 2 20 8 4(1 2 2S,h 4o 2 :),8 nil. 2 40 f) 01) 2 65 I) 15 S It) 9 ISO 3 25 9 60 12 05 11 65 11 40 11 30 11 00 10 40 10 3(1 a. m. 5 20 5 10 4 65 4 40 4 25 4 15 p.m 3 45 1000 p. in a. m T. I). COLLINS, Phkhident. lennsylvania ltVILltO,VI. BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Taklm; elfoct, June 1st, 1903. No. 30 Buffalo Kx proas, daily except Sunday 1107:a. in. No. 32 Oil City and Piitsburir Exr ress.daily.except Sundav..7:17 p.m. No. 9:30 Oil City Accom.,Sun-" day only, 9:50 a.m. No. 9:32 Oil City Accom., Sun day only, 8:27 p.m. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Klnzua, Bradford, Olean and the East: No. 81 Olean Express, daily except Sunday 8:61 a. m. No. 33 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday 4:45 p. m. No. 9,33, Irviuetou Accom., Sunday only, 2:45 p.m. For Time Tables and additional Infor mation consult Ticket Agent. W. V. ATTERUUHY, J. R. WOOD. General Manager. Passenger Trallic Mgr. GEO. II. BOYD, Oen'l Passenger Agt. Wanted An Idea Who can ttilnfc of some Blmple tlilnir to patent? Prr'ect your Mean; thrj may hrlug you wealth. WrlU) JOHN WKUDKHUlJRN ft CO., Potent Attn noyn, WanhlnKton, D. I'., for their !.") prlia oiler Kud lint of two hundred luremlous wanted. Cures Crip b Two Days. (VJy on every fann box. 25c. XV SY 3