The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 14, 1903, Image 2

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J. C. WINK. - Cditon t Proprietor.
l . . m ;
I1903 OCTOBER 1903
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. i
11 12 1314 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
& 1 1 1
o,Filll 1Q:3S nn 10:30
vt Moon 0 a.n. WMooa a. m.
Third -i n 3:B6 Flint on &S
Vt Quarter 10 p.m. J? Quarter 40 a.m.
Republican Ticket.
.SYafe rrawitrer-WM. L. MATHUES,
Delaware County.
Auditor Generul-WM. P. SNYDER,
Chester County.
Superior Court Judges-JOH N J. HEN
DERSON, Crawford County ; THOMAS
A. MOitKISON, McKean County.
District Attornry-8. D. IRWIN.
Coroner -Dr. J. W. MORROW.
Amkrican free traders point to Eng
land, the English protectionists say look
at the United States.
If Admiral Cotton attacks Turkey, the
Sultan will think the European concert is
playing "rape time."
If the slump in steel stock Influences
the steel bonds, Mr. Carnegie may real
ize his ambition to die poor.
Mopkstt prevents Senator Gorman
fr.mi naming his choice for the Demo
cratic Presidential nomination.
When Alaska becomes a State there is
little danger of her joining the silver
party if it will be still in existence.
Possession is said to be nine-tenths of
the law. in the case ot the disputed
Alaskan territory it is apt to be ten
tenths. Form kr Sknator Butler expects
that Bryan will bolt the Democratic par
ty. Somo Democrats hope he will and
all Republicans hope he will not.
At the speeches of the Huston recep
tion to the IIonorabletArlilery Company,
of London, we find no reference made to
their war record In South Africa.
Russia and Austria have just informed
Turkey that reforms must be carried out
iu Macedonia, If the massacres continue
there won't be many left to enjoy the re
forms. Mb, Lanj says that Athens was saved
from intellectual perdition only by hay
ing no printing presses and no newspa
pers. Ho must have been thinking of the
yellow journals.
It is still uncertain whether General
Miles is to be the Massachusets candi
date lor the Democratic presidential nom
ination, or ex-Governor Hogg's candi
dal? for senator from Texas.
Canada's attorneys in the Alaskan
boundary case claim to have found some
grammatical faults iu the language of old
treaties. Nothing has been shown thus
far to indicate that the parties to the
treaties bad any doubt as to their pur
pose. The dominion is hard run even
l'or pretexts.
Pullman porters have taken prelimi
nary steps to form a union, demand fair
wages and abolish the tipping system.
A meeting will be held iu Chicago short
ly for that purpose. Patrons of the
sleepers will experience a decided relief
when they no longer suffer the regular
hold-up by the underpaid porter. This
is the kind of union that will be heartily
endorsed by all but the owners of the
Pullman cars.
Hon. Joseph C. Sirley recently an
uouced th-ougb the public press In his
district the date of his early return to
Washington, in order that those of his
constituency desiring his services iu bus
iness before the departments may receive
the benefit of the same before the conven
ing of Congress shall demand a consider
able portion of his time at the public ses
sions. His suggestion Is directed mainly
to those requiring his services in relation
to pensions. Congressman Sibley's note
to the public shows how business-like
are the veteran worker's methods. He
plans his tasks in advance as for as pos
sible and looks carefully after the inter
ests ol his constituents without regard to
party. He has become so familiar with
public affairs and so influential with
the heads of departments that he can bet
ter represent the district than anyone
else and the unanimity shown in approv
ing hii work grows as years come and go.
In commenting upon the necessity of
more protection for the Presldont ot the
United Stales against the assault of
cranks, the Philadelphia Inquirer well
fcaya : The head of a nation is not in the
position of an individual who may do as
ho pleases and expose bis life. He be
longs to the country and must put up
with the annoyance of being eternally
watched. The secret service should be
used to the limit to insure safety. But
more than that should be done. The
coining Congress should take up the
measure tl at foil at the last session and
which provided capital punishment for
attempts though unsuccessful, upon the
life of the President. Let there be no
more hesitation on that score. What is
moro, the measure khould be made even
stronger. Persons who go to the White
llouso armed and try to force their way
in ought to be dealt with severely under
special law. They may not always rea
der the life of a President secure against
the cunning of a lunatic with a murder
ous motive, but they will Ko a long way
in securing safely.
Last month the publio debt decreased
K 17 1,812. The interest bearing debt
stands at $!)I2,000.(K0 and the interest
charge continues to decline. Republican
management maintains its record.
Louisiana will make a wonderlul ex
hibit of cotton at the World' Fair at St.
Louis. A Held of the growing staple
will show visitors from the North the
beauty of a cotton plantation. A utina
ature cotton gin will be in operation and
a small press will form the lint into min
iature ba Is. A cotton oil press wilt illus
trate how the cotton seod oil is made.
Thomas A. Edison, who has done
more to increase the comforts aud con
veniences of mankind than any other
man who has been cast up by the tide of
time, has invented an electric generator
which, it is claimed, will revolutionize
locomotion and lightning, says the
Punx'y Spirit. By the use of this gener
ator, which can now be made at a cost of
f45, threo pounds of the peculiar "fuel'
which Mr. Edison uses, will light an or
dinary house and run a motor car for
24 hours. This, iu connection with tun
Edison storage battery, will briug auto.
mobiles and electric lights within the
reach of all. "It has always been my do
sire, and one of the heights of my
ambition," said Mr. Edison to a newspa
per reporter, "to bring the use of elec
tricity within the reach of men of mod
erate means. I want to seethe homes of
men and women who work for nominal
salaries and whoso incomes are small,
lighted by electricity. I want to reduce
the cost of such pleasures and pastimes as
are afforded by electric power to the size
of the pockets of the moderately poor. I
want to ee tlie world happy and content
ed, aud iu fulfilling that desire I shall do-
vote every energy I have to bringing
those pleasures now belonging solely to
the rich, wilhiu reach of the poor." Iu
the perfection of this generator Mr. Edi
son thinks he has realized his ambition.
C ream of Hie Neus.
An overdose of good things of lite is
apt to make men pessimistic.
New invoice ol street bats and Beav
ers at the Joyce millinery store. It
The more some men talk the more
trouble they pile up for themselves.
Grapes, the best of the season, and
the best the market affords, at the White
Star Grocery. New shipments almost
daily until the close of the season, tf
If a man doesn't know when he's
well otf some of his fool friends will tell
That new stock of clothiug at Hop
kins' is one of the glories of the seasoD,
The man who cannot suit himself as to
style, quality and price, is not of this
wicked world, and should be translated.
Look 'em over and be convinced. It
-It may be hard to be good it is not
hard to be kind.
Get a cap at Hopkins' and you'll be
pleased because yiu'll be iu style, and
it won't cost you much, either. It
Laziness travels so slowly that pov
erty soon overtakes it.
Children's jackPts that will please
you, and not high iu price. See them at
Hopkins' store. it
The eye of a master will do more
work than both his hands.
Ladies' jackets and furs, a new lot
fust in, and the nicest stock in town, as
an inspection will demonstrate. Hop
kins, it,
Those who complain most are most
to be complained of.
A set of barn timbers, and several
sticks of yellow pine, 8x8, 20 feet long,
also a large I and saw, in good condi
tion, for sale at a bargain at Scowden
Clark's. tf
-Want of care does us more damage
than wbnt of knowledge.
Everything for the table at the Whito
Star Grocery, and always t'resh. it
A minute ahead of time is better than
a second behind time.
Send your hui ry up orders for some
thing good to eat to the White Star Gro
cery aud have them promptly attended to.
The average woman will jump at
sight of a mouse almost as quick as she
will at an offer of marriage.
For the benefit of those desiring to at
tend the supreme Castle, Knights of the
Golden Eagle, to be held at Harrisburg,
Pa., October 1,1 to IP, the Pennsylvania
Railroad company will sell excursion
tickets to Harrisburg, October 12 to 19,
good to return October 20, inclusive.from
all stations upon ils lines in the State of
Pennsylvania, at reduced rates mini
mum rate, 2,i cents. It
A girl never thinks of a young man
as aposslble husband until she begins to
give him advice.
Oearm-HH Cannot He Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of th mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imporlect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deatness is the result, and un
less the inflnmation can be taken out and
this lube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out often are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamod condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
for Chicago and all points West are sched
uled to leave Erie October 6th and 20tb,
November 3d, 17th and 30th. These par
ties afford the cheapest rate available at
any given time, the best accommoda
tions in accordance with rate, personal
attention and good company. If Inter
ested, write H. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A.,
Nickel Plato Road, Erie, Pa. Twenty
years' experience, testamonials galore.
Heller TImiii Pills.
The question has been asked In what
way are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv
er Tablets superior to the ordinary ca
thartic and liver pills T Our answer is
They are easier aud more pleasant to
take and their effect is so gentle and so
agreeable that one hardly realizes that it
is produced by a medicine. Then they
not only move the i owels but improve
the appetite and aid the digestion. For
sale at 25 cents per bottle by Dr. J. C.
Dunn. J
Rev. Smith and family left for his new
station, Fleming Hill, yest3rday. Rev.
Zwhniser, the new preacher, has not
moved yet. 'i'ho reports of those who
attonded conference at Titusville are to
the effect that it was very good.
8. C. Clark, our telegraph operator is
on the sick list.
L. Littletield went to Warren Thurs
F. K. Brown visited Warren Wednes
Thos. B. Gilford has returned to work.
Wm, H. Stroup, boss, with three good
men, is working on the "narrows" below
town, whining them.
Why not aitrte the question of bettor
roads, wi'h the aid the State offers us?
My experience is this : There Is enough
money in our regular taxes to make us
good pikes all ever tho county if it was
spent in an intelligent and business way.
But the Stato offer of money aid and en
gineering skid, should be taken advan
tage ol. A.iyono looking at the new
Stato bridge erected this summer above
Nebraska, can readily understand thntthe
State Is big enough to do a good job. The
great advanlago of the State offer of cash
and engineers is not fully appreciated as
it should be. Let the agitation commence
right now, so that we can gel it on our
roads next summer a central system
radiating from the county seat to every
township. What do you say to a State
helped rosd from Tionesla to Marten
ville? We would reap the benefit
of the good roads above and below Ne
braska. Mork Anon.
William V. Blorlicr.
Williairi E. Blocher, whose death oc
curred Oct. 5, 1!H)3, at Fasten, Pa., was 32
years of age. He was born in Harmony
twnship, Forest county, Pa., Dec. 11,
He attended school near Fagundus, and
also in Tionesta township, Forest county,
during most of the winter months while
residing with his parents, until a few
years after they moved onto the farm in
Tionesta township. He then went to
Butler county aud pumped oil wells.
Desiring to be a machinist, he went tu
Tidiouteand worked for Fred Gretten
berger, and was learning his trado by
practice and by study. During the time
of the Spanish-American war, he went
by way ol Philadelphia to lirooklyu, N.
Y. After spending some time looking
around be ottered to enlist, passed an
examination by a board of surgeons, and
an examination by the chief engineer.
He was told that the chiet engineer was
taking only the very best men. He
passed the examination as machinist and
enlisted as machinist for one year, and
was to go on the training ship Vermont.
At the time that the Spanish fleet was
shut in Santiago Bay be was ou the U. S.
ship Aberenda, a collier and transport
near Guantanamo, where it had gone so as
to be in smooth water while coaling the
battleships which came up from near
Santiago. While near Guantanamo ihey
gave coal to tbeOregon, Texas, Marblebead
and to the torpedo boat Porter, and were
distilling water for marines who were on
shore fighting acalnst Spaniards the U.
S. gunboats wtre also being used to throw
shells and searchlights. While near
Cuba he volunteered, went ashore with a
rifle and got in trenches with marines
one day on Cuban soil. He was with the
U. S. S. Aberenda at Bahia, Brazil, where
it wont as one of the colliers which were
to coal the Oregon and Iowa on their long
voyage into the Pacific Ocean.
After the Spanish-American war was
practically over, and having served since
May, 1808, bo applied for his discbarge
and received it in March, 1809, with the
understanding that be had done the work
of a first-class machinist, but by reason
of his short stay in the service, he would
have to be rated as a second-class ma
chinist. Desiring to work at gas engines, he was
employed by Struthers, Wells A Co., at
Warren, Pa. For a short time be worked
at night, but later on he worked in day
time, in the erecting shop, putting up
gas engines.
He has traveled some fur the company,
working at repair work and setting tip
gas engines in places where tbey were to
be used. He was in their employ at
Easton, Pa., where his death occurred.
The funeral and interment took place at
Warnen, Pa., Thursday, Oct. 8, 11103.
The funeral sermon was preached by
Rev. Smith, a friend of Wm. E. Blocher,
both being members of churches of the
same denomination.
The members of the I. O. O. F. at War
ren, by their care and assistance, have
very kindly shown their respect for their
deceased brother, Wm. Blocher having
been a member of the I. O. O. F. organi
zation at Warren.
He was married last May to Miss Sta
del. He leaves his widow residing at
Warren, Pa., and his mother, Mrs. Mary
Blocher, three brothers, Howard, Ralph
and Jesse. Three sisters, Ella, (Mrs, R.
A. Seigworth), Bertha and Elvira. His
mother, brothers and sisters, with the
exception of Mrs. Sigworth residing in
Clarion county, all reside in Tionesta
Township, Forest county.
His father, P. C. Blocher, now de
ceased, was born in Erie county, N. Y.
His mother, Mrs. Mary Helm-Blocher,
was born and raised in Armstrong coun
ty, Pa. Not caring to say very much
about himself, his affairs were not very
well known.
It is with the thought that the facta as
here reported are correct, but not com
plete, that this Is sent for publication.
leave Erie, Pa., tor Chicago and all points
West, October tith and 2(lth. November
3d, mil and 30th. Write II. C. Allen, C.
f. iv, r. A., Klcltel riate Kuan, Krie, Fa.
Mnny MoiIh'M of R Like Opinion.
Mrs. Piliner, of Cordova, Iowa, says:
"One of mv children wa subject to croup
of a severe type, and the giving of Cham
berlain s Cough Remedy promptly, al
ways brought relief. Many mothers in
this neighborhood think the same as I do
about this remedy and want no other
kind for their children." For sale by
Dr. J. C. Dunn.
of character and Rood reputation in
each state (one in this county required)
to represent and advertise old established
wealthv business houses of sol id financial
standing. Salary 00 weekly with ex
penses additional, all payable In cash
direct each Wednesday from head offices.
Horse and carriage furnished when nec
essary. References. Enclose self-addressed
envelope. Colonial, 332 Dear
born St., UUicago. nz-4in
Ith Stupid Mistake.
A well known Londoner was plan
Ming an entertainment on nn phiborutc
scale to bo given to various friends in
the neighborhood of bis country sent
Unfortunately his nearest neighbor, a
close relative, is highly uncongenial
to himself and bis intimates, aud lit
racked bis brains to devise a sehenn
by which he might avoid the necessity
of inviting the undesirable cousin tc
be among his1 guests.
"I have it!" he announced to his wife
at breakfast on the morning of tin
event. "I'll send him some tickets foi
the play tonight In town. Of couisj'
he'll be delighted, as he seldom has an
opportunity of going to the theater."
The tickets were accordingly sent,
and the host with an easy conscience
proceeded to enjoy the company of his
friends. But his satisfaction was of
short duration. At the height of the
festivities in walked the objectionable
"Such a stupid mistake you made!"
he announced as he approached his
cousin. As soon as 1 heard about your
party I knew Hint you must have sent
me the tickets for the wrong night; so
I got them changed for tomorrow even-
Jug and fit mo right over here ns soon as
I could." Harper's Weekly.
When Ymiulinn Washed Windows.
Sir Francis llurnund was at one time
with tho OUlates of St. Charles at
Bayswater when Manning was suie
rior and Vaughan was novice master.
For a jest which had made his fellow
novices laugh nt a solemn eminent Fa
ther Vaughan, ns lie then was, con
demned Sir Francis to clean a case
ment window aud volunteered to show
him how to do it. Thereupon he step
ped out to the liberal window sill, his
cassock fluttering In the friendly wind,
which, moreover, shut the window. The
hasp was then turned, and. the dinner
bell ringing, the refractory novice went
down to the refectory. In mid meal the
superior became aware of a little
erowd In the roadway gazing upward.
What was the vision? A brief Investi
gation resulted in the release of Father
Vaughan and also of the novice. "You
a priest!" exclaimed the superior. "Go
and make boots." "You still commit to
ino the fare of soles," was the parting
sally of the future editor of Punch.
Iiondon Chronicle.
How Fast n lloren Feet More.
Did yon ever think, says a horseman,
how fast a horse in a 2:2 gait moves
his feet? When a horse is trotting a
2:20 gait his feet move a little faster
than a mile in 1:10. As his body is
liuiviiivr at 2:20 and as each of his feet
when in contact with the ground Is
stationary and then is picked up and
moved forward to take the next step
the foot must move as much faster
than the hotly as to make the step,
which is over twice as fast. Now, the
action Is: The foot is at rest upon the
ground and Is raised some one or two
feet high, then forced forward nearly
the full length of the leg, then lowered
to the ground and is at rest for nearly
two-thirds of the time that the next
step is being taken. The time, nearly
two-thirds. 1 think, is too long, but it Is
from one-half to two-thirds of the next
Jfot to Plnme.
The Elderly Lady They say his wife
lias money.
The Younger-Well, that Isn't hla
fault. They've only been married n
short time.
f uuse of Lockjaw.
Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused by a
bacillus or germ which exists plentifully
in strei t dirt. It is inactive so long as
exposed to the air, but when carried be
neath the skin, as in the wounds caused
by percussion caps or by rusty nails, and
when the air is excluded the germ is
roused to activity and produces the most
virulent poison known. These germs
may be destroyed and all danger of lock
jaw avoided by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Balm freely as soon as the Injury
is received. Pain Balm is an anticeptio
and causes cuts, Lruisbs and like injur
ies to heal without maturation and in
one-third the time required by Hie usual
treatment. It is for sale by Dr. J. C.
On Thursdays, September 10, 17, and
24, and October 1, 8, 15, and 22, 1903, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets from all points ou
the River Division, including tho Plum
Creek branch, to Pittsburg, at reduced
rales, includiug admission to the expo
sition. The tickets will be good going on
regular trains on day of issue, and will
be valid for return passage within three
days, including date of sale. o22
If troubled with a weak digestion try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Thoy will do you good. For sale
by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
Stockholders' Meeting.
The annuat meeting of the stockholders
of the Forest Telephone and Telegraph
Company will be held in the Directors'
Room of the Gold Standard National
Bank, at Marienville, October 20th, at
two o'clock p. m., 1903, for the purpose
of electing olficers for tiie ensuing year.
A. D. Neill, President.
A IIiihIiichh Opportunity.
Good live representatives with
wide asquaintances, wanted in every
coimty to sell on commission, the
best fanning, truck-gardening and
fruit lands iu the States of Kentucky,
Tennessee, Mis?is-ippi and Louisiana
along the line of the Illinois Central
R U.
Advertising and descriptive matter
will be furnished free of charge. For
furtliur information, address E A.
Iiicbter, 512 Park Building, Pitts
burg, Pa. s2:Jtf
Low Kates West ami Northwest.
Via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway, every day until November
30, 1003.
$33, Chicago to San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle
and many other Pacific Coast points.
$30, Chicago to Salt Lake City, Og
den, Grand Junction and many other
points in Utah, Colorado and Wyora
iug. Low rates to hundreds of other
Through frain service, Chicago to
San Francisco. Oaly $li for a double
berth, tourist sleeper, all the way.
To the Northwest via St. Paul or
via Omaha. Write to day lor folder
John U. Pott, Room D, Park Iildg.,
Pittsburg, Pa. IN15
Woolen Goods,
White Goods,
(material for one wai:l in piece)
Have juat been received.
It will give us pleasure to
show them to vou.
Flour -J sack 1.1501. -10
Corn meal, feed, 100 tb 1.3(1
Corn meal, family, 100 lb 1.50
Chop Iced, pure grain 1.35
Oats .52
Corn, shelled .75
Huekwbeat flour, lb .0.1
ItoiinsV bushel 3.00
Ham, sugar cured .10
Paeon, sugar cured .It)
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, t tb .11
Whitehall kit .70
Sugar !(($. 00J
Syrup 35(ifl .50
N. O. Molasses 35'u) .50
Coffee, Roast Kio 12j(l5
Coffee, blended Java .. .20
Tea 35 .50
Huttor .20
HIce OMrijM
Kggs, fresh 4.20
Salt barrel i.25
Lard .U
Potatoes, 33 bushel .50
Potatoes, sweet, f f .0.1
Lime ft barrel !K)1.00
Nails kec 2.75
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of llolol Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
Repairs) 1 to Hers, Mill,
Tanks Agilatorn. Huys
and NclNj Second - hand
Hollers, F,te.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. Eud of Suspei sinn Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY, 1M.
u:ii iiisii:ss,
Practical ideas, up-io dale meth
ods, make our students a success, and
the calls fn them greater than we
cau supply. The best investment
you can make fur the business world
is to take our Comraer ial and Short
hand Course. We teach more iu one
year than the ordinary school can in
three. 2.5 of our students have ac
cepted office positions since last April.
Enter at any time.
Warren, Pa.
133 to Cnliliirnla milt NoMlinrsi.
New Pullman "Ordinary" sleepers,
wide vestibuled and with every mod
ern con vi nience, in charge of corr pa
tent agents from Cincinnati and Chi
cago. Kates for berths lees than half of
cost in regular sleepers Write to
day for frae descriptive mitter and
full particulars to E. A. Kichter,
Traveling Passenger Agent, Illinois
Central Railroad, 512 Park Build
ing, Pittsburg, Pa. e23tf
Nnflp. Aln-nr iwllnblp. l.nillo,. osk nmnrist fhi
4 1114 II KH I KK .S KMM.IMI In Ke.l and
4Jol.l metallic buxi-s, wul.-d with blue rlhhun.
1 itkr nn ollu-r. ItrfiiM. dnnnrroiK nuII
tulloMinl imilnllnna. lluv ul your Imiiinist,
or skihI Jo. Ill Mumps for I'arl lriilxr,. Tint I
inonlula anil "lU-ll.-r for l.mllra," fu trllrr,
by rr I urn nail, Testimonial. ISoltl by
all Lnifi;it:.
SlOO 9Inllaon Square, I'll 1 1 A., PA.
JUentlun thli paper.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TMQts.
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. ThlS Signature,
There is "something doing at this popular store these
wai m days. Low Prices is the disturbing element and
the effect it is having on our stock of Summer Gocdx,
is no lesj limn marvelous. We do not wait for the ad
vent of cold weather before we reduce the prices, but do
it ltlglit Now in the Hot Soasjoii, when such
goods will bo of Heal Uenefit to Ym. .All our line of
beautiful Lawns, Batistes Orgnnzines, Mulls, Silk Mus
lins, Dimilioi, iVc, &o , have been
to almost
can havo no more room here, they're yours for almost tho
TiiKiu i oiniut rim i:.
It will pay you to step in and lake a peep.
A. Waynk Cook,
A. I!.
A. Wayne Cook, U, W. Kobinson, Win. NmearbauKh,
N. P. Whooler. T. P. Hltohey. J. T. Palo, J. II. Kelly.
Collections remltted'for on day of pr.yinent at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative b kinn. Interest piid on tlmo
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
It Will Only
Cost One Cent
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free specimen copy.
The New York Tribune Farmer is a Ni
tional Illustrated Agricultural Weekly fur
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coti tains matter instructive aod entertaining
to EVERY member of tho family. The price
is 81.00 per year, but if you like it you can
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paper, The Forest Rki'i-ismcan, Tionesta,
Pa , at a bargaiu, Both papers ono )ear only
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Send your order and money to The Uk
I't buy trash
Pay a little more, and you' II Ret
me worm ot your money. Many
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Jas. Boss s,iGo',r Case
has been made for 50 years, and
7,000,000 have proved their
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25 years many have been worn
over 40 years. By this mark rtfr
you know them.
We recommend this case.
We can put any kind
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but recommend uur
special make of
movements. For finish,
strength, quality nnri
timo, they can't he brat.
We promptly ohtnln u. 8. and Port-ten
f.-ieud model, sketch or tihotn ni invrntinn Itn
ireereport on patentability. Kor fr-e bock,
Opposite U. S. Patent Office J
To Ciare a Cold in One Day ZZi
Doing Mere j
Wm. Smearhaikih,
Vice rroslden
To ThUo r.ll'Mct July (1th, IU03.
3 !
J Katcrn Timr
2 I 4
p.m s.iii Lcavo Arrive
7 Old Nehraska
7 HO! Ross Hun
(7 411 Lamentation
7 4"i Newtown Mills
I 4" K on Kollettvill.)
1 55 8 l.r Ituck Mills
2 0.-8 25 Msyhurjr
2 20 8 411 J'orkoy
2 2S.K 4.-1 Minister
2 30,8 .r; Wellers
2 -10 !l 0(1 Hastings
2f!lir lllue Jav
:t 111!) ISO Henry's Mill
3 2.r (I 50 ISarnes
:i 4.v 1000 Sheniold
p.mia.m Arrive Leave
'it. in
6 ,r0
(i 30
0 20
li I.)
1 00 fl INI
12 45,5 50
12 3515 40
12 io;5 '10
12 (I.Y5 25
11 55 f
II 411 !
11 3(1 -
11 OH
IO -401-10
30 -
4. m.'i
p. m
T. D. COLLINS, Puksidknt.
Tnkinu; ellect, June 1st, 1003.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
except .Sunday 1107: a.m
No. 32 Oil City and Pittshunr
Kxrress,daily,exceptSundav..7:17 p.m.
No. 0:30 Oil City Accoin.,Suii-"
day only 0:50 a.m.
No. t):.l2 Oil City Accom.1.Sun-
dayonly 8:27 p.m.
For IIickory,Tidloute,Warren,Klnzua,
Bradford, Oloan and the East :
No. 31 Oloan Express, daily
except Sunday 8:51 a. m.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:45 p. in.
No. 0,33, Irvineton Accom.,
Sunday only, 2:45 p.m.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
tionoral Manncer. PassenKerTraflic Mgr.
(iEO. 11. BOYD, Oon'l Passenger At.
Wanted-An Idea s
Who can thins
of some gimple
thing M patent?
. viiiK i'j paieuir
rrrct your Inonn: Dipt mar brlntr you wealth.
Wrlw JOHN WUDDEKUtJRN ft CO.. Patent Attnr
tud list of two tiuntlred luTentlonl wanted.
on, everv
frvxn box. 25c.