The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 23, 1903, Image 2

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Editor . Psomiitob.
1903 SEPTEMBER 1903
Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
68 J loin 12
13 1415 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
& 4
(O-Full ft T:20 ,,Ncir ll:Sfl
kiMoon 0 p. m. HiMoon 6J p.m.
C Third ii 8:13 First 00 8:8
Quarter It .m. Quarter 40 Km.
Itepiiblieau Ticket.
State Treasurer WM. I.
Delaware County.
Auditor General WM. P,
Chester County.
Superior CuurtJudyci-JOU N J. HEN
DERSON, Crawlord County ; THOMAS
A. MOKBISON, McKean County.
District Attorney-8. D. IRWIN.
Oon.r-I)r. J. W. MORROW.
California comnlains of pest of
quail. California always did go in for a
plethoria of good things,
liooM times, unprecidented prosperity,
monster crops and still those undigested
securities continue to give Mr. Morgan
What Senator Clay of Georgia thinks
about Bryan won id melt the types.
What the Senator thinks about the "peer
less leader" is quite sullicieut to blister
the cuticle.
The corn crop promises to exceed two
billion bushels. Wall Street cannot hurt
the prevailing prospei ity under such con
ditions, much as it may hurt New York's
pride to admit the fact.
Senator Hanna's delicate health con
tinues ami no win le alile to take but a
little part In the fall campaign. Fortu
nately his only opponent Is Tom Johnson
op a "16 to 1" platform.
English voters are excited over a pro
posed retiii n to a protective tariff. Free
traders have been telling the people of
the United States that the question was
closed forever as a British issue.
Mayor Low has made "graft" a good
.English word, according to the rule
which says that "a slang word once used
by a cultured writer becomes thereby a
word in good and regular standing."
Propiiet Dowie lias a rule which
reads, "Do not talk about things you
know nothing about." A strict applica
tion of the maxim would prevent Dowie's
talking theology, and would destroy the
gentle art of coversation, generally.
The ex-convict representative of labor
was hissed in the New York city labor
parade. Now let union labor purge itself
of unconvicted criminals, those who have
persecuted the men, their wives aud chil
dren, who, while not of their union, were
trying to earn their bread.
The RightHon. Joseph Chamberlain,
secretary of the colonies, and "the man
with the monocle," has resigned from
the English cabinet. "Joe" is consider
able of a dandy in his way, but with all
liis greatness he couldn't somehow get
the one-eyed glass into general favor.
Why are the transcontinental railroads
maintaining an extarvsganl and expen
sive lobby in Bogota, charged wlih de
feating the Tanama canal treaty? Be
cause the roads are aware that once the
isthmian canal Is completed they will be
compelled, by the competition of water
freight carriers, to lower their own
freight rates.
A New York tobacconist declares he
will go to jail rather than "surrender his
freedom" to do as he pleases. His free
dom in this instance consists of desecrat
ing the United States flag which he per
sists In using for advertising purposes.
Itisa wise man who can distinguish
freedom from license.
Lieutenant Peary claims that the
North pole can be discovered lor a quar
ter of the expense incurred in defending
the American jacht cup. Secietary of
the Navy Moody has granted Peary li-ave
of absence in order that he may make the
attempt ouce morn. In view of the sci
entific methods pursurud by Peary, it is
safe to expect that the scientific world
will profit from his attempt, even if he In
not successful.
In 1893 Governor Campbell called at the
White House and asked President Cleve
land for a federal appointment for one
August W. Machen. "There is a posi
tion as superintendent of free delivery in
the PoBtoUice Department which pays
a year," Baid Mr. Cleveland, "wiil
lie take tbl7" "He will take anything
he can get," replied Governor Campbell,
and Machen has been for ten years liv
ing up to the Governor's recotneudation.
The Franklin News says: The word
'heroic" is heing badly overworked in
these days of "human interest" journal
ism. If a child screams over a drowning
boy and is heard, she is heroic; If a boy
slams the door before a cross dog can
come and bite him, he is heroic; If a man
goes to war, he is heroic, and if a woman
awakens her family whun the house
catfhoa tire, she is a hero in lare type.
Meanwhile the heroes, thoso who do their
work well under adverse- conditions, en
dure unman meanness witnout com
plaint, are silent under slander and tol
erant when maligned are not getting any
notice. It is good to remember, how
ever, that the heroic type of manhood and
womanhood is glad to be let alone by the
public and the sensational new papers In
31 ay bury.
Mr. David Suttou aud wife were in the
burg Wednesday.
W. H. Castle, the gentleman who kept
the boarding house for seven years for
Wat-sou Lands Lumber Co., before he
movedlo North Clarendon, was visiting
here Thursday. Glad to shake, "Dad
Dr. Detar is still a frequent visitor to
our town. While we are always glad to
see you, Doctor, we wish the present
cause of your vsits was removed.
Mr. G. J. Walters and family moved
to town last week.
Last Sabbath T. D. Collins ran a free
excursion to Sheffield to give tho creek
folks a chance to attend the Methodist
conference at W arren. They bad a good
time. Mr. Collins' donations to the
church this year will do much good.
The salvation army are holding forth at
Kellettville. The preaching and singing
are good and many are forward seeking
grace for a better life. The stand taken
by Geu. Booth years ago in England, and
his efforts to rescue the perishing, is
bringing forth fruit in every land and
notion. He and his army till a place that
many churches do not attempt to till, al
though the call to them to work is just as
loud as the call of Gen. Booth. There is
no one doubting that the grand and noble
sacrifice of the Booth family is in vain.
Their stars will be of the brightest, and
will endure for ever.
James Brown and Frank Wyncoop ex
changed residences this week.
John Anderson, of Summerville, Pa.,
has returned to his work at the mill. He
has bad a hard limo of it this summer.
For months some one of bis family has
been sick, but it is all over now. Wel
come back to Mayburg, John.
Mrs. Allison and her bright baby boy
came up from Nebraska to visit friends
here this morning.
Mrs. Belle Christie has gone to Ken
J. M. Hastings, of Pittsburg, was here
visiting at F, K. Brown's. F. K. went
away to-day.
Our people hear wiih much pleasure ol
the appointment of Rev. Small for Kel
lettville. They expect to build a church
and parsonage at Kellettville this sum
mer, and the Rev. Small is just the man
to do it, and after the church is built to
fill it with good congregations and keep
it full. The churches at Tionesta and
Tylersburg were much improved while
he was pastor. The work of soul saving
and building of churches and parsouages
seems to be his special gilt.
When Gen. Sherman said"war is hell,"
he spoke from his own experience In a
civilized country, a war carried on by
chivelrous men, and, except in a few in
stances of error, on the part of the South,
it was probably as clean a war as could
be carried on. The errors of Libby and
Andorsonville prisons could not be traced
to the truo Southern gentleman, but it
was desperate means, by desperate men,
hoping that the horrors of those places
might win a lost cause. It did not; it
never will, but IT that war was hell, what
must it be in Macedonia? All the hor
rors of Dante's "Inferno" cannot begin to
picture the horrors of a war with the
unspeakable Turk. The sending of a
small fleet to the Turkish coast will have
its effect, both there and at home, but to
us Is the greater importance of "at
home." It always seemed to me that
America was fulfilling her mission when
she intervined in Cuba, but the true
American idea is this: That wherever
mankind is oppressed, wherever the
Christian is slaughtered in cold blood,
there is our mission to stop it, God
never would have allowed this great Re
public to come into existence only as the
one to intervene and help all strugliug
humanity to a place of liberty aud com
fort. The old nations cannot do it. Debts,
bonds and the financial interests of their
people ties them up so that they cannot
move, on a clean line of thought. A.
yet, the United States is not hampered in
that way. Since slavery was wiped out
by the boys in blue, and the Emancipa
tion Praclamation of Abraham Lincoln,
there remains only tho lynching, as a
dark blot upon our escutcheon. When
that is done away with we can then cou
scientously intervene. England stands
for sea power, and only that. France,
although a Republic, Is in the thraldom
of aristocratic and kingly thought, Ger
many is apathetic. Spain and Austria
stand for nothing. Russia stands for her
own interests on her way to Constanti
nople and Manchura. So that in all
these conflicting interests, Macedonia
and Armenia have no chance at all. But
the United States stands for real moral
power, and the older nations stand back
when she speaks. Let her speak now in
unmistakable terms. Let her take her
true place among the nations, as the
moral pow er of the world, and while the
Ameiican people, once and for all time
settle tbi matter, the concert of Europe
will hold its tonguo. Edward the VII
and Balfour. William of Germany unit
Von Buelow, the Ztrand De Witte, the
President of the French Republic and
bis cabinet, all know that they are power
less to declare against the Sultan.
The United States alone has a free
hand.and as the Amorican nation and the
American people were willing to make
the sacrifice lor Cuba, I am satisfied that
tbey are now willing to make anothor
sacrifice for another people. Our nation
awoke and was uncontrolable when Cubt
and her horrors reached their mimi.
Awake again, America, and fulfill thy
true mission. As the instrument of God's
wrath, take your place attain upon the
pages of history, to the full Intent and
purpose of the God that gave you free
dom. The cost of life and treasure may
to some appear appalling, but you must
remember that the United States was
never so prosperous as she has been
since her war wiih Spain. Laflayette
did not hesitateon account of life and
treasure, why should we?
More Anon.
Sxatkok Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Lucum County,
Frank J. Chknky makes oath that ho
is the senior partner of the tirin of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
City ol Toledo, County and Ktato aforo
sai. and that said firm will pay tho sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by tho use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this tltli dav of December,
A. 1). lS'.Kl.
seal, A. W. GLEASON,
Notary 1'ublic.
HaU's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and ai ts directly m, tlie blood anil tint
cous surfaeesol the system. Send lor
testimonials, free.
$33 I CallforNia and Northwrat.
New Pullman "Ordinary" sleepers,
wide vestibuled and with every mod
ern coo vi nience, in charge of coir po
tent agents lroin Cinciunati ami Chit-ago.
Katee f r berths less than half of
cost in regular sleepers Vrite to
day fur free descriptive nutter and
full particulars to II A Kichtcr,
Traveling Passenger Agent, Illinois
Central Railroad, 512 Pa vie Build-
ing, Pittsburg, Pa. r'23tf
Strayed Awny.
Strayed from the premises of the un
dersigned at Nebraska, Pa., Sept, 11th,
a likibt red, white-spotted cow, live years
old, medium horns, and in good condi
tion. Ownei will pay a suitable reward
for her return or information leading to
her recovery. N. E.Holmes.
A ItiistneMii Opportunity.
Good live representatives with
wide asquaintauces, wanted in every
county to sell on commission, the
best tanning, truck-gardening and
fruit lauds in the States ol Keutucky,
Tennes-ee, Missis inpi and Louisiana
along the Hue of the Illinois Central
R K.
Advertising am) descriptive matter
will be furnished free of charge. For
furthur information address E A.
Kichter, 512 Park Building, Pitts
burg, Pa. s2:!tf
Chicago Excursion ltatos.
One fare for the round trip via Nickel
Plate Road September 2(ilh and 28ih '03,
for Chicago Centenial Jubilee. Get full
information from nearest ticket agent. It
Low ltatt'8 West and Northwest.
Via Chicago, Milwaukee it St Paul
Railway, every day until November
30, iuoa.
$3;!, Chicago to Sao Francisco, Los
Angelts, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle
ami many other Pacific Coast points.
SJl) Chicago to bait Lake City, Og
den, Grand Junction and many other
points in Utah, Colorado and Wvoiu
ing. Low rates In hundreds of other
Through train service, Chicago to
San Francisco. Only $11 for a double
berth, tourist sleeper, all the way.
to me ixortnwesi via ftt. rani or
va Omaha. Write to day lor folder
John R Pott, Room D, Park Bldg.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
m:ail i.isim;ss,
Practical ideas, up to tlate meth
ods, make our students a success, and
me cans lor tnein greater man we
can supply. The best investment
you can make for the business world
is to take our Commercial and Short
hand Course. We teach more in one
year than the ordinary school can in
three. 2.) of our students have ac
cepted office positions siuce last April.
Enter at any time.
Warren, Pa
Kindly Settle.
Having a large number of accounts on
our bonks, and having made a change
in me iirtn, we desire all knowing them
selves indebted to or having accounts
with us to call and settle same nt an early
date. Scow den it Clark.
Sept. 1, 1903. It
Flour sack 1.15 1.-10
Corn meal, foed, $ 100 th.. 1.30
Corn meal, family, 100 lb l.flo
Chop feod, pure grain 1.3.")
Corn, shelled ,7.j
Buckwheat flour, lb .03
Beans bushel 3.00
Ham, sugar cured .115
Bacon, sugar cured .1(1
Shoulders ,10
Salt Pork, lb .14
Whitefish'p kit .70
Sugar 6.0oJ
Syrup 3,-,ro .50
N. O. Molasses .35'$ .50
Coffee, Hoast Rio 1JI5
Coffee, blended Java .20
Tea .fio
Butter .itj
Kice 05(g).0H
Eggs, fresh 18. (m .20
Salt barrel 1.2.1
Lard j:j
Potatoes, $ bushel .50
Potatoes, sweet, ji lb ,03
Lime 19 barrel 901.00
Nails keg 2.75
Bank Statement.
No. 503S.
of Pennsylvania, at the close of business
Settetnuer II, l!K3.
Ioans and discounts $210,155 40
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 1.SIU 98
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion 0,000 00
Promiums on U. S. Bonds 3,17 31
Stocks, securities, etc 49,000 00
Banking-house, furniture, and
fixtures 1.5,101 08
Due from approved reserve
"gents 152,145 OS
Checks and other cash items 4,0.s2 32
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and cents 205 07
I-awful money reserve in bank,
viz :
Specie $17,74.1 50
U-gal tender notes... 4,000 00 21,745 50
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treas'r(5 per ct. ol circulation) 2,500 00
?5I0,157 40
Cnpital stock paid in f50,000 00
Surplus fund zi.OOO 00
Undivided profits,less expenses
and taxes paid 5,031 81
National bank notes outstand
ing 50,000 no
Dividends unpaid 210 00
Individual deposits subject to
elieek 215,2'.3 70
Demand certificates of deposit... 199 70
Time certificates ol deposit I04,4,Htl 07
$:.IU,157 40
State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
ks :
I. A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to tho best of my
knowledge and belief.
, ., , A,- KELLY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
l ttb day of September, low.
C. M. Apnkr, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
G. W. RoltlNsiiN,
J. T. Dale,
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between J. C.
Scowdun and Joseph Clark, under the
firm name of Scowden it Clark, in the
manufacture of Wagons and dealers In
General Hardware, In the Borough of
Tionesta, Pa., was, by mutual consent,
dissolved on the 17th day of August, 1903.
All persons indebted to said firm will
make payment to either ol the said par
lies, ami mose having claims will pre
sent the same for payment.
Scowpkn C Clark.
Tionesta, Pa., Sept. nth, 1903. 31
I) Y VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Fa-
t-f clas, issued out ot the Couit of Com
mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva
nia, and to inn directed, th'ero will be ex
posed to sale by public vonduoor outrrv,
at tho Court House, in the Borough "of
Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on
st one o'clock p. m. tho following de-
sciibed real estato, to-wit:
Fieri Facias, No. 1 September Term,
1903, (Vaivers.)-Frank Eddy, Attor
ney in Fact.
All the right, title, interest and claim
of ihe defendant ot, in and to a certain
two Town Lots (Real Estate) in the
township of Jenks. County of Forest.
State of Pennsylvania, Bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit: On tho south
east by Chestnut street, on (lie souihwest
tiy 1,01 number 8, deeded to Sarah A.
Mohney, on the northwest bv an allow
on the northeast by an alley." Said two
1.01s Known and numbered in Hm Town
plot of Marienville as Lots number 9 and
u, tne same being conveyed by J. D.
Hunt aud wife to N. K. Burton bv DnuI
dated December tho Mill, A. 1). 1874, and
recorded Februarv 23d, 1877, in Deed
Book No. 11, page 108.
Taken in execution and sold as the
property of Elmer E. Burton, at the suit
of A. Eddy.
TERMS OF SALE. Tho following
must bo strictly complied with when the
property is stricken down :
1. When the plaintill'or other loin cred
itors become the purchaser, the costs on
the writs must bo paid, and a list of lions
including mortgago searches on the prop
el ty sold, together witli such lion credit
or's receipt for the amount of tho pro
ceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as
ho may claim, must bo furnished the
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled Immediately will
bo continued until 2 o'clck p. in., of the
Hostility, at which time nil property not
settled lot will agnin bo put up and" sold
at tho expenso and risk of the person to
whom first sold.
See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition,
pago 4 lit and Smith's Forms, pago 384.
GEO. V. NOULIT, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Ol'ico, Tionesta, Pa., Septem
ber 1, 1903.
List of causes set down for trial in tho
i.ouri 01 common Pleasof Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on tho
fourth Mondav of September. l!H):t!
1. J. E. Beck vs. M.C. Watson, No. 28,
Sept. Term, 1901. Motion to open Judu
ment. 2. John Hoover, Lib.,vs. Leota Hoover,
Reap., No. 3, Nov. Term, 1901. Divorce,
Issue formed.
3. Jesse D. Dawson, who sues ns wn
lor himself as well as for the use of the
ncnooi nistrict ol Harmony Township . !.. T. ... 1
, ,,in" viuiny, 1 11., vs. ij. i. onaw, JNO,
lamay lerm, jui. Summons in As
sil 111 lis it.
4. The City of Porry vs. The County of
L-..n... A IT til.:.. . . . . .
riuoi, n. rv. rinipe, lonrad llurlien,
iioiuv xeiiiKwru. uoumv commission
ers, No. 23. May Term, 1903. Summons
in Assumpsit.
5. D. S. Thompson vs. II. N. Cooper,
snd The Blue Jay Supply Company, No.
14, September Term, 19(13. Sheriff's In
terpleader. li. W. A. Connelly vs. V. Wvman,
Joseph Landers, No. 9, September Term,
lno.'t. .Summons in Action of Trespass.
7. Daniel Steiner vs. Geo. L. Carley, C.
W. Amsler, No. 18, September Term.
1903. Sheriff's Interpleader.
8. Caroline Dawson Knnpp vs. Walter
R. Dawson, Jesse Dawson, Frances M.
York and Augusta E. Grove. No. 24,
February Term, 1902. Summons in
Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., August 31, 1903.
Jos r ltfrm
Sl'inir ISuilcr.s,
Tank, Agitators.
ami Sells! SiM-oiid
Hollers Kto.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspei sion Bridge
Third ward, OIL CITY, PA.
ing, general burners, and
drnft horses ever brought
iuto Jefferson county. Stay
ing at Iironkvillo Fair
Grounds until further no
tice. Como quick and get
your choice.
I will not stay longer than this
week. These horees must be sold
regarless of prices. Don't niisi the
lant chance of the reason.
Fall & Winter
garmeiiieuts for men at above
prices cannot he excelled.
BY VIRTUE ofsundry writs of Fieri
Facias issued out of the Court
of Common Picas of Forest Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, and to me direct
ed, thero will be exposed to salo by public
vendue or outcry at the factory uu the
premises in Tionesta, Pn., on
SATURDAY, SEPT. 20, A. D. 1903,
at 10:00 o'clock a. in., the following des
cribed real estate, to-wit:
PAN Y, Fieri Facias, No. 12, Sept.
Term, 1903, (Waivers). T. F. Ritchoy,
cias, No. 13, Sept. Term, 1903. (Waiv
cis). T. F. Rilchey, Attorney.
All delendants riirht. title, interest and
claim of. in aud to all that crrlain nl"t or
parcel of land situated in Tionesta Bor-
nugh, Forest Co., Pa., bounded and des-
crineu as lollows : lieuiniiitig at 11 posi,
being tho southwest corner of the Colo
man lot 011 Allegheny River street j
thence easterly along tlie Coleman line,
tho entire length thereof and continuing
in same direction to a post, about 7." feet
from the southeast corner of said Coleman
lot; thence s.nitherly about ISO feet to a
post; thence westerly on a lino parallel
to the In e of said Coleman lot, and 20 feet
south of tho southern wall of the smith
factory building, about 647 feetto a post
on said Riverstreet ; and thence northerly
along said River street about ISO feet to the
place of heirinnim:; being a lot about .147
lect by ISO feet. Same lot conveyed to Tio
nesta Mantel Manufacturing Co., bv deed
recorded in Forest Co. Doed Book No. 31,
pane 124.
On which is erected two frame buildings
.10x100 feet each, 2 stories biuh; one
brick, 1-story boiler house, 20x24 feet;
one frame dry kiln. 40x,14 feet ; one board
shed bsrn, about 10x20 feet ; ono board oil
house, 12x18 feet, one story; including
o!6 a.) horse pt.wer gas enitinc, one 00
horse power boiler: 0110 dynamo engine
planer, moulding machino, grinder, baud
saw, ami initio, one up saw and tatde.
combination rip and cut-off saws, to
swing saws, one spindle Sander, one 4
inch sander, two boring mxi-hities, two
turning latnes, ami all belts, shafting,
connections, machinery and fixtures,
used as a mantel manufactory, complete,
Taken in execution and to' be Hold as
the property ol the Tionesta Mantel Man
ul'acturinu Company at tl.e suit of the
Citizens' National Bank of Tionesta, Pa.,
and the Forest County National Bank.
TERMS OF SALE. Tho following
must be strictly complied with when the
ptoperty is stricken down ;
1. When tho plaintiff orother lien cred
itors become the purchaser, the costs on
the writs must be paid, and a list of liens
including mortgage searches on the prop
1 rty sold, together with sucli lien credi
tor's receipt for the amount of tho nro-
ceeds of tne sale or such portion thereof
as he may claim, must be furnished the
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not. sett'ed immediately
will be continued until 2 o'clock n. 111..
of tho next day, at which time all proper
ty not settled for will ngdn be put up
and Fold at tho expense and risk of tho
llie porson to wlmtn first sold.
See Purdon s Digest. Ninth Edition.
page 440. and Smith's Forms, pago 3S4.
nneriii s uiiico, Tionesta, l'a., Sept. 7,
GEO. W. NOULIT, Sheriff.
Divorce Xoticc.
Verna Ross, ) No. 19, Feb. Term,
Libelant, 1903.
vs. i PI u res
Milo Ross, I SiilinuMia
Respondent, j in Divorce.
The Commonwealth 0 rcnntjti ania to
the Sheriff 0 mid County, JUEET1SG :
Whereas, Verna Ross did. on the 17tli
day of January, 1903, prefer her petition
to our said Judges of the said Cout ol
Common Plas lor said County, praying
lor tne causes llierin set lor Hi, that she
might bediverced from the bonds of ina'
rimony entered into with you, Milo
We. therfore, command vnu. the said
Milo Ross, that, setting aside all other
bus ness and excuses whatsoever, vnu bo
and appear in your proper person belore
our J udges at Tionesta, at a Court of Com
mon Pleas there to be held for tho Coun
ty of Forest on the 1th Monday of Sep
tember, 1903. to answer the petition or
libel of the said Verna Ross, and to show
cause, if any you liave, why the said
Verna Ross your wire, should not be
divorced from the bonds of matrimony,
agreeatdy to tho Acts of Assembly in such
case made and provided. Herein fail not.
" itness the Hon. W. M, Lindsey,
President ol our said Court, at Tionesta.
tne 0111 nay 01 August,,
J. C. (jIki.vt, Protlionotp rv
To Milo Hons:
You are hereby not ifie.Uo , ,
ore the Honorable Judges r , ,le(;()llrt ,
(.oiiimi.n Plrss, at Tioni s' p. .,
fourth Monday of topL?',
answer as set forth In above supooena
. ,'!f- "-Noiiut, Sheriff.
niiguni 1 j 1 i;ru.
UliflSlDil k w
ioko iaxauve m'omo gamine Tablets, js
Seven MilEon boxes sold In past 1 2 Dion hs.. This SigltetUTe,
Something1 Doing' Here
There is "something doing at this popular store these
waim days. Low Prices is the disturbing fleroent and
the effect' it is having on our stock of Summer Goids
is no lesj than marvelous. We da not wait lor the ad
vent of cold weather before we reduce the prices, but do
it Right Now in the Hot Season, wheu such
goods will be of Real lieuefit to Y-u. All our line of
beautiful Lawns, Batistes Orgaiizines, Mulls, Silk Mus
lins, Dmiities, tv.c, &c , have beeu
to almost
can have no more room here, they're yours for almost the
Tiii:nt 1 oiiMut niitLi:.
It will pay you to lep in au'l take a peep.
A. Watnk Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Whoeler,
Collections remitted ;for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
ere all tho benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest pid on time
deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Notico is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been tiled in my olllco
and will bo prsentod at the next term of
Court for continuation ;
PartialaecountofL.D Bowman. Ucard
iau of Frank A. and Norman D. T. Zahn
iser, minor children of U. S. Zahniser,
late of Tionesta township, Forest countv,
Pa., deceased.
l inal account of S. T. Beck with, Ex
editor or tho estate of (J. C. Alsbaugh,
late ol Green township, Forest county,
1 a., ueceaseu.
First and parti d account of James El
llott, Administrator of the estate of
Matthew Elliott, late of Harmony town
ship, Forest county, Pa., deceased.
J. CO E 1ST.
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tionesta, ra., September 1, 1903.
Administratrix Notice.
Letters of administration havimr been
granted to the undersigned in 1 lie estate
or Agnos Steele, late of Baruett town
ship, deceased, all persons indebted will
make immediate pavment, aud thoso
having claim to present tho same wiih
out delay, to
Clarington, Pa., July 14. 1903. 4t
Ssks Millions
have been sold since 1853. Their
reputation h:ts gone ail nrouud
tlis world. Tho merits of the
10 V.nfil) Stiffened
J. L J J J Gold
have created the largest Watch
Case factory on the glolie, now
m:ikii)2 5000 cases daily. This
trade-mark in a Watch Case
identifies "the best there is."
We fell the Jas. Boss case in
knowledge of its superiority.
We can put any kind
of movement you want
in a ItOSH ('ASK,
but recommend our
special make of
movements. For finish,
strength, quality and
time, they can't be beat.
Whkukas. The Hon. W. V
President Judge of the Cou- . ',, : '
Picas and (Quarter Soss' . ...... ..
the county of Forest? 'V ",,d. for
ceptforholdingaO ...V ,.;r,"",
I-y 'd Terminer and General
I'oiintvr ,!rv' at Tionesta, for tli..
rr f,,.. ' -
2Sth dav of Sopteinber. 1903. No
ne is therefore iriven to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, impositions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their ollice appertain to be done,
and to those whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall he in tho.jailof Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against tlioin as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 31st day of
August, A. D. 1903.
GEO. W. NOBLIT, i..s. Sheriff.
To Cure a CoM In One Dav
Wm, Smearbaugh,
Vice Presiden
O. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugh,
T. F. Kitchey. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly.
To Take Effect July lllh, 1903.
Eastern Time SOUTH
1 ! Stations
a. mlLcavo
Arrlve;p. m.ip.m
7 00'
1) 50
7 30
,7 40,
Rosa Run
Newtown Mills
Buck Mills
May tin rg
M mister
Blue Jay
Henry's Mill
Arrive Leave
Hi 30
je 20
0 I ft
1 00 tl IK)
12 45,5 5(1
1 4") S till!
1 65 8 K
2 (l.- S 2ft
12 35 ft 40
2 20 H 411
i! 1!5 H 4ft
12 10
5 30
5 L'5
5 2' I
5 10
4 5
4 40
4 1.)
12 Oft
II 5ft
i 30 S 50
40 9 INI
i 5ft 9 15
3 10 9 30
11 40
11 30
It Oil
10 41)
3 lift II 50
3 4,ft l(Mltl
p.inia. in
10 30
4. til.
T. D. COLLINS, Pbksidknt.
Taking effect. June 1st, 1903.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
except Sunday Hu7; m
No. .32 Oil City and Piltsburg
Exrress.daily.except Sunday ..7:17 p.m.
No. 9:30 Oil City Aceom.,Sun-"
day only 9:50 a. m.
No. 9:32 Oil City Accom.,Sun-
da.vonly 8:27 p. m.
For Hickory.Tldioutf, Warren, Kinzua,
Bradford, Olean and tho East :
No. SI Olean Express, daily
except Sunday g:sj a In
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:45 p. 111.
No. 9,33, Irviuntoti Acconi.,
Sunday only, 2:45 p. in.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Passenger Trallic Mcr.
GEO. H. BOYD, Geu l Pas-enger Agt.
I 1 B r
Feed Saie
F'Ijo Turnouts at All Times
at Hoasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel lVruver
Telephone JTo. 20.
nnTr. Aln-fiv. rllti.. l.nillM. link lnis;t fr
.!! ni.uillic Imii. M-m.-.l with hliiB rihl.m.
1 akr no nlbrr. Itrfuw dnnicrrou aulnti.
tatiinnnf! Imlt:tllnnn. Itnv of vour liniiiL'ivt,
.r sriiil I,.. I Miimi fur I'srtlrularn. Trail,
nonlala anrt -Kcltrf rr .nalira." in tmrr,
l rrliirn Hall, lu.uoo lealiumiiiHl. bold br
all lIWI;Uts. '
tlOO n.dlHin Hqunrr, I'll I LA PA.
llcalloa Ibli aapar.
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
p? &
on everv
tnnn. box. 25c.
t TT7 m "n