The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 16, 1903, Image 2

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J. . WINK, - CDITOM 4 Prophicton.
1903 SEPTEMBER 1903
;Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
J78 J10 11 12
13 141516 17 18 19:
20 21 22 23 24 25 261
27 28 29 30 j
fi T:2
0 p. m.
ANew rin 11:W
iMoon p. m.
-v First no 8:0
S Quarter diQ a-m.
C Third -I j
Quarter 14
Republican Ticket.
Mate 7Vwnrer-WM. L. MATHUES,
Delaware County.
Auditor Ocneral-VtM. P. SNYDER,
Chester County.
Superior 0)urt Jiuigcu-JOll N J. HEN
DERSON, Crawlord County j THOM AS
A. MORRISON, McKean Comity.
District Attornry-S. D. IRWIN.
Ooroivr -Vr. J. W. MORROW.
This price of radium has fallen. It is
now quoted at $100,000 an ounce.
Ik the Republicans carry Kentucky
again next year will it be necessary for
the Goebelites to bang the entire party.
Tom Joiinron baa placed t ho Ohio
Democrats in a sad plight. They must
vote the Republican ticket or encourage
Tub biggest man in Ohio has jut t died,
hut so long as Tom Johnson lives, the
conceit of bigness will not perish from
the Buckeye state.
Skcrktary Hay is letting it be known
that unless Colombia comes to be' senses
and ratifies the canal treaty serious re
sults are likely to follow.
It would be a good thing to let Colom
bia stew in its own juice tor all time and
to build the isthmian canal several hun
dred miles near this country.
A runi.ic ollice may be a public trust
but that does not mean that a public of
ficial has the right to take stock in every
Trust Company that comes his way.
F Representative Burkitt is in Wash
ington. He declares that Nebraska will
give President Roosevelt tb largest ma
jority ever giveu to a Republican Presi
Colombia talks of reopening its re
jection ol the isthmian canal treaty. It
was a foolish deed and such things can
not always be repaird by moving a reenn
Please speak softly about the possi
bility of failure of the Panama canal. In
the bright lexicon of tbo new world
that's us there is no such word as fail
ure ; we'll dig the ditch.
Prksident Roosevelt has announced
his intention to administer the counsular
service on business principles. His in
teutinn will command the respect of
orory business man in the country.
Bryan bas undoubtedly captured the
Ohio and Nebraska delegations in the
next Democratic national convention and
lias a fair prospect of getting Iowa also.
The third battle begins to loom on the
An Indiana woman is suing ber eigh
teenth husband for divorce. Appar
ently the divorce habit is as dangerous as
the tobacco or the cocaine habit. Wise
women will take precaution to avoij con
tracting it.
Mariconi bas reduced the flight of ln
teligence across the Atlantic to one mo
tion of the finger and the flash oft spark.
And now, as a start, the telephone has
been operated without wires over a space
of six miles.
It is a pity, but it is none the less true,
that there Is no administration with tut
Its portion of the "graft" and scandal,
but never was an administration which
laid the axe to the root of its scandals
with the energy displayed by President
An orderly liberty under the equal
domination of the law, administered in
such away as to teach that "no man is
above it and no man is below it," Is
what President Roosevelt approves In
his Labor-day speech. The country will
be safe as long as it sticks to that doctrine.
Now that Union veterans are dying at
the rate of 40,000 a year, the growlers
about the pension Ifct feel better. Some
persons are unhappy to think that the
government should bestow a few dollars
a month on an old soldier who, in his
early manhood, risked bis live to save
his country.
TnE assassin who tired the fatal shot at
William Goebcl should have boen bung
long ago. and he would have been sin
glad out and executed if conspirators
against the ballot had not preforcd to
hide the murderer iu order to prosecute
Republicans who were elected to office
but robbed of the places bestowed upon
them by the people.
Tmkhk is no more loyal BritiHher than
myself," said Sir Thomas Llpton in an
interview in New York last Saturday,
"but I can't close my eyes to one thing,
and that is that wo are a decaying nation,
commercially, compared to your coun
try, and the United States is the greaWwt
country on the face of the earth to-day."
Which sentiment moves the Punxsutaw
ney Spirit to remark : "That Mr. Lipton
should express this generous sentiment
while suffering the chagrin and dis
appointment of defeat, shows that be Is
game to the core, as well as a man of ex
cellent judgment."
In bis masterful address at Syiacuse ou
Labor Day President Roosevelt among
the other many sound things spoken, ut
tered words, which will appeal to the rea
son and good sense o( all : "There is no
worse enemy of the wageworker than the
man who coudones mob violence in any
shape or who preaches class hatred ; and
surely the slightest acquaintance with
our industrial history should teach even
the most short-sighted that the time of
most suffering for our people as a whole,
the times when business is stagnaut, and
capital sutlers from shrinkage and gets
no return from its Investment, are ex
actly the times of hardship, and want,
the grim disaster among the poor. If all
the existing instrumentalities of wealth
could be abolished, the tirt and severest
suffering would come among thoso of us
who are least well otr at present. The
wageworker is well oft only wheu the rest
of the country s well off ; and be can best
contribute to bis general well-being by
showing sanity and a firm purpose to do
justice to others. In his turn the capi
talist who is really a conservative, the
mau who bas forethought as well as pa
triotism, should heartily welcome every
effort, legislative or otherwise, which has
for its object to secuie fair dealing by
capital, corporative or individual, to
ward the public and toward the em
At the residence of her son-in-law,
Leonard Mervin, of Endeavor, Pa., Sept.
0th, 1903, Sarah Albaugh, wife of Charles
Albaugh, passed away, aged 70 years and
8 days.
Her maiden name was Henderson and
she was born in Venango county. Pa.
She was married to the now bereaved
husband, Dec. 1st, 1S.V!, and at once sot
tied with her husband on what is now
known as Albaugh Hill, in Hickory
Twp., where they cleared up farm and
raised a family of nine childreu, three of
whom, in early man and womanhood,
passed to the home above. During the
dark days of Civil war she Gasped her
three littlb boys to ber bosom for more
than three long, sad years, while ber
husband was in the service of his coun
try. She lived to see her children grow
to maturity. For several years she has
beeu in delicate health at times, but not
until about three months ago did the
diseaso,dropsy, assume an alarming as
pect, but at this time it became evident
that her sickness was unto death. Not
withstanding all was done that was pos
sible to aleviate ber suffering by her
physician as well as a host of friends,
all was in vain, lor as her suffering was
severest her soul was filled with the pres
ence of her Savior, for the anguish and
pain could not silence ber voice in
praises to Jesus,
For three months she realizad that the
time of her departure was near, and on
the 10th of July selected ber pall-bearers,
as follows, her four sons: Wesley, Ed
ward, Alexander and Daniel C, her
son-in-law, Leonard Mervin, and ber
grand-son, Joseph Albaugh. By these
she was borne to the city of the dead,
while followed by a host of weeping
friends. Rev. C. J. Stewart, of Endeavor,
delivered the last services by request of
the deceased, from the Gospel according
to St. John, Hth ch. 1, 2, 3 and 4 verses.
The sermon was an eloquent one and
was listened to by a large and affected
assembly at East Hickory, Sept 11, at 2
p. m., at which time the so recent pained
body was laid to rest.
Those present from a distance were a
brother and two sisters from Franklin,
namely, Carlyle Henderson, Mrs. Martha
Vincent and Mrs. Mary King. Others
could not reach here in time. James
Henderson, of East Hickory Is a brother
ol the deceased, who, among somo sixty
other relatives, is left to follow ou in
God's appointed time and way to meet in
that bouse of many mansions. The tor
rowing husband with four sons, one
daughter and tweuty-two grand-children
are especially left to mourn, all of whom
desire to return their sincere thanks to
all who most faithfully shared their grief
during the ordeal through which they
have been called to pass. s
Mrs. Wilson, widow of the late John
Wilson, died at her home on Fork Run,
Kingsley twp., on Saturday last, after on
illness of several week's duration. Site
was aged 59 years, and leaves two daugh
ter, both married. The funeral was held
on Sunday last at Town Line church,
the services being conducted by Rey. Mr.
Sm itb of Mayburg. Deceased was a con
sistant member of the Free Methodist
church. Her maiden name was Mary
Mary Lord, the beloved wife of Ali ert
A. Lord, who has charge of the Proper
oil lease at the mouth of Porkey, od Tio
nesta creek, passed away last Thursday
morning at ten o'clock, aged 35 years,
lour months and five days. Mrs. Lord
was stricken with typhoid fever some
three weeks ago, and although everything
possible was done for her no human
power could stay the ravages of the dread
disease, and she passed away to join the
hosts who had preceded her to that belter
land, honored and beloved by all who
knew ber.
Mrs Lord was born in the State of Iowa
but some fifteen years ago was married
to Mr. Lord In Ohio, ber parents and
four sisters at present residing in Craw
ford county, this State. The burial took
place in Riverside cemetery on Friday
afternoon, Rev. Feit conducting the ser
vices at the grave. She is survived by
her husband and four sons, the youngest
being but eight months old, as follows:
Frank, Wallace, Alfred and Floyd, who
are thus bereft of a good wile and a kind
and affectionate mot her.
State ok Ohio, City oeTolkiio, )
Lurua County, (
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho
is the senior partner of tbo firm of F. J.
Cheney fc Co., doing business in the
City ot Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said tirin will pay the sum
racti ana every eaxo ol Catarrh that can
not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this Oth day ot December.
A. D. 18!tfi.
seal. a. W. OLEASON,
. Notary Public.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send lor
testimonials, reo.
Imaginary trouble is often harder
to bear than the real thing.
Cieam of Hie ens.
An honest dealer does all bis buying
a id selling by the same scales.
Now's the time to put on that new
suit of clothes, and HopVius is prepared
to put you into the nicest and best to be
bad at the least cost. It
Success never roosts on the banner of
the man who dau't rely on himself.
From this on look out for finest fruit
for canning and preserving purposes at
the White Star Grocery. It
Busy men are usually so happy that
tbey have no time to res line it.
For a nice stylish shoe for gentlemen,
warranted not to crack, the celebrated
lllucher f 1.00 patent colt ekiu shurely
takes the lead. Hopkins is sole dealer
here. It
--It is often difficult to live up to one's
reputation of being a bad man.
Fall felts, the newest thing in
women's head w ear, are here, and may be
seen at Joycu'a Millinery. Look them
over and you will be a purchaser. It
--There is one crank that is baid to
turn, and that is the human crank.
Tbe Strootman shoe takes the lead
for ladies. Hopkins is solo dealer here
and can tit you in both style and price. 1
-A blockhead is a man who Is unable
to fit bis opinions to your channel.
I f it's a ne w hat go to 1 look ins for it.
The latest out can be hail there. Jt
-It is well to know some peoplo well
enough not to know them.
Strength and vigor come of good
food, duly digested. "Force," a ready lo-
serve wheat and barley food, adds no
burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigor
ates. tf
It sometimes happens that an inno
cent man also pleads not guilty.
For tbe benefit of those desiring to at
tend the annual session of the Sovereign
Grand Lodge of 1. O. O. F. at Baltimore,
Md., September 21 to 20, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell round
trip tickets to Baltimore from all stations
on its lines except Woodberry, Harris-
burg, and intermediate stations j Colum
bia, Fredrick, and intermediate stations
on the Northern Central Railway ; Lan
caster, Harrisburg and intermediate sta
tions, and stations on tbe Philadelphia
Baltimore and Washington Railroad (ex
clusive of stations south of Townsend,
Del.), on September 19, 20, and 21, good
for return passage until September 28,
inclusive, at rato of single fare for the
round trip, plus one dollar. For con
ditions and stop-over at Philadelphia on
tickets reading through that point, con
sult ticket agent. 2t
Notice or Dissolution.
Noticd is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofoie existing between J. C.
Scow do n and Joseph Clark, under the
firm name of Scowden iC Clark, In the
manufacture of Wagons and dealers In
General Hardware, in the Borough of
Tionesta, Pa., was, by mutual consent,
dissolved on the 17th day of August, 1003.
All persons indebted to said firm will
make payment to either ot the said par
ties, and those having claims will pre
sent the same for payment.
Scowden 0 Clark.
Tionesta, Pa., Sept. oth, liKi.i. 3t
Kindly Settle.
Having a large number of accounts on
our books, and having made a change
in the firm, we desire all knowing them
selves indebted to or having accounts
with us to call and settle same at an early
dale. Scowden A Clark.
Sept. 1, 1003. It
Flour 19 sack L151.40
Corn meal, feed, 100 lb.. t.30
Corn meal, family, 100 lb 1.50
Chop feed, pure grain 1.35
Oats Jtj.
Corn, sholled .75
Buck wheat flour, $ lb .03
Beans "jS bushel 3.00
Ham, sugar curod .10
Bacon, sugar cured .10
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, "P lb .14
Whitefish $ kit .70
Sugar n.0t4
Syrup 35f .60
N. O. Molasses .35 .50
Coffee, Roast Rio 12JI5
Coffee, blended Java .. .20
Tea .S5 .50
Butter .18
Rice Ofttg.OM
Eggs, fresh 19,'d ,20
Salt$ barrel "1.25
Lard .13
Potatoes, bushel .50
Potatoes, sweet, "r lt .03
Lime p barrel 001.00
Nails $ keg 2.75
Bank Statement
No. 503H.
of Pennsylvania, at the close of business
Septemuer 0, 1003.
I-oans and discounts $210,155 40
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 1,014 08
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion 60,000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 3,17 31
Slocks, securities, tc 40,000 00
Banking-hotiso, furniture, and
fixtures 15,101 08
Due from approved reserve
agents 152,14 08
Checks and other cash items 4,ot2 32
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and cents 205 07
Lawful money reserve iu bank,
Specie $17,715 50
I-egal tender notes... 4,000 00 21,745 50
Redemption fund with U. rt.
Treas'r(5porct. of circulation) 2,500 00
$510,157 40
Capital stock paid iu $50,1X10 00
Surplus fund 25,000 00
Undivided profiis,lcss expenses
Mini taxes paid 5,031 hi
National bank notea outstand
ing 50,000 00
Dividend unpaid 210 00
Individual deposits subject to
check 215.223 70
Demand certificates of deposit... l'.iil 70
Time certificates ol deposit 104,1x0 (17
$510,157 40
State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
A. B. KELLY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to lie lore me this
lltli day of September, IWS.
C. M. Afnkr, Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
T. F. Kitciiky,
l. W. Rolll NMiN,
J. T. Dale,
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Fa
cias. issued out of the Couit of Com
mon Picas of Forest County, Pennsylva
nia, ai.d to me directed, tlere will le ex
posed to sale by public vendue or outcry,
at the Court House, in the Borough of
Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on
at one o'clock p. m. the follow ing de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Fieri Facias, No. I Septemler Term,
1903, ( Vaivers.)-Frauk Eddy, Attor
ney in Fact.
All the right, title, interest and claim
of the defendant ot, in and to a certain
two Town I-oU (Real Estate) in the
township of Jenks, County of Forest,
State of Pennsylvania, Bounded and de
scried as follows, lo-wit: On the south
east by C hestnut street, on the sou hwest
by Lot uu in br 8, deeded to Sarah A.
Mohuey, on the northwest by an alley,
on the northeast by an alley.' Said two
Lots known and numbered in 'lie Town
plot of Marienvillo as Lts number 9 and
12, the same being conveyed by J. D.
Hunt and wife to N, K. Burton by Deed
dated December the Nth, A. D. 1874, and
recorded February 23d, 1S77, in Deed
Book No. 11, page'lOS.
Taken in execution and sold as the
property of Elmer E. Burton, at the suit
of A. Eddy.
TERMS OF SAL K. The following
must le strictly complied with when the
property is stricken down :
1. When the plaintill'or other loin cred
itors becoino the purchaser, the costs on
the writs must bo paid, and a list of liens
including mortgage searches on the prop
el ty sold, together with such lien credit
or's receipt for tlio amount of t ho pro
ceed" of the saloorsuch portion thereof as
ho may claim, must bo furnished the
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
bo continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the
next day, at which time all property not
settled lot will again bo put up and sold
at tbo expense and risk of tlio person to
whom first sold.
Seo Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 440 and Smith's Forms, pago 384.
GEO. W. NOBLIT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's OL'lce, Tionesta. Pa., Septem
ber 1, 1903.
List of causes set down for trial in tlio
Court of Common Pleasof Forest Countv,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Fourth Mondavof September, 1903:
1. J. E. Bock vs. M.C. Watson, No. 28,
Sept. Term, 1901. Motion to open Judg
ment. 2. John Hoover. Lib., vs. Leota Hoover,
Reap., No. 3, Nov. Term, 1901. Divorce,
Issue formed.
3. Jesse D. Dawson, who sues, as well
for himself as well as for the use of the
School District of Harmony Township,
Forest County, Pa., vs. L. R. Shaw, No.
18 May Term, 1'.HI2. Summons in As
sumpsit. 4. The City of Corry vs. The Countv of
forest, A. K. Sliipe, Conrad Btirhen,
Henry Weingard. County Commission
ers, No, 23, May Term, 1903. Summons
in Assumpsit.
5. D. S. Thompson vs. H. N. Cooper,
and The Blue Jay Supply Company, No.
14, September Term, 1903. Sheriffs In
terpleader. 0. W. A. Connelly vs. W. Wyman,
Joseph Landers, No. 0, September Term,
1D03. Suiiiiuons ill Action of Trespass.
7. Daniel Stelner vs. Geo. L. Carley, C.
W. Anisler. No. 18, September Term,
1!H3. Sheriff's Interpleader.
8. Caroline Dawson Knupp vs. Waller
R. Dawson, Jesse Dawson, Frances M.
York and Augusta E. Grove. No. 24,
February Term, 1902. Summons in
Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., August 31, 1903.
Whereas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued bis pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and Oonoral
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for tli
County of Forest, to cominenco on the
Fourth Monday of September, being
the 28th day of September, 1!)03. No
tice is therefore triven to the Cor
oner, Justices of tho Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
ami therein their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their otllce appertain to be dono,
and to thoso whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall Do in tbo jail of Forest County, that
they may be thou and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my baud and seal this 3)st day of
August, A. D. 1903.
GEO. W. NOBLIT, l.s. Sheriff.
Twenty-one ol our students have taken
good positions since May 1st,. We
nave places at our disposal for all the
stenographer) and typewriter operators
that our school can provide for the next
year Join us and get in linn. Write or
cMl at our office tor detailed in forma inn.
The Hoff Business Colleoe,
tf Warren, Pa.
THIRTY HEADbestdriv.
ing, general busiiie?f, and
draft horses ever brought
into Jefferson county. Stay
ing at I'mokville Fair
Grounds until further no
tice. Come quick and get
your choice.
I will not stay longer than thi?
week. These horses must bo sold
regarlees of prices. Don't miss the
last chance of the season.
Toe designs of these goods
would do credit to tlio more
expeusive woolens.
There is oo class of goods
in greater demand during
this season of the year, and
the eatly buyers have the
choice of a large variety of
colorings and patterns.
The lrlee adds to their popular
BY VIRTUE or sundry writs or Fieri
Facias issued out of tho Court
or Common Pleas or Forest Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, and to me direct
ed, there will be exposed to siilo by public
vendue or outcry at tbe lactory ou the
premises in Tionesta, Pa., on
SATURDAY, ST.PT. 2ii, A. D. 1903,
at 10:00 o'clock a. in., tho follow ing des
cribed real estate, to-wit:
PANY, Fieri Facias, No. 12, Sept.
Term, 1!H)3, ( Waivers).-T. F. Hitchey,
cias, No. 13, Sept. Term, 1003. (Waiv
ers). T. F. Kitchey, Attorney.
All defendants right, title, interest and
claim or, in and to all that certain pint or
parcel of land situated in Tionesta Bor
ough, Forest Co., Pa., bounded and des
cribed as follows : Beginning at a post
being the southwest corner of the Colo
man lot on Allegheny River street;
thence easterly along the Coleman line,
tho entire length thereof and continuing
in same direction to a post, about 7 feet
from the southeast corner of said Coleman
lot; thence southerly about ISO feet to a
post ; thence westerly on a due parallel
to the In e of said Coleman lot, and 20 feet
south of the southern wall of the south
factory building, about 617 feet, to a post
on said Uiverstreet; and thence northerly
along said River street about !S" feet to the
place of beginninc; being a lot about 547
leot by ISO feet. Same lot conveyed to Tio
nesta Mantel Manufacturing Co., bv deed
recorded in Forest Co. Deed Book No. 31,
page 124.
On which iserecled two framebnildings
SOx 100 feet each, 21 stories high; one
brick, 1-story boiler house, 20x24 feet;
one frame, dry ki!n.40xf4 feet ; one board
shed barn, about 10x20 feet ; one board oil
house, 12 x IS feet, one story; including
one 35 horse pc.wer gas engine, ono lio
horse power boiler; one dynamo engine,
planer, moulding machine, grinder, bxtid
saw, and table, one rip saw and table,
combination rip and cut-olf saws, two
swing saws, one spindle sauder, oue 42
inch sander, two boring machines, two
turning lathes, and all belts, shariiusr,
connections, machinery and fixtures,
used as a mantel man u lactory, complelo.
Taken In execution and to be sold as
the property ol the Tionesta Mantel Man
ufacturing Company at tl e suit of the
Citizens' National Rank of Tionesta, Pa.,
and the Forest County National Bank.
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must be strictly complied willi when tho
pioperty is stricken down ;
1. When the plaintiff orotlier livn cred
itors become the purchaser, t he costs on
the writs must be paid, and a list of liens
including mortgage searches on the prop
i rty sold, together with such lien credi
tor's receipt for the amount of the pro
ceeds of tlio salo or such portion thereof
as he may claim, must be furnished the
2. A!! bids must be paid in roll.
3. All sales not, sett'ed immediately
will be continued until 2 o'clock p. in.,
or the next day, at which time all proper
ty not settled for will agon be put up
and sold at tho expense and risk of the
the person to whom first sold.
See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 4 10, and Smith's Forms, page ;W4.
Sheriffs Ollice, Tionesta, Pa., Sept. 7,
GEO. W. NOBLIT, Sheriff.
Divort'e Xotiec.
Verna Ross, No. 10, Feb. Term,
Libelant, 1003.
vs. Pi u res
Milo Ross, I Subpiona
Respondent. in Divorce.
The Commonwettttt of 1'mn.iilvitnia to
the Xheriff of mid Otuuty, UliKKTISO:
Whereas, Vertm Ross did, on tho 17th
day of January, 1IHJ3, prefer her petition
to our said Judges of the said Couit ol
Common PIohs lor said County, praying
for the causes therln set forth, that she
might bediierced from the bonds of mat
rimony entered into with you, Milo
We, therfore, command you, the said
Milo Ross, that, setting aside all other
business and excuses whatsoever, you be
and appear in your proper person before
our Judges at Tionesta, at a Court of Com
mon Pleas there to be herd for the Coun
ty of Forest on the 4th Monday of ep
tember, 1003, to answer the petition or
libel of the saiil Verna Ross, and to show
cause, if any you have, why the said
Verna Ross your wife, should not be
divorced from the bonds of matrimony,
agreeably to the Acts of Assembly In such
crso made and provided. Herein fail not.
Witness the Hon. W. M, Lindsey,
President of our said Court, at Tionesta,
the ftth day of August, llMi'l.
J. C. Geist, Prothonolary.
To Milo lioni :
You are hereby notified to appear be
fore the Honorable Judges ol the Court of
Common Picas, at Tionesta, Pa., ou the
fourth 'Monday of September next, iu
suswer as set forth in above suproena.
Geo. W., Sherill'.
August 11, I'm:!.
Wanted-An Idea 2
Who ran thlnR
nrm fliintile
Iuk to patent?
Ptfttmit vruir IrloMJl thV tnnV l.rlntr vnii wnlih
M rlw JOHM WbbDEK.Jl'KN ft M., P;it-nt Alto
ney, Wanhlnifton, D. t, fur Ihetr $l,H(t prize offer
ftiul lltft of two buuilred luTeullous wauled.
Toke Laxative Bromo Quinine TaUets.
Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 months. This Signature.
Something Bolm Mere
There is "something doing at this popular store these
waimdays. Low l'rices is tbe disturbing dement and
the ell'ect it is having on our stticlt of Summer Gotd,
is no less than marvelous. We do not wait for the ad
vent of cold weather before we reduce the prices, but do
it Hight Xow In I he Hot Soason, wheu such
goods will be of Real Benefit to You. All our line of
beautiful Lawns, Batistes Organzines, Mulls, Silk Mus
lius, Dimitie-i, Ac, &c , have beeu
to almost
can have uo more room here, theyre yours lor almost the
tiikik i oinn:u iMtK i:.
It will pay you to step in and lake a peep.
A. Watnk Cook,
A. R.
A. Wayne Cook, G. W. Robinson, Win. Smoarbaugh,
N. P. 'Wheeler, T. F. Ultchey. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly.
Collections re oittedTor on day or pr.yment at low ratos. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest piid on timo
deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Notico is hereby giyon that tho follow
ing accounts have been filed iu my otllce
and will be presented at the next term of
Court for continuation :
Partial account o''L. p. Bowman, (Jcnrd
lan of Frank A. anil Norman I). T. Zabn
iser, minor children of U. S. Xahniser,
late of Tionesta township, Forest county,
Pa., deceased.
iinal account of 3. T. Beck with, Ex
ecutor or tho estate or tJ. C. Alsbaugh,
late ofUreou township, Forest county,
Pa., deceased.
First and partUl account or James El
liott, Administrator of the estate of
Matthew Klliotl, late of Harmony town
ship, Forest county, Pa., deceased.
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tionesta, Pa., September 1, 11KI3.
Administratrix Notico.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned in tlio estato
or Agnes Steele, late or Harnett town
ship, deceased, ail persons indebted will
make immediate payment, and those
having claimt, to present the samo with
out delay, to
Ad ministratrix.
Clarington, Pa., July 11, l!H);i. 4t
vm minions
have been sold since 1S53. 1 heir
reputation has pone ail' around
the world. The merits of the
have created the largest Watch
Case factory on the globe, now
making 5000 cases daily. This
trade-mark in a Watch Case
identifies "the best there is."
We sell the Jas. Boss case in
knowledge of its superiority
We cati put any kind
of move.nent you want
in a ItOSS VASV,
but recommend our
special make of
movements. For Gnieh,
strength, quality aud
time, they can't be beat.
Good Slock, (!ood Carriages and Bug
gies to let upon the most reasonable terms.
He will also do
job TEnvciisra-
All orders left at the Post Ollice wi)
receive prompt attention.
To Cure a Cold in One Bay 535
Wm. Smkabradoh,
Vice Presiden
To Take Effect July (itb, liHtt.
NOHTH j Eastern Time ) SOUTH
3 1 j StatioTis j 2 j5"
p. 111 n. in Leave Arrive p. m.ip.m
7 no1 Nebraska (1 fit)
7 :iui Boss Hun ( an
7 401 Lamentation' (1 20
7 4."i Newtown Mills li 1"
14" Hon Kellettvillo 100 (HM)
1 MS 15 Buck Mills VI 45,5 50
2 05 8 25 Mavburg 1 1 35 5 40
2 1!0 S 40 Porkey 12 10 -J0
2 25 S 45 M mister 12 l." 5 25
2 110 8 .M. Wellers 11 55 5 20
2 40 ! IHI Hastings II 40 5 10
2 55!) 15 Blue Jav II ,'llU 55
lot) ;tu Henry's Mill II on' -I 4(1
It 25 II oil Barnes 10 40 4 25
3 4.",1IKI0 Shedield It) 30 4 15
p. una. 111 Arrive Leave a. m.ip.m
T. I). COLLINS, Pkesidknt.
Taking effect. June 1st, 11KJ3.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
except Sunday 1107: a. 111.
No. 32 Oil City and Piltsburg
Exr ress.daily, except Hundav..ftl7 p.m.
No. It::t0 Oil City Aceom.,Suii-"
day only " 0:50 a.m.
No. 11:32 Oil City Accom.,Sun-
dayouly, 8:27 p.m.
For Hickory, Tidioutu, Warren,,
Bradford, Olean and tho East:
No. 31 OJean Express, daily
except Sunday 8:61 a. ni.
No. 3:1 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:45 p. 111.
No. 0,33, Irvinetou Accom.,
HiuidHy only 2:45 p. 111.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Passenger Traltie Mgr.
GEO. H. BOYD, Gen'l Pas-enger Agt.
Feed & Sale
Fino Turnouts at All Times
. at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hold Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
r",bl1'"- .mllis.. mk limcclsl ft
J III lit: t:t.l. IMI m Itrd and
old iiii'iiilhi- Be11l.1l Willi hlii rihlMHi.
Tnlif. no iiIIiit. Ila.rusr liinir-rii nuhall.
((ins,,, liulinliuii. in, vol your lirurein,
nr m-ml lr. In Mi,me I .r I'lirtlrulnra, Toll.
ninnlnU nnd -'Keller Tor l.alir." In Irlirr,
l); reliam "lail. 10.000 Ti-stuiiuiiiHla. bold by
all linu-nuts.
loo MadlMin ftKmnrr, 1'IM LA., FA.
M.nUon IbU Dftpcr.
on every
ox. 25c.