The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 09, 1903, Image 2

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J. C. wink, Editor Proprietor.
1903 SEPTEMBER 1903
Su. Mo.i Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
6 j;8 j 10 n 12
13 1415 16 17 18 19:
20 21 22 23 24 25 261
27 28 29 30 j
R 7:20
0 p, m.
iMoon 4M p. m.
First no OS
X Quarter 0 ft. m.
fr Third i 8:13
At a-m.
llepiibliean Ticket.
AYafe Treasurer-WM. L. MATHUES,
Delaware County.
4Wor Gencai-WM. P. SNYDER,
Chester County.
Superior Court JmUjesiO 11 N J. HEN
DERSON, Crawlord County ; THOMAS
A. MORRISON, McKean County.
District Attorney S. D. IRWIN.
Coronar -Dr. J. W. MORROW.
Sir Thomas Litton has furnished the
American people with a tine example of
a good loser.
This Reliance, Lou Dillon and Dau
Patch are a fair example of the American
tendency to got there.
Tun weather prophet who predicted
"prolonged drouths" for this summer
has been drowned out.
Thr public is anxiously awaiting Sen
ator Gorman's announcement as to what
be will do now that Mr. Bryan bas said
"he won't do".
Thk Ohio Democrats have declared for
free silver at a ratio of 1(1 to 1. There
was bound to be a freshness about a Tom
Johnson platform.
Lord Bbassky, a recognized authority
on the subject, predicts that the United
States is destined to become the greatest
naval power in the world.
Kokomo, Indiana, reports that it is in
fested with women burglars. Can it be
said thai the gentler sex has forced open
another door of pportunily T
Tuk European squadron, which bas
been ordered to Beirut, consists ot three
vessels, the Brooklyn, San Francisco and
Machial, with combined crews of 1,051
officers and men.
There are new indications of harmony
among the financial experts dealing with
the proposed legislation on that subject
and again it appears that Democrats
laughed too soon.
The labor unions are forcing many
large manufacturers to move their plants
from Chicago. The manufacturers say
thoy cannot do business under the con.
tinual dictation of the unions.
In the past eleven years British man
ufactured exports have decreased 3.5 per
cent. American manufactured exports
have increased 174 per cent and German
manufactured exports baye increased 35.5
per cent in the same period.
Gkn. Buckner is supporting a Repub
lican for governor in Kentucky. No
doubt there are many other Democrats in
the state who disapprove of juries com
posed of twelve Goehelites to send men
iu favor of an bouest ballot to the gal
lows. The federal authorities have taken pos
session of a bridge across the Ohio at
Marietta, on account of a dispute be
tween contractors and stockholders that
interfered with the transit of mails. It is
best not to run against Uncle Sam at river
The experts tell us that at two years of
age the child's head measure and chest
measure should be the same. About
thirty years later the child begins to have
trouble to keep bis waist measure down
to bis chest measure and some men have
the same difficulty with their bead meas
ure. If the Democrats of Pennsylvania
would luru some of their reform ferocity
upon the iniquities of their own party
they might be able to accomplish some
thing. There bas not been a scandal or
job in the state for a long time that Dem
ocrats have not been iu as far as tbey
could get.
Ir has just occurred to eastern Demo
crats that while they have been discuss
ing the personality of the presidential
nominee, the Bryan element has been
capturing state organizations and as a
result 1!K4 is likely to bring forth a
Bryau candidate and a repetition of "the
disaster of 1900".
President Roosevelt went to Oyster
Bay to rest. Since he arrived tuere he
has consulted seveu cabinet officers, one
diplomat, two governors, nine senators
five clerks, four lawyers, six financiers,
nine soldiers and twenty-one assorted
notables. Such a vacation would put
many men out of the race.
Admiral Dkwky'r emphatic declara
tion in favor of a large navy is warranted.
He intimated that many vesels now on
the naval list are or small account, and
tlist l well known to thaexpert. There
h no reason, as he says, why tho peoplo
in general should be deceived in regard
t this n, alter. A navy able to de'. ml
the country is necessary to the security
of our coast line and our foreign trade.
It takes years to build even one vessel,
and when war breaks out, if it ever does,
there will be no time to add to the navy.
The way to prevent war is to be prepared
for it. The expense of preparation is a
mere Item as compared with the expense
of war, to say nothing of the loss of li'e.
"Thk Protective principle is bad and
should be abolished," says the St. Louis
Republic. Yes we'll admit that the
Protective principal is bad ou some
things, among which we might niontlon
soup houses and foreign manufacturers.
It gives them the very dickens and rubs
it In, but it is peaco and consolation to
the soul of the American laborer and
manufacturer. The Republic can do as
it pleases, but for our part we aim to fa
vor those things which make for the best
interests of our own country and hi
"Yourope" shift for herself Moravian
Falls Yellow Jacket.
At Harrisburg last Wednesday the
Democratic convention very promptly
swallowed the dose prepired for it by
Mr. (iu Hey, nominating the ticket he had
slated some three weeks in advance, re
solved that bosuism is a dangerous thing
and should be suppressed, then ad
journed. Mr. Gutley's ticket is as fol
lows: Auditor General State Senator
AuthurU. Dew alt, of Lehigh County.
Siate Treasurer State Senator Joel G.
Hill, of Wayne County. Judges of the
Superior Court-John A. Ward, of Phil
adelphia, and former Judge Calvin Kay-
burn of Armstrong County.
A company ha been chartered to build
a railroad Irom Port Nelson, Hudson Bay,
in a somberly direction, crossing the line
of the Canadian Pacilio near Wiunipeg,
Manitoba, through North Dakota, South
Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Indian
Terrilory to Galveston, Texas ; from Gal
veston through the Tropin of Mexico to
the boundary line of Central America,
through the isthmus of Panama, thence
through the United Slates of Columbia to
Ecuador, and finally through the Repub
lic ol Peru to Buenos Ayres, on the At
lantic ocean. Two branch lines, one be
ginning In the Republic of Peru and ex
tending in a southeasterly direction
through Brazil to Rio de Janeiro, and the
othor beginning lu the Republic of Peru
and extending in a southerly direction
through Chili to Valparaiso, on the south
Pacific ocean, are also projected. The
estimated cost of the road is 1250,000,000,
and the estimated length 10,000 miles.
Story of Old Tilhole City.
Asptcial from Titus vill j to the Pitts
burg Dispatch under date of the 6th inst.,
Recent developments along historical
Pithole creek, where, in the early '80's,
budded and blossomed the famous Pit
hole City, with a population of gome 15 -
000 souls, indicate that at least one man
who did not sell his holdings there
when prices were soaring skyward will
still "make good" on his investment.
In 1865, at the Moore House, in this
city, where were assembled moneyed
men from all partsofthe country, Nelson
Farel, a well-known oil producer,
bought a piece of laud for $17,000. On the
same evening he was offered $00,000 in
cash lor the property and was about to ac
cept when a second party raised the fig
ure to $100,000 by way of a cash payment
of$lo,000 for an option on the property at
the figured named. During the next
three days a heavy storm prevented act
ivity in the field. Euthusiasm began to
wane and the purchasor was unable to
raise the remaining $55,000.
The memorable crash came soon and
those who had sufficient means left to
continue in the game drilled to other
fields. Long after the drill had ceased to
pound on the sand rocks and when the
price of lumber bad doubled in a couple
of years Farel sold the timber from the
land, lealizing a handsome sum. In the
abseuce of virgin territory and with the
price of oil well up the activity ol wild
cat operators has brought out many sur
prises. Not the least of these is the new well
ou the Farel farm, half a mile from the
famous Uniten Slates well, which at
tracted fortune hunters from all paris of
the country. After being pumped for
several weeks the Farel No. 1 is still
placing 40 barrels to its daily credit, and
No. 2, drilled in this week, is good for
10 barrels. Without further develop
ment the property already hasasuffioient
production to place its market value at a
figure approaching the $50,000 mark.
In the meantime Pithole City bas long
ceased to exist, and many an individual
who lost a fortune in that famous rush
for wealth will read ot Farel's strike
with envy.
Osgood Family Reunion.
The sixth annual reunion of the Os
good Family was held at the old home
stead, near Starr postoffice, on Saturday
last, Sept. 5th, 1903, and was one ot the
most successful and best attended that
this estimable family has yet held. There
were thirty-five of the family connection
present, and almost as many invited
guests, maiuly old friends of the family.
At the business meeting, which was held
in the forenoon, it developed that there
bad been no deaths in the family connec
tion during the year, but there were two
births. Officers for the ensuing year
were elected as follows : President, L. E.
Osgood j Vice Pres., W. F. Jones; Sec y,
Mrs. W. F. Jones; Cor. Sec'y, Geo. W.
Osgood ; Treasurer, Mrs. E. Bebrens. It
was unanimously aggreed that the next
reunion be held at the same place, on the
first Saturday of September, 1904.
Shortly after noon the family and their
invited guests gathered about the bounte
ously spread tables and partook of the
fine luncheon that had been prepared by
the ladies of the household, and when
the wants of the inner man had been
abundmtly satisfied a number of nice
speeches were listened to, mainly of an
historical and retrospective nature, and
all of which proved higl ly interesting
and entertaining to those present. Among
the papers read was an interesting sketch
on tho lifo of the surviving bead of the
family, Mrs. Christine Osgood, by Prof.
Hetrick, of which tho salient poiuls are
as follows:
Christine Scboclas was born Sept. 11th,
18:!2, in Roherda, Hesse Cassel, Germany,
Came to America, with her uncle, Hern
hart Bush, in a sailing vessel when eight
years of age. The ocean voyage was
made in seven weeks, which was great
spent for those early days, but which
now requires often less than seven days.
In July they landed in Baltimore, and
from there they came to Pittsburg by ca
nal boat, and from there overland to Ne
braska, this county, lu a lumber wagon
having on it a hay rack similar to the
bark racU s ol the present day. Soon af
ter arriving here she became a member
of the family of the late A. B. Root, re
maining about a year and then moved
with the larnily of the late Amaza Purdy
to Ross Run, where she remained six
years, and then lived with Mrs. Mo
Bride'a family in Tionesia, where she
met and married Hiram Osgood, Oct. Uh,
1S51, the wedding ceremony taking place
at what is now known as West Hickory,
Wm. Siggins, J. P., officiating.
Hiram Osgood was born on Osgood
Island, near Minister run, July 2S:b,
1S25 They first kept house a' Bearcreek
and in April moved to Buck Mills, where
their first son, George was born, July
4lh, 1S52. Their next place of residence
was at Newtown, where theii second son,
John It., was born, July 15lh, 1854. Re
luming to Minister, then to Bearcreek,
they finally moved to theoldOsg -od farm,
on what was known as "Niggor Hiil."
Here four children were born, namely:
Jane H., Jan. 25, 1S."7 ; William L., Aug.
12, 1S59; Warren B., June 11, 1SIJ2; Yin-
nie, Sept. 8, 18(i5. Iu 1S07 they moved
to what is now the Gust Rhodes farm, on
German Hill, and from this place to the
Andrew Welter farm, where their daugh
ter, Annie, was bom. In IStiS they
movid to the old homestead, where their
youngest son, James Edward, was born,
and where these annual reunions have
been held during the past six years. Hi
ram Osgood died on the old homestead
Jan. 21, 1880.
Cream or llio News.
In a race between a man's will and a
woman's won't the latter invariably
A bat that fits and looks well is one
of the joys of men as well as ladies. Hop
kins hig that kind. See them. It
The cup that cheats is tho noisy pioce
of crockery.
Get yourself fixed out in a nice pair
of shoes from a perfectly fresh stock.
Hopkins has them for men, women and
children. All standard makes. It
When two womeu quarrel many true
words are spoken.
Phone your orders to the White Star
Grocery. They will receive piomptest
and most careful attention. It
When in doubt it is a good plan to
tell the truth.
The Woltex skirt, famous for beauty,
style and wearing qualities, are here
again. A large invoice of them just ro
od ved. Hopkins. It
Inventing lies has cheapened many a
man's reputation.
Daily arrival of fruits, vegetables and
groceries at the Wnile Star, makes stale
gxids an impossibility. When hungry
come here. Wo can fit your appetite to
perfection. It
- Some men convince themselves by
trying to pursuade others.
A nicer line of clothing Is not to be
found anywhere than tnat we have just
received. We can fit you out in style at
a very moderate cost. See if we can't.
Hopkins. it
It U more blessed to give than to re
ceivealso more expensive.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I
Lucus County,
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney fc Co., doing business in the
City ot Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said tirrn will pav the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by tho use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure. .
Sworn to beforo me and subscribed iu
my presence, this (itu day ot December,
A. 1). 1890.
seal. A. W. GLEASOX,
Notary J'ublic.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly ou the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, free.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofoie existing between J. C.
Scowden and Joseph Clark, under the
firm name of Scowden cC Clark, in the
manufacture of Wagons and dealers in
General Hardware, in the Borough of
Tionesta, Pa., was, by mutual consent,
dissolved on the 17th day of August, 1003.
All persons indebted to said firm will
make payment to either of the said par
ties, and those having claims will pre
sent the same fur payment.
Scowden Clark.
Tionesia, Pa., Sept. 5th, 1903. 3t
Seed Wheat For Sale.
Pure, Mealey, seed wheet, yielding 32.6
bushels per acre, $1.15 per bushel, In lots
of even bushels, sacks free, f. o. b. at
Hickory. Recleaned and warranted pure
and free of all cockle, rye, or other im
purities. Sample may be seen at Lanson
Bros. mill. Address, Geo. L. Kino,
st West Hickory, Pa.
Est ray.
Come to the premises of the under
signed, in Kingsley twp., about the first
ot August, two spring calves one a Jer
sey ami one a black and while spotted
call. The owner is hereby notified to
come forward, prove properly, pay
charges and take same away, otherwise
they will be disposed of according to law.
Bknjamin VVeller.
Starr, Forest Co., Pa., Sept. 1, 1903.
Flour 3 sack 1.151.40
Corn meal, feed, $ 100 lb.. i.3()
Corn meal, family, 100 lb 1.50
Chop feed, pure grain 1.35
Corn, shelled .75
Buckwheat Hour, $1 tt .o:j
Beans bushel 3.00
Ham, sugar cured .10
Bacon, sugar cured .10
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, V n .14
Whitetish kit .70
Sugar..: CtyMH
Syrup :T(n) .CO
N. O. Molasses .Xf4 .50
Cofleo, Roast Rio 12J(ul'
Co I loo, blended Java .. .20
Tea .35 .50
Butler .IS
Rice 05(d).(M
Eggs, fresh If.'d .MO
Salf barrel 1.25
Lard .1:
Potatoes, pt bushel .50
Potatoes, sweet, ri H .3
Lime barrel X)1.0t)
Nails keg 2.75
Korethrnat, Heailai he t5 mirnm-m, Tx1ti
hrio 1 1 miMHtei, Cold 8iren.rVIiii!.Pt.f'i
"Colds," Forming Fevers, GRIP,
- 3
in 0111 t I hi it v iriiitiitfK.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Fa
cias, issued out of tho Coui t of Com
mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva
nia, and to 1110 directed, tb'oro will lieex
nostxl to side bv public vendiieoroutcrv.
at the Court House, in the Borough of
1 lonesta. Forest County, Pa., on
at one o'clock p. m. tho following de
scribed real estate, to-wii:
Fieri Facias, No. I September Term,
HKU, (Waivers.) Frauk Eddy, Attor
ney in Fact.
All the right, title, interest and claim
of the defendant of, in and to a certain
two Town Iots (Real Estate) in the
township of Jenks, County of Forest,
State of Pennsylvania, Bounded and de
scribed as follows, lo-wit: On the south
east by C hestnut street, on the smuhwest
by Lot iiuiiiIkt 8, deeded to Sarah A.
Moliuey, on the northwest by an alley,
on the northeast by an alley. Said two
Lots known and numbered in 'be Town
plot of Marienville as Lots number 0 and
12, the same being conveyed by J. D.
Hunt and wife to N, K. Burton bv led
dated December the 14th, A. I). 1874. and
recorded February 2:td, 1877, in Deed
Book No. 11, page 10S.
Taken in execution and sold as the
property of Elmer E. Burton, at the suit
of A. Eddy.
TERMS OK SALE. Tho following
must be strictly complied with when the
property is stricken down :
1. When the pliiintill'or other loin cred
itors become tho purchaser, the costs on
the writs must bo paid, and a list of lions
including mortgage searches on thenron-
eitysold, together with such lien credit
or's receipt for tho "mount of tho pro
ctitis of tho sale or such portion theroof as
be may claim, must bo furnished the
i. All bids must be paid in full.
1. All sales not settled immediately will
bo continued until 2 o'clock p. m., of tho
next day, at which timo nil nronertv not
settled I01 will again bo put up and sold
at tho expense mid risk of the person to
wiiom ursi koio.
Soo Purdon's Digest. NinMi Edition.
pago 440 and Smith's Forms, page 384.
Ur.U. W. MJHL.1 I', Slientl.
Sheriffs Ot'lee. Tionesta. Pa.. Sentem-
her 1, l!HM.
List of causes set down for trial In tho
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
ronnsyivania, commencing on the
Fourth Mondav of September, HK):t:
1. J. E. Beck vs. M.C. Watson, No. 28,
Sept. Term, l'.KH. Motion to open Judg
ment. 2. John Hoover. Lib., vs. Leota Hoover,
Resp., No. 3, Nov. Term, 11HJ1. Divorce,
Issue formed.
3. Jesse D. Dawson, who sues as well
for himself as well ss for the use of the
School District of Harmony Township,
Forest County, Pa., vs. L. R. Shaw, No.
18 May Term, 1002. Summons in As
sumpsit. 4. The City of Corry vs. The County of
forest, A. K. Shipe, Conrad Burhen,
Heury Weingard. County Commission
ers, No. 23, May Term, 1003. Summons
in Assumpsit.
5. I). S. Thompson vs. II. N. Cooper,
ami The Blue Jav Supply Company, No.
14, September Term, 11103. Sheriff's In
terpleader. fi. W. A. Connelly vs. W. Wvman,
Joseph Landers, No. 0, September Term,
lniKl. Summons iu Action of Trespass.
7. Daniel Steiner vs. Geo. L. Carley, C.
W, Amsler. No. 18, September Term,
11HI3. Sheriff's Interpleader.
8. Caroline Dawson Knupp vs. Walter
Rs Dawson, Jesse Dawson, Frances M.
York and Augusta E. Grove. No. 24,
February Term, 11102. Summons in
Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., August 31, 1003.
Whereas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Qnartor Sessions in and for
tho county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court ofCommou Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Torminor and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on the
Fourth Monday of September, being
tho 2Htb day of September, 11K13. No
tice is therefore givon to the Cor
oner, Justices of tho Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they bo then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their office appertain to be done,
and tolhoso whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall he iu tho jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 31st day of
August, A. I). 1003.
GEO. W. NOBLIT, l.s. 8herifT.
of character and good reputation in
each state (one iu this county required)
to represent anil advertise ol'l established
wealthy business houses of solid financial
standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with ex
penses additional, all payable in cash
direct each Wednesday from head offices.
Horse and carriage furnished when nec
essary. References. Enclose self-addressed
envelope. Colonial, 332 Dear-
oorn St., Chicago, s2-4tn
Twenty-one oi our students have taken
good posiiions since May 1st,. We
Pave places at our disposal for all the
stenographer and typewriter operators
that our school can provide for the next
year. Join us and get in line. Write or
c-tll at our office lor detailed informs ion.
Thk Hokf Bitkinkkh Colleoe,
tf Warren, Pa.
THIRTY HEAD bed driv
ing, general business, and
draft horses ever brought
into JtlTerson coudIv. Stay
ing at . Brookville Fair
Grounds until further no
tice. Come quick and get
your choice.
jc ?
A. I .Sl ' 1
The design of these goods
would do credit to the more
expensive woolena.
There is no class of goods
in greater demand during
this sea80D of the year, ami
the early buyers have the
choice ot a large variety of
colorings and patterns.
The Price adds to their popular
ity. G.W.
BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Fiori
Facias issued out of tho Court
of Common Pleas of Forest Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, and to mo direct
ed.tbero will be exposed to sale by public
vendue or outcry at tho factory on the
premises in Tionesta, Pa., on
SATURDAY, SF.PT. 20, A. D. 1003,
at 10:00 o'clock a. in., tho following des
cribed real estate, to-wit :
PANY, Fieri Facias, No. 12, Sept.
Term, 1003, ( Vaivers).-T. F. Ritchey,
cias, No. 13, Sept. Term, 1003. (Waiv
ers). T. F. Ritchey, Attorney.
All defendants right, tills, interest and
claim of, in and to all that certain pb'tor
parcel nf land situated in Tionesta Bor
ough, Forest Co., Pa., bounded and des
cribed as follows : Beginning at a posi
being the southwest corner of the Colo
man lot on Allegheny River street;
thence easterly along the Coleman line,
the entire length thereof and continuing
in same direction to a post, almut 75 feet
from the southeast corner of said Coleman
lot; thence southerly about 180 feet to a
poRt; thence westerly on a line parallol
to the In e of said Coleman lot, and 20 feet
south of the southern wall of the south
factory building, about 517 feet, to a post
on saiil Riverstreet ; and thence northerly
along said River streetabotil 180 feet to the
place of beginning; being a lot about 517
leet by 180 feet. Same lot conveyed to Tio
nesta Mantel Manufacturing Co.,bv deed
recorded in Forest Co. Deed Book No. 31,
pago 124.
On which Is erected two framebuildings
50x100 feet each, 2) stories biubj one
brick, 1-story boiler house, 20x24 feet;
one frame dry kiln. 40x54 feet ; one board
shed barn, about 10x20 feet ; one board oil
house, 12x18 foot, one story; including
one 35 horse pr.wer gas engine, one 00
horse power boiler; one dynamo engine,
planer, moulding machine, grinder, bund
saw, and table,. one rip saw ami table,
combination rip anil cut-ofi saws, t o
swing saws, one spindle sander, one 42
inch sander, two boring machines, two
turning lathes, and all belts, shafting,
connections, machinery and fixtures,
used as a mantel manufactory, complete.
Taken In execution and to be sold as
the property ot the Tionesta Mantel Man
ufacturing Company at tl e suit of the
Citizens' National Bank of Tionesta, Pa.,
and the Forest County National Bank.
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must lie strictly complied with when the
pioperty is stricken down ;
1. Wheu the plaintiff or other lien cred
itors become the purchaser, the costs on
tho writs must be paid, and a list of liens
including mortgage searches on the prop-
rty sold, together with such lien credi
tor's receipt for the amount of the pro
ceeds of the sale or such portion thereof
as he may claim, must be furnished the
2. All bids must bo paid in full.
3. All sales not. settled immediately
will be continued until 2 o'clock p. 111.,
of the next day, at which time all proper
ty not settled for will agiin be put up
and sold at the expense and risk of the
the person to whom first sold.
See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition,
page 440, and Smith's Forms, page 381.
Sheriff's Olllce, Tionesta, Pa., Sept. 7,
GEO. W. NOBLIT, Sheriff.
Divorce Xolli-e.
Verna Ross, fio. 19, Feb. Term,
Libelant, I loo.'l,
vs. PI u res
Milo Ros, I Subpena
Respondent. J in Divorce.
The Commonwealth vf Pennsylvania to
the .Sheriff 0 said Counly, VHEETIS'C! :
Whereas, Verna Ross did, on the 17lh
day of January, 1003, prefer her petition
to our said Judges of the said Court of
Common Plas for said County, praying
for the causes therin set forth, that she
might be diverced from the bonds of mat
rimony entered into with you, Milo
We, therfore, command you, the said
Milo Ross, that, setting aside all other
business and excuses whatsoever, you be
and Appear In your proper person before
our Judges at Tionesta, st aCourtofCom-
mon Pleas there to be heid for the Coun
ty of Forest on the 4th Monday of Sep
tember, 1003, to answer the petition or
libel of the said Verna Ross, and to show
causo, If any you have, why the said
verna koss your wife, should not lie
divorced from tho bonds of matrimony,
agreeably to tho Acts of Assembly in such
case made and provided. Herein fail not.
witness I lie Hon. w. M. Lindsey,
President of our said Court, at Tionesta,
the5lh day of August, lOO'i.
J. C. Gkint, Prothonotary.
To Milo Hons :
You are hereby notified to appear be
fore the Honorable Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas, at Tionesta, Pa., on the
fourth Mcynlay of September next, io
answer as set forth in above suppoena.
Geo. W. Nont.lT, SherilL
August 11, 1003.
Wanted-An Idea
Who thins
of tome simple
rn-i ytur iti.-iw.; hi-t ttirt nriDlf yrill WPnlin.
Wrlw JOHN WMDKKHfKN :o., FaU-nt Alter
ne, WaKhlnxuin, D. c. their prlie offer
and list ot two hundred InreuUuua wutnl.
. f A ' Y1
toko luaxauve uromo quinine Tablets.?
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. ThiS sfenaturp v&
1 Something;
There is "something doing at this popular store these
waimdays. Low Prices is the disturbing element and
the effect it is having on our stock of fciuuiruer Gotd,
is no lesj than marvelous. We do not wait for the ad
vent of cold weather before we reduce the prices, but do
it Itlght Xow in the Hot .Season, wheu such
goods will be of Real Beuefit to You. All our lioe of
beautiful Lawns, Batistes Organzines, Mulls, Silk Mus
litis, Dimities, Ac, &o , have been
to almost
can have uo more room here, they're yours for almost the
tiiijk i oiuii:k run 1:.
It will pay you to Hep in and lake a peep.
A. Watnk Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearhaugh,
N.P.Wheeler, T. F. Ritchey. J.T.Dale, J. II. Kelly.
Collections remittodTor on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits couslstout with conservative b king. Interest piid on time
deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been tiled in my olllce
and will be presented at the next term of
Court for confirmation :
Partial accounto' L.D. Bowman, Guard
ian of Frank A. and Norman D. T. Zahn
iser, minor children of U. S. Znhnisor,
late ot Tioneta township, Forest counly,
Ph., deceased.
final account of S. T. Beck with, Ex
ecutor ot me estate ol W, v. Alsbaugh,
late ofGroon township, Forest county,
Pa., deceased.
First and partial account of James El
liott, Administrator of tho estate of
Matthew Elliott, late of Harmony town
ship, Forest county, Pa., deceased.
Clork of Orphans' Court.
Tionesta, Pa., September 1, 1003.
Administratrix Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned in the estate
of Agues Steele, late of Bartiett town
ship, deceased, all persons indebted will
make immediate payment, and those
having claims to present Ihn same wilb
out delay, to
Clarington. Pa., July U, 1003. 4t
have been sold since 1853. Their
reputation has gone all nround
the world. The merits of the
have created the largest Watch
Case factory on the glo!e, now
making 5000 cases daily. This
trade-mark in a Watch Case
identifies "the best there is."
We sell the Jas. Boss case in
knowledge of its superiority.
We can put any kind
of movement you want
but recommend our
snpeial make of
movements. For finish,
strength, quality and
time, they can't be beat.
Man VEvFmvZt
Good Stix'k, Good Carriages and Bug
jries to let upon the most reiisoniible terms.
He will also do
All orders left at the Post Olllce wil
receive prompt attention.
To Cure a Cold in One Day 5
Bomsr Here
Wm. Smkarbauoh,
Vice Presiden
To Take Etfoct July (ith, 1003.
NORTH I Eastern Time
3 11'
7 on
Leave Arrive
p. m
6 50
ti 30
0 20
(t 15
0 00
5 60
5 40
5 30
5 25
5 20
5 10
4 5)
1 40
4 25
4 15
p. in
Ross Itu 11
Newtown Mills
Buck Mills
May burg
M mister
Blue Jay
Henry's Mill
Arrive Leave
7 30'
7 401
7 45
8 (10
1 4.
1 00
12 45,
1 55 8 15
2 05 8 25'
2 'M 8 40
2 'J5 8 4.".;
2 iW H 5H
2 40 0 0(1
2 55 ! 15
S 10 0 30
3 25 ! 60
3 45 1000
p. 111 a. 111
12 3
12 10
12 05
11 55
11 40
11 (HI
10 40
10 30i
a. m.
T. D. COLLINS, President.
Taking effect. June 1st, 1003.
No. 30 Buffalo Expross, dally
except Sunday H07: a. m.
No. 32 Oil City and Pittsburg
Exrress.daily.except 8undav..7:17 p.m.
No. 0:.W Oil City Aocom.,Sun-"
day only. 0:50 a.m.
No. 11:32 Oil City Accom., Sun
day only 8:27 p.m.
For Hickory, Tidioulo.Warren.Kinzua,
Bradford, Olean and tho East:
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
except Sunday 8:51 a. 111.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:45 p.m.
No. 0,33, Irvinetou Accom.,
Sunday only, 2:45 p.m.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Passenger Trallic Mgr.
GEO. H. BOYD, Gen l PasMenger Agt.
Feed & Sale
Fino Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear or Hold Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
lll4ll.Vr:KN ENUI.INII In Krd .,.d
nlfl in.'ti.IlK: Ikixc, will, blue rihbmi.
I nkr n oll.rr. Ilrfn,r clniiu-troua ulnli.
union. nnl i.nili.iii.n.. Iluvof .,.ir lunuu-i-u
r wil.) Ic. In vi.i.iiim l.,r farl.rnlnr. Tni.
nimiinU . Hrllrr for l.n.l. In ini.r,
lv return Hail. lu.OUU Tl-miuhjiimU. boliltiy
all lirui-ijHts.
B1O0 Aladiaam SKinmrp. I'll I LA, FA.
Scillo. tklt Mm
p? &
on every
rrrnri dox. 25c