The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 26, 1903, Image 4

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Copvrighl, I9ns, by T. C. ifcCltirt
"Tli chief wnut to iw you, Inopoct
or Grantham," aald a nipjwoncor com
Itur Into the room at New Sootland
I wont at one to the chlof atiperln
tondent'a oflW and vrnn iwelved by my
8iiorlor otllcvr with a friendly nod.
"Good nfw for yon, ; rant ham." ho
nald. "Souip one linn fairly glvon Bra
dy away. Hoad that letter and look
at that photo.
The letter was undated and unsljroed.
It wna In these words:
Brady, the bank nnta forger. Intend! to
break cover thin afternoon and make a
bolt for the States. Me will leave Euaton
for Liverpool by the t:30 corridor expreaa.
accompanied by hla female accomplice,
named Daisy Gllhart. Hrady la certain
to be disguised. The writer, however. In
closea a photograph of Imlsy Ullbart,
who. not being aa yet known to the po
lice, may possibly travel In propria per
sona. The nhotoprnph was that of a bold,
Mtiey eyed young womnn with n profu
sion of light hair and very showily at
tired In evening dress. A mark on tBe
nock attracted my attention.
"One would have thought that a wo
nuin of that tyH would have got the
photographer to retouch the mark out
of the picture," I said. "What do yon
make of it all. slr-a split In the camp?"
"The chan"ea are that Jealousy of
this iersoii Gilbnrt prompted the In
formation." I could not gninsay the chiefs view.
In nine cases out of ten the anonymous
letters that load to the capture of Ini
portunt criminals are due to feminine
spite. And yet there was the chance
that the friendly letter might tm a
The warrant for Joe Ilrndy hud been
in my hands for six weeks. The only
credit 1 could so far take wns that my
pursuit had boon so keen that he had
not dared to come out Into the open
and make a bolt for it.
I glanced nt the clock. It wns nonr
ly 3 o'clock, and I had two hours and
a half V make arrangements for the
capture. I mentioned the names of the
plain clothes men whom I desired to
siipKirt me and took my departure.
So it was that at 5 o'clock I drove up
In a hansom to the terminus, carefully
dressed In the gnrments of a bishop
and with my face altered from all sem
blance to the original. To be In keep
ing with my assumed character In the
probable event of Hrady having con
federates on the watch, I went Into the
iKtoklng otllce unit took n llrst class
ticket for Liverpool, after which I
strolled out on to the platform just aa
the train of vestibule cars was backing
into position.
Early as It wns, my two suliordinates
had by my direction preceded ine to the
station, though they were not to openly
communicate with me till the supreme
moment. One of them, a smart young
sergeant named I'arker, who wa got
up as a blue Jacket, contrived to wills
jkt In my ear as I stood at the book
stall: "The girl Is here, apparently alone.
Cnme ten minutes ngo. Took two first
to Liverpool. Now In the ladles' wait
ing room."
Parker and his colleague had of
course had a sight of the photograph.
Ills Information was welcome, as prov
ing that at any rate the letter received
at the yard had some foundation and
was not, as I had half feared, a prao
tlcol Joke designed to lead us on a wild
goose chase.
I sat down on a bench opposite the
dining car to awnlt developments. A
bishop Is a common object nowadays,
and my laced hat and gaiters attracted
but little attention. I was able to look
over the top of the Church Times, which
I had purchased, and so watch the ar
rival of passengers. A score of ieople
had taken their seats In the dining car,
but not one of them, allowing for the
most elalwrate disguise, could I Identi
fy as Joe Hrady. They were mostly
unmistakable Americans returning to
their native land In parties of threes
and fours.
Suddenly an Incident occurred which
nt the time caused me some uneasi
ness. Sergeant Tarker's voice reached
me, raised in tones of expostulation.
"No, I don't want a drink, mate, and
by the same token you seem to have
had a full dose already," he was say
ing. A little way along the platform my
assistant had been accosted by a hulf
tipsy blue Jacket, who was trying to
pull him Into the buffet. The sailor's
cap proclaimed that he belonged to the
same ship as that which Tarker's dis
guise denoted, the Majestic. To my re
lief, the man seemed to lo too muddled
to perceive that the sergeant lriv no
ihlpninte of his, but staggered off, drop
ping his bundle once or twice, to the
front of the train.
The sailor had hardly disappeared
when the original of the photograph
dime out of the wultlng room and
crossed the platform to the dining car.
She was wealing a well cut serge cos
tume and had made no attempt at dis
guise, even the mark on her neck being
distinctly visible ahove the collar of
her dress.
Rut where was the redoubtable Bra
dy? It was 5:25 now, and there were
no signs of Miss or Mrs. Daisy Gil
bart's Intended traveling companion.
The same question wns plainly begin
ning to agitate the lady. She quitted
the seat which she hud secured and
stood on the platform of the cur gazing
anxiously toward the entrance from
the booking office.
The warning bell rang. I decided
on no account to lose sight f the fair
l)aisy. If the person she was expect
" Afford better opportunities for capable, ambitious, energetic
young people than any other department ot human activity. The
Rochaator Bualnaaa Institute ha a national reputation
, (ur thorough work, and ill graduate are in constant demand.
Xtanv limM ffiirtn th tfif vmp the mimtrm m? r.. .-n
. 1 . . . . t M '
fy VyJ A MV to applicant!
Take laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. K. W. Grove's signature Is on
each box. 25c. 1-14-ly
rW alout your stock of Stationery T
iooit u up, men call and see us.
ing did not come and she went oft In
the train I would go too. If she got
out and abaudom-d her journey I and
my assistant would shadow her wher
ever she went.
Contriving a word with Parker. I
hastily sketched my Intentions and
bade him go forward to the third diss
carriages. Into one of which he was to
Jump ot the Inst minute If lie saw me
board the dining car.
A moment later I had taken my seat
In the car, for GUbart, after one last
distracted gare to the station entrance.
had decided lo pursue li'- Journey. As
the train gathered anted 1 settled down
to the task of watching for signs of
her fratenilr.lng with one of the other
passengers, but nothing of the sort oc
curred. She sat looking out of the
window, and presently a tear stole
down her cheek only one, but a genu
ine tear.
Moved by a sudden Impulse, I
changed my sent and took the place
opposite to her at the white dracd ta
ble. My episcopal garb warranted, I
thought, the proffer of consolation. In
the course of which the puniing proc
ess might Im administered.
Illumine, then, my astonishment when
my overtures were received with:
"What's the use of talking like that?
Vo'i're the 'fee that's after Joe Itrady.
ain't yon?"
A denial would certainly not have
lcen lielleved. so I uoddod ndml.tsion.
"You've had your trouble for nothing.
I'm afraid. He must hove got wind of
that letter and kept out of the way."
"The letter:" I exclaimed In bewilder
ment. "I wrote It myself," replied the girl.
"I wanted htm caught, you see. Don't
ask why; It's a woman's reason. Hut
he's too cunning for me, and now I sup
pose he'll kill me some time."
The Ice liolng broken, she poured
forth a flood of recriminations against
her late associate, affirming that she
had no idea of his true character and
giving me the address of his hiding
place In Hattcrscn.
"We don't stop till Crewe, but you'd
bettor wire to your people from there
to arrest him. or at any rate shadow
him till you get back," she advised.
I had already decided to do so. but I
was still not quite satisfied. Why had
she gone on In the trnln after finding
that her communication to the iKilioe
had been abortive?
I lor home wus in New York, she said,
and, having her passage ticket taken,
she wished to use It and cut herself
adrift from evil associates. So the
train ruslnd northward, the other pas
sengers In the car soon ceasing to be
.unused by the friendship struck up lxv
tweeu the elderly bishop and the soli
tary traveler.
At last the train ran Into Crewe sta
tion, and (is I rose she put out her well
gloved hnnd. "(Joodliy, Mr. Grantham.
I do hope you'll catch him." she said.
"My life won't be safe till he's under
lock and key."
"Hut this Is not goodby. I am only
going to send off the wire," I said. "I
am going on with you to Liverpool to
see you safe on board the steamer."
It wns a chance shot, but It went
home. She turned ashy pule, and I
knew that she had been working with
the object of getting rid of me nt
Crewe. Hut whore wns Hrndy?
The question was answered by Daisy
Gllbart herself In the anguished cry of
"My father! Oh, my father!" Follow
ing her gaze to the platform, I saw
outside the cur window two sailors of
the Majestic with linked arms. One of
them wns handcuffed.
"I've got him, sir," said Tarker. "By
luck I traveled down in the snine com
purtment und laid u few conversntioual
traps for him. He had neglected to
suiliclently post himself In detail
about our One old craft. I smelt a rat
before we'd gone twenty miles."
"Pnlsy Gilbnrt" wns Indeed Brady's
(laughter, and I could not help being
sorry for her. She hnd made a bold
hid to hoodwink us by concentrating
the attention of our combined forces on
the dining enr while her fnther traveled
In another part of the train, but she
hardly allowed for the caution of nn
experienced otlioer.
The Sen of Sahara.
French engineers have declared thnt
It Is jHTfectly feasible to convert the
desert of Sahara Into a vast luke, thus
opening to commerce great regions of
the Ulterior of Africa which can now
only be reached by long, tedious and
dangerous caravan Journeys. They say
that a large portion of the desert lies
below the level of the Atlantic and that
by digging a canal to let In t'.ie waters
of the ocean the groat change could be
effected easily and at a cost which
would be small compared to the bone
fits which would accrue. If (he whole
desert lay lielow the level of the Atlan
tic the flooding of it would create a sea
more than four times as big as the Med
iterranean; but, as the Sahara Is com
posed of elevated plateaus, mountain
ranges and depressions, only a part
would be covered with water when the
waves of the ocean were let in, and the
new sea thus formed would he nn Ir
regular IkkI)- of water probably of
about the same size us the Mediterra
nean. Great commercial cities would
at once spring up on its shores nnd
trade and civilization strike at once to
the heart of Africa. Tlie sea of Snhnrn
may never become n reality, but In any
event It Is a gigantic und pleasing
Killed by Fear.
rrederlclt I. of Prussia wns killed by
fear. Ills wife was Insane, and one
day she escaped from her keeper and.
dubbing her clothes with blood, rushed
Uikhi her husband while he was dozing
In his chair. King Frederick Imagined
her to be the White I.ndy, whose ghost
wns U-lleved to Invariably appear when
ever the death of a member of the roy
al family was to occur, and he was
thrown Into a fever and died In six
fur young men and women to fill gen.ecl, remun
erative positions: " Nobody to send the supply is exhausted.'
Catalogue free. Rochester, N. Y,
i rRANKLIN Always twoTMiwa
amy aoov tut coma so m. ill
It Was la I'ae la flabylon Thlrtr-sl
Oalirlri Ao.
The term eero, which is used to desig
nate a cipher ami In meteorology the
entire absence of heat In the atuiov
pliere, was, according to a mathematic
al historian, Moritz Cantor, used by the
Babylonians nlxmt the year 17m it. C.
This, however. Is merely a supposition.
It has not lieen definitely established
that zero was In use nny earlier than
4X1 A. D. Alsiut this time It was used
In India, and several centuries later the
Arabs tiegan to employ it. Through
the Aroint Its use I -came known to Eu
ropeans during the twelfth century. It
was not generally adopted In Kumpe
until several centuries later, notwith
standing Its great advantages. For a
considerable time there were two pur
ties among the Kiiropeiin educators.
One party, known as the algorlsts, fa
vored the adoption of the Hindoo sys
tem of notntlon (falsely called Arabic),
wltli Its tosltion values, while the other,
known ns the abaclsts, favored the Ilo
m an notation, without zero or position
The general adoption of the Hindoo
system wns greatly facilitated by the
facts that It wns explained In most of
the calendars for more than a century,
lH'gliinlng with l.T), and thnt the me-dl.v-val
universities frequently offered
courses devoted to the use of this nota
tion. Chicago Tribune.
Aa American Waterlin,
Wellington at Waterloo and Meade
at Gettysburg each hold the highlands
against his antagonist. Wellington on
Mont Saint Jean and Meade on Ceme
tery Bldge had the blrdseye view of
the forces of attack. The Knglish bat
teries on the plateau and the t'nlnn
batteries on Cemetery Heights com
manded alike the Intervening undula
tions across which the charging col
umns must advance. Behind Mont
Saint Jean, to conceal Wellington's
movements from Napoleon's eyes, were
the woodlands of Solgnes. Behind
Cemetery Bldge, to conceal Meade's
movements from the Held glasses of
Loc, was a Miarp declivity, n protecting
and helpful depression. As the French
under Napoleon at Waterloo, so the
Confederates under Ico at Gettysburg
hold the weaker position. In lioth coses
the assailants sought to expel their op
ponents from the stronger lines. I
might odd another resemblance In the
results which followed. V.'aleiloo de
creed the destiny of France, of Eng
land, of Europe. Gettysburg, not so di
rectly or Immediately, but practically,
decided the fate of the Confederacy.
Generol John B. Gordon In Scrlbner's.
l.nitlea Who Wore Knlrea.
In early English days knives were
worn by Englishwomen In Imitation of
tlie nnelace, n dagger carried nt the
girdle. Chaucer speaks of them in the
prologue to his "Canterbury Tales:"
Hlr knives were y-chaped not with brass,
lint nil with silver wrought, full clean and
In Ross church, Herefordshire, Is a
monument to a hidy of the Huddle fam
ily, temp. Henry YIIL, who wears a
purse and a knife. Brand tolls us that
knives were formerly part of the ae
couternients of n bride. In a play,
temp. "Edward III.," occurs the pas
Here by my aide do hang my wedding
knives. In the "Arclwologln" Mr. Douce, the
antiquary, wrote a paper on this prac
tice of wearing knives by European,
ladles in the sixteenth century, and an
engraving shows a seclmcu of a case
of these wedding knives, dated 1(110,
which an1 desorllcd as having amber
handles and cases of purple velvet em
broidered with gold.
Some I'rsmr Animals.
A species of dwnrf elephant used to
live on the Island of Malta and In vari
ous parts of Italy. Judging from the
bones which remain, these animals,
about the size of n Inrge sheep, were
somowhnt numerous. A dwnrf elephant
Is n rarity now nnd no longer forms a
distinct species, but Is considered rath
er a freak.
A very beautiful species of pygmy
doer Is found on the Snnda Islands.
These little creatures are not much lar
ger than a cat, but hove all the points
of a "well bred" deer.
Among horses Shetland ponies are
the pygmies. The ordinary musk of
central Africa Is a pygmy, or dwarf, of
only iiliout twenty Inches hi height at
the shoulder nnd three feet In length.
Maklaaj Sore of lllm.
"I think," said the thoughtful moth
er, "that you ought to object to young
Brown paying bo much attention to
our daughter."
"Why?" demnnded the thoughtless
fnther. "He Impresses me very favor
ably." "That's Just It," returned the thought
ful mother. "We must do something to
make his ambitious mother think we
regard ourselves a little above them so
cially if we nre to make sure of him."
A Hint to Co.
"I have something to tell you before
I go," he fkuilly said.
"Is It a long story T she hastily
"No; It Is a very short one."
"Then I think you will Just have
time," she sweetly snld. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Her References.
"I don't like these references," said
the housewife.
"Well, mum," returned the applicant
for a position, "I didn't write 'em, so it
ain't my fault, if you don't like 'em
Jest you go to the people as gave 'em to
me an' toll 'eiu so." Chicago Post.
A Ueflaltioa.
'Ta, what is a fray?"
"Why, my son. thnt is what a person
who has never been In a fight calls
it" Puck.
n.l. fitil a I..- 1 . .. I
--., j m i Hiiivrnin una Jtnr
irom e.rie,.i a J my :jit to August 13th
good until October 15th. Fine Strong
Vincent Post special rarty Monday, Au
gust 10tb. Write at once for illustrated
itinerary to II. C. Allen, C. P. t T. A.,
Nickel Plate Koad, Erie, Pa. A-M-ali
Grow strong and well after us
ery pleasant to tuke. Contains
calomel. Never fails. Wnrmu nn.
mistaken for indigestion am oiler
teases. He sure to get Thouinsou't
glass bottles. Druggists, 23 cents
The FUk'i Capacity For L-earalaa; la
Palafally Contracted.
Most fishes seek their food by sight,
says Professor Edmund Clark Sanford
In the Internntionnl Quarterly, and
these do not usually notice It by nny
other sense. But those that are accus
tomed to find It by smell seldom pay
any attention to It when they merely
see It
Catfish deiM'iid principally on the
sense of taste, mid they seem to taste
all over, not only in the mouth, but by
the outer skin as far buck as the tall
It Is uncertain whether fishes can feel
win or not. There Is a good deal of
evidence to show that they cannot.
A fish thnt hns lost Its sight may
learn to avoid an obstacle after swim
ming against It a single time, but fishes
that enn see will Jump against the plate
glass wall of an aquarium day after
day, sometimes for a year, In the effort
to catch things outside.
The elements of consciousness In the
mind of a fish foot up a total "equiva
lent, perhaps, to the lowest idiocy when
measured by human standards." It Is
possible that the fish's capacity for
learning Is "altout on a level with that
of a man in deep sleep or preoccupa
tllrda That Exercise Insrenalty.
Birds building on high trees are not
so wary alsiut the concealment of their
nests ns hedge builders and those that
seek the springing corn or grass lnnd
for the shelter of their homos, trusting
to the loftiness of situation for secu
rity. A nest placed uion the ground
Is In constant danger of exposure. A
browsing animal might destroy It
Then the scythe with one sweep occa
sionally lays bare one or more nests,
thereby endangering the eggs or callow
nestlings. This renders the pnrent
birds very wury nnd onuses them to
practice grent Ingenuity In their ef
forts to protect tlie young birds.
The skylark hns been known to carry
Its egg or offspring to n place of safety
after an exiwisure of the nest, and It
has been sold Its long hind claw the
use of which has puzzled many natu
ralists Is specially adapted by nuture
for more easily grasping and transport
ing Its treasures from the source of
danger. When the young birds are
too bulky to be thus removed the par
ent bird carries: them on Its back,
though this mode of removal Is a some
what dinicult one. London Tit-Bits. .
Jefferson nnd the I'ntent Office.
The first patron of our pntent system
was Thomas Jefferson, who during
throe years gave his personal nttentlon
to every application for n pntent. He
used to call the secretary of war and
the attorney general to examine nnd
scrutinize with lilm, nnd they did It so
thoroughly that In one year the first
they granted only three patents. The
very first patent of oil wns given to
Samuel Hopkins in 17U0 for pearl ash
es. Mr. Jefferson held that the patent
system was not one for creating rev
enue, but for encouraging n production
of that which Is to be of benefit to the
whole itcople. In the first twelve years
a single clerk In the state department
nnd a few pigeonholes were all that
the business of the office required.
Then a Dr. Thornton took charge of It
and devoted himself to it as to n hobby.
Spldera Like Mnalc.
A violinist says spiders ore notori
ously nnd historically fond of music.
At one of Ills performances the concert
hall wns mnde disagreeable by a sud
den Invasion of spiders, which were
drawn by his violin out from the
cracks and crannies of the ancient
building. They crawled about the floor
nnd on to the stage, and he could see
the annoyed audience stamping on the
Insects. The writer adds that hi; hns
known a small garden snake to he at
tracted by piano playing and a young
coif to whisk his tall and prance olwut
most gleefully nt the first notes of a
French horn. Ills neck would curve
about proudly, his hoofs tread lightly
and his ears wag Joyously when the
tooting began, and he never quieted
down till the music ceased.
Peenllnr I'rlTllostea.
The speaker of the house of commons
has several peculiar privileges. Every
year he receives a gift from the master
of the buckhouiids of a buck and doe
killed In the royal preserves. This cus
tom goes buck so for that there Is no
record of It Lotcr In the year the
speaker receives another tribute from a
different source. The donors on the
second occnslon nre the Cloth Workers'
company of Iondon, who send to the
speaker of the house of commons nnd
to several of his majesty's ministers a
generous width of th" ty-st broadcloth
to be found In England.
Her Aodlenoe.
"How nre you getting on wllb your
music, my dnr?" Inquired a Indy of
her niece.
"Well, of course," replied the niece
diffidently, "It wouldn't lie proper of
me to compliment myself, but some of
the neighbors have told me they have
Kay ed awoke nt night for hours listen
ing to my playing."
The Halo Suited Him.
The new Ismrder had Is'en three
weeks In the house. "It Is usual," said
the landlady, with grout delicacy, "for
my lswders to pay os they go."
"Oh, that's nil right." he replied af
fably. "I'm not going for a long time."
Rounded I.Ike It,
"What Is that piece you nre playing?
Is It by Wagner?"
"No; the piano la out of tunc."
Brooklyn Times.
AVlth the Persians the writing of
poetry and licautlful and witty say
ings Is described as the "threading of
is the New and Better Breakfast
Food, bo different from all othera
that it pleases eveybody. Get a
package to-day at your grocers,
tut Gaums Pub Toon Co., Ls Ror, N. TU
Coarage With Which a VoniiRT aval
Oflleer Greeted Death.
"Speaking of heroism," said a navy
officer at his club a few evenings ago,
"It Is rare thnt such an example Is seen
as that of Ilynson, who was a passed
midshipman nt Vent Cruz In lp. It
was really more than a bit of heroism;
It was fortitude, passive courage, that
confronted a peculiar danger, a self
sacrifice. Unit was most conspicuous.
"Our fleet wns o.T the harlsir on
blockade duty when one day a Spanish
merchant vessel managed to slip In
without lolng discovered. Ilynson con
ceived the Idea of capturing the vessel
by a night attack, ami he succeeded In
doing so. Hut as he could not take the
vessel out of harbor, for the reason
tliot she was under the. close range
of the enemy's guns, Ilynson set fire
to the vessel. In doing so he burned
lxitli his onus so badly that he carried
them In slings for several days. While
In this disabled condition a terrific
squall came up and played havoc with
several of our little vessels, and the one
on which Ilynson was serving was cap
sized. Ilynson ami one of the other of
ficers managed to get hold of a floating
spnr, but os it was not sufficient to
keep them both afloat Ilynson let go
his hold and In n few moments sunk to
his death." New York Tribune.
Weight of a Gron-ln- Child.
The weight of a growing child ls the
most Important Index to Its general
health. The standard of weight for
growing children, that usnally given
by authorities In the matter. Is thnt at
five yenrs of nge a child should weigh
about ns many pounds ns it Is Inches
high. As a rule, this will not lie much
over or under forty pounds. Children
who come of large parents should
weigh something more than thnt. The
rate of Incrense should be alsiut two
pounds for every Inch of growth, with
a tendency for the weight to exceed
this standard proportionately rather
than to fall Ih1ow it. When a child ls
rather heavier In proportion to its
height than this standard It ls a sign
of good health. If the child ls growing
rapidly It should not be allowed to fall
much below It without lsMng mode to
rest more than has been the custom be
fore. A deficiency of weight In propor
tion to height is a I ways nn unfavorable
sign. Any Interruption In the progress
of increase of weight, especially dur
ing the continuance of growth, must
be n danger signal that should not be
neglected by those Interested In the pa
tient. Why He Onlr Ate the Yolks.
An American woman traveling in
England stopped one day nt n little
country house. Chnttlng with the vis
itor, the woman of the house told of
her difficulty in getting nlong and of an
experience she hnd had with n boarder.
"The first morning this man stopped
here," she snld, "he Is'gan to ent boiled
eggs very greedily. Egg nfter egg he
ate three, four, five, six nnd It was
only the yolk of them that he swal
lowed; the white he didn't bother with
nt all.
"When he dug his spoon Into tlie sev
enth egg my temper got the better of
me, und I said in a seven tone:
" 'Don't you ever eat the white of the
egg, sir?'
"'Surely not, my woman,' he an
swered. 'The yolk Is the bird; the white
is the feathers. Would you have me
make a bolster of myself?' "
Where It Alwnj Italna.
There is a group of islands to the
south of New Zealand called the Sis
ters, or Seven Sisters, which ore re
puted to be subjected to a practically
constant rainfall. The same may be
sold of the islands and mainland of Ti
erra del Fuego, save for the differ
ence that the rain often takes the form
of sleet and snow. On u line running
round the world from 4 degrees to 8 or
0 degrees there nre patches over which
rain seldom censes to fall. This Is
called the "zone of constant precipita
tion," but at Ihe some time there are
several localities along with it with
very little rainfall.
Lightning Praukn.
"The most benutlful display of light
ning or atmospheric electric currents
which it was my good fortune to wit
ness," soys a resident of Quebec, "was
out on the Beauport flats, near Quebec,
when two electrically laden clouds, as
though two trees, their hoods toward
each other and their longer branches
Interwoven, kept on for more than ton
minutes, interchanging horizontal flash
es of beautifully colored fire, not one
of which ever readied the earth, while
occasionally a flash would shoot up
ward ns If toward some cloud In that
An Experiment.
"You see," sold Corntossel, "a phre
nologist once told us that our boy Josh
hod a remarkable head."
"So you sent him to college?"
"Yes. Now we're waiting to see
whether his head Is goln' to turn out to
be a congenial residence fur brains or
Jos' a garden fur football hair.
Washington Star.
Her Method.
Stella So Rhe married him to reform
him? How did she begin?
Bella By spending o lot of money.
You know bow hard It Is for a rich
man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Harper's Bazar.
A fnnae For Worry.
A inon may go along fur fifty yenrs
an' not be worried much about do here
after, but do niliiit do burlier finds a
bald spot on h'.s head he's got a burden
to carry fur do rest of his days. De
troit Free Press.
The son of the self made man gen
erally begins at the top and works
downward. Chicago Uecord-Herald.
Twenty-one ol our students have taken
good positions since May 1st,, We
bave places at our disposal tor all the
stenographers and typewriter operators
that our school can provide for the next
year. Join us and get in line. Write or
call at our otllce tor detailed Informs ion.
tf Warren, Pa.
Only 85S.75 to Cnlir.iniltt nnd llnck.
from Erie, Pa., July 31t to August 13th,
good until October 15th. Fine Strong
Vincent Post special party Monday, Au
gust loth. Write at once for illiiHtrated
itinerary to II. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A.
Nickel Plate Koad, Erie, Pa, A-6:(-a5
Wbeo you need a Range or Cooking Stove consult your home deal
er. Then if it is not as repreeuteJ you know it will be mads right.
Besides you will
'-i .'5. S- ' ' CEMENT PAUBEV- IJ
Sti $' pSl
I festal? - te"& H
real f&Jl i
Get our prices and see it' this ia not an absolute fact.
County Phone 22. TIONESTA, PA.
Opium. Lcudanum, Cocatao and a!l ErEig Halb.ts
permanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving no craving
ior arugs or oiner sumuianis. we restore ine nervou3 ana pnysical systems to
their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease. A home remedy
prepared by an eminent physician.
Confidential correspondence, especially with physicians, solicited. Write today.
fiiatiaiaitan Therapeutic Association
Dept. A 1 13S Broa ay, New York City
lias Stood ihe Test for Over 35 Years.
Is noted for its simplicity of construction, beauty of proportion, excellence
of workmanship, faultless balance, and Hard Shooting (lunlitifis.
Experience and ability have placed the Parlgr Gun in an enviable and
well deserved position as the Best Gun in the world. Made by the old
est shot gun manufacturers io America. Over. 110,000 of these (jurs iu use.
New York Salesroom. hihI fur
32 WARREN ST. CainliiKiin
Fred. Grottonborgor
All work tiertainiiift to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well TooIh, Gas or Water Fit
Lingsand General Mlacksinithing prompt
ly done at I,ow Kates. Repairing ill
Machinery given special attention, and
aatisi'action guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Jos M. Mavm
ItepairM ISoilcr, Mills
Tanks, Agitator. ISuy
and Nellsj Neeoud - hand
Hollers VAv.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End ofRuBpei'sion Bndae,
Third ward, OIL CITY, 1A.
ucwiu ui piiuspnatiL. ciemen i s, dissolved
uixameu irum uicap wneai, soaKea
until machines give shape. Remember
Is the whole wheat breakfast food
andlts hih quality e.innot be overcome.
cecause wnen you buy Wheatlet you are
assured of an the best part of choicest seed ft(
i' phosphates are lost for your better health
Your grocer can supply you.
The genuine made only by
The Franklin Mills Company, H
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of some Blmple
thin. t.. t
l.r ".7"ur npy mar nrluif yul wealth.
Wrlw JOlIM WKbbKKUUHN A CO.. Vati-nt Altnp
Beya. Wwihlnitton, I), thi-lr prlso offer
and tut of (no buadraj luTentloua wauUxl.
Clock Repairing and all work pertaining
to the joweler'a trade, promptly
and accurately done.
3Tcw Silverlne Wat eh
Cases traded for Old Silver Cases In
any condition, old wittclios taken in ex
change for new onus
a. t. a.M)i:ks.,
Anderson A O'llara barber shop,
Tionesta, Pa
Ollice I A VA National Rank Uiiilding,
Eyes examined froe.
Exclusively optical.
can well bo claimed of a book
that has received the unquali
fied indorsement of the
Executive Departments of the
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Ilhixtruti'd pamphlet also free.
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'amrrrwijr- - -