RATES OF ADVERTISING; One Square, one inch, one week... 1 0t One Square, one inch, one month- I M One Square, one inch, 3 months.... 6 Ot One Square, one inch, one year 10 00 Two Squares, one year. ........ ......... 15 00 Quarter Column, one year 30 00 Half Column, one year?. 50 00 One Column, one year 190 00 Legal advertisements ten cents per line each insertion. We de fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash on delivery. Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Office in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building, ELM STKKKT, TIONESTA, tA. LICAN. Term, fcl.OO A Year, Mrlilljr In Advaare. No subscription received fur shorter poriod than three mouths. Correspondence solicited, but no notice will bo taken of anonymous eominunioa lions. Always give your name. VOL. XXXVI. NO. 22. TIONESTA. PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12. 1903. $1.00 PElt ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. Fores Repub J. BOKOUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. F. It. Lansmi. Council men. Vr. J. C. Dunn, G. O. UsHtnn, J. It. Muse, O. F. Weaver. J. W. Landers, J. T. Dlo. W. F Killmer. Jn.iUc.et of the react C. A. Handall, S. J. NetlAV. Conale S. It. Maxwell. . Collector 8. J. Setley. School Directors L. Fulton. J. C. Boow.den, J. K. Wenk, It. L. Haslet, E. W Bowman, Ueo. Holemau; ' FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress Joseph C. Sibley. Member of Senate J. K. P. Hall. Assembly V. W.Anisler. President JudeVf. M. Mndsey. Associate Judges li. H. Crawford, W. II. II. Dottoror. . Protho'notary, Register A Recorder, e. J. O. (loist. SHerrf.-Zieo. W. Noblit, iVeourr KrHl. A. Kellor. Commissioners C. Burhenn, A. K. Shipe, Henry Weingnrd. 'Vixtrict Attorney H. D. Irwin. Jury Commissioners. Ernest Sibble, Lewis Warner. Coroner Dr. J. W. Morrow. County Auditors W. II. Stiles, Geo. W. llolemnn, H. A. McClnskey. County Surveyor I). W. CUrk. County Superintendent 1Z. E. Stitr.ln- ger. llrtulnr Term of Court. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Church and Mnbbnili Hchool. ' Presbyterian Habl'ath School at 9:45 a. in : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab battveveiwug by Kev. O. II. Nickle Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kev. Mutlarvy, Pastor. Ner rices in the Presbyterian I hurch every Sabbath morning and evening, Kev.' R. W. Illingworlh, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second . and fourth Tuesdays of each ini'tUu. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TU'.NKSTA LOIN IE, No. SCO, T. O. O. Y. 1 M eots overy Tuosday evening, in Odd Fellowe' Hall, Partridge building. FOREST LOOtJK, No. 184, A. O. U. W., I Meets evoiy Friday evoning inA.O.U. W. Hall, Tionesta. CAPT.GKOKOI5 STOW POST. No. 274 ti. A, It. Meets 1st and 3d Monday evening in each month, in A. O. U. V . Hall, Tionesta. ' CAPT.GKORu'k STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. It. C, meets llrst and third Wodiiesday evening of each month, In A. O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa. rpiONESTATENT, No. UN, K. O. T. 1 M.. moeis 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening in each month in A. O. U. W. hall Tionesta, Pa. T. F-RITCISrney-at-law, Tionesta, Pa. CURTIS M. StIAWKEY, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AC .BROWN, , . ATTORN EY-ATLAW. Olllee In Amer Building,'" Cor. Elm and Bridge St, Tionesta, Pa. W. MORROW. M. D., T)l. ..!..!.... tliirirnnn HaIiMm.. Olllee and Uosidotice tliroe doors north of Hotel Agnew, Tioneta. Professional calls prompt respoudod to at all hours. DR. F. J. ROVARO, Physician it Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. DR. J. C. 1)UNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURCiEON. and IRUlGIVr. Olllee over stare, Tionesta, Pa. Professional calls prompt ly responded to at all hours of day or night. Residence Kim St., between U rove's grocery and Uerow's restaurant. tatj j it siiinixs. j ' physician and Surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. 17 R. LANSOX. P Hardwaro, Tinning Plumbing. Tionesta, Pa St SKTI FY . ' "JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Kacps a complete line of Justice's blanks for sale. Also Wank doeds, mortgages, etc. Tionesta, Pa. HOTEL WEAVEIt, E. A. WEAVER, Proprietor. Tills hotel, formerly the Lawrence House, has undergone a coinpletochange, and is now furnished with all the mod ern improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of guests never neglected. CENTRAL HOUSE, J UEKOW A UEKOW Proprietor. Tionsola, Pa. This is the mostcentrally located hotel in tho place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public. First class Livery in connection. pilIL. EMERT FANCY ROOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm nd Walnut streets, Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion tfiven to mending, and prices rea sonable. JOREN.O FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS. COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. S. I. HASLET k SOIL GENERAL MERCHANTS, Funrituro Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN THE McCTJEN BLOCK, Sale Opened t3 .'!i Bags and Suit Cases. The Well-Known Stock of the McCuen Co., the larg est and best assortment in Western Pennsylvania. This entire stock will be literally swept out by the assignees, The well-known experts in converlina merchandise into cash, Messrs. BIG VAL UES and LITTLE PRICES, The McCuen Co. twins. Come and see them sweep. T erms of SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL SATURDAY, AUG. 22, Opening Day, Saturday, Every article in our stock is marked in plain figures, so that reductions can be THE McCUEN CO.'S FAMOUS RTADY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. iou Men's Skeleton Coats .and Trousers, homespuns, Surges, tweeds. These Suits are Alfred Benjamin & Co.'s make, none bettor, and are the comfortable and fashionable su:nmer attire for gentlemen. Prices were $10 lo $22; sale price $5.00 to $12.00 Men's All Wool Suits, former prices $8.50 to $10.00; s.alo prices $1.50 to $G.00 A special lot of Young Men's Pn'ts, ages 15 to 20 years, sizes 32 to 3ii breast; prices were $12.00 to $10.00; sale prices -. $ii.00 to $8.00 Men's Worsted Cheviot All Wool Knits, former prices $12.00 to $13.00; salo prices $7.50 to $0.50 Men's f:ne Black and Hlue Serges, strictly all -ool; former prices $12.00 and $15.00; sale prices.. $3.50 to $8.50 Men's Fall Weights, double breasted, twilled cheviot and worsteds; former price $13.00; sale price $8.00 Special high grade worsteds of the correct, new mixtures and y patterns; former prices $13.50 to $15.00; salo price $10.00 Large assortment of Dressy Suits, in blacks and dark blues, fine unfinished worsteds and Clay and Martin weaves; were $13.00 to $20.00; sale prices.. $12 to $13.50 Fashionable Pusiness Suits of tho proper mixtures; were $10.00 to $15.00; sale prices. . .$7.50 to $9.50 Motornien and Conductor's Blue Suits $7.50 One line Men's Grey Scotch Chev iot Stilts, all wool, high-class makes; former price $17.50; sale price $8.50 Some fashionable high-grade Eng lish worsteds, Suits in plaids, mixtures and stripes; formerly $20 to $22; sale price $8.50 Good Wearing Puslness Suits, pure all wool, fashionable color ings, at $3.23, reduced from $0.no $4.50 to $'5.00, reduced from $12.00 $5.50 to $7.01), reduced from $15.00 $8.50 to $!.00, reduced from $22.00 MEN'S SPRING AND FALL OVERCOATS, TOP COATS AND RAIN COATS. Short Coxy Top Coats, former prices $10 to $15; sale prices.. $7.50 to $10.00 Medium Weight. Chesterfields, former prices $12 to $22; sale prices $3.00 to $14.00 RAIN COATS. I The rrcst popular garment now worn. Absolutely waterproof. I A hrr' variety of fashlnnibln ) n.ixt'ires, former prices $10.00 to IM.Hi; pale prices. $7.00 to $1 1.01 $!': R:;in Coat for $7.00 Every article in this immense stock is reduced, save contract goods. Sale continues until Satur day, Aug. 22, but the early buyers will profit most. BIG VALUES and LITTLE PRICES, Assignees of TJUii ilLCU U HilM Sale Strictly Gash. 2o;i!e l.-ci'es' llain Coats also re duced; $10 q-.iallties $7.00 Small to medium sizes; $12 quali ties $8.00 Small to medium sizes; $15 quali ties $0.00 RUBBER COATS AND MACKINTOSHES. Men's Rubber Coats; $3.50 quali ties $2.25 Men's Rubber Coats; $4.00 quali ties $2.49 Men's Rubber Coats, $5.00 quali ties $3.98 Dovs' Rubber Coats; $3.50 quali ties $2.00 MEN'S TROUSERS. Men's "Turn-Up Bottom" Outing Trousers Former price $2.50 $1.73 Former price 3 00 2.00 Former price 3.50 2.50 Former price 4.00 3.00 Men's Working Pants. 75c, 85c and $1 Men's All Wool Trousers $2.50 qualities $2.00 3.00 qualities 2.50 3.50 qualities 2.73 4.00 qualities 3.25 5.00 qualities 4.00 MEN'S WORKING CLOTHING. Overalls and Jackets, good light weight 25c Jean Pants 25c, 50c and 75c Canvas Cloves 5c Mule Skin Gauntlets 10c Half Hose 5c Petter to best grades 42c to 75c Working Shirts 10c, 30c and 42c Asbestos Gauntlets . .' 25c Working Caps 5e Bandana Handkerchiefs 5c CHILDREN'S GOOD CLOTHING. No trash. Mere's real saving; here's fjreat economy. Boys' Blouse Su'ts, ages 3 to 10 Were marked $1.00; sale price. $2.00 Were marked $5.00; sale price. $2.50 Were marked $t.on; sale price. S3. 00 Were marked $7.00; s::le price. $3.50 Child's Sailor N'orfolks, one of the very latest styles Were marked SI. 00; silo price. .'2 50 Were marked J5.ni); salo price. .:?."0 Were marked S'l.oo; silo price. SI no Were marked $7.00; sale price. $5.00 One entire lot Child's Vestee Suits. rd"es 4 to 8. were priced $5.00 to $8.00; sale price $1.50 One entire lot of Child's Russian Plouse Suits, sizes 3 to 8, prices were $3.50 to $1.00; sale price. .$ 00 All Children's Wash Suit CNT- KALF the marked price. 100 Boys' Double-Breast ed Scbo'1 Suits, all fancy mixtures and light to and do not show soii) fcrner pricf? medium shades frho colors that wear $:l.."l) to $7.00; Ibes-e Sill's will prmi- '.ivciv lie sold nt $1 i'0 t-i fr'cn a Suit. Prv-s' thro-piece Suits (wish ve-s's) half the r"rruhir tvlce crit for OIL CITY, aturday, August 8th, Worth of Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing", High Class Tailoring, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, DOYS' NORFOLK S'JITo. I Those marked $1.00; sale price.. $2. 50 Those marked $5.00; sale price.. $3. 50 Those marked $i!.00; sale price.. $4. 50 i Boys' Knee Pants I 15c, 35c, 42e, COc and 80c Boys' Top Overcoats, Tans, Blues, Oxfords, sizes (i to 14 years; marked price $5.00 and $3.00: 1 salo price $2.50 The new Covert Top Coat, former i price $u. 00; sale price $..3.75 j CHILDREN'S HABERDASHERY. I Boys' Star Waists, white and fancy colors . 75c j Children's Underwear, small sizes, I a small lot of gauze I 5c per garment Fad Play Suits 25c Boys' Shirts, collars attached 10c Boys' Lightweight Ribbed Under wear, former price 50c per suit; sale price 25c a suit Boys' Shirts l!)c, 25c and 35c Yankee Boy Stockings. . 10c, 3 for 25c Boys' Pajamas 75c per suit Boys' Caps, fancy colors, former prices 50c, 75c and $1.00; sale price to close 25c Boys' Suspenders 10c to 25c McCuen Co. Waists and Blouses, newest pattern 39c Boys' Wash Knee Pants Icq, 20c and 35c Boys' Combination Union Suits... 40c Boys' Black Cat Stockings, best quality 20c Boys' Night Shirts 35c Bovs' Bathing Suits "0c The Child's Ideal Waist 19c The Sampson Waists 39c MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. ! I Some great ones 19c, 24c and 39c Some of our best makes in $1.00 qualities; sale price 42c Pest $1.50 qualities $1.00 ! Extra qualities at 75c, that were! formerly $1.00 and $1.25. I Kighmie Unlaundered Shirts.... COc I Fine French Flannel, collar at tached; salo juice $150; One special lot, newest patterns. ?,5c Best $1.00 to $1.23 qualities S"c Best $2.00 qualities $1.50 White Unlaundered Peerless Shirts 42c! Suk and Wool Golf Shirts, former j price $3 oo; now $1.00 Fancv Stiff Bosom Shirts, for merly $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00 75c ! MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS. j Pue qmlities 39c 7'c qualities 50c $1 CO qualities KOe Kiilier fine Muslin or Outing Flan nel at above prices. Pajarrps 1 " $1.00 qualities 75c 1.PU qualities $1.00 UNCERWEAR. j Ncn's BUck Bull. i k'v:;:n Shirts i ""'1 I'r'MVf'W :.'f r-Ml'ttV 10c UUlvIJrii.lM I, - AT PA. U cd lialbriggau Reinforced Drawer 20c The McCuen Co. Balbrlggan, ex tra Reinforced Drawers 40c The McCuen Co. Mesh, extra Re inforced Drawers; former price 75c 50c Fancy Colored Balbrlggan, Mer cerized Silk, $1.00 qualities 50c Pines. Pinks and Ecru Suits A fine French I. isle Shirt and Drawers, former price $1.25; sale price 75c A Lisle Net, Lisle Thread Shirt.. 23c Best Grade Elastic Jean Drawers, 75c; second grades 42c Thirty complete lines of the finer gr.ulrs all reduced to cost. MEN'S UNION SUITS OF UNDERWEAR. Beautiful qualities to sacrifice. A Buff Shade Ribbed Balbriggan Suit, former price $1.50; sale price 75c Extra fine White Lisle, former price $2.00; sale price $1.50 Finest Blue Mercerized, former price $3.00; sale price $2.00 A fine Egyptian Lisle, fine derby ribbed, former price $1.50; sale price $1.00 Finer grades of Swiss In) ported Union Suits reduced In proportion. HOSIERY. Good Seamless Half Regular 20c Half colors Hose Gc Hose, fancy 2 pairs 25c Hose, fancy 20c Hose, fancy 42c Black Half 7c Hose, fancy 10c Hose, fancv .3-,e, 3 pair $1.00 Hose, fancy 75c Regular colors Regular Half Half ' 75c colors Good Seamless Hose Fast ilal'f" Half ilaVf' Regular colors Regular colors Regular colors 25c ' 50c $1.00 ! SOME SPECIALS. Men's and Women's Belts, half the marked price. Men's and Women's Stocks, half he marked price. ! Men's Brown anil Tan Stiff and ! Soil Hats, former prices $2.50 to $5.00; sale price 50c , Boys' and Children's Soft Hats, former prices 50c and $1.00; sal" prices 10e and 25c Ladies' Felt and Straw Hats, trim-n-.ed and untrimmed, half price. Special lot of Men's Straw Hats, none sold for less than $1.50, ami up to $1.00 25c Kaiser Slocks, fur Ladies, were $1.00 to $2.00; s;,le price 33c Kaiser I '."11 s. for I allies, white I'. K.; Wfte $) on 25c Ladies Knox Siilor $1.00 each I'lack Sill; Kais'r Belts, were Jl.'O 5nc !'ll's Canvas Gloves 5c yen''- V- 'ti f -r 5e McCUEI CO.'S o CaootlM Ciinrgori at Sale Trie'. Xo Goods on Approval. A'o ooI Fixcliaiigt'ri on Saturday. Your Money Itaek al ways if not Natisfied. TAILORING- HIGH-CLASS WORK ONLY. Made to your order in our own shop by expert tailors. Light, cool Crashes and Scotch Cheviots, Sack Suits to order, former prices $30.(lO; now $22.00 Scotch Cheviot Worsted Suits, In medium to dark mixtures, for n.er prices $30.00 to $35.00; sale price $25.00 Black and Blue Worsteds, Meltons, Thlbets and Unfinished Worsteds for Dressy Suits, former prices $33.00 to $15.55; pale prices, Sack Suits. $25.00 to $32.00; Cutaway or Frock Suits $5.00 more. Some medium to Heavy Weight Suitings carried over from last season $30.00 Suits $22.00 35.00 Suits 27.00 40.00 Suits 32.00 45.00 Suits 33.00 Trousers $ 8.00 Trousers now $ fi.00 9.00 Trousers now 7.00 10.00 Trousers now 8.00 11.00 Trousers now 8.50 12.00 Trousers now 9.00 13.00 to $13 Trousers now. 10.00 Rome sweeping reductions In medium lightweight Overcoats $30 00 qualities $22 00 35 00 qualities 25.00 40.00 qualities 29.00 HATS MEN'S WOMEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S. Largest assortment carried by any r.tore in Western Pennsylvania. The finest Straw Hats, Including Knox and Youman's celebrated styles, are half the plainly marked prices. Boys' and Children's Felt Hats.. .10c, 19c, 22c, 39c. 49c and 09c Caps, 25c 19c Caps, 50c Men's and Boys' qualities Men's and Boys qualities 39c Men's and Boys' Caps. 75c qualities 49c Men's and Boys' Caps, $1.00 c u-il'ties C9c Men's Soft Felt Hats, browns and ll"ht shpdes. $2.00. $2.50 nnd $3.00 qualities 50c M-r's Black Soft Hats, $1.50. $2. HO and $2 50 qualities S"c and 9Sc Men's Beaver Cowboy Hats.... 42c Men's Stiff Hats, browns and light shades. $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 qualities fi9c Men's Black Stiff Hats, correct shapes. $2.50 and $3 00 qualities $1.39 Childr-n's White Duck Hats and Tanis, 50c dualities 25c Children's White and Colored Duck Tennis Hats 19c 1 a fib's' Knox Sailors. $l.oo and $5.00 qualities 1.00 lnlies' Felt Hats. $2.oo to $5.00 ciu-ili'ies 5oc and l.oo Ladies' Trl"imed S'raws and Trlainu'd Felts. $1.00 to $10.00 e.nlities 3 r.O Ull ULW , a. 1903. Aug. 8. seen at a glance. THE McCUEN CO. TRUNK AND LEATHER DEPARTMENT. (In Basement.) We carry the largest stock and as sortment of Traveler's Goods in Oil City. Telescopes One-Third off; sale prices 45c. 55c, f,5c, 85c, $1,.00 $1.25 & $1.80 The McCuen Co. Suit Cases; our regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Cases, 3 steel hinges, lock and catches 22-inch 85c 24-Inch !)0c 2-lnch $1.00 Regular $ 3.50 Cases, 22, 24 and 2G inches $1.95 to $2.50 4.50 Cases, 22, 24 and 20 inches $3.00 to $3.50 5.50 Cases, 22, 24 and 2 Inches $4.00 to $4.50 li.00 Cnses, 22, 24 and 2(5 inches $4 50 to $5.00 10.00 Cases, 22, 24 and 2(i Inches $7.50 to $8.50 $12.00 to $25.00 Cases reduced In proportion. Club Bags, or special leather; some slightly polled 45c, 5c, 85c. 95c to $1.25 All Leather Bags, linen lined; sale prices $1.85, $2.25 and $2.75 Trunk Strp'is 39e to 42c Shawl Straps 19c to 42c Trunk Tags 5c Satchel Tags 19c Fine English Grain Leather, Senl nnd Alligator Bags, sewed in steed frames, formerly $(5.00 to $24.00; now $4.50 to $lfl.00 We guarantee every Trunk we sell, whether the price Is $2.00 or $20.00, to be made of selected bass wood, steel bound, with steed bottoms. $ 3.50 Trunks; sale price $2.25 4 50 Trunks: sale price 3.25 5.50 Trunks; sale price 4.25 fi.50 Trunks ;sale price 6.00 7 50 Trunks: sale price 5.50 8 50 Trunks; salt! price fi.50 looo Trunks; sale price 7 50 High grades of Steamer Trunks. I adies' Skirt Trunks. Theatrical Trunks. Hat Trunks. SoIp Leather Portmanteaus, all reduced In propor tion. UMBRELLAS. Self Opening Umbrellas, fine new rain-proof cloth, 2'i Inch 80c Self-Opening Umbrellas, fine new rain proof (doth, 2Slnch 85e Mercerized Hercules, very strong improved frame, cannot turn Inside out. 2fi and 28-Inch $1.49 Mercerized Hercules, very strong Improved frame, cannot turn inside out. 30-inch 1.55 Scotch Gingham Hercules, extra large. 3o and 32 inch 1.00 Fine Taffeta Silk Umbrellas, for Men and AVomen.$1.39. $1.49 & 1.69 Finer crades reduced In proportion