The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 22, 1903, Image 2

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Republican Ticket.
State Tieasurer-WM. U MATHUES,
Delaware County.
Auditor General-WM. P. SNYDEK,
Chester County.
Superior Court Judge JOHN J. HEN
PERSON, Crawlorri County; THOMAS
A. MORRISON, McKean County.
District Attorney-S. D. IRWIN.
Oorotur -Dr. J. W. MORROW.
Mr. Bryan gays the Cleveland move
ment is a comedy as it standi, but would
be a tragedy if it succeeds. When the
show conies off Bryan wi.l be on hand
with a curtain raiser.
Medical opinions ditter as to whether
the lockjaw due to toy pistols is caused
by germs in the powder or on tlie skin
carried into the wound. Rut it is cer
tain that ifthere Is no toy pistol there is
no lockjaw.
Postmastkr General Paynr says be
will dismiss all ifllcials in his depart
ment who are proved dishonest. It is the
settled conviction of the people that the
present administration will hit a crook
the moment his guilt is established.
In a short time trolly cars will run
from Now York to Jersey City under the
Hudson river. Over 0,000 feet of the
7000-foot tunnel is finished. The scheme
was halted fifteen years ago by au acci
dent that cost thirty lives. Recent work
on it lias been prosecuted with entire
A son was born to ex
Mrs. Grover Cleveland at
-President and
their Buzzard's
Bay summer home on the
attendants report that all
fecting both mother and
18th Inst The
conditions ar
son are Balis
is in bis 67tb
over this new
boys and three
factory, and Grover, who
year, is happy and proud
arrival. This makes two
girls to gladden his home,
Tub continutd decline in the stock
market, while general business is good
and the country prosperous, naturally
arouses much curiosity. It looks as
though some of the large financiers bad
such a stock of "undigested securities"
on hand that they are forced to sell some
of it, while others in fear follow suit.
But Ligb-grade stocks have been slaugh
tered lor some reason not easily dis
covered. The number of emigrauis in the Unit
ed States during the fiscal year just ended
exceeded the combined poulation of Mon
tana, North Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho
in 1000, or the present population of
North and South Dakota together. And
yet we can assimilate upwards of 800,000
foreigners annually without knowing it
save from the immigration statistics. The
people now coming to our shores are not
all desirable, but we shall no doubt make
good citizens of most of them. They will
become not only producers but consum
ers, and, let us hope, will also become
good protectionists and Republicans as
tbey realize what protection has done for
them and their posterity.
Colonel Yoi no declares in flaring red
headlines that "the stand-patters won a
decided victory in the State convention."
Lafe reminds us of the party of men who
went camping. All bands were to do the
cooking until some one complained, then
the kicker was to be compelled to do it
all. This arrangement put the follows
who wer6 in the habit of complaining at
the bill of fare at home on their good be
havior, and for a few days noi a word of
grumbling was heard. However, one of
the cooks one day, in the hope of catch
ing somelKidy in a trap, made the pota
toes so salty that none could eat them.
The meu, of course, all had theirappeiites
along, and the first fellow who undertook
to devour the potatoes forgot the compact
and ill-naturedly exclaimed i "Jerusa
lem ! Those potatoes are awful sally !"
Theu, suddenly recalling the agreement,
softly added : "But that is just the way I
liko 'em."-Webster City (la.) Freeman
Tribune. Evidently there is much room for
Improvement in our postal service. There
is no reason why packages of all sorts, up
to say twenty pounds in weight, should
not be cheaply transported by mail, with
special delivery facilities. It would en
large the postal Berv ice, to be sure, and
increase the number of employes all
round, but what of thatT It would pay
the Government and would bo a great
convenience to the people, while no one
would be injured but the express com
panies, which are notoriously exorbitant
in their charges. All of the other civil
ized countries of the world have a cheap
and convenient parcel service. In Ger
many the maximum weight for parcels
sent by mail is fifty kilos, 1 to pounds,
while in this country it is four jwunds.
A cheap and efllcient parcel post, both
national and international, would greatly
enhance the sale of our small manufac
tured articles abroad, and in many ways
contribute to the general prosperity. Ou
letter postal service is good, although
France bad rural free delivery fifty years
ago, but our parcel service is a disgrace
to the country. Punx'v Spirit.
When Bra Smith gets rightly located
in his Congressional seat, we suggest that
he "rise in his place and present to the
cliair a bill to correct Ibis evil which wi
have all recognized. It may bo some
what of a Job to get a bill of this sort
through the National legislature, but the
well known easiness with which he ac
complishes about everything he uuder
takes is a guarantee that Bro. Smith will
come out a winner all right.
The surmise that General Oliver was
appointed assistant secretary of war with
a view to his advancement to the head of
that department upon the retirement of
Secretary Root, which has bien given
pretty general publicity, elicit comment
from the Philadelphia Press, wherein
that journal says: It is hoped that there
will be no med of a successor to secre
tary Root for a long time to come. Not
merely because be has been a great
ril.ini t intMiilier. The one is not neces
sarily the other. Eflicient administra
tion of the department does not in itself
logically or inevitable imply splendid
service at the cabinet table. But Mr.
Root has given both in a conspicuous de
gree. It is easy to see why he should
want to retire. His great work as secre
tary is substantially completed. He has
brought the Philippine oonflict to an
end and organized the Philippine civil
government. He has rounded out the
Cuban wardship and seen the free and In
dependent republic of C.iba started on its
course. He has carried bis policies of
the general staff for the army, of the war
college and of assimilation of the national
malitia. What remains la the perfection
of these measures, and the ordinary rou
tine administration, and this has little at
traction for an able and creative mind.
But the cabinet side of the office is ever
Iresh and never ceases to be important.
Here Mr. Root has been invaluable, and
here he will remain invaluiible so inval
uable that bis loss from it would be a
public misfortune. May it long bo post
poned. Cream of the ews.
It is right to eat cucumbers aud ice
cream at the same meal if you put a very
thick pad between.
New dormitory, Edinboro Normal,
has all modern conveniences. Rooms
may be engaged at any time. Fall ses
sion opens Sept. 7th. John F. Bigler,
Principal. 11
Nature seems to hate a man; the
summers are either to wet or too dry. A
weed always gets along.
For pure paint ask for Lawrence at
Dunn's drug store. It
Every time we see a certain woman
wiih her husband, she seems io be abus
ing Dim.
-The White Star Grocery furnishes all
the necessaries for fruit canning sugar,
cans and rubbers- as well as tbe fruit. It
The greatest suffering in a love affair
falls to the one who didn't get tired first.
Strength and vigor come of good
food, duly digested. "Force," a ready to-
serve wheat and barley food, adds no
burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigor
ates, tf
When a man is stuck up tbey say he
has a feather down his back.
-Tbe flower of tbe family isn't always
college bred.
Don't beat up your bouse in baking,
but go to Amsler's and get the famous
Table Queen bread, cakes and cookies. 1
Some men let dollars slip by while
struggling to save tbe pennies.
No benzine in Lawrence paint, sold
by Dr. J. C. Dunn. It
No man is smart enough to land in a
strange town and pick out a good five
cent cigar.
Pure oil, pure lead, pure zinc Law
rence paint at Dunn's drug store. It
A man who claims to be a doctor and
isn't, can cause a whole lot of trouble.
A satisfactory paint Lawrence, at
Dunn's drug store. It
How much sooner it gets too dark to
weed iu the garden than it does to hustle
on the tennis court.
Saint Switliin.
The common adsge regarding Saint
Swithin, as everyone knows, is to the ef
fect that, as it rains or shines on St.
Switbin's day, July 15th, there will be
wet or dry weather for the forty follow
ing days.
This saint of the early church was born
8o0 A. D. and after coming into great rep
utation for holy life and distinguished
charity, attained tbe bishopric of Win
chester, and at bis death commanded
that his bones should be interred under
the eaves of tbe church. The monks,
however, more than a hundred years
after bis dealb, decided that so great a
saint was entitled to sepulchre in the
body of tbe cathedral itself, so they ap
pointed a day to raise his bones and
bury them anew within the venerable
edifice. While they were engaged in this
pious labor, a dreadlul rain set in and
they were forced to abandon their under
taking, regarding the storm as a protest
from Heaven, against Ibeir blasphemous
design of removing the remains of tbe
saint from the place where at dea n he
bad ordered them to be buried. From
this circumstance has come the popular
superstition about the influence of St.
Switbin's day on the weather for tbe
next forty days suceeding. The poet Gay
alludes to the superstition and decrys It
in the following verse.
Now. if on Switbin's feast tho welkin
And every penthouse streams with hasty
Twice twenty days shall clouds their
fleeces drain,
And wash the pavement with incessent
Let not such vulgar tales debase thy
mind ;
Nor Paul nor Swithin rule the clouds
and wind,
How often you have occasion to say,
"It's too bad !"
Nervous Headache
Breeds Insanity.
Many a person's whole pleasure in life
isruiued by the ftar of nervous head
aches. Any little excitement, no matter
what, business or social, brings them on.
The feet and bands grow cold, the head is
hot, the eyes stiff, the temples throb, and
only in the quiet of a darkened room is
relief obtained. This condition must be
checked or it means mental ruin. To
those people Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pills come as a blessing. They do not
stop, tbey cure the headaches. They do
not blanket, they build up. They put
the nervous system iu a strong, vigorous,
sturdy condition condition that gives
one restive power aud enables them to
again enjoy life's pleasures.
Mrs. N. J. Nellis, of No. 116 Hone
Ave . Oil City, Pa., says: "A son of
mine, who has boen a sufferer from tier
vous sick headaches for a long time, due
probably to errors in diet, got a box of
Dr. A, W. Chase'a Nerve Pills and says
they completely cured the headaches aud
stomach trouble at least there has been
no return since taking the medicine.
This, I think, stamps the medicine as an
excellent one,"
Korfuilher information call at J. C.
Dunn's drug store, Tionesta, Pa. 50c a
box at dealeis, or Dr. A. W. Chase Med
icine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See that por
trait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D.,
aro on every package.
From Far-Away Africa.
A"irf Editor and friends:
I have not only thought many times in
tbe last few weeks of writing, but began
a letter which I failed to (in ish. But you
must know the missionary's lito is very
busy and that we have besides our work
here, to much writing to do Ibat some
must necessarily wait.
Mrs. N. B. Smith wrote me that she
had written you a description of a rather
interesting event that took place at Fair
View M. S. March 25th., so I will not. do
Tbe morning following my noble bus
bsnd and I started by rail for our preseut
fieid of labor reaching hero the evening
of the 27th. Our trip from Durban in
land to this placo was very interesting
owing to Ihe fact that' we were passing
through a portion of the war region.
From the time we reached this territory,
all along the way breast works and blot k
houses now deserted were seen on either
side, while at some of the largor places
camps of soldiers are sti II to be seen. We
passed through Lad ism it h and other
towns made famous by the war.
Wo are located at present shout eight
miles from Johannesburg and right in
the gold region. The gold mines are in a
comparatively narrow and lovel strip of
country about six miles in length, called
"Tho Rund". No trees are to be soen in
this region except those that have been
planted ; this is true of the country fur
hundreds of miles around also. On the
low hills about us breast works and block
houses are still to be seen though in niHny
cases now partly demolished. During
the war a large soldiers' camp was within
a "stone's throw" of tho mission prop
erty. Our work here is among the boys and
meu who come from all parts of the East,
Central, aud South Africa to work in the
mines. Many come from regions. vet un
reached by missionaries and also from
regions where white people cannot live
on accoun t of the deadly climate. When
these men and boys are converted and
get a little knowledge of tbe Bible and
things of God and learn to read, they in
many cases go back to their own people
to preach the Gospel. You cau see that
we have an interesting field of labor and
one that has a large future of good ahead
ami Beed sown in this center will bear
fruit in a very great part of this darkened
continent, darkend not because tho sun
does not shine but because of the very
great Ignorance, superstition and sin ex
isting everywhere.
Each mine has a compound where the
natives it employs sleep aud get their
food which consists of mealy (corn mush)
porridge made of corn shipped from
America and other countries, and oh!
such porridge as it is! coarse and dry
and usually a little mouldy. The favorite
broakfast dish of many white people In
S. Africa, including ourselves is mealy
porridge but we want the fresh mealies
raised in this country. The above com
pounds are built in shed style, inclosing
an open square entered by a large gate,
sometimes several gates asone compound
covers from five to ten acres of laud.
Some have besides the continuous shed
nclosing (he open space innei divisions
increasing their sleeping capacity. The
front of these sheds have an earth floor
and here the inmates congregate when it
is cold and warm themselves aiound their
rude stoves sheet - iron buckets with
large holes in their sides, in which they
burn coal and on which they cook any
extra food they buy with their small
earnings. The whole length of the back
half is divided half way between the floor
and the roof by anothoi floor and on this
they sleep as well as on the lower floor
which at the back is made of boards.
Most of them sleep iu their blankets on
these bard surfaces but a few have gotten
themselves something a little better.
We have three compounds and hope
soon to have anothervery large compound
n our parish. I do not know the bum-
bei in each, but the manager of one told
Mr. Smith tbe number there was eleven
hundred and that they expected about
three hundred more. The second mut
have nearly as many. At the third they
are just putting down the shafts of the
mine, so there are not jet so many in
that one. Tbe fourth which we hope to
get has more than any of the above. It
has been closed by the manager to mis
sionary work, but we believe it is God's
will that the Gospel 1 e preached there
We have -chool five nights in the week
at the chapel for those who win to come,
and meeting on Saturday night. Sunday
morning before break last we have prayer
meeting at the chapel and theu, assisted
by our native Christians have meeting in
each compound and in some sometimes
two meetings. At 3 p, m, tbe meu and
boys (all who will) come to tho chapel to
a preaching service.
God's Spirit is at work in some hearts.
Last Sabbath about nine dollars in all
were given by two boys to the Lord as
restitution money for articles which they
had stolen from parties now gone they
knew not where. I remarked that they
were more righteous than some white
professors of religion who, if the wronged
parly cou'd not be found, would consider
the money their own. I fear in many
cases wiiere the wronged one may be
found, the wrongs are nevei made right.
In the case of one of these boys, be had
given a man a silver sixpence for a loaf
of bread and the man thinking it to be a
gold ten-shilling piece, gave bun nine
shillings aud sixpence in change, and
which be kept.
We are very happy in our work !ier3
and expect to see many now in heathen
ism turning to the light. Besides the
meetings mentioned above the com
pounds are visited almost daily and per
sonal work is dene among the people.
We find much to be done and would be
glad to have more time for the regular
mission work and for the studv of tint
language. We are encouraged to hear of
rieiKls at Home praying lor us, h iping
mey win coniiuue to io so, l am.
Yours in the Master's Service,
Rosa Huntkk Smith
Box JK:l, Germiston, Transvaal, 8. Africa,
uune i-in., I'.w.s.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Props.. Tol. do. O
no, me UIIUI.-IS1KIIUII, nave Known t.j.
Cheney for the last, lfi years, and believe
him perfectly honorable iu all business
transactions ami financially able to carry
nut an iioiiniioiin iiiuutj ny ineir urin.
West it Traux, wholesale drui'-rists. To.
ledo, v., Waldino, Kinnan V Marvin,
wholesale druiigists, Teiedo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and mu
cous surfaces of Ihe system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
Very ltrmarkable Cure of Dlnrrhtrn.
"About six years ago for the first time
in my lite I had a sudden and severe at
tack of diarrhoea," savs Mrs. Alice Mil
ler of Morgan Texas. "I got tempo
rary relier, but it came back again and
again; aud for six years I have suffered
more mlssery and agony than I can tell.
It was woree than death. My husband
spent hundreds of dollara fr physicians'
perscriptious and treatment without
avail. Finally we moved to Uosquecounly
our present home, and one day I hap
pened to see an advertisement of Cham
bei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy with a testimonial of a man who
had bee"n cured by It. The case was so
similar to my own that I concluded io try
the remedy. The result was wonderlul.
I could hardly realize that I was well
again, or believe it could be so aflor hav
ing suffered so long, but that one bottle
of medicine, coating but a few cents,
cured me." For sale by Dr. Dunn, Tio
nesta, W. O. Wilkins, West Hickory.
If you aro thinking of going to the
Pacific Coast soon for pleasure or to size
up the couury in a business way, and
you desire to go economically go Au
gust lHh with my special Strong Vin
cent Post, O. A, R. party.
You will have to wait a good while
for another similar opportunity, such
good accommodations at such a cheap
rate; such genteel traveling companions;
such good sight-seeing chance (tho train
stops with you) fc. &o. Ac
Write at once for illustrated Itinerary.
Hth O. A. R. party. H C.Allen, C. P.
.( T. A. Nickel Plate Koad, Erie, Pa. a5
Cholera liiliinmni.
This has long been regarded as one of
the most dangerous and fatal diseases (o
which infants are subjected. It can be
cured, however, when properly treated.
Alt mat is necessary is to uive Chamber
lain's ("olio Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy and castor oil, as directed with each
bottle, and a cure is certain. For sale by
Dr. Dunn, Tionesta, W. G. Wilkins,
West Hickory.
Allen's U. A. It. Party California Ann. 10th
viatho popular Nickel Plate Road will
afford a grand chance to visit the Pacific
Coast. Fare from Erie, Pa., only 58.75
round trip. Write for illustrated itiner
ary. Party will stop at Denvor, Colorado
Springs and Salt Lake Cityenroute.
Write at once to II. C. Allen. 9'20 State
street Erie, P. A G2-5
A man who does his best seldom fails
to do something good.
Slight injuries often disable a man and
cause several days' loss of time and when
blood poison developes, sometimes re
sults iu the loss of a hand or limb.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antiseptic
liniment. When applied to cuts, bruises
and burns it causes them to heal quickly
ami without maturation, and prevents
any danger of blood poison. Sold by Dr.
Dunn, Tionesta, W. G. Wilkins, West
You all know people who see things
from a certain "viewpoint."
Now In YoiirChnnrc In visit (lie l'nrillc Const
Allen's special G. A. R. party will
leave Erie, Pa., via the popular Nickel
Plate Road, Monday, August 12th.
Round trip fare only f58.75. Tickets also
sold July 31st to August 13th. Return
limit October 15tb. Magnificent oppor
tunity to size up tho West. Writo at
once for illustrated itinerary. Address
II. C- Allen, 020 State street, Erie, Pa.
a ei-a,-
When we go out to dinner we like to
eat and run.
No man or woman in the state will hesi
tate to speak well of'Cliamberlain'sStoni
ach and Liver Tablets after once trying
them. They always produce a pleasant
movement or tne bowels, improve the
appetite and strengthen the digestion.
I'or sale oy nr. uunn, Tionesta, W. U.
Wilkins, West Hickory.
People who aro "peculiar" can easily
arry it too far.
Only !5H,7.5 In California anil llnrk
from Erie, Pa J uly 31t to A ugnst 13th,
good until October 15th. Fine Strong
Vincent Post special f arty Monday, Au
gust 10th. Write at once for illustrated
itinerary to II. C. Allen, C. P. it T. A.,
Nickel Plate Road, Erio, 1'a. A-O'I-a'i
-Spanish proverb: Live with wolvrs
and you will learn to howl.
Pn. a 1 tr lion. I I, . I . -1 I '
.... ra inn, ll.Dl i J vimilUFri mill O
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They in
vigorate the liver, aid the digestion, reg
ulate the bowels and prevent bilious at
tacks. For sale by Dr. Dunn, Tionesta,
W -! Willfina Wmt lli.-linrr
Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given that a two-
year old Jersey bull came to my
premises on Hunter nun, on or abnut
June 20 Owner will please prove
property and pay charges or same
will be disposed of according to law.
t. W. Drevep..
Administratrix Notice.
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned in Hie estate
of Agues Steele, late of Baruett town
ship, deceased, all persons indebted will
make immediate payment, and those
having claims to present the same with
out delay, to
Clarington. Pa., July 14, V.m. 4t
MENT of Green township School
District for year ending June 1. 11)0.1 1
Gross ain't tax dup. for sell. pur..f 1,7:10 58
D ru g pur.. ;7U SO
$2,310 44
102 27
.. 115 Wi
Outstanding tax .
$ 200 31
Total fax receipts
.j!2,0.')3 13
..f 1-3 m
. 1.0!i7 01
$1, 2!!3 74
tuition from adjoining districts
State appropriation
i mat receipts
Teachers Salaries ,
New school buildings and lots ..
Interest on bonds aud notes
School iiooks and supplies
Furniture and apparatus
Salary of Secretary
Salary of Trtas. anil Col
M iscellaneous expenses
I2.50H 50
. 414 00
21 82
. Klrt 04
. 132" 52
. f5.27
. 121 05
30 00
. KHi 07
. 238 00
14,580 13
Bal. due Treasury 11,340 30
J-.YMAN Cook, E. E. DkWoi iy,
Secretary. president.
We, tho undersigned, auditors of Green
District, Forest Co., having carefully ex
amined the above accounts of tho Treas
urer, find them correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief.
. A. llKNRY,
. (i. RaTHKOX,
P. Kkrk,
Juno 1, 1!03.
on all
Fifteen o our students have taken
good positions iu 00 days, to July 8. We
have places at our disposal for all the
stenographers and typewriter operators
that our school can provide lor ihe next
year. Join us and got in lino. Writo or
cill at our office lor detailed Informa ion.
I Hi: Hokk Rcsinkss (Vl.LKtlK,
tf Warren, Pa
J. R. FLICKING ER, Principal.
Thi9 high gtade training school fur
teachers was never in better condi
tion than now. The enrollment last
year exceeded six hundred. Biolug
ical ami chemical lahratories have
recently been added. Fine gymnasi
um and athletic field. Sanitary con
ditions unexcelled. A targe faculty
of trained specialists. The school
also contains a college preparatory
department, business department aud
departments of elocution and music.
Tne expenses are lower than those of
any other institution of equal rank
Address for catalogue, the Principal
Orphans' Court Sale.
In the Orphans' Court of Forest Cvnnti.
In the Matter of the 'KM ate of J. 11.
Fidler, Late of Jenks Tirp., Deceased.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Forest County, to tho under
signed directed, thore will be exposed to
public sale or outcry at Marien vil'e. Pa.,
at 2:00 p. in., on the premises, the fol
lowing described real estate, situa'e in
the town of Marienvllle, township ol
Jenks and County of Forest, Pa., bound
ed and described as lollows: On the
north by the north half of lit No. 1,
(which north half is described by a for
mer owner as highway or street); on the
east by an alley ; on tho south by the
south half of lot No. 4. and on the west
by south Fon st street, b ing tho half o
lot No. 1, on north side of lot described,
anil the north half of lot No. 4 the north
side of tbe lot described and land within
the same boundaries ami being known
as the Hotel Forest property.
Aio-Tho uudividi d one. hall interest
of that certain lot bounded es follows:
On the northeast and west by an alley;
on the south by Poplar street, beginning
at a post on the corner of Poplar street
and alley, thenco north 198 ft. to a post on
an all y, thence east 4-" feet, thence easi
4"i deurees east, on an alley, tl ence south
4" degrees east to a post 241 feet, thence
south 68 foet to a post on an alley, thence
west 245 feet to the placo of beginning,
being lot No. 4, on Poplar street, iu plot
of the, tow n of Marienvllle.
Also Tbe undivided one half interest
in those oilier lots, bounded as fol
lows: On the northeast by Elm street,
south by Poplar street, southwest bv an
alley, being lots Nos. 7, 10, 11, 14. 15, 18
and 19, and in the town plot of Marien
vllle, and containing one and one-half
acres, more or less.
Improvements Tract No. 1, Hotel
Forest, frame house two stories high,
with kitchen attachod, good well of water
in kitchen, ware-room, garden plot,
frame barn 21x40 feet, with capacity to
accommodate 20 head of horses. Barn on
same lot as hotel. The other tracts are
out-lots with no buildings.
Tehms ok Salk One-third of the pur
chase money to bo paid on courirmati n
of the sale, and tbe remainder in two
equal annual installments from that date
with interest payable annually on the
whole sum, to be secured by judgment
bond and mortgage on the premises.
A. VV. Fidler.
Adm'r of estate of J. H. Fidler, deceased
A. 0. Bkown, Attorney. 7-l5-4t
Flour ft sack ..1.00 1.35
Corn meal, feed, ft 100 lb... 1.30
Corn meal, family, ft 100 lb 1.50
Chop feed, pure grain 1.3.
Oats .5;
Corn, shelled .70
Buckwheat flour, ft lb .03
Beans ft bushel 3.0(
Ham, sugar cured .10
Bacon, sugar cured .10
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, ft lb ,14
Whiteflsh ft kit .70
Sugar fiJQ.OO
Syrup .IfttVa' .60
N. O. Molasses ,3.Va .60
Cofloo, Roast Rio 12il5
Coffee, blended Java .20
Tea .35 .Ml
Butter .15
Rice 05.08
Eggs, fresh (4,. 15
Salt ft barrel 1.25
Lard .15
Potatoes, ft bushel, l.oo
Lime ft barrel 901.00
Nails ft keg 2.75
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Seven Minion boxes sold In post 1 2 months. ThlS Signature
' jt-r
when everything in lh" line of
goes iuto the "marked down" class. Now, when the season is at its height,
we fake the opportunity to tdose out all the warm weather things. This is
your opportunity, ton. At this
of shirt waists, uuderwt ar, dress goods, etc., things of tho highest quality can
he 1 urchasod at ahout half regular rates.
Up-to-Date Dealers in
A. Wayni Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheelor,
Collections reraittod.'for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative b king, lnterost psid on .lima
deposits. Your patronage respectfully sollcltod.
Furnishes Professional Training for
Teachers, Prepares Young People
for College, and Offers Excellent
Facilities for General
i ki:i: tuition
for Prospective Teachers. Board,
Room Reel and Laundry fur
Fall Term of 1(5 weeks, $4!). 00.
For further particulars call oo or
SAMUEL WEIR, Ph. D.,Prin.,
Clarion, Pa.
Wc also linndlc nil
of Movement mid C'ason
32 SENECA St., Oil, CITY, PA.
Woodstock, Oood Carriages and Hug
fios to let upon the most reasonable terms,
le will also do
All orders at the Post Olllce wil
receive prompt attention.
When you buy a watch for (
v your son have it put in a
j Wads worth I
(f Watch Case
1 1 When he is as old as vou the j.,
watch will be as good 'as new. II
VI Strength, rigidity and finish
l guaranteed for 25 years. H
I Call and see them. 1 J
t . mi 1
To Cure a Cold In One Day
rt r.n win? Erii
Wm. Smearbauoh,
Vice Presidon
O. W. Robinson, Wm. Kinearbaugh,
T. F. Rltchey. J. T. Pale, J. II. Kelly.
in 1 1 WAY.
To Tako Effect July 0th, 1!03.
NORTH I Eastern Timt- SOUTH
3 I 1 I
p. in'a. in
Leavo Arrive
p. in. p. ni
6 50
li 30
!6 20
11 15
1 00 A (HI
12 45.5 5(1
12 35 5 40
12 10 5 30
12 05 5 25
1 1 55 5 20
It 40 5 10
11 304 6.)
11 00.4 40
10 40 4 25
10 30 4 15
7 00'
Ros Run
Newtown Mills
Ruck Mills
Rlue Jav
Henry's Mill
7 -Til
1 4.V 8 (in!
1 Wi 8 ISi
2 0." 8 '.'.r)
2 20 8 10
2 25,8 4't
2 30 ,8 51
2 40 1) (HI
2 r.y. l."
3 10 !l 30
3 25 11 60
3 45 ltXKI
p. in a. in
Arrive Leavo
a. in. 'p. in
T. I). COLLINS, President.
Taking effect. June lt, 11103.
No. 30 Bu trulo Express, daily
except Sunday Ho7: a. m.
No. 32 Oil City and Pi'tsburg
Ex ross.daily.except Sundav..7:17 p.m.
No. 0:30 Oil City Accoin.,Sun-'
dav only Oi.V) a. in.
No. :32 Oil City Aceotn., Sun
day only 8:27 p. m.
For II ickory.Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua,
Rradford, Olean and the Eaxt :
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
except Sun. lav 8:61 a. m.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4M p. in.
No. o,3.'t, Irvincton Accoin.,
. Sunday only 2:45 p. in.
For Time Tallies and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. PasHongerTraflic Mgr.
GEO. 11. BOYD, Gen'l Pas-enger Agt,
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear or Hotel Weaver
Telephone Ao. SO.
lr.p. Alwv, reliable l.rxllra. nnk Prtiirclut fur
MM llfr-VICK w CWt.l.lAH Krd und
.ld ln.lnll.r I,,,-,, wnh hlim ribbon.
Tk nonlhrr. Krriwiinirron. auball.
lulionnnnd ImilNllon. Iltiv nf vnur limtiost,
ir M-ml lr. in wampi fur Parllra'lan, Tmtt
mnnlnU nl "llrllrr for I. mile.." in Irtlrr,
W rrlnrn nll. IO.OOO Testimonium Hold br
all Omre"!.
8100 9ladlMn Mquarr. I'll I LA., FA.
Holla! Uli MMr.
Cures Crip
In Two Days.
on cverv
yrvrin box. 25c