The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 24, 1903, Image 2

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Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
!J789 10 11 12 13
1416 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 r
(guu 18
caz 25
Moos O f. m.
Republican Ticket.
Stale Treatmrer-ViM. L. MATJIUES,
Delaware County,
Auditor Oeneral-VfSf. P. SNYDER,
Chester County.
Superior Court Judge.i-10H S3. II EN
PERSON, Crawlord County; THOMAS
A. MOKBISON. McKean County.
Dittrict Attorney-8. D. IK WIN.
Ooromr-T)r. J. W. MORROW.
Americans drink more water, eat
more candy and consume more pepsin
than any other country in the world.
The annual rush for the Alaxkan gold
fields has cut in. If the War Department
Is wise it will lake time by the forelock
and begin It relief ezpidition prepara
tions at onco.
Prrsident Bear Rays that the Reading
road never earned any nione3 We al
ways were at a los to know how it got
it. But then, there ia a vast difference
between a dividend and a divide.
An examination ol the asets nt the f 10
000,000 ship building trusts shows that
the concern owned nrarly $1,000,000
woith of property. The stock of this
concern war evidently made to sell.
It is probable that many peopln used
to be buried alive but there is little dan
ger of that now for the reason that three
fourllm of the people who die are em
balmed, an inevitably fatal process.
A Piiii.ADKl.rHlA physician has just
writlen a treatise on "When to Goto
Sleep". We presume he did not forget
to mention Mich essential little details as
locking the front door, winding the clock
aud putting the cat out.
Tub Postfilllce Department has been
called upon to dislodge several colonics
of skunks that have taken possession of
rural free delivery mail boxes. After
probing the scandals in the home oflicc,
the task should prove a pleasant change
to the Inspectors.
The Governor of Colorado has appoint
ed a woman to bis staff, lie explains
that he is justified in fco doing because a
Governor's stair is "only for ornamental
purposes, after all". On this ground how
ran he explain the appointment of any
A new use of citric acid has been dis
covered. Added to sea water it precipi
tates the salt and makes the liquid pala
table and usable. Seven ounces of citric
acid will he sufficient to supply a ship
wrecked sailor with enough putritted sea
water to meet bis requirements for a
It is about time for the great young
America to begin to make a fool of itself
over 4th of July. Burned houses and
barns, damaged fingers and disfigured
faces will Ix the inevitable result of the
foolish playing with Chinese toys, Are
crackers and other nonsensical fire
works. AT the Prohibition State Convention,
held at Gettysburg on Wednesday, these
were nominated : Superior Court, Her
bert G. Amea of Lycoming county and
M. II. Stevens of Allegheny county;
Auditor General, Elisha Kent Kane, of
McKean'county ; State Treasurer, Henry
D. Patton, of Lancaster.
The average gross returns per acre
from cultivated land In this country is
only f 10.00 per acie, and from land de
voted to the growing ot cereals but $8.02
per acre. In Great Britain the intensive
system of farming has brought the aver
age gross returns up to within the neigh'
borhond of $30 per acre.
The great lesson to be learned from
the present Postoflice Investigation is
that the spoils system and honest admin
istration cannot exist simultaneously.
High officials have violated the mandates
of the President as expressed tbroueb the
civil service regulations, for partisan
profit. Tbeir subordinates have been
quick to imitate them and have gone a
short step further and violated United
States statutes and moral laws for per
song i gain.
A bill passed at the laat session of the
Legislature, which should be generally
heeded, reads as follows: "No person
shall paste, paint, brand, stamp or in
any manner whatsoever place upon or
attach to any building, fence, gate, out'
building, or property of another, whether
within or without the limits of the high
way, any written, printed, painted or
other advertisement, bill, notice, sign,
card, or poster without first having ob
tained the written consent of the owner
or tenant lawfully in possession or occu
pancy thereof; provided lint nothing
herein shall be so construed as to pre
vent the posting of any notice required
by law or order of court to lie posted, nor
to prevent the postirg or placing ot any
notice particularly concerning or apper
taining to the grounds or premisis on
which the same is to be posted or
Conrrntioa .f the IV. F. M. Society.
The ladies of Clarion Presbytery have
bad, during the past week, the special
privelege of attending the annual meet
inr of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
ociety of this Presbytery. Upwards of a
hundred delegates and visitors were
present, at the convention at New Belli
lelieip, who caught an inspiration from
very oint ff the compass a they "stood
on the mount ol privelege" offered them.
With lew exceptions an interesting and
carefully prepared program was carried
out in detail. Mrs. N. P. Wheeler of En
deavor, the capable and efficient presi
dent of this society, proved herself equal
to every responsibility, and conducted
the aiTnira of the society, not only with
grace and dignity, but with tact and wise
Mrs. Suie May Sliarpe of Tionesta con
ducted a beautiful Praise and Thank Of
feting servico in which an offeiiug of
&!M86 was consecrated to the work of the
Master in foreign lands. Miss Francis
B. Siggins of West Hickory and Miss I va
Carpenter of Endeavor also ably assisted
in the work of the convention and their
work tended to show that the women of
Forest county are keeping abrest with
work and workers of this century of
missions. Two missionaries we' pres
ent who came with joy and gladness to
bring a message from far off India and
Japan. Mrs. Marlon Janvier Carletnn
ofSabathii, Indian, told of hers and her
husband's (Dr. Marcus B. Carlton) work
among the Lepers of India.
Although M rs. Ctrletnn's address was
intended to show the bright side of mis
sion life, yet the great sacrifice of Ihee
brave soldiers of the cross could not be
concealed and glimpses were csught "ho
tween lines." There are 400,000 lepers in
India and Dr. and Mrs. Carletou are
among the few who have devoted their
lives to the help of these unfortunate
people. While Mrs. Carleton counts it a
privelege to return to India next Sep
tember, yet it means more to her this
time than it has ever done before, for she
leaves behind two children Alice, 11,
and Richard, 9, who will be sent to the
Presbyterian Home for Missionaries'
children, at Wooster, Ohio, to be educat
ed. M Iks Etta Case, of Yokohama, Japan,
brought greetings from the "Land of the
Rising Sun" and gave assurance of Jap
an's speedy redemption from heathen
dom. One of the most Intel eating, as
well as the most amusing accounts of her
work, ws the description of her cooking
class. The Orient wants to keep in step
with the Occident, and when its ministers
to America and Kuropeon countries are
invited to banquets, they find the use of
the knife and fork very difficult. Con
sequently the aristocracy of Japan is ask
ing for rooking schools where lis mem
bers may learn the uses if modem civil
ization. Miss Case returns to Japan in
October, not as a missionary, but as the
wife of a Scotchman, who is a business
nan of Yokohama. Miss Case, however,
will continue her work in the church for
which she has labored lor 10 years. Rev,
Stewart Nye Hutchinson, who spent last
year at Endeavor, and who is now assist
ant pastor of one of the Presbyterian
churches if Newark, N. J., gave a stir
ring "Appeal for Missions," and we are
assured that Mr. Hutchinson's many
friends in this county will lie pleased to
learn that bis address was among tiie
best given at the convention, and, as it
has been expressed, "Mr. Hutchinson
gives premise of becoming another Rob
ert E. Speer."
The work of the Clarion Presbyterial
society for the year ending in June,
shows decided progress aud advancement
over all preceding years. A consecia
tion fund ot 2,408.3I was added to the
treasury perhaps f400 mora than was
ever before given in one year.
In "A Glance Backward," Mrs. Rey
nolds L. Buzard, of Los Angeles, for
24 years an officer of the Presbyterial So
ciety, stated that in that length of time,
overf;K,000 had been gleaned by the
women of Clarion Prest.ytery for For
eign Missions. Among those present,
whom the convention delighted to honor,
were Mrs. J. S. Elder, of Albuquer
que. N. M., for many years the president
of the Presbyterial Society. Mrs. Maggie
Junkin McKee, of Oil City, formally
years missionary In India under the
United Presbyterian Board ; Rev. James
Conway, D. D., of Brookville, who pre
sided over one of tLe evening meetings,
and many others who aided by their
presence and helpful words of encour
Mrs. N. P. Wheeler, besides being ten
dered a vote ol thanks by the executive
committee for her excellent "labor of
love" in the society during the past year
was re-elected president. Miss Nannie
Morrow, of Tionesta, Cor. Sec; Mrs. J.
L. Proudlit, of New Belhleham, Treas.;
Mrs. P. C. Boyd, of Punxsutawney,
Sec. of Young Poeple's Woik, and Mrs.
J. A. James, of Limestone, Sec. of Lit
erature. A large and handsome donation was
the result of a call from Mrs. Wheeler for
a Christmas box to Miss Elma Donald
son of Debra Dun, India, who is sup
ported by the ladies of Clarion Presby
tery. The convention of 1004 will be held
in theSecoud Presbyterian church of Oil
The new army rifle will pierce six hu
man bodies or a foot and a half of pine at
6,000 teet. The use of such a cartridgo in
riots would endanger the lives of every
person with in a mile and a half. For
that reason the "riot charge" has been
provided. It contains thirty-four grains
of powder and two lound balls weighing
forty-two grains. Its lire is not effective
over (J00 feet.
8100 UKWAKII, 9 1 OO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to leai n that thole is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in nil its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure known to the medical fra
ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly apou the blood
and mucous surface of the system, there
by destrot Ing the foundation of th dis
ease, and giving tho patient strength by
building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they otTer One Hundred
Dollar for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list o'f testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO..
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
Hall's Family Pills are thebest.
One secret of success is to keep all
your own secrets.
When "Billj" Strikes Fm Out.
The following "classic" was dashed otf
by an n known writer shortly after the
game with Marieuville and ia here re
produced without the author's know!
edge or consent, and at the imminent
risk of hurting sornebody'a feelings we
throw off the "muzzle" for the moment
and let Yr go :
Tirnesta fan, liotli man an I boy,
With chorus loud and stout ;
Always shout and yell with joy,
When Billy strikes 'em out.
Their old time foe from Marienville,
They alway- put to rout,
And each heart beats with joyful thrill,
When Billy strikes 'em nut.
The other day the same old gang,
From the bark woods did come out ;
When they saw them come the girls all
"Just watc!i Billy strike Ihem out."
They had a deserter from our ranks,
A batter, strong and stout:
Billy was sure of each one'" thanks,
If he'd only strike Lew out.
In thirty times o bat this year,
He'd hit safe every bout ;
For him bis team had little fear,
lie never would ttaike out.
Two fouls were hit, two balls were called,
He never glanced about,
But gripped his bat with stern resolve
He'd never dare strike out.
The next one seemed and easy cinch ;
He aimed a fearful clout
And missed it only by an inch ;
But Billy -struck him out.
Cream of Hie News.
Some people are two independent to
take a hint.
Paint improves appearance if it's
Lawrence. Dr. J. C. Dunn has it. It
It takes a good brass band to play all
the airs a drum major puts on.
The best Paint is the cheapest in the
end ask for Lawrence at Dr. J. C.
Dunn's drug store. It
Many a man imagines he has a hard
roe to hoe because he dislikes hoeing.
The Lawrence Paints have stood the
test ask Dr. J. C. Dunn for testimonial.
Opportunities and vacant lots must
be improved to make them profitable
- Lawrence House Paints do not crack,
P' el or blister sold by Dr. Dunn. It
A man Isn't generally a figurehead
just because he has a good head for
-Pure Linseed Oil is the life of nil
Paint ask for Lawrence at Dr. J. C.
Dunn's. It
' Though the wagon tongue Is silent it
always gets there ahead of the rest of the
Just About
Half Sick.
How many times you hear people say :
"I don't know what ails me I am tiied
all the time -don't feel like moving
don't care to go any where don't want
anyone to bother me nothing interests
me I feel half dead." It's not a pleasant
tale. It shows a system at a low ebb a
system read and fertile soil for any low
type of lever or disease. It shows the
need of a strong, all round tonio a tonic
that will reach every part, every oritan
Brain, Nerves, Stomach and Muscles. A
m dieine that will give a new feeling of
lile, a new energy and spring to the play
ed out system. A time-tried, time tested
medicine Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills.
Mrs. Lizzie Curry, of No. 141J West
Spr ng St., Titusville, Pa., says: "I was
all broken down outof health eyery way
nerves, weak no appetite and just
about sick. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pills were gotten for me and they worked
fine. I began to mend directly my
strength came back the depression lef.
I feel energetic and like work again. My
appetite and digestion are good. As an
all round tonic lor body strength and
nerves the medicine is excellent."
I'or further information call at J. C.
Dunn's drug store. Tionesta, Pa. 50o a
box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Med
icine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See that por
trait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D.,
are on eyery package.
Oncral Store for Sale.
The undersigned offer their general
store, located at Pigeon, Howe Town
ship, Forest county, Pa., for sale. The
business is situated in a good locality,
having almost the exclusive trade for a
radius of five miles in a good lumbering
and farming community, on the P. A W.
Railroad, Frost station. Good reasons
for selling. Call on or address F. A.
Keller, Tionesta, Pa.
It F. A. Keller A Co.
Reduced Kates to Atlanta (ia.
For the benefit of those derising to at
tend the National convention of the Bap
tist Young Peoples Union of America, to
be held at Atlanta, Oa., July 0 to 12, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell round-trip tickets from all stations
on its lines to Atlanta, July 6 to 0, in
clusive, good going on tbose dates and
gocd to return until July 15, inclusive, at
rate of single fare for the round trip plus
$1.00. By depositing tickets with special
agent at Atlanta on or before July l.'i, and
payment of liltv cents, an extension ol
final return limit may be obtained to
resell original starting point not later
than August 15, For specific rates and
full information concerning stop overs,
consult nearest ticket auen I. It
Ills I.ust Hope Realized.
From the Sentinel, Gebo, Mont.
In the first opening of Oklahoma to set
tlers in 18811, the editor of this paper was
among the many seekers after fortune
who made the big race one fine day in
April. During his traveling almiit and
alternants bis camping upon his claim,
he encountered much bad water, which,
together with the severe heat, gave him a
very severe darrh(it which it seemed al
most impossible to check, and along in
June the case became so bad he expected
to die. One day one of his neighbors
brought him one small bottle of Cham
berlain's folic. Cholera and Diarrba-a
Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was
given him while be was rollinir about on
the ground in great agony, and In a few
minutes the close wa- repeated. The good
ell- et of the medicine was soon noticed
and within an hour the patient was tak
ing bis first sound sleep within a foit
night. That one little Iwittle worked a
compb te cure, and he cannot help Intt
(eel grateful. The season tor bowel dis
ordeis being at hand suggests this fteiii.
For sale by Dr. Dunn, Tionesta, W. (i.
Wilkins, West Hickory.
Origin of "Cravat."
"The word 'cravat,' " said a man who
m.-ikes nockwenr, "came Into our lan
guaee about 1kM. Prior to that year
a feature of the uniform of the Aus
trian cavalry was n wid;. band of
coarse linen worn In folds around the
neck under the short hussar jacket.
This cavalry organization was called
the Cravate, its niemliers being styled
the Cravates. Later, in the seven
teenth century, France recruited a reg
iment of cavalry, adopting for It the
uniform of the Austrian regiment lu
Croatia, calling It the Royal Cravates.
Ijiter, In England, the word 'crabnt'
was applied to a nock handkerchief.
After the battle of SteenUlrk, In Flan
ders, in l('i!l2. English officers brought
home the 'steeiikirk.' n long, flowing
neck scarf edged with fine Flemish
lace, the ends of which were drawn
through a buttonhole of enormous size.
The neckwear of today is clearly trace
able to the 'steetikirk' and the modifi
cations it underwent." Washington
Odd Dwelling Sites.
The people of Tupuselei have no need
to travel far when they want to take a
salt water bath. The town is built on
piles which have been driven Into a
submerged coral reef situated far out
lu the Torres strait to the south of
New Guinea. Opposite this extraordi
nary settlement on the mainland is an
other village that is perched high lu
the air among the gigantic palm trees
with which the coast Is fringed. The
object of lioth communities in choosing
these curious sites for their dwellings
Is Identical. They desire to assure
themselves against being surprised by
their numerous enemies, and especial
ly they sock safety from the prowling
Liyuk head hunters.
The Oldest Known Bookkeeping.
In the primitive villages of the An
des, scattered through Peru, Bolivia
aud Ecuador, tho descendants of the
ancient Incas depend upon the "kipu"
for keeping all their accounts. It was
In use when I'lzarro conquered Peru,
and the Andean Indians have never
Improved on It. It Is the oldest known
form of bookkeeping. The "kipu" Is
simply n collection of knotted strings.
Differently colored strings denote dif
ferent articles lu daily use and ten dis
tinct knots the ten numerals. In the
absence of a written language It Is a
inarvelously perfect system. Large
transactions are conducted ns accurate
ly by It as if double entry bookkeeping
were employed.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnil Dlnr-
Hi era ltcmeity
is everywhere recognized as the one rem
edy that can always be depended upon
and that is pleasant to take. It is especi
ally valuable for summer diarrhoea in
children and is undoubtedly the means of
saving tbe livt-s of a great many children
each year. For sale by Dr. Dunn, Tio
nesta, W. U. Wilkins, West Hickory.
An egotist is a man who is unable to
disguise the Tact that he Is pleased with
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are just what you need when you
have no appetite, feel dull after eating
and wake up with a bad taste in you
month. They will improve your apper
lite, cleanse and invigorate your stom
ach and give you a relish lor vour food.
For sale bv Dr. Dunn, Tion"sta, W. G,
Wilkins, SVest Hickory.
Floury sack l.C01.25
Corn meal, feed, $ 100 lb 1.211
Corn meal, family, 100 ft 1.50
Chop feed, pure grain 1.23
Oats .. ,4H
Corn, shelled .70
Buckwheat flour, $ lb .0:1
Beans $ bushel 3.0P
Ham, sugar cured .18
Bacon, sugar cured .18
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, ft lb .14
Whitefish'p kit .70
Sugar 6.08
Syrup 35(g) .60
N. O. Molasses .35 .60
Coffee, Roast Rio 12$ 15
Cotree, blended Java .. .20
Tea H5 .60
Butter .15
Rice 05. OS
Eggs, fresh uu.lo
Salt$ barrel i.25
Lard .15
Potatoes, $ bushel .75
Potatoes. Sweet 3& lb .2
Lime barrel 901.00
Nails ke8 2.75
Bank Statement
No. 6038.
ol Pennsylvania, at tho close of business
June , 1U03.
Loans and discounts $192,213 20
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 945 61
U. 8. Bonds to secure circula
tion 50.000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 5.012 60
Stocks, securities, 1 to., 41,000 00
Banking-house, furniture, aud
fixtures 14 780 08
Due from approved reserve
events 105,002 04
i.neiks and other cash items (0 13
Notes of other National Banks.. 800 00
fractional paper currency.
nickels, and cents 210 04
iawtul money reserve in bank,
Specie Hit 2'i7 fin
Iegal ten ler notes... 3,500 00 17,717 CO
Redemption fund with II. fS.
Treas'r(5perct.ot circulation) 2,500 00
$431,653 20
Capital stock paid in $50,000 00
Surplus fund 23.118 58
U ud 1 v ided profi tx.less ex ponses
and taxes paid fi.838 OK
National bank notes outstand
ing 60.000 00
Dividends unpaid 9 00
Individual deposits subiect to
check 135,512 08
Demand certificates ol'deposit... lull 78
lime certificates ot deposit 105,974 8:
$431,053 20
State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the aliove
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
A H trirr.r v
Subscrilied and sworn to before me this
urn aay or June, I'.m.
C. M. Aunkr, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
O. W. RoitiNsoN.
T. F. Rm.'HKY,
for Government Positions. Fine Open
ings in all Departments. Good Salaries.
Hapi(t Promotions. Examinations soon.
Particulars Free. Inter-State Cor. Inst.,
Cedar Rapids, Ia.
buys a well woven six
loot hammock complete
witb pillow and s: retch
en. Better ones at
$1,25, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.00.
Any one of these will
add to your comfort in
hot weather. Examine
Between the clothes we sell aud those at
other stores cannot be measured in dol
lars. You will find on examination, and
especially after wearing a suit, that our
prices are reslly lower than elsewhere.
This label on a suit of clothing is
equivalent to "18-K" on gold, or "Ster
ling" on silver :
The Jlct'iien Co.
Men, Hoys & Children,
On. City, Pa
These garments of ours are brimmed
with distinctive touches:
Full of handwork wherever it belongs.
Made right and made to stay right.
A first-class cutter fits them on you
and any necessary alterations are made
in our shop by expert tailors.
These are the garments that aie fast
sending the incompetent tailors, and the
back number hatid-mo-down dealers,
sending them where the shoemakers
Prices, 810.00 to $22.00,
Everything here to dress you well,
while it is new and up-to-date.
2i AND 29 SENECA Si..
We promptly ohtaiu U. 8. and Korean
(Send model, sketch or photo of invention loi
; tree report oo patentabl lity. For free book ,
Opposite U. S. Patent Office
nesta Twp., School Fund for year
ing Juno 1st, 11103:
Jesse Carson Col. of Tionesta Twp., in ae
county with School Fund for year end
ending tune 1st, 1U03: nit.
To ain't of duplicate $1,64(1 QS
By ain't paid Treas f 1,135 11
By 5 percent, on ?3(i8.40 IS 42
By 2 percent, on $388.40 7 37
By 6 percent, on $785.11 39 25
By lands returned 03 82
By 5 percent, on lands returned.. 8 19
By Exonerations 51 19
By 5 percent on 328 83 16 43
lly cash to bal paid Treas 312 20
91,640 98
Win. Lawrence, Treas., of Tionesta Twp.,
In account with the School fund, for the
year ending June 1st, 1903: rn.
To bal. in hands 274 73
Toamt from Col 1.447 31
To anil, fioin Co. Treas 1,211 47
l o State appropriation 1902 1,184 03
To Bint from Green Twp 45 09
To amt. from J. Smearbaugh 872 51
$5,065 14
By orders redeemed... $4,656 68
By 2 percent. Com 93 13
By bal. in bands 315 35
5.005 14
Teachers wanes $2,233 00
Rent and repairs 282 65
Fuel 172 55
See lees and postago 27 82
Auditors fees and printing 26 00
Debt 500 00
Interest 69 50
Text bonks 634 98
Supplies 02 82
Sundries and Supplies 582 64
$4,591 86
Outstanding orders
Bal. in hands Treas ,
Bal. due from Co. Treas
Liabilities over resources ....
..$1,300 00
,.$ 31.1
456 77
527 88
$1,300 00
ve, the undersigned Auditors of Tio
nesta township, hereby certify that we
have audited and examined the accounts
of the School District of said township for
inn yi ar eniiiug June 1st , l!H)3, and tind
them as set forth in the foregoing report.
J. H. Wkntwokth,
J. A. Siikivkr,
Attest; Auditors.
R. L. Haslet, Clerk.
If I I I II not under 12.5 years,
V I I I 1 to call on old and
' aiBI H n.dl
No delivering. Position permanent to
tho right party. Pay weekly.
GLEN BROTHERS, Rochkstku, N.Y,
To Cisre a GoM In One Boy
. ff t ... t
TflKe ftaxsuvu 5i uiiiitj inlets,
Seven Million boxes sold in post 1 2
at these thing? fur summer wear if Dot fully convinced they are
Not necitssry to look twice to see ibat there is style in these
Even those who are not posted cn what is correct observe
that there ia something unusally attractive about these goods.
Our line of belts contains every sort that is good form this
season. 25c aud SOc.
Up-to-Date Dealers m
A. Watnk Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
Collections remitted'for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all tbe benetits consistent with conservative b kinir. Interest pnid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
I JgHisfirctwatcli
When you buy a watch for
your son have it put In a
Watch Case
When lie U ns old as vou the
watch will be as pood as new.
Strength, rigidity and finish
guaranteed for 25 years.
Call and sec them.
We also handle nil
of Movements mid Cases
Man mrFmvz
flood Stock, Good Carriages and Bug
fies to let upon the most reaxonable terms,
lo will also do
All orders left at the Post Olliee wil
receive prompt attention.
Nnfe. Alwriv reliable. Ladle. n!c Prupd't fin
lll II t:vl hit M E3U1.IMII 111 Krd and
(Jolit uictMlliu boxo. Renlnl with blue rihbt n.
Take no olhrr. Krne dniiurruu. ibf i
flulinnnnl Imitation. Huy of your llruu'Ki-t,
ur wild Ir. in Ntnmin for Particular. Tenll
monlala and Krllef for I.ailt4." in Irttrr,
by if I urn Mall. IO.OOO Tentiiiioiiiiils. buld by
all Uruvi;ii4tt.
tlOO nadl.un Kiuarr, 11111. A., FA.
Meitlo. thlr. ..per.
Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Injuries,
Sore Feet, Lame and Aching Back.
Skin Diseases. Pains and Sprains.
months. g fcs Signature,
Wm. Smearbaogh,
Vice Presiden
G. W. Robinson, Win. Suiearbaugh,
T. F. Rltchey. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly.
ufllFFH&T im
To Take EfTect July 1st, 11)02.
"SOUTH I Eastern Time NORTlf
2 4 j Stations 1 3
a. 111. p.m Leave Arrive a. m p.m
t) 4;") 4 ir Sheflleld It I ft I 45
10 (Xi 4 3f, Barnes 8 5ft : 10
10 2ii4 5d Henry's Mill S 3ft 2 60
10 40 o OS Blue Jay 8 20 2 80
UOti'ilft Hastings h Oft 2 15
11 25 5 'JO Welters 7 50 2 00
11 45 5 3ft Minister 7 4ft 1 65
11 6ft 5 4H Porkey 7 4n 1 50
12 15 5 6(1 Mayburir 7 25 1 35
12 35 0 (Ml Muck Mills 7 15 1 25
12 4ft (1 10 Kellettvilln 7 00 1 15
(12ft Newtown Mills 0 4ft
II 41) Hops Kim 0 30
7 00 Nebraska . 6 10
p. m. p.m Arrive Leave a. 111 p.m
T. I). COLLINS, President.
Taking ellect, Juno 1st, 1903.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily I
except Sunday 1107: a. m.
No. 32 Oil City and Pittsburg"" ' " ,
Exr ress.daily.except 8undav..7:J7 p.m.
No. 0:30 Oil City Aecoin.,Sun-"
day only 0;50a. ni.
No. 0:32 Oil City Aecom., Sun
nily only, K:27p. m.
For Hickory,Tidioute,Warren,Kinzua,
Rradl'ord. Olenn mid Mia l'nRt!
No. 31 Oleun Express, daily :
except Sunday 8:51 a. in.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:45 p. m.
No. 0,33, Irvineton Accom.,
Sunday only, 2:45 p. m.
For Time Tablts aud additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager, passenger Traltlo Mgr.
GEO. 11. BOYD, Gen'l Paasenger Agt.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
Trade Marks
CnPVRlr.uTtt Af..
quickly asitirtnin our opinion freo wlirther n
Inv.'iillon probably pnlrnlnblfl. Cnnimunlr.
tlonimtriitlycnnflilenllnl. lliuidbnokon I'aleliU
nt frea. OMt nifencr for awiinnif patenta.
I'm cut. taken iliniuiih lllunii A Co. recelre
fjwliil nnlite, without clmrge. In tbe
Scientific Jlnterican.
A handsomely llln.trat1 weekly. J.nnrent rtr
rulailon t nny aHi-ntinc Journal. Terma. t:i a
yeir: fnnr month. $L Sold by all newdealer.
MUNN&Co.36'8-. New York
Braucu onice. IBS F tjt.. Waabliigion. U.Z1
Cores Crip
In Two Days.
m fj
on every
frmrt box. 25c
. v . , . n iaiiiimiliiiii wirfiaf
r a . II