The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 20, 1903, Image 1

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Oae Square, one inch, one week... 109
One Square, one inch, one month, t M
One Square, one inch, 3 months.... i 0t
One Square, one inch, one year .... 10 0$
Two Squares, one y ear. ......... 15 0
Quarter Column, one year 30 00
Half Column, one year . 60 00
One Column, one year . 190 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each Insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
Office in Smearbaugh k Wenk Building,
Term, $ 1.00 A Year, Nlrlrtly In Advaaee.
No subscription recoived for a shorter
poriod than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will bo taken of anonymous communlca
liuns. Always give your name.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
OuuHC,lmen.-Dr. J. O. Dunn, G. O.
Gaston, J. B. Muse, C. V. Weaver, J. W,
Landers, J. T. Dalo. W. F Kil liner.
Justice vf the reaeeC. A. lUudall, S.
J. Setley.
Constable 8. K. Maxwell.
Collector S. J. Setley.
School Directors L. Fulton. J. O.
Soowden, J. E. WetiK, Patrick Joyce, L
Agnew, K. L. Haslet,
'Member of OmreM-Joseph C. 8ibley.
Member of Senate J. K. P.. Hall.
. Assembly V. W. Amsler.
President Judge V. M. Lindsey.
Associate Judges-li. U. Crawford, W.
II. H. Dottorer. .
JotKonotary, Register & Recorder, e.
J. C. deist.
Sheriff: Geo. W. Noblit.
Treasurer Fred. A. Keller.
CbiMnnM O. Burhenn, A. K.
Shipe, Henry Weingard.
!.(,c( AMorney-S. D. Trwln. . ,
Jury Commissioners Ernest tstuuie,
Low to Wagner.
Cbi-oner-Dr. J. W. Morrow.
County tt(i9r-W. H. Stiles, Geo.
W. Hbloman, B. A. MeOloskey.
Count! Surveyor-!). W. I
County A'upnnnrfn( E. K. di"
uer. --
tegular Term of Court.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday or May.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Church anil Hnbbnlli Hehool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
in. : M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in.
I'reachmg in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Kev. O. II. Nickle
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kev.
MMlarvy, Pastor.
Serflces in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Kev.' It. W. Illingworth, Pastor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. 1.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourtn Tuesdays of each
in- nth.
r pi . N EST A LOW i E, No. 3(10, 1. 0. 0. F,
1 Meott every Tuesday evening, inOdil
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
ixhiknt lodge, no. w.a.o.u. w
I Moots every Friday evening inA.O.U.
W. Hall, Tlonesta.
v ""
J G. A, iv. Meow isianu ou 4""""?
evening in each mouth, in A. O. U. W.
Hall, Tionesta.
J 1:17. W. R. C, meets first and third
weiinestisy bvtouim " .....-,
O. U. W. hall, Tioneata, Pa.
. ....... r . r r T
1 M., meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
rvenlnir In each month In A. O. U. W.
hall Tionesta, Pa.
Tionesta, Pa
A TTO It N 1 Y A 1 - Li A v ,
Warren, Pa
Praolice In Forest Co.
nnirai in Arner Uuildimr. Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sis., Tionesta, Pa.
Plivsli-ian. Suriroou A Dontist
OlHee and Residence throe doors north
of Hotel Airnew. Tionesta. Professional
calls promptly respondod to at all hours,
Physician Surgeon,
nR.J. C. DUNN,
and DUUGGIvr. Office over stare',
n,i. i'u pruuiniiHl pulls nroiiint-
liiilimL, . -
IV responded to at all hours of day or
tilglll. luwiuence tjiiii ",
Urove's giocory and uerow s resuuinuii,
n J. n. siggins.
Physician and Mirgenn,
Hardware, Tinning A Plumbing.
Tionesta, Pi
Ss J' 8KT,V,Yi,'W nv Til R PEACH.
uv;oiv-fv t il l
KeepA a complete line of JuMtWre s blanka
lor sale. Also imhuk uecua, iii.n.6f,.
.at, ,..
et, I loni'sia, i n.
w Wl'lVCR Prnnr etor
Tills hotel', formerly the Lawrence
House, lias undergone iiiiitiw'i.-ii-"n",
1 i r...L,l.ul with ai; tlm IIKK1-
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
f .rl.l. ..olnrul irati liHLliroillllH.
hot and cold water, etc. The comlorts of
guests never negiocied.
(IK IOW A OK1UIW I'roprioior,
Tionseta, Pa. This is the inostceiitraliy
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm
and Walnut streets, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work Irom the linest to
ilioooHi-xext and guarantees his work to
give iKtrfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all Vlnds of
U. ii. UUUilUl Ub MUilM.f
Furniture Dealers,
New Highway Department Created
to Improve Highways.
Balance of Cost Is Divided Between
County and Township In Which
Work Is Done $6,500,000 Appropri
ated, of Which $500,000 Is Availa
ble This Year.
Providing for the establishment of a
State Highway Department, by the
appointment of a State Highway
Commissioner and staff of assistants,
and defining the powers and duties
thereof; authorizing the State High
way Department to co-operate with
the several counties and townships,
and with boroughs In certain in
stances, In the improvement of the
public highways and the maintenance
of improved highways; providing for
the application of counties and town
ships for State aid In highway im
provement and maintenance; provid
ing for the payment of the cost of
highway improvements, made under
the provisions of this act, by the
State, the counties, and the town
ships, and making an appropriation
for this purpose.
Whereas, It la of great importance
to the people of this Commonwealth
that the public highways should be
systematically Improved, and that the
several counties and townships should
bo given the aid and encouragement
of the State In the building and main
tenance of Improved highways; there
fore. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c, That
immediately upon the approval of this
act, a State Highway Department shall
be established by the appointment by
the Governor of the Commonwealth,
with the advice and consent of the
Senate, for a term of four years, of a
State Highway Commissioner, who
shall be a competent civil engineer,
and experienced In the construction
and maintenance of improved roads.
Said State Highway Commissioner
shall receive a salary of three thou
sand five hundred dollars per annum,
and shall be allowed his actual travel
ing expenses, not exceeding five hun
dred dollars, while officially employed.
He shall furnish a bond In the sum of
twenty-five thousand dollars for the
faithful performance of his duty, said
bond to be approved by the Governor,
and he shall give his whole time and
attention to the duties of his position.
The said State Highway Commissioner
may appoint, as the work of the de
partment requires It, and subject to
the approval of the Governor, one as
sistant, who shall be a capable and
competent civil engineer and exper
ienced In road building, who shall re
ceive an annual salary of two thou
sand dollars, and shall be allowed hla
actual traveling expense, not to exceed
five hundred dollars, when on official
business; and he shall also appoint a
chief clerk, at an annual salary of fif
teen hundred dollars per annum, and
may employ an additional clerk who
shall be a competent stenographer, at
an expense not to exceed one thousand
dollars per annum. The State High
way Commissioner may require -..e
employes of the Department to give
bind for the faithful performance of
their duty, In suitaole and reasonable
Section 2. The State Highway De
partment shall be provided with suit
able rooms in the State buildings at
Harrisburg, and Its offices shall be open
at all reasonable times for the trans
action of public business. The State
Highway Commissioner shall carry
Into effect the provisions of this act
and all acts of Assembly providing for
the co-operation of the State in the
construction and maintenance of public
highways. He shall have charge of
the records of the State Highway De
partment; and shall each year submit
to the Governor of the Commonwealth
a full report of the operations of the
Department, the number of miles, cost
and character of the roads built under
Its direction, detailed statements of the
expenses of the Department, and such
other Information concerning the con
dition of the public roads of the State
and the progress of their improve
ment as may be proper.
Section 3. Whenever the county com
missioners of any county shall repre
sent by petition to said State Highway
Department that any principal high
way In said county, outside of the cor
porate limits of any city or borough,
Is not In a satisfactory condition for
comfortable or economical travel, and
ought to be reconstructed under the
provisions of this act, and shall fur
nish to the said Department an accu
rate plan of the layout, lines, profile
and established grade of such highway,
it shall be the duty of the State High
way Commissioner to examine such
highway, or Instruct one of his assist
ants so to do and if In the judgment
uf the State Highway Commissioner
raid representation Is well-founded, he
shall determine what changes should
he made in said exist ing highway, what
portion of It should he improved and
in what manner, and shall prepare ac-
urate plans and make careful detailed
estimates of the expense of the work
which. In his opinion, should be done,
and report the same to the county com
missioners of the county and the su
pervisors or commissioners of the
township or townships In which the
said highway may lie. If the said
county commissioners and township
supervisors or commissioners then de
cide that it is advisable to go on with
the work as hereinafter provided, and
'iiake tho required agreements as herc
'tafltrr specified, the State Highway
Department may, if the funds at Its
disposal permit of so doing, contract
Jointly with the county and township
or townships In which said highway
lies, to carry out the recommendations
of the State Highway Commissioner;
the cost of the same, including all the
necessary surveys, grading, material,
construction, relocation, changes of
grade, and expenses In connection with
the Improvement of said highway, to
be borne In sixty-six and two-thirds
per centum by the State, sixteen and
two-thirds per centum by the county,
and sixteen and two-thirds per centum
by the township or townships In which
the portions of said highway, Improved
as herein provided, may lie: Provided,
That the State aid shall be apportion
ed among the several counties of the
Commonwealth according to the mile
age of township or county roads in
each county, but the said amount shall
remain in the State Treasury until ap
plied for under the provisions of this
act; And provided. That any county
constructing county roads under the
provisions of the act of June twenty
sixth, one thousand eight hundred and
ninety-five (Pamphlet law, three hun
dred and thirty-six), and supplements
and amendments thereto, shall be en
titled to receive the same amount of
State aid as If said roads were con
structed under the provisions of this
act: And provided further, That If the
appropriation, so apportioned by the
State, shall not be so applied for a
period of two years after it has become
available, the amount so apportioned
and set aside for that county shall
be returned to the State Treasury, and
added to the appropriation for the cur
rent year, and distributed anew under
the provisions of this act: And pro
vided further, That nothing herein con
tained shall prevent any county and
townships from agreeing to appropri
ate a larger amount for such road Im
provement than the amounts specified
in this act: And provided. That coun
ties and townships may agree among
themselves to contribute their com
bined proportion of the thirty-tnree
and one-third per centum of the total
expense of construction, herein pro
vided to be borne by them, in different
proportions from that hereinabove spe
cified; but in no case shall any town
ship or county pay less than five per
centum of the entire expense of such
Improvements: Provided, That the
county commissioners shall furnish,
under oath, to the State Highway Com
missioner the total number of miles
of township or county public roads, by
townships, to the State Highway Com
missioner. Section 4. All highways improved un
der the provisions of this act shall
conform to the standard of construc
tion established by the State High
way Department, as best adapted to
the locality in which they may be lo
cated, with due regard to the topo
graphy and natural conditions and the
availability of road-building materials,
and shall be constructed according to
the best engineering practice. No sec
tion of highway Improved under this
act shall be less than one-fourth mile
In length, nor shall the Improved por
tion thereof be less than twelve feet
In width. So far as is consistent with
the just and equitable administration
of this act. the State Highway Depart
ment shall encourage a general system
of highway improvement.
Section 5. Ali work done under the
provisions of this act shall be by con
tract, according to plans and specifica
tions to be prepared by the State High
way Commissioner and approved by
the county commissioners of the coun
ty and the supervisors or commission
ers of the township or townships, as
hereinbefore provided; and in award
ing said contracts the work shall be
given to the lowest and best bidder,
with the option upon the part of the
State Highway Commissioner, the
county commissioners, or the township
supervisors or commissioners, to reject
any or all bids If they consider the
same unreasonable, or if the prices
named are materially higher than the
estimated cost of the work as pro
vlded for. Every person, firm or cor
poration, before being awarded any
contract for the construction or im
provement of any highway under the
provisions of this act, shall furnish a
bond, acceptable to the State High
way Commissioner, in a sum equal to
the contract price of the work, condi
tioned upon the satisfactory comple
tion of the same and to save harmless
the State, county and the township or
townships, In which the work may He,
from any expense incurred through the
failure of said contractor to complete
the work as specified, or for any dam
ages growing out of the carelessness
of said contractor or his or its ser
Section 6. Any township may, through
its supervisors or commissioners, be
authorized to bid for the construction
of such portion of any highway inv
provement, undertaken under the pro
visions of this act, as may lie within
its limits; and any township submit
ting such bid shall have the same con
slderation as other bidders, and, It
awarded the contract, shall fulfill the
same and be subject to the same regu
lations as are laid down for other bid
Section 7. Upon the completion of
any highway, rebuilt or improved tin
der the provisions of this act, tho
State Highway Commissioner shall 1m
mediately ascertain the total expense
of the same, and apportion the said
total expense between the State, the
county and the township, or townships.
in the proportion hereinbefore provld
ed; and in case the said improved high
way shall extend into or through two
or more townships, he shall apportion
the proportion of the expense, afore
said, to be borne by each township
anion.'; tho several townships, in the
same proportionate parts us the cost
of the improvement within each town
ship Bhall bear to the whole expense
of tho Improvement which has been
made according to the provisions of
His act; and the said State Highway
Commissioner shall certify the total
expense of said Improvement to the
county commissioners and to the super
visors or commissioners of the town
ship, or townships, in which the im
proved highway has been constructed,
respectively, specifying tho amounts to
be borne by the State, the county and
the township, or each township, as
provided by this act.
Section 8. The State's share of the
expense of highway improvement or
maintenance, under the provisions of
this act. shall be paid by the State
Treasurer upon the warrant of the
State Highway Commissioner, attested
by the chief clerk of the State High
way Department, out of any specifi:
appropriations made by the legislature
to carry out the provisions of this act;
and the share of the county In which
said highway improvement, as Herein
provided, has been made, shall be a
charge upon the funds of said county,
and shall be paid by the county treas
urer upon the order of the county com
missioners. The share of the township
or townships in which the said high
way improvement, as herein provided,
has been made, shall be paid by the
township supervisors or commission
ers, as other debts of said township or
townships are paid. . The State High
way Department, the county commis
sioners of the county, and the miper
vlsors or commissioners of the town
ship, or townships, in which any high
way is being improved under the pro
visions of this act, may, with the ap
proval of the State Highway Commis
sioner, make partial payments to the
contractor or contractors performing
the work, as the same progresses; but
not more than two-thirds of tht Ir pro
portionate shares of the contract, price
for the work shall be paid. In advance
of the full completion of the same, by
either the State Highway Department,
the county, and the township or town
ships, so that at least one-third of the
full contract price shall be withheld
until the work is satisfactorily com
pleted and accepted, and the exact pro
portions of the cost thereof apportion
ed to the State, county and township,
or townships: Provided, That a cash
road tax be levied by each township,
where such road improvement Is being
made, to meet the cost of such perma
nent road Improvement as is provided
In this act.
Section 9. Every contract authorized
to be made by the State Highway De
partment, under the provisions of thla
act, shall be made in the name of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
shall be signed by the State Commis
sioner of Highways and attested by the
Chief Clerk of the Department, and
shall be approved, as to form and le
gality, by the Attorney General or Dep
uty Attorney General of the Common
wealth. No contract for any highway
improvement shall be let by the State
Highway Department, nor shall any
work be authorized under the provi
sions of this act, until the written
agreement of the county commission
ers of the county and the supervisors
or commissioners of the township, or
townships, in which said proposed Im
provement is to be made, agreeing to
assume their respective shares of the
cost thereof, as hereinbefore provided,
shall be on file in the office of the State
Highway Department, and shall have
been approved, as to form and legality,
by the Attorney General or the Deputy
Attorney General of the Common
wealth. Section 10. The county commission
ers of any county may, upon the pres
entation to them of a petition from the
supervisors or commissioners of any
township, or of two or more adjoining
townships, representing that any prin
cipal highway or section thereof, lying
within said township or townships, is
In need of reconstruction, and setting
forth that said township or townships
desire to take advantage of the provi
sions of this act to improve said high
way, pass a resolution petitioning the
State Highway Department to under
take the improvement of the highway
or section thereof specified In the petl
tion from the township or townships
aforesaid, and authorizing the assump
tion by the county of its share of the
expense of said Improvement; accom
panying the said petition to the State
Highway Department with a map or
plan showing the layout, lines, profile
and grade of such highway, as herein
before provided: Provided, That where
the county commissioners petition the
State Highway Commissioner for the
improvement of a public road or parts
thereof, they shall state the kind of
material to be used or available for
such road.
Section 11. The supervisors or com
mlssioners of any township In any
county of the Commonwealth may pe
tition the county commissioners of
said county to make application to the
State Highway Department for the co
operation of the State in the recon
struction or permanent improvement
of any principal highway within the
said township, or any section (hereof
which is much used as a thoroughfare
by the people of said township and
the neighboring townships, cities and
boroughs, agreeing by resolution to as
sume, for said township, the propor
tionate share of the expense of said Im
provement, as hereinbefore provided. It
shall be lawful for any township to
Incur Indebtedness or to issii" bonds,
in the manner authorized by law, for
the payment of the said township's
share of the ost of any highway im
provement undertaken under tht pro
visions of this act. If within thirty
days after the receipt of any petition
for highway improvement in any town
ship, under the provisions of this ai t,
a petition, signed by the owners of a
majority of the assessed valuation of
real estate ill said township, Is receiv
ed by the county commissioners of the
county in which said township is lo
cated, protesting against said proposed
expenditure upon the part of the town
ship, then the county commissioners
Shall take no action on said petitiou
for lmprovemrui, bfft shell return the
same to the supervisors or commis
sioners from whom it was received.
Upon the recfipt of a petition, signed
by the owners of a majority of the as
sessed valuation of real estate In any
township, requesting the application by
said township for the Improvement of
any highway in said township accord
ing to the provisions of this act, it
shall be the duty of the supervisors or
commissioners of said township to pe
tition the county commissioners In the
manner hereinbefore described.
Section 12. In case the county com
missioners of any county shall neglect
or refuse to act upon the petition of
any township or townships for highway
improvement, as herein provided, or
shall refuse to petition the State high
way Department for State aid in such
proposed Improvement, after said town
ship or townships shall have complied
with the conditions of this act in peti
tioning said county commissioners, the
supervisors or commissioners of said
township or townships may, through
their proper officers, petition the court
of quarter sessions of said county for
the appointment of a Jury of view to
examine into the necessity of said pro
posed highway improvement; and upon
the said jury of view making a report
favorable to said Improvement, and
with the approval of the court. It shall
be the duty of, and the court may by
order require, the said county commis
sioners to petition the said State High
way Department for the co-operatlon
of the State In the said proposed high
way improvement, in the manner here
in provided. Said jury of view to be
appointed and compensated in tho
same manner, and to have the same
powers, as juries of view for laying
out or changing public roads have by
existing law.
Section 13. The supervisors or com
missioners of any adjacent townships,
In the same county, In which any por
tion of a principal highway running
into or through said townships may
lie, may by resolution Jointly petition
the county commissioners of their
county to make application to Jhe biate
Highway Department for the co-opera
tion of the State in repairing or re
building said highway, as herein pro
vided. Section 14. Advertisements for propo
sals for the reconstruction or Improve
ment of highways under tho provisions
of this act shall be given by the county
commissioners, at least thirty days be
fore the contracts may be awarded, by
public notice in at least two newspa
pers of general circulation in the coun
ty in which the highway to be inir
proved Is located; such advertisement
to designate where the plans and spe
cifications may be had, and the time
and place of the reception of bids and
the letting of the contract.
Section 15. Ten per centum of the
amount available for highway purposes,
under the provisions of this act, shall
be set aside for the purpose of mainte
nance of highways, as hereinafter pro
vided, and shall be apportioned by the
State Highway Commissioner among
the townships or counties applying for
the same, In proportion to the mileage
of Improved highways made under the
provisions of this act, or which have
already been made or may hereafter
be made, at the expense of such town
ships or counties, and which are ot me
standard prescribed by the State High
way Department for Improved high
ways. Section 16. Whenever the supervisors
or commissioners or any townsuip or
county shall desire State aid for the
purpose of maintenance of improved
highways, whether State highways im
proved under the provisions of this act
or otherwise, it shall be the duty of
said supervisors or commissioners to
file with the State Highway Depart
ment, on or before the first day of
April In each year, a sworn petition
requesting such State aid, and setting
forth the number of miles of highways
Improved according to tue standards of
the State Highway Department in said
township, and the cost of the same to
said township, together with the condi
tion of said improved highways and
the average annual cost of maintaining
the same. The State Commissioner of
Highways, If in his judgment the con
ditions warrant tho co-operation of the
State in maintaining said highways,
shall apportion to Raid township its
proportion of the total amount availa
ble for the maintenance of Improved
highways, as hereinbefore provided,
and the said amount shall be paid to
the supervisors or commissioners of
said township by warrant of the State
Highway Department; but in no case
shall the amount thus given by the
State for maintenance, be more tnan
one-half the amount which, in the
Judgment and experience of the State
Highway Commissioner, the annual
cost of maintaining improved high
ways of the standard of construction
prevailing in such township should be,
nor more than one-half the sworn.avcr
age annual cost of maintenance, as set
forth In the petition of the supervisors
or commissioners of the said town
ships. Section 17. All highways, or portions
of highways, constructed or improved
nnder the provisions of this act, shall
thereafter b known as "State High
ways," but. so far as the same may be
within the limits of any township, shall
be kept in repair, so that they may bn
maintained at the standard of condi
tion prescribed for highways of their
class by the State Highway Depart
ment, at the expense of said township;
but the supervisors or commissioners
Of any township possessing improved
highways may ask for and receive
State aid for the maintenance of the
same, as hereinbefore provided. It
shall be the duty of the supervisors or
commissioners or every township in
which said State lligliw. may lie, to
maintain the same generally at a reas
onable standard, prescribed for such
roads by the State Highway Depart
ment. Section 18. The word ' highway," an
used in this act, shall be construed to
Include any existing causeway or
bridge, or any new causeway or bridge,
or any drain or water-course which
may form part of a road, and which
might properly be built, according to
existing laws, by the township or town
ships; but shall not include causeways
or bridges which should properly be
built by a county, or adjoining coun
ties, or by the State.
Section 19. Where a portion of an im
portant main highway, traversing
or more townships, and for the Im
provement of which according to the
provisions of this act, application has
been made by said township or town
ships, shall lie within the limits of any
borough or boroughs, and whero the
failure of said borough or boroughs to
improve the said highway would leave
a break or unimproved section in a
continuous Improved highway, It shall
be lawful for the county commissioners
of the county in which Bald highway Is
located, to enter into an agreement
with said borough or boroughs to bear
a portion of the expense of said im
provement of the highway within the
borough limits, in the same manner as
is herein provided for co-operation be
tween the counties and townships; and
tho State Highway Department may,
if tho State Highway Commissioner so
recommends, bear a portion of the ex
pense of said improvement of said high
way within said borough limits, but in
no case shall the portion of said ex
pense to bo borne by the State exceed
one-third of the total expense of said
improvement, nd boroughs shall only
receive aid from the State, as afore
said, In cases where failure to receive
such aid would prevent a continuous
Improvement of an Important main
highway, provision forthe rebuiUiingof
which has been made In the township
or townships adjoining said borough or
boroughs. All Improvements made In
borough highways, as herein provided,
shall be of a character similar to that
specified for the township or townships
through which the highway to be Im
proved passes in reaching saftl borough
and boroughs, and tho plans and speci
fications for the work shall be approv
ed by the State Highway Department;
and the completed work shall be ap
proved by said department before any
warrant shall be Issued for the State's
share In such Improvement, as herein
provided. It shall be the duty of tho
proper officers of said borough or bor
oughs, charged with the maintenance
of the streets and highways of said bor
ough or boroughs, to keep and main
tain said improved highway, within the
borough limits, in a condition to con
form to the standard established by
the State Highway Department for the
maintenance of similar highways.
Section 20. The Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania shall not be liable to any
person or corporation for damages aris
ing from the rebuilding or Improve
ment of any highway under this act,
nor shall the State engage to keep such
highway In repair after the same shall
have been rebuilt or Improved, except
to extend the aid In maintenance here
in provided. In case any person or
persons, or corporations, shall sustain
damage by any change In grade, or by
the taking of land to alter the loca
tion of any highway which may De Ira
proved under this art, and the county
commissioner and the parties so in
jured cannot agree on the amount of
damages sustained, such persons or
corporations may present their peti
tion to the court of quarter sessions
for the appointment of viewers to as
certain and assess such damage; the
proceedings upon which said petition
and by the viewers shall be governed
by the laws relating to the assessment
of damages for opening public high
ways, and such damages, when ascer
tained, shall be paid by the respective
counties, and afterwards apportioned
by the Commissioner of Highways, ac
cording to the provisions of section
Section 21. In addition to hla other
duties, the State Highway Commis
sioner shall cause to be made ami kept
for the State Highway Department a
general highway plan of the State, anu
compile statistics and collect informa
tion relative to the mileage, character
and condition of the highways in the
townships and counties of the State.
He shall Investigate and determine
upon the various methods of road con
struction best adapted to the various
sections of the State; and establish
standards for the construction and
maintenance of highways In the vari
ous sections, taking Into consideration
the topography of the country, the nat
ural conditions and the character and
availability of road-building material,
and the ability of the townships and
counties to build and maintain roads
nnder the provisions of this act. He
may, at all reasonable times, be con
sulted by county, city, borough or
township officers having authority over
highways and bridges, and shall, when
requested, advise and give Information
to such officers relative to the con
struction, repairing, alteration and
maintenance of the said highways and
bridges. He shall at all times lend
his aid in promoting improvement
throughout the State, and shall pre
pare and disseminate useful Informa
tion relative to road building and Im
provement. Section 22. County commissioners or
county engineers of the several coun
ties of this Slale, and the oflicers of
all cities, boroughs and townships In
the Slate, who now have, or may here
after have by law, authority over the
public highways and bridges, shall,
upon the written request of the State
Highway Department, furnish said De
partment with any informal n rela
tive to the mileage, cost of building,
and maintenance, condition and char
acter of the highways uiidor their Ju
risdiction, ami with any other needful
information relating to the Bald high
ways. Section 23. All highways Improved
under the provisions of this avl shall
reijuirt) the construction of a macad
amized road, or a telford or other stone
road, or a road constructed of gravel,
cinder, oyster-shells, or other good ma
terials, in such manner that the same,
of whatever material constructed, will,
with reasonable repairs thereto, at all
seasons of the year be firm, smooth
and convenient for travel. The county
commlssicmers snail have the autnor
ity to select the kind of materials to
be used In Improving any road under
the provisions of this act Any differ
ence of opinion that may arise between
the county commissioners and the
township road authorities, as to the
kind of a road to be built, shall be
decided by the State Highway Commis
sioner. The State Highway Commis
sioner shall furnish to the county com
missioners and township road author
ities information as to the probable
cost of Improved highways, as defined
In this section.
Section 24. The sum of six millions
five hundred thousand dollars Is hereby
appropriated to carry out the provi
sions of this act during the next six
years. Of this sum, an amount not to
exceed five hundred thousand dollars
shall be available in the first year after
the passage of this act, not more tnan
five hundred thousand dollars shall be
available in the second year, one mil
lion two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars in each of the two next follow
ing years, and one million five hundred
thousand dollars in each of the two
years next following.
Section 25. All acts or parts of acts
inconsistent herewith are hereby re
pealed: Provided, That the provisions
of this act shall not be construed to
repeal any of the provisions of the road
acts approved June twenty-sixth, one
thousand eight hundred and ninety
five (Pamphlet laws, three hundred and
thirty-six), and June twenty-three, one
thousand eight hundred and ninety
seven (Pamphlet laws, one hundred
and ninety-four), and July ten, one
thousand nine hundred and one (Pam
phlet laws, six hundred and thirty-six).
Approved The 15th day of April, A.
D. 1903.
Frank M. Fuller, Secretay of the Commonwealth.
(lopnnk Itlvrr Kluliem Land Them
liy au Iit;7inloi!i Method.
Those who crab for market on the
Choptank river, Maryland, have nn In
genious method of catching crabs In
quantity. A rope about the thickness
of n clothesline several hundred feet
long is kept colled in a keg. At Inter
vals of two feet nlong the entire length
of the rope the fisherman has untwisted
It and inserted between the strands
lliort pieces of salted eels. The torsion
of tlie strand holds them tightly in
place. Each end of the rope lias a keg
buoy attached, together with a heavy
ttone. Arriving at the favored place,
usually on oyster beds, be throws a keg
overboard and pays out n highly scent
ed rope ns he sails. When the other
end is readied, he anchors it with an
other stone und throws out another
buoy. After lowering his sail he waits
a few minutes, then takes his stand on
the bow of his boat. Alongside of him
is his landing net, with a handle six
feet long. lie raises the buoy and
i-tone mid, hand over hand, pulls his
boat nlong the line. When a crab,
clinging to Its refreshment, conies In
sight, be seizes his net, dashes It under
the crab and (lings It into tho loat. The
wary crab inny loosen his hold and dive
for the bottom, but such is the fisher
man's dexterity that his net Is swifter
than the crab. One seldom gets away.
Several hundreds of .Tabs are often
taken at cucli overhauling of the rope.
When he has caught all he wants, ho
pucks them in barrels and sells them to
u local dealer, who ships them to mar
ket Country Life In America.
Four firrnt lonlrlan.
Palestrlna was a revolutionist In his
lay, but Is now virtually obsolete even
for the severest classicists. Cluck was
lis radical nn Innovator ns Wagner,
yet It Is only occasionally nml with dif
ficulty that one of his works can now
be briefly resuscitated. Peetlioveu Wna
a madman even to ninny of tho best
musicians ns late ns Is).". when, nn
that musical veteran. Professor Hnupt,
himself said, the "Fifth Symphony"
was rehearsed in Herlln for tho first
time, and the orchestra dashed tho
music from the rucks, declaring It wns
crazy nnd could never bo played. Now
lids same "Fifth Symphony" is consid
ered a model ot form, nnd its composer
Is the cherished Idol of conservative
and classicists.
Pity I-'or Wenlfrn Satlon.
The Chinese enjoy the grentext liber
ty. The laws of tho western nation aro
too numerous and too severe. Instances
of their bondage may be given. All the
children in the country are bound to ut
(end school at n certain nge. When nn
aulhoi wants to print a liook, he baa to
nsk for a copyright, ltefore a man can
sturt a newspaper ho must npply for n
certificate from his government sanc
tioning him to do so. There aro fixed
regulations governing all companies
and firms. All marriages must lie re
ported to n certain department for reg
istration. Thus there Is no liberty be
tween husband and wife- Peking Sin
Mlnlulorc Trent.
The Japam-se art of making minia
ture landscapes nnd gardens consist
chiefly in starving tlm plant so as tu
retard the circulation of Its sup or life
giving Juices. Puiguson, who wbs one
among the first of F.ngllsh adventurers
1o visit t bina and Japan, mentions
11e fact that he saw nt Canton "n boo
libollt the bigness of n led.vcs sniiffo
Imx, which did not contalno a llttyl
dirt nnd sixteen tiny llttyl trees, foutv
of which were In full blow, the whole
bove, tree and nil so small that a man
could put them III hS mouth together."