The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 13, 1903, Image 2

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4. C. WCNK, - Editor Pophictor.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1903.
1903 MAY 1903
Mo. Tu. We
19 20 21 22 23
26 27 28 29 30
a. in.
Third m lfrU
2 Quarter 4
t Quarter 13 a. m.
11 811
New r n 0:49
.x Moon
UXoon L U p. m.
The Republican pnniRry ehelion In
Forest ceunty takes place Saturday, May
lti, 1903.
We are authorized to announce Dr. C.
Y. Dctar, of Kellettville, as a candidate
lor Delegate to the Republican Slate Con
vention. Republican Primary Election.
Pursuant to a Resolution of the County
Committee, passed April 2.", 1903, it is or
dered that the Republican voters of For
est County meet on
SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1903,
at 1 o'clock, p. in., at the following named
places of holding primary elections, to
wit: Rarnett Clarington, Cookaurn, Red
ely fie.
Green Nebraska, Utiitonville.
Harmony 'et Hickory, Kolo Farm.
Hickory East Hickory.
Howe lirooKston, Cooper Tract, Pig
eon, Lynch, Porkey, Cloiighs.
Kinnsley Newtown, Starr, May burg,
. Jenks Marionville, Duhring.
Tionesta Township.
Tionesta Borough.
At which time and place they will by
theii votes nominate:
One person for District Attorney.
One person for Coroner.
One person for State Delegate.
Each election precinct will also elect
one person for member of the County
(Join in iltee for the ensuing year.
The polls will remain open till 7 p. m.
Return Judges will convene at the
Court House, Tionesta Bjrough, on the
following Tuesday, May 19, 1903, at 2
o'clock p. in.
Attention i called to tho Act of June,
1H81, regulating primary elections, that
Judges and Clerks, before entering upon
the discharge of their duties, shall take
and subscribe an oath or alUrmation in
presence of each other.
Proper election blanks and tickets will
be mail d to the committer men of the
riiflerent precincts in due time. It is
their duty to see that these are promptly
on hand on the day of the primari s.
W.m. U.'Morrow, Chairman.
The people of the United States drank
more ceffee than beer last year.
Thk Republican primary election in
Forest county takes place next Saturday,
16!h. Keep it in mind and if not too
busy turn out.
In a short time the per capita will look
like$30, and yet sune folks complain
that they can not produce their due share
of the circulating niodiu n.
What the President spared the Missis
sippi bears be has given to the Wall
Street bulls by reason of his sincere and
honest fight against meretricious trusts.
The Tieasury officials have no fear
that the vessel carrying tl,e $2,.'iOO,O00 of
silver Filipino coins will be waylaid.
The "swag" would be too hoavy to carry
Sisce tLe President announced that it
would be unwise to attempt to revise tho
tariff before the next election a tariff re
form Republican is as rare as a 10 to 1
A South krn man who has discovered
that feeding hens with onions flavors
their ettgs, is now trying the experiment
of feeding them with whiskey and sugar
to produce epgnog.
The claim of an Anniston, Ala., man
that be saw the first railway train ever
run recalls the somewhat surprising fact
thai Stephenson's first engine was built
considerably less than one hundred years
Postmaster General Pay.nb has dis
armed all critics by announcing that the
report of Fourth Assif :ant General Bris
tow will be published in full when the
rostoflice investigations are concluded, a
date now estimated ss June 1st.
There is a growing demand for ade
quate parcel posts service in this country.
It has been established in Europe in
many instances and there is every reason
U believe it would pay here. But one
thing is needful, get the Express Compa
ny lobby out of the way.
Rki est forest fires in this section af
forded an opportuniiy for tlio "special"
liends to impose on the city papers, and
it goes without saying that they made the
most of It. Some ofthe fairy stories were,
well written, but they were as devoid of
truth as a last year's bird's nest is ol good
eggs. Oil City llliz.rd.
Colorako's enthusiastic reception to
President Roosevelt means more than
may appear on the surface of things. Ol
course, the President is personally popu
lar there, as well as all over the West.
Rut Colorado has come back to the Re
publican party. It was the most ami-
hi publican of all the states in H'M, but
it has been m iving steadily back to the
Republicans ever since and it got back
all the way in l'.Kii It is safe to say that
the plurality wb'cb Colorado gave to the
Republican candidate for Governor in
l'.Kl was small compared w Ith that which
she will roll up for tho Republican presi
dential ticket in 1904.
Senator Hanna said recently, to
company of newspapermen, that when he
came to Washington he discovered that
the newspapermen were worthy of special
study. He studied them, f nnd thrill
worthy of his MrmiVhip and cultivated
them and concluding, said, 'I am getting
on very nicely, thank you."
It may be said once for all that no In
terest and no section can get favors in
tariff making except by conceding them
to other interests and other stiiions,
which will be the ond of protection. If
any so-called Republicans arc dissatis
fied with protection as it now exists in
the United States, let them go over to the
Democrats, where they belong. Let gen
uine Republicans stand ny the law as it
is. San Francisco Chronicle.
Atx the talk about ex-President Cleve
land being nominated bv the Democrats
for a third term Is the sheerest nonsense.
Mr. Cleveland is a ''has been."
Some ol the tilings he did during his
last term were so undemocratic that it
would be impossible for a lame number
of Democrats to support him under any
circumstances. Rosides nobody in the
party wants him nominated. Clarion
Alter Mr. Cleveland is nominated next
year the Democrat will beslnginganother
and livelier tune. Mr. Cleveland, far
from being a "has been," will be as fresh
as a daisy, and just the fellow for the
place. See if he isn't.
The editor ofthe Rullalo Time, Nor
man E. Mack, is making a desperate ef
fort to inniigarate a third term boom for
Grover Clevelnnd, He says Cleveland is
moro popular in New York to-day than
ever before and that he could carry the
Stato against Roosevelt. The nomination
of Cleveland by the Democrats in 1901
would be in keeping with the farility
that psrty lor making mnnumen'al blun
ders, and hence is not improbable. Rut
all that will be necessary to put a ticket
headed by O rover Cleve and on the tobog
gan slide will bo to contrast his last ad
ministration with the present. While
Cleveland will go into history as a sincere
and w.ll-meaning mail, with high con
ceptions of duty, ho will probably bo put
down as a stubborn theorist and an unsafe
pilot witling to sacrifice the happiness
and prosperity of his country on the altar
of blind preiudice.-Punxsutawney Spirit.
Senatok Quay is accredited with a
story to illustrate Senator Penrose's loy
ality to the organization without regard
for his personal opinions or comforts. a spirit of well concealed raillery,
told the junior Senator one dav that no
inconsiderable part of official popularity
lay in entertaining during the Washing
ton season, and advised Penrose to go iu
more lavishly for social honors and at
tentions. "Why," said the senior "a
Senator of your age ought to be marrbd.
indeed, Penrose, I'd advise you for the
sake ol the organization to get married.
Your chances for re-election through in
fluential demand by the bigwigs will be
increased a thousand fold if you take a
charming wife down there with you next
term. With j our money yon ought to be
able to do it well." Penrose pondered
deeply a minute or two and then asked:
"Do you really think that a thing like
that counts T" "Sure !" answered the old
man. "Well," said tho junior, rtsigned
ly, "let the organization pick out the
woman and I'll marry her."
The Yellow Journal Style.
Last week In its report of the devasta
ting fires which swept over parts of this
county the Repciilican chronicled the
narrow escape from death and the severe
burning of Orrin Boyd near Iron City, in
Howe twp., giving the details as they
happened. This was apparently not suf
ficient to please the "special fiend," who
seems to be located hereabouts, and wrote
the account up for the Philadelphia North
American which paper placed over the
correspondent's account great scare heads
and let it go as follows :
Tionesta, Pa., May 5.
In the wake of the resinous smoke.
that has blown in from the great belt of
lire sweeping the timber tract of Forest
County, are coming stories of the awful
cruelly of the flames-stories of hero;c
mothers gathering their little ones in
their arms and rushing, blinded by
smoke, to clearings stories of the hard
ships that have ensued, and of the desola
tion thst now cloaks in sombre black the
mountain sides,
But there is a spectacular touch to the
story of the death of Walter Boyd that
sets it apait from the prosy, pitiful tales
told ol the other victims ol the 11 .me.
Boyd was burned to death and drow ned
at the same time.
The ynungmaii was employed in Hart's
shinglo mill, near Pigeon. The tiro was
sweeping in from all points, and the other
members of the mill crew had lied in
terror. I!oyd bid a working interest in
the mill, and he decided to remain until
the last moment.
He remained too Ion. Flight was Im
possible when thought of it came to him.
The heat was intense unbearable. In
desperation Boyd plunged into the mill
pond. Farther and larti er the flames
pursued him, until nothing i ut bis head
was out of the water. As he stood there,
gasping lor breath, be saw the mill burst
into llaine.
On the bank ofthe ond, near the mill,
was a barrel or oil. With a roar that was
heanl above the hissing of the fire this
barrel exploded. Boyd saw death riding
over the water toward him.
The body, recovered to-day, shows that
Boyd met bis fate bravely. Perhaps he
stood watching the lire sweep upon him,
in the hope that in tho last moment relief
would come. At all events ho waited.
For bis face from a line on the neck, as
well as his head, was burned black.
Traces of the oil were still evident on the
body when taken out of the mill pond.
At last accounts Mr. Boyd was doing
quite well under the circumstances and
bids fair to recover fully from bis trying
Great is the "Yellow Journal."
Keaf lies ( annul lie t'nrrd
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of" the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of th" mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. When this tube gets in
Ihiiued you have a rumbling sound or
imperleet hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deafness is the result, and un
less the intlamation can be taken out and
this lube restored to its normal condition
bearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but nn inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for
any cae of Deafness (c.iused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's ( atari li
Cure. Send lor circulars, free.
r . J. CHENEY Y CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druirgists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
When you want a pleasant physic try
Chamberlain's Stomaeh and Liver Tab
lets. TI.ey are easy to take and pleasant
in effect. For sale by Dr. Dunn, Tio
nesta, W. G. Wilkins, West Hickory.
County sabbath Sihrol Convention.
The eighth annual convention of tho
Sabbath Sell.) 1 Association of For st
County, will be held in the Presbyterian
church of Tiourstn, Wednesday am
Thursday, Jiin.l, audi, 1903. I ho fol
lowing'! a synopsis !' tho program as
adopteJ by the executive committee :
Home and Sabbath School -(a) Their
lelation, Rev. A. B. McCoruiick ; (b)
How can the S. S. and home help eaeh
other? Mrs. W. G. Morrow. Discussion
opened by Rev. O. II. Nicklo.
Cradle Roll Its Methods and Results,
Miss Laura Mc
Work With the Youngest Children
Miss Alice B. Hamlin.
Appointment of Committees.
Homo Department (a) Successful
home department in tho country, Mrs. B.
A. Carmihau ; (b) Its helpfulness in inter
esting parents and church members,
Miss F. B. SiuiMiis.
Address Home influence on child life,
Rev, Geo. J. Henderson.
V EDN l-:s 1) A V K V E N I N tl .
Praise service.
Talk-"One ofthe Child's Four Teach
ers," Miss A. B. Hamlin.
Address Planning and working for
definite results, Mr. II. Cork.
9:00 Devotional.
Our field as outlined in tho Scripture-,
Rev. II. B. Porter.
Discussion on tho conditions and needs
of our Sabbath school.
Delegates, reports.
Address Evangelistic effort our great
est need, Rev. A. i. McCormick.
1:30-Praise service.
The Teacher Hiinsclf-(a) How best to
sustain the teacher's own spiritual lite,
Rev. E ,M. Kernick. (b; What constitutes
call to teach, Mr. S.S. Wbaley ; () What
should we reasonably expect of a teacher,
Rev. R. W. Illingworlh ; (d) What are
some of tho marks of a teacher, Rov. O.
H. Nickel.
The Class (a) Grading according to
classes. Mrs. W. G. Wilkins; (b) Indi
vidual study of tho pupil, Rev, O. J.
Henderson ; (c) Securing tho hearty co
operation of the class, Mr. F. R. Lanson.
J eacher s w ork (a) Uelore going to
class, Mr. F. X. Kreitlei ; (b) in the class.
Miss Martha Morrow ; (c) Between Sun
days, Mr. G. W. Warden ; (d) At special
times, mis. Dcrickson.
Report of Committee'.
Delegates are requested to report at the
chinch and will lie assignsd to places of
Memorial Day Program.
Eli Berlin Post (L'9, G. A. R., of East
Hickory, Pa., has adopted tho billowing
program ;
Memorial services at Whig Hill M. E.
church May 24, at 11 o'clock a. m., Rev.
Potter will officiate on this occasion.
Everybody is cordially invited by the
Post. Decoration services at East Hick
ory May 30, at 9 a. in. Tlieso services, as
in the past, will bo conducted agreeable
to the Ritual. Invitations are respectfully
extended to all Sabbath Schools, the K.
O. T. M., the L. O. T. M., and to all the
triends of a patriotic days' services in
memory of our dead. Revs, l'eitt of Tio
nesta, and Potter of Hickory, will be
present as orators ol tho day.
Committees; Program, Witlierell, Al
baugh ; M usio, Stoughton, Witlierell, Ber
lin ; Decoration, Church Hill, Win. Al
baugh ; Whig Hill, G. S. Iliiidman;
Minister, C. Southwortb. H. Downev:
Townline, Berlin, Shunk, Wolf; West
Hickory, Geo. Huddleson, T, 1. Harry;
Prather, Stoughton, Stover; Eat Hickory,
Post and friends. Marshall of the Day,
J. Alhaugh.
Everybody bring full baskets, that we
mav entov several hours ol patriotic ser
vices together, as becomes the people of
a utiristian and great isatiou.
W. E. WlTHEREI.t,,
J. Ar.nAl'OH,
Com. on Program.
Memorial Day Orders llecrivrd.
Capt. Geo. Stow Post, No. 271, has re
ceived tho following general order from
Thomas J. Stewart, Commander in chief of
the Grand Army of the Republic, with
headquarters at Independence Hall, Phila
delphia :
The passiug days bring us again to Memo
rial day when we garland the resting places
of our heroic dead with the flowers of bil l
ding spring time and drooi over them the
flag for whose purity and glory they offered
their lives. In days agone they wi re our
comrades in that mighty host, whose dar
ing, doing and dying continued the Repub
lic and made possible our present glory and
greatners as a nation. In tho retrospect of
Memorial Day wo refresh and renew the
memories of the past and intensify the com
radeship of the present.
'The good deeds left behind them
Form a chain to hb:d them
To those who linger here."
Let us, their comrades, gather at their
graves as at an altar, and whilst there, voice
prayer of thankfulness that our lives have
been spared to enjoy the fruitage of their
toil anil sacrifice.
Let ns not foret those who rt beneath
the daisy-spangled Bod, in graves marked
"unknown" and who made the greatest sac
rifice of not only their life, hut their name
for 'heir country.
etiew tlowera upon tho waters In trihute
to those of onr comrade who sleep peace
fully in the gardens of 1 lie sea.
Let us tell tlie rising generation or their
glorious deeds, and by word and net do oar
part to continue to the memory of ibe patri
otic dead the reverence of the ever increas
ing millions living in security and peace in
trie land saved by the matchless devotion of
the Union soldier and sailor. I.t our tri
bute of loe, affection and contrail-ship be
characterized by a sincerity and faithful
ness that shall render the tribute sacred
and keep Memorial Daydvoted to the lofty
purpose tin wnlcli it wns uesigned.
Saturday, .May .'to, 190 !, will be fittingly
observed by the comrades of the Grand
Army of the Repuhl.c as memorial Day.
Post Commaiidi-rs should in their respect
ive arrange fur posts to attend
divine nerrice on the Rnnday preceding
Memorial Day, and as far as possible en -courage
the delivery of appropriate address
es or sermons in all churches.
Arrange for the participation in the cere
monies of Memorial Day try the children of
the public schools, ami as far as possible,
nnib-r the direction of their teachers or
school officials, and invite and encourage
the participation of all p i'riotic people and
patriotic organizations, and especially those
kindred to the Grand Army of tho Repub
lic. The Thirtieth National Encampment di
rected that the address of President Lincoln
at Gettysburg, November 19, Hit, be read
at all Memorial D.ty exercises held under
the auspices of the Grand Arm of the Re
In almost every neighborhood someono
has died from sn attaek of colic or cholera
ino'l us, often l,e., iH inedieii in could be
procured or a phy-ii-ian uio noned. A
reliable remedy lor tbe. OKea-es should
lie kept at hand. The ri-k i- ton great for
anyone to take Cliamheilain's ('(die,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy tilt( un.
doubtedly saved tn lives of more people
and relieved more pain and sullerini!
than any oilier medicine in use. It can j
bo depended ll.oo. Fur sale bv Dr.
Dunn, Tionesta, W. G. Wilkins," West
One tf (Jib Morgan's Stories.
An Indiana dispatch to the New York
Sun says that the farmers of the tloosier
State are going to drill for oil for the pur
pose of feeding it to h'gs. 1 his seems to
be a new way to fatten porkers and If oil
has the same effect on hog as it has on
fish which inhabit streams into which it
has been run, tho pork will make rather
poor eating and will give those who eat it
the impression that they are chewing a
kerosene saturated lampwick instead of
toothsome cuts from corn-fed animals.
The yarn sounds like one of "Gib" Mor
gan's, who has the credit ol being one of
the most notorious story tellers ever
known in the oil regions of this and other
States, and is about on a par with his
story of frozen gas. He told of how he
struck a big gas well and that the fluid
was so cold that it came up from the cas
irg head in chunks of ice and piled up
about the derrick. Being unable to pipe
it lie built a large ice house, stored it
away and used in the summer as one
would wood. It was, according to "Gib,"
a great scheme and he made a fortune out
of it, but lost it again building a hotel,
which he erected op a turn table so the.
he could give every guest a front room.
The rangu in the kitchen was so large
that when pancakes were to be baked
darkies on roller skates with bacn tied
to them woie sent about on tho griddles
to grease them. Ti'usville Courier.
Just About
Half Sick.
How many times you hear people say:
"I don't know what ails me I am tired
all the time -don't feel like moving
don't care to go any where don't want
anyone to bother mo nothing interests
me I feel half dead." It's not a pleasant
tale. It shows a system at a low ebb a
system ready and fertile soil for any low
typo ot lever or disease. It shows the
need of a strong, all round tonio a tonic
that will reach every part, every orian
Brain, Nerves, Stomach and Muscles, A
m dicino that will give a new feeling of
lile, a new energy and sprinu to the play
od out system. A time-tried, time-tested
medicine Dr. A. V. Chase's Nerve Pills.
Mrs. Lizzie Curry, of No. 141) West
Spr ng St., Titusville. Pa., says: "I was
all broken down-out of health every way
nervo: s, weak -no appetite and just
about sick. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pills W"re gotten for me and they worked
line. I began to mend directly my
strength came back the depression lef
I leel encigelio and like work strain. My
appolilo and digestion are good. As an
all round tonic lor body strength and
nerves the medicine is excellent."
I-or further information call at J. C.
Dunn's drill store. Tionesta, Pa. 50o a
box at dealers, or Dr. A. V. Chase Med
icine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See that nor
trait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D.,
aro on every package.
By a 1't-rsistniit t'ouiih, Rut Permanently
Cured by ( lininberliilii'a t'ouah
Mr. H. P. Rurbace, a student at law in
Greenville, S. C, had been troubled for
four 'or five years with a continuous
cough which be says, "greatly alarmed
me to fear that I in the first stage of
consumption." Mr. Burbaue, having
seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ad
vertised, concluded to try it. Now read
what he says of p : "1 soon felt a remark
able change and after using two bottles
of the twenty-five cent size, was perma
nently cured." Hold bv 'Dr. Dunn, Tio
nesta, W. O. Wilkins, West Hickory.
It was a "Le Roy Plow" that plowed
that rough new land without breaking.
It was a "Le Roy Plow" that plowed the
hard dry ground whore others failed. It
was a ' Le Roy Plow" that plowed that
sticky clay and ma le work easv for man
and tedtn. It was a "Le Roy" Reversible
Plow, that plowed the steep sidehill, It
is a "j,e Koy" Reversible Flow that will
do good work on flat land, doing awsy
with all furrows, leaving your land level
and suitable lor all crops. For sale by
Lanson Bros., Tiones a. Pa.
Flour -p sack 1.001.2.i
Corn meal, feed, 100 tt
Corn meal, family, ! IJO lb 1.50
Chop feed, pure grain 1.25
Oats .48
Corn, shelled ,70
Hock wheat flour, lb .0:$
Beans bushel 3.0P
Hum, sugar cured .15
Bacon, sugar cured .15
Shoulders ,10
Salt Pork, lb .14
Whitelish kit .70
Sugar rlM
Syrup 3.-, .50
N. O. Molasses .Ho-a) .50
Coffee, Roast Rio 12jl5
Coffee, blended Java .20
Tea S5 .50
Butler ,25
Rice 05V$.0s;
Egirs, fresh .((
Salt barrel 1.25
Lnrd .15
Potatoes, bushel .75
Potatoes, Sweet It .21
Lime")? barrel 901.0O
Nails "0 keg 2.75
Whereas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge of tho Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Orphans'
Co irt, Over and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on the
Third Monday of Mav, being
tho IStli day of May 1903. No
lice is therefore triven to the Cor
oner, Justices of tho Peaeo and Con
stables of said county, that they bo then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
recoids, inquisitions, examination, and
other icmembrances, to do those things
which to their office appertain to be done,
and to those whonre bound in recognizanco
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
orshall be in tho jailor Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my baud arid seal this 20th day of
April, 'A. I). I!H.
GKO. W. NOB LIT, t..s. Shoriff.
Notice of Appeah.
Notice is b. -re by given that the Com
missioners of Forest Co., will meet at
their office in the bnrouuh of Tionesta on
the l"tb, Hit h and 17th days ot June. 1903,
for the purpose of holding a Court of Ap
peals from I he assessment of money at
interest for th year 1913.
('. Kl'ltHKW,
A. K. Maitk,
Altesl: Commis-ioners.
S. M. Hk.nuv. Clerk.
Tionesta, Pa., May l , 1903.
kT, E.j k
w . n t is st wwjt sje s-v "rs 1 lUh
, 1 p if'
P it. vui 101 119 aniiri inr -Uri;
ivnuamvM. NIlMiSWHJ tVVf
7 vi-WX. -WrT--rrr.W-V!
f 5M5t)
Whetliet your ugu id 5
or 55; whether you want
to make garden in th;
back vanl, ur go to
cliurch, we can furnish a
to meet the requirements.
Men's drees lints 50o to
SI 50. Boys', 25 and 50c
For a generation America's finest
White ami Fancy Waistcoats fur
men have borne this famous traJe
Makers, New York.
In 6tyle, cloth, (if, tailoring, durabili
ty, no oilier waistcoats have ever ap
proaehel them.
Dork, Pi. pie, Mvlrfts, The price
is right. No other (lore hut ours sells
Itepnlrs ISoilors, Mills
Tanks, Agitator. IIiijh
mid .Sells Not ond - hand
Itoilrrs 1-Av.
Wire or letter orders promptly at.
tended to. End of Siispersinn Hridjje,
Third ward, OIL IT1 , IM.
Ladies Summer Dry Goods.
Calicoes, Ginghams, Cheviots,
Muslins, Outing Flannels, Sheetings
Trimmings, Etc., Etc.
No Back Numbers
-No Picked-over Patterns.
Only the Choice Patterns from one of the Largest
and Best' Dry Goods Houses in the Eastern Market.
Our past year has been our West and wo still aspire to a bet
ter and aim to give you the best service, best goods, best prices,
and our best endeavors to make you feel that we desire a share
of your patronage and we cordially invite every lady in our vi
cinity to to call and inspect our Spring Goods and don't forget
we also sell Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes, for Men, Women
and Children, Groceries, Chinaware, Lamps, Notions, Trunks,
Bags, Carpets, Oil Cloth, &c.
Tionesta Cash Store.
call us on 'now, - - - mnt us youh ob&sfs,
Toko Laxative BrOmO gamine Tablets. J
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. ThlS Signature.
is not a more interesting sight than the opening of our stock of new things in
The 8 to re has taken on all the colors of the flowers, the haves
ami skies of spring, Bcnuty crowd- beauty on every hand,
while quality sits triumphant over all. It is impossible here
to give anything like a fair description cf the variety, beauty
and values of these. The store is well wotth a visit.
Up-to-Dato Dealers in
A. Waynk Cook,
A. 11.
G.-W. HobiiiHon,
T. F. Ritehey. J. T.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
Collections remlttedVor on day of pr.ymnnt at low rates. We promise our custoin
ere all the benefits consistent with conservative b kluif. Interest pnld on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solb-itml.
Taking elleet. January lt, 1903.
No. 30 Bulliilo Express, daily
exeept Suiiilay 11:25 a. in
No. 82 Oil City and IMit-sburif
Exi reH,daily,exccpt Sunday ..7:30 p.m.
For Hickory.Tidioute, Warren,,
Bradford, (Mean and the Kara :
No. 31 Olettn Express, daily
ex-ept Sunday 8:55 a. 111.
No. 33 Pittsbur Express,
daily exeept Sunday 4:39 p. in.
For Time Tallies and additional infor
mation commit Ticket AgfM.
W. W. ATl'EKnUItY, J. h. WOOD.
General Manager. Oen'l Iasenger Agt.
13 We-5!;3 For f:3 C.
p. Ft l ie tjrltfitt, n-w-;- , r
A'l t l 1 ut r ytilor lcgiitiu. to 1 r
r-' . : rru'H'M I P I "u 1
.VV1"1' iM'''t,niitU ir i; ;,ut. 1 ).t . i. i. ,i
A;2"S itilu.irj- rn ma. -:a f I' M
(.J! Una l-a'l, Vr... t..rt;:: , 1,.: mo I '. f
VVW ftiitikhnirxJ--1. " . :-i If Ipipiror V..J
V'i itt kftiil fi'1'" u-. V Ttliivurrwa
J f hit 'odtie;in t '. 'i 1. r 1 h w-n,
Jtf vbw"I f.'TPlitt'u-'.'H t! 1 1 ; t
(:f .r). ti:.l; 0"IV r'-J -'tilrcM, i
8iorllnjt Life, 70,1 Danilo llldtf, I'bllu
in this paper
in the stock of
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Wm. Smkariiaitgh,
Vice Preaidou
$50 000.
Win. KtncarbRUKti,
Dale, J. II. Kelly.
To Tako Effect July 1st, 1002.
"sOUi'il Eastern Timr NOKTlf"
2 I 4 J Stiitioiis 1 3
a. m. p.m' Leave Arrive . in p.m
II 4." 4 b". .Sbeflleld ft V, 1 45
10 0o 3 Name 8 tV .1 10
10 20 I 60 Ileurv'H Mill S 3.' 2 60
10 40 5 (15 Hlue Jay 8 20 2 30
11 00 5 15 Hasting S 05 2 15
11 25 5 it) Wellers 7 r,i 2 00
11 455 35 Minister 7 45 1 6ft
11 r." 5 40 Porkev 7 4" 1 50
12 l,r!5 50 Mavbu'rg 7 25 1 35
12 35:0 00 Kuck Mills 7 15 I 25
I 12 45lli 10 Kellettville 7 00 1 15
0 25 Newtown Mills it 45
40 Khhh 1C ii ii H 30
7 (Nl Nebraska . 6 10
p. Arrive Leavela.m p. m
T. D. COLLINS, Pbksidkst.
Cures rlheuinntism, Neuralgia, Injurlea,
Sore Feet, Lame and Aching Hack.
Skin Diseases. Pains and Sprains.
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
m & every
f jtyrOWi- bOX. 25c