The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 29, 1903, Image 2

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4. C. WCNK.
Editor Pkopkiitoh.
v First
.0 Quarter
4 p.n.
fr Third
VI Quarter
4 Jl
p. m.
V m.
P. Hi.
The Itepublican pmiiHry election in
Korest county takes place Saturday, Alay
1, 1903.
We are authorized to announce Dr. C.
Y. Ietar, of Kellottville, as a eandiriate
for Delegate to the Republican State Con
vention. Republican Committee Meeting.
Pursuant to adjournment the Republi
can County Committee of Forest county
met at the Republican club in Tionesta,
Saturday, April 2.), 1903, at 2 o'clock p,
in., and was called to order by the Chair
man, Dr. W. O. Morrow, whj stated the
object of the meeting to be the fixing of a
dale for holding the Republican primary
election in Forest county.
It was moved by Joseph King, ol Hick
ory, seconded by James Elliott, of Har
mony, that Saturday, May ltith, 1903, be
fixed as the date. The motion was unan
imously adopted.
The following list of voting places was
agreed upon :
Barnett Clarington, Cooks'mrg. Red
ely ire.
Green -Nebraska, Uuitonville.
Harmony- West Hickory, Eogle Farm.
Hickory East Hickory.
Howe UrooKston, Cooper Tract, Pig
eon, Lynch, Porkey, Cloughs.
Kingsley Newtown, Starr, Mayburg,
Jenks Marienville, Duhring.
Tionesta Township.
Tionesta Borough.
The following resolution was unani
mously adopted :
Jiesolveil, That the Rules governing the
Republican Primary Election of Forest
county be strictly enforced, and that no
voter te permitted to vote outside of the
township in which be resides, and that
none but qualified Republicans be per
mitted to vote at nuch Primary Election,
as provided by Rules.
On motion tho meeting adjourned.
Senator advances the idea of
extending American trade with herSoutn
American neighbors as a judicious substi
tute for the ''Iowa idea."
Tiik Cleveland people who voted for
Tom Johnson and 3 cent fares got the for
mer. It is likely to be some lime before
they get the latter, however.
News comes from Louisiana that the
rice acreage is greatly increased this year.
This ought to furnish encouragement to
prospective Juue brides and bridegrooms.
Everyone who knows Fourth Assist
ant Postmaster General Bristow, knows
that his investigation of the post office
scandals will be thorough and fair in the
Fanny Bullock Workman has en
gaged two expert mountaineers and
guides to assist ber in climbing the Him
alayas. As a Frencb.nan would say, there
is nothing impossible to "ze ladies."
The President evidently found the se
clusion he failed to secure in the Missis
sippi cane brakes, in the Yellowstone
Park. Even the "fakirs" have bad no
stories of bis experiences in the Yellow
stone. -
Tiirfk Ceylonese deer have been im
ported into this country. They are the
exact counterpart of the fallow deer so
common in England, but are midgets.
Although they are fall grown they are
only 14 inches hiuh.
Tub Government has determned upon
an irrigation project on the Salt River in
Arizona which will cost fV00,000 and
will, according to the estimates, irrigate
200,000 acres of land from a reservoir
which will constitute the largest artificial
lake in the world.
There is grave suspicion that Senator
Gorman is doing large amount of
"greasing the ways" preparatory to
launching a large sized Presidential
boom. And yet we suspect that It will
have worse luck than the Shamrock III,
once it is launched.
According to John D. Rockefeller Jr.,
golf without a bat on has restored his
father's bair and cured a serious case of
baldness. This will mean an increased
enthusiasm lor goll on the part of nioj-t
of the bald headed men of the country.
It is important if true.
Whkn the political situation grows
dull, the editors always manage to cook
up a grand row between Senator Piatt
and Governor Odell, but when election
time comes the Senator and the Govern
or are always found coming down the
pike sitting side by side, and driving the
winning team,
Mr. Bryan made npcevli at Kansas
City last week in which he warned Dem
ocrats against making their party too
much like the Republican party. This
idea that the Democratic organization is
in danger of becoming a Republican an
nex would be more plausible il the Dem
ocratic party, as a party, bad not shown
such a powerful tendency to gel on the
wrong side vf public questions and to
represent obstruction instead of progress.
The Republican door swings inward to
Individual Democrats who enjoy pros
perity and national ad vancement ; but if
tho IerinK'ralic party wants to come in as
w nolo well, that oeodscareful thought
1903 APRIL 1903
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
J6 7 J J 10 11
1213 141516 17 18;
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 j
RErrm.iCAX politicians need have no
fear that the postoftlco investigations will
injure tl e President or his party. When
an honest President discovers fraud and
removes the cause the people always ap
prove and show their ppproval at the
polls. Mr. Machen, now under investiga
tion was a Cleveland appointee.
It is estimated by the treasury officials
that the exports of the United States for
the current fiscal year will reach $1,500,
000,000. The imports for the year ending
with March exceeded Sl.000,000.000. In
the light of such a gigantio foreign corn
merce, the largest In the world, Democ
ratio railery at Republican prosperity is
The common sense of President Roose
velt's position is so obvious that it would
seem that no rational politician would
attempt to dipute it, or, so soon after the
disaster that followed President Cleve
land's free trade experiment, to attempt
new essay in that direction. Unfortu
nately, the Democratic party has no other
issue on which it can make a tight, and
the next campaign will probably be
fought out on that issue. With that pros
pect confronting us the educational cam
paign which Theodore Roosevelt is con
ducting is a matter of high Impoi t to the
If the people had an idea that a general
change or even an uncertain partial
cuau.e was to be made in tho tariff every
manufacturer would reduce his output,
for fear he might be caught with goods
whose cost would be greater than import
ed competitive material. Every mer
chant would reduce his orders in hopes of
buying foreign goods cheaper in time to
meet tho demands of his trade. The
greater the uncertainty about what sched
ules might be changed the more wide
spread this action would be and the gen
eral reduction of output and orders would
produce hard times.
High School Commencement.
The following program was rendered
at the commencement exercises of the
graduating class last evening at the court
house :
Music. "Tarran telle." Mills.
Invocation Rev. B. F. Feit
Solo ou BI,d I." Lehmann.
"Waiting for Something to Turn Up,"
Florence Fulton
Music, "Rbapsodie," Jaell.
"Memories ot the War," Alice V. Agnew
Soto, "Love 8 f roving," Jjour.
"Electricity It's Progress,"
John C. Ritchey
Music, "National Airs," Howard.
"As the Labor, So the Reward,"
Leona Scowden
Solo, "A May Morning," Den.
Class Address, Rev. J. W. Smith, Warren
Conferring Diplomas, Mr. D.W.Morrison
Solo, "The Violets," Madenberg.
Benediction Rev. R. McUarvey
Tbeaudieuce was undoubtedly oneof the
finest ever assembled in the court house,
and we doubt whether on any former oc
casion the audience was more royally en-
tertalued. The members of the class
surely acquitted themselves like heroes,
and the manner in which each one passed
through his or her particular ordeal was
a pride to all who bad to do with the
pleasing occasion. The class address by
nev. j. w, smith, or warron, was also a
masterpiece, and the music, vocal and
instrumental, was an inspiration. We
would like to particularize, but space
will not permit. Suffice it to say, the
class of '03 was none behind its illustri
ous predecessors.
Committed Suicide.
A dispatch from DuBois, Pa., under
date of April 23, says: "Maude Walsh,
aged 22, committed suicide this morning
by shooting herself in the head with a re
volver. The act was committed as the
girl sat in a room talking to a young
er sister. She suddenly arose, said
'good bye all,' stepped into the hallway
and fired the shot. The unfortunate wo
man came here three months ago from
Siegel, Jefferson county, where her par-
euts, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Walsh, reside,
Her sister, whom she had sent for, ar
rived only a few hours before the trag
edy." The father and brother of Miss Walsb
are employed with the Warren Lumber
Co., at Grunderville.
Porkey Paragraphs.
Several of the young people of our town
are the recipients of pretty invitations to
a party to be given on May fi, by Miss
Welch, of Ball tow n.
Will Stroup, who is employed on the
road at Mayburg was slightly injured by
a road machine last Tuesdny and was
obliged to return to his home for the re
mainder of the week.
A select hop was given in Union hall
last Saturday evening. The Rupert
Eastwood orchestra furnished delightful
music. Orin Blowers served fruit and
Ice cream, and the "merry-makers" of
our little village bad an unusually good
Mesdaraes Dan and Rob Downey called
on friends at Kellettviile last Wednes
day. Mrs. Will Harrington and baby are
spending a few days with Mrs. Robert
Frank U. Eastwood returned last Wed
nesday from Titisville. lie is now ready
to serve his Iriends with ice cieam, fruits
and candy. We look for a new store in
Porkey in the near future.
Jacob Lindsey of Scotch Hill and Miss
Helen Stroup of this place we:e united
in marriage by the Rev. Denison ol the
M. E. Church at Jamestown, N. Y. on
Wednesday April 22.
Mrs. S.Nelson of Minister was taken
seriously ill last Saturday. Dr. Detar, of
Kellellville Is in attendance and at the
present writing Mrs. Nelson is some bet
ter. Mrs. George Blum went to Sheffield
via the S. 4 T. last Saturday to do shop
ping. Miss McCauley, of Cooper Tract, is
spending the week with her sister, Mrs.
Danger of Colils and (irip.
The greatest danger from colds and
grip is their resulting in pneum nia. If
reasonable care is used, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all
daniter will be avoided. Among the tens
of thousands who have used this remedy
for those diseases we have yet to learn of
a sinile ease resulting in pneumonia,
which shown conclusively that it is a cer
tain preventive of that dangerous disease.
It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip
in less time than any other treatment. It
is pleasHiit and sale to take. For sale by
Dr. Dunn, Tionesta, W. O. Wilkins,
West Hickory.
Mrs. John Burns visited at
A. E.
Southworth's over Sunday.
Another social dance was given at A
D. Strom's Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mr. Collins, of Russell, Pa.,
visited their daughter, Mis. W. L. Betz,
last Thursday and Friday,
Mrs. B. Anderson, of East Hickoiy, c-
cunpanied by her two children visited
her cousin, Mrs. S. L. Killer, Saturday.
And "The Cat Cam Ba. k"-just what
the young man did, too, who left town
very suddenly Thursday morning.
An epidemic of sore eyes is in our midst
ajain, a number of persons are Fullering
with this anuoriiig and painful h Mic
tion. Edward L. Fox, of the Phoenix Hotel,
of Corry, Pa., was a visitor la-t Sunday
at the home of his brothers in-law, Frank
and Edward Simons.
Will the K. C. f vi. kindly meet at the
usual time and place Friday evening f
"King Dodo" was the attraction at War
ren Saturday night and drew a crowd of
Grundervillans, and all thought him a
truly royal fellow.
Clarence You ngman, Retter on Shields
it Gross' mill near Clarington, was circu
lating among frimids here over last Wed
nesday night.
Samuel Walsh and son John wi re hero
last week, and expect to take a bark
peeling and log cutMng contract from the
Henry C. Lott camo up from Tidioute
last Wednesday to assist J. A. Hilling in
building an addition to the store, also to
move the box mill.
Wm. G. Eggers, foreman of Heinz' box
mill, and W. M. Tuppel, of the J. M.
Hastings Lumber Co., all of Pittsburg,
were visitors in our town last week.
The ladies gave another successful ice
cream festival at A. E. Southworth's Fri
day evening. The proceeds are to buy
an organ for the school house to be used
for Sunday school and other religions
Cream of the News.
Few faults are lost, yet many are
An economical Paint if you use Law
rence from Dr. J. C. Dunn. It
A wise man makes many friends and
few confidants.
Hopkins has hats! And they are of
the right style, no holdovers, but right
down to date. Call and see 'em. It
Fortune seldom knocks at the door of
the knocker,
Green goods fresh every day at the
White Star Grocery. It
There are many excuses for poverty,
but none for laziness.
The Standard sewing machine is at
the head of the list. For sale at Joyces'
millinery. tf
Many people talk, some listen and a
few actually say things.
Lawrence puts his name only on the
best see Dr. J. C. Dunn. It
Stolen sweets frequently upset a
man's digestive apparatus.
The shirt waists at Hopkins' are the
finest, prettiest and most stylish In town
A decidedly handsome line, surely. It
Blood will tell; buttLj more brains
a man has the less he tells.
You can get nice white Ohio seedonts
for 51 cents per bushel at Lanson Bios,
mill. tf
A girl's first cake is usually more or
namental than digestible.
If it's a new skirt go to Hopkins and
get it. They excel in beauty, style and
wearing qualities. It
Few men have weak eyes from look
ing on the bright side of life.
The colonial effect can be had by
usini; Lawrence Paint, sold by Dr. J. C.
Dunn. It
Some men waste a lot ol time in ex
plaining that it was not their fault.
The White Star keep that name in
mind when you want anything in tho
grocery, fruit, confectionery or fresh veg
etable line. It
Sooner or later opportunity will come
to those who hustle while they wait.
How shabby your bouse looks!
Needs a coat of Lawrence get it at Dr,
Dunn's drug store. It
A man may be his own worst enemy,
but he is sure to be bis own best friend.
-Card with shades of Lawrence paints
and suggestions for painting, at Dr. J. C,
Dunn's drug store. It
Husbands are not made to order, but
tho majority of wives seem to think they
Deafness Cannot lie Cured
by local applications, as tbey cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperlect bearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deafness is the result, and un
less the inflamation can be taken out and
this lube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ton are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the munous surf.tees.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send lor circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Cured by one Itnllle nf( hnniberliiin Cough
"When I had an attack of the grip last
winter (the second one) I aciually cored
myself with one bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," says Frank W. Perry,
Editor of the Enterprise, Shortsville, N.
Y. "This is the honest truth. I at times
kept from coughing myself to pieces by
taking a teaspoon fn I of' this remedy, nnd
when the couuhing spell would come on
at night I would take a dose and it would
pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly
free from cough end its accompanying
pains. To say that the remody acted as a
most agreeable surprise is putting it
mildly. I had no idea that it would or
could knock ut the grip, simply because
I had never tried it lor such a purpose,
but it did. and it seemed with the second
attack of coughing the remedy caused it
to not only lie of less duration, but the
pains were far less severe, and I had not
used the contents of one bottle before Mr.
Grip bad did me adieu." For sale by
Dr. Dunn, Tionesta, W. G. Wilkins, West
Many a man thinks be is good at
heart b' cause bis conscience troubles
The best physic: Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to
take: pleasant in elfeet. For sale bv Dr.
Dunn, Tionesta, W. G. Wilkius, West
Many people go to bed not to sleep, but
to think to tumble and toss to get up,
walk about until tired Nature and a few
fitful hours of sloop are obtained Just be
fore dawn a sleep that does not rest a
sleep from which one wakes weary and
tired, wholly unfitted to take upthedally
routine of household, shop or olllco du
ties. That this condition gees on un
cared fr is almost criminal, when the
well-known, time-tried and tested pow
ers ol Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills to
give restful natural sleep have been so
lully proven in such case.
Mrs. W. II. Stevens, of 310 East Water
St., Warren, Pa., says: "As a medicine
for weakness a languid tired feeling,
nervousness and inability to sleep at
night I can recommend Dr. A. W.Chase's
Nerve Pills to anyone, I got a box and
they successfully cured me. I am strong
and active again eat and sleep well and
no longer have those nervous spells. I
am glad to give ibis evidence of their
great worth."
H or fin liter information call at J. C.
Dunn's drug store. Tionesta, Pa. 50o a
box at dealeis, or Dr. A. W. Chase Med
icine Co.. Bull'alo. N. Y. See that nor-
trait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D.,
are on every package.
For the benefit of those desiring to at
tend the National Conference of Charities
and Correction, to be held at Atlanta, Ga ,
May G to 12, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
company will sell excursion tickets to
Atlanta from all stations on its lines,
good going May 4 to 6, inclusive, and
good to return to reach original starting
point on or before May Ifi, at reduced
rates. It
A disordered stomach may cause no
end of trouble. Wheu the stomach fails
to perform its functions the bowels be
come deranged, the liver and kidneys
congested, causing numerous diseases,
the most fatal of which are painless and
therefore the most to be dreaded. The
important thing is to restore the stomach
and liver to a healthy condition, and for
this purpose no better preparation can be
used than t liaintierlain a Stomach and
Liver Tablets. For sale bv Dr. Dunn.
Tionesta, W. G. Wilkins, Wost Hickory.
How atcainedT Good Land, well lo
cated, well stocked, well tilled ordinarily
brings success, nut the Tilling is the
important thing to look to. Plow good
with Good Plows that turn the furrow
just right for the tools that follow after.
"1jO Hoy l'tows" are the up-to-date Plows
that are "Easy for man and beast," and
do all that plows can be made to do, that
are built bv men who know how good
plows should be built. Plows and Extras
alway on band at Lanson Bros., Tionesta,
Flour IS sack 1.001.25
Corn meal, foed, 100 tb i.a)
Corn meal, family, 100 lb 1.50
Chop feed, pure grain 1.25
Oats .48
Corn, shelled .70
Buckwheat flour, $ lb .03
Beans $ bushel 3.00
Ham, sugar cured .15
Bacon, sugar cured .15
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, $ lb .14
Whitelish $ kit .70
Sugar 5J.0
Syrup 35 .60
N. O. Molasses .35 .60
(.'oltee, Roast Rio pjj 1 5
Coffee, blended Java .. .20
Tea ,H5 .50
Butter .25
Rico 05(g) .08
Eggs, fresh 15
Salt $ barrel 1.25
Lnrd .15
Potatoes, $ bushel .75
Potatoes, Sweet "p lb .21
Lime $ barrel 901.00
Nails S keg 2.75
For a generation America's finest
White and Fancy Waistcoats fur
men have borne this famous trade
Makers, New York.
In style, cloth, fit, tailoring, durabili
ty, do oilier waistcoats have ever ap
proachei them.
Duck, Pique, Madras, The price
is right. No other More but ours sells
List of causes set down for trial In tho
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Third Monday of May, l"0:t:
1. Truman D. Collins vs. John Wilson.
No. 33, September term, 1900. Summons
in ejectment.
2. J. E. Beck vs. M.C. Walson, No. 28,
Sept. Term, 1901. Motion to open Judg
ment. .'. John Hoover. Lib., vs. Lenta Hoover,
Resp.. No. 3, Nov. Term, 1001. Divorce,
Issue formes'.
4. K. C. Heath and Goortre II. Killmer,
doing business as Heath t Killmer, vs.
Free Methodist Church, W. J. Foieman
contractor, ai.d W.J. Foreman and Guy
Milliard, trastees. No. 38, September
Term, 1901. Sci. Fa. Sur. Mechanic's
6. Nellie L. Kobinaou and L. W. Rob
inson vs. The Sheffield and Tionesta Rail
way Company, No. 5, Feb. Term, 1903.
Summons in Trespass.
0. II. J. Jennings, Committee of J. B.
Jennings, vs. W. J. Bloomfield, K.
Perpiiirnnt, A. J. ('arnshmi nnd M. H.
Can ahan. No. 29, Feb. Term, 1903. Sum
mons in Trespass.
7. Jesse D. Dawson, who sues as well
for himself as well as for the use of the
School District of Harmony Township,
Forest County, Pa., vs. L. R. Shaw, No.
IS May Term, 1902. Summons in As
sumpsit. Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., April 20, UK)3.
OW Hlioutyour stock of Stationery
IjOok it up tliun, call aucl see us.
Embroidery Sale!
We offer this week
about 1,000 yds fine
Swiss Embroideries and
Insertions, some of
them (i inches wide, at
the uniform price of
10 Cents) Per Yard.
You can save money
on every yard you need.
Whkrras, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept forholdingaCourtofCommon Pleas,
liuarter sessions or ttie I'enco, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Deliver', at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on the
Third Monday of Mav, being
the 18th day of May 1SHV1. No
tico is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there iu their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other lemem bra nces, to do those tilings
which to their otlice appertain to be done,
and totboso who are bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners l hut are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may bo thou and there to prosecute
against them as shall be iust. Given un
der my hand and seal this 20th day of
April, A. 1). 19U.I.
GEO. W. NOBLIT, us. She.lff.
Jos. if. il?iYm
ltopairs Itoilors, Stills
Tank, Agitators Hiijh
and Nells Second - hand
Boilers !'.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension lindce,
Third ward. OIL CIT1, IM.
Taking effect. January 1st, 1903.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
except Sunday 11:25a. m.
No. 32 Oil City and Piitsburg
Exr reus, daily, except Sunday ..7:30 p.m.
rsrautom, oiean and the r.ast :
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
ex-ept Sunday 8:55 a. in.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:39 p. in.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket 'Agent.
W. vV. AT riCRBURY, J. h. WOOD.
General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt.
Ladies Summer Dry Goods.
No Back Numbers r-
No Picked-over Patterns.
Only the Choice Patterns from one of the Largest
and Best Dry Goods Houses in the Eastern Market.
Our past year has been our TJest and wo still aspire to a bet
ter and aim to give you the best service, best goods, best prices,
and our best endeavors to make you feel that we desire a share
of your patronage and we cordially invite every lady in our vi
cinity to to call and inspect our Spring Goods and don't forget
we also sell Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes, for Men, Women
and Children, Groceries, Chinaware, Lamps, Notions, ' Trunks,
Bags, Carpets, Oil Cloth, &c.
Tionesta Cash Store.
CUt US on 'THOnt, - - - WAITS US YOUft OUDttfS,
Take laxative DromO IUlIline Tablets.
Seven Minion boxes sold in post 12 months. This SlJUiatlire
is not a more interesting sicht than
3 o
The store has taken on all the colors of the flower?, the Uaves
aud skies of spring. Beauty crowds beauty on every hand,
while quality sits triumphant over all. It is impossible here
to give anything like a fair description cf the variety, beauty
and values of these. The store is well worth a visit.
Up-to-Dato Dealers in
A. Waynb Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Whoeler,
Collections remittelfor on day of pr.yment at low ratos. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest piid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Garden Seeds
nre grown by us from
Selected Seed Stock
and nre the finest that can be pro
duced. Tiiey are tliu
Best Seeds for Private
(tardens or Market Gardeners
where pnrHy nnd qnnllt jr Is of so
much Importance.
Send for lluUI's Onrlrn
forliHM. lISpiiKes. It Is iidt Nlmplv
aciitiil.iRile, hut full ofdcmralile unit
Important Information on pnrilcn
Inic. incltuliiiK calendar of monthly
operations. Ltiruo piirchuHcra t l
alg should iiImi hi'imI for our
W holralfi Mnrkrt Marflrnrra'
Price I.l.t. liulh lire mulled free
We deliver all (Jartli u
Bertls either lir tinrru at your
door or bjr freli(ht nt your la
llou. 1 hurgra prepaid.
4 and 6 South Front St., Philadelphia
lr dnur brlnwMarkrt Slrtrt.
in the stock
Ginghams, Cheviots,
Outing Flannels, Sheetings
Trimmings, Etc.,
To Cure a Cold in One Day Fzp
the poenini. of our stock of nSw hip"
I r
Wm. Smuarbauoh,
Vice Prosiden
G. W. Rohlnson, Wm. Smearbaugh,
T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Pale, J. H. Kelly.
To Take Effect July 1st, IP02.
"so UTTn Eastern Tim I NoKT H
2 4 ; Stations 1 3
a. in. i.m I.cHve Arrive a. in p.m
! 4f 4 ir. Sheffield II If. t 45
10 IXi 4 3.i Uarnes 8 5f, : 10
10 4 fin Henry's Mill S Sfi 2 60
10 4ii 5 05 HI no Jay 8 20 i 30
11 o 5 lr Hastings S 05 2 15
11 25j5 '10 Wcllers 7 ft(. i 00
1145 5:15 Minister 7 45 I 55
11 .V5 40 l'orkey 7 4n 1 50
12 I.V5 50 Msvburg 7 25 t ,H5
12 35(1 00 Muck Mills 7 15 1 25
12 45 0 111 Kellettvilln 7 on 1 15
fl 25 Newtown Mills II 45
ti 40 Un-s Hun ti 30
7 00 Nebraska 0 10
p. in. Ip. in Arrive Leave a. in p.m
'I'. D. COLLINS, Pkksidknt.
Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Injuries,
Sore Feet, Lame and Aching Back.
Skin Iiiscases. rains and Sprains.
V' J
on everv
I'BUI MI in m i m ..-Mrrvp-,