The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 08, 1903, Image 3

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Represents all the leading Fire In
Riirunco Companies of the world.
nml can insure you Dainst loss at
I invest rule niitalnnliln Wa in
also agents in Forest county (or the
which furnishes security for Coun
ty ami township officials. Also
i u rushes bonds for
at a nominal fee. A nice line of
ileal Instate Deals always to be had
at lu is Hconcv.
Robinson. Ad.
Lam mors. Ad .
Hopkins. "Locals.
Heath A Feit. Ad.
Devon A Co. Lettor.
Tho McCiicn Co. Ad.
Joseph II. Kavoy. Ad.
F. Wallers A Co, Local.
Lawrence l'aint. Locals.
Tionesta (ias Co. Notice.
Joyce's Millinery. Locals,
fluovard's Drugstore. Ad.
Ilium's iniK Store. Locals.
'Honest Cash .Store. Locals.
White Star Grocery. Ijocals.
Kdinboro Noriiial School. Local,
Oil market closed at f 1.50.
Fine china dishes at T. C. S. It
Oil and Ras leases at this office.
Walton ! leads them all. T. C. S.
HopKins sells the Douglas shoes tl
For your lias tor tie see the lino at
' T. C. S. It
New stock of laco curtains at Hop
kins' store. It
Physicians' blank certificates of vac
cination fur sale at this office, tf
You (Vet will be dry and well dressed, It
Kitchen Queon bread and cakes are
kont Ircsh at the White Star (Jrocei v. It.
The Standard sewing machine Is at
the head of the list. For salo at Joyces'
millinery. tf
Laco shelf paper, a nice assortment,
at Dunn's drug store. It's the tiling for
freshening up your shelves. It.
-Win, Lawrence brought in a fairly
nice producer out on his Harmony town
ship lease one day last week.
Every day is an opening day at the
Joyce millinery store. Look over their
new line of hats before you buy. It
Don't make your selections of wall
paper till you have seon the layout at
Dunn's drug store. Tho latest patterns,
right njl to date. It
Only the freshest and choicest groce
ries and other eatables aor sold at the
While Star grocery. You've tried it, and
are no doubt convinced It is so. It.
' --The preserving quality of Lawrence
Paints is in i n superior quality of pig
ment (Lead and Zinc) and purity of the
linseed oil used. Sold by Dr. Dunn, It
List of letters remaining uncalled for
In the Tionesta, Pa., post"tBco for the
week ending April 8, l'.H);5: W. II. Hert
cil. D. S. Knox, P. M.
Tuesday, Oeo. Crist, at tho Farley
mills at Ka u ml us, had the index linger
of his right hand taken off in a circular
. saw. Dr. C. C. Kemble helped him out.
Tidioute News,
A liner assortment of wall paper is
seldom seen anywhere than that now on
exhibition at Dunn's drug store. Look it
over before you decide on your spring
papering campaign. It.
Remember that at the Easter milli
nery opening of F. Waltors A Co., Thurs
day and Friday of this week there will be
on exhibition a line of city trimmed hats
as well as tho home creations. It
A lodne of the Protectod Home Circle
was organ i zed In Odd Fellows' hall last
Friday evening. The regular meeting
nights will be on the second and fourth
Friday evenings of each month.
Chiis. II. Henderson, practical piano
tuner, of Warren, Pa , will be In town
April 1!7. Orders may now le left at
Joyce's millinery. Kecommended by
Miss Anna Mall'utt, and best people in
town. tf
A man dropped his wig on the street
and a boy who was following close behind
lil in picked it up and handed it to him,
"Thanks my boy," said the owner of the
wig, "you are the first genuine hair res
torer I have ever seon."
Man, beinir human, remarks the
lili..anl, must spit occasionally, laws or
no laws, but he need not spit on tho side
walks, which are reserved for tho trail
ing skirts which women will persist in
dragging through the streets.
Miss Helle Kearney, of Flora, Miss.,
a speaker of more than ordinary ability,
will lecture in the Presbyterian church
on Friday evening, April 17, under tho
auspicis of tho W. C, T. U. It is hoped
that a large audience will bo present.
Tho good news that Roll Rock had
received $15,000 for the patent tight of a
reversiiilo pully he had patented some
time ago was reported in town last week
and we hope the same tna be founded on
. facts. Roll is now employed at St.Marys
and plays in the bund at that place and
the news of his good fortune was hailed
with delight by his many friends in this
place. Mar ienville Fx press.
The (apt. George Stow, W. R. C.,
No. 1:17 will serve an Faster chicken sup
per at liovord'shall Friday evening, April
lotli, begining at half past five o'clock.
As tho members of this Corps are already
famous for the delicious ri pasts served
by them, it will only be necessary to ex
tend a most cordial invitation to one and
nil to come and partake. Tickots 2.cents,
children under 10 years l.'i cents,
Mr. I. II. Keller, a practical shirt
manufacturer of Stoelton, Pa., was here
the lir-l of the week conferring with our
people on the question of a revival of tho
shirt factory in th s place on an extensive
scale. Mr. Keller is c.f the opinion that
a nourishing factory, one that would pay
a good dividend on the money invested,
could ea-ily be maintained in Tionesta,
and is willing to back up his opinion by
taking a good block of stock in such an
enterprise. What do our eili.'iis uay T
Some of the parties who went from
Brookville to Oregon the first of March,
are home. Most of them procured some
land, but two or three got none. We learn
that Win. Vashinder, son of F.ll Vasbind
erofEldred township, died of nnallpox
in Oregon. Hrookville Democrat.
Ray Rirtcil, who does a good job at
cement walk laying, is preparing, lor the
summer campaign, having already book
ed six or eight jobs in the borough, lie
will begin work as soon as weather con
ditions aro right. All these improve
ments add greatly to the beauty and sub
stantiality of our little city.
L. W. Robinson, of Mayburg, was in
Tionesta over last Friday night on his re
turn from North Warren, where lie had
been to place Mrs. Robinson in tho State
Hospital, and where it is hoped she will
soon get relief, Mrs. Robinson was in
an accident that happened en the Shef
field A Tionesta railroad last October,
since which time she lias not been well,
Our fine spring weather contracted a
liuli backset last Friday night encoun
tered a real live blizzard In fact and on
Satin day morning tbe denizens of this
diocese woke up (o find a beautiful white
mnutlo of snow coveting old mother
earth. AH that day the thermometer
ranged down in the twenties, and during
the night tbe ground lroze as in January.
What dumage, if any, was done to fruit
buds is not yet apparent, but only theex
tra fresh ones are supposed to have been
Hadn't you better take advantage ol
our splendid clubbing offer, and secure
tho N. Y. Tribune Farmer for a whoio
year for 25 cents? There is no better
farm paper publi ihed. It comes weekly,
is prolusoly illustrated and is entertain
ing, instructive and piactically useful to
the farmer's wife, sons and daughters.
The Ri'KunLiCAN and Tribune Farmer
for $1.25. The offor ex tends also to present
subscribers w ho pay a yenr in advance
and 1!.") cents extra. Rear in mind this
oiler Is good only a short time, so hurry
around. tf
Governor Pennypacker lias jut
signed a bill passed by the legislature
providing that if any person or persons
shall sell cigarettes or cigaretto paper to
any person or persons under the ago ol
21 years, he orphe so olfondiug shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con
viction thereof shall be sentenced to pay
a lino of not more than $100 nor less than
$100. Also one making it the duty of
county commissioners to provide a sep
arate room or building for the accommo
dation of children under 1(5 years of age
who may be in custody awaitlnir trial
or hearing.
Dr. J. W. Morrow lias been notified
ty Rcnjamiu Loo, Secretary of the State
Hoard of Health, of his appointment as
County Quarantine Officer to tho Slate
Hoard fur Forest county, under the Em
ergency Fund Act of March 2ii, 11)03.
The appointment clothes Dr. Morrow
with "authority to act either separately
or in association with quarantine ofllcers-at-hn
go, with full authority to enter up
on and inspect all premises suspected of
smallpox infection lor the purpose of de
termining w bother the condition of said
premises, or tho Inmates thereof, or of
the water supply, is such as to threaten
danger to the public health."
George Childs, who occupied the
Robinson house at the lower end of town
has moved to his now domicile farther up
the creek. John Saylor ba9 moved into the
vaca ed house, making room for Harry
Cunf.old who purchased Mr. Savior's
house on Walnut Street. J. W. Green
now occupies the house vacated by Can
licld and Claud Campbell has moved into
the house vacated by Greon, thus making
room for Harry Werts of the township,
who is domiciled in the Anderson house.
Mrs. Wasson has moved into the Shoe
maker house and H. C. Stitzlnger of Kel
lettvillo, goes Into the Hinton house.
Frank Hrown has moved into one of the
N. S. Foreman houses and Sharp Max
well expects to move into the J. O. Car
son house on Hilands street.
On Good Friday forenoon there will
bo services at Mt. Zion Lutheran church
on German Hill, beginning at 11 o'clock.
On Faster Sunday the services will bogin
at 10:30 promptly, with a confessional and
absolution service. The regular Easter
service will begin at 11 a. in. After the
liturgy has been lendoied a short Ger
man sermon will be preached, followed
by tho regular English Easter sermon.
Tho Lord's supper will be celebrated and
new members taken in. A pynodical
collection will also be raised. All those
who attend church at all should be found
there on either one of theso t'vo great
days, and if at all possible on both. Ev
erybody who can understand German or
English is most heartily invited. Ser
mon t n Good Friday w ill be English on
ly. -A "village improvement oc'ety'' 1 as
often boeu suggested for Tionesta, and
why not? In towns where mch societies
have been organized the most marked
improvement in the cloanlinessand beau
ty of the place has been noticeable, and
strangers and visitors have been struck
with the well-kept properties, streets and
allies of those towns. Tionesta is a pret
ty town naturally and with the cement
walks that have been and are yet to be
laid it can be made more beautiful still.
If the ladies will take the initiative we
have no doubt the men folks will give it
the financial backing necessary to the
carrying out of all plans. And, indeed,
it does not require any great amount of
cash. Tionesta could be made to shine
this very summer if tho proper elfort
were put forth.
The first hanging in the history of
Armstrong county to'-k place on Thurs
day last, when Frank Dudash was hung
lor the crime of murdering Joe Fidelmen,
near Yatesboro, Oct. Ri, 1!KU. The doom
ed man walked upon the sea Hold with
out a tremor, the black cap was
drawn over his head, tho rope placed
around his neck, and at 10:30 Slier ill'
liailey sprund the trap. Twelve minutes
tutor the man was pronounced dead. It is
t-ai l that the murder was the result ol an
old feud which had lasted for many years.
When Dudash came to this country ho
was followed by his victim, who had
sworn to kill him, lie found Dudash at
Yatesboro and they met in a bar room
and quarreled. Later, it is said, Fidel
men attacked Dudash in a road leading
Irom town and in the tight that followed
D' dash fired the shot that ended Fidel
meu's lite.
It olten happens that morn time is
spent in trying to get a jury than in try
ing the case.
Line. Davis is again porter at Hotel
John Lawrence returned to Grove
City college Monday.
Mrs. A. A. Pease, is down from Tid
ioute for a week's visit.
J. M. Aultof Tylersburg was in Tion
esta over Monday night.
Miss Artie Robinson was a visitor to
Oil City Monday afternoon.
Mrs. G. E. Gerow is visiting her mo
ther in Warren this week.
J. R. Ault, of Nebraska, was in
Franklin on business Monday.
W, B. Osgoid, of Starr, was a busi
ness visitor to town Wednesday.
Miss Kathleen Joyce visiting her bro
thor, John, in Franklin yesterday.
Treasurer Keller entertained his
father, of Pigeon, over last Sabbath.
Mentor Feit and Levi Metz were
among the visitors to Oil City Saturday.
Mrs. Dr. Wallace, of East Brady, is a
guestofher sistor, Mrs. J. H. Derick
son. Misses Anna Green and Edna Mealy
were visitors to Tidioute friends yester
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Galbraith of East Hickory, Mon
day. Jim Cottlo is over from MarLmvillo
stirring up tho telephone subscribers
Miss. Mirio Shoupe. of Foxburc. is
here on a visit to her eister, Mrs. (iai field
Jacob Overlander, Jr., was up from
Allegheny Inst week on a visit to his
Miss Sarah Morrow is visiting her
brother, Dr. W. G. Morrow at West
R. J. I'lynn of Newtown Mills was a
pleasant caller at the Rei-ublican office
this morning,
Mrs. J. A. Proper and daughter.
Miss EuRotta, were visitors to Oil City,
Monday afternoon.
Miss Nellie Carson, of West Hickory,
was a guest of her cousin Miss Ida Fones,
Saturday afternoon.
A son was born last Saturday to Mr.
and Mrs. S. J. Williams, who reside in
tho Cropp hill oil field.
Chas. R. Bowman, general manager
of the mantle factory wa a business visi
tor at Warren yesterday.
Mrs. G. W. Warden and daughter of
Endeavor are in Now York. City visiting
her sistor, Mrs. G.M. Smith.
J. L. Beets, S. L. Pickius and Frank
Turner were over from Marionville Mon-
lay night in tttendonce at masonic lodge
-Nowkirk Carson, who Is employed
m the Franklin air compressor works,
came home on a visit to his parents last
W. W.andJ. P. Grove, who have
been drilling near Glasgow, Ky., during
the past winter, came home (or a rest
last Saturday,
-W. II. Stiles, of the firm of Stiles Jt
Evans, tho general merchants of Endeav
or, was in the county seat on business
last Thursday.
Otis Rudolph, who has charge of tho
Wheeler A Duseubury stocking opera
tions on Otter creek, w as a Tionesta visit
or Wednesday.
Mrs. Lusher of Hickory was a guest
of hor son, Howard, here over Sunday
and was accompanied home by his wife
and little daughter.
Karl Wenk came home from the Uni
versity at Philadelphia hist Friday on
sick leave. He is not sulVering savoroly
but is confined to his bed.
N, A. Caulkins, tho photographer, has
leased the Sires Studio and will hereafter
conduct the same on his own Look. Mr,
Caulkins' work speaks for iiself.
-Charles Grettenberger was down
from Tidioute last Saturday fixing up the
ingine in Gaston's mill, which had got
ten "out of kilter" during tho winter
lay off.
Miss Gertrude Agnow met with quite
a painful accident last Wednesday, hav
ing fallen and seve,ely sprained her
knee, on account of which she has been
obliged to keep her room since.
-Mrs. Herbert Norton and children,
of Jamestown, N. Y., arrived here yes
terday noon on their way to visit her
mother, Mrs. Daniel Black, ho is quite
ill at her home on Smokey Hill.
Ed. Blum, who has resided at Kel-
letiville for tho past two or three years,
has rented the Klser farm on German
Hill, and will turn his attention to tilling
the soil for the next year or two.
Mis. Joseph Weaver, of Oil City, was
up on a visit to her son, C. F., of Hotel
Weaver, a part of last week, and was ac
companied home by Mrs. C. F., and chil
dren, who spent Sunday in Oil City.
Master Richard Edward Carson en
tertained 28 of his little friends at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Carson, on the 4th inst., it loing his tilth
birthday. Miss Belle Jainieson took a
fine piciure of the group.
Matthew Werts, one of the old resi
dents of tho township, moved to town
and took possesslod of his comforlable
new house, corner of Walnut street and
River avenue, this week. Mr. Werts and
family are welcome to our town.
-Joseph II. Ravey, the Oil City boiler-
maker, was up last Saturday doctoring
up a sick boiler for S. T. Carson. Mr.
Ravey has done lots of work in this vi
cinity in the past, but he will be more in
the future becauso ho has an "ad." in Iho
Mrs. F. A. Keller and tho children,
and Miss A ngie Frost, came down Iroin
Fredonia, N. Y., the latter part of the
week to remain over Sunday and seo
how things are progressing about home.
Mrs. Keller has been staying for some
weeks past at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frost, who are still
detained in Tennessee by tho illness of
Mr. Frost.
Mrs. B. E. Cook, aged ."! years, died
last evening at 8 o'clock at tho home of
Wesley Heckathorn, 18 Harold street,
after an illness of about or.o year w ith
cancer of tho stomach. A husband and
one sen, John Cook, survive. Funeral
services were held at the house Friday
morning at 10 o'clock, and the burial
toll,, wed in tho Brandon cemetery. Oil
City Derrick, Thursday. Deceased was
a sister of Mrs. Thomas Mays, of this
place, w ho attended the funeral.
Mrs, Hatlie DeRocher Foreman, was
born in Tidioute, February 3, IS73, and
died at her home in East Hickory, April
ti, 1903 She was united iu marriage with
Hamilton Foreman in October, 18!9.
This union was blessed with the birth of
one son, now about two years old, w ho
with the husband survive to mourn the
loss of a loving wife and mother. Mrs.
Foreman was tho daughter of the late
Dauiel DeRocher, of Tidioute. She was
an exemplary woman, loved and es
teemed by all who knew her. She had
been ill but a fow months, hor disease
baflling the skill of several of the best
physicians. All that mortal hands could
do for her comfort was done. Thestri'ken
husband and child have the most sincere
sympathy of all in their greatest of earth
ly bereavements.
Mrs. Morehoad, wife of Joseph More
head, of East Hickory, died at her home
on Sunday last, having been in ill health
for nearly two years. Deceased was aged
about 00 years and leaves a husband and
a host ot friends to grieve at her
taking away. Mrs. Morehead was
highly esteemed by all In thecommunity
in which she bad made her home for so
many years, her great kindness of heart
toward Miose about her end earing her to
all who had the privilege of calling her
friend. Much ympathv is expressed
for the bereaved husband in this great
loss. Funeral services were held
yesterday, the burial taking place in the
ceinetary at East Hickory.
Joyce's Millinery Opening.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday April
2, 3 and 4, (three days of continuous pel -
lormance) will certainly go down as rec
ord breakers iu the history of millinery
events in Tionesta, as these wero the
days upon which the Joyce sisters held
their first aunual spring opening. It was
a success that's the main point for the
promoters ami this is attested by the
large crowds who were in attendance.
It is beyond tiie ability of the writer to
give a minute description of the di lie rent
creations and if we could, we would have
to enlarge, for our present space will not
Among the most popular designs for
misses and children are tho Tuscan and
Cuban flats, constructed of the new
material called burnt straw.
For the older heads we might mention
the black picture hats and the smart mil
itary, box, Russian and Spanish turbans
all made of the newest straw braids, but
there are also turbans of much softer Ap
pearance, and dainty creations of flowers,
or soft lace affairs, trimmed with asweep
ing feather which falls over the sido one
of tho fashions at present in vogue.
In the summer fashions straw buckles
are numerous, as are also clasps, cabo
chons, pins and largo and small buttons,
many of the pendants being also devel
oped in straw.
But, enough of description we can't do
It properly, anyway. Suffice it to say
that the display was well worthy tho ad
miration and approval of all present and
we have no doubt that they were all there
meaning the women of course. Such
an exhibit is not a very cheerlul pr po
sition for a man as it always giyes him a
c:amp in the "hold-out" pocket, but his
curiosity is sure to make him "but in,"
and then he thinks yes, he thinks.
They say one of the clerks is contem
plating a trip to Tylersburg iu company
with "Bill Bailey."
Hunter and Fleming launched barge
No. 1 Tuesday of last week, but the
weather has not been favorable for rapid
barge building.
Harry Smith loft last Thursday with a
nair of boats loaded with lath for Pitts
burg. Reed Cassatt and Ernest Green, nurse,
departed Monday of last week, the form
er having entirely recovered from the
smallpox. They wero in their camp six
Miss Katherine Kennedy has resumed
her studies at tho Warren high school.
Ralph Klcpfer returned Saturday from
Suiiiinerville, where he attended school.
Mrs. M. S. Mi Cann left Saturday for a
visit at her home in Tylersburg. She was
accompanied by Miss Ellie Stakley.
The slab carrier e levator broke Satur
day morning, and nearly all the boys
Uok advantage of the shut-down to at
tend the Republican primaries iu War
ren. Frank Swigart. Ed. Simons, violins,
and Fred. Morris, mandolin, furnished
lively music for a dance in tho boarding
house Saturday evening, and all report it
the best yet.
Sneak thieves mado another liltlo raid
on the boarding l ouso ono night last
week, and A. J. Fleming lost a good S. A
W. revolver and box of cartridges, and
Leslie Dawson lost a pocket book con
taining papers valuable only to himself.
Engineer Walker tr. ated the populace
to a delightful excursion to the sulpher
spring with the logging train Sunday.
Being an ideal day all enjoyed the pleas
ant outing.
Letter (o II. M. Foreman.
TtoneMn, Pa.
Dear Sir : Here's what "fewer gallons''
means :
Mr. N. Avery of Delhi, N. Y., owns
two houses exactly alike. Ho painted one
with a mixed paint took twelve gallons.
Painted the other with Devoe bought
twelve gallons and had six gallons left.
Same painter George Gilbert.
The secret is: Devoe Lead and Zinc: is
one hundred per cent, paint ; tho mixed
paint was about fifty per cent, paint and
fifty per cent, adulteration.
Here is an analysis of a mixed paint
sold iu your neighborhood:
Lead, zinc and color 41 per cent.
Lime and China clay 69 "
You see 59 per cent. Is adulteration.
Whit Is it for?
To fill thecal! ; to take unfair advan
tage of your very natural and right desire
to make your house-painting cost as lit
tle as possible.
The cheap paint is Devoe Lead and
Zinc, because it is all paint no expense
for anything else and it does not w aste
your money.
Yours truly,
F. W. Dkvok A Co.,
II Now York.
P. S. Jas, D. Davis sells our paint.
Will Cut Their Own Timber.
Another industry that is a possibility
for Sheffield, altnough tho plana for it
have not been fu,ly formed, is the largest
saw mill of the Stale, with the latest im
proved machinery. The Penn Tanning
Co. owns thousands of acres of timber
land in Warren, Forest and Elk counties,
and for some years tho timber, as it has
been cut and the bark taken oil", has been
soldtoAmsler f Campbell, Hassinger,
McMiehaol, and other lumber operators.
A recent decision was mado that no tim
ber other than that already under con
tract would be disposed of, but that a
large mill would bo built and the logs
brought to it by rail the same as the bark
is now delivered to tho tanneries. This
Is a gigantic enterprise and means much
to the future of Sheffield, as it will take
years to cut the timber yet standing.
Stewart Run.
Mrs. James Carson of Hunter run.who
was visiting her son D. E, and other
neighbors here the past two weeks, has
Riley Carson, who was working at
Eagle Rock, returned homo Saturday,
Henry Yarnoll was up to Hickory on
business Saturday.
Forn Wiles of Tidioute is working for
Elmer Brennan this summer.
We find that people about Tionesta do
not all attend church on Sunday, for we
see that some ol them spend the day fish
Francis Hoov:er of Hunter run has
moved down on his farm again.
Mrs. Moore of Tionesta was calling on
friends here Thursday.
Why don't you patronize the new bar
ber shop over at Jamiesou's board piles.
Mrs. John lludd cson'fehas returned
home from taking care of her daughter,
Mrs. Morgan Miller, who has been quite
Misses Pearl and May Elliott have
closed their winter term of school.
Cream of tho News.
A cynic is a man who laughs at the
world with tears in his eyes.
-Your money will go farther if you
buy at T. C. S. It
A man of mark is one whose signa-
turo looks like tho end of a sawbuck.
See Hopkins' new line of spring
clothing. it
-Short-sighted people seem to think
others should look through their glasses.
A term at Edinboro Normal is the
best kind ot an investment. John F,
Biglor, Prin. It
-A man can't always borrow money
on his ancestors' reputation for honesty.
-The White Star Grocery Is prepared
these days to meet all coiners in the way
of fresh vegolablos and early gardeu deli
cacies. Call or phone when hungry. It
Hope and hustle enable a man to
gain his ends,
Elegant box stationery, as pretty as
you can get anyw here.and not expensive,
at Dunn's drug store. le
Many a man's sottlcd opinions are
settled by his wife.
The opening of spring milliner at Hie
F. Walters A Co., to-morrow and next
day promises to surpass all previous ef
forts of this woll-ki. own firm. Don't fail
to attend. It
If your life is a blank fill it out and
have it sworn to.
A handsome new line of lace cur
tains just in at Hopkins t-toro, and they
are beauties. Come and look 'em over.
Prices run from 50c up. It
All well groomed uion do not possess
horse sense.
Every gallon of Lawrence Paint Is
tested before it leaves tho factory. Ask
for card of information at Dunn's drug
store. et
Fruits of modern philosophy seem to
be electric currents.
For nice new shirts, neckwear and
furnishings see T. C'. S. It
Poverty keeps many a man from
making a find of himself.
-Lots of Easter hats left at Joyce's
millinery, and moro coming. Don't buy
until you look over their stock. Nothing
equalling it ever shown in Tionesta, be
fore. It
Many of the so-called gems of thought
are nothing but pasto.
Just a few of last year's styles of wall
paper left at Dunns drug store. It you
want something cheap call. It.
Beware of the vico that goes around
wearing the mask of virtue.
-Your harvest will be sure if you buy
your seeds at T. C. S. It
Many a man gcti a reputation for
wisdom by leaving things unsaid.
The pigment used in making the
Lawrence Paint is finely ground before it
is thinned with pure linseed oil ask at
Dunn's drug store. It
Some men never tite of doing good
because they never do any.
When looking for that new shirt to
wear on Easter Sunday, don't pass Hep
kins' store. A new lino of the latest
novelties just received. It
-Thore Is a place for everything, but
fow people have access to the index.
Your china wiil bear the namo of
best makers if you buy it at T. C. S. It
Consistency in yourself is synony
mous with obstinacy in your neighbor.
The proper pigments In proper pro
portions combined with intelligence and
experience produce the best paint Law
rence sold bv Dr. J. C. Dunn. It
When some people toll tho truth it is
only for the purpose of cnating trouble.
Don't let your best g'ul but you in
tho "way back row" with her new East
er bonnet, but go to Hopkins and get a
new suit. New lino of spring clothing
just received. It
A man wo lives beyond Ids income is
apt to live Lent a h his opportunities.
New China just opened at Tionesta
Cash Store. It
A girl may make a date with a fel
low and not care a tig for him.
The most important point about paint
is not so much what it is made of but
what it will do Lawrence preserves and
beautifies sold by Dr. Dunn. It
Tho milkman knows the full signili
ance of a white lie.
You can get nice white Ohio seed oats
for 51 ceuls per bushel at Imtoii Bios.
mill. tf
A Fair Skin
There's in ;s !. a!;hy
tkin. A lice CMir;!,xi n is
physically cun fori,, !.,-. h
More: It's in iai :y cm
fortalile. We i If, r y, u skis
comf'irt in our .lloioiu
enters into our A'motio (V. am
It's perfection after sJmvirg.
You can tine it iiiiuii.-,!i.i.e'y
before puttiLg on jour gl.ivis
as ( mi t .
Get a free sample.
tf I- iH
is6 f,.v:
7 S
- AzniiiiGters,
Body Brussels, Velvets,
Oil Cloth,
A full ami complete liin of Pi v (Jimiiii; -,i every description.
Every piece of our Carpet ! tl:c M iru':, turtr'i ti imc,
Iiugs of any size ma 1j from any Cu p. i in mm-U.
Buy four Carpet Now.
Be sure it bears she Mainibirtuier's name.
The LOWELL an l tl.o JIAIIITO::!) , t!.o Bcs-t.
Ilai'rftcare, Mill AVe.'A-.s-, !-. . . .
Mill Atacfdnet'u .It .'!!,' u" I'ramjit
ljf. Sfiaf'liii'j, PitUcr (Cii-(. VHUni'
Blocks Fui'nlxhcd (iu S :':) 1 Xultv.
Shelf re, Iron, Naili :.: ,j !. ,.;. ,u I.,.. L.vmsI.
Market Price. Stoves of nil k-nN. 1' t . I Olive
Ranges a Speoi.iliy; (Simrniiite.i 1 1' !. . Aw?, li
vy Cant ILioks, Spml-, At!vi!i-' U.r.-I (',. cut, i'..iti,l
and Circular Saws, Returned i' l'n atusfuctorv. Abra
sive Emery Wheels.
We Hell IS iys' Ciothin;: that ;n;iy h (!tpo;i f,l upon in every
I' barring ui ci.iei O th-l are I o md to I,.i j,j ( u onco
iu a while to uny boy 'v i' ;i" , ,i I, ,v mu-t to enjoy
C hild'N oifolk Ntiil,
Child'. Sailor ISIousf Salt .
Double Itrc'uslcri Suils
Knee Trousers
Corduroy Knee 'i'roun r.
IlojV Short Trousers
ISojft' (Short I'aiii &ui4
TTRP.T?. with eoys' huiic-iull aiid 53 at or a
1 I! T"i r" o
From : wv on thr, uh the balance
of ttic s' iisi.n I will ho alile to - give
mypmnis erent inluctiutis on nil
Wall hirer. 'I'll s, who liave net
ilnislu .1 i iipi rit! w ill do well to no
tify me ml I w ill bring sample bo. 1;3
aud quote prices.
U now on ni.d all wli i have painting
to be done hi summer should c,ive
orders ini'ly mid g t time H-t. My
iieviu:u wuik is my recunurcmla
tioii. i CEO. i. DAVIS, T iGTiESTAPA
P?ffiv caar-m pir-'a &T" a-: s
;J i i 1 , ,1 r
M vvi
Grass Carpet,
1 t VI I 3 9 j itmm
: : .O miR