The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 25, 1903, Image 4

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Nothing Definite Concerning tht
Whereabouts of Charlet G. Den
niton of Chicago.
Buffalo, March 24. At Watts' deteo
tive agency it was reported that noth
ing definite concerning the disappear
ance last Wednesday of Charles Q
Dennis. n cX the firm of Sidney Sliep
a: J & Co. had been learned.
It was also stated that an investlga
tlcn was being made In Niagara Falli
and vicinity as a result of a report re
ccived from that place to the effect
that a man corresponding in descrlp
ticn to Mr. Dennison :ad been seei
According to this report, the mat
took a trip down the inclined railway
remained at the bottom a short time
then ascended and was seen last go
, Ins In the direction of the America!
end of the upper steel-arch bridge
This, it was stated, was on Friday aft
Further investigation concerninj
Mr. Dennison's movements has re
vealed that !he did not pay his bill a
the Broezel Hcuse, as was reportec
first, and that, when he disappeared
he left his valise in iiis room. That
it was assumed, Indicated that he die
not go away with the intention of re
maiining away for a great length of
time or of making a journey.
It has also been learned at Mr
Dennison went to the Ellicott Squart
building when he departed from th
hotel. He mot a friend at the Mair
street entrance cf the building ani
spoke to him for a few minuter Mr
Dennison's conduct was reported tc
be wholly rational at the time. Hi
spake about the seilous Illness of hit
life-long friend, James Gilbert Forsyth
who died later in fte ilay, and than Mr
Dennison and his friend iparted. Thl
friend did not notice whether Mr. Den
nison entered the building.
Police Fired on Rioters.
Kingstown, St. Vincent, March 24.
A Berious riot was In progress yester
day afternoon in Pert of Spain, Trinl
dad, according to a dispatch just re
ceived from that city. A mob at
tempted to burn the government build
Ings there and the police 'bad to fin
on the rioters, killing or wounding ev
eral among them. The? British cruisei
Tallas was landing bluejackets. The
rioting was due to the refusal on lh
part of the government to withdraw
an ordinance concerning the new
waterworks. A demonstration wai
made during the meeting of the exe and finally the mob ston
ed the government building and set
fire to It. The riot act was read and
the police fired on the mob. The cltj
Is in a state of great excitement.
Bears Ate Their Dinner.
Catskill, March 24. A hungry Cat
skill mountain bear and two iiall
irmwn MthR ate no the dinners of t
soore of Philadelphia mechanics, paint,
ers, carpenters and bi'ickleyers, wnc
nrrivAd a.t the Hotel Kaaterskill or
South Mountain. The men had beet
sent on by George J. Harding for tin
annual smrlne repairs to his sum
,mer heme. The bears mada thaii
New York Provision Market
New York, March 23.
WHEAT No. 2 red, 79 c f
o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth,
CORN No. 2 corn, 5Wc t. o. b
OATS No. 2 oats, 43c; No. J
white, 44c; No. 3 white, 43c.
PORK Mess, $18.2519.00; family,
HAY Shipping, B570c; good tfl
choice, 90$1.05.
BUTTER Creamery, extras, 29c;
factory, 16c; imitation creamery,
western fancy, 20c.
CHEESE Fancy large white, 11V4
14c; small white-, 14'5ic.
EGGS State and Pennsylvania,
POTATOES New York, per 180
lbs.. $1.50 2.00.
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, March 23.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, 84',ic;
winter wheat, No. 2 red, 79c.
CORN No. 2 yellow, 48c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 3 yellow, 46V4C
OATS No. 2 white, 41c f. 0. b.
aficat; No. 3 white, 40-c.
Fl.OUR Spring wheat, best patent
per bbl., $4.25 4.50; low grades, $2.75
C 3.00.
BUTTER Creamery western ex
tra tubs, 29 29 'c; state and Penn
sylvania creamery, 2828c; dairy,
fair to good, 2022c.
CHEESE Fancy full cream,
15c; good to choice, 1414c; com
mon to fair, 12 13c.
FGGS State, fresh fancy, 15c.
POTATOES Per bushel, 60 62c.
East Buffalo Live Stock Market.
CATTLE BesL steers on sale, $5.25
5.50; good to choice shipping steers,
$4.905.10; fair to good steers, $4.40
414.55; comiron to fair heifers, $3.40
4i3.G5; choice to extra fat heifers,
$4.150 4 50; good butdher bulls, $2.75
3.15; choioeto prime veals, $8,000
8.50; handy fat calves, $3.754.00.
lambs, $7.G57.75; fair to good, $7.00
6 7.50; culsl and common, $4.005.00;
good to prime wethers, $6.00(3 6.25.
HOGS Mixed packers' grades,
$7.'.r.Si 7.73 ; medium hogs, $7.80
7.95; pigs, good to choice, $7.50T.00.
Buffalo Hay Market
HAY Timothy, per ton, loose,
$15.0tifi 17.00; hay, prime on track, per
ton, $16.50; No. 1 do, do, $15.00
16.00; No. 2. do, do, $12.0014.00.
Wnkrl'nl t'hililrrn.
For a long time the two year old child
of Mr. P. L. Mcpherson, .Vj N. Tenth (St.,
liarrisburg, Pa., would sleep but two or
throe hours in the early part of the night, made it very hard for her parents.
Her mother cnm-ltnled that the child bad
stomach trouble, and cave her half of
ono of Chamberlain a Stomach and Liver
Tablets, which ouieted her Um:h nnd
she slept the wno e night through. Two
bnxe of these 1 aulela elleetea a perina
nent enreand she is now well and hi renin.
For sale by Dr. Dunn, tionesta, W, i
YVilkiiid, West Hickory.
are eailv reached bv Allen's special par
tie. Write H. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A
Nickel Plate road, Erie, Pa. A6 a'J8
Some of Tkcm Shonr the Old Tim
Emttniate of Srrmons.
Some curious plimrsos into the life
of old London re afforded, by the re
ports innde in the charity commission
on the endowed charities hi the county
of London. For instance. In the re
ports dealing with the city parishes
vce have an estimate of the value set
on sermons liy city nieu in ojilen times.
That estimate varied from j shillings
to 1 10s. One Thomas Bright had
left a beijuest for a sermon to be preach
ed on the 5th of November every time
It fell on a Sunday, the minister to get
13m. 4d., the clerk 3s. 4d. and the sexton
Is. 4d. But David Gtttin had a more
modest Idea of the value of a sermon
in the same parish. lie required two
sermons for 10 shillings, one to be
preached on the second Sunday In Ad
vent and the other on the second Sun
day in Lent. The reader got 2 shil
lings, the churchwarden Us. Sd. and
the poor sextou fotirpence for each oc
casion. John Ireland thought 13s. 4d.
enough for two sermon.
In KiiiO John Winn left a curious be
quest to the parish of St. Bennet, Paul's
Wharf. A pound was set apart for an
annual sermon, the text to be taken
from the lifth chapter of St. John nnd
the twenty-seventh verse. He also left
enough to buy twelve penny lonvesvfor
twelve poor people of the parish who
utteiuled a sermon every Friday In the
parish eliurih. But he expected more
for his pound than the annual sermon,
for before or after the sermon the min
ister had to spend an hour examining
or Instructing the poor people in the
Christian doctrine.
The most generous Ooi.or of the
preacher was James Wood, who thought
a sermon in St. Xicholns-Cole-Abbcy
was worth 10s. every alternate year.
In 1G25 he bequeathed to the Company
of Bowycrs u sum to enable them,
among other things, to repair to the
parish church nau.ed. nfier they had
sweru in their wardens and master ev
ery second year, there to hear a ser
mon and pay the parson 1 10s. and
the clerk and sexton Is. ."id. each. In
the parish of St. Michael Bassishaw
one Edward Ileylln in the eighteenth
century left money the Interest on
which wa.s to be applied to purchasing
two sixpenny loaves each Sunday for
two poor men or women who should at
tend divine service. London News.
School children study their lessons
The chambermaids at hotels are nil
chamber men.
The best grades of coffee are sold nt
tobacco stores.
The Mexican menl consists of more
kinds of meat than vegetables.
Hailways, street cars and cabs nil
provide three classes of conveyance.
In the cities real estate is sold by the
square meter instead of the front foot.
Fruit nnd vegetables are not sold by
measure, but by tlie dozen or by
Many tailors take the clothes of their
customers to the patron's home to try
them on.
Mexican men of the lower classes
wear the biggest hats in the world, the
women none nt all.
Sunday is the great amusement day.
All big entertainments are reserved for
this general holiday.
Theater managers nre fined if they
do not produce the cast and features
advertised. Modern Mexico.
DinroverliiK a Uolil Mine.
Gold was discovered in California lu
1848 and in Colorado in ISTiS. The dis
covery was accidental lu both cases,
nnd the fact created the impression
that mines were "lying around loose."
Adventurers drifted about in hope of
"stumbling upon a mine." Mr. Thayer
in his "Marvels of the New West"
mentions several Instances of lucky
"stumbling." Three men while look
ing for gold In California discovered
the dead body of a man who evidently
had been prospecting. "Poor fellow I"
said one of the trio. "He has passed iu
his checks." "Let's give him a decent
burial," said another. "Some wife or
mother will be glad If ever she knows
it." They began to dig a grave. Three
feet below the surface they discovered
signs of gold. The stranger was buried
in another place, anil where they had
located a grave they opened a gold
Tea Drunkards.
Tea drunkards are nearly as numer
ous as opium liends m;d social gamblers
among our less guarded maids and ma
trons of the idle aristocracy of wealth.
It is a terrible dissipation. Some of
the victims boll the tea until every bit
of the ijUercitauuic add is extracted
from the leaves, which renders the bev
erage bitter and dangerous. It is so
astringent that no mucous membrane
can readily overcome its effect. Wom
en who revel and luxuriate like it be
cause it is u good "pick me up." New
York Press.
Willing to Try.
"For the first year of our married
life, dear," said the young man who
was poor, but had prospects, "we shall
have to live principally on love."
"Well, people can live on spoon victu
als, can't they, George?" she said, snug
gling closer to him. Chicago Tribune.
Thoaitlit It BIlKlit lie.
Mrs. Newrocks I'm determined that
Cynthia's debut shall pass off with
great eclat.
Mr. Nowrocks--What's eclat, Maria
cxiKMise? Puck.
"If you rre In doubt." says Talley
rand, "whet her to write a letter or not,
don't!" And the advice applies to
many doubts lu life besides that of let
ter writing. Bulwer.
and best accommodation. Allen's spec
ial parties afford both to those who ar
range early with H.C. Allen, C. P. A. T
A., Nickel Plate road, Erie, Pa. Low
rates for other days too. A4-a34
yet cheaply by joining Allen's special
parties to leave Erie, Pa., February 17tb,
March :id and 17th,April 7th, 21st and 30th.
20 year' experienc e in conducting par
ties. Hundred of testimonials to show.
Write H. C. Allen, C. P. C T. A., Nickel
Plate Road, Erie, Pa. Low rates for
other days also. Ai-wM
A Skillful Advertiser.
Many years ago Sir Thomas Llptot
was a passenger on nn East I lull at
steamer bound for Ceylon. While ir
the Red sea the boat was disnbled. ani
It became necessary to throw over
board rt part of lier cargo. Upton wai
nn Interested spectator of the prepara
tions for lightening the ship. Suddenlj
he bolted the scene anil by a twenty
dollar dicker -with the thief engineei
secured a paint brush and a jHt ol
black paint. Then, to the astonish
ment of the captain and passengers. h
cheerfully labeled each 1h. and ball
thrown overlnwird "I'se Upton's Teas.'
The cargo, of course, tloated ashore
and for miles In Araby nnd other lamb
the natives saw that legend. Subse
iuently the passengers on the injuret
steamer were compelled to abandon it
and take to small boats. On reachinj
land Sir Thomas was the first to mak
a cable office and wire the destructioi
of the lat and safety or the traveler!
to Imdon. The message was signed
"Llpton." Of course his name was It
every English newspaper the nexl
morning, signed to that message, ant1
he was the best advertised man iu the
The shrewdness of one of the found
ers of n famous estate In Maine govt
rise to many amusing stories, one ol
which has recently been retold.
One day the man, who was a largi
lumber operator, was superintending a
crew which was In caking up a log Jam
in the river. Suddenly the spruce on
which he was standing slipped. The
lumlM'rman dropped out of sight In the
water, and the logs closed over him.
The nearest Frenchman saw the ac
cident. Hopping briskly over the slip
pery logs, he helped the "boss" to land.
Nothing was said about the accident.
After nn hour or so the l-'renchnian be
gan to get anxious because the reward
which he considered due was not forth
coming. He approached the lumber
man and, pulling clumsily at his cap.
"I see you fall in, ni'slour, an' 1 run
qtieek to pull you out 'fore you drown
ed." "I'rob'ly," snapped the lumberman
"proli'ly if you'd been 'tending to busi
ness as you'd, oughter you wouldn't
have seen me fall in!"
The Early Maine School.
The first schools in some Maine towns
have been attended with romantic cir
cumstances. The first school In Guil
ford, for want of n better place lu
which to fertilize the young idea, was
held "In the loft over Captain Ben
nett's open shed." In Dexter the flrsl
gathering of urchins for Instruction
was in Lieutenant Stafford's barn."
In Corinth the first school was held In
the open air under n large tree.
The fiiyt schoolroom iu Exeter wns
perhaps as unique as any. Crotehed
polos were set in the ground back ot
Mr. Barker's barn and on these otliei
poles were laid, while nrouud the sides
loose lion rds were set up on end to In
close the space where the school was
held. Scholars of the present day
would look askance at such conven
iences. An Old Legacy.
A Wednesliury (England) resident In
the sixteenth century left $1.1)00 to pro
vide annually on St. Thomas' day three
gowns and three coats to indigent per
sons of the parish. Following the cus
tom of the times, the money was in
vested iu land (in this case in miner
nisi, and the original legacy has In
creased In value to $;!il.(MK). Instead of
the three gowns and three coats the
charity commissioners who administer
the funds are able to present 200 gowns
and sixty coats.
Cantor Oil.
A simple method of taking castor oil,
according to Medical News, without
producing any nauseating effects Is to
instruct the patient to wash out the
mouth witli water us hot as can be
borne, swallow a little of it. then swal
low the oil and follow this by rinsing
nut the mouth well with hot water.
The first swallow of the water cleanses
the mouth, makes the membranes hot,
so that the oil does not stick, and con
sequently slips down easily.
Hard to PI coup.
Brown You don't look very happy,
lumley-I have just lost a fiver on a
Brown That's bad.
I umley Yes. I had nn awful attack
of rheumatism this morning, nnd that
young squirt of a doctor. Tipsalve, bet
me a liver he could cure it before night,
nnd I'll be hanged If he didn't wiu the
From the Courts.
High above the buzz of factories, the
clang of trolley gongs and the clatter
of tratllc rose a crash that terrified, the
visitor to America.
"I hear that noise wherever I go,"
said he. "What is It?"
"I on't be alarmed," we replied. "That's
only soinelHidy's relatives breaking his
will." Newark News.
The Trouble With the Clock.
"What time is ItV" asked his wife
suspiciously as he came in.
"AWiut 1."
Just then the clock struck 3.
"Gracious! When did the clock com
mence to stutter?" he said, with n fee
ble attempt nt justification and n joke.
A 'lrentlre llnntl.
"Tbnt man you had doing some car
jienter work Is a fraud."
"How do you know? He did good
"That may be. but he's no carpenter.
He cleared up the mess he made."
Never argue at the dinner table, for
the one who is not hungry always gets
the best of the bargain. Colton.
HuiiMir f Colli and
The greatest danger from colds and
grip is their resulting in pneum nia. If
reasonable care is used, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all
danger will be avoided. Amons the tens
of thousands w ho have used this remedy
for those diseases we have yet to learn of
a simile, case resulting in pneumonia,
which hhows conclusively that it Is a cer
Iflin preventive ot that dangerous diseaxu.
It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip
in less time tlian any other treatment. It
is pleasant and sale to take. For sain by
Br. Dunn, Tionesta, W. O, Wilkin,
West Hickory.
OW Hi .out your mock of Stationery?
Mik it up men, call sua see us.
Is perfectly harmless in ita effects and
pleas-int to take. Thompson's Barosma
cures by gently stimulating the liver and
kidneys to excrete from the system all
particles of matter that are poisonous,
not only to them, but also to the stomach,
heart, blood and other organs of the
body. Barosma cures are permanent.
When th? liver is torp.d or inactive the
whole system must suffer, undergoing
proce--s of slow poisoning ; the stomach
is fi'led with cartKinic acid gas, inflaming
the mucous membrane or coating of the
stomach, causing heartburn, palpitation,
indigestion, bitter taste on rising, a dull
heavy sluggish feeling, a desire to sleep,
fullness aud dii.y-headediiess. Thomp
sou's Barosma i-t an excellent stomach
tonic, assimilating with the food,
neutralizing the acids and carrying the
bile from the liver. If the bowels are
costive or in liver trouble, Thompson's
Dandelion and Mandrake Pills should be
used with tlie Barosma. They are purely
vegetable, and will not gripe.
Inflammation of Stomach and Lirer
Permanently Cured.
Kvcr niucc I can rememiwr. for twenty years
or more, my bnck ha troubled me. cauneil by
inflammation of my stomach and liver first, (lieu
my kidney became involved At time the pain
became I'xcntcintinic. Having ued a large num
ber of so called cures. I finally found a complete
cure Uiirson:a Backache. Uiver and Kidney
Cure several bottle reducing all inflammation
and scoiisequently curing the pain. Thankato
llavostua, 1 have been perfectly well for thbkb
Troy Center, Pa.
T. S. My wife health has greatly improved
liy taking Thompson's Harosma. She has gained
hi weight, and that yellow tint to her skin haa
keen replaced by a fresher and healthier color.
All druggists ft.oo a bottle, or six fet
Notice of Bill of Special
Notice IS hereby given that a bill will
be presented in the General Assembly of
the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania,
Session of flMKt, entitled An Act granting
special privileges to Harnett Township in
the County of Forest, State of Pennsyl
vania, regulating the building and main
taining of fences on all Improved prop
erly. U. W. VanUohn,
W. M. Coon,
Clock Repairing and all work pertaining
to the jeweler's trade, promptly
and accurately done.
Hew SilverinoMVateli
Cases traded fo.
Silver Cases In
anv condition,
tubes taken in ex-
change lor new o
t. ..M)i:uso,
A Miluvtimt .fr rfV Ham Ita rlo r ulisw-v
ituuti oi 11 M. v lima un i rvt kj u ' i
Tionesta, l'a
A Message from
George H. Daniels.
t'oniimliiliilca fiii-Rio, Milwaukee eV SI.
I'll ill Itnilway on New Line la the Const.
To F. A. Miller,
Geueral Passeuger Agent,
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.
Dear Sir: I congratulate you ou
the improved service 'hat you are
giving and the fact tbat you now
have a through liue to California.
This fulfills a prophecy which I made
about 1873 or 74. The new depar
ture for the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway will certainly bring
it a great deal ol business.
Gen. Passenger Agent,
N. Y. Central & Hudson River R R
' The above shows something of the
tremendious interest token in the in
auguration of through service to Ne
braska, Colorado, Utah, California
and North Pacific Coast points by
the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul
Railway, in connection with the Uo
ion Pacific Railroad. Railroad men
to-day predict its gr at p pularity, as
Mr. Daniele, a generation ago, pre
dicted that such a natural route
woul I some day become en important
part of the great transcontinental
The new overland service includes
three through trains, Chicago to San
Francisco every day.
In addition to standard sleepers,
Chicago to San Francisco, on all of
the above trains, The California Ex
press, at 10:25 p. m , carries a tourist
sleeping car Chicago to San Francis
co. The berth rale in this city is on
ly $0 all the way. Ouly $33 for a
railroad ticket Chicago to California,
via this line, every day until June
15, 103.
John R. Pott, District Passenger
Agenf, Room D. Patk Rldg, Pitts
burg, Pa. 3 18 2t
Office ) Jk 7J National Hank Huildiug,
Kyes oxami3ed free.
Exclusive! v optical.
1krb m-Tnber will atsOTM-trta CTtlflftU0fMn
tor'titn wul h K1'- " prtHrKof Club ltuomtn Nw
fork rlt r , nn-l o I boy In it 1 11-r.ttun., biti.Io or Bin'lrftl
liirltll.-ntt of tlT d---c-r!:ttt.i ! irlr.a.
IX i, All.
rr.vjtig .u inn. , i..'1 , "n jiiirforniu.,. irnn t
IJ f tl i idl at c. Y-.i willit-l m-ti mron tn
ll U..D, j i wnh. WI' MKL l.M WtiUY MUtllOCUJB,
fjl Nftusa otrt-ot, New Vork.
ftarr :?W5,yrs u m mm i awwt
II r f'ontK puts for tnre month' mmberahip. g
3 XJ Kurd momrrMHvMthotlicittlciTiborirtt I
P T'm:-iIh )1 in .truoiutitttl new nuiJioeftchmoDth I
Mercantile Appraiser's List
for Forest County, for
Year A. D. 1903.
The Wholesale aud Kelail Yedersof
i-'oreign and Domestic Merchandise,
Eating Houses, Milliard Rooms, llrok
ers, aud Opera Houses, in Forest Couu
ty, reuusylvania, are as follows, to
wn :
Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesta.
Andrews, M., merchant, Kelletl'illo.
Anderson, U. T., jeweler, Tionesta.
Arnor, C. M. A Son, brokers, Tionesta.
A. Cook Sous Co., merchants. Cooks
burg liovard, G. W., merchan', Tionesta.
ltowman, T. J., merchant Kasl llluko-
llender, Kobert, merchant, West Hick
ory, . ... .
liender, Jacob, clears, Wca'. Hickory,
Hehrens F, merchant, 8Urr.
Merlin, Kit, luereliant, Whig Hill.
Hern, C. J., merchant, Dutiring.
lieinis, J. M. A Son, merchant, Duhr
luir. Buhl, Elizabeth, milliner, Marlon ville.
Baxter, J. W., merchant, Uilfoyle.
ISauKhman, J. M., butcher, Marieuvillo,
Huhl, O. W., cigars, Mariei'iville,
liranch, L. 10., eignrs, ClariuKtou,
Uowmau Lumber Co., merchants,
ltlueiy Supply Co., merchants, Lynch.
Cautield, 8. S., buggies and sleighs,
Carson, A., jeweler, Tionesta.
Cropp, Win., merchant, Tionesta.
Crouch, W, F., merchant, East UL-ko-
Cooper, W. II., cigars, West Hickory.
Cooper, W. H., billiard and pool, West
Clough, L, 8., merchant, MeCrays.
Cratton, Win., merchant, Weft Hicko
ry. Carringer, M. C, merchant, Marien
ville. Croasmun, W.A., merchant, KedclylTe.
Collins, Watson A Co., merchants, Uo
11 n .a.
Collins A ICrcltlcr, merchants, Nebras
ka. Carringei, M. C, broker, Marienyille.
Davis, J. 1)., druggist, Tionesta.
lunu, Dr. J. C, druggist, Tionesta.
IMck, Fred., tailor, Tionesta.
Dean, J. I., merchant, Starr.
Day A Hatter, merchants, Kelleltville.
Day it West, cigars, Kellettville.
Day it West, billiards and pool, Kellett
vilie. Day, B. J., merchant, Kellottviil i.
Dawson, J. A., morchant, Stewarts
Fulton, L., harness-maker, Tionesta.
Forest Lumber Co., meichant. Pigeon.
Uilliert, M. N.. cigars, West Hickory,
Li rove, (iartield, int reliant, Tionesta,
Grove, Oarlield, restaurant, Tionesta.
Gerow A t.erow, cigars, Tionesta.
(iorow, John N., billiards ai d pool,
Gerow, John N restaurant, TionoMa.
Uildersleeve, I. I., merchant, Brooks
ton, Grubbs, I, A., merchant, Marienville,
Hill, P. C, buggies and sleighs, Tio
nesta. Hopkins, L. J., merchant, Tionesta.
Herman, It. M., merchant, Tionesta.
Heath it Feit, merchants, Tionesta.
Henderson, J. J., merchant, Claring
ton. H addon, Mrs. May, merchant, Watson
II imes, Z, S. & Son, butchers, Marien
ville. Howard, II. B , jeweler, Marienville,
Harp, 11. H merchant, Marienville.
Hart, Fenner F.. ciuars, Marienville,
Hart, Fun nor F., restaurant, Marien
ville, Hoover, H. I)., restaurant, Marienville.
Hoover, H. B., cigars, Marienville.
Hassinger Lumber Co., merchants,
Hoyt, O., merchant, Cooper Tract.
Halliday, J. W., butcher, East Hickory.
Joyce, M. C. Jt K. M., milliners, Tio
nesta. Jones, J. W., billiards and pool, Clar
Ington. Killmer Bros., merchants, Tionesta,
. Keller, F. A. it Co., merchants, Pigeon,
Kribbs, W. A., buggies and sleighs,
Kribbs, V. W., merchant, Marienville,
Kelly, J. V., billiards and pool, Mar
ienville. Lanson, F. K., plumber, Tionesta.
Lanson Bros., feed, etc., Tionesta.
Levy, Mrs. M., merchant, Marienville.
Lin, J. A., merchant, Gilloyle,
Morgan, J, K., merchant, Tionesta.
Myeis, E. F., merchant, Endeavor.
Mann. J. it., merchant. Perry,
.Mayburg Supply Co., merchants, May
burg. Mohney, Mrs. L., cigars, Pigeon.
Mechling, London A Hradeu, mer
chants, Clarington.
Marienville Hardware aud Machine Co,
hardware, Marienville.
Mint,, David, merchant, Marienville.
Mc.Master, M., jeweler, Marienville.
Mench, S. C , hardware, Marienville.
Nash, J. A., cigars. Pigeon.
Nye, C. W., merchant, Marienville.
Neill, A, D. A Co,, druggists, Marien
ville. Neely, A. M. A Co., merchants, Mar
ienville. Ogden, Wm., merchant, Lynch.
Robinson, U. W., merchant, Tionosta.
Randall, C. A., cigars, Tionesta.
Reed A Dotterer, butchers, Kellettville.
Rnchring, John, harness-maker, Mar
ienville. Rcyner, T. J., merchant, Marienville.
Ro'sen, W., merchant, Marienville. .
Scowden it Clark, merchants, Tionesta.
S. II. Haslet's Hons, furniture, Tionesta,
Sutley, Mrs. F. E,, merchant, West
Salmon Creek Lumber Co., merchants,
Star Grocery Co., merchants, Marien
villo. Seigworlb, W. II., undertaker, Marien
ville. Shields, W. D., merchant, Clarington.
Slump. Wm., cogars, Muzette.
Sutton, I). F., merchant, Nebraska.
Tionesta Cash Sioie, merchants, Tio
nesta. Turner, J. A., merchant, West Hlcko
'.v. Vail, J. S.. butcher, Wst Hickory.
Van Horn, A. M , merchant, Pigeon.
Weaver, C. F., cigars, Tionesta.
Wilson, Geo., butcher, Tionesta.
Walters, F. A Co., milliners, Tionesta.
White Star Grocery, merchant, Tiones
ta. Wheeler A Dusenbury, merchants,
Wilkins, W. U., druggist, West Hickory-
Weller A Watson, mon-hants, Truman.
Wagner A Wilson, merchants, Marien
ville. Wolf, Kate A Co., milliners, Kellett
ville. Wheeler, Dusenbury A Co., merchants,
Newtown Mills.
Wolf, Andrew, merchant, Johulowen.
Young, J. J., cigars, Marienville.
Yoiintler, John, merchant, Brookston.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
concerned that an appeal from thelorogo
ing appraisement will be held at the of
flee of the -'otl " Ueasurer, in Tionesta,
Pa., W'e(lnes(lal!H):!,wlieii mid
where thoy may allt-fiT'lTWiey see proper.
Mercantile Appraiser.
The Pioneer Limited.
Between Chicago aud St. Paul the
trtin of trains is the Pioneer Limited
of the Chicago, Milwaukee V St Paul
Railway. It has no equal and it
runs over the Fast Mail route. If
you are going that way be sure to
take the Pioneer Limited Rjuk!et
John R. Tott, District Passenger
Agent, Room D, Park Building,
Pittsburg, Pa. 3-18 2l
Wo A.rti liettor 1i-oiiiimI
.You Willi -A-iiyUiiiiu; in tho JIm, i
If you have thought of making a chauge in your
stove, don't fail to see us. We can fit you out at a
. nominal cost in something that will
I which will sooner or later he an object worth! con
sidering, whether you burn gnu, coal or wood. There
is nothing iu this line that we canuot furnish you,
and at a considerable saving iu money,
in everything pertaining to the hardware trade can
be found at our store. Light and heavy goods of
every description. Tools, implements, culler)', in
fact about anything that nuy be enumerated in the
hardware line.
-VlwuyN Como Iloro ii Yon Want to Save Monoy.
County Phone 22.
Most wonderful invention of the age. "Will not break
from handling, heat or cold. About the only way to
break them is to hit them with an axe. Stand on them,
drop on the floor, put on the fire or on ice and they
will not break. Guaranteed lorevcr, unless purpose
ly broken. ALL SIZES.
Ordering blank sent to any address.
L. G. JENKS, Special Agent.
Has Stood the Test for Oxer :$. Years.
Is noted for its simplioity of construction, beau'j ot proportion, excellence
of workmanship, faultless balance, and Hard Khooliiig (ualilieN.
J Experience and ability have placed the" Paui.ku Gun in an envi- ble and
well deserved position as the Best Gun in the worJd. Made by the old
est shot gun manufacturers in America. Over 110,000 of thtse gu:.s iu use.
"eS,2Y'Ak,.lTttm' .SlUr.. PARKER BROS., MERtOEN, COMM.
When vou buv a watrh fnr
your son have it put in a
Watch Case
is as old as vou the
11 lie ns pood ns new.
, ripidity and finish
teed for 2" years,
and see them.
We also handle all
- MiKtS
of Movement nnd CaseM
32SKNKCA St., Oil. CI I Y, I'A.
Good StiH'k, Good Carriage and linn
uien to lot upon the mont reanonalile tcriiiH.
lie will alHo do
All onlm-M 1 1' It at the 1'ohI Ollii-e nil
re'oive prompt intention.
O u-Vt. k ...
. 'I i .ut ; iilar l"inn. .lj
MTt 1 " ' '''r'r ' 11 - ' 11 "'
lu-i i :r.UtJ l'f l..iiil :i i.i
'liin.rity rn Ku...r3 e ..r :. i i- t
Um l. l.-ir- I i."'-i ' . t'l i
l. knti ,.nl i 1'nrlliA hnn., t
! i'f i ti'mdui 'n it il tn- 1 l .h'' .
vc will non-1 it t'rrl iwk.f r"'f. I; V i
(jtampsl. I im:-'' : . eJ. .'.il ir-ti, r
8iurliiiw l.ifv, 70S IJando Itltlli, I'Lilu.
.jMi7 vtTV
II When he
11 watch vi
11 Strength
11 guaran
Thnu l'2vi to Iui-iiImIi
can vell l;o claimed of a book
that ha.3 received the unquali
fied in do room cut of the
Executive Departments of the
Governi cnL, the U. S.
Supreme Court, ell the State
Supreme Ccurts, all the State
Superintendents c f Schools,
nearly all of the College Presi
dents, and Educators almost
The Nc-.v and Enlarged
Edition of Webster's Inter
national Dictionary of English,
Biography, Geography, Fic
tion, etc., has 2oG-i qtir.rto
pages vith 5(XK) illustrations.
25,000 now vordj anil phrases
have recently bec:; added
under the editorship cf V. T.
Harris, Fh.D., LL.D., U. S.
Commissioner of Education,
bringing the work fully v.n to
". A Teat In Pro :uncmiion" vlilrli uironlsn
i1ims.ii,i (mil i;. uiuiHv; cviiiiiig's enlor
t ii i 1 1 1 uc 1 1 1 .
Ilhwtnitril piiniphii-t al; froe.
G. CsC. MERRIAM CO..Puf - .
Springfield, Masn.
ir. Ahv.v. rliiililc. l.nll-. nsk UniL'i'ht Cut
IIK IIlMUt!, .N.I.IHII i ll,d and
"' im-t.illli' Ih.xi-h, H.-H1.-.I wilh I, In,, ribbon,
lahr lilliillirr. Ita-fuor lnncrrH aulwli
lulion.nnil Imlliiliono. Iluv ir vour lirtiulin,
r wimI Ir. in fl:,ni. .,r l.rlirular, I.-hII.
ikmiIiiU un.l H-ll.-r fr l.nll-." in l.ilrr,
f. " Iu.uov'I'whiiiiuiiihIi bold by
all linittiti.tb.
100 jnudlMin Hquarr, I'll I LA PA.
lleaUim thli hpm
Fred, (ircttcjibcrger
All work iert:iininif to Mafhinnry,
irines. Oil Well Tool, lias or Wali-r
tint's and Goncral llhicksinitliin proi
IV done HI l-ow UiitpM, l('mii iii)
Min-liinery L'iven Nperiiil uttuntion.
Katisliiction Kiinranteeil. ' f
Shop in ivar of ami 1 tint weatof
Miaw 1 louse, J idioute, l'a.
Your patronano Holioitod.
V K K I), (ill KI T K N U K KG K U