THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WINK, COITO 4 PnomitTon. WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS, HWV. 1903 MARCH 1903 Su. Mo. 9 Tu. We. Th. ' Fr. Ea, 1 S 1 1 - 4! o, 6i"7 9 10 17 1112 1314 IS 19 20 21 15 16i 23 21!25 26:27;2S 00 30 31 MOON'S PHASES. k rin. n : .V Quarter U p.' X 14 901 liter Kl p.m. O Full i q TU Moon J.0 a.uu No 3 p. ia To the Republican Electors of lYnn'a. I shi directed by the Republican State l oiniiiittee to announce mat tbe Kepnuli cans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representatives, will moitln con vention at the opera house in the city of Harrixlmr, on Wednesday, May i!7th, HKi.'t, at 10:3d o'clock a. in., for the pur pose of nominating candidates for tbe following ollices, to-wit : One poison for the olliee of State Treas urer. One person for the office of Auditor General. Two persons for the office of Judge ol the Superior Court. In accordance with the rules governing the organization, the representation in the State Convention will be based on the vote polled at the last Presidential elec tion. Under the rules each legislative district is entitled to one delegate for ev ery two thousand votes cast for the Pres idential Electors in lltoo, and an addition al delegate for every fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand. Uy order of the Republican Slate Com mittee. M. S. Quay, W. K. Andukws, Chairman. Secretary. Itquiblkmi Count y Committee Meeting. A meeting of the Republican County Committee of Forest county will be held in the rooms ol Republican headquarters in Tionesta, Thursday evening, March 1!), l!Ki3, at 7:30 o'clock. All members of the Committee are requested to be present at this meeting as business of importance to the parly in the county will come up, Among other things the fixing of a date for holding the Republican Primary Elec tion will be decided. Wm. O. Morrow, Chairman. Skmator Hanna aajs both treaties will be ratified. Sknator Kkku Smoot, of Utah, re gards himself as very security seated. Apparently tho law forbidding the sale-of liquor in the capitol had a string to it. Senator Allek, of Delaware, shows resentment when referred to as Senator Allee-Sameo-Addieks." It looks as if Arthur Pue Gorman's return to the Senate meant a total eclipse of William Jennings Bryan. Senator Tillman, the South Carolina steer, has been chosen as a member of the Democratic steel ing committee. Mr. Hearst, the father or yellow Journalism, and of nothing else legiti mate, has bren in Washington coddling Ids piesidentia! boomlet. lie has a retinue composed of the despairing and the desperado element of tbe late Demo cratic party. On Monday Governor Petinypacker ap pointed William B. Hays Recorder of Pittsburg, vice Joseph O. Drown de ceased. He was elected Recorder in Feb ruary and would have taken his seat April fi. Mr. Brown bad sent his resig nation to the governor Friday and died Sunday afternoon from heart failure. A mcoro in Mississippi, who has just been discharged by President Roosevelt from a federal office, has established a newspxp.-r with at least thirty circula tion. His editorials, without reading be tween the lines, indicate that tbe fate of the country depends upon the election of another man in 1!KM. Things in bis office look shaky for Roosevelt. With the object of discovering a cure for typhoid fever a remarkable experi ment is being conducted at Ann Arbor University, Michigan. Six big tanks have beeu constructed with a layer of gelatine, and on these 141 square feet ol tbe fevor germs are grown at a time. These liviug germs are scraped off, killed and bottled up. Two ounces of them would kill seventy thousand guinea pigs. Tho object is, if possible, to extract the poison from tho germ bodies, feed ani mals with it and try to discover an anti dote. Pennsylvania has eight Hons in the Senate, over one-twelfib of the whole number, and six of the eight are Repub licans, like the old Keystone State. They are Senators Quay and Penrose; Senator Burrows, of Michigan, who was born in Erie county j Senator Bard, of California, born in Franklin cnunt ; Senator Mitch ell, of Oregon, born in Washington coun ty; Senator Clark, of Wyoming, born In Fawtte county ; Senator Iong, of Kau nas, born in Perry county, and Senator Mi y liurii, of MiUio, born in Delaware county. The latter is tho heavyweight of the Senate, weighing upward of 300 pounds. At the Michigan Democratic conven tion, on Tuesday, Mr. Bryan came forth to again reassure his followers. "No Democrat ban reason to leel despondent," said he, and of course he felt it. For he is a conspicuous success at advocating populistic doctrino before the Democracy of the country during the times of Re publican prosperity, and when Col. Bry an (l"iirihe he can see no reason for de spondency. If lie can h'dd onto the or gauizition for a lew more years at the pr sent rate, while hn will hardly reach the presidency, ho will reach tho very comfortable financial condition occupied by the millionaire class. Major McDowkli., who is Clerk ol the House of preventatives, is great joker. Just before leaving Wellington for borne lie called in the manager of the ou restaurant mul toUl him (hot dur ing the miniiiii'r vL'Hlioii there mut be no liquor sold in the bulMing. It is worthy ol note that during the clotted aon th worthy and his associ ates w ill be absent fiom the city. Hliz-tardd. Sin.-k happiness is the only rational ob- wvt ol ;:f he man hn mot nearly at ' u.i that end should be regarded as the , ro,t s:u!, and it is pretty sale to ; ti.m the i're-ulent in ins White H.M), iiji .i his disquietude and per- p.'f.lS i aiivitiing like ns happy as ! !iein e .rem a:id kind-hearted tanner, i bo is t.")f- !'ie monarch of the broad aore on Inch he resides. The horses and cattle and ine and poultry are his aur.ieol. The balmy air ot summer is musical with the Mings of birds and the per lu in e of blossoms. He is loved by his iHinily and tecined by his neighbors. He leels within him "a peace above all earthly dignities a still and quiet con science." Punxsutawney Spirit. And yet men like our good friend Smith will break into Congress where all these beautiful things about which be writes so felicitously aro wanting, where trouble and turmoil run riot, and whore, instead of the sweet pcrfuineol blossoms, you are stilled with the odor of Wheeling stogies; inded, where a basement t ooze joint is aetm lly said to exist. Why will men exchange the hapny environment of country life lor the humdrum and whiil- iglg of political pestilence in a big city? Oh, Brer Smith you should never have allowed it. .Major McDowell's Figures. Major Alex McDowell, clerk of Con gress, lias issued an ntlicul compilation made by Tally Clerk Wakefield showing the work done bv the House during the Filly-seventh Congress. It shows that the longest day of the session lasted, with re cesses, 144 hours, during vh ch K0 roll call t were taken. Tho number of bills and resolutions Introduced in the House during the two sessions of tho Congress was 1S.420, on which reports were made on 2,810 bills and resolutions. The Sen ate sent to the House 1,0.50 Senate bills and resolutions. The House disposed of 2.41S of the measures originating with it, and of 1,012 of the Senate bills and resolutions, mak ing a total of 3,430 bills and resolutions acted on. It left on its calendars 405 House and US Senate bills and resolu tions. Fifteen of tho members ot the House died during Congress, seven re signed and Messrs. Rhea, of Kentucky, and Butler, of M issouri, were unseated, the latter twice. Insane Asylums for Inebriates. i ney passed a law in lowa last year permitting the confinement of confirmed drunkards in lunatic asylums. It uiado little stir, but within eight months 300 al cohollc patients were under restraint and treatment. An Iowa dispatch says that inebriates continue to flow into tho state asylums at the rate of about f0 a month, and that an Iowa court has just ruled that their constitutional rights are not violated by their detention. Some of the inebiiates do not like to be shut up, but the treatment they got seems to be hu mane and salutary. Their liquor is stopped and they have to work ou farms and are encouraged to improve their hab its. When they seem to be cured they are discharged and report says that so far about 7.) per cent, of the cases have so re sulted. This seems like excellent man agement of drunkards. Men who cannot or will not, control their thirst ought not to be left at large to get themselves aud others into mischief. Neither should they be sent to jail. If they are irrespon sible because ol their propensities, they should be shut up and looked after until they are cured and while under restraint they should be made to work for their living. The lows method seems a good deal more enlightened than the New York plan of keeping up an endlesschaiu of dipsomaniacs between Manhattan and "the island." An easy, legal method of securing timely periods ol seclusion for unmanageable drunkards ought to make for the peace of families and the diiiiu uilion of drunkenness. Men have no moral right t be drunken. If they have demonstrated a dangerous, a continuous lack of self restraint, some other sort of restraint should be submitted for it. The Iowa idea seems pretty sound. Harper's Weekly. too It I'W AIt I), IH). The readers of this paper will be pleased to leai u that theru is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in nil its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cur'-known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being u constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly apon tho blood and mucous riirface of the system, there by dutro ing the foundation of tln dis ease, and giving the patient, strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing iti work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they olfer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list ol testimonials. Address, F. J. CH EN EY CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 7'ic. Hall's Family Pills are thebest. 'oli(T. Notice is hereby given that V. I). Shields has left his accounts witii me for collection. All persons knowing them selves indebted to same, please come and settle within thirty days of first notice. All claims auainst same must bo made within the above specified time. G. W. VanHoun, March 3, l!i0:i. Clar ijgton, Pa. m:vi:im: attack of ;imi Cured by one llmile nl'f huiulicrluiii's CdiimIi Jtl'IIM'llv. "When 1 had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured myself with one bottle of Chamberlain's Cuugh Remedy," says Frank W, Perry, Editor of the Enterprise, Shortsville, N. Y. "This is the honest truth. I at times kept from coughing myself to pieces by taking a of this mncdy, nml when the cnuuhing spell would come on at night I would take n dose and it would pass off and I would go to sleep perlectly free from congd end its accompanying pains. To say that the remody acted as u most agreeablo surprise, is putting it mildly. I had no idea that it would or could knock i ut the grip, simply because I had never tried it for sued a purpose, but it did. and it seemed with the second attack of coughing remedy caused it to not only be of less duration, but tho pains were far less severe, and I had not used the contents of one buttle before M r. Grip had bid mc adieu." For sale by Dr. Dunn, Tionesta, W. G. W ilkins, West Hiekorv. TOI ItS T TI1K PAt IKIC t'OAnT. For the General Assembly of the Tres bvterian Church, at Los Angeles, Cat May il to June 2, the Pennsylvania Rail road company w ill run three personally conducted tours to Dos Angeles and the Pacitio Coast. These tours will leave Pittsburg May 12, l:t and M. Tour No. I, covering Jt days, $120 from Pittsburg. Tour No. 2 covering forty-three days, including Yellowstone I'ark, (241 from Pittsburg. Tour No. 3, covering thirty days, iiicltiiling (.rami I anyon ot Arizo na. $141 .r)0 from Pittsburg. Proportion ate rates from other points. Arrange ments may I made ro reiurn independ ently on tours No. 1 and No. 8. Special Pul man trains will be used and the -ervices of a tourist agent, chap erone, baggage master and otlicial steno grapher will be provided on each train. For itinerary giving rates and full in formation upplv to Geo. W. llovd. Assist ant General Passenger Agent, Hroad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. 2t AI.I.KVS M':i I II, PAKTIKK to Chicago ami all points west ae sched uled to leave Erie, Pa.. February 17th, March 3 I and 17lh, April 7th. 21st and 30i h. Kates lowest, accommodations best, 20 vears experience, testimonials galore. Write 11. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A., Nickel Plate road, Erie, Pa. Dow rates for other days al-o. A3 a2S 20 YEARS OF LIFE is the average timenlloted for a well cared lor plow. If a plow is to be your work ing companion for so many years, why not keep good company, the best is none too good lor you. it is also very neces sary to know that you can be supplied promptly with extras of all kinds to tit your plow. Hundreds of the best farm ers insist tho "l,i Hoy Plow ' is the best made. "Easy Draft'' and "Easy to Hold." They are made by a strong Com pany Not in a Trust. You can see thetu at l.anson Bros., Tionesta, Pa. A Message from George II. Daniels. Coniirniiilnir Chii-Hiio, .Milwaukee A. St. Pnnl Itnilwny an New Mne to llie ( on si. To F. A. 2Ui.i.ER, Geueral Passenger Ageut, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Dear Sir: I couaratulale you on the improved service 'hat you are giving ana tho inct that you Dow have a through line to California. This fulfills a prophecy which I made about 1873 or '74. The new depar ture for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway will certainly bring U a great deal ol business. GEO. II DANIELS, Gen. Passenger Agent, N. Y. Central & Hudson liiver 11 R The above shows something of the trerueudiuiis interest taken io the in auguration of through servics to Ne braska, Colorado, Utah, California and North Pacific Coast poiuts by the Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Railway, iu connection with the Uo ion i acuiu nanroaa. lvanroad men to-day predict its gr at p pularity, aa : r :f n ?i . t. , Mr. Daniel?, a generation ago, pre dieted that such a natural route would some day become an important part of the great transcontinental highway. The new overland service includes three through trains, Chicago to San Francisco every day. In addition to standard sleepers, Chicago to ban r raticisco, on all of the above trains, Tho California Ex press, at 10.25 p. m , carries a lourisl sleeping car Chicago to San Francis co. Tbe berth rale in this city is on ly S'i all the way. Only 833 for a railroad ticket Chicago to California, via this liue, every day until June 15, 1H03. John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room D Park Bldg, Pitts burg, Pa. a 18 2t TIOXEWTA .HAltKKTH CORPKCTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour "pi sack 1.00tfll.25 Corn meal, feed, 100 th t .:) Corn meal, family, y loo lb 1.50 ('hop feed, pure grain l.:t."i (tats .4S Corn, shelled .70 lluckwheat ilour, lb ,o;S Deans '0 bushel 3.00 Ham, suar cured .10 Itacon, sui-ar cured .17 Shoulders .10 Salt Pork, r1 I1' .14 Wbitelisli -a kit .70 Sonar f,j.(Kj Syrup .50 iN. (). .Molasses .:io';i) .Ml Collee, lloast Kio 12115 Coffee, blended Java .20 Tea .H5(a .B0 Butter ,:in Rice 05.08 Kors, fresh (g,.i5 Salt "fJ barrel 1.25 Lard .15 Potatoes, -jo, bushel .75 Pota ics, Sweet f tl .2J Limt p barrel 901.(MI Nails V ken 2.75 About South Dakota. During 1902 8011th Dakota harves ted 4l!,H58,00O bushels of wheat, val ue S26,23!l,OO0, ai d sold livestock to the vaiua of 831,200,000. Tho r e are splendid opportunities for success in South Dakota to-day. Oue cro; sometimes pays for a farm. Tickets S14 from Chicago or Mail waukee to South Dakota points on the Chicago, Milwaukoe & St. Paul Railway. Dates March 17, 24 and 31, and April 7 and 14, 1WJ Additional information on request. J,hu R Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room 1), Park liuiliiing, l'ittbbur- Pa. 3 18 2t $33 to California Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Union Pactfc line. Every day (ill June 15, 1903. Only $3 1 Chicago to Sao Francis co, Los Angeles and many other Cl iforoia points. Que wav second clan colonist tickets. Folder free on request. John R. Pott, 'District Passenger Agent, Room D, Park Bldff, Pitta burg, ra. 3-18 2t AUDITOR'S REPORT of Tionesta Township for the year ending March !. l!Hi:t: Wm. Lawrence, Treaa., in account with road funds: pr. To balance last settlement f 11(1 21 To ree'd from rorest county To ree'd from J. Carson, col floo 07 To borrowed from A. Wairner 200 00 V,m 1)3 CR. tl.OtfJ 60 54 63 Bv orders redeemed.. , Hy 5 per cent, com , Balance 647 80 Jl.691 m Mar. Pth, to balance $ 647 30 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 1.1 A III LIT! KS. Orders outstanding f 1,533 25 asskts. Rat in hand of treasurer $ 547 60 Inds returned, 1!MJ2 40 38 Due from Forest county 30124 t RS0 42 Liabilities over assets $ 643 83 e the umlersiKued Auditors of Tiones ta township, having examined the above acoimts do hereby certify that the above is correct to tbe best of our knowledge and belief. J. II. Wkntwobth. Attest; J. a. Siikiykr. D. W. Clark, Auditors. Clerk, March 0, 1W3. GREEN TOWNSHIP Auditors' Settle ment for the vearendimr Mar. f). 1 !(:;. D. Thompson, Treas., in account with road fund; DR. 1 62 10 00 1 78 0 00 6 74 M m 1)0 58 To ree'd from P. Youngk $ To ree'd from I. M. Fox To ree'd front H. Weingard, col.. To ree'd from Road Com To ree'd from ("has Klinestiver... To ree'd from Col I ins, Watson it co To ree'd Irom Collins, DarrahAoo 170 28 CR. Ry orders redeemed, including Z per cent com S l.i7 85 By balance due Twp 12 43 I 170 28 H. Weingard, Col.. In aco't with road lund: DR. 4 38 CR. 75 1 78 1 fc5 To ain't work road tax By land returned f By Tieas. receipt By exonerations t 4 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. RK80URCK8. 38 Cash on bands 12 43 To balance 3,082 57 $3,095 00 LIABILITIES. Road orders outstanding f.1,f!5 00 Liabilities in ex cess of resources (3,682 67 We, the auditors of Green Twp., Forest Co., Pa., after examining the above ac count do certify the same to be correct to the best ol our knowledge and belief. C. A. Hknry, Fred Rathfom, Attest: J. p. Kkrr, 1. M. Fi x, Clerk, Auditors, Notice of Bill of Special Legislation. Notice is hereby given that a bill will be presented in the General Assembly of me (. ommonwealth ol Pennsylvania, Session of 1003, entitled An Act granting special privileges to Harnett Township In the County of Forest, State of Pennsyl vania, regulating the building and main tain ing of fences on all imp'oved prop erty. O. W. Van Horn, W. M. Coon, A. R. Mechlino. Dissolution Notice. In tbe Court of Common Pleas of For est County, Pa., held at 'I ioneaia: Take notice that a petition ol the Hick ory Fuel and Light Company was pre sented in open Court on Monday, Feb'v 23, 1!(3, praying the Court for a decree of dissolution ol the corporation, upon which the Court made the following or der: "And now, Feh'y 23, 1003, the foregoing petition is hereby ordered filed, and it ia further ordered that the same be beard at the next Argument Court, being the 21st day of April, A. D. PJ03, at 2 o'clock p. 111., and that notice of such bearing and application be published in two newspapers in the County of Forest, once a week in each paper for three successive weeks." This notico Is given in pursuance of the above Order of Courf, when and where you may attend if you see proper. A. C. Brown, Solicitor. Tionesta, Pa., Feb. 23, 1!HI3. I have just received mynewsau pies of wall paper which I will be glad to show to any one who expects t i have papering done this coming spring. .Tu't notify me and I will bring the books to you and quote prices. Ask people for whom I have done paperhaoging as to my re liability in work and fairness in price. GEO. I. DAVIS, TIONESTA, PA A.C. UREY, LIVERY Feed & Sale STABLE. Fine Turnouts at All Times at Reasonable Rates. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOITESTA, J?J. Telephone Xo. 20. HOW Hlioutyour stock of Stationery T l,ook it up then, call Hid see us. New Books. 1APer I vCent. Saved on Shoes. We have bought too many shoes, and to reduce our stock at once, during the week com mencing Monday, March 23, we will give 10 per cent, off on any pair of shoes in toe slere. This offer embraces our entire new Spring Line just in none reserved. Time positivoly lim ited as slated above. ROBINSON. First Glimpses OF THE Spring Styles. We ate showing the Kuox and You man's New Spring Derbie s. What a comfortable feeling it gives a mau to kuow that his tile is absolute ly correct. Price 3 lo $5. Extrcinel? Stylish Top Coats from Benjamine A Company, New York. The hoys eay they are hot stuff. l'nces12to S'-'2 Fashionable Neckwear. "The Kai ser Barathea." We are their sole cents. It's a revelation in Ne.'k Scarfs. Prices 50j to $1. Peter Thompsnu Soils for Girls, ages 5 to 13 We are showing some of the swell things for Spring and Summer. Prices 85 to $15. Everything here to dress you well while it's new and up-to-date. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST. , OIL CITY, PA. Pennsylvania 1 UA1LIIOAD. BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Taking effect. January 1st, 1903. No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily except Sunday- 11:25a.m. No. 32 Oil City and Pittsburn Exr ress,daily,except Sunday ..7:30 p.m. For Iliekory.Tldioute, Warren,, Bradford, Olean and tho East : No. 31 Olean Express, daily except Sunday 8:55 a. m. No. 33 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday 4:39 p. m. For Time Tables and additional infor mation consult Ticket A(fpnt. W. V. AT rERBUKY, J. h. WOOD. General Manager. Uen'l I'asH'jtiKer Agt. EVERY Ladies Summer Dry Goods. Calics, Ginghams, Cheviots, Muslins, Outing Flannels, Sheetings No Back Numbers rNo Picked-over Patterns. Only the Choice Patterns from one of the Largest and Best Dry Goods Houses in the Our past year has ter and aim to give you the best service, best goods, best prices, and our best endeavors to make you feel that we desire a share of your patronage and we cordially invite every lady in our vi cinity to to call and inspect our Spring Goods and don't forget we also sell Clothing, and Children, Groceries, Chinaware, Lamps, Notions, Trunks, Bags, Carpets, Oil Cloth, &c. CASH HNLY IS Tionesta Cash CU US OTJ 'MOW, Tdce Laxative Bromo jumme Tablets. Seven Million boxes sold in past 1 2 months. Thfc Signature, How About Your Carpet? Wo have our now lino of samples mid to say thoy aro beautiful is putting it very mild. Tho lino consists of all grades in . Axminster, Velvets, Tapestry, Ingrains. Will bo pleased at any timo to' give estimates on anything in tho Carpet or Hug line. HEATH & " FELT. Up-to-Dato Dealers in AO. A. It. A. Waynk Cook, President. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, A. Wayne Cook, N.P.Wheeler, Collections reinittedlfor on day of pr.yment at low ratos. We promise our custom era all the benetita consistent with conservative b kinit. Interest paid on tirco deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited. THE CLARION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Furnishes Professional.'Traiuitig for Teachers, Prepares Young People for.Cullege, and.Oflers Excellent Facilities fur General Education. i ui:i: tuitiox for Prospective Teacher. Board, Room Kent and Laundry for Spring Term of 14 weeks, 843 50 SPRING TERM OPENS MARCH 31. For further particulars call on or address SAMUEL WEIR, Ph.D .Prin , Clarion, Pa. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of anme simple in lug t" iattiir Prcct your Idww: th may lirluit yu wrnlth. Wrlw JOHN WKUDEKliURN CO., P.H..nt Attnp Myt, Washington, D. ('.. fur their prlte oflur and lUt of twu hundred iuvenUoui wauled. IT PAYS TO A DVKRTISR IN THIS PAl'KR in the stock of THUG Trimmings, Etc., Etc. been our Best and we Furnishings and Shoes, for Men, Women THE KEY TO - - - WAITS US YOUfi OWZfLB, To Cure a Cold in One gO.75. lvKI.LY. Cashier. Wm. S.MKARHAUOH, Vice Prosidon NATIONAL HANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. niKKCTOKS Q. W. Robinson, Win. SinoarbaUKh, T. F. Rltchey. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kolly. SHEFFIELD & TIONESTA IIAILWAY. TIlCE TABLE To Take Kfloct July 1st, 1002. SOUTH Kastern Time NORTH Stations I 1 a. m. it;4. 10 (10, in lo 3.i ro 05 ir Lcavo Arrived. p. in hniold it 8 Itarnes Henry's Mill Blue Jay Hastings Welters M iuistcr I'orkey May burg Hock Mills Kellellvilln Newtown M ills Hops Hum 1 10 i 50 10 I'll HI 40 11 00 s ; H 1 30 S 0.JI2 15 1 1 11 V Mil 7 :!-' .M! i t 00 4.r:i 55 4o 1 50 isji ; 15! I 25 (M; i is II f."l-) l !;" ." 1J 35;tl 1 4.VU !u lii 7 p.m.lp 00 10 I!.". 40 4-. 30 111 III (K) Nebraska mi Arrive Leavola, p. Ill T. I. COLLINS, I'uksidknt. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Injuries Sore Feet, Unit and Aching Back. Skin'Ulseases. Tains and Sprains. . WANO WANO ELECTRIC OIL. 25c. TRY IT Percales, Linings, Eastern Market. still aspire to a bet THESE PRICES. Store, Day Cures Crip Ia Two Days. oi every rv? - Or 4-rvrzp cox. 25c. VtSSSL NEW