THf FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, - ditor 4 Propkiitok. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 190X -ft 1903 JANUARY 1903 Cu. rio Tu. We. Th. Ft. Sa. 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 12 19 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES. Firjt m 4:56 I a- Third ( Quarter 20 Vw 6:4 yuMltcr v p. ih. ft. m. ll:3f a. m. OmL" 28 Moon 13 i IT . m. TOWNSHIP CAUCUSES. HICKORY. The Republicans of Hickory township will bold their primaries Saturday eve uing, Jan. 24. 1003, at 7:00 o'clock at the Township House, for the purpose of nominating Twp. officers. Joseph Kino, Committeeuian HAKMONY. The Republirana of Harmony town' ship will hold their primaries Saturday afternoon, January 24th, 1903, at 2 o'clock at the township house at West Hickory, for the purpose of nominating township officers. J. B. Krb, James Elliott, Committeemen. KINOSLKY. The Republicans of Kingsley township will meet at the township house at New town, Saturday, Jan. 24, at 2 p". in., to nominate ticket for February election. E. E. Zuendki,, Kf(F.n Hl'DoLI-H, Lkon Vatson. Committeemen. tionksta. The Hepublican caucus for nominating a ticket in Tionerita twp., for the Febru ary election, will be held at the township house, Saturday, Jan. 24, 190;!, at 2 o'clock p. m. J. W. Mono, Committeeman. Southern mills added 1,119,284 spin dles and 31, 8IS7 looms to their equipment during the year just ended. TnrsT legislation which will prove ef licacions seems to have more terrors for the Southern Pemocrats tlisu any other clique in Congress. The Republican party can be relied upon for effective trust legislation, but It refuses to enact a buncome measure merely for political effect. Some of the Napoleons who fix up cor ners are proud of their achievements, but the authors of the coal famine are skulk ing out of sight. The withdrawal of opposition to the Cuban treaty by the beet sugar producers proves how excellent a treaty the Admin istration has negotiated. At first glance Attorney General Knox's recom mendalious appear practical and the Republican leaders in Congress are hoping they will prove so on closer examination. iTisalargn undertaking to bold up 7S,000,fOO people for one of the necessities of lite. The coal trust has roused the wrath of the people and must take the consequenses. No one can tell what I? in store for us. There is Croker, the ex-ward boss, spoils politician and debaucher ol votes, settled down to the semi-re pectable lite ot an English 'squire. There is a wine cistern in Sonoma county, California, that holds a ball mil lion gallons of grape juice. It is 84 feet long, 34 feel wide and 25 feet high. What pool to fall into. A scientist estimates that the quantity of solid matter escaping from Mont Pelee on August 30 was 11,520,000,000 cubic feet. It would not take long to build an isth mian canal at that rate ot activity. President Roosevelt has espoused the interests of the people a1- opposed to to the interests of corporate wealth. It remains to be seen if the people will stand by him or will bow down to the golden calf. I.N 1U02 we raised more than a billion dollars worth of corn, nearly half a bil lion dollars worth of wheat and $135,000, 000 worth of potatoes. In fact all our crops were good, but we did not raise enough caal. Prince Ccpid, the new delegate-elect to Congress from Hrwail, is on bis way to Washington. He will be tbe first prince to have a seat iu our national leg islature, but not tbe first Cupid, ever seen there. It is thought that be will have a bill introduced to authorize him to change his 11 time. So much gold coin is piled up in the United Slates treasury to redeem gold certificates never presented that tbe di rector of the mint suggests that the accu mulation of gold hereafter be held in the frm of bullion. Tbe $."l0,0O0,OOO of gold coin now in the treasury might as well be in bullion, as it simply secures tbe more popular and convenient gold certificates. When such men as Senator Vest arrive at the opinion that the one issue that the Democratic party should make is tariff smashing, the paucity of Democratic cam paign material becomes apparent. Ever since Cleveland the party has been floun dering hopelessly. It has run after Rry aniHin and has flirted with free silver and so-called 'imperialism," and has even dabbled in anarchy. Tbe amusing specta now pr-nented of the party getting back to the old doctrines and theories of Grover Cleveland, policies which, when tried, brought the country to the verge of disaster. And all that Sena'or Vest can recommend in the way of a Demo cratic Issuo is a return to disaster. New Governor In ngii rated. Governor Pkn.nypacker was duly inducted into office at Harrisburg yester day, taking the oath at high noon. The ceremonies were uuostautalious ' and without any show of pomporgrealsplen dor, ns per the wish of the plain and unas suming man. The weather was beauti ful and the crowd large and brimlng over with enthusiasm. Mr. Pen nypacker will disappoint more people than any man who ever entered upon the duties of Governor if be does not give the people the cleanest and best ad ministration of that exalted office they have had in many years. Rut he will not disappoint them. The Governor's cabinet is as follow Secretary ofState, Frank M. Fuller, Fay ette; Attorney General, Hampton L. Carson, Pb ladelphia ; Adj'l General, Thos. J. Stewart, Montgomery; Supt Public Grounds, J. M. Shu maker, Cam bria. Humility. Tbe disease known as "swelled bead" is more common, and a thousand tunes more fatal, than iadreamptof in the or dinary philosophy. It is "a malady which slays more than are numbered in the lists of fate." What Is it but a blind and imbielloself importance that prompts young men, who have a world ol usefulness and taon or tie lore them, to drink Intoxicating liquors, to swagger, to talk fight, to smoke cigarettes and to strut? It is Idi otic vanity. What induces the coxcomb wltb the high color and low brow to ogle at every female vampire he meets and imagine tbat he is a combination of Don Juan and Apollo? Pure self-admiration. What leads youth from tbe sweet and wholesome paths of useful labor to the haunts of idleness and siut Simply swollen and putrid self admiration. Humility is a positive virtue. It is tbe beginning of wisdom. It has been truly said that it was pride that first changed ngels into devils ; it is humility tbat makes men as angels. We must stoop to rise. Humility does not mean a grovel ing spirit, but is merely tbe exercise of a prudent care not to overestimate our selves. Only tbe humble can be truly exalted. Humility is strength, for it is a recognition of the fact tbat lolty character must be built upon a solid foundation. Plutarch tells us tbat Epaminodas, finding himself lifted up on tbe day ol his public triumph, the next day went drooping and banging his head. Being asked what was the reason of his so grist dejection be made answer : "Yesterday I felt myself transported with vain glory, therefore 1 chastise myself for it to-ilay." uerore we can amount to anything, be fore we can even begin to til ourselves for creditable citizenship of the world, we must first realize our insignificance, and that we can have nothing in us that we hould ask 'lie world even te tolerate. much less praise, until we have uuilded bv toil and right action, and proven our selves to be men who can defy the temp tations or idleness and sensuality as tbe oak defies tbe tempest and the thunder bolt. Tbe true altitude of a vouth whose fu ll re promise- a glorious manhood of use fulness and houi r to bis kind, is to stand with bowed bead, hat in band, ready and eager to serve. Punxsntawney Spirit. Senator Penrose was re-elected yes terday by tbe legislature by the unani mous vote of Ibe Republicans, there be- ng but two or three absentees. The. legislature has gotten down to nsiness and it will baye to keep at it igbt smart if it would adjourn on lbe Kith of April as it has resolved to do. All necessary work can be accomplished in that time, but there can be no loafing. Cream or the Jievrs. Fair weatbei friends are often ene mies in disguise. Shirt sale, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at Heath A Feil's. It It Is either too hot or too cold for the azy individual. Don't miss those bargains tbat are going at Hopkins' store. It True charity begins at home, but it doesn't end there. Takn advantage of clearance sale prices at T. C. S. It Nothing but learning will teach a man bow ignorant be is. We are selling alt our odds and ends in shoes at i regular price. Some great bargains here. Heath A Feit. It Nothing grows taster than tbe habit ol depending on others. Ladies' wool waists, your price at Hopkins' store. It Lots of poor men are tbe architects of other men's fortunes. Read T. C. S's ad., and then go and see the ba: gains. It In the race of life it isn't Ibe fast man who comes out ahead. Heath & Feil's is the place to go for winter goods, because you get them at reduced pri es. It It is usually safer to avoid a man's example and take his advice. Remnants. Remnants. All "ends" go at any price. Heath & Felt. It A badly told story bores one almost as much as a poor relation. All sizes in winter goods yet, but they will not last long at Tionesta Cash Store. It When a man is stingy of kind words he is lbe meanest kind of a miser. 11.00 and f 1.50 shirts for C9c at Heath ii Feil's Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. It It is difficult to convert a man unless you practice what you preach. 50c and 75c shirts for .'J80 at Heath A Feit's Thursday, Friday and Saturday. When a man is in love with a woman he listens to every word she says. Neckties and collars are inc luded in the shirt sale at Heath A Feil's. 50c ties 38c, 25c ties 10c, linen collars 10cea"h. It --Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated ber shoulder. She bad a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but It was quite sore and pained ner very much. Her son mentioned tbat he had seen Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buv her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved ber and enabled h-r to sleep whirl) she bad not done for sev eral days. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he lias since recommended It to many oth ers. For sale by Dr Dunn, Tionesta, W. G. Wifcins, West Hickory. MESSAGES ACROSS SEA. President and King Edward Exchange Greetings by Marconi System. New York, Jan. 20. Mr. Marconi an Dtunces that yesterday he successfully transmitted from hU Cape Col station to Corr.'xall, England, a message from the piesidpnt of the United States to the kins of England. President Roosevelts message to King Edward read: . His Majesty, Edwan.l VII, London England. In taking advantage of the wonder ful triumph of scientific research and ingenuity which has been achieved in perfecting a system of wireless teleg raphy. I extend on behalf of the Amer ican people most cordial greetings an 1 good wishes to you and to all the peo ple of the British empire. Tiiecdore Roosevelt. Soon after this was sent Mr. Mar ccnl sent from Wellfleet. Mass., the following message to Secretary Cor telyou at Washington: Request you will have kindness te inform the president that his message to his majesty the king of England haf been duly transmitted by wireless telegraphy from my Cape Cod station to Cornwall. Not long after this King Edward cent the following message by wireless to the president: The President, Wliite House, Washing ton, America. T thank you most sincerely for the kind message which I have just re reived from you. through Marconl'i trans-Atlantic wireless telegraphy. 1 sincerely reciprocate in the name ol the people of (he British empire the cordial greetings and frlerily sent! ment expressed by you on behalf ot the American nation and I heartily wish you an 1 your country every pos Bible prosperity. Edward, R. and I. St. Louis' Boilers. New York, Jan. 20. Chief Engineer Philip of the steamer St. Louis haf made his report to the government in spector regarding the ship's recent voyage. He explains the cause of tha trouble and says: "The boilers are a? safe now in regard to any part giving way as they were when built. WhPr we left Southampton we did not hav the slightest Idea of the trouble Ir store for us." Two Men Killed by Train. Jordan. Ont., Jan. 20. While gofnii home from church Sunday night, Jo'ir Doster was struck and killed by No. V, west express. Another body was founr on the bank, supposed to be that ol Elmer Moyer, who Is thought to hav been killed by the same train. Both were young men, about 18 years of age and were residents of this place. Sultan of Jolo Dead. Manila. Jan. 20. The Sultan of Jolc died recently from cholera. His moth er went to Jolo as a slave. Her careei has been compared with the rise Ir power of the Dowager Empress of Chi na, and she once tinblus'ningly asker the Philippine commission for poisor in order to enable her to protect het son In the sultanate. -Tbe peculixr cough which Indicates croup, Is usually well known l" the moth ers ol croupy children. No time should be lost In tbe treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal approval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Do not waste valuable time in experimenting with untried rem edies, no matter bow highly they may be recommended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. For sale by Dr. Dunn, Tionesia, W. G. Wllkins, West memory. riONESTA MAIIKETS CORPECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour $sack 1.00 1.25 Corn meal, feed, $ 100 lb... 1.40 1.75 1.45 .45 .75 .03 :i.oo .10 .17 .10 .14 corn meal, family, V 100 lb.... Chop feed, pure grain.. , Oats , Corn, shelled Buckwheat flour, b , Beans $ bushel Ham, sugar cured Bacon, sugar cured Shoulders Salt Pork, tt wnitensh w kit , .70 Sugar 51.08 Syrup .. 35 .60 . O. Molasses .35-a .50 Coffee, Roast Rio 12J 15 Coffee, blended Java......... ,20 Tea ,5 .50 Butter 25ri .30 Rice 05(cfl.08 Eggs, fresh .i.2a Salt$ barrel i.25 iMra .15 Potatoes, $ bushel .75 Potatoes, Sweet fl lb .21 Lime $ barrel 901.00 Nails 9 keg .. 2.75 Chicago to California New overland service via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Union PaciBc line. Through Sleeper aod free reclioiog chair to Denver from Chicago 10:25 p, m. daily. No changes, no delays. John K. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room D, Park Bid?, Pitts burg, Pa. 1-21 3t Charter Notice. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Governor of tbe State of Pennsylvania on Monday, Jan uary 26th, VMi at, ten o'clock, a. m., by Albert J. Ioefller, Albert J. Evans, II. D. McCandless, Robert H. McLarn and Edwin G. Ferguson, under the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for tbe incorporation and regulation of Nat ural Gas Companies" approved May 20, HS.", and tbe supplements thereto, for tbe charter of an intended corporation to be cal.ed the Western Pennsylvania Nat ural Gas Company, the character and ob ject of which is producing, dealing In, transporting, storing and supplying nat ural gas, and tbe places where its busi ness in its various branches are to be conducted are the counties of A llegbeny, Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Elk, Fay ette, Forest, Lawrence, McKean, Wash ington and Westmoreland, State of Penn sylvania ; and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits nd privileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. J. S. f E. G. Ferguson, Solicitors. Wanted-An Idea Who eaa think of torn aimule thing to puntr Prrct your Idea.: thr mar tirlnir v. hi w.Kiih WrtM J6HN WKUDEKIlL'K.N ft CO., Patent AttoF Bert, Wuhlilf ton. I. '.. (or their (l.Hui rlie utter ud llit ot two bunUratl iuraitluu wanted. Tl PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPER Han't Wrr. This is easier said than done, yet it may be ot some help to consider the matter. If the cause is something over which you havo no control it is obvious tbat worry ing will not help tb matter in the least. Uu theothet band, if within your control vou have to act. When you baye a cold and tear an attack of pneumonia, buy bottle of Chaiiilerlain's Cough Remedy and use it judiciously and all cause for worry as to me oub-ome willnnlckiyuis appear. There is no danger of pneumo nia when it is used. For sale by Dr. hunn, Tionesta, W. G. Wilkins, West Hickory. Charter Notice. Notice is hereby liven that an applies tion will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of I'ennsylvanla, on Thursday, the 5th dav of February, W01, by Rebecca A. Cook,"J. V. Cook. A, W. Cook, J. H. Cook, Ida M. Calvlrr, T. B. Cook and Hatlie J. Rosa, under the pro visions or an Act or Assembly ent'tled "An Act to provide for tbe incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," ipproved April 2Mb, 1874, and the sup dements thereto, for the Charter of an ntended corporation to bo called "A Cook Sons Company," the character nd object of which is the manufacture nd sale of lumber and tbe purchase and salo of timber lands necessary for aid manufacturing business, in the counties of Forest, Clarion, and other Counties of thia Commonwealth, ami for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy nil the rigu's, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and its supplements. J. I. Maffmt, Solicitor. During1 January For the Fur pose of Keep ing Our Tnl lor Ruy. A sweeping reduction will be made on all Clothes to meas ure. Our stock of fine wool ens is aod always has been the best in the Oil Country, and the Ciothes we ruake are sec ond to none. You can save from $5 00 to $10.00 on each Suit or Over Coat during this month. A w.trd to the economically ioclioed is as good as a page, and our output fir January is limited. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 2USENECA ST., OIL CITY, PA. New Books. I havejust received my new sam ples of wall paper which I will be glad to show to any one who expects t'i have papering dnt.e ibis coming spriug. Ju t notify me aod I will bring the books to you and quote prices. Ask peeple for whom I have done paperr anging as to my re liability in work and fairness io price. GEO. I. DAVIS, TIONESTA, PA A.C.UREY, LIVERY Feed & Sale STABLE. ine Turnouts at All Times at Reasonable Rates. Hear or Hotel Weaver TIOISTEST, PA. Telephone Xo. SO. We promptly obmln U. 8. and Foreign dead model, sketch or photo ol inrrntion lei inxiKwtn uu iwenianmiy. for free DOOk e0E-MARKS riu to Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. Pennsylvania AllL.IlO.Vl. BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Takinir effect. June ZUh. 190. No. 30 Hutlalo Express, daily pxropt Sunday ll:2oa. m. No. 32 Oil City and PiitHburir Ex resti. daily, except 8undav..7:30 p.m. No. 0.30 Oil City Accoin.,Sun-" dav only 0:50 a.m. No. 8.32 Oil City Accm.,Sun- dayonly 8:12 p.m. For Hiekory, Tidioute, Warren,, Bradford, Olean and the Kant : No. 31 Olean Express, daily except Sunday 8:55 a. 111. No. 33 Pittxburir Express, daily exeept Sunday 4:39 p.m. No. 9.33. Irvineton Aecnui., Sundays only 2:45 p. m For Time Tables and additional infor mation consult Tii'kpt Agent. J. 11. HUTCHINSON, J. K. WOOD. Ucnoral Manager. Oen'l Passenger Agt. Reduced Prices ! FLANNEL SHIRT WAISTS. FLEECED WRAPPERS. WALKING SKIRTS. FASCINATORS. SHOULDER SHALLS. and various o'her WINTER GOODS at prices that will interest you Ctll and tee us. ROBINSON. THE CLARION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL I'rovides Professional Training fr Teachers, Prepares Young People for College, and Ofl'ers Excellent Facilities for General Education. I TIITIO.X for Prospective Teachers. Board, lionm Kent aod Laundry, JP27 per annum. WINTER TERM BEGINS DEC. 30. For further particulars call on or address SAMUEL WE I II, Ph.D.,Prit., Clarion, Pa. ItAlMVAY. TICE TABLE To Take Effect July 1st, 1902. 1FF1D&TI0ISTA SOUTH EaMurn Tinu NORTH 2 4 j Stations 1 "3 a. m p.m Leave Arriveja. mliuii 9J4.-i 4 15 Sheffield 9 15 .1 45 10 On 4 35 Hurnes S 55 : 10 10 2n 4 50 Henry'a Mill 8 35 2 50 10 4ii.i 05 Blue Jay 8 2ll2 30 11 On.) 15 Hastings 8 0.V2 15 II 25 5 'IO' Wellers 7 .. 00 11 45 5 35 Minister 1" 4.V1 55 11 55 40 Pnrkev j7 4nil 50 12 15 5 50 Ma v burg 17 25 1 35 12 35 H on Buck Mills 7 15 1 25 12 45 0 io Kellottville 7 (Ml 1 15 6 25 Newtown Mills Itl 45 i 4u Kom Knn 30 7 00 Nebraska 0 ltii p.m. p. nil Arrive Leavnia.m'p.m T. D. COLLINS, Pbksiuent. Cures K lieu mat Wm, Neuralgia, Injuries Sore Feet, Lame and Aching Back. Skin Diseases. Pains ami Sprains. WANO WANO ELECTRIC OIL. 25. TRY IT MID-WINTER CLEARAICE SALE! With the greater part of the winter before you, we offer you all our WINTER GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. Some Elegant LADIES' COATS OWE-HALF PRICE Come early for these. Men's Overcoats and Pea-Jackets, also Heavy Suits to clean out. Men's Heavy Pants and Under wear. Also Trunks and Bags at Prices never before mentioned for Same duality. Don't let this Sale es cape you, but see the prices on anything you need. Also best line of Shoes, Cloves and Mittens, Caps, Chinaware, &c. Tionesta Cash Store. - Take Laxative Bromo Quinine ! Tablets. Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, Interesting Just in order to make Jauutrv hnsinesi boom and at the same time make room we are going to have a "GET OUT" SALE on Men's and Boys' . Shirts and Neckwear Not Old shirts, but all our Famous "Progress" Brand, bought for Fall Trade. Every ooe of them must go at leas cost than we paid for them. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 23 AND 24, they go at llieso prices. SlIIliT.i-(1.00 and $1 50 kinds fur Gila 50o. and 75c. kinds for SSo. L1I:KVI:AK -500. kinds for 37o. 25o. kiods for l'Jo. Linen Colin 25c each. Dou't forget the dates Jau. 22, 23, 24 Merchants wishing to take advantage of this sale will be waited on before !) o'clock, first day ot sale. HEATH Up-to-Dato AO. A. B. A. Watnb Cook, President. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, DIRKCTOR8 A. Wayne Cook, O. XV. Koblnson, Wm. Smear baugh, N.P.Wheeler, T. F. Kitehey. J.T.Dale, J. H. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pr.ymont at low rates. We promise our oualoui era all the benefits consistent with conservative b king;. Interest ptld on time deposits. Your patronage respwtftillv aolieited. If You are And Have Buy a postal card ud seud to The New York Tribune Faiiuer, New York City, for a free spec imen cony. The Frlhune Farmer is a National Illustrated Agricultural Weekly "or Far mi rs aod their fam ilies, and stands at I lie head of ihe agricultural press. The price is $1 (M) per year, but if you like it you can socure it with yur own favorite local paper, the Fokest IvErt iiLUAN, Tionesta, Pa , at a bargain. Both papers one year only SI 50. Sen, your order and money to the lit- ITHLICAX. To Cure a Cold in One Dav W to Men ! k FEIT, Doalors m Jf 03 ft. Kklly, Cashier. Wm. Smkarbadoh, Vice Prealdeo NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. 150,000. a Farmer One Cent Cures Crip In Two Days. Z Sv'JYy on every fyvtn box. 25c r