The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 24, 1902, Image 2

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-"it 11 ii hr mm .
J- IN, - Koito a raoeaiCTo.
Ninkty per cent, of the oitiee furniture
eoM in England is nude in lb ia country.
It is many years since While House
hospitality has been conducted on as
lare a scale as it is Ibis year.
ArrARKMTLy no amount oi doinonstra
tion will ever prove to some Democrats
that the protection policy Las come to
Evil tlie apirop,iation tor the Anion
cile Strike Commission could not jet
(UrouKli the Senate without Dew cratic
A 1'AciKtocaole under the sole control
of the United Stale, promises to consti
tute another monument to President
Koosevell'a first term.
Tut respect which rresideut Roose
Telt has commanded in (.eriuany and
England promises to hold iu restraint
any territorial leuip'ation those nations
may experience in regard to Venezuela.
If few of these bargain counter re
puhlics of South America would get
themselves together in one union uuder
one government snd would find some
othei amusement than starting revolu
tions they might really become a respect
able coinmun it .
The Spanish war taxes amounted to
nearly 4iio,UK),ipuO aud we doubt if there
is a man in the country who iato-deyoue
cent poorer on that account, while indi
vidually and nationally we are richer. It
isbrat-lways to be right regardless ol
any other considerations, but it is very
comforting to have it psy at tue same
Tuat the g.iod which men do is not al
ways interred wiih their bones is proved
by the case of fpeaker Meed. The fs
mous' Keed Kules" will continue in Con
greM through the fuure. They are
grounded in honesty, common sense and
expediency, and are too valuable to be
Mb. Khick has bought two bronze li
ons for bis olliee building at an expense
of flO.OOO. He could have gotteu live
ones for a thousand apiece, and they
would have been more attractive aud
much more guardians of the
front door. Thte rich men do not seem
to know bow to spend their mouey to
best sii vantage.
With Cleveland laid on the shelf by
his own admission, with Bryan in the
Ull timber by bia party's wish and with
Hill a political suicide by virtue of his
Soeiahf tic coal plank, the Democrats still
bsve Arihur Fue Gorman, the man who
never at any methods necetsary
to gain his ends.
Marconi, inventor of wireless teleg
raphy, has accomplished the great feat or
sending messages across the Atlantic
ocean, bavii g transmitted a message
from the Governor General of Canada at
Cape Breton, Kova Scotia, to King Ed
ward, Cornwall, England, on Monday of
this week. What next T
Sisce the death of James Younger,
who, before bis a;t of self-destruction,
wrote a note in whiib, among other
thing., he said that iViliiom Jennings
Uryan was the greatest man the United
States ever produced, there probably re
mains but one other person now enter
taining the tame opinion.
Pre-ent appearances indicate that the
administration it making good progress
upon the subject of treaties with Cuba
snd Columbia. Fix rig upon a basis for
closer commercial relations with Cuba
and clearing the way for the construction
of the Panama canal are subjects in which
the people are at the present time highly
interested. The public will undoubtedly
soon be enlightened upon the details of
each compact.
The death of Mr. Reed leaves only
three ex-Speakers of the bonse still living
Ualusha A. Grow, wbo was wielding
tbe gavel ten years ago, and ia a member
of Uie present House; J. Warren Keifer,
who presided in 1S81, and John G. Car
lisle, who served from 188.1 to 180 Inclu
sive. It is noteworthy in this connection
thai by reason of the retirement of Speak
er Henderson and ex-Speaker Grow, the
next Congress will be tbe first in many
years in which no man sits wbo was ever
Speaker of tbe House.
It is retty well settled that Hon. Hen
ry F. WalU.n, or Philadelphia, will be the
next speaker of tbe House at Harrisburg,
and in such case no mistake can well be
made. Mr. Walton was speaker during
the legislative session of 1895, and his
control of that body was characterised by
marked ability as a parliamentarian and
absolute fairness to ali members. He is
a dignified gentleman wbo quickly gains
and retains the profound respect of tbe
members of tbe assembly, with whom he
grows in popularity as tbe session length
ens. No member of tbe next Assembly
will bsve occasion to regret baveng sup
ported Harry Walton for tl.s Speaker
ship. Owe of tbe most important things to
remember, and one we are most prone to
forget, is that habitual cheerfulness is
better than a gold mine to far as contrib
uting to your own comfort and tbe com
fort of others about you ia concerned,
ssys tbe Punx'y Spirit. Worry is not
only self-inflicted torture, hut it ia al
most a crime, which injures your own
health and destroys the happiness of
your friends. As cheerfulness is con
tagious, so worry is infectious. What's
the use? It happens nine times out ol
ten that tbe thing you most dread as a
calamity, if it should ever happen, will
prove a blessing in disguise. You must
remember that everything that happens
is the inevitable sequence of something
vise, and what happens is, in the long
run, for the best. It is foolish to invite
disaster by suffering all Its possible pen
aMea before the dissstei cornea, when the
great probabilities are that what you are
most apprehensive about is the thing
you would nicwt desire if you knew a!l
They More Thau Ayrrace Tp.
The method of selecting men for diplo
matic posts which ia in vogne In thia
country has received its due share or
criticism, yet w lien the test comes It ap
pears that the American who is called to
represent his government in a foreign
court where there ara nn usual emergen
cies to meet d s it very well. The Pitts
burg Times, referring- to the same si In
ject, says; The American or sufficient
prominence to be a minister or consul ia
usually a man trained In the busy and
ette- live school of business experience,
and when he ia confronted by a crisis
abroad his training, tact and tbe national
sagacity that American surroundings en
courage give him a pretty good idea of
how to act. Herbert W. Bowen Is the
American representative in Veneauela,
With a revolution disturbing tne country,
two hostile fleets at tbe doors of the capl
tol making demands that ara little short
of w ar, and the United States party inter
ested to the extent that no move may go
beyond a well delined line or aggression,
the situation of tbe American minister is
one or exceeding delicacy. Mr. Bowen
to far has creditably upheld the Ameri
can position at Carrscas, asaumiugcliarge
not only of bis own country's interests
there, but b in noraril.y acting for Great
Britaiu and Germany. He is not only
holding the situation wed in control, but
there is a promise ibst through bis tact
ful etlorts peace may come what
threatened to lie war, and that the United
States w'll emerge from tbe tangled situ
ation with the chief honors, as waa the
case when a somewhat similar difficulty
was met by the allies in China. The
American diplomat has been taking most
of tbe honors since the American became
a prominent factor in international poli
tics. Roosevelt the San.
While the Harrisburg Patriot is well
known as a stalwart and loyal Democrat
ic paper, its editor is fair enough and
honest enough to praise President Roose
velt in tbe following :
However much we may disapprove the
public policies which he represents, tbere
can be in healthv minds nothing but ad
miration for Theodore Roosevelt as a cit
izen and a man. What a splendid con
trast he presents in his sturdy uianhood,
tireless activity and lofty patriotism, to
his multi-millionaire kinsman, William
Waldarf Astor, licking Alfred Edward's
boots and whining that America Is not a
tit place ror a tenlleinan to live in! It
any tieiter specimen or American man
hood exists thsn theSantiagn rough rider,
the chief magistrate or seventy live mil
lion people, be has not yet come to tbe
front. The texture ol hit mind ia re
markable. His mental growth since he
came to the presidency is phenomenal.
He has risen to every occasion, has never
failed to acquit himself not only with
credit, but with distinction.
In his democratic simplicity, hearty
good humor, broad sympathies, strength
of body and mind, physical and moral
courage, energy, purity of heart, uncom
promising Americanism, unswerving
honesty ; ss much among tbe high school
boys of Philadelphia as among the grave
seigneurs of the Ui inn lesgue; as debon
air In the swamps or Mississippi as in the
executive mansion, Mr Roosevelt has
never been found wanting in any quality
that g'NM to make a man.
We are all proud of Ibis true gentle
man ; glad to do him honor. The pity of
It is that the Democratic party, founded
on the eternal principles of liberty, equal
ity and justice, has not at present aucb a
A co operative telephone company
in Michigan costs Its subscribers 25 cents
a month.
All Kindt of Anthracite Go Up and
Little to Be Had.
OMcaso, Dec. 22 Within the last
week the price cf coal hits advanced 12
on all grades. Offers of $15. anj In
some cases of $17. a ton for anthracite
are being made to local dealers, and
$10 and $1! ia the common price paid
for hard coal within the week. The
prevailing high prlcft bring no conso
lation to the dealers, for they are un
able to get the coal In the Chicago mar
ket. The coal men are blaming the
rallroul? for the famine, hut say that
the freight managers promise re'lef
this w?ek.
Strikers Desert Fire Company.
Mount Carmt'l, Pa., Deo. 22. Pre
vious to the recent strike the Mount
Carnicl Hook and Ladder company was
prospering with a membership of over
3imi. It installed a $1.0(10 hook and
lad.ler truck In Its own truck house
and bought a pair of va'uable horses
which were used In hauling Ice and
coal. When the strike was inaugurat
ed several members remained at their
places in the mines and refused to re
sign from the company. When they
could not be ousted the membership
began to dwindle and a boycott was
placed on the company's team. Finally
the membership was reduce! to eight
and last week they got together, told
the truck and team, and turned the
hook and ladder truck over to the
Coal In North Dakota.
Jamestown, N. D., Dec. 22. Great
development of North Dakota'a coal
fields is promised by the Dakota Fuel
company, recently organized under the
laws of New Jersey and capitalized al
$5,000,000. A combination of all th;
coal Interest in North Dakota, with
tbe possible exception of the Wash
burn mine at Wilton, is planned.
Among those Interested are Harriman
of the New York Central and Curtis ol
the National Paper company. Curtis
Is likely to be at the bead of the con
Headquarters of Union Workmen.
Indianapolis, D-u. 22. After Jan. 1
this city will be tbe labor headquar
ters of half a million union American
and Canadian workmen. This great
fi.rce of labor wili include tbe United
Mine Workers, the Brotherhood ol
Carpenter and Joiners of America ami
the International Typographical union
The carpenter' headquarters will l
move.1 to this city very shortly from
Captain Hobton In a Wreck.
MorrUtown, N. J., Dec. 22. Captain
R. 1'. Hot) soi. wbo was to speak on
"The Navy and the Nation" in the
Lyceum theater before the Friday
Evening club of this city, te'egraphed
to the secretary of the club that he
was In a wreck In Grafton, W. Va., and
could not get here. Hamlin Garland
of New Yolk was Mibstltuted.
Cream of the Sew.
Men of leisure seldom have time to
do anything.
Winter see ion of Normal
begins Dec. 2t. For catalogue write to
Prin. J.din F. Itigler. ,' It
-Presents occasionally make the heart
grow fonder.
Overcoats, suit and reefers Mr boys
at T. C. 8. It
A pesimisl is a man whose views of
life are In accord with his disordered
Many nice toys still to be had st the
White Star Grocery. It
The average man is unable to under
stand why he Is not appreciated or why
be is expected to appreciate other men.
Glovea and mittena of all descrip
tions at Heath A Feil's. It
-A red note may not be Mncluaive
evidence of inebriety, but imposes upon
lis possessor the burden of proof.
Better lhau ever are the prices at
T. C. S. It
Though the young husband may be
willing to attend his wife's church, he In.
siala on voting as heretofore.
-Men's fell boon at $1.48, at the Fa
mous Shoe House, Oil City, It
Love may make the world ge round,
but it isn't always able to make the
girl'a lather come around.
Get cash prices on goods at Tloneata
Cash Store. It
It is a great deal easier to teach an old
dog new tricks thsn It is to make bim
forget bis old ones.
Everything in rubbers can I found
at Heath Felt's. Ask for Gold Seal. It
No man is in a position to teach other
intn until he has burned his lingers a
few times.
Trunks, bags and te'escopea at Tlo
nesta Cash Store. It
Tbe man who talks like a book isn't
so easily shut up,
Ladies' high top Jersey leggiugs 73
cents, misses' high top Jersey leggings
53 ceuls, children's high top Jersey leg
gings 13 cents, lamb'a wool soles for slip
pers 9 cents, at the Famous Shoe House,
Oil City. It
It Is uot every client who Is able to
keep his own counsel.
Baby shoes ol all styles and sins at
T. C. 8. U
Tbe better a man geta on in tbe world
tbe better off he is.
Nice line of neckwear for Xmat at
Heath A Feit'a. It
It sometimes happens that a man
agrees with you because yonr arguments
make him tired.
Ladies coata and skirts at lowest
prices. T. C. 8. It
Stir up a man's wrath if you want bit
candid epinion ol you.
We have some very nice slippers for
ladies and misses. Msks very niisj holi
day presents. Heath A Felt. It
Some men go to law, but tbe law
finds it necessary to go alter others.
Shoes, rubbers and boots at Tionesta
Cash Store. It
A philosopher bat an excuse for any
old thing except the toothache.
Laughter ia no more a sign of being
amused than fat ia of health.
As a physical exerciser the old-fashioned
wood pile never bad an equal.
A lazy man looking for work Is a
good Illustration of mingled hope and
Many a woman binds a man's will
during his life and breaks It after his
The Stockholders of the Forest Conntv
National Hank of Tionesta, Pa., will meet
on Tuesday, January l llh, lrto), at 2
o'clock p. in,, at the nine of the bank
for the purpose of the election of directors
for the ensuing year.
1235t A. B. Km.LT, Cashier.
Mrs. Fleming of Philadelpnia, Who
Charged Him With Assault,
Philadelphia, Dec. 22. After being
guarded through the night by two
sheriffs office--. while she lay hyster
ical in her ap tments at the Pequot,
Mrs. lertha A. Fleming, who figure I
In an e3capade with James Larcey, a
cabman, on the Wlssthlrknn drive lu
Fairm.unt park, one night last we k.
was arrested and taken to City hall
where she was detained until bail had
been entered for her re'ease.
As ii sequel to the story told by
Mrs. Fleming to the effect that Larcey
ha I attempted to assault her, the cab
man entered salt against her for $25,
000 on the ground of defamation of
character, and she was arrested on a
capias Issued by Judge Bregy.
Mrs. Fleming, who Is considered
wealthy, engaged the cabman to take
her to resorts along the park drive,
and after leaving rne of the hotels,
where. It Is said, she drank hot
punches, she alleges Larcey tried to as
sault her.
After the atory cf the affair had been
published the cabman denied the
charges, an I through the advice of
counsel Instituted suit against Mrs.
The 'alter Is a widow and has a good
Income It is reported that her weak
ness for liquor has rained her trou'ik'
on other occasions. S::e haa two chil
Boy Who Testified Before the 8trik
Commission Gets a Holiday
Scranton. Pa., Dec 22. When James
A. Gorman, an attorney from Hazleton,
left for his home Saturday afternoon he
bore a large pa'toboari box filled with
Christmas clfts that Judge Gray was
sending to Andrew Chippie, the Hun
garian boy whose, case, as develope I
before coal strike commission,
aroused o much sympathy. The box
was two te t long, a f :ct and a half
wide and a foot high. It had the appearance-
of being fliled with clothing
as well as toys.
Chippie Is the boy of 12 who testi
fied that he went to work at the col
lieries of Markle & Co.. at 4 cents an
hour at led lo. near Hazleton, and that
the company withheld what was due
him and applied it to a debt owe! by
his father, who was killed at the mines
of that company.
A glass or two of water taken half an
hour laslore breakfast will usually keep
the bowels regular. Harsh oalbarlica
abotiltt lie avoided, w hen a purgative is
needed, Isks Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Ttiev are mild and gentle
in lueir action, t-or sale by Dr. Dunn,
Tmneata; W. G, WUkins, West Hick
ory, Ps. ,
Allraas "TtsxlM .
ir you're going to the middle west or
mid. lie soiiiii-western states soon. Very
cheap rates. Special parties Nov. lStli,
lee. 2d and litlh. Inquire at least al
once. II. C. Allen. C. P. A T. A.. Nickle
Plate Road, Erie, Pa. A ti M.
Flour V sack .. l.Ougl.iU
Corn niesl, feed, V 100 - 1.40
Corn meal, family, y 100 lb 1.T5
Chop leed, pure grain l.'al
lta .. .l.i
Corn, shelled .HO
Buckwheat flour, V It. .(Vt
Beans bushel J.H0
Ham, sugar cured .10
Bacon, sugar cured.... ... .17
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, V B .11
WhitetlshV" kit .70
Sugar M(ii.ol
Syrup .3.M, .6(1
N. O. Molasses .sf,. yi
I'ottee, Roast Kio 12j(JlS
Coffee, blended Java .20
Tea . M. .( .Ml
Butler in, .nil
Klee 0,'i((.lVl
Eggs, fresh .(ft .25
Salt p barrel .. 1.25
I-rxl.. .15
Potatoes, V bushel .75
Potatoes, Sweet Ri .'.'I
Lime 1 barrel. gOQt.OO
Naila V keg a.75
Tbere't style and character about
MtCuen Company Clothes lijat even
the uoiliaud ia Clot bet gooilow can
ee at glance.
Tbe more clothes knowledge peo
ple have the more our clothing ap
peals to theio.
Fashionable tu ts, all this leason't
cut and make, SS lo $.'5.
Correct ovei coats, luxurinui bigb
grade garments, $10 to $30.
A firat-claa cutler fits them ooyou
and all necessary alteration ii made
io our own shop by eiperl lailura.
Everything here to dress you well
while it'i new and up to dale.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. ,
A A per cent
"VJ advance
is what you'll have
to pay for wall paper
next spring, so deal
ers have been noti
fied. If you expect
to do any papering
the time to do it is
this fall. Call on
A Fine Wall Map
of Pennsylvania.
Size 24x27. Printed io ail colon.
We have juat itsued a fine angiog
map of l'ennsylvaota, tize 24x27
inches, printed in (i colors, on good
paper and tinned lop and bottom. It
it Kind & McNslIy't latest map, and
if complete and reliable. On the
margin an give a list of towns nfnver
3,000 population, and other valuable
information. Sent fnr 8 cents io
tamps nr cnio. Addrert
Lycoming Itubber Co.,
Map Dept., 0 Murray St , New York.
factories ara at Williamaport, Pa.. Is the
largest rubber footwear manufacturing
company In America, west of New Kng-
lanil. 11 makes 2,.VjO,msi pslrs of rubber
boots snd shoes a vesr ever sort nf
rublier footwear and every pair perfect.
If you want 'he bent rnhl.era made in
the world. Ret "Lycoininirs," mad in
Penn. Thevars sll stamped "LYCOM
Takinir etrw.t Jim ooti, ton
No. 80 Buffalo Kxpress, daily '
except Hunday 11:25a. in.
No. 82 Oil City and Pittsburg-
Kxrrnsa.daily.eioept Hundav..7:.'t0 p.m.
No. 11.30 Oil City Aecom.,Hun-
dav only f .jo ,n
No. II.32 Oil City Accom.,Suu.
nayoniy :l2p.m.
For Hickory Tii11,,i Wo ....... vt
Bradford. Olean and ilia Put .
No. 31 Olean Kinross, daily I
No. 8.1 Pittxhuru Kxpress,
daily exi-ept Sunday 4:39 p. in.
No. K.S3. Irvineton Aicoin.,
nmiuaysoniy 2:45 p. m,
For Time TabWs and ad( lilifinat Iiifur.
nation eon. nit Ticket A ,.,!
mineral Manager. uen'I l'aseni;er At.
Gifts !
Don't delay rour Xmat shop
ping until the eleventh hour
I), it
The afsnrlnient nt goodt it
larger, and the service better
than is possible later. We
make it a point tu have a large
display of articles luilal la for
Kiln, and of practical ure.
Look over our stock Our
tiiggestinut may help you.
Provide Professional Traiuing for
Teachers, Prepares Young People
for College, and Offers Excellent
Facilities fur General
for Prospeciive Teacher. Hoard,
Room Keel and Laundry, $1-7
per annum.
For further particulars call on or
Clarion, Pa.
To Take Effect July 1st, IW2.
SOUTH Kaolttrii Tiim NOIITII
2 4
J I i
a. m.
Arrlveja. mp.m
4 l
! l.'il.t 45
Ill On
10 l!ul
4 3oj
4 Ml
Henry a Mill
Blue Jay
M mister
Mavhii rg
Buck Mills
Newtown M ilia
Rosa Kun
X .Vi'.l III
35 2 50
'h i2 ;i
:t 05(2 15
17 ;2 oo
7 4 5 I 55
!" 4:l 50
7 25 1 Xi
7 15 I -ih
7 (III 1 15
111 45
!ri 30
IU 4i
6 05
5 15
11 f
11 4."
5 TO;
.i :b,
11 rV
12 I.M
5 sni
U 8o
12 4-S
6 ia
li 10
H 2.",
Ii 4o
7 no'
A 111:
p. mi Arrive
T. r. COI.MNS, Phkhidknt.
Curea Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Injuries,
Sore Feet, Lame and Aching Back.
Skin Diseases. Pains and Sprains.
The Season of the Year
OTJ"R AMBITION is to sell you the goods you need the best you
can buy for a little less money than you can buy them lor elsewhere. Don't miss seeing our
Heavy Pants and Under we r for Men as well as shirts
Hosiery. Suits, Overcoats, GIovhs and Mittens
PVesll Groceries always on sale and the best
Queenswarc, Glassware and Lamps for Presents. Don't pass our
Tionesta Cash
ft I "'"V'T" ,
. "VJ
would be to put some of our excellnil holiday footwear into the
lockings instead" ol filling tliein uith thin- which nre bIiiiohi unless A
gift nf this nature cauDot fail lo be npprvi int. d by the recipient It' is
aoruelbiiig at once useful and IiniiiNoiiic, nml it i. not quickly forgotten.
The complete and great variety of our flock i f
prrmiu us to fit all feci aud suil all ttilei. Tlieau are good things to stand in
A. II.
A. Warn t Cook,
A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Robinson, Win. SmearUuK'ti,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Rlu hey. J. T. Pale. J. II. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.y niont at low rates. We pr unlae our custom
era all tliejienellls consistent with conservative li kinir. Inter, wt ptld on time
deposits. Your ratrtm;e ni'tnillv cllt ilil.
If You are a Farmer
And Have One Cent
Buy a postal card and s ud to The Xenr York
Triliunti Fa nit r, New York City, for a free spec
imen r.'vy.
The Frlhuue Farmer i a National Illustrated
Agricultural Weekly "or Fauu rs nml llieir fam
ilies, and ft mils at I lie head of the agricultural
press. The price is $ (HI per yetr, hut if you
like it ynu can secure it with your nwn favorite
local paper, the IlKri'lil.l.MN, TmnesiH,
Pa , at a hargxin. Both papers oue year only
tl 50. Sen. your order ami money to the Ki
f. reliable. Ladle. ak nnireint fnr
iiii ii:sri:K :.i.imi , ,t,H t
fiall nirtallu- butM, mii with Win. rtilxm.
Take no other. Mrfnae dan,,nu. utl.
iMIIoaanad tmllalloaa. Ilm i
nr a-tal Ir. in .i.,,,,,- .,r Parllrttlnn, Trail
aiaalala ana "Krllef fnr Udln." utirr,
bv rrtura nail. IO.IMHI IVmmi,..,,,,.! bold b
all Urui4U. '
IS laaiMa ,aarr, rHILA, PA.
has come when you can
deceive yourself no longer.
You must get prepared for
winter with its cold winds
and rain and mud, and
you must protect your
health by dressing warm
and by good shoes.
Suits for Ladies
also Jackets and Skirts
are here and our Prices
on them are the only ar
guments we need to make
to sell them. See them.
Dealers m
Vice Presiden
wei nimnllT ol.taiti I'. k ami Kiavlsn )
. ....... i wvt lumivnn hi
tree report on paieniaHiity. lot Int book,
inwu.uruYnariP snn am.
IHtcnn an1
lllMUt-lMnCI rr
Opposits U. S. Patent Office
HOW al.mityniir stock ol Stationery I
Look it up then, call and .eo us.
line of JTine Olliliai
store. Cash l'rice Makers.