The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 10, 1902, Image 4

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    Smart & Silberberg.
A Further Charm
Added lo Furs. . .
The charm of popular prices. The correct things at cor
rect prices are what you always find here.
The necessity of Fur Scarfs and Boas is apparent to all
young women of lashion, and we submit a lot of a hundred dif
fering grades and types. Choose from them as you will, your
preference is sure to be in good taste, lor each style is a correct
Brown Opossum Cluster Scarfs, with six full tails, 3.
Sable Fox Boas, two large tails, $5.
Isabella Fox Boas, very long, 10.
Extra Grade Sable Fox Boas, large, bushy tails, 15.
Another lot ol the Black Cat Stockings for Boys, Girls and
grown folks, iu the 2oc quality at two pairs for 25c.
These are what are known to the trade as seconds, or the "run
of the mill." That is, they are slightly imperfect, but for
all practical purposes they are as good as the regular goods.
It is surprising how much comfort Walking Skirts give the
kind that keeps dry around the bottom and skips all the
slush and snow made of heavy Cheviot, in black, Oxford
and blue, finished with a dozen rows of stitching around
the bottom the stylish flaring model $5.
From the most modest of street hats to the elaborate French
Pattern, all share alike in this great cut. No matter what
the price was, any hat you may select will cost you now
but one-half the marked price. There has been a wonder
ful selling of head wear since we first advertised this cut a
lew days ago, but we still have a hundred or more of the
bery best ones left.
Storfe of l.oril ortb' Drowif Mo
ttirnfa la Parliament.
Lord Nortli win the sleeping pnrlia
montnrinn nt the rltfhtwiitU century.
He ifiin forever juimlng In the facet
of member and their speeches. Witck
and White says of him that Indijniaiit
or.itors were constantly complaining
of bin refusal to listen to them, and he
wu never lit a loss In subjecting them
to the further humiliation of a sharp
"Even now In these perils the noble
lord Is asleep:" burst forth nn anprj
nirinlier of the opposition, and Lord
North awoke iu time to murmur, "I
wish I were!"
Attain he said to another grumbler,
"The physician should never quarrel
with his own medicine."
To a speaker who Impeached hiin of
all sorts of crimes and called attention
to his durum through the attack Lord
North rejoined:
"It is cruel to deny me the solace
enjoyed by other criminals that of a
nipht's rest liefore they meet their
The lx-st story of the sleepy premier
is that connected with a pcr who
bored parliament with a history of
shipbuilding from the time of Noah
and bis ark. North began dozing at
the mention of the ark and slept until
the speaker reached the Spanish ar
mada. Then a colleague woke him.
"Where are we now?" asked North.
"In the reign of Queen Kllzabeth."
"Iear. dear!" exclaimed the prime
minister. "Why didn't you let me sleep
a century or two more?"
Whlatlrr'a Tart Comment.
Whistler one afternoon culled ou a
young painter of his acquaintance who
did the pretty little sort of things that
ere popular. Iu the course of the con
Aersalion that followed the young a:1
1st turned to a little head lie was
painting and, daintily balancing a
square palette by one corner between
two finger tips, took a tine sable brush
and as daintily began to tickle a piece
of bad drawing into a "sweet expres
sion," saying:
"A pleasant art, ours, lsu"t It,
"Yes," was Whistler's resKne. "but
what are you doing, Frank ?"
"Oh." said the young artist, "I aiu
painting n replica of a little thing some
one liked becimst', you know, I can al
ways sell two or three of the sjiuje
subject. If it's a taking one."
"Ah!" commented Whistler, "you
must Ire a genius. Frank, and I, alas,
am like the simple minded hen who,
when asked to do ho, protested that she
could not lay the same egg twice!"
Tree Tbat Tarn to Stone.
There is a tree that grows iu Mexico
railed the "ciiijol," or Ktone tree. It Is
of enormous pro tortious. IkmIi iu cir
cumference and height. It has u num
ber of brunches spreading out widely
and carrying leaves of u yellowish
green color. The wood is extremely
line and easily worked in a green state.
It is not given to either warping or
splitting. The most remarkable thing
r.lmiit It is that after being cut the
wood gets gradually harder, and In the
eoiirw of a few years It Is absolutely
IH'iriueu. ivue,:ier id in lue oicii uu
or burled iu the ground. From this
timber houses can lie built that would
in a few years become completely fire
proof and would last us long as though
built of stone.
The Hairpin In ftwrtrery.
The hairpin as n surgical Instrument
Is treated quite seriously by a physi
cian who. writing in a technical Jour
nal, names fifteen different ways In
which It may be used in an emergency
to east? pain or even to save life. For
example, it might serve as a probe, as
a surgical needle, in place of a druln-
age tulie, to remove foreign bodies, to
compress a Mood vessel or to close a
"One hair of a woman can draw more
than a hundred pair of oxen," wrote
old James Howell almost three centu
ries ago. It may be that some of the
virtue of the hair goes into the pin.
Rpadr to Take Hold.
"lie told me It would probably be a
blttir fight." wild the man who lind
Just lieen to see a lawyer.
"Hut he convinced himself of the
justice of your cause." suggested his
"Well, no, not right away," replied
the prospective litigant. "He first con
vinced himself that I had money
riiough to make the light." Chicago
Hefnre (he Ark.
Noah's ark Is generally supposed to
be the earliest ship of which we have
record, but there exist paintings of
Egyptian vessels Immensely older than
the date, 'JN.I K. '.. nsually assigned
to the nrk, being. Indeed, probably be
tween seventy and eighty centuries old.
Moreover, there are now in existence
in Egypt boats which were built about
the period the ark was constructed.
flaw a Unci Dararala.
Minister (to new Janltori John, I ex
pect to exchange pulpits with Dr. Smith
next Sunday.
John Well, sir. if you'll take my ad
vice you won't do it. I've seen Ir.
Smith's pulpit, and It's the most worn
nt piece of furniture in town. 'hicn-
ro News.
Eseloalvenes to De Maintained.
I'ing-Are Mrs. lie Stylos' entertain
ments very exclusive?
I'ong Well, I should say so. She has
Just made appllca'.lon to have the con
versation of her guests copyrighted.
Ttaltlmore Herald.
Health is to necessarr In all the du
ties as well as pleasures of life that
the crime of squandering It is equal to
.he folly.
A UlurnlFr.
"Iion't you like that deaf and dumb
"No. A fellow might as well shave
limself." Indianapolis News,
rirlcht Boy of Class la Arithmetic.
Teacher-Johnnie Stokes, how muny
make a million?
Johnnie-Very few on dis earth.
Chicago Journal.
Some girls enjoy eating candy alone,
and others prefer sweet meets with
their low r.-Philadelphia Ledk'cr.
Handsome Houm Erected en Another
Man's Land.
Washington, Pa., Dec. . There Is
a serious mlxup at Donora, this county,
over one man buiUlng a handsome
residence on property which tie
thought was his own, but which. It de
veloped later, was owned by another
Some time mo Thomas Hollowood
purchased a lot at the latter place and
in the property erected a fine house
which cost tiira over $10,000. n has
since developed that the tat on which
the building was erected was not his
own, but an adjoining one, owned by
James Wilgus of Dawson, Fayette
When the mistake was discovered
Hollowood offered to exchange, with
a considerable sum additional, but Wll
gus refused. Hollowood offered then
to purchase the other lot, but Wilgus
placed an enormous price on It and
Hollowood was unable to buy. Wilgus
says that Hollowooi must vacate and
has served papers on the latter forbbl-
ding him to move the building or take
possession of It.
Charles Grethtr Gets Out of Strouds
burg Jail Watchman Left
Door Un lacked.
Stroudsburg, Pa, Dec. 9. Charles
Grether, the convicted murderer of
Constable Adam Strunk, escaped Sun
day morning for the second time from
the county Jail. Daniel Van Busklrk,
another prisoner, escaped with him.
In the morning, after breakfasting.
Qrether wa asked by Reinhart, the
watchman. If he did not wish to take
a barb. He replied that he did. and
Reinhardt unlocked his cell door and
led the prisoner to the bathroom, near
by. Reinhart then walked out of the
jail corridor to the reeling room, fall
ing to lock the big Iron doors.
Grether was quirk enough to notice
the watchman's mistake, and In a few
minutes after Reinhart had settled him
self down to read the morning papers,
he anl Van Busklrk quietly sto'e out
and ran upstslrs to a room In the sec
ond story of the dwelling adjoining the
Jail ant jumped from the window.
Will Push Good Roads Agitation In
Washington County.
Washington, Pa., Dec. 9. There Is
a concerted movement In all parts of
Washington county for the establish
ment of better roads In this section.
Many of the county roads are. In
winter and stormy weather, rendered
impassible almost, and greit delay is
experienced In delivering the mails to
the country districts.
A mass meeting of farmers was hell
In Claysville on Dec. 4. st which reso
lutions were adopted for the better
ment of the county's roads.
About twj year? ago th govern
ment constructed several miles of sam
ple roads In Noith Strabane, township
near here. This section of road Is the
best In the county and gives promise
of lasting many years. An efftfrt is
being mads to construct roads In other
sections of the county timl'ar to this.
Praotical Joker Killed.
Pittsburg. Dec. 9. Samuel Ayera, a
fireman employed In Booth Flynn's
brickyard, was stabbed to death by an
Italian, who fled. Ayres was a prac
tical joker. Early Saturday morning
he donned a false beard and nose that
bis son had used on Hallowe'en, and,
going to the engine room where the
Italian, AnOiony Bruno, ' was on the
came night turn with him, pushed th
door open and said to the Ita'lan:
"Now I've got you." Bruno drew a
knife and stabbed Ayres three times
before he learned who It was, and
then fled, after telling the night
watchman what he had done. Ayres
died at the hospital.
Firs Csused by Natural Gas.
Ridgeway, Pa, Dec. 9. The Eagle
Valley tannery at this place was de
stroyed by Are early Sunday. The flro
was caused by an explosion of natural
gas In the engine room. The loss on
the building Is estimated at 175,000
and that on the stock of leather and
hides at $350,000 to $300,000.
Called to Washington (Pa.) Church.
Washington, Pa., Dec. 9. The con
gregation of the First Baptist church
have extended a call o Rev. Charles
W. Fletcher of Rochester, N. T.
To sny person or persons proving the
following statements not genuine. Note
also the cures are permanent.
Cured of Bright't Disease 16 Years,
I had been troubled with kidney and
liver complaint I suffered with a dull,
heavy pain across the back. I had
gradually become all run down. A great
deal of the time my stomach was filled
with gas, I was growing very nervous
and was constantly suffering with head
ache. Finally I discovered a white
stringy sediment in my urine which
frightened me, for I knew then I had
Bnght's disease. I began taking Tbomp
son's Barosms st once and three bottlei
seemed to cure me, bnt to insure a per
manent cure I took three bottles more
Although this was sixteen years sgo 1
have had no bad symptoms since and hart
been perfectly free from pain.
Aug. 13, 1898. Sturtevant, Craw. Co. Pa
Sciatic Rheumatism Cored
Six Years Ago.
Sis yean ao la fall I was a great suffer
from acialic rhruraatiam, atanna; itt dit kidneyi
and running dowa aiylhitrh. disabling me Iroiti
any kind af work, and w. compelled In wall
arith a cant lo rrliete my pain. 1 heard of aomt
I (he wonderful curea made hv Thompson'!
Baroama. I nought bottle, and to my de
light, the aecnnd cloae aeemed to act upon my
kidney at once, and the pain began to leave
In one week afier I commenced taking Banrnm.-i
I rode one hundred and fifty milea in a buggy
without any inconvenience and have !et-ii a
will him nvsa at ncr. H ill antwer any quea
tlona to tboae who aufTer aa I did.
B. C. Baksh,
State of Pennsylvania, Crawford Co. :
Sworn and aulncribrd before me by the ahovi
named affiant Ihia loth day of Deceuitwr. A D
All druggiats, Ii.oj a bottle or six foi
than ever before. Print can't de
scribe it. You mutt come and see
for yourself. Make your (elections
now. Don't wait. The best things
alwajs go first. Store open evenings.
32 SEN KC A 8t., OIL CITY, PA.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Bates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone o. 20.
Ps. August Mqqck
Office ) 7H National Bank Buildiug,
Eyes examined free. optical,
Wanted-An Idea
Who can thing
of aome sltniil
thins to pateatr
Vm l.lil V . .1 . Id., tha an. ....... .. ...
Wrlva JOHN WEDDIRuURN a CO, Patent Attnr
MyL Waablngton. D. ('.. fur their SI." prls offer
and list of two bmadrad tnrmuona waatao.
Notice in Equity.
OK KOHEST CO., Term, lisK,
Ikiniel A'. Sickles,
Soma M. Meade and William II. Meade,
her husband: Aila . Penham ami
ThomaA II. Denham.her hunband: Daniel
K. Sickle, a Krejnlor of and Trnnlee
under the, Lat Will and Testament of
Maiy a. Siekte. deceased; Daniel K
Niekte, as Trulc of George Stanton
Mckle. tinder a certain Deed of Trust
made 6,v Genrge fttantnn Sicklet to Dan
iel E. Sickles, dated December I, IxnI;
Daniel K. .Vicifra. at Truntee of f.Vfu .Vict-
, tirnlrr a certain deed of trust made by
mud hda Niekles to taid Daniel K. fjiek
let, dated Mai 1SH7; George Stanton
Sieklet, KdaVrackanthorpe. IMn line U.
Sickles. Lzzie J. Cook, ituliv'dually and
o tjecumx oj tne u iff and Tes
tament of Laura B. Sickles, deceased:
Pi ed J. Walker, Krnest B. Millard, and
Laura s, Morro,
TAKE NOTICE:-A Bill in Eonltv
bsa been filed bv Ibe plainlitT above
named lor the partition of the following
described real entate, si I u ale in the llor
oiirIi and Township of Tinneta, Forest
lounlv, fennsvivsuia, in wit:
First Keniniiing at a leaning; chestnut
tree, said tree beinir also the northwest
corner of Warrant No. 3I2. thence (8. 2!r
r..o7l K.) anutn twentv-nine nenreea east
three hundred and seventy-one rods to
limes on a large rock, said stones also
lieiim a corner between v, arrant 92 snd
SUM. Second. -(S. A'i' W. 37J R.) south
Inrty-two degrees west, thirty-seven and
one-half rods lo a while oak. Third.
(S. 50 W. 7H R.) Houlh fifty degree west
seventy-nine rods man ash tree. Fourth.
(3. .Ki W. 32) R.) south thirty Degree
weat tblrtv-two and one hsl I rods to a
white oak. Fiflh.-(West 52.2 K.) West
fifty- two and two-tenths rods to a pnt
nn me essi oatiK or me nonsxta creek.
Sixth. Thence down said creek. (N.280
W. 4 R.) north twemy-eiKlitdeifreesweHt,
rou r rous to a post, seventh. (, 13 W
32 R.) north thirteen degree west thirty
two rods to a post. Kiulilh. (N. 30 W
22 R.) north thirty degrees west twenty-
two rods to s pot. Ninth. (N. 89" W.
:2 R.) north sixty-nine degrees west
thi'tv-two rods to a post. Tenth. (N.
65 W. 26 R.) north sixty-live degrees
west iweniv-six mot to a post. Klnventh.
( N. 00 W.Ts R.) north sixty degrees
weatseventv-four rods tospoat. Twelftu
(N.I" W 102 R.) north one degree weal
one hundred and two rods in a post,
ThirU'enth.-fN. 4 W.42R ) north four
degrees west forty-two rods to a post.
Fourteenth. (W. 93 R.) west ninety,
three rods to a post. Fifteenth. (N. '5
E. 2H R.) north live degrees east twentv
six rods to a post. Sixteenth. (N. 05"
W. 30 R.) north eighty-five degrees west
thirty rods to a nost on the esst bank of
tne Allegheny river. Seventeenth. (N.
12 E. 1H4 R.) north twelve degrees east
uineteen and one-half rods to a post.
Eighleenth.-(3. 87 E. 40 R.) south
eighty-seven decrees east f- rty rods to a
post. Nineteenth. (S. 8 K. 11 R.) south
eight degrees east eleven rods to a post.
Twentieth. (E. 75 R.) esst seventy live
rods to a post. Twenty flrst.-(N. 4 W.
11)4 R.) north four degrees west one
hundred and sixty-four rods to a pin oak.
Twenly-econd.-(N. 46" E. 181 It.) nonh
forty-six degree esst one hundred snd
eighty-one rods to s birch. Twenly
third. ( N. 82 E. 305) R.) north eighty
two degrees east three hundred and six
ty live and one-half roils to a post.
Twenty-fourth. (S. 61 W. 410 R.) south
sixty-one degrees west four hundred and
ten rods to the leaning chestnut, the
filace of beginning. Containing seven
mndred acres more or less, being ex
hibit "A."
Also, the following piece of land
known as the 'Bloomery,' or Forge lot;
It ginning at a pot on the south bank of
Tionesta Creek. West 5) mils to a post;
N. 10 W. M R. to a po' ; N. 121 W. ii
R. to post: N. W W. 4U It. to a prwt at
Mark Noble's Isue; N.329 K. 6 R. along
said lane to a post nn omh hunk of Tin.
nesla creek ; H. iii E. 20 R. up said creek ;
8. 72 E. 2S R. tip said creek to a post,
8. 26 W. 12) H. to post ; a. 121 E. 2 R.
to post ; 8. 10 E. It) R. to post; N. t0 E.
7 R. to a while ouk tree on bank of said
ereek:8. W. 21) R. to beginning.
Containing 8 A. and 17 it. The same
being recorded in Venango Co., Fa., in
Brnk J, page 74.
ExceptiDg and reserving therefrom cer
tain parcel and lois, conveyed to sundry
persona as fully set forth in the Bill on file
in this ease.
The hill further set out the title of the
respective parlies thereto and that tb par
ties to this action are seised of the premi
ses described in fee simple, each having an
undivided Inte est therein a follows:
The plaintiff, Oaniol K Sickles, individ
ually, is seised of an undivided 7JO-T7iO
pari thereof; the defendant, Daniel K Sick
le, aa trustee, tie,, of tieorg a. Sickle, Is
seised of an undivided T-'0-fl7 H) part there
of; the defendant, Daniel E Sickles, as
trustee, &c, of Crackanthotpe, former
ly KU Sickles, Is seised of an undiviile-70-3..7i
O part thereof: the defendant. I.ta.
sie J. Cook, is seised of an undivided ltio-
.in4) part thereor; the defendant Laura H.
Morro is seised cf an nndivided ltjo-tfiiO
part thereof: the defendant Fred. J. Wa k.
er is stesed of an undivided lllil "70il part
thereof; the defendant Daniel K. Sickles,
aa executor and trustee um'er the will of
Mary o Bickela. decaaed. Is seised of an
undivided 70-57riO part thereof; the de.
fendanl Korea M. Meade is seised of an and
divided lo.Vls'i7tiO part thereof; the defend
ant Ernest K Millard Is aclzi-d of an undi
vided II.-..7MI part thereof: and tha defen
dant Alia H Dunham is seised of an undi
vided 1170 57t0 pan thereof.
I be said land belug suMect to nil mer-
ou equitable liens claimed by sundry per
sons as fully set forth in s ctious 25 and 26
of the said Bill.
I bat your orator Is unable to una with
the above named defemtatita, or with some
of them, as to a proper. Just and lawful di
vision between them of the lands and prem
ise hereinbefore described In order that
their several shares and nmnortiona mluhi
be allotted lo them and enjoyed by them
in severalty and from their wldnlv a n a rat
ed resiliences atd the character of their
several Interests therein, it is unlikely that
any such division can be made without the
Interposition rf this honorable court.
hehkfokb be pray ;
I. That your Honors will order and de.
rree that a partition be mail of the lamia
hereinbefore drscrihed in several Iv between
the parties to this action Interested therein
as hereinbefore described.
2 Thai a Master or a Master and Com
missioners b- sppoinled bv vour Honor, to
divide and partition the said lands, tens-
item ana taiere.u into purparts and lo
value the same, and to ascertain the
amounts, if any. which shall ba charged
lliereoti tot owelty or which shall be rvai.l or
secured to the parties to whom no purpart
can be allotted, or I' Ibe premises or any
part uirrroi cannot ue umiieii without sep
arating or Injuring the whole or without
nn juiiice to the interests of the parties
hereto, then to sell the same or snch part
thereof aa cannot be dividrd under direc
tion of this Honorable Court.
8. InraaRoraiiyanchaaleaalaieferrrd
to in i he preceding paragraph, then that
the proceeds thereof, after paying the legal
costs and charges of this action, may be di
vided among the par ies entitled "thereto
according to Ihelr respective right and in
teresis therein.
4. Tb it all proper and necessary con
veyances and assurances msy be executed
fur earning imo eff ct such partition, eith
er of the premise or parts thereof, or of
111 avail of any such sale or salsa thereof.
5. That the premiae hereinbefore men
tioned as being subject 'to equitable Hens
and sold subject to snch Hens after the
amount thereof shall have been ascertained.
Ik Tbat your orators may have such
other and further relief aa the circumstan
ces of the case may require and aa to jour
Honors shall stem Just and proper.
W, E RU E,
Solicitors for Plaintiff.
First publication November 5, l'.kli.
For Service by publication.
And now, September 22nd, 1902, it ap
pearing by affidavit to Hi satisfaction of
the Court, that the defendania named In
the foregoing petition, vis: Itoma M.
Mead and William H. Meade, cannot upon
diligent loquiry b found, ao aa to b
personally aerved with process. It is order
ed that the bill of complaint be .served on
tb Skid defendants by publication In the
manner prescribed by law for nix ancceaalv
weeks in the Forest Republican and Demo
cratic Vindicator, newspapers published in
lb County of Forest, and that in default of
an appearance within flflreu day after tb
last publication, tb bill may be Uken pro
oonfrsao, and any further process, rule, no
lice, order or decree in the cause, of which
service shall be required, be served ou the
raid defendant in like manner, with a like
period of fifteen dy for app-aranre or
compliance. BY THE COURT.
Good HUick, Mood Carriage and Rug
glee to let upon the most reasonable terms.
tie will also do
All orders left at the Pont Office wi!
receive prompt attention.
Cheapest Errursion a I es ever iu effect
to point West snd Northwest". Person
ally Conducted Pullnisn TouristSleeping
Car Excursion from Chicago and Cin
cinnati every week.
Elegant Through 8beplng Car Service
ana utiicxest i nne lo
Pullman Ih-aieing oom Sleepers, Free
Reclining Chair Cars, HunVt-l.ihrary
Hmoking Cars, Cafe Dining Cars (meals a
la carlo).
Double Daily Service and most direct
Route to the famous
Double Daily Service and unsurpassed
Equipment In all point in Teiinesoee,
Missisiippi, Louisiana. Arkansas, Indian
Territory, Oklahoma, Texas,
Arizona, New Mexico, Iowa, South Da
kota Valieahlra f'.,l, t
Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washing
ton and British Columbia.
Ilomeseekers 'j.eiri-A7iM 01, f X......ufui
tickets on sale to points West, Southwest
and Northwest.
IfVife To-dan fur te dmipIrtiivA mut
ter and full particulars to
E. A. RICHTER, Trav. Pas. Ant.
812 Park Building, PitUburg, Pa.
Of Course
W can fit you out in a wafjon of anv style vou may happen to
stand in need of, Irom Ibe light "buck" r dray In 'llie Heaviest trucks,
nod all of the beat material anil workruaimhip.' Likewise your wishes
in the matter of bu(gie, the most styli-h, easinat running, ami withal
the most serviceable, we can gratify at the nualUt est cmsisienl with
beslgootls. Thia is our "long suit. But what we wuul.l like to inter
est you id just now is our
Superior Stock of HARDWARE.
If it's a Stove, heating or cooking, the newest ami h. 8l Ruiil' at ll e
least cut, tome and see us We are talking what we In .w to he fads
when we say we cao beat tlieui all in this line Anvthing in
ofany descriptioo, in short anvthing that may he fin jn a complete
hanlwaie slore, is here io st nk W are likewise p,i psrc l f, ,r the.
with a lino of (juiis ami Ammunition i.f superior qnnlii v. Call s ml see
how cheaply we can fit you out in a nice gut
The best time for fishiug is right now. ami we've got everything you
need io that department.
Count, Phone 24. TIONESTA, PA.
We have moved our stork of IlnnUurt into tbo ma
chine shop where e are prepared to wait ou rust mt-rs
as of yore Our tuachitiery was nnharmeil and wo ran
do your work same as evt r A g i d line of saw, axes
snd belting, saved from the fire, and y .tir asms iu all
other material will be promptly supplied.
Hard ware, Mill Supiillcit, etc. . . .
Mill Machinery llcpalrcd Vroint-
. Si aft I it (, J I leu 1 and I'tllow
pijtck Furiilxlietl on Short Xotlce.
Shelf Hard are, Iron, Nails and Tunis at the Lowest
Market Trice. Stoves of all kinds. FA-rlVet Ol'fe
Ranges a Specially; Guaranteed to Hake. Axes, IVa
y Csnt Honks, ripuds, Alkins' Hand Cr-scot, Itniul
and Circular Saws, Returned ii Unsatisfactory. Abra
sive Emery Wheels.
Ha Mood I lie Tent
Isonled for its simplicity of construcM -
of workmanship, faultless balance, and
I i,r.xperience ami anility nsve placed the 1' Cirs in nn envi l,,. and
well deserved position as the Best Gun in the w,rl I Mmle bv the Id-
eat ihlil Dim mannfanhirjir. in A n.a.lnA II I IO im.i
e ii.ucMi.1
New York Salesroom. Mr-ad for
32 WARREN ST. ( ataloaar
Needed In Every Home
A Dictionary of F.NGLII:.
Biography. Uoooraphy, t Icl olc
New rUlca Througlioul
25,000 New Words
Pbrasaa and Definitions
IVpiuvil iiiiilrr Hie ilin i-l. supi r
vision of W. T. IIAKKIa, rii.t)., M, D.,
I'liilcil Sialc-i (' nix. , i- ,.( I: ;,,.
CIllMlll lil. l,y II lilt jri' i-ul i.f , ,.,.
pclcul. Jpcuiiilii-N iiml riliioM.
Rich Blnitlnra 2)6t Quarto I'.a.a
S0UO Illustration
UfJ'lrJ I uli-1 niilitnutl irn i ,
in JX!M). siireeedinit Ihn
Tht Hew and Kuiiugrd l.'.lilina ,lf ,,
iiitemaiiaiiiit mis tni. id (klubcv
r.XKI. lie! Ilif. mid .-..
Wbtr' Collaalalo mil....
ifllhOlossnryiif Sii.iiinii Wonl mn.l l in-.-.x
. uw. ,iw IIIHMmli, Him, U.l L 1 ll.
'Klrst-fliirohninnllly. rviiiil-lur ln im
Hiiecimcn tmuiiLcic i.r lu.ii.
books sunt uu nril(i-iit f
..... v. t,, wtiwwjnr.
prinEfield, Mass.
Clock Repairing anil all work pertaniiii(f
io me jeweler a iraue, promptly
ami accurately ilone.
-ew Kllterine Waleli
rases trailed for Old Stiver Cases In
any condition. Old watches taken in ex
chanite for new ones
ii. T. ,tiH:itso.v,
Anderson A O'liara barber shop,
Tlonesta, i'a
for Over 31 Year
m, hesoir i.t prop, riion, excellence
Ilartl .Sliool Inj; lmil.t lew.
:N':.eV M
VJv.r llli.wuip ill IhtSAgtl s
PARKER BROS., mfriden. conn.
l' V t
J-alu.. 1 IT a .
I.7.M s i-. r7Tv ." . v rj
,:;,.J - . 4 -
. -;1 ; VvjyirJX
Shows every word a
written; hIii'M tterlect-
ly, and needs less! re-ps-r.
Write for rata
Inpue ami et name of
nearest rcpresentnlive.
A"ent in all leading
The Oliver Typewriter re
ceived the Gold Medal, High
est Award, at the Buffalo Ex
107 Lake .-t . (."iticAtio, III
Fred. (Jrcttenbergcr
All work crtainiiir to Mai liiiiery, Kn
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tiiirauilfteneral Itliu kNiiiitlilnir proiutil
Ivdone nt Uiw HiiIcm. i-isirinu NI ill
Machinery ifiven special Hlteiilion, and
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Simp In rear fir and Inst west of the
Shaw House, Titlioute, I'a. .
Your patrmiSKO solicited,' .