The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 19, 1902, Image 2

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i. C. WCNK,
Ceivoa poirToii.
1902 NOVEMBER 1902
Su. Mo. Tn. Wi Th Fr P
2 3! 4' 51 6! 71
910;il!l2;13 14!15
16I17 18 19 20 2T122
fo 24!25 26;272S 29j
Mr. Clkyklami' tariff view are dill
interesting, lut no loneer important.
Dkmockats And it hard to construct a
winning tcket with only Nevada to hope
for in the North.
The man who tries lo ri.le into office
by yelling "calamity" these time ought
to be dipped into a tank of tar, then
loaded into a wn er pipe and shot through
a feather bed as a reward for suihcussed-
After Bryan's first nomination, In
David It. Hill wrote to a Iriend thus:
"I ani sl'll a Democrat very till." He
has been stiller yet aince the recent elec
tion. Nobody knowa now even if be is a
Ik the Democratic party is as greatly
opposed to trusts as it would bave the
votera believe why did it fight all anti
trust legislation which the Republicans
introduced in Congress? Will some hon
est, consistent Democrst kind.y answer
the question ?
Cleveland, of course, was right when
be said ibree weeks ago that if the Demo
crats wanted to carry the country two
years hence they would have to win Con
gress this yesr. They tried to do this,
but ailed. Every sane, unbiased person
knew tbey would fail. Yet Griggs, the
bead ot the Democratic congressional
campaign committee, kept on claiming
Congress for the lemocrts for twenty
four hours after the polls all over the
counliy bad closed.
It bas been figured out that 6 votes
were cast for the t!lot reform ticket in
Mercer county. Aa there were 140 n.ines
on the petition to have Ibis column print
ed on tbe othVial ballot, l oftbese bogus
reformer are revealed in their true light,
even assuming that the IX who voted the
ticket were all ign. rs of the petition. As
stateil in a previous issue ol the Egle, it
is dark tricks of thii kind tust makes true
ballot reform an absolute necessity. The
next session of the legislsture should
amend the present election law mak'ng
it impossible for a handful of malcontents
to bave a mongrel ticket printed ou the
the ballot in order to, perhaps, fool some
unsuspecting voters. Sharon Eagle.
The Republican party keep an open
door for all its wandering children. The
moment tbey discover their lolly and
tukeastepln the directiou of their old
home tbey are warmly welcomed. Ostra
cism is not a Republican principle. Tbe
errors of youth, the resentments of mo
mentary disappointment, the delusions
which visit some or tbe best of men at
times, are characteristics of human na
ture. Most of ns have some recollections
which are not plea-ant, because tney re
call moments when folly or passion or
ignorance sal on the throne. Wisdom
will ignore pant follies and mistakes and
look hopefully toward the future. Al
toona Tribune.
Simce the formal announcement of
Congressman John Dalzell of Pittsbutg,
as a candidate for speaker of the next
Congress many members of other Stales
have declared themselves for the bril
liant representative from Pennsylvania,
and Senator (juay predicts his election.
The Republican delegation of the dtate
are solidly for him, and it is believed the
members lrm New York will be forbim
to a man when the line-up is made. A
8iste which maintains its supremacy in
the Republican ranks and gets very little
in the way ol Federal offices, and which
will have the largest delegation in tbe
new Congress, certainly has Just claims
on the Speakership.
I.f the political history of this country
there Is one more unfortunate, is the con
clusion reached by the St. Louis Glolie
Deniocrat, Itsays: Another man of des
tiny has been knocked out. This is ex
Goy. I'attison of Pennsylvania. When he
carried that State in lBwi it seemed to his
lriends tbat he would be the logical can
didate for lH&t for president. Unfortu
nately for him, Cleveland rariied New
York In 1882 by tlit big plurality of 1M,
"00, and carried off the pri7.e in 1884.
V'hcn Pattison, In 1WI0, again carried
Pennsylvania, Cleveland was once more
ahead of him as presidential aspirant, and
got the nomination In IHffA If Pattison
bad won Pennsylvania this year there
would have been no formidable aspirant
in his way for the big nomination two
years hence. Pennypacker, bowever, Is
the man who carried Pennsylvania in
V.V2, and this sends the Pennsylvania
man of destiny to St. Helena.
Thkrk is nothing so unsuccessful aa
failure. If David B. Hill's candidate for
Governor bad done a little better in tbe
country districts, 'he Albany Argus
might have continued to support Hill as
a leader. Itut when the fresh air anil
bright sunshine give men clearer vision
thsn in the slums of New York City Mr.
Coler was not in the running, and now
the Argus turns toward Hill, shouting,
"Overboard with our Jonah." It can't
be said that Hill bas not earned a rebuke.
The jieople, however, administered one,
and it ill becomes the psrtners in bis of
fending to turn and rend David, now that
be is down. His chief mistake was in
Irving to placate tbe Free Siiverites with
a overniuein coal mine platform, and it
s a serious one. But the Democrats
would bsve len beaten in New York
tinder any other leader, and it is base in-t-rutitude
t-. put on Hill all the blame of a
in lent lust itas merited. Blizzard.
Tbe Male Senate Tot.
The return Judges for the thirty
eighth Senatorial district met in Ridg.
way on the 11th inst and computed the
official vote of the di.-triil which IhfV
found to be si follows :
Cameron CJl i"
Clarion 2 1 -4 :;4'.'
Elk ;v7! jtM
Cores! 74S liij
Totale M;L'
IVniivilvania Schools.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
ScbaelTvr, In hia forthcoming repoit tor
tbe school year ending June 2. l'ttJ, will
present the following statistics: Number
of schon.s in the Slate, 2S.6-U; superin
tendent, i:i; male tracher, (i,5.v"; fe
male teachers, 2,(ko; average salaries of
male Pachcrs per month, Ht fJ; average
salaries of female teachers per month,
.7S; average length of school term in
months, 8.3 whole number ol pupils,
l.lttt,.""!; average numlxT of pupils in
daily attendance, eTI.KVS; cost of school
bouses, (,Sii2,.Vil.(i; teachers' wages,
tll,sll,!7l 38; cost of school text books,
,477.77; coM of school supplies other
than text books. Including maps, globes,
etc., (not Including Philadelphia), H"!',
3i).0!i; fuel contingencies, fees of collect
ors and other expenses, .",."I7,,.S 0t; to
tal expend! urea, fJ.l.(r.7,t!7S 8 estimated
value of school property, f.'.o.WM.KVt iV.
What an Awful Superstition!
The Philadelphia North American ex
horts Republicans to cast aside their
superstitious reverence for I lie Dingley
act and take up the abolition of tariff du
ties on trust goods. What a splendid
idea! Kir.lof all, let us take oil' the duty
on the great trust, hoary with age. Rock
efeller's oil titist. Sei-ond, let us abolib
the duty on anthracite coal. Do protec
tionists dare to take of) the duty on these
two mammoth trust articles? If so, do it
as soon as possible, and then, if it curl
those trusts, let us apply the same rem
edy lo a couple of other ti uals.
By tbe way, come to tbink of it, there
is no duty whatever on either oil or an
thracite coal, but tbe above argument is
full as good, sound and logical as the av
erage free trade reason. It reminds one
of the famous maiden epeecb of Senator
Blister: "Sir, the Greeks! Sir, tbe Ro
mans ! Sir, I have lost the clue of my ar
gument and will go way back and sit
PeiinjpackerN Plurality 142.340.
Tbe official returns of the recent elec
tion have all been received at tbe Stale
department at llarriaburg. The tabulat
ed statement shows that the total vote
cast for Pennypacker in tbe Republican
and Citizens' column was W3.3I7 : while
Pattisnn's total In tbe Democratic, Anti
machine and Ballot Reform columns was
4.a),!f77. Pennypacker plurality over
Pattison is tberelore, H2.WI. The total
vote for all the candidates was as follows:
Governor-Pennypacker: 5!2,8i; Pat
tison, 4:i,457; Swallow, il.3J7; Adams,
5,137; Clsyton, 21,710; Pennypacker-Citi-xens,
450; Pattison auli-macliine, 9,M!;
Pattison ballot reform, 4,971, scattering,
Lieutenant-Governor Brown, 0ft'i,5o8:
Guthrie, 410,90; G rum bine, 23,071); Mun
roe, 4,7W; Barnes, 21,232; Brown-Citizens
674! Guthrie anti-macbiue, 8,'J2!i; Guthrie
ballot reform, 4,'JU; scattering, 5.
Secretary of Internal Affairs-Brown,
614,001; Nolan, 3"9,788; Marquis, 22,flti;lj
reehan, 4,.w.1; Gould, 20.611! Brown, Col
ir.eiis.46y; Nolsn, antl-macblne, 8,681;
Nolan ballot reform, 4.754.
Governor's Thanksgiving Proclamation
Governor Stone of Pennsylvania bas Is
sued the following Thanksgiving procla
mation :
In accordance with the time honored
custom and fo lowing the action of the
President or the United Stales, 1, Wil
liam A.Stone, Governor of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby name
Thursday, Nov. 27lh, aa a day for thanks
giving and praise.
Tbe citizens of this Common wealth
have enjoyed a full measure of th con
tinued prosperity which bas been show
ered upon our nation in the past year.
We should be devoutly thankful and the
future bas abundant promise.
Not only have we been spared from
disaster, and disappointment b I the
year bas been filled with the things that
advance the moral, mental, and physical
wellare of our nation. Our experiences
have been many and beneficial and we
are stronger to-day in all that makes a
permanent peace, happiness and material
wellare than ever liefore.
Let us, therefore, ou this day show our
gratitude to the divine source of these
multiplied evidence of prog.ess. Let us
put aside our usual cares and labors and
join with one another in a proper and en
thusiastic observance of the dsy.
To this end I advise that religion ex
ercises be conducted in all churches and
that devout pr-ers be offered to Almigh
ty God lor a continuance of II is guidance
and care. Let us especially rememiier
the sick and needy and endeavor so far
aa in our power to see that no oue within
the limits of our Commonwealth shall he
in want.
Gen. Booth of the Salvation Army.
Gen. vVilliam Booth, the man who left
the Methodist ministry lo lound t lie Sal
vation Army, ia 73 years old, but last
Sabbath he performed a feat which would
bave taxed the vitality of tbe aversge
man of 2(1 and even 30 years younger.
The sued religious warrior addressed
three great audiences in the Lyceum the
ater, speaking nearly an hour the first
time and nearly two hours on the oilier
two occasions, and w hen be got through
with five hours of vigorous talking be
still bad strength to give everyone a
hind clasp and a word in season.
The General is the possessor of a sense
of humor and says a good many bright
things. During one of hi he
said : "We have converted I'i.kki hard
ened safebreakers and burglars, and that
reminds me: li people won't contribute
inonev for our good cause, I think we'll
set them all .ose ausio,"
In Ihe atternoon the theater was packed
with 3.000 people, while hundreds were
turned sway, rbe General' visit here,
it was ssiil, will he productive of much
good and a belter understanding of army
worn. jr. r , Miol'P.
Buffalo, N. Y. of issues in the
minds ofthe peopln. They prefer lo keep
the work shop doors open and the wheels
a humming.
I ,WeW i
I w
v 1 ;
March 4, ISJtl.
Cream of the es.
If invalidism bas any compensation
it is to be found in the iv ot a rolling
Men's heavy working panta at Tio
nesta Cash Sloro. It
There are people who not only cannot
take bints, but wbo fail to understand
k icks also.
Gold Seal rubbers are the best made.
In all styles at Hnsth Jt Fills. It
The woman who talks moslnbout ber
love affair ia tbe oue wbo experience
tbe real emotion.
Havo yon aeen those fancy wool
waista at Hopkins' store yet? It
Every crook bas bis own peculiar
For "hurry-up" orders 'phone the
White Star grocery. 11
Early frost catches the budding
Tbe overcoats are going if it is warm.
It tbe sty! and price. Hopkins. It
A man of one idea isn't bad I ft he ide
is good.
All si sea in ladies' jackets can be
found in our stock. Largest variety in
town. Heath ,t Keit. It
Two beads are better than one ex
cept in tbe family.
Ladies' jackets and skirts at Tioiie
ta Cash Store. It
Silence ia golden only when applied
to the other fellow.
When you waut a pair of rubbers in
any style uo not forget that lle.ith A Feit
bare the Gold Seal. Best on the market.
When a man tells you all bis troubles
be br comes ouo of yours.
Underwear and hosiery for all at T.
C. S. it
Love may bave wings, but richea get
there with both feet.
Wooltox skirts and Jackets, Hop
kins, n
Nothing destroys some people's
memory like doing them a favor.
Choice vegetables, groceries, domta
tie or tropical fr. ills always lo be had at
the White Star Grocery. Call or 'phone.
The homesick man isn't always the
one who is away from home.
- Guaranteed not to rip are the gloves
and mittens. T. C. S. It
Anyway, tbe msn who loses is not
accused of playing unfairly.
Hopkins sells the Wooltex Jackets
and skirts, They're the best. It
Dress does not make the woman, but
it often breaks the husband.
In ladles, cats you csn get the great
est valuo at Tionesta Cash Stoie. It
Platonic friondnhip is better than love
without honorable mention.
Get a nickle-plated tea kettle for a
prize at T. C. S. It
Though the man of push may be in
the rear, you can't keep linn there.
lion's This t
We offer One Hundred Dollar Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHKii I-.Y A Co., Props., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the Ihsi 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
Wknt it Traux, wholesale drimgists, To
ledo, O., Wai.iiimi, Kiknan A Mahvin,
wholesale druggists, 'l eiedo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blond and mii
cous surfaces of the sy.-tem. Price 7Jc
per bottle. Sold by alf druggist. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Very Chess Itslrs llel ArrsMHisdallnss.
Allen's special parties to Middle West
and Middle South-Western States on No
vember 13th, Dec. 21 and loth. Inquire
at least or II. C.Allen, C. P. A T. A.,
Nickel Plate Road, E-le, Pa, A71-.".t
For sick headache try Chamlierlain'a
Stomach and Liver Tablets; they will
w aid off the attack if taken in time. For
ssle by I)r. Dunn, Tionesta; W. G. W il
kius, W. Hickory, fa.
Round Trip llnnic-sfckers' Tickets
During Iho same period round trip
llomeneekers' excursion tickets will be
sold by the CHcsgo, Milwaukee A St
Paul Railway ou the first and lliird Tues
day of eeh month, good to return within
21 days from date of sale, to many points
In Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota,
Nortn Dakota and oilier western and
southwestern states.
For further information apply to any
coiti on ticket auent, or sildress John ft.
Putt, District Pa-senger Agent, Room D
Park lildg., Pittsburg, i'a. 4t.
Take Laxative Bromo Qulmnn Tablets
All druggists refund the lui.ney if it Ui
to cure. E. W. Grove' signature is on
each box. Hie. il-27-Iy
Nov. 8, 1902.
But Just as Baa. Nervous Weak, Ir
ratible, Sleepless, Head I'on-fu-ed,
All Run
Mrs. Emma Yenael, or JOB Elk street.
Franklin, Pa., sayf : "Dr. A. W. Chase
Nerve Pills are an excellent medicine. I
was very nervous and unable to obtain
sleep, eonsquently languid daytime. I
got a box and tbey gave me strength,
steadinesa and good sleep. Thi ia nat
urally pleasing to me."
Dr. A. W. Chase Nerve Pill are aold
at 50c a box at dealer, or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Company, Buffalo, N.
Y. See that portrait and signature or A.
V. Chate, M. D., are on every package
For sale by Klllmer Bros., druggials.
For Sale, Cheap.
A pair or 2900-huudred taorsea sound,
good pullers, ;mI. With harness and
wagon, $175. With sleds, $2u0. J. H,
R.dding, hldgway, Pa. 3t
The Hrst Kratrsy far Crass.
From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe.
This is the season when the woman who
knows the best remedies for croup ia in
demand in every neigbliorhood. One of
Ihe most terrible things In the world Is to
he awakened In the middle or the n'ght
by a wnoop from one of thechlhlren. Th
croup remedies are almost a sure to be
lost, in cae of croup, as a revolver is sure
to be lost in case of burglars. There used
to be an old-tathiniied remedy for croup,
known aa hive syrup and lolu, but some
modern mothers sat that Chamberlain's
('null Remedy is better, and doea not
cost so much. It causes the patient to
"throw up the phlegm" quicker, and give
relief in a shorter time. Give thi remedy
ss soon as Ihe croupy cough appear and
it will prevent the attack. It never fail
atid is pleasant and safe to take. For sale
bv Dr. Dunn. Tionesta; W. G. Wllkins,
West Hickorv, Pa.
Allra Mars "Thaaiks I s."
if you're going to the middle west or
middle south-western states soon Vrv
cheap rates. Special parties Nov. 18tb,
Dec. 2d and Will. Inouire at least at
once. H. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A.. Nlckle
Plate ttoad, I0r le, Pa. A 60 5t.
A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when
getting his usual Saturday night bath,
siepped back against a hot stove which
burned him severely. The child was In
great agony and his mother could do
nothing lo pacify him. Rememliering
thai she bad a bottle of Cliamberlain'a
Pain Balm in the house, she thought she
would try It. In less thsn half an hour
slier applying It the child waa ouiet and
asleep, and in less than two weeka waa
wen. Mis. Hensnn Is a well known rest
dent of Kellsr, Va. Pain Balm is an anti
septic liniment and especially valuable
for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For
sale ny nr. mum. Wnnesta; W. O, Wll
kins, West Hickory, Pa.
Allen's Hserlsl Parties
leave Erie November IHlh, Dec. 2d and
l.'itb. Very cheap rates to middle west
and middlo south-western stales. In
quire at once at least. II. C. Allen, C. P.
A T. A., Nlckle Plate Road, Erie Pa.
A 70-5t.
Taking effect. June 291b, 190.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
except Sunday 11:25a. m.
No. 82 Oil City and Plitsburg
Ext ress, daily, except Sundav7:30 n.m.
No. y.iO Oil City Acvum.,Sun-"
devonly P:50a. m.
No. 9 32 Oil City Accom., Sun
day only 8:12 p.m.
For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kimua,
Bradford, Olean and the East:
No. 81 Olean Express, daily
except Sunday . 8:55 a. in.
No. : Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:39 p. m.
No. 11.33, Irvineton Accom.,
Sundays only 2:45 p. in.
For Time Tables and addilinnal infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Oen'l Passenger Agt.
Clock Repairiim and all work pertaining
yi me jeweier s iratie, promptly
and accurately done.
!Vrw Mlvt-rlne Hatch
f'Auea trnile.l r..i fll.l uil.... i
. : .in. iws in
any condition. Old watches taken in ex
change for new ones
.. T. .tIKUSO.,
Anderson A O'Hara barber shop,
Tionesla, I'a
Shirt Waists
are now having tbe call. Our
garments are tell made, styl
ish ami aold at reasonable
prices If you prefer to make
your own garments, we can
supply you with tbe proper
materitl, aod get you any
Provides Professional Traiuiog fur
Teachers, Prepares Youcg People
for College, and Offers Excellent
Facilities for General
for Prospective Teachers. Board,
Room Rent and Laundry, $127
per annum.
f or further particulars call on or
SAMUEL WEIR, Ph. D.,Prin.,
Clarion, Pa.
To Take Effect July 1st, IWi
KOUTH Eastern Time j NORTH
Station I 1 3
p. in
Leave Arrives, mlp.m
9 4o
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10 2i
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4 as
4 fio
5 05
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Henry' Mill
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Ituck Mills
Newtown Milla
S 0.V2 15
7 .-02 00
7 4".1 AS
7 411' 1 M
7 '.'5 1 So
7 1ft. I 25
7 00 I I,",
A 4."
5 !
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Ifl (10
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Ross Hun
s so
6 111
7 OOj
T. D. COLLINS, Prksidert.
C'urea Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Injuries,
Sore Feel, Lame and Aching Back.
Skin Disease. Pains and Sprains.
The Season of the Year
OTJ"R .AMBITION" is t0 scl1 yo, the goods you need the best you
can buy for a little less money than you can buy them lor elsewhere. Don't miss seeing our
Heavy IPants and Underwear for Men as well as Shirts
Hosiery. Suits, Overcoats, Gloves and Mittens.
Fresh Groceries always on sale and the best line of JTine China
Queensware, Glassware and Lamps for Presents. Don't pass our store. Cash Price Makers.
Tionesta Cash Store.
Ne w Fall Goods
Everything Xew mid Marked at Extremely I,ow Prices.
It Will Pay You to Io Your Mhopplng Here.
Up-to-Date Dealers m
A. Watnb Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. Robluaon, Wm. Kmearbaugh,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Rllchey. J. T. Pale, J. U. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment
era all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest psid on time
deposit. Tour patronage respectfully aollcited.
A f per cent
is what you'll havo
to pay for wall paper
next spring, so deal
ers havo been noti
fied. If you expect
to do any papering
the time to do it is
this fall. Call on
n. Atwan rllahle. I.rfle. nk PninlM Tor
IHK'lllT:as IKkLMH III Kr4 Slsl
UM nirtallic buiM, Health with blu rihfriu.
TSe Hhrr. Hrtmr .iih.ll.
Isllnsiu ImllavlloM. Hu r viHir Imiitxin,
or wim! tr. In amp l..r rartlralan. Te.ll
MMlals suit - Krllrr rbr ltdln." in Ullrr,
bl rrliirn Sail. IO.UOS I'ctiiuioiiuUs. bold ST
sil Pnifairts.
10 aaiaa skaaara, rHIU, PA.
M ll.a thi, pmtm
has come when you can
deceive yourself no longer.
You must get prepared for
winter with its cold winds
and rain and mud, and
you must protect your
health by dressing warm
and by good shoes.
Suits for Ladies and
also Jackets and Skirts
are here and our Prices
on them are the only ar
guments we need to make
to sell them. See them.
Wm. Smkarbacoh,
Vice Prmiden
at low rates. We promise our custom
Horses 1 Horses!
For Sale.
Bliusler has concluileil in iiay aod
briii iu another car load of burses.
He intends to bring in the best
hornet he ever lirought and will begin
to set I nr exchange
fine matched teams, driven and
All horses guaranteed at represent
ed. Don't misa this great opportu
nity. Come quick, at
fetrThe hnrses have arrived, the
be.t hnrves I evir shipped in.
Executrix .Notice.
Wheress, letters tesiainenlsry on Ilia
estste of Alliums M. .enu, dnvased, late
of Harnett township, Knresl County. I'a.,
have been rant' d to the uodoraiKiiod, all
rons indelited to said estate are hereby
nntiiled to i-etile the ssme, and those hsv
itiR claims sirainsl said estate will present
them, properly authenticated without de
lay to
Ki.vika knts, Kxeculrix.
Hedtyffe, I'a., Nov. 6, lisri
I'lilillc ollcc.
Take not ce Hist I have this day iMiuglit
of J. C. K n mhl all the loirs he has on the
Henry lanilniK on Clarion river to be re
moved at my pleasure.
W. W. IIrapkn.
Oct. 27th, ItsK.