The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 12, 1902, Image 4

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Smart & Silberberg.
Showing New Garments
as They Come.
Ripidly coming into tie are lbs Dew Suits and Dresses and Skirts
Oil City's style centra will continue ill marked and interesting leadership
If you have marveled at the charm of ready-to-wear things at abowo here io
season's back you will experience no disappointment now. The bell ol last
year are tbe worst of ibis.
Particularly attractive are the Street Suits. Take lime to see Ibern
while eojuyiog the store. Before this moon is gone, the Garmeot Show will
be oo ij earnest.
Tbe fuo that bad its beginniug io Girjicnta has its ending io eery
part of the store. With all tbe new things oo show for Fall aod Winter
come many lots at special prices. A few are mentioned, but just a few.
We'd ralher you come aod look around enjoy the stori.
Xew Flannelette, 7 3-1 r.
A hundred or more patterns, in New Flannelettes of the 1492 quality,
made by the Amoskeag Mills, aod almost equal to the very best.
Boys' Sweater, $1.00.
All Wool Sweaters, io a big variety of colors, plaio and striped, with
tbe new fashion roll collars. A decided bargaio.
Xew Pillow Topt, 2.1e.
In the new Art Department. Pillow Tops iu the newest designs, all
Stamped ready to work. A splendid variety ol styles to choose from.
Men's Fleeced Underwear, 42c.
Tbe heaviest and best 5c qualities we have ever sold By buying now
you save just le a garment. All size in shirt and drawer.
12 l-'-ie and 13c Wash Good, 5c Yard.
It is ibe part of piudence for us to sell all our Wash Goods at gieatly
reduced prices io order to smooth tbe way for next season.
All Linen Handkerchief, 5c.
Excellent qualitv of ladies' at this
thread linen, loo. Two better loU at
in Handkerchiefs evershowo oo a counter io Oil City.
$1.50 Double Natiu Jainak, 9 Sc.
Ten nieces of a hand-nnie a erai'e
$1.50. Perfectly plaio cloth with rich, opeo borders.
Napkin to Hatch, $2.93 Per Dozeu.
15 00 would he nearer tbe proper price, but we bought them at a bar
gtio and want our customers to profit thereby.
An Mrl Wlt!i Diamond r.yrn.
It Is a curious fm t nml one scarcely
known outside oi Ki:.:!:i. nml there
linnlly ever mentioned, thiit the fa
mous OrlotI diamond wna owe the
rlht rye of the Croat Idol SerriiiKhnm
In the temple of liruliiim. Tlilo pre
cious (jeni wits Htolcn nt eliotit the be
tliinliiK of the eighteenth century liy a
l'rcnili soldier who hud mnde n pre
tense of beiiiff converted to the Hindoo
religion in order to kiiIii the confidence
of the priest und iidniisxioi) to the
ti'inple. The Frenelimnii lirst sold the.
illinuond for .imhi. (in I lie next turn
!t wns ItoiifMit ly n lmnker of Constnn
tlnople for 12.(ki. The lmnker kept It
until 1774 und then sold It to the Rus
sian cinpn-ya for !tO.Ol nnd n life pen
bIoii. The prom liiifl been in the HusRlnn
royal family ever ulnee. As it Is now
set in the Imperial scepter of Russia It
presents a flattened, rose cut surface
and weigh exactly llUVi carats.
Vanity Tickled.
InuliiR tlie early excesses of the
Freneli revolution n rnliWo of men end
women were rioting Iji the streets of
Turis. Lafayette nppeirrTd and ordered
a young artillery ollieer to open fire
nnon them with two cannon. Tlie of-
fleer becked the genernl to let hint try
first to persuade them to withdraw.
"It Is us'-Iosh to appeal to their rea
son," said the general.
"Certainly," answered the officer,
"and It Is not to their reason, but to
their vanity, I would appeal."
The ollieer rode up to the front of the
moli, doffed his cocked hat, pointed to
the puns and gald:
"Gentlemen will have the kindness to
retire, for I am ordered to shoot down
the rabble."
The street wag cleared nt once, for
none could brook the Idea of being
clussed with the scum of the city.
Why He Wasn't Impressed.
The following story is told of n gar
rulous victim of the Johnstown flood
of ISM), who when he reachi"d paradise
ascended a cloud that served within
the pearly gates n a rostrum and un
dertook to thrill bis new made ac
quaintance among the shades with nn
account of the disaster through which
he had passed. He was interrupted
by a gray lwitrded old man in the
group. "A mere bucketful a mere
bucketful:" the old fellow piled.
"Don't waste so much time talking of
a small affair like that:"
The Johnstown man resented this
and hunted up St. Teter. of whom be
asked, "Who is that old codger who
seems to think our Hood such n trilling
"That?" said St. Teter. "Why, thafa
Aa Animal's Mcmorlnl Stone.
Ill the center of n Held at Waverhill,
Suffolk, England, is a large flat stone
covering the grave of a mare that
died In lHTii inserilMd as follows:
"Pokn. She never made a false step.
Keclesiastes iii. 111." A rcfcrcuce to
chapter und verse shows the following:
'Tor that which Is-falleth tlie sons of
men befalleth beasts, even one thing
befalleth tliein; us the one dietb, so
dietli tlie other." This is probably the
only Instance of a text from the Scril
tures appearing on a memorial stone to
mi Htilnml.
price and for the men' 10c. Every
10c and two for 25c. Tbe beat values
of table lineo as top ever law at
A Jlpnnrfe Hero.
I recall to mind a story of an officer
III tlie Japanese emperor's army whicii
was besieging a fortress. Its number
was kii in II und a relieving army wa
coming up. It was of immense mo
ment that they should know how long
'.he fortress could hold out. If It must
-npltulitte for want of supplies within
a week they could atny and win tbe
ranipaign for the emperor. A young
Japanese nobleman volunteered to go
Into the fortress nnd ascertain liorr
long it could hold out. He disguised
himself, and In passing learned that it
had food nnd water for only two days
As he was going out with this pre
cious Information he was detected, nnd
the enemy said to him, "VrV ore going
to crucify you, but we will let you oil
on one condition that you go to the
wall and tell your people that we have
supplies for a week."
He said, "Very well." nnd went to
the wall. His wife nnd children In the
besiegers' camp saw him, his friend
were there also, and he held up lioth
his hands nnd said to them: "There
are supplies for but two days. Con
tinue the siege nnd you will tuko the
lie died by u hundred spear points,
but he had done his duty to Uls gen
eral. Kir Edward Arnold.
Out of One Clay.
Many years ago liefore the day of
railroad a nobleman and his wife,
with their Infant, were traveling
across Salisbury plain. As the story la
told In Mr. A. P. Itusseir "Character
istics." they were overtaken by n se
vere storm and took refuge In a lone
shepherd' hilt.
The child bad taken cold before they
could And shelter nnd the nurse legnn
nt once to undress It by the warm
cottage fire. As she pulled off one
rich silken garment nfter another the
shepherd nnd hi wife looked on In
awed silence.
At last the proc-ess of undressing wa
completed und the little naked baby
wa being warmed by the lire. There
it sat, with all Its splendid outer husk
peeled off, its little body beginning to
glow in the hut by the Are. The shep
herd drew a long breath nnd exclaimed,
"Why, If Juki like one of ours!"
"Do you believe ill palmistry. BohT
"I do. A sweet little amateur palm
ist held my hand for half an hour the
other evening and told me that I wa
going to fall In love In nlsiilt twenty
minute nnd ask the lady to 1m? mine
and 1 accented, and the whole thing
came true before I got out of the chair.
Barker I see MolliwiU is going to
nmrrv Macule Shrewsbury. I don't
envy him, but I supisisc money talked.
Grullley-He'll And that matrimony
can talk too.
Barker-And I fancy that alimouy
will have something to say before long
Where He Drew It.
"How well I remcnilHT." said Duiu
ley, ns he proudly brandished the
sword, "the first time that I ever drew
that once shining blade:
"Where did you draw it Dumley"-
Inquired Fcatherly, "in a miner
la laataar at Gvnaaa Military
Thrift tit Hra Taprlia.
An Instance of rai'ltry thrift and of
a red tape system which is not peculiar
to Oermauy cornea from the Irusslan
war ottica. In ISM the guiml. were
Ireakfasting hurriedly. They bad on
the previous day fought the battle of
Soor and bad accomplished altogether
a nine days' march. This was not the
era of canned meats, and to each regi
ment had lcm allotted a certain num
ber cf cattle which had been killed.
skinned uud cooked, but while tbe men
were still eating scouts came In with
the new that the Austrian were near
at hand.
The men got Into marching order and
l:i a few minute were In rapid ad
vance toward the enemy. The Grena
dier guards, conspicuous always for
their dispatch, hurried to such purpose
that thev failed to secure the skin of
cow which had been made over to
them for rations.
Wheu the otlicial who was resiiousl-
Me for the value of the bide came to
ask for It. It bad to be rviwrtwl miss
ing. Inquiries were set on foot, evi
dence wns collected, nnd a voluminous
conesiKndcnce lasting fourteen or fif
teen months failed to account for the
There had beou a cow. She had lieen
made over to the guards. She had a
hide. The hide was government prop
erty, representing a sum flxod by otli
cial tariff. The govrrnment must be
credited with that sum. The hide wa
not furthcoming. Who should be re
sponsible fc r its cash value?
It was nt last decided that the colonel
cf the regiment should be held account
able, and a year and a half after the
conclusion of the seven weeks' war
he was revested by the war olllce to
remit the sum of 3 t'.ialers, the price
i f one cowskln lost by the Grenadier'.s. Wheu the si:m wa paid, the
subject was ut l::st olHcirlly dropped.
A I.ont Tla Mine and a Lead Mine's
Rnltomlrta IMt.
Immense plans which seemed aliout
to be completed, but have lieen brought
to disastrous failure at the last mo
ment, are frequent enough In the his
ti.ry of Indus. ry.
London Answers tells the story of a
tin mine in England which might have
Yielded n fortune but for a storm.
With the finding of a new vein of ore
running out toward the sea a new level
was driven out lielow tho water: then
it was found that the lode bent up
ward too mar the sea liottom for min
ing to lie safely carried on. I'ndUcour
nged, the owmr borrowed uiouey, built
u sea wall to cut off the water, erected
pump and again went to work.
On the sixth day Just ns nn enor
mous mass of rich ore was iH'ing tap
ped a gale came up. a ship was blown
upon the wall, which went to pieces at
once, and the sea drove the heavy
stones In upon the thin roof of the
mine. In a moment the workings were
hopelessly Hooded, nnd the owner wa
a ruined man.
A story equally tragic Is told of the
Speedwell lend mlno In Derbyshire,
relieving that a rich vein of ore exist
ed In n nearby hill, the owner risked
his entire capital to lsire n tunnel 3.C.10
feet long Into the heart of the moun
tain. Suddenly the miners broke
through n wall of rock into a vast hid
den cavern, through which flowed n
stream of water.
They began to dump rock Into the
stream, and nfter 10.r. tons a bridge
began to rise out of the darkness, and
then their farther progress was stop
ped. Month after month they toiled,
nnd at last, after -KM) tons in all
had been cast Into the cavern, tliey
ITnvc it tip.
That narrow rift Is known to this
dev ns t'i Ilottomless Pit.
Why We Shake Hands.
To shake hands with n person 1
rightly regarded a n token of amity.
but very few know how this custom
According to a French ethnologist.
whenever two meu met In former time
they were accustomed to hold up their
right bands in front of them ns a sign
that they had no Intention of attack
ing each other. This mark of eonii-
ilence, however, did not prove sufficient
In all cases, f r a mini may hold up his
right hand and yet. If he keeps It
closed, may have n weapon concealed
in It, and then-fore It became the cus
tom for the two right bands to grasp
each other, ns only thus could full a-suraiK-e
be given that no weapon wa
concealed In either of them. Formerly,
therefore, this gesture, now the token
of loyalty nnd friendship, was one or
reciprocal distrust. Xew York Herald.
That U just what we claim and propose
to prove to you right here. The great
claim for Thompson'! Barosma Backache,
Kidney and Liver Cure is, that it not
only cures but makes a permanent cure.
We offer 500 if the following statements
are not genuine.
Cured Twenty Yeart Ago.
Twentryeara iro lat Chritma. I whi takn
tick with DrojHyv My legi and feet were lurily
swollen. I wan confined to my bed. all my friendi
thought my time had come. My head pained m
terribly, and finally my wife was urged by Mm
Spring, the nure. to try Thompson' Baron ma
and Da nd-loin and Mandrake 1'illf, "they would
cure me, ane sain, as a law resort we tried
Baroma. Liver, Kidney and I.umb.iifo Cure and
Dandeloin and Mandrake Pills. I wish to amy thai
the pain and swelling began to leave me at once,
and few hoUt'a made a complete cure.
have recommended it toot hern with good results.
I am well and have been ever since, which wns
the fall Garfield was elected- Anyone ran cll
cnm?if they wish to know the virtues of "11a-
I taker, South Franklin Street,
March 10th, 1900. Titusvtlle. Pa.
No Return of Disease in Fifteen
Ahrnit fifteen yeara ago I waa all rim down
with nenrotta prostration and palpitation o( the
heart (often vetting black in the fare and
thought to He dying). I lo flrnh till from ta
rjounda mv wetvht waa reduced toon nounrU
and foraix niontha I waa eonfined to my lied.
A relative of mine who had been troutilrd wit
female weaknraa and nenroua prmtraltoti and
nao Dcm curea oy i nompwn llaroatna, re
commemlrd it to me. I began to take the Kar
oama at once and waa not onlv cured of nervmu
prostration and palpitation ofthe heart but lie
Kan to rain in ll-.h until in a abort time I
weighed. J40 potinu. amd rmiH that timk t'M-
m 7 uwn mwcvuit
Man. Hi t m. mih.
Pioneer Road, ) ntilea aoulh of Tituaville, Ta
April 4. Ibytl.
All druggists, J1.00 a bottle or six lot
Notice in Equity.
OF KORE3T CO., Term, 1902.
Daniel JC. Sicktet,
again fit
Soma 3f. Meadt ami William H. Meadt,
At AiuitViit ; A Ha 11. Dmkanx and
Thorn a . DenhaM,her kuAband: Iantfl
A'. Sirkle, cut Ernntor of and Truster
tinder the Ijutt Will autl Testament of
Mary JS Siekle. defeated: Daniel K
iSiekles, an Trustee of George Stanton
titcktr. under a eertmn Deed of Trust
made tii tleorge Stanton Siekles to Dan
irt K. N.eklra. dated leet.,iber 1, 1 ;
lHtniel fc'. Siekles. as Trus eeof Eda .S'ic-
les, under a certain deed of trust fctarfr by
taut hdn Siekles to said Daniel K. Siek
les, dated May lcSC; Ueorge Stanton
Siekles, Kda Crackantkorpe, tnnlme V.
Siekles, Lizzie J. Qjok, indivdually and
as Kieeutrix of Ike Last Will and Tes
tament of Ixiura R. Siekles, deteasetl;
feii J. Walker, Ernest B. Millard, and
Laura S. Morro.
11. MEADE:
TAKE NOTICE: A Bill in Equity
bas ren filed by the plaintiff ahnve
named for tiie partition nt tbe following
denoribed real estate, situate in tbe Bor
ough and Township of Tlnne.sU, Forest
County, fennaylvanta, to wit:
Mrst HeKinnlnE at a leaning chestnut
tree, aaid tree being alao the northwest
corner of Warrant No. 3ti!2, thence (S. 2
h. 371 R.) aoutb twenty-nine degrees eaat
three hundred and seventy-one rods to
stones on a large rock, said stones also
being a corner between w arrant dtottand
awl. Second.-(S. W. G7J R.) south
lorty-two degrees west, thirty-seven and
one-half roils In white oak. Third.
(8. Sil W. 7J R.) South fifty degree west
eventy-nine rods to an ash tree. Fourth.
-(8. 30 W.S2) R.) south thirty Hegrees
wet thirty-two and one ball rods to a
white oak. Fifth.! West 52.2 R.) West
fifty- two and two-tentbs rod to a post
nn the eat bank of the Tio ieta creek.
Sixlh. Thence down said creek, (N.280
W. 4 R.) norlbtwe nv-eiglitdegres west,
four rods to a post. Seventh. (N. 13 W.
32 R.) north thirteen degrees west thirty
two rods to a post. Eittblh. (N. 30 W.
22 R.) north thirty degrees west twenty
two rods to a poat. Ninth. (N. 69 W.
32 K.) north sixty uioe degrees west
thirtv-lwn rods to post. Tenth. (N.
66 W. 26 R.) north sixty-five degrees
west twenty-six mdstoapost. Eleventh,
( W.74 R.) north sixty degrees
wel seven! v-lnur rods toa poet. Twelftu
(N.l W. 1U2 R.) north one degree west
one hundred and two rods to a post.
Thirteenth. (N. 4" W. 42 R.) north four
degrees west forty-two rods to a post.
Fourteenth. (W. 93 R. west ninety
three nxla to post. Fifteenth. (N. 5
E. 20 R.) north five decrees east twenty
six rods to a post. Sixteenth. (N. S5
W. 30 R.) north eighty-live degrees west
thirty rods to a oot on tlie east bank of
the Allegheny river, r-eventeenth. (?l.
12 E. 191 R.) north twelve degrees east
nineteen and one-hair roils to a post,
Kighteentb.-(8. 87 E. 40 R.) south
eighty-seven degrees eat f- rty rods to a
post. Nineteenth. (8. 8 E. 11 R.) aoulh
eight degrees east eleven rods to a post,
Twentieth. (E. 75 R.) east seventy five
rods to a post, Twenty nrst.-(i. 4 w
ICt R.) north four dugree west one
hundred and sixty-four rods to a pin oak.
Twenty-Second. (N. 46" E. 181 R.) north
Torty-aix degrees east one hundred and
eighty-one roils to a birch. Twenty
third. (N. 82 E. 3H5J R.) north eighty
two degrees east three hundred and six
ty five nnd one-half rods to a post.
Twenty-fourth. (8. 61" W. 410 R.) south
sixty-one degrees west four hundred and
ten rods to tlie leaning chestnut, the
place of begibning. Containing seven
hundred acrea more or less, being ex
bibit "A."
Also, the following piece of land
known as the 'Hlooniery.' or Forge lot.
Beginning at a post on the south bank of
Tionesta creeK. west 51 rods 10 a post;
N. 10 W. 36 K. to a pos ; N. 121 W. 6:
R. to post; N. 58 W. 4r R. to a post at
Mark Noble'a lane; N. 32 E. 6 R. along
ssid lane In a post on south bank of Tio
nesta creek ; 8. 81 E. 20 R. up said creek ;
8. 72 E. 28 R. up said creek to post ;
8. 26 W. 121 K. to post ; 6. 121 E. 82 K,
to post ; S. 10 E. 16 R. to post; N. SO" E.
7 R. to a white oak tree on bank of raid
creek; 8. 3 W. 21) R. to beginning.
Containing 5 A. and 27 R. Tbe same
being recorded in Venango Co.. Pa., in
Ui ok J, page 71.
Excepting and reserving therefrom cer
tain parcels and lots, conveyed to sundry
persons si fully set forth In the Bill on file
In this esse.
The bill further sets oat tbe title of tbe
respective parti's thereto and that the par
ties to this action are seized or the nretnl
srs described in fee simple, each having an
unniviiieu inte-eei merein as follows:
Tbe plaintiff, Daniel E 8ickles, Individ
aally, is seized of an undivided lJ&'li)0
part thereof: the defendant, Daniel E blck
les. as trnstee, &c, of (ieorg 8. Sickles, is
seized of an undivided 7 -0-57' K) part there
of; the defendant, Daniel E. Bicklea, aa
trna'ee, &c, of Eds t raokanthorpe, former
ly Eils Sickles, is seized of an nndivlded
20-o70 part thereof; tbe defendant, Liz
zle J. Cook, is seized of an undivided btO-
'i7' 0 part thereof; tbe defendant Laura n.
Morro is seized cf an undivided 16l-'7ii0
part thereof; the defendant Fred. J. Wa k-
er is siezed of sn undivided 16D 5760 part
then of; the defendant Daniel E. Bickles,
as eJecutnr and trustee uor'er tbe will of
Mary 8 fiickela, deceased, la seized of an
undivided 7r0-57fl0 psrt thereof; tbe de
fendant Knma M. Meade la seized of an on-
divided 10."3-.")760 pi rt thereof; the defend'
ant Ernest H Millard ia seized of an nndi
yidrd 1 1 7 "70 part thereof; and tbe defen
dant Alt H Denbam la seized of an uoill.
vided 11 70-5769 pan thereof.
The ssid lands being subject to numer
ous enuirahle liens claimed by sundry per
sons as tuny set lortn ln.SoCiiona & and at
of tbe said Bill.
l'hst your orator is unable to agree with
the above named defendants, or with some
of tbe-n, ss to a proper. Just and lawful di
vision between them of the landa and prero.
isea hereinbefore described in order that
their several shsrns and proportions might
be allotted to them aod enjoyed by them
in severalty and from their widely separat
ed residences aod tbe character of their
several lutereau therein, it is unlikely that
any such division can be msde without the
interpoaltlon or tnis nenorsuie court.
Whekf.foks be prays:
1. That your Honors will order and de
c ee tbst a partition be made of tbe lands
hereinbefore described in severalty between
the parties to this action Interested therein
as hereinbefore described.
2 That a Master or a Master and Com
missioners be appointed by your Honors to
divide aod partition tlie aald lands, tene
ments and latere.U into purparts and to
value tbe same, and to ascertain the
amounts, if any, which aball be charged
thereoj foi owelty or which shall be psld or
secured to the parties to whom no purpart
can lie allotted, or 1 tue premises or any
part tbereof cannot De divided without sep
arating or Injuring tbe whole or without
prejudice to tbe Interests of tbe parties
hereto, then to sen the same or such psrt
thereof as cannot be divided under direc
tion of this Honorable Court.
3. In case of any such sale aa isieferred
to in tbe preceding paragraph, then that
the proceeds tbereof, after paying tbe legal
costs and charges of this action, maybe di
vided among the parties entitled thereto
according to tbelr respective rights and in
terests therein.
4. Tbst all proper and necessary con
veyances and assurances may be executed
for carrjing Into etl-ctaui.b partition, eith
er of the premises or parts '.hereof, or o
tbe avails of any such sale or sales thereof.
fi. That tbe premises hereinbefore men
tioned as being sutject to equitable liens
ved sold subject to such liens after the
amount thereof shall have been ascertained
6. That your orators may have such
other and further relief as the circumstan
ces of tbe case may require and as to your
Honors shall stem juai snd proper.
Solicitors for I'laintiff.
First publication November 1002.
Wot Service by publication.
And now, September 22nd, 190 J, tt ap
pearing by affidavit to the satisfaction of
tbe Court, tbat tbe defendants named ia
tbe foregoing petition, via : Roma M.
Meade and William H. Meade, cannot upon
diligent inquiry be found, so aa to be
personally served with process. It la order
ed that tbe bill of complaint be served 00
tbe said defendants by publication in the
manner prescribed by law for aix successive
weeks in lbs Forest Republican and Demo
cratic Vindicator, newspapers published in
the County of Forest, and that in default of
an appearance within fifteen days after tbe
last publication, the bill may be taken pro
eonfesso, and any further process, rule, no
tion, order or decree 10 the cause, of which
service shsll be required, be served on the
said defendant in like manner, with a like
period of fifteen days for appearance or
compliance. BY THE COUKT.
We would be pleased with
u oppnrtiiaiiw to tlemoD
Irate to you the superior
class of work we can turn
out in either
Give Us a Trial.
PS. tlVGUST ,Uqqcr
Office 1 4 "X National Bank HuildinK,
Eyea examined free.
Kxclttstveiv optical.
Cheapest Exeursion nt ei ever in effect
to points West and Northwest. Person
slly Conducted Pullnisn TotiristSleepiiiK
Car Excursion from Chicago and Cin
cinnati evpry week.
Kleirant Through Sleeping Car Service
and Quickest Time to
Pullman Drawing oom Steejters, Free
Recliiiinir Chair Cars, llutlet-Library
8inoklnic Cars, Cafe Dining Cars (meals a
la carte).
Double Daily Service and most direct
Route to the lainous
Double Dally Service and unsurpassed
Equipment to all points in Tennessee,
MisHisaippl, ljoiilMsna, Arkansas, Indian
Territory, Oklahoma, Texas,
A rizona. New Mexico, Iowa, Soutli Da
kota, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming,
t'tab, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washing
ton and British Columbia.
Homeseckers' Ereurnion and Colonists'
tickets on sale to points West, Southwest
and Northwest.
HYi'fe To-dity for Fi ee descriptive mat
ter and full particulars to
E. A. RICHTER, Trav. Pass. At.
Mi Park lliilldiiiK, Piltsburg, Pa.
Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug
glee to let upon the moet reasonable terms.
He will also do
Ail orders left at the Poet OIBce wil
receive prompt attention.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Hates.
Hear or Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
Weeks For 25 Cts.
For trtt brlftiUrt, wt1elx.w
ce j fporunf "irr m,
lUorttT on Bttri lamirff H
B.a lull. Trap Btinotlnir, till '!
and kiDdnnJ tm.t, J h beat fiifwroi
tU kittOj i.tiii.i.bM. t'lftlte pirp
of tntmdurinf it tn l'1iti
w will awud iitVrtwer' f-r?
(it dm), fa;.ur :tvr. fra. Ad-lm
SportinKLire, 70. Dmtdo Bltlv, Pblla
Of Course
We can Gt you out in a wagon of any style you may happen to
stand in need of, from the light "buck" or dray to "the Heaviest trucks,
nd all of (he best material aod workmanship. Likewise your wishes
in tbe matter of buggies, the most stylish, easiest runoing, aod withal
the most serviceable, we can gratify at the smallest coat cjnsisteDt with
best goods. This is our "long suit. But what we would like to inter
est you io just dow is our
Superior Stock of HARDWARE.
If it's a Stove, heating or cooking, the newest and best RaDge at the
least cost, come and see us. We are talking what we know to be facts
when we say we can beat tbetn all in this line. Anything in
of any description, in short aorthingr that may be fouod io a complete
hardware store, is here in stock. We are likewise prepared for the
with a line of Guns aod Ammunition of superior quality. Call aod see
how cheaply we can fit you out in a nice gun
The best time for fishing is right now, aod we've got everything you
need in that department.
County Thone 22. TIONESTA, PA.
We btve moved our etnek of Hardware ioto the ma
chine shop where ire are prepared to wail oo customers
as of yore. Our machioerj was unharmed and we rao
do your work tame as ever. A good line of saws, axes
nd belting, saved from the fire, and your wauls in all
other material will be promptly supplied.
Hardware, Mill Sttpirfleti, etc. . .
Mill Machinery Repaired Prompt-
ly. Shafting, Pulleys and Pillow
Blocks FurnMied on Short Notice.
Shelf Hardware, Iron, Nails aud Tools at the Lowest
Market Price. Stoves of all kinds. Perfect Olive
Ranges a Specialty; Guaranteed to Bake. Aies, Pea
Ty Cant Hooks, Spuds, Atkins' Hand Cmsctit, Band
and Circular Saws, Returned il Unsatisfactory. Abra
sive Emery Wheels.
lias Stood the Test for Over 35 Yearn
Is noted for its simplicity of construction, beauty ot proportion, excellence
of workmanship, faultless balance, and Hard Mitvotliig Qtialaliem.
.sr .-.ay
I lixperience and ability have placed the Pa it I. Kit Gun in an envi ble and
well deserved position as the Best Gun in the world. Made hv the
est shot gun manufacturers in America.
New York Salesroom. Kens' for
32 WARREN ST. aialoaue,
Not to Burn,
But to sell.
All kinds of
except poor ones.
All kinds of
except high prices.
Clock Repsirlnn and all work pertaining
to the jeweler's trsile, promptly
and accurately done.
Xew Silverine Watch
Cases traded for Old Silver Cases in
any condition. Old watches taken In ex
change for new ones
Anderson A O'llara barber shop,
Tionesla, l'a
m w
Over 110,001) of thtse gu::s in use.
" Tiff r-n
Shows every word as
written; aligns perfect
ly, aud needs least re
pair. Write for cata
logue and get name of
nearest representative.
Agents in all leading
Tho Oliver Typewriter re
ceived the Gold Medal, High
est Award, at the Buffalo Ex
107 Lake St., Chicago, III
Fred, (ircttcnbcrgcr
All work perbiiiiiiiK to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Ons or Water Kit
ting" and General HlackHinithiiiK prompt
ly done at Low KhUwi. KopairiiiK Mill
Ma.Mnerv iriven stMM'inl attention, md
satisfaction (iiarantced.
Shop In rear or and J"si worn vi "
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your Iwtronane aolicited.
i I