The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 22, 1902, Image 4

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    Smart & Silberberg.
Showing New Garments
as They
Rapidly coming iota view are the new Suits and Dreaaei and Skirts.
Oil City's style centre will continue its marked and interesting leadership
II you bave marveled at the cbarm of ready-to-wear things as shown here in
season's back 'you will experience no disappointment uow. The best of last
year are the worst of this.
Particularly attractive are the Street Suits. Take time to see them
while enjuyiog the store. Before this moon is gone, the Garment Show will
be on in earnest.
The fun that had its beginning in Gsr.neuts his its ending in every
part of the store. With all the new things on show fur Fall and Winter
come many lots at special prices. A few are mentioned, but just a few.
We'd rather you come and look around enjoy the etor.
Xew Flannelettes, 7 3-4 c.
A hundred or more patterns, in New Flannelettes of the W2 quality,
made by the Aruoskeag Mills, and almost equal to ibe verv best.
Roys' (sweaters, $1.00.
All Won! Sweaters, in a big variety of colors, plain and striped, with
the new fashion roll collars. A decided batgain.
Xew I'll low Tops 25e.
In the new Art Department. Pillow Tups iu the newest drsignp, all
stamped ready to work. A splendid variety nt styles to choose from.
tfeuVi Fleered Underwear, 12c.
The heaviest and best 50c qualities we have ever sold liy buying now
you eave just c a garment. All sizes in shirts and drawers.
13 I-3c and 15c Wash Ciooda, 3c Yard.
It is the part nl piudence for us to sell all our Want) Goods at greatly
reduced prices in order to smooth the way for next season.
All Linen Handkerchiefs, 5c.
Excellent qualitr of ladies' at this price and for the men's 10c. Every
thread linen, too. Two better lots at
in Handkerchiefs ever shown on a counter in Oil City.
$1.50 Double Nat In Damask, 98c.
Ten pieces of a hand-ome a grae
Lot). Perfectly plain cloth with rich, open borders. r
Xapkinv to Hatch, $2.9S Per Dozen.
$5 00 would be nearer the proper price, but we bought them at a bar
gain and waotour customers to profit thereby. ( -
Pointed Paragraphs Chronic
ling; the Week's Doings.
Long Dispatches From Various Parts
of the World Shorn of Their Padding
and Only Facta Given In as Few
Words as Possible For the Benefit
of the Hurried Reader.
Tie Hague arbitration court In the
Pious case has condemned Mexico to
pay the United States $1,820,000 iu
Mexican currency.
Lightning tore through the roof ol
a negro church In Beaumont, Tex.,
while a funeral was ii progress and
killed one man and injured Ave others.
Dr. Adolph Lorenz, the Vienna spec
ialist, performed eight successful op
erations, similar to that on Latita Ar
mour, for the benefit of Chicago physi
cians and surgeons.
Presidents of the coal companies
have Usued a statement in which they
agree to leave the questions at issue
with the miners to a commission ot
Ave men to be appointed by the pres
ident. Thursday.
The common council of Blnghamton,
N. Y., bave unanimously adopted a cur
few ordinance.
President Roosevelt formally noti
fied Mr. Mitchell of the arbitration
proposition of the operators and lnvit
oi him to Washington.
The largest Arm in the Liverpool
coal trade has received a dispatch
from New York saying that no further
offers could be made for English
A gang of six robbers attacked three
aged farmer brothers near the village
of Rochester, O., and two of the rob
bers were killed and one fatal'y wound
ed and the three others put to Aight.
James Kelly and Euclid Madien,
conductor and motorman of the trolley
which ran Into the president's car
riage at PittsAeld, Mass., ha. e been
found guilty of contributing to the
death of Mr. Craig.
Bird S. Coler formally accepted the
Democratic nomination for governor.
Orders were is3ued by the war de
partment directing that the regular
army be reduced to the minimum siie
authorized by law, 59.600 men.
Two women in New York, refusing
to be cowed by a robber's threat to
explode dynamite he said he carried
In a bag. screamed, the robbers Aed,
and a policeman arrested him. The
bag was empty.
President Roosevelt has appointed a
commission of six persons to arbi
trate the coal strike, which is satis
factory to both sides, and Mr. Mitchell
has called a convention to declare the
atrike off.
On beard the steamer Glenogle,
which arrived at Victoria, B. C, from
the Orient, were no less than 18 stow
aways, all Chinese. They were arrest
ed, and will be returned on board the
steamer when she sails for Chins.
lOo and two for 25c. The best values
of table linen as you ever saw at
There was another vio'ent eruption
of Scrfrlcre on Island of St. Vincent
Wednesday, Oct. 15.
A convention if mine workers called
for Monday at Wilkes-Barre to ratify
agreement to call off the strike pend
ing arbitration.
The Grand hotel at Point Chautau
qua burned to the ground with Its con
tents. Owned by a Beaver Falls, Pa.,
and Buffalo syndicate.
Mrs. Carrie Nation was ejected from
a saloon at Austin, Tex., and attempt
ing to speak on the sidewalk was ar
rested and forced to leave town.
John O'Donnell was suspended from
the British parliament after a turbu
lent debate In which Mr. Balfour re
fused to give a day of the session to
Irish affairs.
Lord Roberts, in response to an invi
tation from American generals, prom
ises to visit the United States next
Secretary Shaw accepts tender of
$15,000,000 government bonds by syn
dicate, putting into channels of trade
over iO,0O0.0i.
Million-dollar charter for new Chi
cago picking company, secured in New
Jersey, gives rise to suspicion that it
involves the big beef merger. Denied
In Chicago.
Majority of miners' unions instruct
delegates to follow Mitchell's advice in
the settlement. F'ear that all the
strikers may uot And employment
promises to canse trouble.
W. C. Turner kills Albert Hamilton,
a wealthy Pittsburg manufacturer, and
William J. Mallard, and commita sui
cide in law office In heart of Wall
Btreet district, New York.
The battle at La Victoria, Venezuela,
between the government forces and the
revolutionists was indecisive.
James Younger, one of the famous
Younger brothers, partners of Jesse
James, committed suicide by shooting
at St. Paul.
The Tillamook stage was held up by
three masked men five miles from
North Yamhill, Ore., and the robbers
secured 2n0 from the passengers aad
A British expeditionary force under
Colonel Swayne In Somaliland hai
been forced to retire by the Mad Mul
ish after losing 50 men killed and 100
A political quarrel In Chicago, begin.
nlng with an argument cn the coal
strike and ending in an attack upon
socialism, resulted In the death ot one
man and the Injury of two others.
Locomotive Plunges Down Mine Shaft
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Oct. 20. One of
the most remarkable accidents record
ed In mining circles occurred Saturday
at the Mt. Lookout colliery. A small
locomotive, used to haul cars, Btarted
for some unknown reason, and before
it could be stopped, It ran to the mouth
of the shaft, and plunged to the bot
tom, a distance of 1.000 feet below the
surface. The damage to the shaft will
amount to Uiousands of dollars, and it
will require two weeks to make re
Whereas, In and by the act of the
General Assembly uf the Oniuiou
Wealth of rpiiiisylvaina, entitled "An Act
to amend the tenth section nf an act.
emitted 'An Act to regulate the nomina
tion and election uf public ortteera, re
quiring certain expenses iuvidvut thereto
to I paid by the several counti.-i and
punishing certain effenaes in regard to
such elections, " approved the Until day
of June, A. 1'., lSSti, it it made the duties
of the Sheriff of every couuty within this
Commonwealth to (rive public notice of
tie tieneral hlectnms, aud in such to
1 . knuiiierate the otneers to be elected
aud sivc a list of all the nominations
made na provided in this act, and to be
voted for in such county, and the full
txt of all conotitutiouiil aniemlmenta
submitted In a vote of the people, but the
p;:tclainatiims posted iu each election dis
trict need not mntniu the names of any
caiiilidiatcs but those to be voted for iu
such district.
11. Designate the place at which ttie
election is to he held.
111. Ho shall rive notice that every
person, excepting Justices of the Peace,
who shall hold any cilice or appointment
or profit or trust under the government
of the I'nilcl Sun, or of this State,
or of any city, or incorporated district,
whether a commissioned officer or oth
erwise, a sniortinate otneer or agem
who is or shall le employed muter the
legislative, executive or judiciary de
partments of this State, or of the Unit
ed States, or of any pity, or incorpor
ated district, and also that every mem
ber of Congress and of the State Leg
islature, n ml of the select or common
council of any city, or commissioners
of any incorporated district, ia by law
Incapable nf holding or exercislug nt
the same time the olllee or appointment
cf judge. Inspector or clerk of any elec
tion of this Commonwealth, ami that
no Inspector, judge or other otllcer of
any such election shall le eligible to any
ntl'ice to be then voted for. except that
of an election otllcer.
I. J. . Jnmieson. High Mierm or
the County of Forest, do hereby make
known ami give this public notice to the
electors of the t'oiintv of Forest that a
(eivrnl Election will he held In said
County, on
Tuesday, November 4th, 1902,
between Hie hours nf7 a. m. and 7 p. in..
at the several Election Districts.
The following are the officer to be
elected, aud a list of all the nominations
made therefor, and which are to lie voted
for in the form in which they shall ap
pear upon the ballots:
utneerg 10 oe eiecieti
One person for Uovernor of the Com
monwealth ot Pennsylvania.
One person lor Lieutenant Governor of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person lor secretary or internal
Affiiira of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania. One oerann lor Representative In the
Congress of the United Statea, to repre
sent the atb lilslri.-i ot tne common
wealth of I'enn-ylvania, comprising the
Counties or Kik, f orest, Mercer, enan
an and Warren.
One person for state senator 10 repm-
sent the :18th District, composed of the
Counties of Cameron, Clarion, E.1K anil
forest. A
One person tor Representative in the
General Assembly ol the Common wealth
nf Pennsylvania, to represent the County
of forest.
One person for Prothonotary, Rettlster,
Recorder and Clerk of Courts of Forest
One person for Sheriff of Forest Coun
Three persona for County Commission
era of Forest Count v.
Three persona for County Auditors of
Forest County,
Two persons for Jury Commissioners
or f orest county.
List of Nominations:
tVorernor Samuel W. Pennypcker,
Lieutenant Uovernor William M. Urown.
Secretory of Internal Affair Isaao H
Rtresentative in Congress Joseph C,
Senator in the General Assembly
Representative in the General Assembly
C. W. Atnsler.
Prothonotary. Reaister. Recorder and
Clerk of Courts John C. Oeist.
Sheriff Geo. V. No-lit.
Coun.v Commissioners Conrad Burbenn,
A. k. snipe.
County A uditars- -Geo W., W
H. Stiles.
Jury Commissioner Ernest Sibble.
Governor Robert E. Patllson.
Lieutenant Uovernor George W. Quth-
Secretary of Internal Affairs James No-
Rtnresenlative in Congress James It.
Senator in the General Assembly James
K. P. Hall.
Representative in the General Assitnbly
Joseph W. Landers.
Prothonotary, Register, Recorder and
Clerk of Courts--'.', i . Murphy.
Sheriff It. O. Kemble.
Oww'y fTnmmissioners R. J. Flynn,
Henry Weinaard.
Countu Auditors B. A. MeCloakey.
Jury Commissioner I,ewia Wagner.
Governor Silas C. Swallow.
Lieutenant Governor I,ee L. Orumbine.
Secretary of Internal Affairs Milton 8.
Representative in Congress Richard A.
Senator in the General Assembly J. C.
Representative in the General Assembly
Thomas Work.
rrothonotary. Register, Recorder and
Cleric of Courts C. A. Henry.
Sheriff J. L. Kline-diver.
County Commissioner Charles A. Lan-
Auditor H. A. Shipe.
Governoi William Adams.
Lieutenant Governor Donald L. Monro.
Secretary of Internal Affairs Frank
Governor J. W. Nlayton.
Lieutenant Governor i. Mahlon Barnes.
Secretary of Internal Affairs Harry C.
Governor Samuel W. Pennypscker.
Lieutenant Governor William M. Brown.
Secretary of Internal Affairs Isaac B.
Governor Robert E. PBttison.
Lieutenant Governor George W. Guth
rie. Secretary of Internal Affairs James No
Governor Robert K Pattison.
Lieutenant Uovernor Georgn W. Guth
rie. Secretary of Internal A ffairs James No
The Electors nf BnriiPtt township as
follows: Those residing in the Clnrington
Election District, tn-wit: Those em
braced in the following boundary, viz:
Iti-ginning nt a point at the mouth nf
Coleman Itun where the same empties
into the Clarion River, the said Clarion
Itivcr beine the south boundary line
of Harnett township, thence northwest
erly along the said Coleman Run to a
point where the same crosses the line be
tween wan-ant :tWl2 and XII Si. thence
east along the line dividing ftll2 and XiQ5
Intersects the west Innindury line of
warrant 8141. thence north along the
west bonnrlarr line of warrants 8144,
31 -K .'SH!. :il."l and 3VKI to the Jetiks
township line, the same being the north
boundary line of Burnett township,
thence east alone the satil north boun
dary line of Biirm-tt township to the line
dividing Elk and Forest county, the same
being the east boundary line of Barnett
township, t hence south along the said
east boundary line of Barnett township
to the Clarion River, said river lieing
the south boundary line of Barnett town
ship, thence westerly along the Clarion
River to the mouth of Coleman Run, the
n 'see of lierclntiLD. shill rota rt Clar-
niL-ton. tn Comity and Inwnsnrn House.
The Ehitora of Harnett township as
follows: Those residing in the Cooka
hnre Fiction District, to-wit: Those
embraced in the folli w ine boundary, via:
ltecinnlnc at the month of Coleman Run,
where the s:itne eintMies into the Clarion
River, thence northwesterly along the
said Coleman Run. to a point where the
same crosses the line dividing warrants
8802 and K8lV. thom-e east alone the line
dividing warrants 88H2 and 3.'tilf to the
westerly line of warrant SI 44. thence
north aiotid the west line of waranta 3144
and 814$ to a point where the north
boiindarv line of S-'tiVT. Intersect the west
boundary line of 814S. thence wet alonj
the north boundary line of warrant 3.W
and 8807 to the Clarion County lino, said
line being the west boundary line of
Harnett township, thence south along
said county line to the Clarion River,
said river lieing the south line of Harnett
township, thence northeasterly along aal l
Clarion River to the month of Coleman
Run. the niece nf begir.cing. shall vote at
Cookaburg Hall.
The Electors of rinriietr 'lownsnip
follow- Those tvsidinir iu the Redely ffe
Election District, to-wit: Thoso cm
braced In the following boundary, vlt:
Hcginning nt a point in the west nnnml-
arv Hue or narneu townsnip. me snuiw
heine the line dividing Clarion ami forest
County nt n point whin- the south Iwunil-
arv line of wurvnnt ;t.ill intersect a sain
liue. thence north along the said west
line of Harnett township to a iliit where
the same intersect a the south boundary
line of Jents township, the same be
ing the north lsmndary line of Harnett
township, thence east along said lwuu
darv line to a point where the Hue di
viding warrants 8liil and 81itt Intersect
said north boundary line of Harnett
township, thence south along the east
boundary line of warrants .uil anil .vtn
nd 3812 to a point where the liue di
viding warrants :.'tl2 and .LtO,i Intersects
the west line of 81 1. thence west alone
the south bonmliiry liue ot warant 3812
to the Clarion county line, the same he
lm: the wist line of Harnett township,
the nlace of beginning shall vote at Ited-
clyffe nt Joseph Hall's Carpenter Shop.
The Electors of tin-en township as
follows: Those residing in the Election
vt;-4.. of Cttlrom-tlle to-wit: thoa
eniliracefl in tne rninvwiug nomioary.
via: Beginning at a post, the north cor
ner of Warinut No. M;U. thoiioe south
forty five degrees west three hundred
and twenty roil to the west corner of
said trait, thence south forty-rive de
grees east along the dividing line between
tracts Nos. Jil88 ami V0S to the north
corner of tract No. KSUl, theuce by the
northwest hue of tract l and the
southeast line of tracts Nos, .Vki5 and
rcOt to the south corner of tract No.
6.MM, thence southwesterly to the north
west corner of tract No. d HO. and south
east corner of tract ootr.' on the Clarion
county line, thence by the same east
to the northeast corner of ( lamm coun
ty, thence north by the Jetiks township
line to where the said Jenks township
line crosses the northeast hue uf tract
CioOO. thcni-e northwesterly by the north
cM line of Green township to the place
of hegianing. shall vote at the County
House nt liiiitonville.
The Elector of Green township re
atiling outside of the territory embraced
in the alKve described Ehs tioii District
of (iuitonnllc, shall vate rt the Town
ship House, iu Nebraska village.
The Elector of Harmony township
as follows- Those residing in the elec
tion district of Upper Harmony, to-wit:
those cmhrnccd in the following boun
dary, vix: Hetiliiuing on the Allegheny
River nt the Ttouesta tow-nshlp line;
theuce northerly by said line to the back
line of the river tracts; thence along the
back line of the river tracts to Went
Hickory Creek; tin m-e up said West
Hickory Creek to the Warren County
line: thence east along said Warreu
county line to the Allegheny Itiver;
theme down said river to the place of
beginning, a: , . Kings Hall, e:t
The Electnni of TTarmony township re
siding outside of the territory embraced
in the above described I'pper Harmon)
shall vote ut th" Township Klectior
House on the Fugle 1' arm.
The Electors of Hickory township a
the Tow nsliip House.
The IJiN-tors of llowe township ai
follows. Those residing iu the Klectior
District of .Middle Howe, to-wit: Uiom
ruibraced ill the following boundary, vix
Beginning nt a point where the west lint
of Warrant No. intersects the litis
of Warreu and Forest counties; theuc
south by the wesf line of Warranti
Ml IS. 3l!l8.lrtli.3l.s7 and 31S5 to a point
where the west line of Warrant rflso in
tcrscctg with the Jinks towoship line.
theuce by Jenks township Hue east to I
point where the eastern line uf auid war
rant ols'i intersects snld Jeuks town
ship liue; thence north along the
eastern iMMindnry line of warrants 31S5,
olN7 u:.d 81M!) to tile northwest cornel
of subdivision No. till of warrant Na
U!!'3: thence ea"t along the north lint
of subdivisions Xiw. till. tl5, tt4 and
01 to toe northwest corner of warrant
No. 27311; thence north along the east
Mies of warrants No. 2t''.i3. the Fox
Estate. 2!U and 273R to where the east
lute ot i:i.u intersects the warren uuu
Forest County line: thence by said War
ren and Forest county line west to th
northwest corner of Warrant 311IS, thf
place of beginning, shall vote at Gushet
City School House.
The Electors cf Howe township re
siding iu Hie Election District of East
Howe, to-wit: Those residing within thf
territory embraced by the following
bounilaiy lines, to-wit: Beginning at a
point in the Warren ami Forest county
line w here the same is inters -clod by the
east line of warrant 278"i; thence south
along the eas'rru boundary lines of war
rants 27:i.". '-W1. the Fox Estate, nnd
warrant 2!MI3 to the northwest coruer ol
subdivhion No. .11 in warrant 2730:
thence last along the northern boundary
lines of warrants 273', 2-SoX and 24U1.
to the Elk county line; thence north
along the Elk and Forest county line tn
w-here the same Is intersected by the
Warren and Forest county line; thence
west along aid Warren and Forest
county line to the northen't corner ol
warrant 27'!."(, the plnee of hegiunin;.
shall vote nt liiookston iu Brooksto'i
Library Hall.
The EliM-tors of Howe township re
siding in the Election Di-trict of Frost',
to-wit: Those residing within the territory
embraced by the following boundary
lines: ComnieiM-ing at the northeast cor
ner of warrant 2 DV4. and in the line di
viding Elk nnd Forest counties; thence
south along said dividing line to the line
between Howe and Jenks township;
thence west along said last mentioned
line to the southwest corner of K. L.
Blood' subdivision; thence north along
the west line of the K. L. Blood subdi
vision nnd warrntits 3S03, 4."4.r. 2S78,
2!'S0 to northwest corner of subdivision
No. till in warrant IKW3: thence east
a long the norm line of siinuivisioiia
Oft, US, I'm, 4 and 01 of warrant 2WO and
subdivisions 5J, 52. 53, 54 aud 55 of war
rant 273(1, and lubillvision 21. 22, 23,
24 and 25 of warrant 2SoS and the north
line nf warrant 2414 to the Elk county
line, the place of beginning, shall vote at
Noblit'a Hull, Frost' Station.
The Elector of Howe township re
siding in the Election District of West
Howe, to-wit: Those residing west of
the above described Middle Howe, nt the
Balltown School House.
The Elector of Howe township re
siding in the Plough's Election District,
to-wit: Those embraced in the territory
recently cut olT from the Balltown Dis
trict, viz: Beginning at a point on the
east line of the Balltown Election Dis
trict where the north line of warrant
8IS0 intersects the same; thence west
along the north line of warrants 31811,
81H8 and 4790 tn the northeast line of
warrant 52S2: thence along the southeast
line or lines of warrant 52-S2 to warraut
5101; thence along the northeast line of
warrant 5101 to warrant 52M; thence
along the northwest line of warrants
5101 nnd 5104 tn the Kiugslcy township
line. Khali vote at I'. M. Best Building,
dough's .Mills.
The Electors of Jenks township as
follow Those residing In the Election
District of Byrorn. to-wit: those em
braced in the following boundary, viz:
Beginning nt the northeast corner of
tract No. 4133 and the northwest cor
ner ot mo-i s. -ti.vt. iiic-n-e nomirst
erly to the aontheast corner of tract
No'. 31113 and the southwest corner of
tract Xo. 3"iill, thence north by the
western line of tracts Nos. 35tll. 3041,
3014 .mil 3S01 to the Jeuks township
line, thence cast by the .iine to the
northeast turner of Jenks township,
thence aoiith by the east line of Jenks
township to the anitlienst corner there
of, thence west to the southeast corner
of tract No. 4121' thence north to tint
northeast corner of said Warrant, thence
west to the liegiiiniuK slrill vole In Hern's
Hull, at Duhriug in sai 1 Township.
The electors pf .Icnks township resid
ing outside of the territory embraced in
the alve rien'i-ilied Election District of
Byrointown. shnll vote at the Election
aiid Tov nxhip House In Marietiville.
The Electors of Kiugslcy township as
follows: Those rcsl lii.g in the Maybnig
District, tn-wit: Those embraced ill tho
following boundary, vis: Beginning at a
poin en the Hickory and Kiugslcy town
ship line where the nor:hwcsl corner of
tract No. 5212 Intersects said line; thence
along the northeast Hues ot tracts 5212.
5213. 5214 ami 520S, to the southwest
corner of 5207: theuce northeast along
the southeast line of 5207 to the llowe
and Kiugslcy township liue; theuce uorth
along said township line to the Warren
and Forest County line; thence wet
along anitl comity line to where the lint
of Hickory and Kiugslcy townships in
tersects said county line; thence south
west along said tow ushlp line to the place
of hegiuuing, shall vote at the Couuty
The electors of Kingslry township re
siding In the Newtowu District, to-wil:
Those embraced In the territory laying
to the southwest of the alvove described
Mayhurg Distrct, shall vote at the
Township House, nssr the northwent end
of Newton brit'ge.
The electors of Tlnnesta township at
the Township House, near the aonth
east end nt the Tinuesta crock bridge, at
the mouth of anid creek.
The elector of Tionesla borough at
the Court House in said borough.
I also make known the following nrori
visions of the new Constitution ot Penn
sylvania. ARTICLE VIII.
SEC. 1. Everi male citixeu twenty-
one years of age, possi sslng the follow
lug qualification, shall If entitled to vote
at all elections:
1-1 US v. He shall have been a cltizeu
of the Fulled State at least one month.
SFCON'D.-He shall have resided in
the State on year, tor, if having pre
viously been a giialilied elector or na
tive born cititen of the State he shall
have removed therefrom and returned,
then six months.) Immediately preceding
the election.
THIRD. lie shall have resided In tha
election district where he nffcra to vote
at least two months Immediately preced
ing the election,
ForitTll. If twci ty-two year of age
or upwards, he shall have paid within
two year a State or county tax which
shall have been assessed at least two
months and paid at least one mouth be
fore election.
SEC, 2. The general election shall ha
held unnea'ly on the Tncs lay next fol
lowing tne iirst Monday of Novem'.ier,
hut the General Asmuihly may. by law,
fix a diifcri nt day, Iwo-tiiln's of all the
members of tach house consenting there
to. Notice ia hereby given, That any per
aon excepting Juslicta of the Peace who
shall hold tiny olllee or appointment ot
profit or trust under the I'niteil States,
or this Stat", or any city or incorporated
district, whether commissioned otllcer or rwlvc. it suhurdirate otticer or agent
who is or shall be employed under the
It glslative. executive or judiciary depart
ment of this State, or in auy city, or of incorporated di-trict, and also that
every tuerilcr of Congreaa and of tha
State Legislature, or of the aeleot or com
mon f ount ii of any city, or commission
rs of any incoriHirNted district, is by law
incapable of holdiiig or exercising at the
time, the otitic or appointment of judge.
Inspector or clerk ot any election in this
Commonwealth, ami that no inspector,
judge or other officer of such election
shnll be eligible to lie then voted for.
The Judges of tin aforesaid district!
shnll representatively take charge of thf
Certificates of return of the election of
their respective districts, and produce
them at the Prothoi.otaiy' office in the
Borough of Tloncttn, ns follows: "All
judge llvii g within twelve miles nf the
1'rothnnotaiy'a olllee, or within twenty
four miles if their resilience le in a town,
village or city unon the line of a railroad
hading to the county sear, shnll before 2
o'clock . in., on WEDNESDAY. No
vember Stb, 100U, and all other Judge
shall before 12 o'clock in., on TUl'RS
DAY, November ttih, 1002, deliver said
Ictum together with the return sheet,
to the Prothonotary nf the Court of Com
mon Plea of Forest county, which aaid
return shnll lie filed, nnd the day nnd
hour of filing marked therein, and shall
be preserved by the l'rothonotary for
public Inspection.
Given under my hand at my office In
Tionesla, Pa., thl 20tb day of October,
in the year ot our Lord nineteen hund
red and two, and in the one hundred
and twenty-seventh year of the Inde
pendence of the United Statea.
J. W. JA.MIESON, Sheriff.
We would be pleased with
au opportunity to demon
strate to you the superior
class of work we can turn
out iu either
Give If. a Trial.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephoue Xo. 20.
Of Course
We can 6t you out in a wagon of any style you may happen to
stand in need nf, Irom the light "buck" or dray to 'tlio heaviest trucks,
od all of the best material and workmanship. Likewise your wishes
in the matter of buggies, the mnst stylish, easiest ruunitig, and withal
the most serviceable, we can gratify at the smallest cost consistent with
best goods. This ia our "long suit. But what we would like to inter
est you ia just now is our
Superior Stock of HARDWARE. .
If it'i a 8love, heating or cooking, the newest nnd best Kunge at the
least cost, come and see u. We are talking what we know to be facta
when we say we can beat them all in this liue. Anything in
of any description, io short anything-that may he found in a complete
hardware store, ia here in atock. We are likewise prepared for the
with t liue of Guns and Ammunition of superior quality, ( all and ace
how cheaply we can fit you out in nice gun
The beat time for fishing is right now, and we've got everything you
Deed 'in that department.
Const, rhone re. TIONESTA, PA.
We hae moved our stock of Hardware into tho ma
chine shop where we are prepared to wait on customers
as of yore. Our machinery was unharmed and we rau
do yonr work same as ever. A good line of saws, axes
nd belling, saved from the Gre, and your wants in all
other material will be promptly supplied.
iL" -ili''!'!'' t"tlIl', ("' . .
MtllMach Inert Repaired Vrom pt
!. Shafting, Pitlletjn and Pillow
llloek Fttmlxhed on Short Xotlee.
Shelf Hard arare, Irou, Nails aud Tools at the Lowest
Market Trice. Stoves of all kinds. IV i (Vet Olive
Range a Specially; Guaranteed to Bake. Aies, Pea
y Cant Hooks, Spuds, Atkins' Hand C'rosrut, Hand
nd Circular Saws, Returned ii Unsatisfactory. Abra
sive Emery Wheels.
IIa Mood (he Temt for Over 8.7 Years).
Is noted for its simplicity of construction, beauty ot proportion, excellence
of workmanship, faultless balance, and Hard Miootliig tunl2liei.
Experience and ability have placed the I'aki.ek Gun in an envi hie and
well deserved position as the Best Gun in the world. Made by the old
est shot gun manufacturers in America. Ov r 110,00(1 of tlitse gu: a iu use.
New York Salesroom. H far
OO U.BBr ..-V v . I
Not to Burn,
But to sell.
All kinds of
except poor ones.
All kinds of
except high prices.
Clock Kepairinu and all work pertaining
to the jewelor'a trade, promplly
and accurately done.
Xew Sllverliie Waiel.
Pases trailed for Old Kilver Cases iu
an" condition. Old watches taken In ex
change for new ones
u. t. ,ixi)i:itso.,
Anderson it O'llara barlier aliop,
Tionesla, i'a
"jttTj fun
sac iiCMm 2) fjimKm
Shows every word as
written; aligns perfect
ly, anil needs least re
pa'r. Write for cata
logue and get name of
nearest representative.
Agents in all leading
The Oliver Typewriter re
ceived the Gold Medal, High
est Award, at the Buffalo Ex
107 Lake St., Chicago, III
Fred, tircttcnbcrgcr
All work pertHiniiiK to Machinery, Kn
(fiues, Oil Well Tools, ias or Water Ht
tiiiT"aiiiltcnral ItlafkainithinsT prompt
ly dune at Iw Kte.. Kepairina; Mill
Mat-hint-ry uivvn pocial attention, and
satisfaction ttimranu-od.
Hhi.p in rear of ami lust went of the
Hhaw Houso, Tidiouto, I'a.
Your patronage solicited.
w , tt. . "" f ' ' Tpw