THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. I. WCNK, COITOM 4 PsoSSHTO. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBKK 22, 1SK2. 1902 OCTOBER 1902 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa, t i 0 5' 6! t 0 0 9 10 11 12113 14,15 16 17;1S t26 19120 2l!22 23 21 25 27128 29:30 31 Republican Meetings! Ilcimhliraii Ticket STATK. (.Mrniior-SAMUEL W. . PENNY PACKER, of 'hllailtlhta. I.irnt. Unrrrnor WILLIAM M. BUOWN. of Unnr county. .VriTfm.v of Inlrrniil .lFiliid ISA AC B. BiWWN.'ol Erit county. t'OINTV. Ointfww-JOSEI'll C. SIBLEY. Kinif .s. ,ilr-. M. WII.SOX. Ax-irml'lv-V. W. A MSI. K II. VVolAimiiin-v I. C. Ur;IT. .Shenri-ii KtUiUK W. NOHLIT. IIihnIi (-rMimt.i.x'"m'i-s CONRAD IU'HHkNN. A. K. SIIIPK. Anilitori-tiV.0. W. 1IOLEMAN. W. H. STILES. JryOmmiiiuim,-EKNESTSIBBLE A-K V(U KM I F AMI Tllt.N VIM K NKU.IMKIItS. Twirr In rnfl kllrjr voir lor rltl. ham rlvetr" Clrvrlnml. May not m lr now for PslllMa drfrsl lr.oo.rvdl f i v t A ,.. - 'vy...J , 5w..-ilSnsl . e ' if'- 'X.VV"'.:-:'--"-1 " "V . . .. j" j. c. r.Kivr. of Brookstnn, Howe township, Republi can csndirlate for Prothonotary, Reslster, Recorder ami Clerk of Courts of Forest County. Mr. Geist is a man of Excellent character, a gentleman at all times, and one of the best men for this Important of fice that could he selected. His capabili ties and training thoroughly fit hi ill for the place, which requires the most care ful and painstaking work in order that the r?-ord be kept absolutely accurate. Consider these matters when casting your ballot. Tun Democratic Stale ticket is handi capped by M, . liutherio, one ol the au thors of the Pittsburg ripper. Penny p ker bas given bis views on the ripper leisla i'JD. How can li inline do it? The proper tiling just now is to talk often with your neighbor on the subject of voting the Republican ticket. It is cniipo-d of lirst class candidate, all ol whom are worthy of your very .best ef forts. See that every Republican gets to the polls and casts bis vote. There should be no such lliiiiK as apathy this year. HON. J. C. SIBLEY, Our Popular Candidate For Congress Will Address the People at the Hall of the Maccabees at East Hickory, Next Monday Evening, October 27, Also, at Tionesta, in the Court House, Tuesday Evening, October 28. Turn Out. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these meetings and hear the man who has gained a national fame in his battle for the rights of the people, and who will again be called to rep resent us in Congress. Some ol our people have heard Mr. Sibley speak on former 1. ..! 1 1 1 1 . . 1 i a occasions, but most 01 tnem nave never nau mar, goou iorniue, but will now be afforded an opportunity to hear the gifted statesman. Turn out, everybody, and meet him. Ockkkt'ii barrel is still on Up in the legislative districts to promote fusion or the election of straight Democrat. One is as good as the other lor buu, for both are pledged loUuflsy for U. H. Senator. As to the contents of the barrel this fall, the Gufley brand of bo. rises. It doesn't spring eternal, but cornea around in many of our campaigns. Let every Republican put bis shoulder to the wheel and give the whole ticket bis best etforta from now on -till the polls close on the 4in day of November. The Republican ticket is a good clean one from top to bottom. Not one of tbe can didates but that is in every way worthy tbe support of a united party. Let us elect them without the loss of a man. Ai athy has more than ence brought disaster to the Republicans. Overconfl dence should be proiierly guarded agslust. An active Intel ligcnt canvass should he put up, and every vote wlibh can be bail should be brought to the polls. A Repub lican setback tbisyear would give cour age to the Democrats br tlie campaign of lti4, aa well as hamper the Republicans in tbe second ball of tbe Presidential term. COKE SHORT IN IRON REGION. Some Furnaces Ha eClosed and Others Are on the Verge of Stopping. Reading, Pa., Oct. 2d. The shortage of coke for the iron furnaces in this section is becoming so acute that un less relief comes spt-edily it Is feareJ that several stacks will have to bank up. The Reading lion company is short and the supply at Emails furnace is about exhausted. The Keystone and Temple furnaces have very little on hand. IV.ttstown and other stacks are In a similar fix. Lebanon is short and, in fact, the entire valley is suffer ing. Robesonia was compe'led to Bbut down. During trip last few days it has been a son. of hand-to-mouth supply, an! in order to keep the ftacks going it was ncces?arv to transfer the stock from one sta'k to another, tl was hoped that thf.e furnaces would be able to continue In operation, but It seems im pr ssible to secure sufficient coke. The losses sustained by the furnaees th rmi eh the strike in the coal regions are serinur The stacks afTected are three !-'i.r.?!ng to the Empire Iron and rTn.oany (two In this city an 1 (lie at Ti'in. two at Sheridan, one at B!;dViro and one at Lee?port The-- tiw-rl anihriei;e ex'-luolvely. JV.cs the furnaces In the Sclniyl- kiil valley, the-o are seven in the Le liih va! ey that are forcel to blow out for the esme reason. Temple Iron Company's Affaira. Realiug, Pa., Oct. 2". This adver tisement, published here, is attracting attention in coal-road circles: "A special meeting of the stockholders of the Temple Iron company will be held at the cimpany principal office. Baer buil .ing. Readin?. Pa.. Friday, the 10th day :f Dec em 100?, at M:3 p. n,., for the purpose, of voting for or against an Increase of the IndeMednesi of '-he sai l ci.mnanv to $3.3:.m, and an is sue of bends cf the company of $jiiO OoO f this amount." The Tempi? Iron company has for its directors tho chief anthracite coal-road presidents. The demand for young men steno graphers is greater than Ilia supply. The short baud field la splendid on (or am bitious young men to enter. Warrsn Husinesa University, Warren, Penna , ia a noifrl shorthand training school. Write to-dav for particulars. ' 4t While openlnir a Isn, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile lUy, X. Y., tan a ten penny nail through (lie tleshv part of his hand. "I iboiigbt at of the pain and Ire nes Ibis would nuw me," be says, "and Immediately applied Clisinl-erlain's Pain Halm and "oecHsional.y atlerwanls. Tu my surprise it removed all pain and sore ness ami the injured pans were soon healed." Sold bv lr. lunn, T-onesta W. U. Wilkina' V.'est Hi. korv, Pa. THE CLARION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Provides Professional Training for Teachers, Prepares Young People for College, and Offers Kicelienl Facilities for General Education. Fit K 12 TriTIOX for Prospect ive Teachers. Hoard, Komu Kent and Laundry, $127 per annum. WINTER TERM BEGINS DEC. 30. For further particulars call on or address SAMUEL WEIU. Ph D .Prin., Clarion, Pa. PROCLAMATION. Whkhka. The lion, W. M. Llndsey, President Judge of tbe Court of Common Plca-s and Ijilarter .Sessions In and for (be nullity of Korest, lias issued bis pre cept tor holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Co irt. Over and Terminer and Oeneral Jail Delivery, at TionesUt, for the County of Forest, to commence on tbe Third Mondav of Novemlier, being the 17th lav of Novemlier IW2. No lice is therefore civen to the Cor oner, Justices of tho Peace and Con stables of said county, that they lie then and there iu their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ol siud day with their recoids, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their otlice appertain to lie done, and tothose whoare bound in recognisance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall De in I lie j ml of Forest County, that they may lie then and there to prosecute agninst tlieni as shall be lust, (liven un der in v band and seal this 'JOth day of tk'tolwr, A. !. W. J. W. JA.MIKSON. fL.a.1 Sheriff. i . i Blankets. Time for you to giva little thought on (his subject. If you will givt us an opportunity, we will lie glad to show you seme WARM PROPOSITIONS. A nice lot of Blankets, both Cotton and Wool, at the proper prices. Aud k. In see those wool fillrd quilts. ROBINSON. 11.41 LW AY. TIIvIE TABLE To Take KlTect July 1st, IWi MOUTH 2 rn hUloro Tnm Ms I ions a. in l.-v "If I be elected Governor of Pennsyl vania, and there shall be submitted for my approval any bill in the passage of w hich there exists itround for the belief that there has been corrupt dealing, it will not become a law." This was the emphatic statement of Judge Pennypack er ma leto the Repubbcaua of Erie. He made the pledge with all the earnestness of a man who may be depended upon to fulfill bis official obligations to tbe pub lic. Lkt us look in a cool and collected manner at tbe history of the present an thracite coal strike, and the attitude of b 'th parties towards it. Have not tbe Republican leaders, night aud day, in season and out, beeu striving to settle the uiifurtiiuatH affair, and have not the Democrats beeu doing their best to pre vent a settlement? Tbi is not merely an assertion, but It is a state of alfairs that is apparent to eve'y one. In casting a vote in November it would be well to choose a candidate who represents peace and prosperity rather than calamity and disaster. A (.uess. "K.-iv. nop." iii'iuired Willie, "why do x cull women the opposite sex?" "I guess. replied the old man thoughtfully, "it's because they're con. U'ary." PUiludelpliiu Record. OF I'lllLIC INTEREST. To Kcoir the Cure for Any Form of X(TTOtisnes or Hysteria Seed But to Read the Following. Mr. Chester Kerr of No lot WestSpring street. Titusville, Pa., says: "We have used Iir. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills in our house in two instances one case of nervous sick besdacbe, nervousness and depression and the other a aese of gen eral debility, lack of energy and strcnilh In tbe first instance the headaches were stormed and the nervous system put in good condition and in the other the pa tient built up generally until in good health and strength attain." Dr. A. W. Cbaso's Nerve Pills are sold at 5oc a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine. Company, Rufl'alo, N. y. See that portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M. P., are on every packne For sale by Killmor Uros., druggibts. ( ream of the News. Patience is a virtue found chiefly in lary people. -Ladies' heavy w rappers at Tionesta Cash Store. It --Consistency is a jewel that la olten swapwd for success. Lsdies' jackets that lit right, look right, cau be bought at right prices at Heath A Fail's. It Some men are as ready to do an in jury as they are to apologize for it. Before you buy your Jacket and fur collar see tbe line at Hopkins' store. It Fewer mairiages would be failures II love were ouly blind in one eye. Moria-ilk waist patterns at Heath Jt Feits. It A good many Inventors plainly show that tliey are related to necessily. Ladles walking skirts, suits and jackets at T. C. S. It The man who makes useful sacrifices is able to dispense with usele-s ones. A fur collar ia tbe proper thing. Hop kins has them from tl.M up. It There are not as good fish in the sea as some people say they nave caught Best line of underwear at Tionesta Cash Store. It Some girls go abroad to complete their ed ileal loo and some marry at borne. Have you seen those lsdies coats at (5.00 each at Heath A Keit's? They're beauties. Black and castor. It To the ills that Mesh is heir to the sv erage woman adds the ills she never lias Ladies' coats are cheapest at Tionesta Cash Store. It Wooltex skirts have no equal. Ev ery one guaranteed all wikiI. Thorough ly ehrtink and lit to ierfection. Hopkins sells them. It It must be an awful strain on the red nosed man who tries to look intellectual Fancy Haviland China at Tionesta Cash Store. It ben an old man marries a young wife it's usually a case of one-sided love and two-sided folly. Come in and look at our winter wraps for ladies and children. See something stylish as well as cheap. It Best assortment of shoes at Tionesta Cash Store. It When lime relegates an ugly piece of furniture to the antique class people rave over its beauty. Don't buy a jacket until you see the Wooltex. All wool. Hopkins sella them. It Many an oct"genarinn can attribute his longevity to tbe f"t that be never called another man a liar. Latest stj le ladies' coats and jackets atT.C.S. It The number of ladies' jackets we are selling is evidence that we have the ones that are in sly le. Heath A Felt. 11 Music may bo the food of love, but love also manages to find room for large quantities of ice cream and bonbons. Till. 1 1. LIST. List of causes set down for trial in tho Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the Third 'Monday of November, I'KK: 1. Truman H. Collins vs. John Wilson, No. SI, September term, im Summons in eps't'iient. 2. ' K. C. Heath and Oeorue H. Killmer, doing business ss 11-adi A Killmer vs. Free Methodist Church. W. J. Foreman contractor and W.J. Foreman and Ouy, llilliard, trustees. No. ;ls, Sept. Term r.Hil. Soi. Fa. Sur. Mechanics Lien. a. ('has. S. Leech vs. David Minis. No. M, Sept. Term, pml. Appeal by de fendant from J. P. 4. Oueen Citv lannerv vs. Jame Abanah and A. R. Braden. No. 21, May Term, I ISC. Summons in assumpsit. ,r. Seth C. .McArthur vs. A. a. Alls- house snd tbe Tionesta Oas Co. No. 2 May Term, l'2. Equity. Alitsti, jum-, Protbonotary. Tionesta, Pa., Oct. JO, lt0i 4.".,4 I.'.. 10 IsiU S.V in 'JuU N 10 4".t V 11 iml i .r( 11 "" m, 1 1 4--. . .V 1 1 .V .1 4" li wr, jsol U 3.VH on! 1J 4 ii lOi 7 m, p. Arrive T. D. COLLINS, PaasiiiBKT. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow. lug accounts have lieen filed in my olllce and will be presented at the next term of Court lor continuation : First and final account of U. W. Buhl, Administrator of the estate of August Johnson deceased, isle of Marienville, Pa. First and final account of Rosa enta. Executrix of the estate of Sylvsnus .ents deceased, late of Harnett township, rorest county. J. H. ROBERTSON. Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, Pa., October 3, nnri. Com in Nsiloncrs Inul BY VIRTUE ot various Acts of As. sembly of the Commonwealth o Pennsylvania, made snd provided, we, the undersigned. Commissioners of ror est Conn i. V, will expose to ssie by public vendue or outcrv at tneiouri tiousa, in Tionesta Borough, on the 25th day of November, A. D. 1902, at 2 O'clock, P. M., the following described tracts of land, SEATED LANDS. JE.IKS Towxslllt'. Acres. Name Assessed in. k E. A. U. Hall. KIXOSKKY TOWMS111P. 80 Oil and Gas, Wheeler Dusenbury. TIOWFSTA TOWNSHIP. 50 Hughes Sarah. UNSEATED LANDS. JfWKS TOWNSHIP. 200 Oil and (.as, Wallace and Pearahali. KINOSI.KV TOWNSHIP. 50 OilandOaaReulainineJ.P, TIONKSTA TOWNSHIP, i of 170 Dale Jno. A. heirs. R. M. HERMAN, J. T. CARSON, J.T. DALE, Attest, Commissioners. Sam. T. Carhon, Clerk. War. n2i8 34 Vact. 51S8 IJalnrd Forty I'oitnri In Thirty lists. For several months our younger broth er bad been troubled with indigestion. He tried several remedies but got uo ben efit from them. We riiireliased some ol ('hamlierlain's Slomai'li and Livej Tab ' lets and he commewed taking lluon. In- I .it" ll.V. llA l.u.l ., fi.rti. pounds in llesli. He is ii'iw lolly teeover ed. We have a cmhI tt:id.Mn the Tablets. Ilolley Bros., Merchants. Long Branch, Mo. F'orsaleby Dr. Dunn, druggist, Tin uiiesta; W.U. Wilkins, W. Hickory, Pa. Charter Notice. NOTRE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TIat an application will be made to the Governor ol the Commonwealth nrrenn svlvania.on the twellth day of November, MW. bv Edwin McCoy, William E. Slack W.T. ('. Sanders, Albert Jeflerys and James L. IlrussUr, under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the IncoriKiratiou and regulation of cer tain corporations," approved April 2!t, lh4, and the supplements thereto, for the charter ol an Intended iroriMiration to be called "Keystone Telephone Company of Philadelphia," the character and object of which is constructing, maintaining and leasing lines of telegraph tor the private use of individuals, firms, corpora Inns municipal or otherwise, for general bus iness, slid for police, lire sl.rm or mes senger business, and lor tbe transaction of any business in which electricity over or through wires may be applied to any useful purpose, including the maintain. iug ami operating ol a general telephone system ami telephone business and lor these tiurraises to have, possess and en joy all the rights, benefits and privileges ot the said Act of Assembly snd its sup. piCUieiltS. h. O. .MM IIKSKP, Solicitor. Sheffield Barnes Henry's Mill Blue Jay Hastings Wellera M inisier Porkey Msvbiirg Buck Milla Knlleltvilie Newtown M ills Ross Run Nebraska Arrive a. St l.ii.l 4"i 8 V. ; 10 8 S.M3 SO lK 'JO i .111 s f 7 on ; 4 '. i as 7 4ol 50 7 25 I 7 15 I 25 7 UO 1 15 4.V r) So 6 III! Pennsylvania ItAlLltOAl), Hl'FFALO AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Taking effect, June 2!th, lis).' No. SO Buffalo Express, dally except Sunday 11:25a.m. No. S2 0il City and Piilsburg hxi ress.dailv. except Sniulv..7:S0 n.m. no. un cuy Accom.,sun- usvoniv H:50a. m No. 9 H2 Oil Ciiy Accom.. Sun- nay only :isp. m. For Hickory. Tidlotite. Warren. Klniua. iramom, mean and tne rjist : No. 81 Olean Express, daily except Sunday 8:55 a. m. No. S" Pittsburg Kxpresa, daily except Sunday.. 4:38 p. m. No. U.:i3, Irvinetun Accom., Sundaya only 2:45 p. ni. For Time Tables and additional Infor mation consult Ticket Agent. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. K. WOOD. General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt. New Fall Goods are here. NEW FRENCH FLANNELS " SKIRTS " PETTICOATS " WAISTS " WAIST PATTERNS " DRESS GOODS " OUTINGS " UNDERWEAR " JACKETS Ever) th I ii if .H antl Marketl at iWtrt'iiiely Low l'rh'rm. It Will ray You to Do Your Mmpitiiig Here. HEATH & FEIT, Up-to-Dato Doalcrs in , Watnb Cook, President. AO. BO.I.S. A. B. KKI.I.T. Cashier. WM. SXKAHHAl (III, Vli-e Presiden FOREST COUNTY NATIONAL JJANlv, TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, PIRKCTOKS Q. W. Robinson, T. F. Rlu hey. J. T. Win, Dale, 130,000. Smearbaiigh, J. II. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom era all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest pild on lime, deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited. in per cent WHEELOCK & DALE, lJ advance is what you'll have to pay for wall paper next spring, so deal ers have been noti fied. If you expect to do any papering tho time to do it is this fall. Call on GEO. I. DAVIS, TIONESTA, PA CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PiLLS Cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Injuries, More Feet, Lame and Aching Back. Skin Diseases. Pains and Sprains. WANO WANO ELECTRIC OIL. 25-. TRY IT a .x MSI 00 Ar K niV. Alwvo r1Ublv t1l-. tk rnirti( flvf 1114 llmt XI EK4.I.IHH In Ht il iol4 mrmilir bsixsK. rmIshI with blu rtN-n. Ttih mm ttr. HrAst 4nHfrM aalMll tattiHaiat iMtllMlltvnas. hut ol nnir Iirnttifi-t, or flDt 4r. in mhiiipj fr Partieular. Ttiil filal nd Hllrf for llis,' tn utirr, b muni Mill. IV.tXJ TcMiiuuiiuilaV KIU bf All UruvKidtk. CHICHSBTSK CRBMIOAt, CO. I1M MtisJtoM qsrv, rHIUn Pal. MMtaWsj lkU ar. iit-lato LIVERY. First cla-s rigs always on lianil. BAGGAGE HAULING A SPECIALTY. Cab service furnished promptly upon application. WftLHUT STREET, TIOWESTI, P .VMMU 0 YEARS' t EXPERIENCE Tdc Mark Design Copyrights Ac Anmrw tstMirlttisj k4rti and dMTipf ion mr qnli'klf artrtain our fiinn frtti titihr n Itivotitl'in ( rtt'ttl,Mr I nimiitxrai. wot fra. Ol'lmst nttnir fir siiuriiif (.utlrnl. Isl s'lxtji tnkrn thr-unrh Munn Co. rl tftrLiI nlitf, without chirno. Iutli Scientific American. A hnni1aifii'lT tllnmfrntM wrhlf. MllaUintl nl BTIT iK Ii'llI IU li'lirii:'!. id bf nil ne1iilina. flUNN & Co.36'8'"''"' New York UrtUicil Urtl. iS r t WMbtutttuit. 1. U AUGUST ITEMS. DID YOU EVER THINK OF IT? This is tho season you can best afford to have LUXURIES, if you desire them. The NECESSITIES do not call for so much expense, as durinr the colder season. We do not ask you to buy Luxuries, but simply advise you notice a few items tho season demands for present and future comforts. to DEESS COOL in P'r of i" fit lo wear anywhere. Lois of them at 12. We can also give you a few suiis at 85, anil 02CETORIDS f'" Men or Ladies that are right in style and price. Also NEGLIGEE SHIRTS that can hardly he matched at the prices. They range from 50a to $1. Also PANTS ami ZFJUSTCIT SHIRTS end shoes for the Little Men, that make them feel Big, but not uncomfortable. D'NDERWEAR for ALL peo I le, that coats little money and HATS, TIUJS, FANCY "VESTS, and TTDRT H '.T?,"V lhat suit the most exact ing, iu drlicale figures and fat colore, to fit feet of any tiz. Also Shoe Polishes. GROCERIES e '" closely and keep fresh, and have hat you need for your Lunch in Canned Meals, Vegetables and FaDcy Cookies, and ran supply vour wants in Glass Cans, Jelly Tumblers, Kettles, Sugars, Spices and all needful things in I lie Preserving Season. The Life of Business is Low Prices at Who can think of mme lniit tlliUtf UtpttfUtr Wanted-An Idea Prr'sset Toar MM: thT mar iruu wr&hh uri. - lAiiu niii.riii,i,tfriti av r-n E- a.. rrriM) wwn.i r r.ui'r.niik. rv. sa. i,i riirnv bmyt, WftuhlnirbiD, U. , Vr ttwlr tl.tit iniae offrc tvud list vi ivo buaurJ iueuisuua wuiiml Tionesta Cash Store