The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 10, 1902, Image 2

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1902 SEPTEMBER 1902!
Su. ! MoJ Tu. ,We.; Th. ' Tr. En,.
3 4l 5! 6
9 10:11
23 24 25 26 27
28 29
Itepubllran Ticket.
PACK ER, of Philadelphia.
.ic..f. Uormior-WILLIAM M.
BKOWN. of Lawrence county.
iVcrWiirt of Internal A fairs ISA AC
B. BKOWN.'ot Erie county.
i t'OINTV.
AmemblvC W. AMSLKK.
J'mtumolmn-J. C. HEIST.
(Ymnrv Commissioners CONRAD
Auditor -GEO. W. IIOLEMAX, V.
Jury Commissioner ERN ESTSIBBLE
Date to Remember.
The last day for payment of taxes will
be Saturday, Oct, 4th.
Election Pay will be Tuesday, Nov. 4tb.
Tub Democracy bas an issue, but din
liken to mention It. It H "agin prosper
No lNmvini'aL or combine, ia big
enough to rule the Republican party. It
governs itself in lis attaira.
We atop the press to boiler "Glorv!"
Editor Smith of Punxy was yealerday
nominated for Congress in the Kill Dis
trict. Hurrah)
And now Judge Pennypacker's boots
are worrying the opposition. The
Judge has a right ti style of footgearf
and the opposition will Mud that the
Judge's boots will kick the rounds of
the executive chair.
A Dkmotbatic caller on Tom Johnson
came away convicted that Johnson can
upply the party with both man and !
sue. Cleveland, Bryan and Johson, Irom
a Democratic perspective that may be
said to taper off into nothingness.
So-called State issues are pressed by
the Democrats simply to gain Congress
ional advantage. At the polls In Novem
ber the people of the State will show
that they do not believe in tariff tinker
ing or In any manner of meddling with
present prosperity.
Good speaking can assist tbe Republi
can newspai era duriDg the last weeks of
a campaign, but the regular reader of a
Republican newspaper is aUaya posted
and ready to vote. Newspapers, after all,
best serve the parly, for they reach every
family and promote home discussions of
live issues.
Penkypacker bas a sense of honor
which will serve him well upon tbe
stump, lie la a brainy, kindly man, and
when one sees and bears and knows bim,
he does not wonder that he stood at tbe
bead of tbe Common Pleas Judges of
Philadelphia, lie will likewise rank
high as Governor because of admitted
nonestv aud ability.
Tub Bedford Inquirer says there Is a
big difference between true reformer
and a mere fault finder. The true re
formers in the Republi tan ranks having
aeenred the nomination of a clean, up
right and able candidate for Governor,
are not banging around Democratic bead
quarters trying to cook up fusion tickets.
Having obtained what they ask lor they
are getting down to steady work for Pen
nypacker and victory.
JosKru W. Babcoce, chairman of the
Republican Congressional Committee,
predicts the election ol a Republican
Congress this fall. We trust that he la
correct, but we hope that Republicans
will not be lulled by a false sense of se
curity and imagine that victory is going
to fall into their laps for the mere asking.
He claims 22 majority. In Pennsylva
nia tbe Republicans must work bard to
hold their present delegation.
Evert man, whether employer or em
ploye working by the day or hour, work
ing for others or for himself, every man
who believes that the conditions now
prevailing are letter conditions than
those that prevailed in 1S!6, should see
to it that his vote and bis influence are
cast against the election of a Democratic
Congress next November. Pennsylva
nia should return a Republican Senator
and its full quota of Republican mem
bers in the houte.
The Democrats are as silent about the
trusts these days as they are about im
perUl'am and militarism. The campaign
which the Republicans are waging
against them has taken the combine
question out of politics. Everybody
knows that the administration is in ear
nest in its suits against the trusts which
are now before the courts. If the law is
found, in the case against the railroad
merger or the beef trust, to be inadequate,
new legislation will be bad. The Re
publicans are in the trust fight to win.
Ex-Senator N. B. Critch field of
Somerset county, a prominent farmerand
member of the Grange, with whom tunny
of our Forest county farmers are person
ally acquainted, he having lectured at
their instituten, said tbe other dey: "In
Mouth-western Pennsylvania, tho name
of Judge Pennypacker tUnds fcr every
thing that should be embodied in the
character of s chief executative of the
Commonwealth. We have full faith in
his ability and integrity, and we toel
sure that not only the agricultural Inter
est ot the State, but every other interest
of our people will be safe in his bands."
Wk say detent under a tariff reform
banner ia certain for :ho Democracy aud
we say it because the American working-
man is not a lool. No manner of cam
paign clatter, oratori"al hrewoika about
trusts, etc., is going to make the Ameri
can workingman forget tbe bad business
conditions under the Democratic larill
policy ol a few years ago. The working
man may see danger in the so-called
trusts, or at least think there is a danger,
but he thoroughly appreciates the fact
that steady employment at good wages,
even if he bas to pay high prices lor both
necessities and luxuries, is far belter than
irregular or no employment at small
wages, with little money for the purchase
of either necessities or luxuries at any
There is considerable talk olan extra
session ofthe legislature for the purpose
of passing a compulsory arbitration law
to settle the real strike in the anthracite
regions. If such s session is called it will
prove a farce. It Is nnlicable that many
members of the last legislature are heart
ily in favor ofthe extra session, notably
the boodlvrs, who think such a scheme
would be just the thing. Of course this
is to be expected. Wouldn't it pay them
.ViO and milage, besides giving them a
splendid opportunity to"bold up"the cor
porations for a big stake? A special ses
sion would lie just the thing for the leg
islators, but lor the good of the people
and the sirikers the legislature which ad
journed last year should be allowed to
stay adjourned.
The trolley accident which jeopardised
the life of tlie President and caused the
death of his faithful attendant will di
rect the attention of the public to the
reckless manner in which electric carssre
too generally run upon cross-country
lines. There are some safe-guards to the
public provided in the operation of gen
eral railroad lines, which, while not lur
nishlng the digree of security desirable,
carry nevertheless a certain assurance of
regularity and warning to travelers cross
ing the lines; but the trolley roads are
operated on to eccentric a system for
public safety. Tho Increase in speed over
the hoarse car era has led to rtstriclions
and regulation in city operation and leg'
islative direction must be brovided for
the operation of rural linea.
Wit AT was left of the Union parly, or
ganized, incubated and used heretofore
In the city of Philadelphia, held a State
convention in that city last week, the ob
ject being to endorse Pattison and the
balance ol the Democ ratio State ticket,
The better element of the party was in the
majority, however, and when the kick
Ing minority, composed of Democrats
and disgruntled insurgents discovered
this, tliey left the hall and held a rump
convention In another part of tho city,
where they proceeded to put through
their program, endorsing Pattison and
Guthrie, and substituting the name of
Lewis Emery, Jr., of Bradford, for that
of James Nolan for Sec'y ol Internal Af
fairs. Why they didn't go the whole hog
is left for the public to conjecture. It is
said a deal Is on to pull Nolan down aud
put Emery in his placA on the Democrat
ic ticket Of course this will work, "like
Pete Barns kept tavern out west." Tbe
better element of the Union party en
dnrsed the Republican ticket, and the
Democratic trick was foiled.
The Kane Leader has this personal
history of the Democrat candidate of the
81b Congressional district:
Hon. J. II. Watson, of Marienville, has
been nominated for Congress in the Jsth
district. Mr. Wetson is a radical I'rohi
bitionist and had conducted a temperance
hotel in Marienville for years until lire
destroyed his house last spring. Ho will
undoubtedly get the combined vote of all
Prohibitionists, Democrats, and Inde
pendents. He is a poor man with an ex
celent record, having served at one time
in the legislature. In scholarship he is a
deep thinker, a reader of wide range of
literature and a logical debater.
The Leader man should come down and
acquaint himself with-the subject of his
sketch. To csll the t'emocratic nominee
a "radi. al Prohibitionist" will hardly go
down with so pronounced a Jacksonian
Democrat as Mr. Watson. Besides the
Leader seems to ignore (he fact that the
Prohiliitinnista of this district have placed
In nomination the Rev. Mr. Ruzza of
Mercer county for that honor. The
Leader, which is a radical Prohibition
sheet, should straighten up and get its
liearinvs before launching out In pre
dictions of what is going to happen across
the line.
C'atnrrh ('annul Me Cared
cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca
tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease,
and in order to cure it you must take in
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia
taken internally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is not a quark medicine. It
was prescribed by one of the best phys
icians in this country for years, and is a
regular prescription. It is composed of
the he"! tonics known, combined with
the best blood ptirilicrs acting directly on
the mucous surfaces. The perfect combi
nation of the two ingredients is what pro
duces such wonderful results in curing
caiarrh. Send for testimonials free.
'. J. CHENEY A Co., Pi ops., Toledo, O.
Kohl by druggists, price Tin.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Mr. D. P. Daugerty well known
throughout Mercer and Sumner counties,
W. Vs., most likely owes bis life to the
kindness of a neighbor, tie was almost
hopelessly afflicted with diarrhoea; was
attended by two physicians who gave
him little, if any, relief, when a neighbor
learning of his serious condition, brought
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera ant Diarrhoea Remedy, which
cured him in less than twenty-four hours.
Sold bv Dr. Dunn druggist, Tionesta, W.
U. Wiikins. West Hickory, Pa.
Are You Ooinir West!
If so, write H, C. Allen, No. U20 State
street, Erie, Pa. Special parties lesve
Erie under bia personal care Sept. 2d, Hitb
and 3nth. Grand chance to visit or setllo
n the west. Particular attention given
to womeu, children and large families
Any tiip csn be made economically, com
fortably and satisfactorily with him.
Make arrangements early; over fifty
went last special parly. A-40-8-20-4t
A good bnsHiiess education makes a
minister a better minister ; a lawyer a
bet:er lawyer; a farmer a bettor farmer;
a merchant a better merchant; a me
chanic a better mechanic and a women of
menus competent to manage her own
affairs. Send to-day to the Warren Busi
nesa University, Warren, Penna., for full
particulars in regani to its courses of
training for business. 4t
Mill Without au Issue.
Though the congressional elections are
but little less than two month" dis
tant, the Democratic party ia without a
single dclinite proposition on which to
make the tight. It has coolod on per
ceptible on the Philippines. Republicans
are far ahead in practical ideas touching
the regulation of trusts. Financial ques
tions are avoided by Democrats. War
taxation has ended. Tho tariff Issue is
open, if tho Democratic party carea to
make that the pivot of tho contest, but, in
the light of what happened a few years
ago, they would rathct be excused. Pros
perity si ill abides throughout the land.
Business men generally are crowded
with orders and every wheel is turning
except where strikes are in progress.
I-ast year's treasury operations ended
with a big surplus, and there will orob
ably be a balance on tin right side, in
spite of immense tax reductions, when
the fiscal year closes ten months hence.
The Democratic party bas failed to find
an issue in the year 1!H'2 simply because
there is none on which opposition politic
cm be intelligently based. But Demo
crats can console themselves with the
fact that no issue is as profitable as the
rejected issut a the party bas been chas
ing for forty years. It abandoned the is
sue of souud money and left Mr. Cleve
land in tbe lurch because he had a differ
entopiniou as to that movement. Where
is the issue of the 40-cent dollar to-day t
Where aro tbe other Deinocratio issues
that have been Insisted on in the past?
A Democratic paper in Brooklyn says the
puny this year will vole on instinct, and
it considers the idea pleasing. Tho dem
ocratic party is reduced to the neeesily of
voting against Republican policies with
out being able to give a specitlo reason
for it. It is safe to say the next Congress
will not be elected on instinct.
Letter to John Dawson.
Dear Sir: The late president ofthe Cro
ton River Bank, at Brewster, N. Y., built
the finest hnuso in all that region, in lSs-1,
aud painted it with lead and oil at a cost
ol gfoo-tbe bouse cost &ll,00i).
In 1SS7 three years he repainted it
wilh Devoe at a cost off:t50. In ISST this
paint was in good condition.
Lead and oil, $1(0, three yeara. Devoe
t-TSn, ten years.
Yours truly,
ti F. W. Devoe A Co.
P. S. Jas, D. Davis sells our paint.
To Kr.ow the Cure for Any Form of
Nervousness or Iljslei ia Need
But to Head the lei
Ion ing.
Mr. Chester Kerr of No 151 WestSpring
streot, Titnsville, Pa., says: "We have
used Dr. A. W. Chaso's Nerve Pills in
our house in two instances one a case of
nervous sick headache, nervousness and
depression and tbe other a case of gen
eral debility, lack of energy and strength.
In tho first instance tbe headaches were
stopped and the nervous system put in
good condition and in the other the pa
tient built up generally until in good
health and strength again."
Dr. A. W. Chaso's Nerve Pills are sold
at 5do a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Company, Bulfaln, N.
Y. See that portrait and siguature of A.
W. Chase, M. D., aro on every package
For sale by Killmer Bros., druggists.
ItiMlurcd ItHfcs lo torn .tlnlnrs, Iowa, via
I'riinsjlvnnia Kailroml.
For the meeting of the Sovereign Graud
Lodge, I. O. O. V., to be held at Des
Moines, Iowa., Sep. 15 to 20, 1IKI2, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
(ell special excursion tickets to Des
Moines from all stations on its lines at
reduced rates. Tickets will be on sale
from Sept. 11 to 14, inclusive, good to re
turn until September 22, when properly
executed by Joint Agent and a lee of 2c
cents paid. By depositing ticket with
Joint agent at Ds Moines between Sept,
Pi and 22, inclusive, and the payment of
50 cents, an extension of return limit to
October 15 may be nbta.i'.ed.
For specilic rates and further informa
tion apply to nearest ticket agent.
Make yourself needed and you will
be wanted. Train for business. There
is no better place to get a business Irsin
ing than Warren Business University,
Warren, Penna. A postal card brings
particulars. st
Allen's Special Parties
for all western parties will leave Erio via
popular Nii kle Plate Road Sept. 2nd, Kith
and ilOlli. Write H. C. Allen, No. !2u
Stale street, Erie, Pa. A-41-8 20 41
Cut this out and take it to Dr. Dunn
druggit, Tionesta, or W. G. Wiikins,
West Hickory, Pa., and get a free sam
ple of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablet, the host physic. I bey dense
and invigorate tiie stomach, improve
the appetite and regulate the bowels.
Regular size, 25c per box.
Notice of Application for
Notice is hereby given that an appli
cation will be made to the Governor ofthe
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on
Mondav, September 2!Uh, lfO- by J. A.
lele, E.J. Lesser, W. E. Deiiolia, K. J.
Brennan, C. H. Rreiinan and others, un
der tho Act of Assembly ol the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An
Act to provide lor the, iucorjinralinn and
regulation of nadir il gas companies" ap
proved May 2!Mh, A. I)., Iss.'i, and the
supplements thereto, for a charter for an
intended corporation to be called "JEF
:ll i character and object of which is for ti e
ptirMMe of producing, dealing in, trans
porting, storing and supplying natural
iras to persons, corporations and associa
tions ; its principal nllice and place of
business lo lie In the boroui;li of V arren.
in the County ot Warren, and the places
where its business in its various bran
dies is to lie conducted are, the Town
ships of Heath aud I'olk in the County of
Jellerson, the townships or Millstone,
Spring Creek and Highland in the Couu
Iv ol Elk, the Townships of Jenks and
Howe in the County of Forest, anil the
Township" of Slieflield, Cherry Grove,
Mead, Glade, Bieasant and Co:iewsngo
and the Morough of A arren, in theCouii
ol Warren ; aud lor the above mentioned
purposes Ui have, possess and enjoy all
the rights, benelils and privileges of the
said Act of Assembly ami its supple
ment. Johm G, Wii'.r.itoiiK,
liidgwav, Pa., Solicitor.
Sept. 1st, I!i2
II l I -
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it faiU
to cure. E. W. Grove'a signature is on
each box. 25c. II 27-Iy
Is the Most Durable Paint.
Mass av Olo Dutch Psoccss.
The STlRl.tNi; works are the on tr ones
in the worM making thrir own spent Un.
HARK I'KKLKKS or parties hsvina bark
lor sale are requested to communicate
Kmran HMIIitln.
Kooklrls Kris.
Provides Professional Training for
Teachers, Prepares Young People
for College, and Offers Excelleut
Facilities for General
Fiir.i: tiitiox
fur Prospective Teachers. Board,
Room Kent aod Laundry, (127
per annum. For Further
particulars call no or
add ress
SAMUEL WEIR. Ph. n.Prin.,
Clarion, Pa.
Whkhkas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge ofthe Court of Common
Pleas ami Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has Issued his pre
cept for holding a Court ot Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Over and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for th1;
County of Forest, to commence on the
Fourth Monday of September, being
tho '22d day of September 1002. No
lice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said countv, that they be then
and there in their proper porsons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those tilings
which to their olllce appertain to be done,
and tolhosewhoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute strains! the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then ami there to prosecute
avainst them as shall he lust, (liven un
der mv hand and seal this day of
August, A. D. 11H12.
J. W. JA.MIESON. L.9. Sheriff.
Tit I A I, MKT.
List of causes set down for trial in tho
Court ot Common Pleas of Forest Countv,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Fourth Monday of September, 1002:
1. Truman II, Collins vs. John Wilson,
No. 31. September term, 1000 Summons
in ejectment.
2. ' K. C. Heath and George II. Kllliner,
doing business ss Heath d' Killmer vs.
Free Methodist Church, W. J. Foreman
contractor and W. J. Foreman and Guy,
Milliard, trustees. No, ;ls, Sept. Term
i'.KIl. No:. Fa. Stir. Mechanics Lion.
.'I Michael Wert vs. C. W. Heigworth.
No. IS, May Term, 1001. Summons in
4. Tionesta Manufacturing Company
Limited, vs. East End Mantel and file
Company. No. 4, Nov. Term, 1001. 8nm
uious in assumpsit.
n. P. H. Ican vs. Geo. L. Carly. No.
4n. Sept. Term, 1001. Appeal by defend
ant Irom J. P.
tl. ('has. S. Leech vs. David Mints.
No. 2i. Sept. Term, 1001. Appeal by de
fendant from J. P.
7. Queen City Tannery vs. James
Ahariah and A. B. Braden'. No. '22, May
Term, 1!02. Summons in assumpsit.
5. J. F. Proper for use of A. M. Doutt
vs. John T. Carson. No. 10, Sept. Term,
PtrJ, Summons in assumpsit.
II. Nathan Bebe vs. Mary Scliwordllold.
No. .", May Term. 1001. Appeal by de
fendant from J. P.
Tionesta, Pa., Aug. 2.1, 1002. '
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been Hied in my office
ami will be presented at the next term of
Court for continuation :
First and final account of 8. D. Irwin.
Executor of the last will and testament
of Helen S. Thomas deceased, late ot Tl
nesta Horn.
Clerk of Orphans' Court
Tionosta, Pa., August 2 1002.
BY VIRTUE of awritof Alias Fieri Fa
cias, issued out of the Couit of Com
mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva
nia, and tome directed, there will beex
posed to sale bv public veiidueorouU-rv,
at tbe Court House, in tbe Borough of
tionesta, t-oresl Countv, Pa., on
st one o'clock p. in. the following de
scribod real estate, to-wit:
ING snil B. J. DAY, Torre Tenant.
Alms Fieri Facias, No. 10 September
Term, !0n2, ( Waivers). T. F. Rilchey,
A ttorney.
All defendant's rik'bt, title, interest and
claim ol, in and to all that lot or piece of
laud situate in the village or Keilettvllle,
K iugsley township. Forest County, Pa.,
described as follows: Beginniiigatapnst,
the southeast corner of land owned by
Kribbs, thence north 4'-i4 degrees west
100 feet to a post, thence north 41) de
grees east I'iO feet to a post, thence south
4't) degrees west 1511 feet to a post,
thence south 44' degrees west ISO feet to
place of beirinning. Containing loin teen
twenty-sixths ( 14-20) of an acre. Being
same land described indeed of John Wat
sou et ux to T. J. Fleming, recorded in
Forest County, Deed lio k No. Zi, page
Erected thereon one two story frame
house lx24 Irel weathor-lxiarded and
painted, with porch in front; one one
story house 24x:t'l feet, used for Post
Office; one barn 24x:SO feet, with other
outbuildings, all in good repair.
Taken in execution and to be sold as
the properly of T. J. Fleming, and B. J.
Dav terre tenant, at the suit of Day A
TERMS OF SALE. The following
must lie strictly complied witli when the
property is stricken down :
1. When the pliiintill'or other lein cred
itors become tbe purchaser, tlio costs on
the writs must lie paid, and a list of liens
including mortgage searches on theprop
eitysold, together witli such lien credit
or's rooeiit lor the amount of the pro
ceeds ofthe sale or such Krtion thereof as
he may claim, must be furnished the
2. All bids must be paid In full.
H. All salesnot settled immediately will
bo continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the
next day, at which time all property not
settled ioi will uirnin be put up ami sold
al the expense and risk of tho person to
whom lirst sold.
:Seo Piinlon's Diuest, Nili'li Edition,
page 410 and Smith's Forms, pat'e :;H4.
.1. W. JAMIKSON, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Ol'lce, Tionesta, Pa., August,
2o, 1002.
iu your children's solid il out
fit is (heir shoes.
We bought Bomo of the
best things oil the ru rket iu
the line of g nd solid service
able shoes for buys and gills,
especially adapted fur echnnl
Wear. Styles correct, oorl
price very moderate.
To Take Effect July 1st, 1!'02.
"sol TH
2 T4l
Eastern Time
l iTJ
a. m.p.mllrf-ave
Arrive a. mlp.m
'4.-i 4 lo
0 l.i I 4,
10 On 4 H.'i
10 20 4 ft"1
10 4u S 05
11 oo.i
il i:,iA in
Henry's Mill
Bltie Jay
M mister
Ma bnrir
Muck Mills
Newtown M ills
Ross K u n
8 fcV.'l 10
S ,Vi 2 50
's 20 2 ;n
s o: 2 is
7 ,V'.a oo
'7 4:. 1 .v
,7 4dl Ml
7 2s 1 :v
7 15 I 25
7 Oil t 15
ll 4o,
it :to
ft in,
11 4.m: :1s1
11 .V!.- 4l
12 l.r:." fn
12 3.'i il on
12 4..,0 in
o 411
17 ooi
p. m.ip
no Arrive
Leave a. in p. m
T. D. COLLINS, Pbksidkst.
Taking etrect. June20th, 190.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
except Sunday 11:25a. in.
No. 32 Oil City and Pittsburg
Ex ress.dailv.except Siindav..T:30 p.m.
No. 11.30 oil City Acciim.,Sun-'
day only P:50 a. in.
No. 9..12 Oil Cily Accoin., Sun
day only 8:12 p. in.
For Ilickorv.Tidloute, Warren, Kinzua,
Bradford, Olcan and the East :
No. 81 Olcan Express, daily
ex-opt Sunday 8:55 a. 111.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:311 p. in.
No. 0.33, Irvinelon Accom.,
Sundays only, 2:45 p. in.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt.
Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Injuries,
Sore Feot, Lame and Aching Back.
Skin Diseases. Pains and Sprains.
This is the season you can best
afford to have LUXURIES,
if you desire them.
We do not ask you to buy Luxuries, but simply advise you to
notico a few items the season demands for present and
future comforts.
DI&ESS COOL in a pair or p ints
fit tn wear anywhere. Lola of them at $2. We
can also give ynu a few euirs at $5, anil
OXITOIRIDS f'r Men or Luriici that
are right in style ami rice. A so
that can hardly lie matched at Ihe prices. They
range from 50(3 to $1. Also PANTS ami
for the Little Men, that make them feel Rig, hut
not uncomfortable.
The Life of Business is Low Prices at
Tionesta Cash Store
New Fall Goods
Are Here!
Iii Meantime Call
A. Watnk Cook,
A. 11.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Whoelor,
Collections romltled'for 011 day of pr.ymeut at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benellts consistent with conservative b king. Interest psld on lime
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Have you been thinking of do
ing any painting this stasnu lo
brighten up the appearance of
ynur properly f If so, you want
it properly done, and as (list ii
mv business I respeclfullysolicil
an opportunity to figure on your
work. I can Ho the work right
uud at llieiriglil price.
I also rtake a sj ecially of paper
ha: ging anil carry a litis of wall
paper samples that can't be bent.
Give me a trial order and be
convinced of quality of both pa
per ami workmanship.
Mnfp. Utvri'- r-Ma..f. l.ndlr. ik nmerlst ftT
II M il I V I I K H :.I.IHH in Ked i.d
Cill im-liiHir lnn.-, MttWil Willi Mint rih)xii.
Tnkf no other. Ilefti 4nnvfrru nubftll
fiitlintsl itttiiniloM. Hut uf vour t i uc-t-t,
or Willi ir. in hhinit lor Prlenlnr, 1VI
nioninU nti.l KH-r for I.mIi." in irttrr,
ty rrlurn Ylall. I0.04MI ieMnuoiimla. bold by
mil Univi(iriU. .
BMM MMdftMm Mar, 111 1 LA PA.
MutWt iklt tMM
and See Goods.
Dealers in
Vice Presiden
G, W. Robinson, Wui. Hmearbaugh,
T. P. Ritchey. J. T. Dalo, J. II. Kelly.
Incorporated er. 1S95.
Write fur full terms to day.
T. I,. Flood. Ires.
lr. W. P. ilamaker, Vice-Pros.
A. J. I'alm, Sec.
W, 8. Mctiunneale Treas.
I'rol. U. U. Smith.
Hon. J. J. Henderson,
Dr. J. If. Montgomery.
Geo. K. l)a veil port, Kt".
K. A. Hoinpntcad.
Charles Fahr.
Col. I). 8. Richmond
TueMeadvillv Commercial College is
now making preparations tor a ureal lu
ll in of now students the next year. Tbe
prospects were never better for the larg
est class that has ever eulered the col
lege, and the demand waa never ao great
as at this time, for thoroughly trained
young men aud women iu Shorthand
Typewriting and llookkoeping. Com
bined acholarseip in these departments
this vear will tie by far the most popular
aud profitable,
8. I,. IIOYP, President,
Special Organizer and Registrar.
Wanted-An Idea
Wtin run thlnK
of Aomr timi'le
thing to ittU'iitr
Prrct vnup IflM: thr tnnv htrimr vimi WMlltl-
Deva. Wanhlnirum, ll. ('..for thrtr $l,Kit prim ulTor
awl ot two tounOrW Lure&uou wauUad.
OW at -out your mock ff Stationary ?
we uo mien cihmi joii rrnmnit.
call for so much expense, as
during the colder season.
"D'NDERWEAR for ALL peo-
I Ic, that costs little money and
HOSlJfR3T that suit the moat exact
ing, in dtlicate figures and fast colors, to fit feet
uf any size. Also Shoe I'
GROCERIES we Wil-,n closely
and keep I'reuli, and have what ynu need for your
Lunch in ('aimed Meats, Vegetables and Fancy
Cookie, and can a ipply your wints in Glass
Caus, Jelly Tumblers, Kettles, Sugars, Spices
and all needful things id the Preserving Season.