The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 20, 1902, Image 3

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. . AND .
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All Leading Companlex
Wild Lands, Farms, Houses
C Lots for Sale or Itent.
Lammers. Ad.
Hopkins. Locals,
l'enu'a My. Headers.
lCdiuboro Normal. Local.
Lawrence Paints. Locals.
White Star Uroeery. Locala.
TiiineHta ChsIi Store. Local
rlncheetor HuaineHa Institute,
-Oil market clotted at f 1.22.
-Klna china dishea at T. C. S. H
Oil and gaa leasee at thin oflloe.
-Walton ! loads lliem all. T. C. S.
HopKina sella the Douglas .hoes tl
' liny glassware and Queenaware at T.
C.S. Nona better. It
Preserve your house with Lawrence,
solil by Dr. J. C. Dunn, druggist. It
The aoaion for lamps la coming on.
We ahow all kinds at lowest prices. T.
C. S. U
For Silo at Seowdon Clark's shop,
aecoud hand, bugxy Dolsou self-olliug
axle. tf
A good time to buy fruit Is when it's
at ita best, which la now, at While Star
"Our Majesty" corset la the latest
and beat. Hopkins baa the exclusive
aalo in Tionesta. "t
New Krie Shops. Just a few pairs
loft. They go while tboy last at half
price, lieiueiuber the kind New Erie.
Hopkins. It
Caullold's carryall took a large parly
of ladiea up to the liopktna farm Mon
day where they enjo ed a line spread and
other out door recreation.
Roast In' para, squash, awoot potatoes,
and the like, are now among the veget
able delicacies to be had at the White
Star Grocery. A. ways fresh. It
Mrs. D. W. Clark eiepprd upon a
rolling atone nei.r her home in the north
ward last Thursday, throw ing her to the
ground and cracking one of the bonea lu
her left .firearm.
Are you registered, Mr. Republican?
You, especially, who voted on age last
Year, or have changed your location since
the last election 7 If not, tboa you bolter
soe to It if you care to vote this fall.
The W. C. T. U. will meet In the
Proabylerian church, Tuesday evening,
Aug. ai, (o elect ollicera for the coming
year. Supei iutoudonta of the various
departments are requested to come pre
pared to read reports.
Jerry Adams, L. Friedman and G.
W. Ilovard are getting measured up for
cement walks, which will make quite a
nice additional atret -h of the sluft la this
end of the born, besides enhancing the
value of the properties fronted.
Following la tiiel'atoi loiters rema'n
ing uncalled for in the Tionesta, Pa., Post
Olllee, for the week ending Aug. '.'0, IW;
Mrs. 8. W, Cogswell, Miss Margaret Mc
Carthy, Mr. Janins I. Por.'er, Mr. Fiiond
H.Miller. D. 8. Knox, P. M.
Hludouta for Kdiuborn Normal com
ing fioin east, west, or aoutli should buy
tickets m Cambridite Springs or Erie
over the Pe.iu'a, Erie, or lake Shore R.
K., Ihence io Edinboro over the electric
railway. Fall soHsion begins September
2d. John F. Biglor, Prln. It
Prof. Edwin L. Pbipps will hold a
musical convention In the Presbyterian
church lasting tea days. He commen
ces his work thia evening at half past
seven o'clock. Tickets are on sale at the
Forest Co. National bank, at two dollars
apiece for the convention.
Artist W. II. Ellis la giving the Cen
tral Home a new coat of paint which is
making Uiat popular lio.el.y shine and
sparkle like a new pin. The Central has
put on a greet many new l.nprovemenla
this summer, evidencing the prosperity
which it is enjoying those days.
The good people of Mt, Zinn Evan
gelical Lutheran cliuruh, will give an Ice
cream festival at Jobnluwea neit Satur
day evening, Aug. 21, lo which every
body is cordially in vit nl. The proceeds
are for the benetit of the chu-cii, aud It ia
hoped to have a good pal'onage.
Swa.isoti Brolhe-s, John and Frank,
former citizens of Tiooesia, auslalned a
aeve'e loss by the biKuing ol their man
tel 'actory at Jamottiowo, N. Y., on the
nth Inst. The loss placed at '0,0i0 on
machinery and stock. Whether o.- not
any Insurance was carried repo.'.a rail to
When graduates of a business train
ing school are In demand by business
men it means that it gives the kind of
training that fits for the active duties of
lifo. Such a school is the Warren Busi
ness University, Warren, Penna. If you
contemplate course of training in a
business school, write for catalogue, -t
The borough achoola will open one
woek from next Monday, Sept. 1st. An
impression having gained currency to
the effect that the time for opening the
schools bad been sot one week laier
than that, parents and patrons should
make a note ofthe correct dr.teand govern
themselvea accordingly. Sept. 1st Is the
Training ia everything. The peach
waa once a bitter almond. The cauli
flower is only cabbage with an education.
Train for business. Get a thorough
knowledge of bookkeeping and typewrit
ing. Warren Business University, War
ren, Ponna., is a celebrated business
training school. Seud to-day for cata
logue. 2t
Liverymen Canfield is making a real
transformation at his commodious stables,
re-arranging an I enlarging consider
ably, re-rooting and adding many con
veniences not hitherto enjoyed. When
finished he will paint tho whole institu
tion a bright red, and all toid will lie iu
it to the fullest exteut when a lirst class
livory is meutiuued.
The Warren Mail, bale, bearty and
bright aa a youngster, hasjuat passed Ita
51th milestone. We congratulate thia
solid old friend on Ita sprightllnese, each
added year seeming to make it the more
youthful in vigorous thought and pro
gress. The Cowan Brothers know bow
to conduct a clean, decent Journal, Lav
ing been "raised to It."
The body ol Mrs. Calista Grunder,
wife of Edward Grunder, of Warren, Pa.,
drowned in Chautauqua Lake on the 0th
Inst., was recovered on Friday last, and
was gi-en burial In Warren on Saturday.
She had been out on the lake in company
with three frlenda iu a amall aail boat,
when big wavea upset the slight craft.
All but Mrs. Grunder were saved.
I. B. Gerow, whose serious accident
was noted nearly three months ago, waa
aulllciently recovered to permit bia re
moval from the Oil City hospital to the
home of bia sister in Warren, last Satur
day. Ilia right limb waa amputated
above the knee, and be will be provided
with an artificial limb as soon aa one can
be fitted. The left leg, wbicb waa also
badly crushed, waa aaved and baa healed
very nlcoly.
From a barrel of seed potatoes and a
one Inch advertisement in a newspaper a
Michigan seed company has grown to a
business of $-'00,000 a year in the c urse
of six years. The bariol of seed potatoes
waa essential a the stock of the concern,
but not more necessary than was theone
luch advertisement, according to the
statement of the bead of the establish
ment. He increased bis advertising at
the same ratio as the slock.
Mr. J, M. Bern is, of Warren, met
with quite a painful accident Wednesday
at his uew mill that ia being built at Par
ilsh. lie waa walking along on some
loose planks, and one of them tipped and
he fell to the floor below sustaining In
juries that rendered him unconsoloua for
some time, and at present writing is not
able to give a deacription of bow It hap
pened. He came up on the T. V. train,
and waa accompanied to Warren by Dr.
Ciass. An examination disclosed a brok
eu rib aud some internal injuries. Shef
field Oliserver.
Supt. Cottle of the Forest Telephone
line bas been here thia week looking
after the business of his company. He
has arranged for an all-night aervlce at
the Tionesta axchange, the same to begin
some time thia week, a convenience
which the l'ne'a many patrons will
greatly appreciate. New 'phones have
been placed in town as follows during
the past week : A. C. Brown's residence,
C. M. Arner'a residence, Haslet it Son's
store, Killmer Bros, store, Dale'a lively
barn. Tione-U ia now using 62 of this
company 'a 'phones.
The County Com in Issloners y esterdry
paid for a cow belonging to K, A. Kuhna
of Bnrnott twp which died t few daya
ago from the effects of the bile of a rabid
dog. The case aeeuis to have been one of
utidi nbled authenticity, and although
the oow bad been bitten 81 daya prior to
her death, she showed very marked symp
toms of hydrophobia, and aa a matter of
safety and to relieve her of tort use, bad to
be kille I. Ihe law providea for the set
tlement of such cases from the abeep
fund or the county. A horse belonging to
the Suilun Bios., of Jonks twp., waa
bitten by the aame dog and to be ahot.
A good many trave'.era will agree
with the Connellaville Courier when it
says fiat car windows ought to be nailed
down. The car window tiend can't , be
tied fast enough lo keep him out or mis
chief. In the winter he directs the icy
blasts sgainst bia neighbor in the rear
and glvea him a miserable cold or a dan
gerous pneumonia' In the summer be fills
bis eyes with cinders and hla clothes with
dust and dirt. Theouiseof the Ameri
can passt.nse coach Is Us miserable win
dows. 1 bey ought to be tight shut at all
limes. Ventilation ought to be provided
for :om above and permitted to be regu
lated only by the trainmen, just aa the
heat ia regulated in winter time.
Stcphe.i Johnston e.rperieuced a re
markable escape f'om death or very ser
ious accident last Thu-aday afternoon
while at work on the loof of the new
house whch the Meaty brotbors are
building on Vine afreet. He fell from
the eaves or the 1 oof to the g-ound, a dis
tance ol 20 feet, biawelght fallirgheaviest
on his right band, dislocating the wrist.
His face striking nc.-t a tmall wire shin
gle nail penetrated Ihe eyelid lis full
length, but foitu taielv In such a manner
aafo escape the eyeba'd. While the In
juries we-e painful .hey are still not such
as might have bappeoed lo Stephen con
s'deriog the dis.ance of bia descent, and
he considers his escape quite fortunate
a ,er ail.
Elva, eldest daughter of W.
Kuhns, a meicbsnt at Leeper, Pa., died
suddenly of kidiey double on Thu.-sdsy
last. She was aged 17 yeaia. It months
0 days, and waa very highly esteemed in
the commual y in which she lived.
Funeral services, conduced by Rev. F,
M. Small, were held on Sunday last at
Greenwood M. E., and the re
ma ns were bu'ied In the cemetery con
nec ed with that church. Deceased was a
member of the Ladle i of the Maccabees,
which order bad charge of the funeral
ceremonies. A. H. Dale and Mrs. Alice
Vought and daaghter Bertha, cousins of
or the young lady, and Mrs. Am Hll
and son Charlie, or thia place, attended
tho obsequies.
"If there weie more base pall games
plajed here, like the one which took place
at the Carter grounda yesterday, it would
not be long be'ore the Mans' would be
come interested and would take steps
to organic? a semi-professional nine. One
disagreeable feature, at the game waa
the conduct of the boya on the grand
stand. They should either be made to
behave themselves or be relegsted lo the
bloacbers." The foregoing from the Ti
tusvllle Courier relatea to the recent
game between Tionesta and Tituaville
teams. It will be observed that our boya
demean themselves aa gentlemen should
in all their base ball games, even when
served such a cowardly deal aa they met
at Siyorly last Friday afternoon.
The long list of students in attend
ance at the Warreu Business University
during the past year and Ihe many po
sition or honor and trust filled by its
graduates in ail parts of the eountry are
evidence of the excellent training that
this Institution gives its graduates.
Youug people who contemplate taking a
course of training In some good Business
College will make no mistake if they se
led the Warren Business University,
Warren, Penna. Send to-day for pros
pectus. 1
In a fire wbicb swept through the
fourth floor or an aoartment building at
No. 1, Park avenue, Chicago, early ia the
morning or the 13th Inst., Mrs. Etta M.
Van Ness, w as fa:ally burned. The un
fortunate victim was a niece of D. W.
Clark or this place, where she is well re
membered by most ot our citizens as
Misa Etta Wooden, having taught a term
in the achoola of thia borough aevenl
yeara ago. Mrs. Van Ness was a teacher
and waa boarder in the building
at tbe time or breaking out or
the tire. Several others were in
jured, but only one other was filally
burued. The tire originated from un
known causes about 3:30 o'clock in the
morning, when all in the building were
Next Sunday forenoon there will be
the regular German-English service at
tbe German Hill Lutheran church, be
ginning at 10:45 a. ui., preceded by the
regular 8. school which begins at 0:10 a.
m. At a recent meetlug of the 8. school It
was decided that a day should be set aside
Tor a 8. school picnic: Thursday, Aug.
28tb will be tbe day. There will he no
service or speeches, the entire day will
betaken up with lun and frolic. Games
of various kinds to smuse tho little folks
will be indulged in. It will be a great
day and a big lime for all tho people on
German Hill. The picnio will be held
iu the grove near the church and begins
iu tbe morning and lasts all day. All
friends are welcome to spend a pleasant
day with ua. Pastor.
A game of base ball which resulted
more creditably to the vanquished than
the victors was played at Siverly between
the Tionesta team and an aggregation
calling themselves Tuck's Hitters, on
Friday last. It waa supposed to be the
last of a series of three game between
these teams, each club haviug al
ready taken a game, the result of which
showed them to be pretty evenly
matched. When our boya cauie to the
ground tboy found but four of the original
nine in tbe field, Ihe balance being made
up of Punxsutawney , Grove City and Oil
City players, among them being Bonnet,
tbe crack pitcher or Western Pen uty h a
uls, lu Ihe box. Notwithstanding this
"loading" tbe Tionesta team, with little
"Billy" Batikhead In tbe box, bad their
opponents ao badly rattled before the
game ended that their hair fairly pushed
up through tbeir caps. Of course the
game ended in favor of the All-America
aggregation, 6 to 2, but Tuck's Flunkers
bad no part In tho winnings.
Lavlna Lydia Beck, wife or John II.
Berlin, whose sudden death was briefly
mentioned in these columns last week,
was born in Heaver township, Clarion
county, Pa., March 31, 1847, and died at
the family homestead, Whig Hill, Pa.,
August 1.1, M02. The cause of her heath
was from a blood clot on tbe brain. Bo
lides ber husband she leaves five
children and a boat or friends
to mourn her unexpected demise,
The children are Mrs. R. J. Flynn, New
town Mills; Mrs. Charlea Hoover, Ty
lersburg; Mrs. James Lightner, Whig
Hill ; J. L. and Clomer, at home. Mis.
Berlin was a woman or many christian
virtues, a kind neighbor, a loyal friend,
and was very highly esteemed by all
who knew her. She was united in
marriage with Mr. Berlin shortly after
the war, and together they had lived
happily near the place where she closed
ber eyes lu death. Futieral services,
conducted by Rev. H. K. Steele of West
Hickory, were held on Saturday last
her re:nalna being interred in the ceme-
try at Tow n Iue church.
Nannie Margaret Taylor was born in
Faiilleld township, Craw lord county, Pa.,
Jan. 6lb 18tl3, and died at Barnes, Pa,,
Agust 10th, 1002.
She was the daughter of Alex. DeMars
Donnell and Melissa Donnell, who were
residents of Fairfield township. Nannie
waa oneof a family ol eleven chi.dren.flve
boya and aix girls. All Ihe boys are yet
living, two of tbe girls b. sides Nannie
are dead. Alex Donnell died in March
ofthe present year. Mrs. lay lor attend
ed the funeral at Sharon, Pa. On Nov
ember 7th, 18W), at Mercer, Pa., she was
united lu marriage with L. J. Taylor.
To them were born three children. One
of these, Harold Joseph, died in infancy
and is buried at East Hickory, Pa. The
other two are Cecilia Margaret, nearly
five yeara of age, and Berlin Leg rand, a
little rst three years.
Mrs. Tsylor waa converted when .'7
yeara ol age, and during tbe rest of hir
life re'alned ber profession a a Cur 1st inn.
The illness of which she died finslly
covered tbe last three yeara or ber li.e.
She so Here I much in many ways from
tbe progress orthe disease. As the end
drew near she realized it fully, and with
out doubt or fear awaited its coming. For
a year past but little hope was enter
tained for her ultimato recovery, al
though at times her condition seemed
somewhat improved. During the week
previoua to ber death her condition be
come very serious, yet on Saturday be
fore her death she aeemed much belter.
After a veiy pleasaut andcomforlableday
she fell Into a quiet sleep apparently rest
ful and healthlu'. But when she woke
It was, we believe, with the redeemed in
tbe land of the undving. Death came in
tbe very early bnurs or Sabbath morn
ing. She died while she slept.
On Tuesday morning after her death a
abort service was held at the parsonage
in Barnes, conducted by Rev. Conaway of
the First M. E. Clinch of Hlieltlelrt, fa.,
and Rev. II illard or Portland Mills. I'a.
The body waa taken to East Hickory,
Ph., and intered in the cemetery be.iile
that ol ber ti-st born buried there. Ser
vices were bold in the M. E. church at
that place conduced by Rev. Hillard,
former pastor of Mr. and Mrs. Tavlor in
that place, and Rev. Conaway of Shef-
eld, I'a. .
Best Hickory.
Rev. Hillard was calling on bia many
friends here Tuesday,
Misa May Showers of Gusher, is visit
ing at Grandma Gilbert'.
Mr. and Mrs. Borne, of Tituaville, and
Miss Marv Borne, of Oil City, have lieen
with Mr. and Mm. Moulin for a week.
Miss Mary Hastings and Mrs. Darling,
of Lockport, X. Y visited .Mis. J. S.
Vail last week.
Mra. Dr. Morrow came home Saturday
from Chautauqua.
Mrs. Jno. Vail verv pleasantly enter
tained 22 of her lady rriends at her home
on Tuesday.
Misa Emma Turner is visitlug her
nude, Allen Turner.
Mra. L. A. Clary and Mrs. dinger
were calling on friends yesterday.
Little Joe Cubbin ha I his hand bally
cut accidentally with a scythe. 8. S.
Mrs. L. J. llopkinsis visiting friends
in Warren.
Misa Emma Lawrence Is at Chautau
qua for a week or two.
Misa Florence Hagorty visited friends
10 Hickory yealerday,
Harry Klinestiver was down from
Tidioute over Sunday.
Mrs. C. W. Clark ia visiting relatives
in Franklin this week.
8. J. Wolcott was a business visitor
to Tidioute on Mouday.
Hart Lawrence Is down from Grun
deryille for a week'a visit.
--Miss Delva Randall waa a visitor to
011 City Monday afternoon,
Mrs. Charles Butler was a guest of
Endeavor friends yesterday.
Mr, and Mra. G. E. Gerow spent
Sunday with Warren friends.
A. II. Darrah, or Buffalo, N. Y., bad
business in Tionesta last week.
Andrew Engdahl or West Hic'iory,
was a pleasant caller yesterday.
Chaa. R. Bowman had business iu
Oil City a couple of days last week.
Mrs, J. IS. Muse and mother, Mrs. P.
K. George, are visiting iu Franklin.
Mr. and Mrs. J, II. Butler were bus
iness visitors to Oil City last Friday.
J. R. Osfiond Is iu Pittsburg lookiug
after the lumber interests of his firm.
Charlie Hank head was down from
Endeavor between trains last Friday,
Born, to Mr. aud Mrs. E. W, Chad
wick, Monday, August 18, 11 12, a son.
Mr. aud Mrs. F. C. Proper, were
business visitors to Oil City last Friday.
Mrs. Orion Siggins, ol West Hickory,
was a guest ol Tiouosta friends yesterday.
Mrs. C. F. Weaver and Glenna and
Lester, spent Sunday with friends In Oil
Mrs. John Cropp and children of
Cropp Hill, woie visitors to Oil City last
Miss Sallie Young of Johnstown, Pa.,
Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Florence
Clifford Foreman came home last
evening from a visit with friends in Kit
tanning, Mrs. F. P. Amsler anil daughter
Bulah, are home from a visit to relatives
In Franklin.
Mrs.Chas. II, inter and son George,
visited Mra. Anna llassey at Oil City
over Sunday.
Miss Martha Orerlander was up
from Franklin to visit her father and
sisters over Sunday.
Miss Ida Fones was cauipingout with
party of Oil City people near Eagle Rock
a part of the past week.
Mrs. 8. W.and Mrs. W.J. McKee of
the township, spent Mouday with Mrs,
John Calden at Tidioute.
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Zahniser were in
Mercer county this week attending tho
Jackson Harvest Home.
Miss Artie Robinson has returned
from a r..onth's outing in Canada with a
party of Franklin friends.
Mrs. U. II. Killmer returned Satur
day from a visit with her mother, Mrs,
a. W. Dunkle, in Oil City.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Abbott are iu
Mill Village, Pa., attending the annual
reunion of the Abbott family.
Miss Hattie Gould, of the Oil City
High School faculty, Is here on a visit to
her mother, Mrs. 8. II. Haslet.
- -E. A. Ktilins and 'Squire Oartou of
Barnett townshi;!, were transacting busi
ness in the county seat yesterday.
Mrs. Lizzie Holing has gone to
Auslinburg, Ohio, for a couple ot weeks'
visit with hor friend, Mrs. Dr. Fuller.
G. W. Sawyer and grand daughter,
Miss Nel'ie Carson, left yesterday for
Piquay, Ohio, to visit bis only sister.
Mr, and Mrs. James S. Duncan, of
Oil City, spent Sunday with tho family
of County Commissioner J. T. Carson.
Fred Partridge came up from Pitts
burg Sunday lo spend bis vacation of a
couple of weeks with TioneMa friends.
Mrs. Dr. Wallace, of East Brady, Pa.,
was a guest of ber aister, Mra. J. II. Dor
l kson here over last Thursday night,
Clyde Foreman left Monday for
Pittsburg, where be lias accoplod a good
position with Ihe Westinghotise company.
Mrs. J. D. Davis and eon Kepler left
yesterday morning for Lancaster, wlieie
they will visit friends for a week or ten
Misses Edith Hopkins and June
Herman, and Russell Hopkins, leave for
Fredonia, N. Y., to-day for. a fow days'
Mrs. Margaret Weaver and danglitor,
Celia, of Tylersburg, were guests of Mr.
aud Mrs. Daniel Salsgivor the first or the
W. II. Rairie and daughter, Mrs. A.
M. Zents, of Barnett township, were
business visitors to tne county seat yes
terday. Miss .Sadie Mo'rrnf is borne from
Rochester. N. Y., where she bas been
slaying with hor aunt for tho past aix
G. W. Robinson Is In Pittsburg this
weekend will stop at Kittanning to at
tend the reunion of his old reg nient, the
lliith, P. V.
Alex Swanson spent Sunday with
friends In Jamestown, N. Y. lie left
two of the children there Tor a couple of
weeks' visit.
--County Treasurer Keller lias been
setting up the smokes for a few days past
on the arrival last Friday at bis homo of
a 14-pound boy.
Misa Ella Conger is home from a two
weeks' visit with her brother in Oil City.
Sue was accompanied home by her
nephew, Willie C ngor.
Kalph English of Iron City, Howe
township, and Misa Jacy Jones of Mar
ionvllle, were mairied st Ihe court house
last Siturday, by S. J. Sotloy, J. P.
Miss Edna Shoemaker camo up from
Parsons, W. Va Saturday morning.
She says that her family expects to re
turn to Tionesta iu tho near future
Mrs. J. D. Dewees, sons Harry, Dale
and Ihe baby, of Cleveland are guests at
the home of grandma, Mrs. Judge Dale.
Mr. Dewees is expected here this week,
Misses Cornelia and Mary Everett
very pleasantly entertained a number of
tbeir young frionds last evening in honor
of thoirguuits, Mis ics EaiU and Auua
At one
mi n lt T IACSS
Lien Goffes
has better strength and
flavor than many so-call-,
ed "fancy" brands.
Bulk coffee at the same
f price is not to be com
pared with Lion tn quality.
In i lb. airtight,
scaled packages.
Sigworth and Glenn Sigworth, or Venus-
Venango county.
Mra. S. R. Maxwell and children and
Mrs. J. G. Hunter and little daughter,
left yesterday noon for a visit with rela
tives at Enou Valley, Lawrence county.
Miss Maude Overlander left vc-te'-day
for Enon Valley, Lawrence county,
where she expects to make ber future'
home with heraunt.Mrs. John McCowen.
Will and Clifford Craig were up from
Franklin and Oil City last week to see
their mother, w ho is making prepara
tions to move to Oil Cily In th near fu
ture. Al. Whilehill and family moved
from Nebraska to Siverly Monday where
he has secured employment in the rail
road yards connected Willi the Oil Well
Supply Co.
Miss Julia Howland of Elkhart, Ind ,
who has spent the past two months here,
the guest of her cousins, Misses Laura
and Emma Lawrence, returned to her
home yestorday,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whiteman and
Miss Kiltie McMillan at rived Thursday
evening from Lily Dale, and will begin
housekeeping as soon as they can secure
a suitable home.
Montrose Gotham or Oil City, father
of Mrs. ('has. Hood ol tho township, died
at his home yesterday, aged 5,1 years,
Mrs. Hood has been at his bedsido for
the past three weeks.
Mrs. W. II. II. Dotterer, of Newtow n
Mills, and Mrs. Andrew Weller, of Starr,
loft ou the noon traiu yesterday for a
couple of weeks visit with relatives In
Emleuton and vicinity.
Mrs. Duncan McDonald and sister,
Miss Belle Bower, who havo been guests
ol their couslu, Mrs. V. G. Armstrong,
for the past month returned to their
home at East Liverpool, Ohio, last Satur
day. Honry O'Hara, who has been housed
up for tbe past mouth with a serious at
tack of rlieuinatiu ailment, is improv
ing slowly, and hopes soon lo lie back in
the tonsoiiiil parlors as good nutured as
Dr. J. D. Greavfs recoived a telo
gram Monday advising him ol the crit
ical illness of his mother at her home in
Warren. Mis. Greaves was taken sud
denly aud seriously ill Sunday flight,
and her physicians hnd little hope of her
recovery, but wcro more hopeful at last
Invitations have been issued for tho
fifth annuull reunion of the Osgood fami
ly at the old homestead near Starr post
ollice on the flth of September. The at
tendance at those annual gatherings us
ually numbers about fl fty of the family
connection, and they never fail to havo a
good limo.
Mr. and Mrs. Sliewman of Randolph,
N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sliewman of
Kellettville, and Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Slo
cum of Goliuza, were gucsis at the resi
dence of O. F. Watson, over Sunday,
M ins Nor 1 in, of Ludlow, who has been
aguestof Miss Cora Watson, returned
to her home yesterdav,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lynch, who re
cently journeyed to Washington state,
unending to remain if tlia climate was
suited to Mrs. Lynch's health, havo re
turned to Endeavor, finding tho cliango
rather a detriment (o he condition tlmn
otherwise. Haivej'a Irimds in Forest
county will be . lad to hear ol his return.
Rev J. V. McAnineh, who is still
with his brother, Dr. McAnineh at Iini
artine, Pa., is holding his own very
nicely In bis Illness, which is a very
hopeful sign lo his host of friends in Tio
nesta and vicinity. Ho says in a recent
letter to a friend here that, "no one knows
how much I enjoyed my visit lliero. It
did mo no harm physically, aud lots of
good otherwise."
Trawling JIi!ii Sen-rely Injured.
Milton Harris, an agent fnra tin kitch
en cabinet was Thursday allcni on e
veroly injured by boing thrown from Irs
buggy and Licked by the horse he was
driving. The accident took piace near
Iron Citv, this county, about two miles
from tho town, near a branch of tho nar
row gauge railroad. Ilarrs was driving
along the mail when In sonic manner the
horse put its tail over the reins. In at
tempting to disengago the lines, Hi" ani
mal suddenly kicked, throwing Harris
out of tlie rig aud breaking both or his
legs. The animal continued Its way Into
Iron City and persons there noting the
rig with no driver, sta- tcd back along Ihe
highway to search for him. They found
the injured man in sumo bushes along
the road and took him to Iron Cily. Some
women lu Ihe parly tore up their aprons
and skirts aud made bandages and tied
up the injured members as best iliey
could. Later a team was sent towards
Shellleld with Harris, and Dr. Prior was
'phoned to meet them. On an examina
tion it was found that the nimi had sua
;ained a compound fracture of both legs
and that both knee pans had been splin
tered. Tho tVarren Mirror says Dr. Pri
or drove to that city w ith the man and
placed him in tho hospital aud Dr. O. S.
Brown aided in attending him. It is
now thought that owing lo the knee pan
oT the right leg being splintered and the
leg so badly broken that it may be neces
sary to remove tho member.
Get a free sample of Chamberlain's
Stomaeho and Liver Tablets at Killmer
Bros., Tionesta, or W. (J. Wilkin. West
Hickory. I'm. They are easier to lake
and more pica-taut in rlb-cl than pills.
Then their use is not followed by consti
pation as is often the ease with pilN,
Regular sizo, per box.
This Signature U on overy bos of tho genuine
Laxative Bromo'Quinine Tabids
Ihs remedy that cures cult! In one day
When you wake up witli a bad taste In
your mouth, tro at once to Killmer Bros,,
Tionesta, or W. U. W ilk ins, Wi.l Hick
ory, I'a . and get a free mople of Chain
berlaiu's Stoinaelie and Liver Tablets.
One dose w ill make you well. They also
cure billiniiMiess, sick headache and con-stipatiou.
That boy of yours lias beeu working
faithfully all spring and summer. Would
not a course ol instruction in some good
brsiness college be an excellent way for
you to show yaur appreciation of his
work T Besides, it ill make him a bet
ter business man. He will make use ol
It every dav ot his lite. Better write to
day to the Warren Business t'niveisitv,
Warren, Penna., for lull particulars iu
retard lo its course of traiuing in com
mercial blanches. 2t
Mop llir Cough and vtorkn oll'lbr t'oM.
Laxative Broino-ljuiiiiiie Tablets euro a'
cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price
cents. li-27-ly
Ladies' Shirt Waists & Wrappers
Wa have 100 Latliaj' Shirt Waists and a like nuraber.of Wrappers
and we are gciog to make the price close tbem out.
$4.00 Waists for 82.75 K1.50 Wrappers, $1 00
2 50 ... 1,75 1.25 " ... 1)0
150 " 100' 1.00 " 75
100 "... 75
75 " 30
50 "... 35
Come Early Before
the Best are Gone.
L. J. Hopkins.
Seasonable ofler-
ing of
1.00 waists (iSc
1.2") waists 78c
1.50 waists 88c
1.75 waists l)Sc
2.00 waists 1.08
2.25 waists 1.18
2.50 waists 1.38
3.00 waists 1.98
3.50 waists r 2.18
5.00 waists 2.98
$1.25 waists 1.08
'l.50 waists 1.28
1.75 waists 1.38
2.00 waists 1,48
2.50 waists 1.88
2.75 waists 2.08
3.00 waists 2.28
3.50 waists 2.98
4.00 waists 3.38
5.00 waists 4.08
Perfect Ice Cream Powder
la Instanlly nmily for uso, ri'iiiiriiiK only the addition of ono quart (if Cold milk, hall
milk ami liall'crtmtn, or all freain, to rnuko two quarU of an line lee ('roam aa any
cnntwIlMnor ran make. Flavors for lee Cream are, Kaaphorry, Htrawlwrry, Va
nilla, Orange, Chocolate and I'lain (unllavoreil to be used witli froali fruila or in
uiakinir up liiney ereniu.)
I'erlei't Water Ice I'owder requires only the addition of one quart of Cold water lo
make two quarts ol Water Ice or Nliorbet. flavors for Water lo are, Lemon and
Mend us lino and we will mail you a package of any of the above flavors, with our
booklet, full ol valuable receipts for making all kinds of I'lain and Faucy t'roama
anil Ices. o. J. Weeks A Co, Itl Murray .St., New York City, N. Y.
Reduced Prices.
On all Negligee Shirts Plain
Whites excepted. Manhattan
Shirts lead the list.
$1.50 Manhattan Shirts, now $11'.)
$2.00 Manhattan Shirts, now $150
$2 50 ami 83 (Ml Mimhaltau Shirts, now $2 (HI
Our regular $1 Oil shirt, in all sizes aud
color, now .... 7'.'c
Our regular (i'h and 75c Negligees, in all
sizes some with two separ to collars, oowSDu
Our regular 5" J N'egligets, alao odds and
c nils of higher priced shirts, now o'Jc.
V7 FiX r
1 Ikia
41 X435ENECA ST,
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Hates.
Jtear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone o. 30.
This Week.
At about one
hall real value.
remain Tronna. Mmr