The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 13, 1902, Image 3

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. . AND . .
C. I MM k HI,
All Leading Companies
Will Land, Farms, Jounen
i& Lota for Sale or Kent.
I .kin mora. Ail.
Modioli l'o. Ad.
llopkillH. l.lM'alK.
l'cnn'a It v. Headers.
1'mf. Illock. Local.
Heath .t Knit. Ideals.
Smart A xillicrbcru. Ail. ,
Kdinhoro Normal. Local.
Lawrence I'alnla. Local.
White Star (iiocory. Ideals.
Tionesla Call Slorn. A J and local".
Warren lliiainmi University. Iicala,
Oil market closed at tl.-i
Fine china dishes at T. C. 8. It
Oil ami rhh leases at this olTico.
Walton 1 leads the n all. T. ('. S.
1 ! k i us Mlla the lunulas times tl
All Oxford at cost at Hoalli Foit'a.
r'resu cookies anil cake at Tionesl
Cash Store. It
Horn, to Mr. ami Mm. 1.. Friedman,
this iiinminit,
New Mala lor fall, all the now shapes
and colors. Ucath A Felt. It
Shiie liaitnin at llnpklna' that will
astonish you. Call and s e. H
For anything- in choice frnilaor vi'K
etahles, 'dione the White Star (iroe ry.
Never used Lawrence? Try It this
HpriiiH- -e Pr. J. C. Dunn about it. it
Peaches, pears, plums, Rrapos, all of
the rtnent, ut the While Slar (Irocerv. It
For S ile-at Soowdon A Clark'a shop,
second hand, bunny Poison elf-ollitij
axle, tr
The North Fole 1 alinimt as hard to
11 ml aa the men who not lost searching
fur It.
"New I'.rio" aliuva you know them,
the kind that wear, new line Just In.
llealli A Feil. It
Jelly (ilassea 25o iloa., tumbler Sue
dux. Mason xlasa jars Oo doz., at Tin
nesia Cash store. It
A ina-riae I'conso has been k runted
toC. Knydiiraud M iss Lillian Hurrar,
both ufMarieiivllle.
Fanners' institutes will he held In
this county aa follows: Tionesla, Feb. 11
and 12, 1WH; KelletuMIe Fub. 13.
J. S. Hood, whose house was burned
to iheKiouud Inst May, is a-sin at home
In lila new ilouiieile JiiKt completed.
Don't mlas gotlinn a pair of Oxfords
or any other litflit shoes that aro uow
soiling at a groat sacrifice at Hopkins'.
They're eleirant but very cheap. It
' 1'rol.C. Illock the eye specialist and
optician, will be at Central Hotel, Tio
nests, for three (lays, Auir- 11. H and 15.
All work guaranteed. C. illock, The Op
tician. It
Kdinbom Normal la Mltialed In a
moat healthful and beautiful place. Send
for Illustrated catalogue. Fall session
opens September 2. John F. H'u'er,
Principal. "
SupU Cottle la ever from Maiienville
looking after tolephono mallora. The
probability is thai Tionesla will have an
I 1-iiilit service, and that will bo as li
should be.
Wallace and Marlon Mealy have a
new house-well under wav on Vine
atreet, north of Hie hlrh school building,
which will be occupied by Iheir parents
when completed.
Common yellow soap, moistened
alliihlly and spread quick'y over fresh
.nosiiuito bite w'H, It is said, qui 'kly re
lieve the stinging pain. The same appli
cation Is good fur bites nr other Insects.
Pr Ilium was obliged to ainputato
the third flneer of the rifiht hand at the
third Joint as a consequence of a severe
cut from sn ax which M', James Fitz
gerald, of Huuter station sustained hist
Charles Shatf, one of Sheffield's old
est citizens and well known to many
people ill thin section, died at his home
on the 4th Inst. Ho owned the Shaw
House, and was one of theuld landmarks
of bis section.
Mra. Nannie Taylor, wife of Kov.
Joseph Taylor of Barnes, Warren county,
died Sunday, and was buried at
Hickory, the former home of Iho family,
yesterday afternoon. Deceased leavea
her husband and two small children sur
viving. She was aeed.W years.
lieu Adams, a Jewish peddler, com
mitted suicide by shoot Inn himself at a
boarding house In Warren, Thursday
night. On the Monday night previous
his satche', coutatning 21 watches nnd
other article ofjeweliy, had been stolen,
and the loss was too much for him.
K. F.. Slitzlngor and Mrs. Al. White
hill, J. K. Stitxingcr and family and Mrs.
W'm. Khoup and son, Ira, of Nehrnska,
and I. T. Stilr.inger and family of this
place, were In Now Castlo, Pa., last
Thursday to attend the funeral of a four
months' old child of A. K. Slll.inger.
Established nearly ten yea.-'. Orad
nates In nearly every stale iu the Union,
holding positions of honor and trust.
The largest enrollment during the past
year, in the history of Ilia Institu : ion.
Such Is the record of Warren Kindness
I'niversity, Warren, Penna. Send to-day
for catalogue. 2t
The school board met last Saturday
evening and elected Miis Alice McCrea,
a graduate of the borough high school, as
teacher of No. 3, JVliss Christino Aguew,
who had been elected to tuts room hav
log boon transfered to No. 4, in which
the vacancy occasioned by the resignation
of Miss Joyce, occurred.
When graduates of a business train
Ing school are in demand by business
men it mentis that it givea the kind of
training that lits for the active duties of
life. Such a school is (lie Warren Hu-I
nesa University, Warren, I'enna. If you
contemplate course of training In
busiuuss school, write fur catalogue, -t
Joe Joyce has the foundation of Jaa.
J. Landers' new domicile, at the lower
end of town, skint completed and car
penters will he at work on the super
alructure in a few days. When our bach
clor friend James gets his cags ready
who'll he the bird to occupy Itf A year's
subscription to tho KkI'I'IU.ii'an to the
one making the right guess.
On account of the meeting of the In
ternational M ning Congress, at llulti-
Mont., fieploiuber 1 to ', the Pennsylva
nia lbiilroad company will sell excur
sion tickets to liutlo and return, on Au
gust 1(1, L'O, 'J I, and 27, good to return
tuoiigiiial siarllng point nut later than
September 110, at reduced late. For spe
cific rales, slop-over privilsges, etc., con
sult nearest ticket agent. It
Hon. J. .Sterling Morton, late Secre
tary ol Agriculture, says: "The llusiiiess
College is far the best school to bring out
the faculties required to do the work in
tliis business age. I have four amis in
business and i ach was given a course in a
business college." Warreu Husiucas
University, Warren, IVnli.v, stands in
tho front tank as a business training
school. Write to-day lor particulars iu
regard to Its course of study. -I
- Sharon, Pa., Is In the of a
smallpox epidemic. Dr. llerryhill, a
prominent physician with a largo prac
tice which necessitates him to yisll'scnres
of people daily, was taken with the
dreaded disease Saturday and removed to
tl e pest house. The city council has ex
pressed a willingness to appropriate $15,-
000 to be used ill the suppression of the
outbreak. Vaccinalioii la being done on
the wholesale scale thero at present.
A donkey stepped into a store and
tho owner approached the beast and
asked : "What are you doing here? You
know this is not the place for a donkey."
"I am here" said t lie donkey "because I
saw your advertisement on the fence that
surrounds my pasture. I know you, Ion,
must bo a donkey, or you would place
your advertisement In a newspaper where
It would be read by peoplo, not donkeys.
lUiog lonesome to day, I thought I
would be neighborly and make a frater
nal call."
Tho KKi't'iiLtcAN is prepared to fur
nish nolo heads and envelopes In small
lota neatly printed and put up in a nico
cabinet, Just suited to tlie wants ot the
people who have a limited correspon
dence. With tho name and address on
your paper and envelopes many mis
tuki's are avoided, and the expense is
scarcely any greater ihan you pay lor the
blank paper and envelopes. Farmers
and others living in the country are in
vited to try this method. We know it
will plraso them.
An exchange tells of a lady who de
cided to scam her husband, who was
q'lile a bard drinker, so he would reform.
To do this she procured the costume, of a
devil which she saw at a masquerade.
The next time the erring sp iuse came
home feeling happy, she quickly donned
the costume, and as he opened the door
sho stepped forward and said In a sepul
chral tone : "Come with me, I am tho
devil." 1 he rrsult ratlier startled her, as
Iho answer to her greeting was; "ZatsoT
Shako, old boy, I'm your brother-in-law;
1 marred your sister."
Tho Siverly ba'l players Tucka'
Hide's -came up last Friday and ad
ministered a dr ubbing to our home tentn
in a very poo'ly played game on b.ith
sides, the score s.amling IH to 15 In favor
of he visitors at tlieeml of the ninth In
ning. .Monday 'l ioiieita went to Titus,
vllle and played the reiu. n game with
the club at that ci.y. Those who wit
nessed it say that the game was a very
prulty one, and two bad errors in the
eighth inning by one of Tionesta's play
ers gave Thtlsv il!o the gamo by ono score
the result being 7 to 0 In favor of the
home team. I'p to that Inning the gamo
stood throe to live in favor of Tionesla.
There are 10 eases of smallpox report
ed at Mayvllle, Chautauqua county, N.
Y. A short time ng.i a barbrr who had
traveled with the Triple Plate shows,
which started from Tidioute early in (he
season and broke up at that place, opened
a barber shop in the (own and in one day
shaved "0 men. His bauds at that time
wero all broken out wiih sores. A day
or two alterwanls he was takon down
with the lerrible disease and it is thought
that lie Is the cause of the epldeinlo. The
show appeared iu small towns in the vi
cinity of (Jur'and and it is thought that
the diseaso was originally con tr acted
from some of the residents of that town,
w here there have been nearly a dozen
The walcr Company has been having
trouble keeping up tho supply "f water
during the past two weeks. The reser
voir hail sprung a leak and needed ro-
pai-ing, in conseqtienoo of which there
has been no water in it for ten days or
more. That has been fixed but there still
seems to bo a scarcely and it is evident
(hero Is a large leak in the main line
somewhere, but Just wnere, that's tl e
rub, nobody being able to locato it to a
certainty. P. S.- Since this Item was
put in type tho leak has been louud.
Tho main had broken squarely In two
where it passes over a culvert near the
school building. It has been repaired
and in a day or two the reservoir will
have lis usual amount of water.
Relatives here have been apprise of
the death of Dr. Jolm Pale Hays, eldest
son of the lato David Hays a former well
known resident of Tlonesta, which oc
curred on the 1st inst., and his remains
were la'.d to rest In the cemetery at A t
kins, Arkansas, his late home. The de
ceased had not enjoyed robust health for
some time, his trouble being consump
tion. Many of our citizens will remem
ber Johnny Havs as a boy when the
family left the country for the southwest,
where they have since resided, his father
having died there several years ago. Pr.
Hays had become a physician of consid
erable note, enjoying a large practice
when overtaken by disease and cut down
In the vigor of life. He left a wile, a lit
tle girl nine years old, and ab y of seven.
His mother and several brothers survive
Initials'). Deceased was a cousin of our
townsman James P. Davis.
Training is everything. The peach
was once a bitter alumml. Tlio cauli
flower is only cabbage with an education.
Train for business. Get a thorough
knowledge of bookkeeping and typewrit
ing. Warren llusiiiess University, War
ron, Prima., is a celebrated btisines
training school. Send to-day lor cata
logue. 21
The nine-yeur-old mm of Postmaster
W. M. Mi-Kim nfoil City, was crushed
beneath tho w heels of a trolley car Fri
day morning last, causing instant death.
The little fellow, with a companion about
his ow n age, waa playing in a small
wagon, w hich was accidentally pushed
under the rar. Mr. McKiin lias many
friends In Tionesla, w ho will hear of this
most distressing bereavement with keen
est regrot.
Hezin Richard Grove, one of Vmango
county's oldest citizons died at his home
near Suuville, Pa., on (lie tith inst., aged
M years. Deceased, had always lived
near the home where he nlosed his eyes
iu death. Uo hail made occasional visits
to Tionesla where two ol his sisters, Mis.
J. A, Proper and Mrs. Eliza Paup, re
side. Mrs. Proper and Miss Ida Paup
attonded the luneral which was held on
Friday afternoon last.
The Hki'I'iilican exlonds hearty con
gratulations to its young friends James
Carson and bride, whne mariiago an
nouncement apppcar in thin issue.
James is tho second sou of our former
townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. G. Car
sou, now of West Hickory, ami his
charming bride is the daughter of Squire
ami Mrs. W, J. Foreman of East Hick
ory. Succ?ts, happiness and a long life
to the happy young cauplo.
The lung list of students in attend
ance at the Warreu Business University
during the past year and tho many po
sitions of honor and trust filled by its
gradualeu iu all parts of tho country are
evidence of too excellent training that
this institution gives its graduates.
Young people who contemplate taking a
course ol training iu some good itosjuess
College will make uo mistake if they so
lect the Warieu llusiiiess University,
Warren, Penua. Send to-day for pros
pectus. 'It
Keystono Council, No. 83, of the Ec
lectio Assembly, was organized last
Thursday evening, in A. O. U. W. ball,
Tlouesta, Ly Deputy W. L. Cantield, of
Oil City, assisted by Supremo Vico-l'rcs.
John A. Jones, of Itiadlurd. The new
Council starts with a membership of I'.O,
and will hold regular meetings on the 2d
and 4th Tuesday evenings ol each mouth.
Following are the ollicors elected : Pres.,
E. W. IJowuiau j Past Pres., (i. T. An
derson ; Vice Pres., Mrs. (J. W. Hole
man ; Chaplain, C. A. Lauson j Control
ler, U. H. K illiuer j Sec, Claudia lira
ham ; Trcas., U. F. Feil ; Physician, Dr.
J. C. Dunn ; First Wardeu. Walter Mor
gan ; Second, Miss .Minnie (jlossor.
trustees, s. r. Cjraon, C. r. Weaver, ti.
11. Kllltuer.
Tho regular meeting of Endeavor
Union was held Tuesday, Aug. otb, at
al tho home ot Mrs. Arlio Lyucli. Aitor
reviewing tho work ol the year and hear
ing the reports of superintendents of ilif
lereul departments, the annual election ol
ollicers was taken up and resulted iu the
election of most of thu old ollicers, as
follows : President, huio E. Warden ;
Vice Pres., Ellen li. Calliu; Iteo. Secy.,
Sarah K. tiorinaii ; Cor. Secy,, liurlruilo
Myers j Treas., Theodora Criilerj Dele
gate to futility Convention, Mrs. John
Shuuk of Whig Hill. Eight depart-
uiuiita of work were taken up and Supts.
elected. Taking up only what can be
auccexsllly carried on by the Union, they
are: Mother's meetings; Evangelistic;
School savings bank ; 8. 8. Observance ;
Pailur work ; L. T. L. work ; Literature
and Press work. At close of the busi-
ni as meeting rofreshineiita were served
by the committeo and mietiug was ad
journed to meet iu two weeks at the
home of Mrs, Elleu Hillard. Twenty-
one ladies wero present. Secy.
Hunt Sunk, Nobody Di on nod.
Zach Slirivor, who lues in tho upper
end of town, and w ho has had charge, ol a
Johuboat," belonging to a couple of our
well-known sportsmen, during tho last
summer, had a surprise worked on him
one morning last week. When he went
fo take a casual look at tho boat to aee if
It w as still sale and sound, high an I dry
where he had been keeping it, he found,
Instead ol a bent, the following note
pinned to a tree to which the craft had
been aeomely locked.
Wbai are you looking for? a boat it is
in the Hotloin of the Itiver the Inten
tion was to burne it but wee ilesided to
put il to the bottom. Yolii I.nimi- v.
Zjch hasn't dragged the river yet to
ascertain if the boat is ically at the bot
tom or not, but may lakj a look when
the wilier olears up a little. However, it
is possible bis "Inliney" meant that he
would find it at the bottom ot the river
counting from the source to tho mouth
the lower end, as it wore.
Cruise of Iho "Kojiil Snvitgc"
The large II it-boat, 26x170 feet jon-
vej ing the Pittsburg party of pleasure-
seekors mentioned in the ltKru iii.ii'a.n of
last week, drilled into this port last Fri
day evening, having made the run Irom
(irundurville without special Incident or
the loss of a man. The era It lay al an
chor hero during, the night, and was vis
ited by many of our citizens, to whom
some of the party are known. Three
large tents besides a commodious kitchen
and dining room are erectej on the spa
cious boat, and if the "pirates," as they
have been called, are not having a right
jolly time aboard "The Koyal Savage,"
which is the name they havo christened
their boat (hen there are no snakes lef
in these parts. A fine piano, and other
musical instruments are a part ofllieout
fit, and several good singers are among
the members, and there is inspiration t
burn, but we didn't notice lhat they were
burning any. A first-class chef accom
panies tho boat w ho manages to forage
enough to keep i lie larder stocked, while
the whole Allegheny is at their service
should any of the parly get thirsty. Each
member bears the Initials "K. S." on his
manly bosom, w hich we suppose meant
that they were the "Ileal Stuff," although
none of them said so. Four doctors aro
in the party, but they had not had occa
sion to proscribe anything stronger than
the "real stuff" since they set sail, not
withstanding several medicine chests
packed In ice are kept constantly on hand
ready for instant use. The boat left hero
Saturday morning, Willi the following
good teliows aboard, all iu lino condition,
and if any get into jail lielow hero we'll
not be responsible, having steered them
clenr of the coustables while in this nrt :
Pr. C. J. Reynolds, Dr. E. It. Walters,
Richard Owen, R. O. Sulor, A. E. Seidlo.
Pr. J. L. McCance, C. II. Robinson, Leo.
kauilmaii, Pr. Rog r Williams, J. P.
Miles, ('has. A. Scliaeldenhraud, T. D.
llaiuiau, and chef and helper.
Miss Ma Fones is visiting Siverly
E. E. Fleming was iu Oil City on
business Monday.
T. F. Kitchey, Esq., bad business
In Curry on Monday.
A, It. Kelly was in Pittsburg ou busi
ness a part of last w eek.
--Miss Ruth Clark vis. ted friends in
Oil City a part of last week.
L. J. Hopkins Is iu the Virginia oil
fields on business tills week,
C. M. Ault, of Ilowmanville, was a
visitor to Tionesla yesterday.
James Canliold was in Franklin on
business the first of the week.
Will Craig was up from Franklin
to see his mother last Saturday.
Mrs. J. F. Proper and aon Curtis,
visited friends in Warren Friday.
Miss Dolly Euiort is visiting her
uncle, John Emert, alTyleisburg.
P. M. McCall, of Tidioute, was a bus
iness visitor to Tlonesta ytisterday.
Dr. C. P. Siahr o' Lancaster, Pa., la
a guest at the home of D. W. Clark.
J. T. Carson was in Youngsville,
Warren county on husinoss Monday,
Edward Swauaon and Lrouard Smith
visited friends in Kane over Sunday.
-Miss Hello Jamieson was a guest of
friends in Clarion a part of last week.
Miss L. C. Nowkirk, of Sandy Lake,
is a guest of her sis'cr, M rs. A . Carson.
Win. Lawrence and D. W.Clark bad
business Monday afternoon iu Oil City.
A.T. Prookhouser left Monday noon
to visit his son In Oil City for a few days.
Miss Gertrude and Allc" Agnew are
guests of friends at Crowu for a few days,
Miss Evelyn York of Oil City, is a
guest of her cousin, Miss Evelyn Grove.
Mrs M. K, Abbott aud little daughter
visited friends at Endca' cir over Sunday.
Mrs. Ellen Felton left for Mnntpe lier,
Ind yoalerday, for a visit of a few weeks.
Amos dinger of Perry, was a busi
ness visitors t i the county seat last Fri
dry. Mrs. S. 8. Cantield and daughter,
Maude, are visiting relatives in Titus-
Miss Genevieve Biyles of Emlenton,
Is tho guest of her cousin, Miss Daisy
T. J. Bowman of East Hickory, was
a business visitor to the oil n ty seat on
Miss Florence Fulton returned Mon
day evening from a visit wilh friends In
Oil City.
Miss Florence Klinesliver was a
guest of Oil City frinds a coiiplo of days
last week.
Albert Gaisor of Brooklyn, N. Y., is
a guest of his Uncle, F. P. Kreiller, at
Mrs. Clias. Hood returned last eve
ning from a visit with her parents at
Mrs. W, W. Grovo is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. F. W. Swauaon, at James
town, N. Y.
Bert Kofncd, wifoand little son have
gone to Silver Creek, N. Y., foi a few
days' visit.
Miss Lizzie Morgan, of Oil City, is
here on a visit to her brothers, J. R, and
W. E. Morgan.
Mrs. R. L. Whitlon of East Hickory,
was caMing on Tlonesta friends between
trains last Friday.
Mrs. P. Joyce and daughler, Miss
Kathleen, visped Oil City friends a few
days of last week.
Judge Proper and Miss Elllo Waltors
returned Monday from a few days' so
journ at Lilly Dale.
Mrs. Harry Canileld and baby son
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Zahn
iser, at East Hickory.
Frod Wilkins was down from West
Hickory Iho guest of Lester Holeman
over lust Friday night.
Edward Selcraig of Chicago, was a
guest at the home of Win. Lawrence a
couple of days last week.
Miss Daisy Craig visited her brother
Clillbrd, at Oil Cily, a couple of days dur
ing the caniaviij last week.
K. C. Iloath and G. II. Killnier were
In Fauncetown a part of last week look
ing after tlioiroil interests.
Louis Sivanson returned Monday
evening from a two weeks' visit with
friends in Jamestown, N. Y.
Mis. Howe Lvons, and daughter,
Miss Margan t, of Butler, Pa., aro visit
ing among Tionesla relatives.
Misses Eurelta Proper and Elva Lan-
son left Monday evening for a couple of
weeks' outing at Atlantic City.
Misses Mina and Suie Bruce of
I.nechburg, Pa., are hero on a visit to
tliei' aunt, Mrs. W, L. Wolcott.
Mra. Thomas Mays and daughters
Goldie, Elilh and Grace, are visiting
friends in oil City aud Franklin.
-Mrs. John H. Berlin, ol Whig Hill,
died very suddenly this morning at 7:00
o'clock. Mho was aged about 51 years.
Mias Edith Hopkins returned Mon
day morning from a two weeks' visit
with Miss Virginia Siggins in Oil City.
Mrs. A, A. Pease aud drughter. Miss
Blanche, w ho have been sojourning at
Chautauqua, arrived home lust evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kelly left last
evening for Erie, from whence they will
go over the lake to Chicago to visit rela
tives. Miss Inez Brownell, of Corry, Pa., is
visiting Tionesla friends and is at pres
ent the guest ot tho Misses Randall at the
Rural House.
V. G. Armstrong, who is now located
on the N iekel P ale road at Virmilioii,
Ohio, was at home wild his family over
Mrs. Mary E. McElbaney of Butler
and Mrs, Pheolie Williams of GroveCity,
are here on a visit to their aider, Mrs.
G. W. Bovard.
Charlie Walbtirg, lormcrly in the em
ploy ol 8. S. Canficld, but now located ill
East Liverpool, Ohio, is here for a week's
visit with friends.
G. F. Watson and son Harry, left
Monday for New York on business
after which they will go to Atlantic Cily
lor a week's pleasure.
Mi-s Elite k, who buhls a re
sponsible position as stenographer and
typewriter for a prominent Philadelphia
is 1 6 ounces of pure
collee to the pound.
Coated Coffees are
only about 1 4 ounces
of conee and two
ounces of eggs,
glue, etc., of no
value to you, but
money in the pocket
o 1 the roaster.
Ttia aLsrt narkiM Ismm L.
ibfa juhtf kail liwt umu.
law firm, is at home for a short vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
W. II. Morgan, foreman of the carv
ing room at the mantel factory, left last
evening for a week's visit with his fam
ily at Hughsvillc, Pa.
Miss Myrtle Held of New Lebanon,
and Miss Elva McBrideof Fiaiiklin.sister
and niece respectively of Mrs. A. C. Urry
a e bore on a visit to her.
('has. M. Whiteiiian has disposed of
his mercantile interests at Lily Dale and
will return to Tionesla to live. There's
no place like homo, Charlie.
S. E. Church, of Church Hill, Hick
ory twp., was a picas nt caller Thursday.
He gives t lie same story that all our
farmers tell about the great oats crop this
Miss Ellen Bowman, of East Hickory,
was a guest of Miss Helen Sniearbaiigli
for a few hours last Fiiday while on her
way borne lr. m a visit with relatives at
Mrs. David Blum and baby are down
from North Warren visiting relatives.
She was accompanied home by her bister,
Miss Amy Anderson, who has been vis
iting her a couple ol months.
Mis. frank Trushal of Warren, a
guest of Mrs. L. Agnew for a couple of
months past, returned home last Friday,
accompaniod by Mrs. Agnew who will
visit Warren frieeds a few days.
W. E. Witherell of Endeavor, en
gaged during Iho past summer in look
ing alter several fleets of timber lor
Wheeler A Dusenbury at Logans Ferry,
came home last week for a short visit.
E. A. Yet'.er was down from Marien
viile Saturday tho guest of tho editors'
fac.ily. His daughter, Miss Ellen, who
lias been visiting Tionesla friends for the
past three weeks, returned home wilh
J. F. Proper loft on Saturday lust
for the Pacifio coast. From thence he
will take a trip to Alaska partly to see
the country and partly to look alter some
business matters In that frigid region,
lie expects to be gono a coupio of months.
L. Agnew was in Pittsburg on busi
ness this week. On tho way down and
when leaving the car at Oil City Sunday
evening, Iho Hep broke square off letting
Mr. Agnew, who Is a heavy man, d wn
pretty solid onto the truck, but for
tunately causing no Injury further than a
severo shaking up.
John Freeman and Will Greaves
came down fr m Warren in a row boat
Monday arriving here about four o'clock
in the afternoon. Besides having a most
delightful outing tiny picked up a siring
of light very nice black bt.s, and didn't
pay much attention to fishing either.
Tiiey were guests of J. D. Dayis and Pr,
Greaves while hero.
Reference to our wedding announce
ments to-day will disclose the happy in
telligence of the marriage of a very pop
ular young Tlonesta couple Mr. Robert
Fulton and Miss Mildred Horner. The
ceremony was solemnized at Jamestown,
N. Y., on tho Till inst., and proved quite
a happy surprise to (lie young couple's
many friends hereabouts, all of whom
will join iu wishing Hum very many
years of prosperous and happy inariicd
Utter Hems.
Work Is progressing finely under the
lnaniigoineut of tho foreman, Mr. Otto
Miss Mauilo Hillard, guest of Mis.
.Stephen King for the past week, returned
to her home at Endeavor Saturday. Chat
Hillard was also a guest there, Tuesday.
Mrs. Otto Rudolph is anticipating a
tiip to Noa town Mills, next weik. We
hope she will enjoy her visit.
Miss Ollie Killer of Heaver Valley was
the guest of Miss Kale Botzer on Wed
M..aud Mrs, Ed. Rudolph attended a
social ball at New low 11 and reported a
Mleasant time.
Al. Alabaugli has moved his family
herefrom Buck Mills and the mansion
on (bo square is no longer vacant.
Rolla Killer spent Sabbath with his
parents at Beaver Valley. Rixky.
New niiiusville News.
Mrs Ida McGown had a runaaw ac
cident breaking the harness aud buggy,
but herself e-caping unhurt. '
Elmer Wallers' child got Us head bad
ly buit.
The peoplo about Nnwinansville have
been harvesting. Elmer McMillan has
his oats in shock.
T here will be preaching at the New
iiiansville Lutheran chinch next Sunday
by Rev. Lucrone. All are invited.
Miss Sadio Kerr of Tylersburg, is vis
iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Long.
Mrs. James McMillan was in Tiones'a
last week calling on many of her old ac
quaintances aud friends.
Mlnps the Coiiuli ami works ofl'llie ( ulil.
Laxative Bromo-tjiiiuinn Tabiels cure a
cold in one day. No cure, eo pav. Price
at cents. ii-zr-iy
FULTON HORN ER - In Jamestown,
N. Y., Aug. 7, Pn2. Rev. Mr. Kcrm, of
tho Episcopal church, olliciating, Mr.
Robert A. Fulton and Miss Mildred
J. Horner, both of Tionesla.
CARSON- FOREMAN At tho brides
home Aug. 12, uv lu,v. . K.
Stie.e, Mr. J unes Harvey Carson of
West Hickory, and Miss LoilemaGrace
Foieinan of East Hickory.
This siirnntiiro is on every lsx of the gonnlna
Laxative Bromo-Quiniiic Tablets.
tab remedy that rurrs a cold la one da
I I I- I
That boy of yours hat been working
faithfully all spring and summer. Would
not a course of instruction in some good
business college be an excellent way for
you to show yaur appreciation of Ids
work f Besides, it will make him a bet
ter business man. Ho will make use uf
ll every day ol bis life. Bi tter write to
day to the Warren Business University,
Warren, Pinna., for lull particulars in
regard to its course of training In com
mercial branches. 21
Jioticc to Contractors.
The Board f Trustees, F'irst Presby
terian church, Marienviile, Pa., will re
ceive bids lor the erection of a Presby
terian church at Marienviile, Pa. Bids
received until Aug. loth at noon. Hoard
roserves rights to reject any or all bids.
D. B. Shiki.ds, Pres.
2t h. F. KKNDAI.L, Sec.
Ladies' Shirt Waists & Wrappers
We l'.ave 100 Ladies' Shirt Waists aud s like number, of Wrappers
and we are gciog to make the price clone them out.
M.00 Waists for
2 50
Come Early Before
the Best are Gone.
L. J. Hopkins.
Seasonable offer
inz of
1.00 waists C8c
1.25 waists 78c
1.50 wnists 88c
1.75 waists 98c
2.00 waists 1.08
2.25 waists . 1.18
2.50 waists 1.38
3.00 waists 1.08
3.50 waists 2.18
5.00 waists 2.98
$1.25 waists 1.08
1.50 waists 1.28
1.75 waists 1.38
2.00 waists 1.48
2.50 waists 1.88
2.75 waists 2.08
3.00 waists 2.28
3.50 waists 2.98
4.00 waists 3.38
5.00 waists 4.08
Perfect Ice Cream Powder
Is Install My ready for use. reouirinir only the addition ol one ouart of Cold milk. 1ml
milk and iinif crcmu, or all cream, to innke two iinrtH of a line Ice Cream aa any
con led loner can make. Klavnra for Ico Cream are, lUnntierrv, Htrawlierry, Va
nilla, OraiiKP, Cliocolato and l'lain (unllavored to lo used with Ircali fruita or In
makiiiir up liiucy cream.)
I'crhct Water Ico lodor requires only
make two quart of Water Ico or .Sherbet.
Send un 20r; and we will mail you a packao of any of tho above flavors, wltb our
li.Hiklei. full ol valuable rccuintH for makinir all kinda of l'lain and Fancv ( 'mania
and Iocs. O. J. Weeka A Co, til Murray
Straw Hats
Half Price.
Any straw tint in our stuck no matter tlie early season prioe
at exactly ono half the plainly marked price. Plenty of hot weather
in store yet, as August and September are not cool moutln by any
means. All I'atiaiiu's inc!cdo in tikis oll'ur.
Men's 2-Piece Flannel Suits
Reduced in Price. Suila now
112.00 Suits now
$15.10 Suits now
A few odd suits in lower priced jarineo ta at half
p ice but not all sizes.
Boys' Wash Suits.
Any Ptiit in our stuck no matter the price, at one-third off the
plainly marked price.
White Slou,e Waists, bizes 3 to H, that were 50c, now '2'Jc, and
KIoiho and lliifsitui Waists lhat were II, uow 50c.
41 43 SENECA ST,
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Itear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
This Week.
$1.50 Wrappers,
At about one
halt real value.
the addition ofono quart of Cold water to
Klavora for Water Icj aro. Lemon and
!St Now York City. N. Y.