The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 13, 1902, Image 2

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Editoh PnormtTon.
Su.-IJo. Tu. We. Tfc. Tr.
5 6i 7
1213 14115 16
18 19,20;2122;23
25 2I3 27.2S 29 30
ltrpublirmi Tlckol.
PACKKK, of Philadelphia.
I.irttl. Governor WILLIAM M.
BROWS, of ljrenee connlv.
.SwrMi-v of Internal Af iiim ISAAC
B. lmoWN.ol Erie county.
Axrmotf-V. W. A MSLKK.
l'i olhonolnry J. C. UEIsT.
.vAo-iri UKOKtiK W. NOHLIT.
unrv Cbmmuwi'fner COXRAI)
Bl'KllKNN, A. K. SH1PK.
Au1itimGA W. HOLKMAN". W.
H. STit.ES.
JtuyOtmm iioner ERXKSTSIBBLE
Hales lo Remember.
The last day for registering voters
be Wednesday, Sept. 4th.
Ths last day for payment of taxes will
be Saturday, Oct. 4th.
Election Day will be Tuesday, Nov. 4th.
Japa is again supplying arms to
China, but they are old arms which Japan
bas discarded.
. Politicians who are now talking free
trade must imagine that the people are
getting tired of prosperity.
Bosto autis are studying Tsgalog, in
order to be able to understand their god,
Aggy, when he visits them.
IT is understeod that Col. Brran is
tired of the vaudeville circuit and is anx
ious to get back Into legitimate comedy.
Bkfork Uncle Sain can turn a wheel in
the Panama enterprise he will have to
stop the revolution already in progress
CfBA's declining revenue is a fresh il
lustration of the value to a country of
business conlidence in future competent
Til K Nebraska volcano has erupted with
no further effect than a disagreeable but
transitory odor in the public olfactories.
Phila. Kecord.
Thb money question has always been
the principal hobby of the Democratic
parly. This year it bobs up in the shae
of insufficient campaign funds.
Which a Democratic article on tiusts
come to a po.nt it invariably lays the
blame on a protective tariff. But it is
easy to understand, after the experience
with the Wilson-Gorinau law, why a free
trade arguuieut should wear a disguise of
of some kind.
Thr forecaster who read in the stars
that Edward the Seventh of England
would reign hut would never becrowned,
says the Kane Republican, enjoyed a
briet period ol prophetic credit, through
force of circumstances which had no re
lation whatever to the data for his prog
nosis ; but he has met the refutation
which sooner or later disposes of all who
impose upon the credulous their crude
readings of the future.
Thkkb is a lull in the talk about the
isthmian canal, but the government is
doing iu part intelligently, and some
thing definite will doubtless be fixed
upon by Ibe time that Congress meets
next December. Negotiations between
the state department and the authorities
of Colombia are in progress, and although
our side baa not yet gained all it wants,
and all it must have if the Panama r ute
is to be accepted, the outlook is that Co
lombia will yet come to time. If she
doea not, of course, the Nicaragua route
will be selected. The canal will be built
atone point or the other, and work will
probably begin before the end of l'Mtl.
IHx'Lahinu that free silver la dead, the
opponents of Brvan proceed to mske the
Democratic issue. And w hat do you sup.
pose it is? Free trade (euphemistically
tar i IT re form), according to the Cleveland
ilea ! If tree silver i dead, free trade ia
positively petrified. The American peo
ple have repudiated one as emphatically
us the other. The II ill men are not
definite. With characteristic cowardice,
they fear to attack Republican Issues,
having none of their own to substitute.
bo they content themselves with attack
ing Republican records and reiterating
"We are Democrats." Campaigns can'
not be won on negations or by discredit'
ed leaders. The voters will not be led on
Tub New York Press tells of a Demo
crat, an importer and, in theory, a free
trader, who received a circular from a
free-trade organisation urging upon biin
the farvnrablenesa of the preseut lime lor
a vigorous free-trade campaign, and ask
ing him to write and let the organization
know what amount it should put him
d wn for as his suhcription in aid of the
promising work. The citizen iu question
is not only a Democrat and an importer
and a theoretic low tariff man, but he is a
ataid, venerable, temperate gentleman
and a steadfast pillar of the church. And
so moved was he by the brilliant oppor
tunity for a change that he look a pen
and wrote across the circular after the
question asking how much he would
"Not a damned cent!"
Seldom has the profane adjective been
used more fittingly. Every cent given
in aid ofthe vicioiia pro,oganda whose
sole aim in life is to banish prosperity
and bring in ruin and chaos certainly
should class as "a d d cent,"
ft -a?;
1902 AUGUST I902j
10 11
I U4
Tns campaign text boo compiled by
I the Kcpublicau coiiKieaional committee
I pIvm thrt loll, iik i... ... . .
n - "'h 'iiit"iin hi i nra
paid to arlisaua in the lYiud Matra and
in Great lirilain. A brief quotation o!
the figures is typical of the whole, llim k
sui ilhs reo ive in New York J.s." per day,
I In London f Hill per day. In Cliica0
per day, in tilasgow f 1.4S er day
lllacksmilhs' helpers receive in Chiiapj
f l.iS'l r day, in Manchester fO.'.cll,
SI. Louis l.oVi per day, iu Glasgow
per day. Carpenters receive in New Vol
.i! per day, in I,oudon J t.lli pr day
in St. Louis fcl.SO per day, in Manchester
$1.50, in Chicago (2.50, iu Glasgow ?1.5S
per day. Cabiiienl makers receive (2
per dav in New York, aa against $1,371 in
Maochester. Iron moulders receive .731
in Chicago, as against (1621 ill Glasgow
MachiniMs receive fil.ii in New York,
as agaiiiMt l..'4 in London and 2.i"J
SU Louis, as against $ in Manchester.
Patternmakers receive fcl.7S, in St. Louis
as agaiuist f l..'x in Manchester,
A hoik in the country possesses more
individual features of attraction than
dwelling place iu a large city, and there
is a growing temlancy iu A merica, on the
part of people of wealth, to adopt the plau
of living prevailant in England, where
Hie country seat is the leal home, and the
town home is maintained fur use iu spe
cial season. "I find," said an observant
traveler, just back Iroiu Europe, speak
ing through the New York Tribune,
"that the atlrclion for the locality
which he lives is much stronger iu
heart of the man who abides in
country than it is Iu that of him who
makes his home in big city. Iu Now
ork, for instance, many people think
nothing of moving twice or three times a
year, and some move oftener, w hile iu
the country to be compelled to leave the
old larm is regarded as little short of a
diswler. This peculiarity of the country
man is uowhere more forcibly ilhistiatcd
than in Switm-rlai.d, where a large pro
portion of the people live in little cottsges
perched ou the mountain sides like Dies
on a w all. Every once in a w hile an ava
lunch comes down from above and sweeps
a house aw ay, lor these tremendous dem
onstrations of nature have their beaten
tracks in many localities, and are of peri'
odical occurrance. If, perchance, the
people who were in the house escaped
w ith their lives, they almost invariably
remiild in the ame place, thuscouttinga
second or even a third visitation by
snow slide or landslide. There is one vil
lage a Stuben, which has been partially
swept away no less than half a dozen
times, but each time it has been rebuilt
by the survivors.
IinoM'velt ami Hie Tmvt
It is very well lor the Democrats to
make opposition to truststheir chief issue
lor the forthcoming Congressional c.ini
paign, especially if lhe combine with it
a vigorous demand for tariff reductions
as applied to trust made goods. But it
will bo folly to aid nipt to di ledit the
sincerely of President ItooHevrlt in an
nounciiig his purpose to deal with the
trusts provided II at congress will give
him support. Mr. Roosevelt has made a
good anti-trust record. Ho was rcspon
sihle for the introduction and the passage
ofthe law against monopolies in this
State, and through that act much good
has been accomplished. He has a much
greater task ou his hands iu the present
instance, however, for he must deal with
the w hole trust problem and must act
within the hampering limiiation of Fed
eral authority in reaching oilier than cor
porations engaging in interstate com
merce. The greatness of the task, the
traditional attitude of the Republican
party ou the subject of high protection,
and the immediate org-ncy ofthe Cuban
reciprocity question were quite sufficient
to account for the fact that the President
did not make an augressive effort lo se
cure anti-trust legislation at the last ses
sion. Mr. Roosevelt mav not succeed in
bis ambition, but he will convince the
country that he is sincere iu his desire
and efforts to regulate abusive monopo
lies. Albany Timea-Uniou.
Statkof Ohio, City okTolkdo, I
Frank J. Ciiknky makes oath that be
is the senior partner of the firm of r J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
City ol Toledo, County and Slate a lore
sai ', and that sai'l linn will pav the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not lie cu red by the use of Hall's Ca-
TAItltll ClTltK.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
mv presence, this lith dav ol December,
A. . lMi.
seal. A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Pit l tie.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally
ami acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaees of the system. Send lor
testimonials, free.
There is no education like a "bread
winning" one one that declares a divi
dend every day in the year. Our busi
ness colleges stand in the front rank ai
training schools for young men and wo
men who wish to enter tho business
world. We know of no training scboo
that has made a more honorable record
than the Warren Business University,
Warren, lVnna. Its graduates are found
in nearly every state in the Union and
are in demand by business men. A
course of training in this institution in
the Commercial Branches and shorthand
and typewriting opens the door of oppor
tunity. Full particulars w ill be sent on
request. ift
On account of the annual picnic of
the I. O. O. F. at Monarch Peak, Oil City,
August l'i, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets to
Oil City and re urn August 1-i and 11),
good to return until August IS, inclusive,
from Foxhurg, Corry, Warren, and intei
tuediate stations, at reduced rates (mini
mum rate, 25 cents). It
When you wake up witu a bad taste in
vour mouth, go at once to Killmer Bros,,
tionesta, or W. (j. Wilkins, West Hick
ory, I'a., anil get a free sample of Cham
berlain's Stomachs and Liver Tablets.
One dose will make vou well. Thev also
cure billiousness, sick headache and con
stipation. l?M-nlcr Cared Wllhnsl ike Aid mf a Due.
"I am just up from a hard spell of the
flux" (dvsenlerv) ssvs Mr. T. A. Pinner,
a well Known merchant of Drummoud,
Tenn. "I used one small bottle orcham
ticrlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and w as enred without having
the dis'Uir. I consider it is the best
cholera medicine in the world." There
is no need of employing a doctor when
tliis remedy is used, for no doctor can
prescribe a lietler medicine for howel
complaint in any form either tor children
or adults. It never fails and is pleasant
to take. Sold bv Killmer Bros, Tio
nesta, W. U. Wilkins, West Hickory, Pa.
Flashlights of Chautauqua.
Just aa the sun w aa sinking behind the
western boriaon on a beautiful July eve
ning, it played a game of bide and seek
behind the forest covered hills of South
western New York, w ith the nassenirera
on the Krui express as they were rapidly
carried toward Chautauqua Lake. It
seemed loath to say "good night," and
lingered long enough to enhance the
beauty of this tiny "inland sea" with
naiool glory, as its broad expanse of
water and picturesque surroundings
came in view. With quiel dignity the
City of New York plow ed ita way through
the placid waters from wharf to wharf,
meetiug Chautauqua bound passengers at
the dillerent landings. Almost two
hours' ride lay between Lakcnood and
the desired haven, and not even the rar
est day in June could have been more
charming to tialurc-loviiik, piople than
such a ride on such an evening. All the
traveler had to do was to lay aside every
eare, aim, if he were at peace with the
Creator or the universe, he would soou himself in pcrlect harmony with his
surroundings. For a time the golden
glow of the sun fell across the clear rip
pling water ofthe lake, giving it the ap
pcarauce of a sea of gold, and Heaven's
benediction seemed to hover over all
Thousands of whispered voices bore on
the evening's brcc.o a Bweet chorus,
silently one by one, in the infinite
inca.iowa ol heaven,
Blossomed the little stars, the forget-me-nots
of the sngt Is;"
and the jeweled ligiit of these little mes
sengers of love, was reflected char and
bright w ith the silvery rays ol the moon
beams, on the bosom of beautiful Chill
tauqua laike. Itwastlieu the imagina
tive person could see how this body of
w ater looked to the cousins of Hiawatha
as they paddled their ow n canoes to and
fro little lesa than a century ago; and
the imagination waa ouly heightened as
in the distance a camp-tire blated, like
the council-tires ofthe Red Man, against
back-ground of dense foliage. But
poetic visions partially vanish as the
truiuul shores are reached at dillerent
points and evidences of a modern civili
zation are seen on evory baud. An
age or machinery has brought the shriek
ing trolly-wire with all its relapves.
Electric lights gleam and glitter from ev
ery port, while hither aud yon are pleas
ure boats propelled by the same wonder
ful power that the Indian knew only to
shun and at which he tried to shoot.
Iu the midst ol such surroundings aud
broken reveries, comes a timid little
creature to enquire lor those so near aud
dear to her iu Tionesta. Sho has met a
former S. S. teacher and her heart is
gladdened; former days are lived over,
and the present ia reached. What a sur
prise to learn that the safety of the City
of New York with all its human Ireighl,
argely depends upon the faithfulness of
tireman Ueorge Beulley, husband or our
own Daisy Keuniston. But such it is.
and the only cloud apparent on the lite ol
I lotieata'a young friend is absence of the
Sabbath ou Chautauqua Lake. Her hus
band'a work calls for liliu each day of the
seven from 5 a. in., to It) p. in. The Sab
bath is a day unknown on the Lake to all
boatmen, but Chautauqua, with her
closed gates, is a silent but etlective wit
ness for Uod. May the time soon come
win u no such beautiful spot on our Re
public will have so dark a setting, but
when it can be truly said in every placet
llus is a Christian nation."
(Continued next week.)
Take Laxative Bromo Ouiinna Tablets
All druggists refund the mcnev if it tails
locure. w.uroves signature ia on
eacii box. &o. 11-27-lv
SERIOUS IIIKITaI.E slef.pless,
Short Slorr Well Told of a am Us Ecasj Cure.
A. Lew is, of No. 3(13 East Third street
Oil City, Pa., says: "Oneof my family
who was run down appetito and
strength gone nervous and sleepless,
was asked to fry Dr. A. W. Chase's
Nerve Pills a a general and nerve tonic.
He got a box and (ells me his strength ia
back his appetite good, sleep natural
and nervousness gone. He likes them
very much aud considers the medicines
tine one."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold
at&Ocabox at dealers, or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Company, Buffalo, N.
See that portrait and signature of A
Vt . t liaic, M. D., are on every package
For sale by Killmer Bros., druggists.
Zinc and Lriiiiling Make
Devoe Lead and Zinc, Paint wear twice
as long as lead and oil mixed by hand.
Sold by James . Davis. (f
Kiilurril Kales Is llratrr, C'slnrsds Nprinits
and Tiii-iila.
On account of the National Fraternal
Congress, to be held at Denver, Col.,
August "H to liu, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will sell excursion tickets
to Denver, Colorado Springs, or Pueblo,
Col., from all stations ou its lines, at rate
of single fare for the round trip. Tickets
will he sold and good to return until
September 30, Inclusive. Tickets must
be validated for return passage by Joint
Agent at any of the alioveil-mentioneil
points, lor which service a feeof cents
will be charged.
For specific rates and conditions, apply
to ticket agents.
The right Hu-iness College to attend
s the one w hich hastlie laciijties for plac
ing its graduates in positions. Warren
Business University, Warren. Penna.
bas established a reputation, not only for
thoroughly training its graduates, but
also for placing them in profitable posi
tions, henil lo-dav tor cala.ogue. lit
The paitnershin of Knox if-Hill In the
j meat busine-s. Tionesta, Pa., was di--I
solvrd on Jane :;otli, by mutual
consent. - U.S. Knox,
i -..I I. 1 , HILL.
free sample of Chamberlain's
Siotnache and Liver Table at Killmer
Pros., Tionesta, or W, i. Wl kins, West
Hickory. I'a. 'Ihey aie ianr to take
and more pleasant in t If. ct iha i pills.
Tnen tlieir use is not followeil ,y consti-
tution as is ollen Ibe ca-e with pills,
tegular size, ijc per box.
Cream of the Sews.
An old man
Ask Dr. J.O,
about Lsw ience.
look funnv when be
Dunn for Information
You never really get
you die.
through until
Hopkins issacrillcing everything in
the lineof summer dry goods these daya.
And hot weather is yet to come. It
As women grow older their party
dresses begin to last longer.
When hungry for a toothsome mor
sel call or phone the White Star Groitry
Most excuses are uot worth the
trouble of making.
Some nice samples for rugs here yet,
come and get one, they don't cost much.
HtatuA Feil.
Friends ou an air ship voyage should
never fall out.
Lowest prices on Hour and feed at T.
P.S. It
-After all, there Is no nerve lood su
perior lo good luck.
ino and lead m proper proportions
w ith Linseed Oil make the best Paint-
Lawrence brand at Dr. J. C Dunn. It
Beware ol Hie man who poses as the
hero onus own stories.
Everything In hot weather or sum
mer dry goods is on the bargain counter
at Hopkins'. You should not miss theso
sac l'i lice sales,
A dishonest man auspecta every
honest man lie eucouiilers.
Men'a solid fine shoes $ Tio
nesta Cash Store, it
Teara we sued mr others are usually
ofthe fresh air btund.
WiMiltex skirts are tho favorite sed
ers now, and they ouly need to be seen to
lc appreciated. Hopkins bas the exclu
sive sale of them hero. It
Anything you get for nothing usually
ia uot worth that much.
Pure well spilled Linseed Oil makes
in making the Lawrence Paints. Sold
by Dr. J. C, Dunu. u
People who fish fur compliments
sometimes lose their tackle.
When you waut Ibe best at bottom
prioaseeT.C.S. It
Every man may have his price, but
every woman wants a bargain.
New shoes are here. No small lot of
them either. Come and look, every pair
guaranteed. Heath A Felt. It
Afldction ia the lining that's miss
ing I mm a breech ol promise suit.
Along with the freshest aud best veg
etables, ilia White Star sells the choicest
groceries also. No fancy prices. It
An opportunity of a lifetime is
merely a chance to say "no".
See that line or summer pants
. c. s. lt
More things come to those w ho don't
wait than to those who do.
Use a Paint that practical painters
indorse that's Law reuce sold by Dr. J.
C. Dunn. it
Some men are like Imported cigars
very good, but exceedingly nariow.
Hopkins' shoe sale ia getting away
with them all. Call before the choicest
are gone. It
Some mon work for all Ihey are worth,
and don t work much, either
tax best canned moats try Tionesta
Cash Store. It
It you would know a young lady
faults get chummy with her girl friend
Only a small lot of thin goods left
they go at your own price. Heath
Feit. n
v non a woman argues with a man
she Is outxpoken and he is out talked
Oxfords, and all siiinmer shoes, for
oither ladies or gentlemen, are Vo be hail
at greatly red u ceil prices at Hopkins'. It
Unless a man has a reuse of humor
ho doesn't know w hen not to be humor
Still some rug length of carpot sum-
pies at T. C. s. U
Economy as practiced by the average
man seldom saves any mouey
Still a few ol those oue-half price
shirt waists at Heath A Feits. It
An unhappy wife is one whose hus
band always lets her have her own way.
Ask lor now price list and got posted
atT. C. S. It
Many a girl doesn't realize how well
off she w as until she gets a husband
lino young men and women wanted
at Warren Business I'uiversity, Warren,
Penna.. to train for profitable positions.
Write to day for particulars. 21
Provide Professional Training for
Teachers, Prepare YouDg People
for College, and Offers Ezcelleut
Facilities for General
for Prospective Teachers. Board.
Room Kent and Laundry, $ 1 27
per annum. For Further
particular call oo or
Clarion, Pa.
Clock Repairing and all work pertaining
vt mejewcicr a irsoe, promptly
and accurately done.
Xt'H- .Hilvri iiic Wa(li
Cases traded for Old .Silver Cases In
any condition. Old watches taken in ex
change for new ones
.. t. .t m:itso,
Anderson 4 O' liars barlier shop,
Tionesta, Pa
It R. lt.NKIl S
iibeumatisni I
Drops -C,
all Bladder and OTTTT!
L'rmarv Disease. I .I KK
& L
Geltinq Ready
for a journoy U a good
deal of trouble tmliss
you liave enough .
to hold (he ' fixings."
Look over your pos
session iu this lino, and
if there is a sl.ortago,
look over our stock
Trunk, satchels, suit
cases, tele-copes anything-
you need, ami at
' the proper price.
To Take Eden July 1st, lnU.
KOUTrr PF.a'sic.Vn" TiinT"" " NoR 'f
2 j"4 J " Stations 11
a. in. p. m Leave Arrive a. n.'
li;4.i 4 l.i
l.'i I 4
in isi ( a
111 2o 4 .rni'
10 , (i
11 (;. l.'i
Henry's Mill
Blue J.iv
M inisier
M;i lung
Hock Mills
Newtown Mills
Ito.s Run
s .v. :t in
8 X 2 Si I
s: 'Jo 2 :to
s in 2 l.'i
7 .V. 2 (HI
7 4 I ,V
7 ' i
7 I s.-.
7 l 'i I 2 5
7 on .i
11 .,
i :ui
II 2.V.- 10
1 1 4 .;.-. .V.!
II 5. 4 i j
12 l.i : ..0.
;t." it (o
12 4 .o 10,
rl 'v
ii 4'l:
U 10,
p. in Arrive Leave a m p
T. D. COLLINS, Pkksiuknt.
Taking effect. June 2!Hh. 1!M) .
No. 30 Biitl'alo Express, daily
except Sunday " 11:25 a. m.
No, 82 Oil Cilv and I'lil-liiirg
Ex ress.ilsilv, except Sun.lav..7:.'IO p.m.
No. D.30OI1 City Aco.m.,Sun-'
day only :50 a. m.
No. 9.S2 Oil City Aecnm,, Sun
day only 8:12 p. m.
For Hickory, Tidioutc, Warren, K inula,
Bradford, Olean and the East :
No. St Olean Express, daily
except Sunday
No. 8.1 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday
No. U .ta. Irvineton "Accoiii.,
Sundaya only,
8:55 a. in.
4:;;'J p. in.
2:45 p. m.
For Time Tables and additional
Illation consult Ticket Agent.
(ieneral Manager, (ien'l Passenger Agt.
Cures Itheiimatism, Neuralgia, Injuries,
Soro Feel, l ame and Aching Back.
Skin Illnesses. Pains and Spiains.
This is the scison you
afford to have LUXUKIES,
if you desire them.
We do not ask you to
notice ii few items
ID1RESS COOL in a pair i,f pints
. 6t to wear anywhere. Lot of Ibem at 82 We
can also give you a few suits at $5, ami
OXHTOIRIDS fr Men or I.adiet (list
are right in tlyle anrl rice. Also
that can hardly he matched at the price. They
rsngo from 50a to $1. Also I'AN'T.S ami
IFkJSrC'Z" SHIRTS iDlthoc,
for the Little Men, that make them feel Dig, but
not uncomfortable.
The Life of Business is Low Prices at
Tionesta Cash Store
o are not poiog to wail until it Keis cold to Ri you tha
adratilage of reduced price on Summer lionds, but are gniiiR
lo make the Reduction right now at the timo when vou will
. I iL . I. TL.'.. t ai . .
uecii iiia g.iuus. i oni iMcni
w limit at hrat. bile they
sell at the following price:
2 Pieces Organziue
Light Blue and Pink, Dioet thin good on tho market, fiOo nual
ity for o9o.
Cotton Foulards,
lJcautiful ()igoi, Xo quality for 19e. (Theso Uargaio.)
Dimities and Swisses,
All 15o qualities, lOo. Cuite a large stock lo choote Irotn el.
Judt now is when you need a lliiu dress, i come aud get it
and save at least l!.") per cent Remomlior thcee price are fur
Vash Oul . So good l liurK'l.
Up-tc-Dato Dealers m
A. B.
A. Waynk Cook.
(1. W. Kobinaon,
, F. Rlu hey, J. T.
Wayne Cook,
P. Wheeler,
Collections remitted for ou day of pr.yuient at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all tho licuc fits consistent with conservative b king. Interest on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Have ycu been thinking; of do
ing any painting this season in
briglitt'U up lliu appearance of
your property? If to, you want
it properly done, aud an that is
my IntiiiucM 1 respectfully solicit
an opportunity to figure no your
work I can Ho tho wurk right
and at the rmlit piice.
1 also make a ecialty tif paper-lianping-
and carry a line of wall
paper lamples that can't be brat,
(live me a trial order and he
convinced of quality of both pa
per and workmanship.
Mnff. Aliv. rli:il.l... I.a1lf. ak rr-icett for
IIK III ol I It S Cl.l.lll in Kril .t
lrt iMMu' Isiim, ivaiiil will) bin.- rlts.ii.
Tiit-r nu other. Hrfuse tlnngrroita tubs! I.
-lullonMlll mIImiIi.m. Iihi vi.ur l'nw..t.
IT s. ii.1 tr. .11 .imi ,,r Partirnlitrs. Te.ll
mnnlnU an 1 - Urllrr for l.nrttes." is Itttrr,
b.' n lnrs Hall. !. Ivalmtuiuala. twUl Or
all lpiir.;,.rs.
SIM HudtMia SqwHr.. I'll I L.A.. PA.
MvsUm Ifalt sssais
can best
buy Luxuries, but simply advise you to
the season demands
future comforts.
noodi ij what we are coine to
last, for CAM 11
ouly, we will
Wit. Kmkakhai'oii,
Vice President
Win. Hmcarbaugli,
Bale, J. II. Kelly.
Inrorporati'd Dec. 1M3.
Write fir full term today.
Dr. T. I.. Flood, Pres.
Dr. W. I. Ilatusker, Vice-Proa.
A. J. Palm. Sec.
W. S. McOunnesle Tress.
Prof. I'. U. Smith.
Hon. J. J. Henderson.
J. If. Montgomery.
Itoo, F. Iiavenport, Ksr.
K. A. Hempstead.
Charles Fahr.
Col. 1). H. Hichinond.
The Meadville Commercial College Is
now maslng preparations lor a great In
flux of new sludeiils lha next year. The
lroeects were never better for the larg
est class that has ever entered the col
lege, and the demand waa never so great
as at tins lime, for thoroughly trained
young men and women in Shorthand
Typewriting and lUsik keeping. Com
bined scholaraeip In these departments
this veal will be by tar the most popular
aud profitable.
8 I,. BOY D, President,
Special Orgsnixer and Itegiatrar.
Wanted-An Idea
PrVrt TOUT IfWe: thp tn hri
Whn MB think
it Minif ainitl
tint! t LMatPUt
thfT may tuiiur yu wealth.
IKill'kN t o l.i.nt Aft,.
WrU JiShN WKbDKKHl'HN ft t:o
a. Wafthtnituin, U. '., 1 tbctr prla oUaf
I lilt u( lwo bundra4 Luvmuod wanted.
HOW moul your MmU of Stationary f
Wo to hitflt clatna Job rrlntintf.
call for so much expense, as
during the colder season.
for present and
1 1. tht costs little money and
HOSIiUBY uit the most exact
ing, in dtlicate figures and fast color, to Gt feet
of any size. Also Shoe Polishes.
ami keep fresh, and have what yon need for ynur
Lunch in Canned Meat, Vegetable aud Fancy
Coo kite, and can 'ipply Tour want in Glass
Can, Jelly Tumbler, Kettle, Sugar, Spices
and all needful thing in the Preserving Season.