The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 06, 1902, Image 5

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. AMI - -
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C. I All k SON,
All Leading Companies
Wild Landn, Farms, Hansen
Lot far Sale or Rent.
JsillP". Ad.
I.aininers. Ail.
Kohlnsnn. Ail.
1 Iik ui". Locals.
llio. I. Ii vis. A.I.
Puun'a Ky. Header.
Clarion Normal. Ail.
Hilli A Kolt. Locals.
ProT. C. ItliK-k. Im'hIh.
Kdiuboro Normal. Local.
Lawrence Paints. Locals.
White Slur Urocory. Ijocals.
Tionosta Cash (Storn. Local'.
Warreu Business University. Locals
Marienville Presbyterian Church. No
lice lo contractors.
-Oil market drawl at f
Fine china dishes ut T. V. 8.
Oil and nan lease at tlilH olllce.
-Walton I loads thorn all. T. C. H.
Hopkiua sells the Douglas shoos tl
All Oxford at cost at Heath Kelt's,
Still aomo rug lengths of carpet m tri
ple, at T. C. 8. It
-Slrootinan shoes fur ladies, Douglas
hoe fur men. N ill ceil. Hopkins. It
If your house looks shabby give it
coat ol Lawrence get It at Klllinor Hro.
For S lie at Scowden tV Clark's almp,
second hand, buguy Poison self-oiling
zle. tf
A niimher of tlio young peoplo pic
nicked on OMlown flats Monday after
noon. Jelly glares 2 d... tumblers 30c dz.
Mason glass jar8 'a at Tinppata
CashHlora. it
liicka says the rains will ennlimio
until Ann. 10, after which we will have
fair weather.
The finest variety of vegetables and
fruits Is always to b found at the While
Star Grocery. It
Thin goods are mov inn. If tho weath
er is unlavorahle tlio price, is I'oing it.
Heath A Kelt. It
Ifyou want to sell your house! Law
rence I'aint will add to its value. Klllim r
HriM. will tell you. It
Scowdon it Clark have for sale a sec-nml-hand
luiKKV "J K"- Anyone In
need of either can secure a bargain, tf
-Kemnaut sale Mill on at Hopkins'.
Don't miss this opportunity to get a nice
skirt or waist pattern at a bargain. It
Considerable hail fell with tlio rainof
last Sunday evening hereabouta, hut no
material damage was done to crop or
The Venango Coniinty Teachers' In
stitute will be held In the Auditorium of
the High School, Oil C ty, August 15-llt,
Our cloning out price, one-half oil' on
shirt waists, is moving them pretty lust.
Ifyou want one you had better come
soon. Heath .t Kelt. It
The lint Publishin- Co. will kindly
accept our thanks for tho very pretty
souvenir spoon which it is sending out
to Its newspaper friend s.
It is none too early to look alter (he
matter of being registered in order to
qualify for the tail election. See to it
now and have It oft your miml.
Two free rural delivery routes were
established from Pleasanlville Aug. 1. .
Several small poatoflicea are discontin
ued, including Pitholo and fshamburg.
A charier of Incorporation was Issued
by the Stato Department at Uarrisburg
on Monday to the Warren Ilnslnoss Uni
versity, at Warren, Pa. Capital,,
Truf. C. Block, the eye specialist and
optician, will beat Central Hotel, Tio
nesla, lor two days, Aug. 11 and l.". All
work guaranteed. C. lllock, The Optic
Ian. It
A branch of the LY-lectic Assembly,
an insurance organization, will be organ
ize. 1 in this place to-morrow evening,
starting oil with a membership of about
Cliarlio Conger lo-t his pockot time
book some place on tho directs in Tin
nesta last Saturday. Finder will be
suitable rewarded by returning same to
I. K. Patterson started No. 4 well In
the "pony fie d" territory on Monday.
No 3, just finished, Is a dry hole. One
fairly good gasscr has beon struck in that
"Roastln' ears" are yet a thing to be
looked for In the market, nuo having
touched ua yet. They'ro coining on,
however, aud in a week or two will beon
tap, likely.
Burglars blew open tho safo of tlio
Camp Milling Company at Union City
and secured f 100 with which they escaped
The sate was wrecked and tho olllce
badly damaged.
Advantages and expenses at the Ed-
inboro State Normal comparo favorably
with those of similar institutions. Fall
session opens September 2nd. John F
Bigler, Principal. It
During the storm of last Sunday,
lightning struck the dwelling of S. I.
McKoe at Stewarts Hun, doing consider
able damage, fortunately no one was i n
jured more than a shock.
While playing with a pet rabbit Geo
Jennings, of Ktatiug's Furnace this
county, was bitten. A few days at;o
blood poison set In and the boy Ilea at the
point of death. Sandy Lake News.
The Kpworth League will hold a
lawn fete at the home of Mrs. Scowden,"
Friday evening, Aug, 8th. Everybody
ia invited to attend. In case of lam, re
freshiiiuula will be served at Lanson'a
Proper Bros., who had fishing jobs
on two wells last week, one on Fork run
and one on the Diekrager farm, have
both strinus out and are drilling again,
Contractor W. A. drove ia still hilling on
his Fleming II ill Job.
Following is the list o! letters remain
ing uncalled lor in tho Timiestu, Pa., Post
(Mil. si, lor tint week end. 114 Aug. II, I'.SL':
Mrs. Mary Knglisli, Mrs. V. . 11. iraut,
Miss Bernard card, Mr. J. F. hantliovk
-card. I). S. KnoX, P. M.
Mrs. C, F. Weaver's beautiful niglit
bliHiiuing cereiia put forth Its final blos
soms lor tliis season last cduesdjy eve
ning. There Weru nine blossoms out on
this occasion and their bcituly and fra
grance were admired by numerous call
ers, All the Pennsylvania englnea are to
be ro-miiubcred. The passenger equip
ment has passed through such treatment
that In live years the only lettering on
tho freight car (iiilpmeut will Le the one
word "Pennnsylvatila," each division
losing its Identity In this respect.
A llro ikvllle dispalch under dato of
Aug. 1st, says: Barnabas McCann, a
woll-kuuwn cllii-n, committed suicide
yesterday by Igniting a stick of dyna
mite. His body was frightfully mingled
and his home partially wrecked by the
explosion. Tho cause for the deed ia not
Established nearly ten years. Grad
uates in nearly every state in the Uuion
holding positions of honor and trust.
The largest enrollment during the past
year, In (ho history of Ilia institution.
Such Is the record of Warren Business
University, Warren, Pinna. Smd tj-day
for catalogue. 2t
Mr. and Mrs. George I). Smith of
Marieuvillo, cu lome with two daughters
from Marieuvillo to Warren, Saturday,
accidentally left her pocketbook contain
ing f Inn in tlio waiting room at Kane,
while she stepped out side. During her
absence tho purse w as stolen aud no trace
of it could be found.
The Derrick's oil report for July,
covering tho Pennsylvania, the South
went aud lite Southeast Ohio field ia thus
summarised aud compared with June
doings: Completed walls, 6S",decrcaseii0;
dry holes, lrtH, decrease, s!H ; new produc
tion, 7.7M, increase 405 barrels. New
work, rigs and drilling wells, S'.KJ, net de
crease 17.
Miss Kathleen Joyce having resigned
as teacher of ltooui No. 4 of the borough
high school, which position she held
during Ihe past term and to which she
had been ro elected, the school board has
sot next Monday evening, lllh inst., for
filling the vacancy thus created, and to
w hich date application; will be received
and considered.
"Not being addicted to the use of
mi u IV." says the "Merely Incidental"
man of Ihe Oil City Blizzard, "the beau
tifully enameled snutf box, which we
liavo received Iroin Prince Henry will be
utilized as a bait box." In that case we'd
advise the bringing along of the regula
tion s70 cork-screw ; we haven't any
up in this neck.
"Ah got no ;ttso fo' do man," said
Charcoal F.h In one of his philosophical
turns, 'Mat donate er thousan' dollahs t'
de heathen fund ob do fashlonablechurch
w id one liau' an' raise do rents on his
tenement houses wid de udilor. And
'spec' he bettah begiu practicin' crawlin'
fro' ilu tve ob er needle, Mistab Jack
son !" Baltimore News.
Tho attendance, at the Free Metho
dist catiipuieeting at l'leanaotvllle last
Sabbath was Immense, being nerhaps the
largest ever known at a similar gathering
In this s-e.-ti in. Tills town and vicinity
furnished a large list of attendants on
that day, and s rig could not be hired lor
lnvo nor money. There were many
soakings experienced by those who start
ed homo early in tlio evening.
On account of the F.Iks' Carnaval at
Oil City , Pa., August 4 to 0, the Pennsyl
vania liailroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets lo Oil City and return, good
going on above dates aud good to return
until August 10, inclusive, from Titus
v i I It", Tidioiite, Foxburg, and Interme
diate stations, at reduced rates (inlnl-
iniiin rale 2"i cents). For specific Infor
mation apply lo ticket agents. It
Pittsburg rivermen have not known
so valuable a summer as the present one
lor river shipments and for preparation
for fall work in a score of years, and
probably at no time since the river tral
fin of coal began. There has hardly been
a dull day for the coal operators this year.
for when low water caino in June all the
tows had been returned to Ihe upper
pools tor reloading, after a heavy spring
shipment. The month of July has given
the unusual and unprecedented shipment
of about HT.Ono.iKiO bushels of coal and
more than 50,000 tons of manufactured
products. Pittsburg Post.
Ciipt. Win. McCann of Newmana-
ville, who has been engaged In drilling
npon tlio Hopkins farm lor several
months past, met with an accident on
Mond iy of last w eek which Is giving him
much pain aud trouble. Ho was thrown
into the air several foet by the bullwheol,
aud in bis fall lit on his back, striking on
a bit-jack. While Ihe injury was pain
ful lie d'd not think it worth while to
summon a physician till a day or two
afterward. When he did so the physisian,
Dr. Dunn, found three ribs were fractur
ed. Mr. McCaun was able, with much
autfering to reach his borne, but will be
laid up for a number of weeks no doubt.
Harry P. Gilford, of 'Llcklngvllle,
spent Wednesday at the county seat. Mr.
Gilford saya that the hail at .rm which
visited Washington township last Friday
did thousands ofdollara worth of damage.
Corn ia shredded, oats stripped, buck
wheat beaten ilown and every growing
thing badly damaged. The farmera are
badly discouraged. Clarion Republican.
This storm did not strike Ibis immediate
vicinity, but ono edge ol it reached to
within about five miles south of here and
seemed to cover a strip ol country about
live or six miles wido, w hich it proceeded
to paralyze most effectuality. There
wasn't much left of vegetBtion In its
One of the iinpoitant business
changes that has beon consummated with
in tho past week Is tho pur. hae by Dr.
J. C. Dunn, one of Tionesla's leading
physicians, of the Killmer Bros, drug
store, tho transfer having taken place
the Hist of the week. Dr. Dunn will
give his personal attention tocompounii
ing of all subscriptions, and will have ts
bis assistant that well-knowu anil exper
ien.-ed pharma.-ist, Jas. II, Fones, who
has had years or experience In tills line.
C. F. Fuit has been secured by tlio doctor
as gi neral e leik, aud "Christy" will look
carcfu!!y alter tho wants of the storVs
many patrons. Success to the new order
of things.
Clerk ItobcrtFon Issurd a marriage
license Monday to Mr. M. D. Covert aud
Misa Anna Miller, both of Marieuvillo.
If the weather la all right Tuck's
llillersof Siverly will b up to play the
return gams with our boys Friday after
noon. Kev, o. II. Nickel, at the parsonage
yesterday performed the ceremony w hich
united Mr. David 8. Giluioro of Helen
Furnace, Clarion county, and Miss Mary
K. Hoover of Harnett twp., this county in
holy wedlock.
Let a man ones Injure you and be ia
in a lair way to become your bittereat
enemy ; let a msn do you a favor and
ten to one he will lieoome your best
friend. When s man siiowsan unfriendly
spirit towards you do unt jump to the
conclusion that you have wronged him,
You may have uiauy enemies, not bo
cause you have done them a wrong, but
because they have done you one. Hu
man naturo la bard to fathom. The fore
going, from the Clarion Republican, Is
true lo the letter. Haven't you e' er
nolieed it T Can any one tell why it is so?
An Erie county man, according to a
rural exchange, wrote to a county paper
a long letter about the equal rights ques
tion. He quoted extensively from the
reports of several women's gatherings to
prove that the movement was growing.
He wound up by saying: "I ain't got
no objection to wlmiuen votln'. I sup
pose in our town they'd use the regula
tion Australian ballot. I wouldn't kick
at all if all the lawa la lived up to. I'm
told the old, original Australian ballot
law says the polling booth must be fixed
so the legs ol the voter cau be aeen to the
On account of the mcoting of the
Western Pennsylvania Fireman's Asso
ciation at Jeaunetle, Pa., August 11 to 16,
the Pennsylvania railroad will sell ex
cursion tickets to Jeannette and return
August 10 lo l."i. good to return until
August 10, inclusive, from Pittsburg, Al
toona, and intermediate points, on the
Pittsburg Division, Including branches;
all stations on the Cambria and Clearfield,
Western Peni sylvania aud Monongahela
Divisions, and from all stations on the
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley division
aud branches in the State of Pennsylva
nia, at reduced rates (minimum rato, 25
cents). It
Quite a picnicing party with well
filled lunch baskets boarded the noon
train last Wednesday and took advantage
of the beauties of Monarch Park, OllCity,
to spend a pleasant alternoon, returning
home on the excursion train reaching
burs at 9 p. in. Following is a list of the
party: Mr. J. U. Robertson, Mrs. W. J.
Burt, Mrs. J. F. Proper, Mrs. J. P.
Grove, Mrs. T. C. Jackson, Mrs. K. C.
Heath, Mrs. L. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. J.
1). Davis, Mrs. J. B. Agnew, Mrs. 0. F.
Watson, Mrs. F. K, Lanson, Misses
Cora and Georgia Watson, Miss Maude
Watson, Miss Coleman, Elva Lanson,
Josephine Smearbaiigb, and Masters
Russell Hopkins, Curtis Proper, James
Grove, Kepler Davis, and Thomas Ful
ton, Miss Edith Hilbert, sister of Mrs. H
B. Felt or this place, died at the borne
of her mother In Clarion, on Monday of
thia week. A little more than two weeks
ago she was treated for apeudiultis, the
operation which ahe waa obliged to un
undergo being of such serious nature
as to discourage ber physiciana almost
from the first. Miss Hilbert was aged 22
years, being the youngest of family of
four daughters aud three tons. She was
an exemplary young lady, fullof energy,
a graduate of the Clarion Normal, s mem
ber of the Presbyterian cburcb, and a
shining light in the society In which she
moved, and which ber mauy endow
ments of mind richly adorned. Mr. and
Mrs. Feit departed Monday afternoon fcr
Clarion, where the funeral was held yes
terday alternoon. Miss Edith visited her
Bister here last summer and made the ac
quaintance of many of our young people,
who will read of ber unexpected taking
away with deep regret.
Fatal Accident at Kellettvllle.
John D. E.lmiston, employed by the
Salmon Creek Lumber Co., at Kellett
ville, met with a fatal accident while at
work In the lumber mill at tbat place
last Friday morning. Mr. E.lmiston waa
doing the blacksmithing for the com
pany and bad gone on the mill tbat morn-
ng to take the place for another work
man fur that day only. He was assisting
to tako the lumber away from the saw
and was caught by a "live roller" and
drawn into the machinery, and belore be
could be extricated, or the machinery re
versed he had sustained injuriea from
which be died at 11:45 a. m., the accident
happening about 7:30. The unfortunate
man was aged - years and leavea a wife
and two small children, besides numer
ous other relativea and frienda to mourn
his tragic death. Ilia remains were tak
en to Wolf'a Corners, Juunlowen post
office, hia former home, and where his
parents reside, and given burial In the
cemetery at that place on Sabbath last.
I'ieutlllcd Her Brother as Suspected
William II. Coniber was arrested laat
week In Meadvllle on a charge of mur
dering Horaco Halpln, a farmer living
near Batavia, N. Y.. on September 14,
ISW. The story of the crime brielly
stated is as follows : Halpin, who was
huckster, waa seen driving on the road
leading to Batavia by a neighbor and
Coniber was in the wagon witb hi.n. In
a short time thereafter the dead body f
Halpin was found in bis wagon, bia
pockets rifled and Coniber was missing.
On Tuesday a stranger, who bad recent
ly art ived and secured work In the Erie
railroad yards, registering at the Kepler
house as J. McCoy, was pointed out to
the police ss Coniber. A letter waa found
in his pocket addresaed lo Mrs. Mary
Barry, of Oil City. Mrs. Msry Barry,
who isthewifeorjohu Barry, a railroad
man, lives on Emerald atreet, Oil City.
She was taken to Meadville aud fully
identified the suspect as Coniber, her
brother. She is 25 snd he 2) years of age,
Couiber has gone under aeveral aliases,
He had spout the last two winters with
her In Oil City, aod if he waa impli
cated in any crimes since his boylnwd
iin was not aware of it. aa he had given
her no intimation of anything of the
kind. Coniber will be taken hack lo
York State for trial aa soon as requisition
papeis can be secured from Governor
stone. .
Mupa the l'uhand werks H ike t ela'.
Laxative Bromo-Hiilnine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price
25 cents. n--iy
Miss Florence Fulton is visiting Oil
City relativea.
Robert Fulton la spending a week at
Chautauqua Lake.
Mra. R. L. Haslet is visiting frienda
in Oil City this week.
J. 11. Kelly was a business visitor to
Oil City Fridsy afternoon.
Levi Metz visited friends in James
town, N. Y., over Sunday.
Miss Florence Hagerty ia a guest of
friends in Oil City this week.
Miss Iva Holemau visited friends in
Pleasautvllle over last Sabbath.
Win. Lowman of Marienville, waa a
business visitor In town Fridsy.
Mrs. J. W. Morrow is visiting her
sister st Pleasautvllle tbia week.
Miss Klllnore E. Norlin of Ludlow,
Pa., is a guest of Misa Cora Watson.
Mrs. H. S. Bstea, of Tituaville, Is a
guest of ber sister, Mrs, A, B. Kelly.
James A. Long of Oil City, spent
Sunday at the borne of Q. F. Watson.
Turner Arnold of Clai Ion, was a guest
of Howard Kelly a part of last week.
County Commissioner J. T. Dale
spent Sundsy with friends in Franklin.
Mrs. O. P. Watson ia entertaining
Miss Msry Rumhe'ger, of Emlenion, Pa.
Mra A. M. Doutl an 1 daughter, Gen
evieve are spending a week at Chautau
qua. Mrs. Lucinda Copeland, of Hickory,
ia a guest of ber daughter, Mrs. P. C.
Miss Ella Conger la visiting ber
brother John, at South Oil City Ibis
Mrs. A. C, Urey is at borne from a
mouth's visit with relatives In Mercer
Mrs. J. O. Carson or West Hickory,
was a guest of Tionesta relatives over
Mrs. Fred Slocuin and Mrs. R. T.
Buzard, ofGolinza, are visiting frieuds
In Warren.
O. M. Turner ofOll City, was a guest
of his sister, Mrs. John Banner a part of
last week.
O. C. Priestly, treasurer of Warren
county, waa a guest of Dr. J. C. Dunn the
first of the week.
General Manager C. R. Bowman, ol
the mantel factory waa in Kane a couple
of daya last week.
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Hughes of
Oil City, were guests of Mrs. Thomas
Mays last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Wiaver of
Clarion, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. Wesver last Fridsy.
Mrs. Robert Bender of West Hick
ory, was s guest of Mrs. Howard Lusher
between traina on Monday.
Mrs. S. J. Campbell, of Tionesta, has
returned borne after a abort visit witb
relalivea.-Oll City Blizzard.
Miss Bertha Lawrence returned laat
Thursday from a two week's visit with
frieuds in Wsrren and Sheffield.
Steve Johnson, who bss been work
ing In Pittsburg for some time past, came
borne for a vacation last evening.
Mrs. T. C. Jackson is down from
Warren, visiting her daughters, Mrs. L.
J. Hopkins aud Mra. J. F. Proper.
Mrs. S. C. Johnston was called to
Chapmanvllle, Pa., last week on account
of the illness of ber daughter, Mrs. Geo.
Via 8. Miles, who ia olerking for Jos,
Home, In Pittsburg, is up for a few
daya' vacation the guest of bia brother, O.
F. Miles.
Misses Gertrude Barlow and Lizzie
Bellows of Reno, guests of Mra. Jamea
Haslet for a few daya past retumed home
D. W. McCrea of Eagle Rock, was a
pleasant caller at the Rkpubucan olllce
while a business visitor to Tionesta last
Mrs. Irwin McKsne snd little daugh
ter of Toronto, Ohio, guests of Mrs A. C.
Ksrns of the West Side, returned borne
Isst Saturday.
Miss Laura Beverly departed for
Jemestown, N. Y., yesterday to spend
a oouple of weeka visiting ber friend Miss
Gussie Albsugh.
Miss Fannie Kreitler of Troy, N. Y.,
returned home last Friday after a
month's visit with ber uncle, F. X.
Kreitler, of Nebraska.
Misa Aggie Kerr, who has been llv.
Ing at Cblcora, Butler county, for some
time past, was paying Tionesta friends a
visit a part ol last week.
Prof. D. W. Morrison arrived with
bis family from North Clarendon yester
day, and is moving into the K. W. Bow-
mau house on May atreet.
Mrs. W, II. Rogers returned to ber
home in Cincinnati Monday after a pleas
ant aix weeka' visit witb ber porents,
Mr. aud Mra. A. B. Kelly.
Mrs. Lucinda Taylor and son Stough
ton, ol Ohio, aunt and cousin respectively
of station agent McCrea, of this place are
hereon a visit to the latttr for a few
Miss Blanche Mays, one of the pop
ular operators at the Forest County Tele
phone exchange, was a uest of her friend
Miss Delia Sandrock, at Marienville last
-John Rilchey and Roy Bovard, ofTI
onesta, are the guests of John Bovard, of
Garrett's Run. They made ihe trip In a
skiff and are much pleased with their ex-perience.-Ford
City News.
H. E. Gillespie of Kelletvllle, went
to Kane Friday for Mra. Gillespie, who
baa been in the hospital for some time
but had so far improved aa lo be able to
return home. Sheffield Observer.
Miss Nancy Morrow of Ihe high
school fseulty returned Monday evening
from a three weeks' sojourn at Chautau
qua, stopping on her return for few
days' visit with relatives In Pleasanlville.
Miss Patience McCrea ia visiting
friends in Oil City and Siverly. Misa
Grace McCrea returned home yesterday
from a visit with friends in Franklin, ac
companied by her cousin, Misa Edna
Helleof Oil City.
Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Hollister and
young son, of Cleveland, are guests at the
borne of Mr. and Mra. G. G. Gaston.
Kev. Mr. Hollister assisted Dr. Stockton
In his services at the Presbyterian church
laat Sabbath, delivering a very interest
ing discourse in the morning.
which tome coffee
roasters use to glare their
coffee with would vou eat
tbat kind ol eggs? Then
wny anna, tuemf
Lion Coffee
bat no coating of storage eggs,
glue, etc it s cone pure,
unadulterated, tresh, strong
ana or. delignuul flavor
ana aroma.
Uslform tslltr ss4
frsshosM mn InrarW
Out For A Good Time.
A party of Pittsburgera have secured
from the Warren Lumber Co., at Grun
dervllle, a flat-boat 20x170 feet, built by
Morgan aud hla crew at the scaflold at
that place, Upon thia they have erected
a kitchen and a dining room. Over these
apartments will preside a colored chef
whose name the instigator of the plot re
fuses to reveal. To protect them from
the rays of the hot sun during sleeping
hours they have secured three tents.
They propose lo do all their plundering
at night.
They will also take with them a piano, a
cooking atove, aeveral cats, alittleyeilow
dog, seversl lemons, a box of tobies, a
a box of cigars, bathing suits, a few bites
to eat, a shotgun and a barlow knife.
The musicians of the party will furnish
enough melody to drown the noise of the
croaking Irogs, and they all expect to
have a "Jolly good time."
Tbey left Pittsburg yesterday morning
and arrived at Warren the same evening,
provided tbey made schedule time. They
will not go on board the boat till to-inor-rum.
Just why tbey will wait until
Thursday la not made known, but it is
suspected tbat they will not be allowed to
stay in Warren any longer, the author
ities having been warned of the coming
At 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon tbey
will cast anchor and the pi.atical craft
will commence its voyage of devastation
and destruction. The boat will be al
lowed to drift during the day, but will
be tied up nights, in order to give the
pirates an opportunity to pillage. The
distance to Pittsburg ia about 200 miles,
and during the fwo weeka which will be
required to reach tbat place the inter
vening territory will be converted into
something of a howling wildernea.
The excursionists say they propose lo
put in the lime fishing, telling ghost
stories and studying nature. For the
latter work they will take witb tbem a
microscope and base ball bat. One of
the members aid tbey would indulge in
a few games of "Old Maids." Every
member ol the party prides himself upon
bis fishing ability, and consequently
t'aty ere worrying about the capacity of
the bokt.
The party consists of Dr. C. J. Rey
nolds, formerly of Oil City ; C. II. Rob
inson, L. P. boss, Jamea Dunlevy, Dr.
L. R. Walters, U. B. Konyon, T. D.
Harmon, R, O. Suter, Richard Owen,
August Scbaelenbrand, F. McKuser
and Leo Kaufman.
Farmers along the river who have
chickens should get new locks for their
Alteutlou Forest County Veteran's As
sociation. The officers and executive committee
of said organization have concluded to
hold the annual reunion of 1002 at Mon
arch Park, situated between Oil City and
Franklin, and reached from either point
by trolly cars.
The lime set is Wednesday, Sept. 10,
when the ll'th annual reunion of Ihe N.
W. A., Dept. of Pa., meets along with the
121st Pa. Vols., McKean Co. Vet. Associ
ation, and our organization, making it a
grand meeting of the ex -soldiers of the
Civil war. Monarch Park, with Its
springs, fountains, groves and pavilions
is an ideal place for the old soldier to
meet his comrades and enjoy a happy
When we say tbat such good men as
Gen. CI. as. Miller and Capt. Dauiel Fish
er have been appointed aa committee on
R. R. transpoi talion it means reasonable
rates, while on general arrangements,
Capt. J. M. Clapp, Mayor J. B. Maitland,
Capt. Comings, Geo. S. Shattuck ably
supported by patriolio citizens, insures
its success. R. K. rates and program
will be given in Circular no. 3, which
will be isttuid aoon and duly advertised.
By command of R. B. Ckawkohd,
8. 1). Ihwis, Pies:dent.
A strange Cattle Disease.
Win. Diekrager, win so farm is located
near what is known aa the "Posy Field,'
north ol the headwaters ol Little Hickory
creek, in Hickory twp., has loat threo
head of young cattle by a strange disease,
which he nor his neiglibers have thus far
been able lo diagnoso. The first symp
toms are dumpishnesa, followed by a
hemorrhage of the nose and mouth, and
an apparent oozing of the blood through
the pores. The critler lives from 21 to M
hours after the first symptoms appear,
and do not seem to bloat alter death. No
other cattle in that immediate neighbor
hood have been affected by the disease,
although Mr. Dlekragcr's father, who
lives three or four miles away, Imtabead
of yooiu stock in a similar way. Can
any one name the disease?
On account of the meeting and pi
rades of the Northwestern Pennsylvania
Volunteer Firemen's Association, at St.
Mary's, August 13 to 15, Ihe Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company will sell exclu
sion tickets to St. Mary'a, August 12 lo
15, good lo leluru August 10, Inclusive,
from Erie, Sunbury, and Intermedial
atationa nn the Philadelphia and Erie
Railroad, including branches, and Ironi
atationa nn the Buffalo and Allegheny
Valley Division in the State of Pennsyl
vania, al rale of single fare for the round
trip. Special train will leave St. Mary'a
August 14 and 15, at 10:30 p. m., for Kane
and Intermediate stations, On the same
da ea train leaving Erie at 7:40 a. in. will
be run through lo SI. Mary'a, arriving
about 12:30 p. m. 2t
Straw lists for almost notlfing at
Heath Feit'a. It
This signature is on every to ' f"0"'0
Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tabiu
Us rasMdy Uiat emit a csM la smm slay
Xolice lit Contractors.
The Boaid of Trustees, First Preaby
toriao church, Matieuvillc, Pa., will re
ceive bids for the erect ku of a Presby
terian church at Marienville, Pa, Bills
recftived until Aug. 15th at noon. Hoard
reserves rights lo reject any or all bids.
D. H. Shields, Pres.
2t B. F. Kl.MHiLl., Sec.
- If you wart a nice rug at a small
price come In and get a carpet sample.
Heath fc Feit. It
.Vol lee.
Persons having accounts with me are
requested to settle same without further
delay. All accounta not settled belore I
leave Tionesta will be left in handa o( At-
lorney A. C. Brown for collection.
Chahi.kk Ahakn,
Tionesta Heating Plumbing Co
Ladies' Shirt Waists & Wrappers
We rave 100 Ladies' Shirt Waists and a like nuruber'of Wrappers
and we are gcing to make the price dote them out.
M.OO Waists lor $2.75 $1.50 Wrappers, $1.00
250 1,75 1.25 " ... $10
1.50 " 1.00 1.00 " 75
1.00 "... 75
75 50
50 ... 35
Come Early Before
the Best are Gone.
L. J. Hopkins.
Seasonable offer
ing of
1.00 waists (!8c
1.25 waists 78c
1.50 waists 88c
1.75 waists 98c
2.00 waists 1.08
2.25 waists 1.18
2.50 waists 1.38
3.00 waists 1.98
3.50 waists 2.18
5.00 waists 2.98
$1.25 waists 1.08
1.50 waists 1.28
1.75 waists 1.38
2.00 waists.-. 1.4H
2.50 waists T 1.8
2.75 waists 2.08
3.00 waists 2.2S
3.50 waists 2.98
4.00 waists 3.3
5.00 waists 4.0S
Perfect Ice Cream Powder
Is instantly ready for use, requiring only the addition of one quart of Cold milk, hall
milk and half croam, or all cream, to make two quarts of ss line Ice Crosm aa any
uonlec-tloner ran make. Flavors for loe Cream are, Kasnherry, Strawberry, Va
nilla, Orange, Chocolate anil plain (unllavored lo be used with fresh fruits or In
inakinir up fancy creams.)
Perfect Water lee Powder requires only the addition of one quart ofCold water to
make two quarts ol Water Ice or Sherbet. Flavors for Water Id are, Lemon and
8oiul us 'ioc and we will mail you a package of any of the above flavors, witb our
booklet, full ol valuable recelnis for iiiakiim all kinds of Plain and Fancy Creama
and Ices. O. J. Weeka 4 O. VI Murray
Every Step Leads to Boys'
fine wash suit bargains.
With the coining of the hot wave there ii a loud call for Wash
Suits to keep the boys comfortable io. We respond to the call
by offering our entire stock on hand of Boys' Wash Suits at
reduced prices. Liberal reductions on everything from the
cheapest lo the high-grade
Itlouse WnNll SiiltJ. Large range of neat striped p ltcrni in
light colors, handsomely trimmed, fine duck and other summer fabrics
regular price $2 25, oow Tor $1.50.
Illue Linen I'll a mb ray Wali Null. Particularly strong
and durable, stid dressy enough for
IIojn' IVafth Tronwers) Rogulsr 25c goods, in stripes, 10c.
C'hild'H IlloiiMe Wiiimls) Sizes 3 to 8 -White Lawa Waists,
witb sailor collar, red and blue edge regular 50c valuta fur 29c.
UIiIM'm Itiisftiau IlloiiMe Wai(-3 to H-Wbile lawn, with
itriped gslatea edges regular f 1 goods
Nlar Nlllrt Walstlsj Closing
4 i0 lo fioest Waist made for boys,
iiray ftrlecl Jalalea Null -Collar trimmed with fancy col
ors, embroidered shield, extra quality
$1 5.i, at $1.00.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Timet
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
rpTOTTTTl-i' I ' A rl A
X J.UXN JliOli., f
eupHOUC -to. U.
This Week.
At about one
halt real value.
St., New York City, N. Y.
any occasion S2 75 kiud now for $2.
for 50c.
nut this end of our business; sizes
never sold for Uss than $1, now 69c.
and finish, regular price $125 and