THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINR, Editor 4 Phofnictor. WEDS ESP AT, AtT.l'ST , IW. 1902 AUGUST 1902 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Ft. Sa. 3 4 5: 6 7 8 9 10 11112 13114115 16 1S!19 20 21 22 23 17 24 25 26 27. 28 29 30 31 - llcpublirnii Tieket. STATK. Uorcrnor SAMUKL W. PENNY PACKER, of Philadelphia. l.irul. Irovernor WILLIAM M. BROWN, of Lawrenee county. Herman of Internal .1 taint ISA AC B. HRQWN. ot Erie county. tlilMV. ronoivws-JOSKI'II O. MHI.EY. Axieutblii-V. W. AMSt,KK. I'rotliimnhirtiJ. C. OKlsT. .vA.-ni-tiKolitiK. W. NOIILIT. Cotnitt tyinimistiovcrs t'ONRAI) Bl'RllKXX. A. K. SUITE. .4M.iifr.-UEO. V. HOLEMAX, W. II. STILLS. Jury ft wimiVuiiONCT-ERS EST SI BULK "I AM Democrat still . very still," is David B. Hill's own phrase, ami it will do more to prevent his nomi nation In l!HM than anything Ilia opponent ran say. Thk Danish American isles are excited over the delay in annexation to the Unit ed States. Porto Rico's prosperity is an object lesson that makes the rest ot the West Indies restless. Whbk out of office Democrats do much talking about the ollensivciie-s of trusts, but when in power the paity does noth ing to curb tru-ts. Talking and acting are two different things. With cholera raging at different points between tLe Philippine and Eypt, it Is manifestly a roo.I time to look carefully to quarantine regulations on both sides of the American eminent. "God never told us to go to the Philip pines and wajze a war of conquest," slid Col Brvan in a recent speech'. It is also barely possible that Colonel Bryan was not specially authorized by divine au thority to march out as far as the Xcbars ka State line and thus fiiuhten the poor Spaniards out of a year's growth. Col onel Bryan must not forget that lie bim-. self is a sanguiuary man. Punx'y Spirit Fob ouce in their lives the Democratic journals are right. There will be no stampede to either candidate iu this cam paign. But, looking the situation care fully over, we tail to discover where the cause for any Democratic jubilation comes in. In ordinary years this State is Re publican by majorities to satisfy every Republican. With no stampede it will remain the same. Philadelphia Inquirer. The only objection Republicans would have to the bringing forw ard of the tariff as the grand issue of the next campaign would be that it would make the tight too easy for them. The object lesson of the past six years, as compared with those of the preceding four, would render very little of the customary debate necessary. The tariff is an issue whereon tho Repub lican party is too well fortified to make the discussion interesting. Once a Democratic party wanted a Mo ses to lead them out of the wilderness oi free trade. When they found Mose he led them into the bogs or new and heret ical doctrines. Then thoy decided they wanted a leader who could steer them clear of tl.e dangers of imperialism. The leader who rose got them all well mired in foolishness. Then they desired an or ganizer. They are supplied with half a dozen who announce themselves as the onlv on the market. Where will they land? Is Butler county, a few days ago, a young man and woman, who wanted to get marled, were refused a licenso be cause they were cousins. The last Legis lature enacted the following law : "That from and after tho first day of January, T.KI2, it shall be unlawful for any male nerson and female person, who are of kin of the dezree of flint cousins, to be joined in inarriago. All marriages con tracted in violauceot the provision of the first section of this act are hereby de clared void." All love matches between cousins in this State are therefore de clared off. The attention of the Democratic reor ganizes is called to the fact that two other state conventions of their party have endorsed the Kansas City platform The Texas and the Xorlh Carolina Dem ocrats have just done this, following the example of the Democrats of Missouri and other states. Ilryaniam is not so near being dead as many Democratic politic' isns would like. 'Jliey w ill have to reck' on with it for another presidential can vass at lcaat. They may keap it out of their national platform in llOJ, but the supporters of Brvan in the states In which he is still potent will pass jn.lg men ton that platform and the candidates who stand upon it. It is apparent to every one w ho has traveled on the railways of Europe that much irreater precaution Is there taken to guard human life than is generally ob served in this country, both in the insola tion to the roadway and in the car ser vice. The Philadelphia Times, referring i the same subject, says : Eight hundred and tbh teen persons killed and nearly 10,000 injured on the railways in the Unit ed States within the first three months of this year is a frightful record. It con trasts much too strongly with the com parative nifty ot rail travel in other countries, particularity in England. It is time that greater attention was paid on American railways to the safeguard of passengers and employes. "SUIT AGAINST DEEF TfcL'ST. Demurrers Filed by Defendants li United States Circuit Court CUlcASO. Auk. 5 The government . suit agnlnft the all ged hoof trust as I sent S stop forward here by the filing in the Vnittfd Sutea circuit court of demurrers of tho defendants boli ;is Individuals and us corporations. The demurrers set forth at a con siderable length that the complaint on which an injunction Is asked Is in sufficient. It 1 maintained that the suit Is multifarious and If allowed to stand would tend to congest the busi ness of the court. In specific terms the demurrers as sert that "so much of the bill of com plaint as nsks a discovery" of the sev eral Interests of the defendants and their business methods "has not stat ed such a case as would entitle the complainant to the relief prayed for." The effect of the filing of the de murrers Is technically to admit all the allegations charged In the bill of com plaint. The argument advanced l:i support t:f the packers' position Is that, admitting the truth of the charge, no sulPeicnt ground has been shown for the Issuance of th? petitioned writ. The instrument was signed by John S. Miller, counsel for all the packers. If the demurrer is sustained by the court the original complaint may bo amended, and if overruWd the defend' nuts have the. pvivileco of answering. It is not expected that any further steps will be taken In the case by either sid. until Oct. 1. when the fed eral grand juror; return from their va cations. STILL TRYING TO FLY. Whitehead of .Bridgeport After the St Louis $103,000 Prize. Bridgeport. Conn., Aug. 2. After srveral weeks of enforced rest duti to his Inability to procure funds for the continuation of his experiments, Gustave Whitehead has resume.! work upon his Hying machine invention In a woodshed in the rear of his home at 241 Pine street. About three months ago he had a auarrel with his financial "lackers, re sulting In their withdrawal of all sup port from him. last eek Whitehead started In again. Asked who was assisting him. he said: "I rnve a brother, John White head, who has spent the past decade In the we-t. profpecting. He has ac ctiimtlntrd some money nnd we havo formed a partnership. He Is my sole backer and we are going to compftu for that $1.10.000 prize for the best dirigible balloon airship or flying machine at the St. Louis exposition. I filed my entry application with the committee several months ago." THE CORONATION. Invitations Have Been Sent to th Mayors of All Cities of 20,003. London, Aug. 9. Visitors to Lon don who will not be able to tee the In terior of Westminster before the coro nation may do so alter that event. It being officially announced that the edifice will be open from Aug. 12 to Aug. 16. The colonial and the native Indian trccps will be admitted free cn Aug. 12. On other days the entrance fees will range from Cd to 5s. Invitations to the coronation cere mony have been telegraphed at the king's command to the mayors of all cities of mere than 2i0'0 inhabitants. Rehearsals of the coronation cere mony are held daily with the exception of th? mimical program, which has been made a special order for Friday. A structure Is being erected between the abbey and parliament buildings through which members of the house of lords and of the ticuse of commons will have private access to the abbey. Richard B. Van Home III. New York, Aug. 5. Richard E. Van Iloit.e, son of Sir William C. Van Home, chairman of the Canadian Pa cific railway, who arrived here from Cuba on the steamer Curityba, was sent to Swinburne island for treatment and observation. Dr. Doty, the health officer of the port, said that Mr. Van Home was detainfd because his tem perature was lo3. The young man said he had been ill for several days after eating something that disagreed with him. He is about 30 years old and Is the chief engineer of the new Cuban railway In which his father Is Interested. To Protect French Commerce. New otK Aug. 5. The officers of the French line in this city have just received sf mi-oflicial information that the French government, in view of the organization of the Transatlantic steamship combination, has firmly de cided, as niada evident by the views of the majority of the chamber of dep uties, to use all the means in Its power to protect French commerce and the interc-ts of Its merchant marino against any discrimination which may be made against it by the comblna tion. In the opinion of the Brooklyn Eagle, a Democratic apt r of the Clevelandgroup Mr. Bryan is "a good man to ignore." The Eagle's proposed plan is to adopt 1 gold standard platform and take any can didate the Democratic national conven tion sees fit to name. Mr. Bryan, how ever, is a bard man to ignore in DemO' cratic afiairs. Possessing as he dries such an easy-working Jaw it is only necessary that he touch the button when the ig noring process begins. State of Ohio, City or Toledo, Luei s Cou.ntv, ( " Frank J. Cuknkv makes oath that he is the senior partner ol the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City ol Toledo. County and Mate a fore sail, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by tho use of Hall's Ca- TAKIUI t'fllK. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this titli day ol December, A."D. Islsi. seal. A. W.OLEASON, Xntnry Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken' internally and acts directly 011 the blood and mu cous surfaces ol the system. Send lor testimonials, free. T CTRE A IN NK V Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the nimey If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2 m. U-27-ly t ream nf the Sens. -Taint made with pure Linseed Oil possesses diitsbility- thai' Lameme. Bros, have it. It Heath A- lea r Billing summer goods at your own prica. j .It -The intoxication o( love general) v d- piands a bracer for the alter streets. The bargains in thin goods at Hop kins' aio fast ditapiiearing. Heller hurry. Kil'mer Bros, will tell you some thing about Paint -Vree. It Selii-dinesa is a disease of which mat rimony cures some people. ' When you want the best at bottom prices see T. C. S. It It to.ik years of cxpeiieuce to make Ijiwienee Paints what they now arc Klllmer Bras, have them. It Demagogues govern some commu nities and demijohns rule others. The market affords nothing in fruits or vegetables w hich cannot be had,"lreah as a daisy" at the White Star Grocery, 'Phone yHf orders. It Try us on your next giocery order. Heath A Kelt. U Lota of men after laying up some thing for a rainy day get discouraged be cause it doesn't rain. See that line of summer pants $2.00. T. C. S. U Reinem her that the rale of summer dry goods at Hopkins' is still on, but the bargains are going fast, so you should hurry and make your selection w hile. Ilia assortment is large. It ere It not lor the things we are go. lug to do life would not be worth living. Xew Erie shoes are the kin J that wear. Heath A Eeit. It -Men's solid line shoes 1 1. AO. Tin- uesta Cash Store. It It Is a deplorable fact that a girl can never get her lirst kiss but once. Carpet samples that make nice nigs at Heath A Kelt's. It Eor best canned meats try Tionesta Cash Store. It Men and roosters sometimes loose their h arts by crowing too soon. "Black Cat" garters hold up "Biack Cat" stockings. Heath A Kelt. It The " Wool lex ' skirt for ladiea beata them all. Hopkins has the exclusive agency. It When the day breaks some men ai too lazy to t.ake ue of the pieces. Kreh cookies and cakrs at Tionesta Cash Store. It - Shirt waists at half) rice at Heath A Felt's. It Many a good man blacks boots, and many a bad one blacks characters. The White Star is also headquarters for choicest tsmily groceries, at reason able prices. It Lowest prices on Hour aud feed at T. C. S. It Some men ought to be ashamed of themselves if they are acquainted. Ask for new price list and get posted at T. C. S. It It is more difficult for mine men to collect their w its than their bills. Taken your vacation yet? If you haven't just call on Hopkins for your trunk, suit esse, satchel, or telescope. Xew stock just in. It 200 young men and women wanted at Warren Business 1'niversity, Warren, Penna.. to train for profitable positions. Write to day for particulars. 2t The right Business College to attend is the one which has the tacliities for plac ing Its graduates In positions. Warren Business 1'iiiveraity, Warren, Penna. has established a reputation, not only for thoroughly training Its graduates, but also lor placing them in profitable posi tions. Send to-dav for catalogue. 2t J I'M IN TIME. low 11 in Health and Strength. r viius, Irrilahlc, Ached All Over, A Depressed Condition Rapidly Changed. Mrs. Eliza Brittain, ol Xo 81(1 Seventh street, Beaver falls, Pa., says: "My daughter, aged sixteen, sufiared from good nervous headacl es, the kind that makes one right sick and leaves them week and nervous. Dr. A. W. Cbase'a serve Pills wero recommended to me and I got a box and 'hey are splendid Not a headache has she had since. The nerves are steady and the general health fine. I am much takan up with the splendid way they acted." Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold at 60c a box at dealora, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Company, Buffalo, N y. See that portrait and signature of A. V. Chase, M. D., are on every package For sale by Killmer Bros., druggiBls. Ilysrnler; Cured Without the Aid of a hoc lor. "I am just up from a hard spell of the mix (rlvsoiiterv) says air. 1. A. Tinner, a well known merchant of Drummond Tenn. "I used one small botllenfCham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without having the doctor. I consider it is I he best cholera medicine in the world." There is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy is used. Tor no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for Imwel complaint In any form either lor children or adults. It nover fails aud is pleasant to take, sold ny Killmer itros., t io nesta, W. J. Wilkiiis, West Hickory, Pa, Notice. The partnership of Knox it Hill In the meat husine-s. J innesta, Ta., was dis solved on Jane UOth, l'."i-, hv mutual consent. I). S. Knox, 7-2Wt T. L Hill. My boy when four years old was taken Willi coin; and cramp In Ins stomselie. sent lor ihe doctor ami lie injected mor phine, hut the child kept gelling worse, I tbeu gave him half a teasprmnlul of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, and in half an hour he was sleeping and soon recovered. F. L. Wilkins. Shell Lake. Wi-. Mr. Wilkins is a book-keeper for Ihe Shell Lake Lumber Co. Sold hv Killmer llros., Tio nesta, W. O. Wilkin's, West Hickory, Pa. fiet a free Minnie of Chamlierlaiira Sloniache and Liver Tablets at Kilbncri Hickory. Pa. '1 hey a o easier to take and more plca-anl in effect tlinn pills. Then their use is not followed by consti pation as Is often the rase with pilla. Regular size, 25c per box. Zinc aud Grinding Make Dcvoe Lead ami Zinc. Paint wear twite as long as lead and nil mixed by hand. Sold by James D. Davis .- .... tf -There Is no education like a ''bread- wiuniug" nue one that declsreo a divi dend every day In the year. Our busi ness colleges stan. I in the frout rank a training schools Sir y ng men and wo men who wish to enter the business world. We know of no training seborv that has muds a mora uouorahla rscuru than the Warren Business 1'niversity, Warren, lVuna. Its graduates are found in nearly every state in the I'll Ion and are In demand by business men. A course of training In this institution In lb Commercial Branches and shorthand and tyewritiiig opens the door oppor tunity. Full particulars will be sent on request. 2t ul tlhrr-Mr. There is an old allegorical picture of a girl scared at a grass -hopper, but ill the si t of heedlessly treading on a snake. This is paralleled by the man w ho spends a large sum ol'mvney building acyolone cellar, but neglecting to provide his fam ily with a bottle or Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a sale guard against bowel a wnplainls, whose victims outnumber those of the cyclone s hundred to one. This remedy is every where rrcounixed as the most prompt reliable medicine In use for these dis eases. Sold by Killmer Bros , Tioursta, w. U., west Hickory, Ta. Hpertsl Ksrarslsn Hates via Nlekrl Itsnil. VYa.lrk this A 4. lair To Desdwnod.S. D., June 1st to Sept loin. To Denver, June 1st to ;!0th, J ill v lltn toSlst. Ann. I.Vh lolilst, Sept. II to 15. To Denver, Julv 1st to 10th, Aug 1st to Hth, Sept 1st tu lillli. To Sun Francisco. Cal., Aug. 1st to 6th, To Salt Lake Cilv. Aug. Oil! to 8th. All round trips and very cheap. Write lor dtaol next sptcial party. Keep in touch W illi the i lly Ticket Olllce. H. C. Allen. C. P. A T. A, No. WO Slate St., trie Ta. No A--7-tf. When you wake up wild a bad taste In vour inoiiih, go at once lo Killmer Itros,, Tionesta, or W. (J. Wilkiua, West Hick ory, Ta., sod get a free sample of Chain berlaiu'a Stomachs and Liver Tablets, One dose w ill make you well. Tltev also cure billiousness, sick headache and con all put ion. Sj stev.l 111 S'lvtnit. "The only go..d plan for saving Is to make it mi Invariable i.ile t- deposit sotiietbliii; cm-h week or cm !i mouth savs a bank tin s'dent. "Having thus put the money aside. It sb mid be euti- siil. nd out of reai li and on u i account to be drawn 1111..11 ixenpt in case of sickness, l, ss of rmpl . mi lit or denth. It Is f.-rprb.l'ig how money will pile up when such a system as this Is followed. ICeviry on. who possesses tiny Income nt nil would idopt the practice and stick to it 11.1 maitir how small the de posits might be. poverty would be well nigh nboli::lied." Mlslnfirprr:cd. A delicate po'nt of pronunciation Is Involved In th's story. A country e : its- Iri once wont to spend Sunday with an Edinburgh frbiid. After a long day spent In sightseeing they found them selves n loir: way from home. "Noo. tu'i'i. said th;' tuwnsuiati. we've a lotii way t.i ;;nnir. Shall wc till;' n trniu':" Tiik' 11 tram!" cried the other iu sur prise. "Ye liiima mean to toll me that iu l'.dlnbio' the public houses nre ojien on the Sawbatb'" CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour sack 1.10 1.3ft Corn meal. feed. 10 ib Corn mesl, family. V 100 lb 1 0" Chop iced, pure grain I t's) Oats - Corn, shelled . .Ki Ruck wheat Hour, a n ..I Beans 1 bushel i.M) Ham. augar cured .1 Bacon, sugar cured .15 Shoulders .10 Salt Pork. lb .11 Wuitetish kit .70 Sugar Mrts.Ort syrup .i(u .00 N. O. Molasses .8.Vu .40 Coffee, Roast Rio . IJJGI5 Coffee, blended Java .20 Tea - "f& .Ml Butter ' .IK Rice 05(ia. (W Eggs, fresh - .(H.H Salt "u barrel Lnrd M Potatoes, f bushel Potatoes. Sweet V ) M Lime T barrel 90 1 .00 Nails j keg i WANTED 5 YOU NO M EN from For est county at once to prepare for posi lions in the Government Service rail wav inail, eler-s, letter carriers, custom bouse ai d departmental clcrka, etc. A11 ply Hav ly to Interstate Corres, Inst,, ieoar Ida, la. 2m TUB CLARION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Provide) I'rofes-ioDal Training f. Teacher.', Prepares Young People for College, and Offers Excellent Facilities for General Education. fki:e tuitiox for Prospective Teachers. Hoard Ronm Rent aod Laundry, $127 per annum. For Further particulars call on or address SAMUEL WEIR, Ph D.Prin, Clarion, Pa WATCH REPAIRING Clock Repairing and all work pertainii to thejownler's trade, promptly and accurately done. ou Sllverlne Watch Cases traded for Old Silver Casts in any condition. Old watches taken in ex change for new ones U. T. A XDLKSOV, Anderson 4 O'Hara bsrls?r shop, Tionesta, 1 LIU. HiNNtlfS sUieumatlsmJ KIDNEY" Dropsy) uravei. BACKACHE All madder and aOTTTTJl Urinary Diseases. j II Ivijl IT PAYS TO A LVKRTISK iu THIS PAPER. n etlinq Ready for a journey is a good deal of trouble uultsa you bava eunuch 11 TRUNKS & BAGS to hold ihe' fixings." Look over your pos sessions in this line, and if llierv is a shortage, look over our block Truukt, satchels, suit cases, lelswcopes any thing you need, and at the proper price. ROBINSON. It A Hi WAY. TIME TABLE To Tako Effect July 1st, I'JOJ. MOUT ilT Eastern Time i N OUT H 2 I ! Stations 1 1 I a. a. Leava Arrive a. in I p. 111 ItM-Vt lo. Shellleld 0 lo t 4.i M 60 t 111 H .Vi AO 'X l!o 2 .'HI h ll o 'J l.i 7 .VI'.! 00 7 4o I M 7 4" I Ml 7 '.', 1 M 7 I 1 I LV) 7 00 I i.'i 0 to it Mil II 10, 10 00 4 a 10 ' no' 10 40 5 051 11 U", I h II 2oi 10, 1 1 4.'. X, 11 .vis 4II1 Rarnes Henrv's Mill HI lie Jay Hastings Wellers M inisier Porkey Mavhnrir Ruck Mills Kclleltvill" Newtown Mills Ross Run 12 l.l .i .'si a& o no lii 4o ll III, 6 2.V 'li 4' '7 00' Nebraoka p. in. ip. nil Arrive Leave a. 111 p. in T. I). COLLINS, Pmi-ooKNT. Pennsylvania KAIUtUAl). BUFFALO AND ALI.EC.IIENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Takinir effect. June tli. IK0 . No. 30 Rutlalo Express, daily except Mimiay wi.oa. in. No. 8'2)il Citv and PlitsluiraT Ext ress.dailv, except Sundav..7:D0 p.m. No. U.M (til City Accoin. .Sun OS v no iv n:aea. ni. No. 9.32 Oil City Aeeoin., Sun day only C:I2 p. ni. For Hicknry.Tldioute, Warren,, Rradford, Olean ami the East ; No. SI Olean Express, daily except Sundav &&.' a. 111. No. XI Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday. 4:39 p. in. No. 9.113, Irvinelon Accom., Suudaya only, 2:4." p. m. For Time Tallies and additional 1 11 for- niation consult Ticket Agent. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. K. WOOP. General Manager. Uon'l Passenger Agt, Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Injuries, Sore Feet, Lame and Aching Rack. Skin Hiae. Paini and Sptains. WAKTO WANO ELECTRIC OIL, 25". TRY IT PATENT LEAT ROYAL SHOES. We are proud of our showing of these superb shoes. We know they ire going to bo prime favorites this season and have taken special pains to make a complete showing of these superior shoes. No other house has such a range of patterns or de sirable styles. Men's Women's Children's Carpets. New GQom i.v Every PFr.inrmyr Tionesta Cash ALWAYS LEAJDEIRS JIT Q,TJ-A.LITY OR PRICE. July CLEAN UP We are not going- to wait until it gels cold to give you tlie advantage of reduced prices on Summer (lonils, but rre going lo make the Kudiicliona right now at the lime when you will in e.i the go -ih riiin Dross GixkIj ij what wa are going to whack at first. While they last, (or 4'ANII only, we will ell at liie following prices: 2 Pieces Organziue Light Blue and Pink, nicest thin goods on tho market, uOu qual ity f .r Me. Cotton Foulards, Beautiful l'eign, Mc quality for 19c. (These a Bargain.) Dimities and Swisses, All 15c qualities, 10c. (juite a large stock to chonre Irotu yet. J 1. 1 now is alien you need a thin dress, 10 come aud get it and auve at Ictst 2") per rent Remember these prices are for (' Only. No gnodi . harrtl. HEATH k FEIT. Ur-to-Dato Dealers m j o. A. II. K . Watnb Coog, President. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, A. Wayne CiHik, N. P. Wheeler, Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment era all the benetlts consistent with conservative b king. Interest psid on lima deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited. PAINTING! Have you been thinking of do ing any painting this reason to tirighltn up the appearance, of your property f If so, you want it properly done, aud aa that is my busineii I respectfully tulicil an opportunity to figure ou your work. I can do the work right and at the riirlil price. PAPERHANCING! I also n.ake a ecially nf paper hangiog and carry a lino of all paper samples that can't he beat. Give me a trial order an I he convinced nf quality of both pa per and wnrkmaDnliip. GEO.I.DAVIS, TIONESTAPA CHiCCESTER'S EKSUSi. PENNYROYAL PELLS '"'ea 0 Nfr-. AH v,v. rt'alile l.ntl. ak lrntxlt ftir 1114 III. SI I H S :!. ISM n, Hril sik! 44,- btil-. M-Rlcl with bin,- r Take n wllirr. IC4-riie dsnurruu ftiib tl lullon nnj Imlf iilln. liio il "ir piu.- -I, or m n,l Ir. in MioupH .r I'arf IrnlNl-s. 1rt. aiaalah an,l - ttrltrf for l.flif." ri uwr, by rf-luri nail. IS.Owe le,liiiH.uial. hoia bf alt liniKKirttH. (-HICHBKTER CnEMIOAt. CO. IIM XwllHa Siaarr. I'll I LA., TA. KhUh Utl, tap. Patent Kic. SHOES AXMINSTERS MOQUETTES BODY BRUSSELS VELVETS TAPESTRIES INCRAINS UNIONS MATTINCS LINOLEUMS Sale. o.rn. KI.I.T. Cashier. Wa. SMKARHAUOH, Vice President NATIONAL BANK, 150,000. MRKt-TOKS U. W. Robinson, Win. HmearhailKh, T. F. Rltchey. J. T. Pale, J. H. Kelly. at low ratos. We promise our custom MEADVILLE QOMMERCIH COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PA. Iiiuriorntrl It. I.HU5. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2, 1902. Write for full terms to day. iio.v iuTof "trustees. Pr. T. L. Hood, l'res. lr. W, P. Hainaker, Vice-Pres. A. J. Palm. See. W. S. McOiinncsleTrfas. 1'rof. I'. O. Smith. Hon. J. J. Henderson. Pr. J. II. Montgomery. tieo, E. Pawn port, Esq. E. A. Hempstead. Charles Kalir. Col. P. S. Richmond. Tho Meailvllle Commercial College is now mas lug preparations tor a great In flux of new students the next year. The prospects were never better for the larg est class that has ever entered the col lege, sni', the demand w as never so great as at this lime, for thoroughly trained young men and women in Sborthaud Typewriting and Rook keeping. Com bined schiilarseip in these departments this veai w ill be by far the moat popular and profitable. S. L. ROYP, Preaident, THOMAS J. MARTIN, Special and Registrar. Wanted-An Idea Who ran thtnK f otnf ititivw ln to Pfr4H?i Ttur Ii1su: thr mar hrlnaf woaiih Wrlw JOltS V. k.UlKHlil'HS 'u , I'int AtU DtY. WftihlnfU.n. 1. f..r lhlr t.Hu prtM uttm tuul lUl tjf (wo kuntirvJ UiTanilwua wauLod. HOW lUtul vour ntiH'k of HtHtlonaryf We ilo ltlh oIhh Job PrlntiiiK- RIGHT PRICES. HER Goodyear Welt Hand Turn McKay sewed. Rigs. Store