The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 30, 1902, Image 4

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    Smart I Silberberg.
A prince recvived from the house
steward bis monthly statement of nc
coimts. In which occurred the Item of
1,.o lire for the keep of a eat In the
palace. The prince Immediately wrote
In the niHrglu. 'if there nre no rats In
the bouse, it Is mi good keeping a cat;
If there are any ruts, the charge for
the keep of the eat Is superfluous."
Ami he struck out the item.
Open Season
Again at
Sample Silk Waists at
We car hundred, but there may be a few more or a Tew less, but we
d m't think that one in the whole lot is
thorn are cheap at f lo.oo. They're a sample line from a prominent manu
faclurer, makers of some of the finest tilk waists turned out in New York
city, aud were bought by us at a small fraction of the original cost. Your
choice of any one of them for 12 f8. Some of them are much better thaa
others, but we want to give the first comers the benefit. All sizes, all kinds
25 Silk Petticoats at $4.90 each.
Any instance of where the early comers get the best of it, for some of
those very same skirts are marked llo.oo in stock. They're all made of the.
very best grades of wearable taffeta silks iu blacks and colors; good, liberal
fullness, with deep flounces and ruilles. Not one u the lot worth less than
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
Shirt Waists at 49c.
We put this absurdly low price on these simply to close tbem out. Trus
there are many very desirable waists in
and we want them to move out of bere.
choice picking, too.
12 Pairs of Shoes
Given Away so Far.
Not so bad for Ibe first week, but we expect to report many more a week
from now, La?t Monday morning we started in giving away every 2th
pair of shoes sold. So far there has been a dozen luiky purchasers who
happened to buy the 2oth pair aud who had their money returned. You're
just as apt to be the fortunate one.
of our extremely low prices. We don't
was ever sold so cheap.
Finest Imported Wash
Fabrics Now 49c.
Silk and Linen Grenadines, Imported Embroidered Swisses, Silk I'lisse
aud all the very best of High Grade Wash Fabrics, formerly fl.oo, $1.25
aud $1.5o, at 4!o a yard.
filial Ifiaa
vuiiMnsiuia i nriM ainunnang
oours. Several positions waiting for over competent young
man stenographer. Inquiries solicited. Catalogue sent free,
Summary of the Week's News
of the World.
Cream of the News Culled From Long
Dispatches and Put In Proper Shape
For the Hurried Reader Who Is Too
Busy to Read the Longer Reports
and Desires to Keep Posted.
John W. Maokay, president of the
Commercial Cable company, died at
his residence in London.
Ily a colllalun of Lehigh passenger
trains at Rochester ooe man was killed
and 25 persons Injured.
Four persons lost their lives by a
cloudburst and flood near Coventry,
Broome county, N. V.
The sentence ot death of John Track,
convicted of murdering Frank V.
Miller of Virgil, Cortland county, is
respited till Sept. 6.
The steamship Primus was cut in
two and sunk by a tug in the river
Elbe at Hamburg, and about SO pas
sengers were drowned.
John Willis Baer, secretary of the
United Society of Christian Endeavor,
has resigned his position to become
one of the assistant secretaries of the
Presbyterian board of home nilssiotis.
Russell Sago was dragged 10 feet
by a street car in New York, but es
caped injury.
A ferry boat while crossing the river
Volga at n'eresniki, Russia, sank and
68 harvesters were drowned.
William Filer, a steel worker, shot
and killed his wife, Clara Filer, and
Harry IJeniK'tt, a machinist, at Steel
ton, I'a.
I'ope Leo XIII received Governor
Talt iu farewell audience and said he
would pcrtmiiully supirvisu the friar
negotiations In Manila.
I're-ldcnt Roosevelt received a let
ter from Senator McLatiriu of South
Carolina declining his offer of a place
in the federal court of claims.
During a half century over 3.000,
000 persons have emigrated from Ire
land and 80 per cent of these emi
grants have come to the United States.
Missouri Democratic state conven
tion declared for a reaffirmation of
the Kansas City platform.
It Is now known that 19 lives were
lost by the sinking of the steamer
Primus in the River Elbe at Hamburg.
Chief of Police F. H. Wilinoth of
Elklns, W. Va., was shot from ambush
mid killed while attempting to arrest
two negroes.
Senator Koiuker of Ohio in nn in
terview said nobody is ferioiisly
worth 1cm than $6, and some of
the lot, but the liue of sizes is broken
About loo iu this lot, and some
Not only this, but you get the benefit
believ6 such really good footwear
Business Institute
Qualifies a man te a Into huin tn a,i..i.
vnunw man mnii anmAM a -j -
them vecura BUSINESS POSITIONS that lead to
business surr.Bfia. . .
thought of as Republican canninate in
1904 except President Roosevelt.
Dennis Bowen was held on the
charge of murder in second degree by
Justice Murphy of Buffalo, for kill
ing ot Lee Bruce at a circus on
Captain J. N. McClanahan of Cory
don, la., has lost his right hand from
the effects of a too vigorous hand
shake by a friend. Bones were brok
en and a cancerous growth followed.
Rumors aro current In Liverpool of
the ultimate failuro of the Morgan
shipping combine.
The Lehigh Coal and Navigation
company renewed operations at its
No. 12 mine, one of the largest in the
Tamaqua district.
An express car was rifled by three
American robbers on the Mexican Cen
tral railroad near Bermijllo, and $50,.
000 taken from the safe.
William J. Bryan made a long
speech at a meeting organized at
Nantasket. Mas9., by the newly organ
ized New England Democratic league.
Two negroes were lynchd at Phil
lipe, W. Va., and others are leaving
on every train. Troublo grew out of
the killing of Chief Bud Wilmuth on
July 23.
A cloudburst in a farming district
near Fort Plain, N. Y., caused great
damage to orchards and hop crops.
A mad dog appeared Thursday in
various sections of Rochester and bit
several persons before it was killed.
Putnam Biadlee Strong is now in
England and May Yohc is on her way
to Europe, having sailed on the Furst
A passenger train dashed into a run
away coal car at Xenla. O., resulting in
the death of Ave persons and the seri
ous injury of 10 more.
Secretary Root has accepted the in
vitation of the Illinois Republican com
mittee to open the fall campaign by a
speech at Pioria, Sept. 24.
Charles M. Schwab fully recovered
from the attack of illness he suffered
on Saturday at Atlantic City.
Many persons Injured and hundreds
Arrested as result ot demonstration In
Paris over closing of Clerical schools.
Picnic parties in Bronx park. New
York, were frightened by a panthei
which had escaped from the Zoo and
could not be recaptured.
King Edward Is well but Is not yet
able to wa'k or stand. It is thought
he will go through the coronation cere
mony in a bath chair.
Carflf ld Wheelhoiise of Jame-towa
was drowned iu Chautauqua lako by
being thrown out of a naphtha launch
which collided with the steamer City
of Cleveland. His companion, Miss
Ilulda Anderson, was rescued.
A Sitcom.
"Mrs, Itilklns learned to play poker
so she could keep her husband lu at
"Anil does he stay In nowjf"
"1 should say so. She wins so much
of his sMMullug allowance that he
hasn't the price of a drink." l'liilmlcl
nhia liceord.
A Xnrrow Knrniip,
"Ulierle tells me that be had two
hordes kllh-d under him Iu one of the
battles of the last war."
"That's right. A railway car he was
riding In backed into them." Cleve
land 1'luln Dealer.
Retort Courteous.
"Hairs getting a lilt gray, sir," re
ninrkcl the barber as the next victim
settled back In the chair.
"No wonder," rejoined the N. V,
"Just think how long I have lioou wait
Unknown to Women.
Every woman should read, without fail,
the following paragraph. She will learn
omcthiug about herself she never knew
I efore.
Thompson's Rarosma is not only a won
derful kulnev, liver and bladder cure, but
has a particular advantage as a remedy
for Chronic Ke male Weakness, Palpitation
of the Heart, bearing-down sensations,
Nervous Debility, Leucorrhrea or Whites,
and Dropsical Swellings. Its peculiar ad
vantage lies in the fact that it is both a
female regulator and kidney, liver and
bladder cure. The womb is situated back
of and very close tothe bladder. A woman
having any pain or distress in the back or
side, at once attributes it to female weak
ness when many times her trouble is en
tirely from the kidneysor bladder. Hence
a woman making this grave mistake wil!
find a sure remedy in Barosma, for
whether she is suffering from womb dis
order or any disease of the kidneys, liver
and bladder, Barosma will cllect a per
manent cure. For this two-fold reason
Barosma is the best woman's remedy on
the market. Thompson's Dandeloin aud
Mandrake Pills should lie used with the
Barosma, for the liver and constipation.
They are purely vegetable aud do not
Wat Losing Control of Her Mini.
I was losing coutrol of my mind And could not
remember names of people, caused by female
weakness, chronic inll.imniiition of the liver, kid
neys and bladder, scaMinirof urine and non-retention
of the same, which had troubled me.
making me very nervous, the past twenty years.
All the medicines 1 used only relieved me forthe
time. You don't know how delighted I am to
think I am to innch better ana stronger all
through mv system, and Thompson's Haroxmn
Backache, f.iver. Kidney and Lumliago cure did
It, I used six bottles. It was worth more than
money to me. It gave me health and strength,
aa I was very weak and miserable before.
MRS. M. A. COX. Titusvllte, Pa.
All druggists, $1.00 a bottle, or six for
J.oo. Barosma cures arc Permanent.
Is iii full operation
and prepared to do
your Work in the
Highest Style of the
Our work compares favorably witli
the finest to be ha-l anywhere. We
are fitted in modem style and our
machinery is of the newest pattern for
doing first class work. We auk
trial aud will guarantee nerftct satis
TioueNta Steam Laundry.
With the
Before You
and Hot Weather now at hand, you
should make preparations for ynur own
comfort immediately. Don't watt until
me inerinometer eliinba towards the
hundred mark, but make your selection
at once while our stock is at the very ze
nith of its completeness.
Xotc These .Speeial.
On Our Men's Department we
have selected two more larye assort
ments of buna lor you.
Handsome Fancy Cassimere Suits,
very light in weight, but strong and
durable, wmlh $20, as gauged by
what others charge. Special price
here $13.50.
Men's Fine Outing Suits, made
from strong and handsome Flunnel,
Sergo uud Crash, to $1.5.
Wheu visiting our store do not Tail
to see the enormous assortment of
Hut Weather goods.
UK. HitK8
All Bladder and ITTTiTI
Urinary Diseases. 1 a I I l .
IT D A V.Q ro a in
. . Til IS 1',
Commencinq Auausl 1, '02,
and lasting the whole month of August. This time we
don't have any old goods left over, but we are making it
a rule, nevertheless, to have clearance sales semi-annually
and as it is now a quiet season, we will endeavor to make
things a little lively by having these sales.
You know what our Clearance Sales have been before,
and this season they will be along the same line, only
that, like every other business house in our line, who had
done business for any length of time, we had some old
goods which we sold at a sacrifice ; but now, we were
spared the trouble of getting rid of old goods by the fire,
so we will have to sell you goods at a sacrifice just as be
fore, only it will be strictly new goods, and below we will
give you some prices on same.
Goods Sold
Men's and Boys' Suits
wool coat and pants suits lor hot weather, Men s hats and
caps, men's and boys' shirts, Ladies' linen, duck, mercer
ized and silk skirts, Ladies' colored underskirts. All
laces, appliques, allovers, flouncing and embroideries, cor
sets, corset waists and corset covers. All underwear. All
parasols and umbrellas. All kinds of footwear, except lios-
tonian shoes. All men's
iery. Crockery, glass and graniteware. Tar, building and
wallpaper. Looking glasses. Trunks, valises, telescopes and
suitcases. Window shades and curtain poles. Bed spreads,
quilts and blankets. Hugs, draperies and hammocks. Jew
elry and silverware. Revolvers and pocket knives. Silks,
velvets, velveteens and ribbons, summer dress goods,
heavy dress goods, linings, table linens and ticking.
Goods Sold at 1-2 Price.
All wool bicycle suits, Boys' washable suits. Razors.
Lace curtains and sash curtain goods. All millinery goods.
Ladies' tailor-made suits and skirts, ladies' silk capes, la
dies' and misses' shirt waists and dressing sacques.
Goods Sold at 25 p'c't off
Carpets, matting, floor oilcloth and linoleum. Anything
in furniture. All double-width sheeting and pillow case
muslin and ladies' wrappers.
Good 7 cent unbleached muslin 5 c. per yd
i g k u ti it
" 10 " bleached " 1
" 8 " " "
All prints
All apron ginghams
AH 10c, 12c and 15c dress
uoou 8c cheviot shirting b "
Good 10c and 2c cheviot shirting 8 "
All percales 8 44
Dress linen formerly 25c now 15 44
Rest grade table oilcloth 18 44
Rest jean, linen and duck pants 75c a pair
Men's and boys' overalls 38c 44
Rrownie overalls 20c 44
Rest Watcrbury alarm clocks 75c 44
Ladies' and misses' sunbonnets 18c apiece
6 spools Clark's O. N. T. thread 25c
100 yd. best spool silk 8c
First class envelopes 75c per M
Standard carpet warp 22c per lb
The Reason Why!
You see I am under a great expense, so I am more
anxious to sell lots of goods during this Clearance Sale
than ever before, as I have my new building under way,
and it is going to be the finest building in Forest County
or perhaps in this part of the State, it will take a great
deal of money for its erection, and I desire to raise the
money out ol my present stock of goods for this purpose.
My stock is all new, nicely arranged and in the best pos
sible condition, so I make the above prices with the hope
that you and I will both receive the benefit of same, iu
that you will get double value for your money and I will
get the ready cah, which I so greatly need at this time.
So do not forget me.
Remember lliis snrrifire sale is for CASH ONLY,
except when country produce is offered, for I cannot nl
ford to sell my goods in any other way at this time.
Don't forget the date. Sale commences on
and continues for the whole month of August.
We will take during this salo, Hides, Pelts, Wool, (linaem; Root and
Country I'roduee, name as cash, and pay full market priee lor khiiio.
David Mintz,
Marienville, Pa.
at 1-3 off
Men's and Boys' Pants All
and women's neckwear and hos
aaaa V
ginghams 8
In all orta of tarm and Garden Machinery, Tool and Implements ia
here, and beie ii whore you got fitted nut iu the best and most talis,
factory manner aud always at the smallest cost.
Our Line
Of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators aud the like, aud our a luck of gar.
den LoeJ, rakes, spades, forks, eto , is not uqiut,sod iuauy renpeet.
No Flies
Get through our Screen Doors and Wiudows, and they are ornamen
tal as well as useful. Aud no chickeus break through ogr Poultry
Netting, aud it sells cheap. Iu all kinds of Shelf aud heavy
we take the lead as usual, aud save you money oil overy article, as
old customers will tell you.
County Thone 2'J
We have moved our slock of Hardware iuto the ma
chine shop where we are prepared to wait ou customers
as of yore. Our machiuerf was unharmed and we cau
do your work same as ever. A good liuo of saws, airs
a id helling, saved from the lire, and your wants iu all '
other material will be promptly supplied.
LiiU?l''l'jy MMS1111', etc . . .
JUlUf tich I nerji Repaired Pro in (-
Block Furnished on Short Notice.
Shelf Hard mare, Irou, Nails aud Tools at the Lowest
Market Price. Stoves of all kinds. Perfect Olive
Hangee a Specialty; Guaranteed to Bake. Aies, Pta
vy Cant Hooks, Spuds, Atkins' Hand Croscut, Band
and Circular Saws, Heturned if Unsatisfactory. Abra
sive Emery Wheels.
Mr- H
Not to Burn,
But to sell.
All kinds of
except poor ones.
All kinds of
except high prices.
Shows every word as
written; nlii.'im perfect
ly, ntn! iieeilt leattt re
pn;r. Wrilo for cata
logue and get name of
nearest representative.
Agents in all leading
The Oliver Typewriter re
ceived tho Gold Medal, High
est Award, at tho Bullalo Ex
107 Lake St., Chicago, III
'u ' A
o:fe m
Fred. (Jrcttcnbcrger
All work iierutliiiiiK to Maeliinnry, Kn
KiiKM, Oil Hell Toolx, Una or Wnler Kit
tiiiKaniKiunural illaeksiiiitiiltiK prompt
ly done at liw HHton, Hepnirinn Mill
Maeliiiiery given npoeiul attention, and
HHtixiHetiou guaranteed.
Hhop in rear or and uxt west of tlie
Shaw lioiiKs, Tidioute, I'a.
Your patronaKO solicited.
Oood Stoek, (food ('arriaKoa and Ilug
(Tie to let upon the uiovt reasonable teriim.
He will alno do
All order lull at the 1'oat OIHoewll
reeelve prompt attention.
Ciriix'Af h'xriirnion l!ttea ever ill effect
to point Wet and Nortliweat. l'eraoll
ally ConiliieliHl Pullman ToiiriatKleepinK
Car Kxciirxion from (.'Imago and I'in
I'innali every week.
KloKant 'l it r muli Sleeping far Sorvlee
and liuiekoNt Time to
J'lillmnn Ytin'7 Room SlrrprrH, Kree
ItecliuiiiK Chair Car, ISuiret-Lilirary
Sinoklnu Cam, Cafe Hilling Cara (meals a
la earte),
I'oiililn Dully Nervlee and mint dircet
Route to (lie liimoua
Ilotihlo llally Servieo and unsurpassed
Ivinitmient to' all noinla In Tennessee.
Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian
Territory, Uklahuma, Toxas,
A rizona, New Mexico, Iowa, South Da
kota, Nobraska, Colorado, Wyoininir,
Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washing
ton and Itritixh Columbia.
Jiomexvckcr' hjrcnritm and Cntmit'
tickets on sale to point West, Houlhwext
aud Northwest.
H'rirc 7'o-imi.v for tier descriptive mat
ter and full particulars to
E. A. RICHTER, Trav. Pass. Ant.
812 Park Iluildiug, Pittsburg, Pa.
Trr-n-iri.i ri n, J