The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 30, 1902, Image 3

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. . AMI
. . OK --
All Leading Companies
Wild Lands, Farms, Houses
& Lots for Sale or Itent.
m:v AiVi-:itTii-:.UKNTs.
I,aminera. A1.
Hopkins. Locals.
IVnn'a Kv. Headers.
Heiath A r'oit. Locals.
Smart it Silhorlierg. Ad.
Kelinlmro Normal. Local.
Lawrence I'aintH. Locals.
White Star (irooory. La-als.
Tionesta OkhIi Store. Local".
l-'nriat County Nat'l Ilitnk. Slatoniont.
Oil market closest at $1.22.
Fine china dishi-s at T. C. S. It
Oil and Ka leases at tula ollice.
-Walton ! lead thorn all. T. C. 8.
Hopkins sells the Puuulas dlioea tl
All Oxford at cost at lleatli A Kelt'.
Itomnants almost for the asking at
Ilopkiu', 1'
For liarirains ro to David Mintx'a
Marienville, l'a. tf
New Krlo shoes aro the kind tlial
wear. Heath A Felt. It
Wo are always glad to allow our
prices and (roods at T. C, S. It
"Itlack fat" partus hold up "Illack
C.U" stock iiiK". Healli Feit. It
Try T. C. 8. when you Brodissatisllod
with the prices you pay elsewhere. It
Always headquarters for heat grocer
lea and freshest fruits. White Star Uro-
Scowden C Clark have for sale a second-band
lingitv and wagon. Anyono 111
need of either can secure a bargain, tf
"Karly In bed and early to rWi
bustle like thunder and advert iso," la a
good business motto, says the North East
Brliii? on your country produce, and
I'll give you twice the worth of it in mer
chandise st my clearance sale. David
Mintz, Marienville, l'a. tf
Don't forget our clearing sale of
shoes. You'll lnls If you don't take
advantage of the barains offered. No old
old goods either. Hodkins. It
The music department at the Kdin
boro Normal Is undor the direction of a
S. K. Conservatory graduate. Fall session
beislns September 2. John F. lllgler,
l'rin. "
Free Methodist camp meeting begins
to-dsy In lirown a grove, 1'lea-iintvllle,
and will last a week. Sunday will likely
see a big crowd In attendance from this
The Chautauqua excursion this
morning carried a laigo crowd from this
end, 110 tickets having boon "l I st this
station alone. Hickory reports tlm sale
of M tickets.
Every person In Duller county after
August l.'itli will have his mail delivered
at his door. On llmt day the county will
be supplied with SO rural carriers. At
present there are eight carriers.
In the Hcvlow of Reviews for August
'Tho Cuhan Municipality" la described
by Mr. Victor S. Clark, who made a
special study of tho subject during tho
period of tho American occupation.
The Du Hols Hod and linn club has
arranged for a three days shooting tour
nament at their grounds on Sept. 9, 10
and 11. Home of the crack shots of the
country are expectod to be there and a
royal time is promised all who attend.
Panama bats are down to fi and $4 at
tho bargain sales In the cities. An ex
change says: "Panama liats aro going
out of vogue. There we. e so many Imi
tations that the fellows who bud reel
ones cut it out aud the Imitation sports
will now get out of tho procession."
When It la known that Pennsylvania
has within her boarders two hundred and
twenty-four thousand and forty-eight
(arms, valued at more than a billion dol
lars, it will be readily appreciated that
her space is not entirely occupied by her
mineral resources. In the number of her
farms she stands second.
John Harger is nursing a very sore
arm Jut now. Ho was handling a sharp
"drawshave" lust Friday, and his left
band slipped off the band le, and the blade
coming in contact with his loft wrist and
cutting the ligaments of the arm. There
la danger that tho wrist may be perma
nently crippled by the aechlunt.
At any rate tho potato crop Is going
to be all that could bo desired, and the
promise for oats was never belter. All
grains, in fact, are turning out an abund
ant yield hereabouts, tho only trouble
being the difficulty in harvesting the
same on account of so much rain. Fruit
In most cases will be nearly an average
A irood business education makes a
minister a better minister; a lawyer
bolter lawyer; a farmor a boiler farinor ;
a mechanic a better mechanic, and a wo
man of means competent of handling her
own ailairs. Send to-day to tho Warren
Business University, Warren, l'enn'a, for
full particulars in regard to its course of
training for business.
Members of the Kigli'y-tliiril, I'en
nsylvania, and the Forty-lourth, Now
York, regiments will be sorry to learn of
the death of Colonel William M. Kex
ford, which occurred at Monk-lair, N. J
last Monday. Ilia military record was
on to be proud of. He enlisted in P-'llI
as a privato and rose to become Llcutcn
ant Colonel of tho One Hundred and
Thirty-lira!, New York.
Tho Postoflice Department has made
tho lollowing ruling: lix nut must
be paid by holder of box by the loth day
of each quarter, aud if not paid the post
master must decline tho l"X vacant and
rent tho box to the first applicant; also
holders ol look boxes must have ke ys in
order to receive their mail, as the post
inaslorand clerks aro not required to
give mail out of lock boxes.
"I am willing to risk my reputation
as a public man," wrtes Edward Hine to
the Liverimol Mercury, "If the worst
case of smallpox cannot be cured In
three days by simply the use of cream of
tartar. One ounce of cream of tartar dis
solved in a pint of hot water, drank at
Intervals when cold, is a never failing
remedy. It has cured thousands, never
leaves a mark."
As a acqual to a scrlmage which took
place on the West Side seveial nights
ago, Helilon McCray of Hunter station,
was bound over in the sum of $100 for bis
appearance at next term of court on a
charge ol assault ami batiery preferred
by John O'llara of near Caahup, who re
ceived a bad stroke on the back of the
head with a stone. Tho hearing was be
fore Justice Itundall.
The following Incident is vouched for
by the lilode of Atchison, Kan.: A police
man found a hotel guest roaming about
tho streets in his sleep a few nights ago,
He started to lead the man to jail wheu
tho stranger protested. "I am guilty of
no wrong doing," ho said. "I am a som
nambulist," "It de n't make any differ
ence what church you belong to," re
turned the ullluor. i'you can't go walking
on these streets iu your shirt tail."
The sixteenth annual reunion of the
Ilucktail regiment will be hold at Dullols
on September 111, 17 and IS. Only 2!I4
men survive of the total enlistment of
1,1!8, most of whom went down the Sua
quehani a i Iver on rafts. Some of our
people remember well one company of
this famous regiment that floated down
tho Allegheny rlvor in the sixties, spend
ing one night in Tlonesta on their way.
Tho survivors now are scattered over 21
Slates of the Union.
William Thomas, whose serious loss
of an eye by accident was noted in the
Rki'uuucan last week, was taken to Oil
City last Saturday and a consultation had
with Dr. Siggins with a viow to havflig
tho Injured eye removed. Tho ejootor
advised that for the preseut no operation
beuiulerbikon, at least so long as the
eve was doing so well. Mr. Thomas does
not suffer the pain one niiclit suppose bo
would uniler the circumstances, which is
one gratifying feature of the case.
We feel a little anxious concerning
the blackberry crop. So far wo haven't
heard anything. We don't know whether
this lack of information angora well or 111
for the crop. Usually "no news is good
iiowh." We are try ing to believe this Is
true concerning the blackberry crop.
Ilrookvil'e Democrat. If tho crop
on as It now promises that is If theie's
nothing to hinder wo can sssure our
anxious friend that he will have suf
ficient of the black Tellows to fill all the
ani fars at a fair to reasonable price.
"lletting is what puts base ball on the
hog," reu.niked a Im-al sage yesterday.
"When a lot of follows have bet on the
game you can look out for trouble. Tbey
lose their sense of fairness and decency,
blurt out all the ill remarks they can
think of, roast the umpire and make
chumps of themselves generally. When
ever I see a man wrought up to the boil
ing point and acting like a hoodlum I al
ways wonder how much he has bet on the
game. The man who bets should at least
keep his mouth shut, for he must know
himself I hat he Is not an unprejudiced
judge. Funx'y Spirit.
The Vail A Hastings meat market
aud grocery at West Hickory was en
tered by burglars on Friday i.iglit last
and about I0 in silver and a number of
valuable papers stolen. An entrance to
the building was ill'cctcd through the
back window. The safe was opened and
books aud par, era were thrown upon the
floor. The boxes on the inside of the safe
were torn out and one, made ol iron, was
found next morning near ihe depot.
Home talent, or an organized baud of
thieves, is suspected of tills robbery, and
in all probability some of the culprits
wili bo apprehended ere lonjr.
Wo show too much of a disposition to
cover the ca-kets of our loved ones with
roses alter they aro dead, and allowing
them to hustlo for their fl-iwers while
they aro ulivo, says the Falls Crck Her
ald. It is strangu somo mon nevor find
out the admirable trails in tho character
of tholr wives, or those whom tl ey have
reason to love all Ihelr lives, until after
deilh has closed the lids of Ihelr loved
ones tiKht and they pass oil' Into that
peaceful sleep about which we know so
little and hope so much. It is better to
give a little rose for a button hole boquet,
to tho man who is living, than to cover
Willi profusion ol flowers the bier of tho
ono wiio is (lead.
Frank Lawrence, the (.emlcmanly
representative ol tho famous Winchester
Repealing Anns C'o.,gaveour town '.call
Monday and made a number of new
friends lor his linn. He tells us bis poo
ploloada million shot gun cartridges
and turn out over seven hundred com
plete guns every working day In the
year. There are several ninor iri-e urni
in thn country enizairoii in ine iiibuuihu-
iiiro or shot mm aiuunition. some of
whom doubtless approximate this out
put, and thus some idea may be formed
of the growing popularity ol target or
trap shooting in the United Slates, for all
of their aiuunition is used up and factor-
lea are often far behind their orders.
Our base ball boys are winning
games now. Tnursuay tne crac-K jmis-
villo club came ovor and lugged homo a
defeat in a very closely contested and
snappy game which resulted 6 to 6 in
favor of tho home team. But the prettiest, of the season was nulled off at Siv-
erly on the following day, Friday, when
the Tionesta tein wont down and de
feated a nine of very nanny nan piayers
Kit. Oiiinn. the Oil City expert, doing
lltn twit-lint? for tho Siverly's. "Hilly
lUnLi.eml it e littl Tlonesta wonder was
i il, n Lot for nor bovs and cuusdd In of
the home liovs to fan the sir and only ono
man "walked" to first, ljuiiiii having H
strikeouts. The game ended with 5 runs
for Tioliesla to 1 lor Siverly.
The Hassinger Lumber Co., finished
the sawing of logs at their lumlier plant
at llarnrs the first of the week. This firm
has been in business at that place a rihhI
many years, butasall the timber has been
cut in that section will transfer opera
tions to Lamona, where they have secured
a larg' tract of timber from tho Pen Tan
ning Co. and are building a largo mill
and pulling in Ihe latest improved land
machinery. On ai-ismnt of a delay in re
....ivimr ,o-.ii hinerv ( rdered It will be
some weeks vet before the mill can bo
started. In the no -aniline work In the
woods is progressing, grading done for a
number of miles ol railroad, houses built,
etc. A large and convenii nl store and
oiliee building lias been put up, and a
building lor church and other public,
purposes will be built, and Lani'ma will
lie a hustling town lor some years to
coiiio.-Sliellield observer. Lamona is
in rorest county, located alsiul six miles
Irum Maricuviilo.
S. J. Wolcott was in Frankliu on
business Saturday.
John Keck spent Sunday with bis
family in Bradford.
Mrs. t'has. Duller visited friends
at Endeavor this week.
V. A. Grove was In Oil City on busi
ness Saturday afternoon.
J. T. Ilrennan was down from War
ren on business last Friday,
Mrs. J. C. Scowdon was a guest of
friends in Buffalo last week.
F. P. Turner of Marlenville, was a
Tiouesta visitor Friday last.
John Joyce was up from Oil City to
visit bis parents over Sunday.
Mrs.;V. J. Rurtt of Marion ville, is Ihe
guest of Mrs. J din Robertson.
Miss Edith Hopkins is a goest of
Miss Virginia Siggins at Oii City.
Rev. U. F. Feit visited bis oldest son,
Will, at Franklin over last Sabbath.
Mlsso Mary anil Bessie Morgan are
sojourning at Chautauqua this week.
M is bird Foreman returned last Fri
day from a three months' stay in Oil City.
Mrs. W. O. Wyman and Miss Lucy
Hilling were Oil City visitors last Thurs
Miss Florence Cropp of Cropp Hill,
was a visitor to Oil City Saturday after
noon. Mrs. S. T. Carson of the West Side,
was a visitor to Oil City Friday after
noon. Mrs. E. E. Vockrolu of German Hill,
was a visitor to Oil City Suuday after
noon. R. M. Morrison end son of Marion
v I Ho, bad business in the county seat last
J. A. Huling, who has been on the
sick list lor the past month, is ablo to be
about again.
Miss Maude Ureea left yesterday
morning for Sugar Run, l'a., to visit her
Dr. F. J. Buvard and mother, Mrs. G.
W. Rovard were business visitors to Oil
City Saturday.
Geo. Hastings of Tidioule, was a
business visit it to Tionesta a couple of
days last week.
O. C. Hood and daughter Helen, of
Ulica, Pa., are here on a visit to bis un
cle, Wm. Hood.
l'eler Stublor and J. A. Weaver, ol
Oil City, were business visitors to Tio
nesta yesterday.
Goo. Klnkaid of Oil City, was a guest
of his cousin, Mrs. J. W. Jamieson, Sat
urday afternoon.
Misses Ll'.7.ii Randall and Emma
Salsgiyer loll Monday noon for a visit to
Cambridge Springs.
Miiis Minnie Overlandor and little
sister, Mildred, visited friends in Frank
liu a part ol last week.
Mrs. J. T. Carson and ions Richard
and Ralph attended the Maccabee picnic
at Oil City last Friday.
-Miss Marie Smcarbaugh loaves to
morrow for Chicago to be gono a mould
visiting a school mate.
Mrs. G. W. Dunkle is no from Oil
City for a few days' visit with hor daugh
ter, Mrs. O. II. Killmer.
Miss Emma Lawrence and cousin,
Miss Julia Howland, are visiting friends
at Gruudervillo this week.
W. H. Frost, of Fredonia, N. Y., was
a sliest of his dauubtor. Mrs. F. A. Kel-
lar, a couple of days last woek.
Mrs. Kate It. Craig and daughter,
Miss Daisy, visited Will and Clifford In
Oil City and Franklin last week.
James Canlield was in Vaudalia, N.
Y., over Sunday to see bis wile and baby
who are visiting her parents there.
Mr. and Mrs. Axol Aaronsou of the
West hide, visited the former's brother
and sister in Irvenlon over Sunday.
E. W. Uownan has moved into bis
newly purchased home on North Elm
atroot, tho T. E. Armstrong property.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlls Pedigrew and lit
tle daughter of South Oil City, spent
Sunday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Claik Mor
gan. Merlon Mealy and Harold Herman
aud Misses Mary Joyco and Nettio Gier
iug visited friends in Clarion last Sun
day. The household goods of A. W. Rich
ards were shipped this week to Fosloria,
Ohio, where Al. has secured a good po
sition. II. B. Feit is in Clarion this week,
having t een called there by the serious
illne ss of his sistoi-in-law, Miss Ediht
Miss Jennie Vaughn ofOilCily, who
was the guest of Miss Maggie Evans for
a couple of weeks, returned home last
Miss Madge Dreuiian, nl Killannliif;,
Iho guest ofher sister, Mrs. Geo. Davis,
for the past three weeks, returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cook, of Ne
braska, were visiting friends in James
town and Lily Dale, N. Y durinjr the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Abbott of this
place, and Mrs. Warren Jones of Now
towu Mills took in the Niagara excur
sion last Thursday.
Frod Ilium, who baa been clerking
for Hopkins for the past year, left Mon
day for DuepJesne, Pa., where he will lie
employed in the steel mills.
Miss Maude Grove, one of the popu
lar operators for the Dell 'Phone Co., will
leave tomorrow for Jamestown and Chau
tauqua to spend her vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Jose"-ph Clark and son,
r.con. leave to morrow morning for a
visit at the homo ol Dr. and M rs.
L. D.
Bowman at Jamestown, N. Y.
W. W. and J. P. Grove, who have
been at home resting up for tho past
three weeks, returned yesterday to their
labois in the oil fields nesr Glasgow, Ky
Mrs. Herbert Norton and children,
who came home last week with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel lllaek, re
to rni'd to her homo iu Faulkner, N. Y.,
Frank I). Kinnear, atone time book
keeperatthe mantel works hero, but
now in the insurance business at Cam
bridge Spriugs, was here lor a short time
last week.
F. W. Swansnn, who lias been help
ing out iu the carving room at the mantel
woik.i for a couple ol mouths past, ro-
turned wilh his family to Jamestown, X,
Y:, last Friday.
Candidate, for Commissioner A. K.
Shipei ami daughter-in-law, Mrs. Io
Shlpe, and Mi. and Mrs. C. F. Hunt,
drove over from Marienville on busiuess
aud pleasure lat Friday.
Roy Ilovard anil John Rile-lwy start
ed on a pleasure trip down the river in a
skiff Monday morning. Their destina
tion is Killaiining, where they will visit
friends for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Alfred Gaiser and daughters,
Laura and Pauline, of Brooklyn, '. Y.,
arrived on Ihe noon train Monday, and
will spend the summer with their uncle,
F. X. Kreitlor, at Nebraska.
Misses Marie and Merlo Dunn came
home from a throe weeks' visit wilb rel
atives at Cooperstowu last Thursday.
They wore accompanied home by their
cousin, Miss Teuipa Alexander.
Kane Kepublicau: Mr. J. II, Grau
left this morning for a business trip to
Tionesta and other points, Arthur
Iluhl, one of Marion ville's bright young
men, has accepted the night clerkship at
tho Gritlin hotel.
Prof. D. W. Morrison, tho newly
elected principal of the borough liigb
school, was down from North Claren
don yesterday arranging to move bis la-n-lly
here. Ue will occupy the E. W. Bow
man property on May street, aud expects
to move bis family within the next ten
Miss May Claik, who has become an
expert telegraph operator, has resigned
her position wilh the Pennsylvania Rail
road at Oil City and accepted a more lu
crative ono with the Postal Telegraph
and Cable Co., in their Philadelphiaoflice,
t which place Miss Clark will go after a
short visit at home. The RKrrni.ic.vs
joius ber many friends iu congratula
tions upon this advancement.
Miss Josephine Siggins of West
Hickory, snd cousin, Virgiuia Siggins
of Oil City, very pleasantly entertained a
number of their lady friends at the borne
of tho former last Friday afternoon.
Those who wentup from bore -vere ; Miss
Edith Hopkins and guests, MUses Uir
trude Irwin and Margaret Hulbert ; Miss
Georgians Watson and guest Misa Maude
Watsou, aud Miss Colyn Clark.
The following jolly parly of young
ladies drove down from Tidioute lust
Friday under the chaperonago of Mrs. F.
Z. Jones, and visited Tionesta Iriends:
Misses Harriet and Laura Sniutz, Pauline
and Lydia Mcrklo, Maude and Clara Do
vine and May Fuelhart. In Ihe evening
a number of our young people got up an
impromptu dancing party in honor ol
the visitors and all had a good lime.
The many friends ol Rev. J. V. Me
Auinch were delighted lo ree-eive a vis
it from him Ibis week, he having arrived
Monday in company wilh his brother Dr,
McAniucu of Lainaitino, Pa., under
whom he has been taking treatment for
tho past two months. Very many of his
friends called et his rooms while he re
mained, aud nil were pleased to nolo his
cheerfulness and apparent Improvement.
He expects to return wilh his brother to
day. Drowtic'J Man Iilenlilied.
Through Ihe persistent pilot ta and
clever work or Rev. C. C. Rumbergor ol
Emlenton, Pa., the identity of the man
found floating in tho Allegheny river
near Rockland station some weeks ago,
has been fully discorvereel. Tho body
was found on the morning of July 8, nod
when Dr. Rumbe-rgi r heard of it he went
to the spot thinking it might bo that of Ihe
young son of Win. Anthony, with whom
tho Doctor was wo!l acquainted, and who
was drowned at Nclirnska on Ihe morn
ing of Ihe 8 I. The mystery surrounding
the case, anil the unceremonious manner
with which the authorities disposed of
the body, rolling it In n blanket and
burying It in a few feat of earth without
even holding an inquest, aroused Dr.
Rumbcrger's interest and sympathies,
and he de-tcrmincd to make a full invest
igation and at least discover tlte unfor
tunate man's identity. Without a mo
ment's let-up he has prosecuted the
search for evidence, until his efforts have
been rewarded by a full and complete
Identification. Tho young man was
Maurice C. Judd, a telegraph operator
employed in Ihe oflli'e of the l'enn'a Rail
road at Emporium, Pa.
Tho facts brought out seem to point to
suicide, yet senile evideMices would indi
cate that foul means may have played an
important part iu tho mystery. It de
velopes that the man had, about 8 years
an, while intoxicated, killed a man in
Mahnningtown, Lawrence county, but was
acquitted on a plea of solf-elcfenso. This
event in his csreer had so prayed on
his mind that at times he would become
dispomlent ami threaten lo take bis own
life. lie was In Buffalo on Ihe 3d or
July, and had spent his vacation with
friends, and it seems left iliat city in a
rather despondent mooil. This is all that
anybody at present knows of him until
his body was found in the river. Friends
at Emporium where he was very popular
and highly csteemed.are expected to pros
ecuto tho investigation to the extent of
learning whether it was suicido or mur-eli-r
and if tho latter, lo unearth if pi ssi
blc, the guilty ones. Dr. Ruinberger hns
done bis share. Others should now fol
low tho thread to the end.
Children's Kay Service.
Instead of the regular German-English
services for next Sunday Aug 3, the Ger
man Hill congregation will have tho
pleasure of listening to a Children's Day
sorviec. Judging from past indications
the program will be Interesting through
out. All those taMng part will gathor at
tho chiire h at 10 a. m. Service proper
will be-giu half an hour later. All Iriends
are cordially invited.
In the evening there will alsei be ser
vices beginning at 8 o'clock. The pastor
will speak on the dime subject which
servcel as a theme for tho fore noon exer
cise's Crusades. The young peoplo of
the congregation are all expected to be
present. Frieneis aro also welcome.
IVrents.givo you r daughters a" bread
winning" ediii-ation. Give them the ac
complishments, if you will, but do not
fornet to add what will enable tliein to
win their way, it they are thrown on the ir
own resources. A knowledge of short
band and typewriting has be-on the salva
tion of many a woman who has been
foreted to earn her own living. Tiie N ar
ren Business Univi-rsi'y, Warien. Pa.,
is noted as a shorthand and lywriting
training schwd. Send to-day for full
parlieuUi. A postal card does it. 2t
A Generation Ago
coffee could only be
bought in bulk. The
20th century way is the
way sealed pack
C''l aSe3 a'wa'3 clean,
fr"1 a"d retaining
Lyfcy its rich flavor.
( ream of the News.
Feast and grow fat.
(iood Paint has ono kind of oil Lin
seed Lawrence sold by Killmer Bros. 1
Worry is worse than work.
Straw hats for almost nothing at
Heath A Feit's. It
Wounded pride's bard lo heal.
- If you arc not satisfied with tho prices
you pay, try T. S. It
Old Nick never takes a vacation.
Carpet samples at Heath A Feil's, get
one and make a nie-e rug. It
Inventors aro the revolutionize.
A gallon of Law rence goes as far as
two of some others Killmer Bros, will
tell you why. It
A vacation is not vital lo content.
Nothing finer than our fruits and
vegetables can be obtained in any of tho
markets, and at the right figure, too.
White Star Grocery. It
When you dine let fun be uncon
fincd. Shirt waists at half price at Heath A
Feil's. It
When you lose nt poker don't swear.
Somebody won.
Everything goes for cash or Irade at
David Mint.'s, Marienville, Pa. tf
The monlli is almost closed, but
we're holding open many of the bargains
for a few days yet. D m't delay calling.
Hopkins. It
Do you love your neighbor as your
self? Nay, verily 1
Heath A Feit are selling summer
goods at your own price. It
What's a limn charged with when
charged with suspicion?
White Paint--Lead and zinc--Lawrencetry
It. Sold by Killmer Bros. It
Considering the many medicines ex
tant it's a wonder peoplo livo so long as
they do.
We're gelling rid of pilos of go lds In
our clean-up shoe riles, but there are lots
left yet. A bargain in every pair. Hop
kins. It
Ho sure you're right, thou bo sure
you're uuro.
If it's anything in the line fruit snd
vegetable, lino your appolite craves, haste
to tho Whilo Star Grocery and have it
satiated. It
Poverty nips many a budding genius
in the bud.
Try us on your next grocery order.
Heath A Foil. It
It takes a wiso young man not to
writo a love letter.
We si-arcely know that we ever had a
prie-eou straw bats, judging from Iho cut
we'vo made Iu these gooJs within a short
time. Come and get one at your owu
price, Hopkins. It
Constant coinpaniouship Is awTully
trying on friendship,
Clearance falo at David Mint.'s
Marienville, Pa. tf
--Somo men become sadder without
becoming any wiser.
--Summer goods of all kinds at your
own price. Wo mu it get rid of them to
mako room for fall goods. Heath A Feit.
Experience makes a man wiser and
poorer siinullani-oiisly.
Shades that are permanent made by
Lew rencc- -ask Killmer Bros, It
- The faster a man's paco the sooner
misfortune overtakes him.
II tn doubt about It e'omo and too
if our prices on shirt waists and wrap
pers aren c neiow ail e.-ompotitiors. flop
kins. It
It's itisior to mako records and wills
than it is to break them.
Thin gnoels aro moving, Iflhoweath"
er is unfavorable the prica Is doing it'
Heath A Feit. It
If a man finds that marriage is a fail
ure he puts it all in his w ilu's name.
F.T Sale at Scowdeu A Clark's shop,
second hand, buggy Dolson self-oiling
axle. tf
Every man's dollar has an equal val
ue at T. C. S. It
The wings of riches enable tliein to
fly up and roost on the highest branches.
Lead anil Zinc ground in pure Lin
seed Oil Lawrence Paint sold by Kill
mor Bros. It
A man must havo solf-conlidence to
enable him to igniii-o his own mistakes.
If you want a nico rug at a small
price come iu and get a carpal sample.
Heath A Feit. It
Exceptions prove the rule; Unit's
why iho Golden rulo Is so firmly estab
lished. IS Iti sugar for ll.tsi, and other goods
equally low at T. C. S.
Many a man lies sometime? i because
he doesn't think quirk enough to tell the
Our closing out rice one-half olf en
shirt waists is moving them pretty fast
if you want one you hael better come
soon, lleatli etc Feit. It
The long list of students in alti-ui'-ance
at tho Warren Business University
during the past year anil the many po
sitions of honor and trust filled by Us
graduates in all parts or tho country are
evidences of tho excellent training that
this institution gives its graduates.
Young peoplo wh; esjiitemplate taking a
course ol training ill some good business
e'lilh'gn will make no mistake if they se
lect the Warren Busine-ss University,
Warren, I'enna. Send to day for pros
pectus. 21
This sitrnature fs on every Ikx of the fiotiiia
Laxative Broino-QuirJnc Tt.ieu
Um mural tliat et-urta a tW la eue dajr
Persons having accounts with mo are
requested lo settle same without further
delay. All accounts nut settled belore I
leave Tionesta will 1m fell in hands of At
torney A.C. Brown lor collection.
Tionesta Ilea ing. V Plumbing Co.
The femur (Del SKtry.
J. A. Kelly relates an experiene-e sim
ilar to that whiih has happene'd in almost
every neighborhood in the United States
and has been told and re-told by thous
ands of oiheis. Husays: "Last summer
I had an atUe-k of dvsentcrv an. I pur-cha-ed
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cluilera anil liiarrhoe-a remedy, which I
used sccureliug lo diree-tions ami with en
tirely satisfactory results. The trouble
was conirulcil much quicker than for
mer attacks when I used other reme
dies." Mr. Kelly is a well kuown e-iti-zeui
ol Henderson, N. C. Sold by Kill
mer Bros , Tionesta, W. G. Wilkins, West
Hickory, Pa.
Ladies' Shirt Waists & Wrappers
We have 100 Ladies' Sliirt Waists and a like number.'of Wrappers
BtiJ we are geing to make tho price close them out.
14 00 Waists lor $2.75 $1.50 Wrappers, $1.00
2 50 ... 1,75 1.25 " ... 90
150 " 100 1.00 " 75
100 "... 75
75 " 50
50 ... 35
Come Early Before
the Best are Gone.
L. J. Hopkins.
Prefer to sell tiicee at a lore now, rutlier than iinlel them over for next
season, although fashion does assure us that Linens will be even more popu
lar next seanuti.
Ijjil.i.T Iiileul of 2.2.1 a yard.
A 42 inr-h Cirrus Linen suiting with large, woven dots the size of a dime
and with stripes of narrow half inch val. insertion.
$1.2.1 Instead of 2.00 a yard.
A 42 inch Striped Grass Linen, stripes of half inch silk taffeta ribbon,
shirred in between two rows silk fancy stitching different color stripes are
white, blue, green and black.
$1.1.1 Instead of $2.00 n yard.
A 14 inch Grass Linen, with a neat, tightly woven, white silk dot.
7le Instead of $1.00 a yard.
A 50 -i tic h Grass Litinen, with half inch colored satin stripe at intervals
of two inches stripes in bltio, pink, green, black and white.
l.le Instead of K.le n yard.
A 20-inch Silk Warp, Grass Linen, with colored satin stripe in groups
nf two, with two narrower s-otin Blript-s to break the solid stripe efTect blues,
pinks, green, lavender and red.
50e Instead of 75c a yard.
A 28 inch MurcerizoJ Duthte, linen color luce open work stripe effect.
Perfect Ice Cream Powder
In instantly reaily Tor uso, reiiulrintr only the aililltlnn of one quart nf Colli milk, lialt
milk anil half cre-atn, nr all cream, tei inai;o twee quarts of as line lee Cream as any
cmilecliimcr can make. Klavnra for Ico ('ream aro, Hasplierrv, Htrawherry, Va
nilla, Oranie, C'line-olale anil l'lain (unllaveireil to be used with fresh fruits 01 In
luiikiim up lancy crenms.)
I'erlee-t Water Ire I'nwder requires only the addition nf one quart ofColel water to
make two qimrts ul Wutcr Ice eir Sherbet. Flavors lor Water icj aro, I. union and
Mend us 'Jim and wo will mall you a package of any of the nhove llavors, with our
hoeiklei, full ol valuiihlo recoipts for making all kinds ef l'lain and Fancy Creams
and Ieoa. O. J. Weeks V Co, 111 Murray St., New York City, N. Y.
Hot Weather Suggestions.-
Few people understand the philosophy of keeping cool while
"Old Sol" is doing his best. About the only contentment they
find is to greet everyone with the words "Isn't it hot?' If meu
only knew how much effect a disturbed mind has over the body
they would try to suggest more pleasing piopositions. The best
to do is to clothe yourself in light weight garments, mostly light
colored, and then engage your thoughts in some pleasing occupa
tion or study. Idleness is conducive to disturbance of mind and
a disturbed mind makos the possessor uncomf irtable.
For tbo clothing part we can help you, for the mental part
yon must help yourself both work harmoniously together. Let
us suggest
Flannel Coats and Trousers
for negligee costumes are very popular this sea-ou. The fabric
is nf guild weight anil suppuseel in he of nou-sbriiikuble flannel. It
isn't fiile to say that this is positively true, yet we vouch fir the
giuil we ir of each suit. The prices aro $S, $10 and $12.
Negligee Shirts
Probably add mure to a man's comfort especially if cut right
than any other one article of his wearing apparel. 50e to $!t
Straw Hats
Friuii a common every day
uitia ut f 10.
Feed & Sale
Fino Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Itear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone -o. 20.
This Week.
High Grade
Linen Suitings.
une nt 10c, to the aristrocraliu 1'au