THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINK. - tOITON 4 POMIlTO. WEDNESDAY, JJ'LY 2. IM- 1902 JULY 1902 Su. 1 Mo.' Tu. We.: Th. 1 Fr. Sa. 6789 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 llepublicnn Ticket. PTATK. OVrnnor SAMUEL W. PKSSY PACKKK, of Philadelphia. I.irut. (romnor WILLIAM M. NKOWN. nf Iwrence county. Secretary of Internal Ajttiir ISA AC B. UKOWK,ot Erie county. coimty. rvio- JOSEPH t SIRLEY. (Subject to action of District Conference) AmmnMjtV. . A i s i-r. tt. J'rotkonolitryJ. C. HEIST. .SA. Wi-UEORUE V. KOllLIT. ftinnfi Cammituiinncra CONKAD IIUK1IEXN, A. K. SHIPK. Auditor -GEO. W. UOLEMAX, W II. STILES. Jury ammiwioncr--ERN EST SIBHLE Keith kr Bryan nor Cleveland seems to have been auccmsfully ieorganied. Tuk business world is heartily glad there will be no tariff tinkering, in any form, during the present session of Con Wyoming Deuioera's have reaffirmed the Kansas City ulatlorm. Perhaps it is of no oonseq iionse, at the state changed to the sound money side two years ago, The Boer war lasted thirty-two months and cost the British 77W killed in action and 13,250 victims of disease, a total of 2I,(Hi II the Boers lost balf as many the conflict was one of the biKKest little wars in history. Somkonk has calculated that if a man made tMM every day beginning with the year one and continuing to the present day, consuming none of his earnings, ho would just about have as much as Mr. Rockefeller has to-day. The wage earner In this State does not want the tariff tinkered with, understand ing as he does that hard times and the Bonp houses come from disturbing the conditions of trade, and that the wages paid in tliis country are much higher than else where. A kkw politital organization in New York calling itsell the Radical Democ racy is auuounced to be "opposed to al most every'hing." If this is the whole platlorm, the regular Democratic party may justly complain of an attempt to steal iu thunder. Whk the "faithful" bo to a conven tion they have to pay their own railroad fare and buy their own fluids, which doubtless accounts for the aobrietv that marked the Erie pilgrims. Titusville Courier, Seems there ought to be some better incentive to keep the "faithful" sober on auch occasions. "Col." tiCKt'KY bossed the Erie con volition a completely as a king could boss his subjects. Little fellows and big alike heard and obeyed the crack of the whiplai-b implicitly, and they always will so long as Col. Jim is willing lo pay the freight. When he heads up the bar'l things may be different. The commercial supremacy of the United Slates continues. At present the excess of our export trade over our im p irts is over one million dollars a day. And this in spite ol the fact that the on precedented home demand in tbe iron trade has not only prevented ex ports to a great extent, but has actually neeesaita ed gigantic imports. Recently Pension Commissioner Ware received a letter from an Ohio man who said he was getting a pension of W pir month, but, as the Lord had oro pered bim, bo thought he ought to re linquish it. Mr. Ware wrote to a special agent in Ohio about tbe matter, and in few davs this reply arrived: "I have found the pensioner. He is In an asylum lmpelssly insane." The Indiana county Gazette, General Elkin's home paper, in a recent issue made the following comment: "The smartest thing Senator Quay has done in years waa bis listning to tbe demands of the insurganta that a non-factional can didate be named Governor and providing such a man. In so doing he has wiped out faction, at least for a time, and has nrovided standard bearer who will surely lead to victory." Pattion for Governor, George W. Guthrie of Pitt-burg, for Lieut. Gover nor, James Nolan ot Berks county, for Secretary of Internal Affairs, and a plat foini with the usual baiangue about H6 publicad misrule is tLe size of the Dem ocratic outcome at Erie last week. Tbe Pattis( n pitcher thus goes once too often to fie well. The people of Pennsylvania are nut taking kindly to three-termers, es pecially where tlie candidate once held in esteem has degenerated into a mere politician, Just like the rest of 'em. TriK district conference of this Con gressional district, composed of Mercer, Venango, Forest, Warren and Elk conn ties, will meet in Warren to-day to nomi nate a candidate lor Congress. The re noininatinu of Hon. Joseph C. Sibley, our present brainy rrpresentalive is an assured fact, all tbe counties having in structed for him except Mercer county, which has complimented one of its citi zens, Mr. Weidman, with Instructions. Mr. Sibley selected as his conferees from Forest county, Dr. W. G. Morrow of West Hickory, Gus K. Evans of Endeavor, and Loon Watson of Ktllittvillo. IionKRT E. Pattison Is the only Dem ocrat who has held the office of governor of the Slate of Pennsylvania since the civil war. The conditions which pre vailed at the time of his former election were exceptional, nevertheless there are many Democrats who have come to re gard him as the esix-cial lavorite of lor- tune, and the only Democrat who can be elecied governor of the Stale. Pollily Mr. Pattisou himself has como to cherish the name idea This is not one of the ex ceptional years, however, when the 1 at tiou destiny is to be flatteringly forecast. Kane Republican. Th Iwisburg News, Senator Benj. Focbt't pap", has this to say about the Republican candidate for Governor: "The independent clement in the Repub lican party caunot oppose Judge Penny packer unless it is for the fact that he ro- pented and became stalwart. In lss: bo was chairman of the Indcpent com ujitlexin Philadelphia. While he has since became a regular Republican he is nevertheless a man of his own mind. As a Judge he has stood above reproach. His past record is sufficient to indicate what his future will be. He will be his own boss and no one will dictate, to him. Ifany one should attempt to it will amount to nothing. Ok the attitude of William J. Bryan to wards the men w ho are endeavoring to reorganize the Democratic party, the Democratic Philadelphia Times says : It may be gathered from the published re marks ol Mr. Bryan that he does not like Mr. Cleveland. Furthermore, he does not like Mr. Hill, nor the Eastern Demo cracy iu general, and if the Democratic party is going to move out of a grave yard, It is not the party for W. J. Bryan, The esteemeJ Nebraskian baa not often displayed quite such 111 temper as in this interesting deliverance, though it has the unquestionable merit of frankness. Walterson's outbreak against Cleveland was merely personal, but Bryan really believea in the issue which Cleveland spoke of as "killed by the decrees of the American people" and resents an Invi tation to abandon them as be would an attack on his rcligiou. He prefers to be "fad on the husks ol defeat." In his criticisms of the address of ex Presideut Urover Cleveland before the Tilden Club, Mr. Bryan demonstrates the extent to which he assumes the ex clusive privilege of interpreting Demo cratic principles and supplying basis for Democratic convictions. The following xtract from his comment would be a complete presentation of his assumed po- itiou if the word "Bryanism" were sub stituted for the words principles" and convictions." He says cf Mr. Clave- laud: "There can be no such thing as harmony between men like him and those who believe In Democratic princi ples, and he is (rank enough to say so. He spent no time looking for 'middle grounds' upon which U gather together discordant elements. He boldly called upon the members ol the party to aban don their convictions and accept the con structian which he placed upon Demo. cratic principles. He even taunted the party with being sort of a prodigal sou and invited it to give up Its diet of husks and return to his father's house." Following the passage of the bill pro- viding for the construction of the Pana ma canal the Philadelphia Inquirer, re ferring to the periods of agitation for an intcr-ocianic canal says: In lSuO there was a demand for the immediate con struction of a canal su as to render access to the cold fields of California easy. It was thought impossible to construct railway across tbe continent, and a canal was the next best thing. Then some en terprising engineers discovered that railway could be built, but that it would go through Mexican territory. The Gads den treaty was the result, whereby we purchased what are now the southern portions of New Mexico and Arizona. A railway was projected, but before it was undertaken engineers began to talk of a road across the Rocky Mountains, a prop osition then considered as now a bridge across the English channel a possibility, but expensive beyond all warrant, juere are now a number ol tranaconiinemsi lines, and for thirty years, trom ltvs, mo canal protect ciwmuiea. n was iu wo Harrison admiuisiratiun that it was re vived and has been kept alive to the present time, with tbe final triumph of the Panama route. For our nart we cannot for the life of us discover the necessity for such fre quent defending ot the American soldiers as representatives of various States are makinir in Comrres Dowadays. says tbe Philadelphia Iuriulre. Beyond question there were cruelties and whiit appeared to be such in both the civil and the Phil ippine wars, but General Sherman told us in blunt enough language what war was and is. and be told the truth. That there were individual cases of cruelty in the Phiiinmnes is easv to believe, but it is not singular that this should have been the fact when atrocities of tbe nativea are lecalled, Tbe averago soldier would not be inclined to think more than live or six times if be came suddenly upon man engaged in mutilating tbedeadbody of a comrade. The course of the assailers of tbe army, of course, is easy of compre hension. Out of all other arguments against the Republican party they have seized upon the few instance reported without any too much authority, as dy ing men sometimes clutch at the air, but rh a matter of fact thev are having their labor for their pains. '1 he notion of the neoula. as we iialher it from the news paper.) ol the State and Nation is that while the defense of the American soldier furnishes a theme upon which orators naturally grow elo'.ient,there is actual no occasion" for its reietitiou.The American soldier is lighting for the American Hag at American soldiers always havelotight That is the only defense they ueeil. Urafarx ( annol He ( rrd by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, anil that is liy const itutional remedies, llealness is caused by an inflamed con dilion of the miieons lining of the En Ktacliian Tube. When this tubo gets in Humiil vou have a rumbling sound or imperleVt hearing, and when it Is entire ly closed deafness is the result, and un less the inllaniation can be taken out ami this lube restored lo its normal condition liearimr will be destroyed forever; nine -m nut of ten are caused by e-atarrh which is nothing but an inll lined condl ti..n t.r ii.a innnoiis surf'ices. We will give Due Hundied Dollars for any case o I Deafress (c .tMd by catarrh) lull cuimot be cur- I bv Hull's Catarrh f4.n.l lfr circnlnrs. tree. F. J. CHKNiiY A CO., Toledo, O, Hold bv Druggists, j. Hall s'Fan :ly Pills are tbo best. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Ex-Governor Robert E. Pattisou Nom Inated For the Third Time. Erie, Pa., July 26. For the thin time In 20 year ex-Governor Robert E Pattison of Philadelphia waa noniinat ed for governor of Pennsylvania yes torday by the Dcmociatic state con vention, the vote being: Pattison 223V, Kerr, 524; Guthrie, 32; Wood ward, 4. George W. Guthrie of Pittsburg wai the unanimous choice of the conven tion for lieutenant governor. Jamct Nolan of Reading was nominated nj acclamation for secretary of Interna affairs. The real contest was on the ques Hon of representation from Fhlladel phla. Sixty delegates were elected but State Chairman William T Creasy ruled that that county was en titled to only 29. The chairman's ruling was sits talned by the credentials committee and also by the convention. Duriiuj the debate on this question the spec tators In the galleries Interrupter: John M. Gorman of Luzerne witl hisses and Jeers. The police were called In by the sergeatit-at-arms tc restore order. Robert E. Wright of Allentown wa$ elected permanent chairman by accla mation. Ex-Judge Edwin M. Harvey of Le high reported from the resolution com mittee the platform, which wai adopted. After the adoption of the enstomarj motions the convention adjourned. Borough President Killed. Altoona, Pa., June 30. John Mo Kenna. proprietor of the Gallitzir hotel, and president of the borough council, was instantly killed am Thomas Gillespi? seriously injured h the firing of a blast at the new Galla tizen tunnel of the Pennsylvania rail road. McKenna and Gillespie were sitting on the porch of the hoto' directly In front of the opening of tlu 'tunnel when the blast was fet off. A huge piece of reck struck McKenna on the head, crushing his skull, while Gillespie's jaw was broken by a smal lcr stone. Several other persons ir the nclsrhborhocd were slightly injured by flying stones. Property near w hert the explosion look place was bad' daiMgrd. Police Arrested For Shooting. Scranton, Pa., June 30. Five of the men employed as policemen at tlu Glonwcnd colliery of the Erie com pany at Mayfleld were taken Into custi r!y Sunday morning on the charge of shooting Joseph Quinn during a strike melee which occurred there at midnight. The prisoners were given a hearing and held In $S00 bail each. General Manager May of the Erie com pany becoming their bondsman. Thr defendants claim they were attacked by a big crowd and fired to frighten off their assailants. Principal's Salary Too High. Harrisburg. Pa., June 30. Judge Simmcntxn has rendered an opinion In which he enjoins Superintendent of Public Instruction Schaeffer from paying any salary to Superintendent Stitzinser of Forest county until the difference between the payment of $1,500 salary and the lawful salary of $ 1,000 shall have been made up. It was claimed that Stitzlnger had no right to the salary of 1.5o and the court upholds the school board which brought the suit. Drowned Seeking Bird's Nest Cambridge Spring", Pa., June 30. Friday 6-year-old Charlie Ford, while looking at a bird's nest In a tree on the bank of the Shenango river. stepped backward and fell over the hlsh bank and waa drowned. Then three other hoys who were with him ran to town for help. A steam launch immediately went to the spot and raised the boy after about 10 minutes' work. Five Persons Poisoned. East Liverpool, O., June 30. Only prompt medical attention savea tne lives of Mr. and Mr. A. P. Cunning ham of Chester and their three chil dren, who were taken suddenly and violently ill after eating their dinner. The physicians said they were suffer ing from arsenical poisoning. They suspect that the poison was in their roffee as a boarder who drank none was not ill. Mother Jones Out. Parkeishurg, W. Va., June 30. "Mother" Jones and the other strike It-aders who were on trial for viola tion of an Injunction Issued by the Vnlted States court, were released Saturday until July 11. They were given a lecture by Judge Jackson, who warned them against interfering with the men at work. He promised se vere punishment If they attempted to Incite strike aRaln. Killed by Falling Gate. New Castle, Pa., June 30. Henry Lawrence of McKees Rocks, a Pitts burg and I ake Erie brakeman, was killed last midnight at New Castle Junction. Ho was sitting In the ca boose of a train when a heavy Iron gate fell through the roof and struck Lawrence on the abdomen, killing him. He was 36 years old and leaves a wife. Black Eye For Pure Food Law. Beaver, Pa., June 30. Judge J. S, Wilson has handed down an opinion which declares parts of the pure food laws in violation of the state constl tution. The case involved was that of J. E. Ewing, a grocer of Beaver Falls, who was prosecuted three weeks ago for selling oleomargarine. Pnlnl Voar linaar to (1.00 with Devne's GIosk Carriage Paint. It v. eigbs 3 to 8 oz. more to the pint tbau others, wears lunger, an gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by Jas. D.Davis. 3 ll-5m. Thr Hrl Linimrnt Vat Nli-aim. Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant at Deer Park, Island, N. V., says: "I al ways recommend Chamberlain's Pain Bairn as the bet liniment for strains. I used it lst winter for a severe iamenes-i in tlit; side, resulting from a strain, and was irrratlv pleated with the quick relief and cure "it etlecled. Sold by Klllmer Bros., Tioncsla, W. G. Wilkius, West Hickory, Pa. PLAIN TALK, Straight Talk Him tu the lHilnt-The Virtues of nr. A. W. ChasiVa Nerr Pills Told in a Few Words by One Who Knows Mr. George Schrock, Jr., of No. 1)1 Pine street, Meadville, P., says: "When I got some of those Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills I was In a very nervous state due to work that kept me up at all hours and denied me sleep. I had dizzy spells as well. The box of Norve Tills cured all this. I am no longer dizzy nerves are strong my sleep uatnral and I feel good In every way. I think this proves the medicine la a great one." Dr. A. W. Chaso'a Norve Pills are Bold at 50c a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Company, Buffalo, N. X. See that portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M. D., are on every package For sale by Klllmer Bros., druggists. A (iiiihI Invest input. Insure In the National Protective So ciety of Detroit, Mich., which pays sick. accident and death benefits, and has paid to its members in Forest Co. over eight hundred dollars. The following are among the beneficiaries: R. J. Gr)ve,$72, J. P. Huling, $J0, Rums Childs, $10, S. J. Overlander, f 15, Jacob Cropp, $;l3.2f, Charley Cropp, (31.07, Tiouesta; Jacob II. Swatzfager (:., McCrays; C, B, Schrecl-engost, (.3, Marienville; B. T Elder, (I2.M, A'ill Elder, (8.M, West Hickory; Frank llarklma, (! 3J, Scott Webber, (7.10. Kellettvil.e ; M. S. Mo- Can, II,"., H. M. Blum. (11..V), Nebraka; Stephen Yaabinder, (17.50, Mayburg. The National Protective is represented in Forest Co., by J. P. lluling of Tio- ncata. 2t Wait for the Annuel Niagara Falls Excursion via the Nickel Plate Road on Tuesday Aug. 19, very low lates. See nearest ticket agent for particulars. No. 1.10-21, New England Kates via the Nickel Plate Road as follows: B. Y. P. U. at Providence. It. I., Tickets on sale July 7 to 0h inclusive, good to re turn until July l"tb, or by deposit until Aug. IS, 1'ift!. National Y. P. C. V. at Portland, Me., ticket ou sale July 6 to 0th inclusive good to return until July 17th Inclusive or by deposit until Aug. I'Mfl. One lare for the round trip In either case. See nearest agent. No. 1 ill -'.It National Educational Association Annual Meeting at Minneapolis July 7th to lhh. Tickets on sale via the Nickel Plate Road on July 5tb to 7th good to re turn until Oct. first at one fare plus (J.00 round trip. See nearest agent. Call or address City Ticket Oillee !M State St., Erie, Pa., H.C.Allen, C. P. A T A. No. 13o-2t Notice lo Contractors. Bids will be received bv the School Board of Green Township for the ereo tion ot a school house on German Hill in said Township. Specifications may be obtained from the undersigned, Secretary of Green Two. School Hoard. Nebraska, Pa. All bids must be presented before July 5, 190:2, the Hosrd reserving .the right to reject any and all bnts. Lymak Cook Secretary, The Nickel Plate lioad 11 run its IPth annual Niagara Falls ex curs ion on Tuesday Ami. 101b. Low Bates. Wait for it. For particulars see nearest ticket agent. No. 137-21 Ktirrlal Exrumioa Hales via Mckcl Ilnte Hon it. Walrk this Ad. To Deadwood, S. D., June 1st lo Sept Ifitli. To Denver, June 1st to 3ith, July 1 1 th to 31st. Aug. lath to 31st, Sept. 11 to 15, To Denver, July 1st to 10th, Aug. 1st to 14th, Sept 1st to llllh. To Minneapolis. Minn., July 6th, 6ib and 7lh. To Tacoma, Wesh., July l." to 21st. To portland, Ore., July loth to 21st. To San Francisco. Cal., Aug. 1st to 6lh To Salt Lake City. Aug. (iih to 8lb. All round trips and very cheap. Write for d-ita of next special party. Keep in touch with the City Ticket Oillee. II. V. Allen, C. P. A T. A , No. 20 State St., Erie Pa. No A-27-tf. ItAILWAY. TIlE TABLE To Take Effect July 1st, liOi SOUTH 2 I ! Eaturti Time Stations NORTH I 1 I 3 a. m.'p.m Leave Arrive a. m p. til II 4-V4 1 Sheffield f) l.-wl 4 III lHi4 3-" 111 2l' 4 5oi II) 40 5 06: II l-5 15 1 1 2.'.5 70 11 4.-!.i 3ft 1 1 IV 5 4i Barnes Henry's Mill Blue Jay Hastings Wellers Minister Porkey Mayburg Buck Mills Kellottvilln Newtown Mills Boss Kim 8 65 i 10 8 35 2 60 8 20 2 S 05 2 7 .VI 2 00 7 45 I 65 7 4U 1 60 12 15 5 50 12 35 fl no 12 45 li 10 7 25 1 8.1 7 15 I 25 7 00 1 1, 6 25i 45i 9 30 6 lo (i 4o: 7 ' Nebraska p.m. p. in 'Arrive Leave a.m'p.m T. D. COLLINS, Prksipbnt. Pennsylvania UAlUiOAI). BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY V LEY DIVISION. Taking effect. June 20th, 1902. No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily except Sunday 11:25a. No. 82 Uil City and Piitsburg Ex ress.daily.except Monday ..7:30 p.m No. It.lio (III city Accom. , .mn- dav onlv P:50a. in No. 0.32 Oil Cily Accoin.,Sun- day only P:12 p. m For Hi'-Vn'-y.Tidioute, Warren, Kinzu Bradford, Mean and tbe East : No. 81 Olean Exprewa, daily except Sunday 8:65 a, No. 33 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday- 4:3!) p. m No. 0 33. Irvineton Accom., Sundays only, 2:45 p. ni. For Time Tables and additional iimtlon consult Ticket Alfent. Inf.. J. It. HUTCHINSON. J. It. WOOD. General Manager. Jun l Passenger Agt, Keep Cool You dou'l have to go tu llio Arctic regions to be refreshed. It takes only a uiiuule to squeeze a low lem ons and a. id some sugar anil water. hrce minutes after that you cau have a ilolicious Iemom ice, it you use a Peerless Iceland Freezer (One Motion) Patent dasher construction does way wilh all motions except one the cau revolves arouuci the station ary dasher. Motion is necessary iu the cream, not iu the machine. I he cream has mora motion iu the Peer less Iceland than in any other frerr-r. The result is smooth, delicious ice ream in tli roe minutes. ROBINSON. M Ktn I iml fcTv pi kac i-o n a SLr'tnrrvSri nm Oil. It re- mt the tump, w w tlo n4 Weal.. T 1- No routiur fare lo c!t1 rtlct:l. lht harru rot Only Verp v w new, tu tw it e AS lent; by tSt ttc ol t'urtlt HarattM Oil, kld by Standard riONKSTA JIAKKKTH CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour? sack 1.10(3,1.35 orn meal, feesl, lnu n 'orn meal, family, IM lb., 1.45 1.60 1.50 .00 .Ml -24 2.50 .15 .15 .10 hop Iced, pure grain Oats Corn, shelled Kuckwheat Hour, ir Means y bushel Ham, sutptr cured Bacon, anuar cured Shoulders Salt Pork, ! WhiteliKh V kit .70 5K4.00 .35(i .50 .35' .f I i i2i(a,is .20 .Ml .15 Ooiauw , .aM21 !.25 .14 .!K)(.i I 00 M , .W1.00 2.75 niifrar... Svrup N'. O. Molasses , Collee, Hoant Kio Coffee, blended Java... I ea Butler Rico Kicks, fresh Salt barrel Uirri I'otaloes, bushel. ... Polaloew, Sweet "(Hi It).. Lime V barrel , Nails V keg Cures Bhciiinatisin, Neuralnia, Injuries, Soro Fest, Iaimo and Acbini; Hack. Skin Diseases. Pains laid Spiains. WANO WANO ELECTRIC OIL. 25 TRY IT mm Sold A"l aCvTK fi1 Company Jj PATEIT LEATHER ROYAL SHOES. We are proud of our showing of these superb shoes. Wo know they are going to bo prime favorites this season and have taken specieil p.'iius to mako a complete showing of these superior shoes. No other house lias such a range of patterns or de sirable styles. Men's Women's Children's Carpets. fltffTr Goons Eyksv Department. Tionesta Cash Store ALWAYS LEADERS J1ST GUALITIT OB PBICE. NEW WASH SKIRTS. NEW LINE JUST IN. PRICES AND SUES TO SUIT ALL See Tliem. HEATH TJp-to-Dato AO. A. B. . Waynk Cook, President. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom era all the benefits consistent with conservative b kiuii. Interest ptid on time dcpoaiU. Your patronage retapectfully solicited. The Spring Campaign is now ou io WALLJPAPER! GEO. I. DAVIS, The recognized artist In Paper HaiiKlnii and PaintiiiK. has all bis samples ready lor inspection, and a liner line at lower prices was never exhibited here or else where. Mr. Davis is prepared to show samples and Kive estimates on all work in bis hue, and it will be well for parties neediUK his services to consult bim at once before enttaireiueiita are mada loo tar ahead. Border papers n in at same price as ceilinirs and walls. This Is a new thiiiK and an important item in keeping dow n the expense. Administrator's Notico. Letters of administration having been Kianloit to (tin undersigned upon Ilia es late of Malihew F.lliot, late of Harmony township, deceased, all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ment, ami those bavliiK claims airainst the same to present without delay to Jan. Ki.i.Iot, Administrator. Tiouesta, Pa.. May i!i, I'.HIJ. tit Wanted-An Idea Who ran think of aom sitniiki tiling Uj iMttVUl Prc'eet your M" 3hv mv Itrlntf voll w.-,lth. WrlK JOHN WtUDKIUlt KN k I II . Patent Alt", HSNlilnsum, v. .,rr int-ir itim uuw llUt vt twu bundrvd iuvsnilous wauled. HOW atioutyour stock of Stationary T We do hifth data Job Prinlinir. Patent Kit.. SHOES AXM1NSTERS MOQUETTE3 BODY BRUSSELS VELVETS TAPESTRIES INCRAINS UNIONS MATTINCS LINOLEUMS L FEIT. Doalers m .VMS. Kkixy. Cashier. Wm. SUKABBAl'Oll, Vice Proalduu I NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. 150,000. ntRKOTOKll G. W. Kobluson, Win. Sinearbaiinh, T. P. Rllchoy. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly. Shoe Reminder. The world loves to get huld nf the haudle eml of a bargain. It it hotter than earning ruotiey it'i saving it tl saved it $2 earoeil. You are saving money evory time you purchase a pair of our 13 Ox fords. You are also insuring six months of font comfort. That's a combination that is hard to beat. JOE LEVI, Cor. Ceotre, Seoi-ca, A Sycamore Sts Oil, CIT1, l'A. Pbone 23. RIGHT PRICES. Goodyear Welt Hand Turn McKay sewed. Rugs.