The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 25, 1902, Image 3

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.. AMI
C. I MI & SOI,
All Leading Coinpanlet;
Wild Lands, Farms, iroutwii
Lots for Sale or Rent.
James. Ad.
I. him morn. Ail.
I iik in. Lonila.
Penna Kv. Headers.
Heath Y. Kcit. Local",
lievne . Co. ltcadeis.
Nlckt) Plato. Headers,
(. T. Anderson. 1.00a I.
Mm. A. ('. I'rov. l.m'al.
Lawrence Paints. Locals.
C. M. A St. I. Hy. Header.
White Star Oroeery. Locals.
Tionesta Codi Store. LocaK
J. I. Ilulinir. Insurance local,
drant Sinister. Horses tor halo.
HoroiiLfti School District. Financial
Oil market dosod at $1.20.
Wnll-x Kariiients at Hopkins.
Oil ami ru leases at this ofllce.
-Walton! leads then all. T. C. S.
Hopkins K'IIh the toii(fla shoes tl
SlilrlH, shirts, Shirts, coma and aae.
Heath it Keii. 'It
Summer antt auil allocs at Tionesta
Cas'i Store. It
Tho White Star Grocery for freshest
Ii nils am) vegetables. It
ltefore you l'.iut ask K il liner llros.
about Lawrence. It
I, lios wu-h skirls che.iper than you
can buy tlio in tteriul. Heath it Kelt, It
Mending done without charge, anil all
work lirst class hy Dunkirk Su am Latin
dry. T.C.S. It
When you think of letting that new
suit fur the Fourth, call on Hopkins. A
new lino just In. It
Hundreds of gallon of Lawrence
I'aint auld by Killuier llnm. last year;
ask about it. It
The young people hail a very enoy
ablo dancing party in Ilovard's hall last
Wednesday evening.
-Two games of base bill are booked to
take place her oil tlio 4tli, between Tin
. nest a an J a team from Oil 'ity.
Seowden C Clark have for aalo a sec
ond. hand buggy and wj,"iu. Anyone In
need of either can secure a bargain, tf
Tlio aaleof llreworka will commence
on the 2nd of July. io to the White
Star Urocery lor the largest assortment.
In their argument many persons are
liko aouie shotguns. Tliey acatter too
liltieli. In the ca-e .r tlio nuns "chok
Inn" la the only remedy. Bliiurd.
Tionenta got her "humus" in great
ahaps at rieasautvillo last Thursday af
ternoon, the gmiu resultiug in a icore or
'21 to 2 in favor of the other follows.
The right of boroughs to lax poles lor
the carrying ol wirea for various porno,
aes on streets lias been affirmed by the
Supremo Court ol this State.
At Dunkirk strawberries have liifii
a drug on tlio market, selling as low as
live cent a quart. Many growers were
compelled to take their product to the
coining factory.
The salary of every Catholic priest In
tho Krie di"cese has been increased to
$l,0W. Heretofore the priests in charge
ofa parish have been receiving a salary
of f-nu per year.
A new post ofllce has been estub-li-hed
at Lamnna, in Jenks township this
county, with George E. Harnoa as post
master. The new ollice will be ready for
business in a shot t timo.
The June bride, the June rose, the
Juno graduato, the June bug and the
June freshet have all made their dates
good lor I Ilia uioiith. Venimgo Spectator.
How about the Juno berry f
Following is the list a letters remain
ing uncalled hr in tho Tionesta, la., Post
Ollice for the week eliding Juno 'J5, 1W2:
Mr. Oran Walters, 3 let'ers.
D. S. Knox. P. M.
Sheriff J. W. Janiicson returned yes
terday imoii Iroin a business visit to
Marienville, and he brought home one of
the handsome deer-skin rugs we ever
ar. The tanning was done by a man in
U. T. Anderson, desires to Inform tlio
readers of the Kki'I'iilican In this vi
cinity that he lias put in a lot of new
tools and is in better shape than ever lor
doing first class watch or clock repairing.
All work guaranteed. It
C. M. Arner A Son, having just in
stalled a now Smith Promier typewrit, r,
are prepared to do all kinds of typewrit
ing, copying, etc., for the public ia an ar
tistio manner and at reasoublo rates.
Call at the ollice whou In noed of such
sorv'ce. 2t
The singing at tlio Christian Kudea
vor convention iu Pittsburg in July will
lie under the direction of two grout choir
loaders. Thero will be a trained choir of
SOd voices, an enthusiastic audience of
many thousands, and an orchestra of
t irty pieces.
Clyde Colmer, a young man in the
employ of Culliua A Kreitler at Ne
brask, was injured Monday by being
struck by a log while loading cars a
akidway near Fox creek. One arm was
fractured in two placoa and ho was other
wise bruised about the bead.
F. R. l.anson has purchased tlio tin
ning and plumbing establishment here
tofore conducted by Charles Aiiiann, the
latter rotiiing from the business, and
expecting to engage in the livery busi
ness. Doubtless Mr. La n son will In
stall a lirst class plumber In the elab
The proprietors of tlio Central House
have started the content sidewalk move
ment and are putting in a double width
walk in front of that popular bosllerv
Hay lliricil is doing tlio work mid Kay
knows how, as his work of last fall
shows. Keep up the go d work ; there is
room fur plenty of it iu towu.
It la unlawful to pluck or remove
Mowers which are in any cemetery of
this State for ornamental or usenil pur
poses, under an act passed the Mb day
of May, Is?'.', I. L. til. Any one con
victed ofa violation ol tlio act mentioned
is liable to an Imprisonment not exceed
ing a year and to pay a Hue not excluding
f HMI, oi both, or eillier, at tlio discretion
of the court.
June 1, I! 02, snow and sleet suffic
ient to nearly cover the ground out on
tlio hills surrounding this section, a pret.
ty heavy trust Sunday and Monday
morning, r ith an atmosphere fur these
days kuggeytive of overcoats, is the roc
ord of phenomenal weather for tlio pist
week. It Is thought that crops aro only
retarded, not necessarily injured much,
by the frosts.
Tlio Forest County telephone people
have been pulling in a new 80 drop
switchboard In their olllco and otherwise
improving their plant here. The follow
ing new 'phones have been put in during
the past week : Tionesta Mantel works,
Steam laundry, Gas ollice, T. F. Itllchey's
ollice, F. K. Lanson's plumbing shop, J.
A. Adams' meat market and F. A. Kel
lar's residence,
Greater llarrisburg gets a fine boom
in the shape of a special edition of the
Telegraph of 3(1 pages of matter, covering
the many advantages and beauties of the
Capital City. Tho Telegraph, under the
management of that prince ol new spaper
men, E J. Htatkpole, Is a great paper,
and lias given the people of Hamburg
a lesson in enterprise which they will do
well to emulate.
The tool house connected with the
boat and bargo yards of the Watson
Lands Lumber Co., at Nebraska, was
burned to the ground Tuesdiy of last
week. It. T. Kerr, tho b at bu ilder, and
('us Wensnl, bargo contractor, lost a
number of their tools. The loss will
amount to about (:)0. The tiro is sup
posed to have caught from spaiks ofa
smoker's pipe falling among tbesliavlngs.
Fdilor Samuel L. Pickens of tho
Marieu villo Kxpiess has taken unto him
self a wile In the person of Miss Vinnle
May Miller, of lirockwayvillo, JefTeison
couutv. Ibo ceremony was performed
at t .e bride's home by Itcv. I). A. Plait,
on the 1 -it ti inst. A good notion, Sam,
and ono that w ill undoubtedly prove the
best investment of your life. In the
liinguago of Hie Immortal Kip, "may
you live long and prosper."
The Tionesta Literary and Dramatic
Lyceum will go to I'leaantvillo next
Friday evening where lliey will present
the comedy drema "The Gvpy (Jiit'cn,
or a Woinau's IKwotion." Tho proceeds
of the entertainment w ill bo fot tho ben
efit of Aaron Benedict Post, (). A. R., of
leasantvillo. This company gave this
entertainment here very credibly a short
lime sinco and they should bo well pat
ronized at Plcitsantville by the friends of
tho K. A. H.
They believe in a s'rl"t enforcement
of the game and lisb laws up in Warren
county, it would seem by the numerous
arrests and lines of Violators. On a ro
cent Sunday Charles Jackson and
August Krihell, both of Clarendon, were
arrested bv tlio game warden of that
place for llshlng on the Sabbath day. The
men were caught in the act of IWhing
near Tiona and were arrested. They wero
taken beforo Justice Lester of Clarendon,
and were lined fJ", each.
The Fourth of July, which occurs a
week Ironi next Friday, will be permit
ted to pass utii-clehratrd In Tionesta this
year, except in a casual way by the small
boy, w bieh is about the proper caper,
since, as a general rule, inucli damage is
dono and many aenous accidents of
ten result from the modern 4th of July
celebration. It is a good idea, also, to
siiiiclcli tho canon tirecracker as lias
been done by ordinance in this borough,
which it is hoped will bo strictly en
foicvd. The School Hoard of tho borough met
on Monday evening for the purpose of
electing lea, hers for the ensuing term of
eight months, beginning Si pi. 1st, next.
The salaries w ere placed at tlio same rate
as Isst year "5 for the principal and $10
for rii' h nl'the other live teachers. The
balloting lor teachers resulted in the
election or tho following: Principal, D.
V. Mon ison, of North Clarendon; No.
.1, Miss Ida Paup; No. 4, .Mbs Kathleen
Joyce; No. S, Miss Chiistino Agnew;
No. 2. Miss Martha Morrow; No. 1,
Miss Nancy Morrow, all of tho borough.
The tax levy was fixed at a previous
meeting, being fame as last 3'ear: 13
mills tehool, 5 mills building, aid 5
mills bond.
At Ihe annual convention of the Wo
man's Foreign Missionary Society of
Clarion Presbytery, which met in last week, tlio report of the
secretary showed an increaso in Interest
I and contributions throughout the Pres
bytery. Forty-ono auxiliaries besides
Hands and C. K. Societies, an increase of
lour during the past year, march should
er to shoulder into darkest heathendom.
The contributions from June l(i to Juno
PH12 wore over $:'Joil. Tho Tionesta C. E.
ranked second among the societies In tho
increase of contributions. It was with
deep regret that the ladies of the Presby-
lerial society learned that Mrs. R. L. liti
zard, of Rrockwayvllie, expects lo move
to Los Angolos in the coming autumn.
Mrs. Uu.srd has been connected with the
society for twenty-four years, and has
lieon its efficient president during the
past three years, but her place will be
tilled ly Mrs. N. 1'. Wheeler of Endeav
or, who is so eminently filled to bo the
leader of the Presbyterial society.
Dr. J. E. Lacey, the veterinary, was
called to Tionesta, Sunday night to at
tend one of i ho horses at the poor farm
Tho animal, or.e ofa team of lino dralt
horses, owned by a Forest cotiniy man,
was in a critical condition and ve'a from
Oil City and Warren could do nothing lor
il. Dr. Lacry perloi med a delicate sur
glial 0 oration and when he lelt Tionesta
the borso was eating and appearantiy on
tho road to recovery. Ho states that the
Fori st comity poorhotn a is ono of the
neaiest ai d I est 'nstilutions of Ihe kind
in the country. It has only 11 Inmate,
who live as well as most people do at
their homes. Thev do not work aud tlio
tiuor form Is run bv hired labor. The
jail, too, is said to be a modi 1 one and it
has fewer iirisoners than any similar
placj In the United Slates. Slieritl Ja
Icon says tho highest number be has
ever Inni in confinement at any one timo
was lour men. This is a good showing
for the moralilv of our neighbor county
and it shows its residents to lie law aoid
inU aifll orderly. Titusvillo Courier.
Misses Kathleen and Mary Joyce
have purchased Iho inilinery store and
good will of Mrs. A. C. I'rey, and will
conduct the business at the samo stand
Iho Freedniau block, w liero they have a
line aliN-k ofgoods in tlieir lino, aud to
which they will add many new aud novel
feat urea. Miss Vary Joyeo has had a
thorough training of more than four
years in the inilinery art and possesses
rare accomplishments as a trimmer of la
dies' head wear, baring all tie latest ideas
In that line. These young ladies kindly
solicits Ihe paironago o tho people of
Tionesta and vicinity.
A special fiom Corry says "The
hivtrin of Ernest Howard and George
v.oodwill, charged with the murder ol
Henry llailil.s k ot Corry, on the evening
of Memorial Day, took place before Al
derman J. T. llarker Friday morning,
w ith more than 1,000 persons present or
surrounding the magistrate's ofllce.
Goodwill was discharged and Howard
was held without bail for tiial in Erie
county in September. Immediately up
on the convening of the court District
Attorney Shreove announced that he had
careful y examined Ihe evidence and the
plea of an alibi advanced by Goorgo
Goodwill and moved his discharge from
cus'ody fully exonerated. This was done
with strong manifestations of approval
by spectators,"
The annual mooting ofthe Neilltowu
Cometery association, will be held thore
to-morrow and promises to be as pleasant
and enjoyablo as those of former years.
The occasion is made popular as a yeaily
reunion ol those having relatives and
friends buried at Ihe beautiful "God's
Acre" and their fi iends. They collie
from near and far and alV r conducting a
business meeting spend the balence of
the day in the enjoyment of an outing
and renewing old friendships. Among
the pleasing features of the day wi.l be
the discussion of line dinners and sup
pers. Sinco tlioir last meeting, tlio asso
ciation has obtait ed a charter and much
work has been done in Improving the
grounds. The question ol purchasing
more land lo add to the ceuiotcy will
come beforo the meeting and tho annual
election of ofllcers will be held. The of-
liceis for Ihe past year were Joseph Mo
( ruin, President; Amos Cliuger, treas
urer, and R. O. Carson, Jr., secretary.
The gentlemen I avo given Biich univer
sal satisfation that, if they desire, they
will undoubtedly bo re-elected. Titus
villo Courier.
The C. E. Convention.
One of the most delightful conventions
of ti:e Oil City and vicinity ('. E Union
was held in Tionesta last Friday after
noon and evening. Preparations had
been made by the local society for a most
royal welcome, and everybody was made
to feel at home. The church was hand
somely decorated and the reception and
social committees greeted visiting dele
gatesto the number of 35 at the trains
and church, assigning all their places ol
entertainment. Rov. J. V. Stockton, I).
I)., presided at the afternoon session
which was full of interest and pro lit lo
all. In the evening. Rev. Samuel Sam
ple, D. I)., of Titusville. delivered a most
excellent address to the young people.
At the close of the address, Miss Iva Car
penter of Endeavor, was chosen delegate
to the Nlato C. IC. convention to be held
in Pittsburg, July Sth, Vlh, 10th and Mr.
M illiron of Franklin, aUoinate. Endea
vor was chosen as the place to hold the
next convention. The officers were re
elected with tho exception of Vice Pres
ident ; and Mr. ("has. Clark, president of
the Tionerta C. E., was chosen to Till that
placo. The report of tlie trehsurer
showed the union to be in a flourishing
condition. At (lie close of the session,
Mr. Chas. Clark extended a cordial invi
tation to all in the church to remain for
refreshments which were sorved in tho
S. S. room by tho soeloal committee. II
was a very enjoyable convention and the
only regret was tho absence of the pastor,
Rev. J. V. McAnlnch.
Kdled liy the Curs.
John Albiii Karlsson,a young man aged
about 17 years, was instantly killed a
short distance abovo Ross Run, on the
Shelliold it Tionesta Railroad last Thurs
day. The crew Willi which ho was work
ing had been loading some ties on Ihe
cars, and the unfortunate victim was Bil
ling on a projecting tie as the tiain was
moving slowly along when lie was
knocked oil" and fell under the wh 'els ol
one ol the cars, which passe I diagonally
over his pody at Ihe hips, almost seve,-
ing the body. Death was almost instan
taneous. His reiusins were taken to
to Newtown Mills and prepared f r bur
ial, alter having been viewed by the Cor
onor Dr. J. W. Morrow, who decided
that no inquost was noeessary.
The burial took place at Whig Hill.
The young man had lately tome over
from Sweden, having lauded in this
country on Iho -Sth of April last, He
bad no known relatives iu (his country.
Supt. Leon Watson, of tho H. A T. road
has written to bis Iricnds In Sweden,
having obtained information from let
ters and papers in tho young man's pos
session. Lii'ieavor Items.
George Taylor, of Titusville, a former
lumber inspector for Wheeler A Dnsen
btiry, was in town a lew days last week.
He is now. special agent for tho Now
York Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Mrs. McFetridge, of Hadley, Morcer
county, accompanied by her daughter,
Mrs. Macluiyre, visited her son, C. J.
Stowarl, a few days last week.
A fine driving horso recently pur
chased in Cincinnati by N. P. Wheeler,
arrived here the 10th.
A party of young people of this place
drovo over to the Foglo larm Friday
Harry Smith of West Hickory spent
the evening rather pleasantly at Joe
King's last Saturday.
N. P. Wheeler, Jr., is home lroin
A Tinm-sin. Wrtinnu Asks
"havoyou a floor paint that will last two
weeks ?" Yes we have Devoe's ; it has a
beautiful gloss and will wear two years il
properly applied. J. I. Davis 3-2ii-0m
For Sale or F.xcliiititje.
Twenty-five bead just arrivtd at
1!,,..l-iOIU Kjir Grounds. Drivers. Gen- I
eral liusiness and Dra t horses aud mated
teams. Will stay till July nth.
Cotnu ucick for bargains.
Miss Minnie Reck is visiting friends
in llradrord.
Mrs. E. Ellis visited friends iu Tid
iouto ot er Suday.
I.. Agnew was a business visitor to
Oil City yesterday.
Chas. Amanii was a business visitor
to Warren yesterday.
Miss Mary Noble is a guest of friends
in Franklin for a few days.
Mrs. O. II. Nickle was a visitor to
Oil City Saturday afternoon.
Miss Laura Lawrence visited friends
in Oil City yesterday afternoon.
-Miss Maine Fitzgerald is visiting
friend in Marienville this wiwk.
Clifford Craig was up from Oil City
to visit his mother over Sunday.
Rov. Dr. J. V. Stockton is visiting at
his home in Wilkinsburg this week.
E. E. Fleming and W, A. Grove were
business visitors to Oil Cily Monday.
M rs. James ilaslot and children are
visiting friends in Oil City (his -veek.
Will Lyons, of Ilutler is here on a
visit to his aunt, Mrs. Win. Lawrence.
Miss Arietta Robinson visited friends
In Franklin a couple of days last week.
Archlo Iloleman returned Monday
from a visit to friend in Ueion City, Pa.
Mrs. Anna Hassey is up from Oil
City on a yisit to friends lor a few days-
Mrs. E. E. VocKrotu left yesterday
morning to visit iriends in Fairview, Pa.
Miss Anna Graham of (5larion is a
guest ol Misses Kathleen and Mary
II. C. Kemble, of West Hickory,
was in Ibo county seat on business Sat
urday. Mrs. Jane Grove returned last Thurs
day from a visit lo relatives iu Venango
Miss Blanche Peaso was a guest of
Miss Florence Klinostiver, at Warren, on
Ralph A. Cook of Nebraska, came
home from Alle(;hony college, Meadville,
lh-t Friday.
Miss Cora Watson has returned from
a two A-eeka' visit to Meadville and Con
neaut Lake.
Misses Looua and Essio Scowdeu are
visiting their, Joseph Scow
pen, at Meadville.
R. M. Porlei field, of Oil City, was a
guest of his school friend, How ard Kelly,
over last Sunday.
Mrs. Chas. Hood and children re
turned Monday from a visit to Mrs. II.'s
parents ai Oil City.
-Robert Fulton, one of tho Pennsy's
genial canductors, was a Tionesta visitor
Saturday afternoon.
Bjn Kelly of Chicago, who has boon
hero on a visit to his parents, relumed to
his labors last Saturday.
Dr. Sigins w ,8 up from Oil City
Monday aflornoon belweer trains on
professional consultation.
Mrs. J. II. Museand mo'lier, Mrs. P.
K. George, were visitors to Franklin a
couple of days last week.
Mrs. C. U. MoBride, of Franklin, was
a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Urey, a
couple of days last week.
Mrs. Dr.W. II. Rogers of Cincinnati,
Ohio, is here on a visit to her pareuts,
Mr. and Mis. A. B. Kelly.
Miss Lillian McCrea returned Mon
day morning from a three weeks visit
with friends at Eale Rock,
Misses Lulu and Lillian Shaw of
North Clarendon, are guests of their
aunt, Mrs. Jacob Smoarbaugli.
Mrs. Win. Byors and daughter, Miss
Bessie, or near Pleasantvillo, wero guests
of Mrs. J. R. Clark last Thursday.
M iss Clara llassou, ofUtica, Pa., was
a guest of bor cousin, Mrs. J. H. Kones,
while here as a delegate to Ihe C. E. con
vention last Friday.
Ernest W. Bowman has purchased
through die real estate agency of C. M.
Arner A Son Iho cozy residence of T. E.
Arm-(rong in ibo north ward.
Mrs. O. B. Law and son Glenner, ol
Sharpsville, and Mrs. II. E. Ramsey and
daughtor Hazel of Utlca, Pa., are guosts
or Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Gaston.
Mrs. Martin Bordell and children,
who have been visiting her parents at
Conncaut, Ohio, lor the past six weeks
returned home last Saturday.
O. E. Gerow or The Central wont to
0;l City Monday to see his brother iu the
hospital. He reports the latter as get
ting along as rapidly as possible
Dr. F. J. Bovard lef: Monday even
ing for Grovo City to attend the com
mencement exorcises of (he coliego at
that place, of which he is a graduate.
Jacob Coleman aud family who havo
been hero since the death of bis lather,
(be late Herman Coleman, left for their
home at Oakdalo, Pa., yesterday noon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weaver, of Holol
Weaver, and guest. Miss Mary Densling
er, of Oil City, attended tho Downey-Me-Laughlin
wedding at Crown last Wed
nesday. Mr". Mary Folman, of Warren, spent
Sunday with her parmls, Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Gerow. She was accompanied
home on Monday by hor sister, Miss
Dot a Gerow.
Mrs. Kate R. Craig and Miss Nannie
Morrow were in Emlenton last week as
delegates to tho convention of the Wo
mans' Foreign Missionary Society of the
Clarion Presbytery.
Mis Fannie Kreitler of Troy, N. Y.,
and Miss Pauline Galerof College Point,
N. Y., nieces of F. X. Kreitler of Ne
braska are his guests, expecting to re
main for tho summer.
The lollnwinj party of Democrats left
for Erie to attend the State convention
yesterday morning: Win. Hood, W. II.
Hood, S. II. Haslet, 8. T. Carson, J. W.
Landers, Peler Youngk and F. A. Rol
ler. Mrs. Fred Sloctnn and son, Edwin,
and Lulu Sloctim, of Golinza, and Cora
Wetson, of Tionesta, have returned
home auer visiting Frances C. McCoi
lum, of East Fiist street. Derrick of
Mrs. L. Agnew and Mrs. J. E. Wonk,
who have sullorcd very serious illness
during tho pist four weeks, are improv
ing nicely, and their physicians are con
fident of their ultimate recovery, though
thoir convalescence will nocossanly be
Miss Itlancbo Mao Pease, one of For
est county's successful teachers, has been
elected to teach tho primary room in the
Tid:otito Union School, her election be
ing unanimous by tho School Hoard.
She succeeds a teacher who had held (he
position for twelve years. Wo congratu
late M iss Pease on this evidence of ap
preciation of her worth as a teacher.
Rev. Mr. Hutchison very acceptedly
filled tlio pulpit of the Presbyterian
church here last Sabbath morning, in the
absence of Rev. Dr. 8tockln, w ho was
conducting communion servces at En
deavor at lint hour. Mr. Hutchison,
who is a student of Prince'on Theological
Seminary, is serving the people of En
deavor during bis four months' vacation.
Paul Clark, who has been employd
as clerk In the Davis Pharmacy for the
past three years, left yesterday for Phil
adelphia where be has accepted a positiru
and will pursue his pharmaceutical
studies under one of Philadelphia's lead
ing pharmacists. I'aul'a many Iriends
hern will join us in wishing him success
in his chosen profession. Will Clark w ill
take Paul's place in the Davis Pharmacy.
The following Jolly party of young
ladios loft for Pittsburg on a fleet of L.
Conk's boats last Friday : M isses Bessie
and Ruth Cook of Nebraska, Winnie and
Mae Noyes of Plea-antville, Nellie Car
son of West Hickory, and Mrs. John
Sheasley of Kittanning The crew ofthe
licet was George Mat ha, pilot, L. A
Cook, Ed. Dewoody, Gilpin Small, Skid
Jocobs, Jacob Wright and Mr. Wagner.
The Rkpuhlic'n joins the many
friends in this place or Dcwitt W. Mc
Crea of Kagle Ruck, in congratulations
and well wishes on Ihe occasion of his
happy marriage with Miss Edith A. Mo
Calinont, or President, also possessing a
large circle ot friends in Ibis pla -e and
vicinity. The event was solemnized at
Trinity M. E. parsonago, Oil City, on the
18th Inst., Rev. Thomas R. Tboburn, ol
ficiatin.. Long life and a prosperous ono
lo the happy couple.
Prof. R. N. Speer, for the pavt seven
years principal of the borough high
school, will locate in Franklin, where be
will enter the practice ot law in connec
tion w ith his brother, Hon. I. M. Speer,
who will retain his ollice iu Oil Cily
where he is engaged a lucrative practice.
ProT. Speer and his estimable wife will
be missed from society circies in Tio
nesta, where both enjoyed the highest es
teem of our people during thoir sojourn
among us, and it is with keen regret that
their friends part with them. May pros
perity and happiness attend them in their
new home.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 2."o. 11-27-ly
Sparks' Sliinv is Coming Apilm
John II. Sparks' Now Railroad Shows
and trained Animal Exposition will ex
hibit in Tiones'a on July 1, Tuesday
altornoon and evening. Admission only
10 and 2.') cents. This show is known the
world over as the largest, grandest and
best 2o cent show on the road, with
all now, startling, and up-to-date feat
ures. The finest performing lions, wol
ves, and elephants on earth are to be seen
with Sparks' big one ring shows, together
with a Iroop of highly educated horses,
ponies, mules, dogs, goals and monkeys,
also a fine acrobatic and gymnastic per
formance and six funny clowns. See
Romeo, the largest lion in captivity and
Mary, the smallest baby elephant ever on
exhibition. See our grand free baloon
ascension, with Ibo parachute jump also
a free thrilling high lower dive from a
ladder SO feet high into a net. This is
given froe to all from tho show ground at
1 and 7 p. m., lain or shine. Don't miss
it. It alone is worth going many miles
to see and it costs you nothing. Mr.
Sparks oilers a handsome bedroom suit
to any couple that will lake a trip in his
big bridal balloon and got married. Now
is your chance for a big novel wedding
and a handsome present, and no dinger
of any accident at all. There have been
hundreds or successful! marriages iu this
big baloon and not a single accident.
Now is a chance of a life-time. Don't
miss it.
Letter lo A Tioiiesln I.aycr.
Tionrsta, Pa.
Dear Sir: It is said of a lawyer rnitiin
timos that he isn't much of a business
man. Queer, that a man wlio isn't hiin
sclfa businessman makes bis fortune by
helping businessmen nut or tlieir diffi
culties aud keeping them out !
You aro going lo paint your house and
paint or CHirso is out of your line.
Whoso advice are yon going lo take about
paint T
Devoe lead and zinc is about tho same
as lead am! oil and in ether respects, lasts
twice as long, helds colois belter, and
costs no more, rather less j and our agent
who sells it, takes whatever risk there is
or a customer's dissatisfaction with it.
We rathor think you are a business
man. Yours truly,
81 F. W. Dkvok A Co.
P. 8. Jas, D. Davis soils our paint.
rM'lilt) I'll.
The undersigned having disposed or her
millinery business in Tionesta desires
that all having accounts with her will
call promptly and seltlo the same.
2t Mns. A. C. UliKV.
A (.'nod Invest iiicnt.
Iusiiro In Die National Protective So
ciety or Detroit, Mich., which pays sick,
accident and death benefits, and lias paid
to Its members in Forest Co. over eight
hundred dollars. Tne following are
among the beneficiaries: R. J. Gr ivo,$72,
J. P. Hilling, $-0, Uufus Childs, fill, S.
J. Overlauder, fl.", Jacob Cropp, f:o.2.",
Charley Cropp, $31 07, Tionesta; Jacob
II. Swalzfagor $7h, McCrays; C. II.
Sohreckcngost, ?l."i, Marienville; B. T
Eider, tl2.f i, vVili Elder, fi 50, West
Ilickniy ; Frank Ilarkloss, t'i.3.1, Scott
Webber. 7.10, Kellettvil e; M. H. Mo
Can, ir., II. M. Blum. fIl..Vi, Nebraka;
Stephen Vasbinder, $17.50, Mayburg.
Tho National Protective is repiesented
in Forest Co., by J. P. Iluling of Tio
nesta. 2t
This signature Is on every box of the genuine
Laxative BromO'Quininc Tablets
toe remedy that rarca a evld In one day
Feed & Sale
Fino Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Itear of Hotel Wt'iti t r
Telephone o. 30.
Agent for the Famous DDKililS MIOKS.
Ladies' Misses' Children's
Patent Leather Oxford. Common Leather Oxford.
Kid Valour Oxford.
for small men.
for big men.
Oxford of Any Kind at Any 1'rlec.
Our Shoes are made for us. All guaranteed
by the manufacturers. No jobbers' job lots among
them. Our Shoe Department contains every
style kept in an up-to-date shoe store. Come and
see us when you want shoes.
into trouble to show goods
L. J. Hopkins.
M)e one, 50.
$1.00 one, 590.
TANS, GRAY and BRIGHT NAVY Five peicea
of this moat popular of all dresi stuff, Sheeriest, Drapieat
of all the new drosa millennia of all the new weaves,
Fasbinn'a particular favorite,
No neck, no sleoves n Vest designed to be worn
with low neck Summer dresses a vest that comes up well
ii dor the arms. It is not nuly practical but cooluat veat
TH O VIUI V.H '5e and 50e.
A Black Kuit Drawer, upen wiile at the knee, 50c pr.
Perfect Ice Cream Powder
Is Instantly reaily for into, requiriiiK only tho addition of one quart of Cold milk, hall
milk anil half cream, or all ervain, to make twoiiiarlHiifaa line lee ('roam aa any
einileeliciner ran make, flavor fur lee t'ream are, ItiiMpherry, ritrawherry, Va
nilla, Orange, Chocolate and Plain (tmlluvoreii to be lined with freali frtiita or iu
limkiiiL' np lanev ereamn.)
Perfect Water Ice Powder requires only the addition of one quart ofCold water lo
make two quarts ol Water luo or Sherbet. Flavors for Water loj are, Lemon and
Si ml us J'lc and we will mail you a packano of any of the above Havers, with our
booklet, full ot valualilo receipt lor making all kinds of Plain and Fancy Creams
and Ices. O. J. Weeks Co, !d Murray Ml., New York City, N. Y.
Men's Summer Clothes
Stiit ihle Bummer Clothing will do a great dual toward ob
viating the preat discomfort of extremely hot weather. "Keep
cool" is good advice with the temperature above the oiueties,
but better and more practical advice ia to tell you bow.
aro a wonderful help. Their cost is not to be considered when
you lake iulo consideration 'he comfort assured. Our line of
these is a largo and ii.tereslini one, of extremely light fabrics,
tich rs Finds, .Shihels and Homespuns. A change from
regular Suit to one of these will he a ruvelatiou to you if you
have not yet tried it.
$8.00 to $15.00.
Manhattan Shirts
Attached nr detached ciill'-i, pleated nr plain fronts; al
a full line of White Negligees at 1 50, 82 00, 8'.'..rj0 to ti 00.
About 50 boya' Wash Suits,
only, were 50c, to close, 25c.
P ? ,ri M
i. i .
41 &4-3SENECA ST,
Taking eMcct, Nov. 3d, 1901.
No. 30 Iliitl'alu Express, daily
except Sunday. 11:25a.m.
No. 32 Oil City aud Pittsburg
Exj ress.daily.exoept 8unday..7:30 p.m.
For II ickory.Tidioute, Warren, Kiniua,
Bradford, Olean and the East !
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
ex-ept Sunday 8:55 a. m.
No. 33 l'ilU-liurg Express,
daily except Sunday .......... 4:39 p. m.
For Time Tallies and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
Genoral Manager. Oen'l Passenger Agt.
of every kind
for boys.
aizea ,'J to !, iu Cotton Crashes