The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 21, 1902, Image 4

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    Smart & Silberberg.
Haymaking tima is when the sun shioes. The soiling time for any
thing ii when people want it. Haying a dry good waot i one thing, kuow-
ing where to fill it is another. This store's advertising tells you that your
wants may be filled here. The truth of the statements yon mint test for
If not true then we lose a business friend, and our policy is to
MAKE business friends, not lose them.
by the loyalty of the buying public to
Now for the
500 Pairs of Patent Leather Shoes .Made to hell al
93.50 to Be
This is one of the important shoe
to find a manufacturer who had a lot
and the result is we advertise as good
$2.50 at $1.79. There are four styles
well worth the price they were made to sell at, t'2 50.
Style 1 Medium Heavy Sole, Military Heel, Mat Kid Top and perfo
rated vamp.
Style 2 A very swell dress shoe, Light Sole, Cuban Heel, Bright Don
gola Top, Talent Vamp and Imitation Tip.
Style 3 Medium Heavy Sole, Cuban Heel, Mat Kid Top and I'ateut
Style 4 Medium Heavy Sole, Military 1 1 eel. Bright Dnugola Top and
Patent Vamp.
Grand Opportunity
for Lace Curtain Buyers.
Of all the sales of lace curtains ever held this one stands out pre em
iuent. The assortment is far greater, the values are better and the styles
are superb. We are selling a good Nottingham lace curtain as low as 49c
per pair, a splendid line of KulHed Curtains from a dollar a psir up, and
choice Arabians as low as So. If you have curtains to buy of any descrip
tion, now is the time to save money.
Some Dress Goods Reduced.
Several lines of dress goods are on sale this week at particularly in
teresting values. If impossible to come see them drop a postal for samples.
At 10 Out. About 25 or 30 pieces of Cheviots, Sturm Serges,
Granites, Crepes, Worsteds, suitings, etc , in all shades and blacks, all Wool
aud Double Width Goods, well worth 65 and Tools.
At 69 Cts. About two rlozej pieces of 44 inch Serges, Cheviots,
Etamioee, Camels Hairs, Pebble Cheviots, Prunellas, etc. A specially at
tractive lot of good, stylish and serviceable dress stuffs, made originally to
sell as high as a dollar a yard.
The Oram Itnllnar In Pern Dletla
tTVlsheil llarlf In JlanT W.
Lord Krnosl Ilnmllton ilcscHU'S his
exiHTienco of a tlirlllinif but perilous
IMiNtiinc, the descent In n mini II linml
enr of a wonderful mountain railway
In Pern.
"As n matter of fart," bp writes, re
ferring to the title of the article-. "It Is
lis'.; but, for the unke of n title, the ex
tra six may bo UK) are enough at any
rate for purposes of Illustration. These
hundred odd miles are to lie found on
the Perro-Oirril Central of Tern, com
monly called the Oroya railway, and
they are to lie found nowhere else.
"This Oroya railway Is a very won
oYrftil line indeed. It not only rliiulm
higher than any other railway In the
world, but also distinguished Itself In
a variety of other ways Incidentally
referred to hereafter. Hut the accom
plishment with which 1 am elderly con
cerned Is this that It provides the only
road in the world which a man on
wheels can travel over loo mi lea by
bis own momentum and practically at
any pace to which the Uend of reck
lessness may wee him.
"The object of what Is here written
Is to trace the sensations born of n
run down from the summit of the Oro
ya railway, ir.rii feet aliove sea level,
to the verce of the l'aclfle. You start
under the eye of the eternal snows,
and you liiiisli anion; humming birds
and pnlm. You start sick with the un
shakable sickness of soroche, and you
finish hi the ecstasy of an exultation
too preat for words.
"The pods of Olympus were worms
beside the man who has during the
last three hours controlled bis car from
the Pao do lialeni to ( 'a linn, for It Is
In the control that lies the Joy, as In
other things apart from car running.
To sit lieslde the brakemnn Is good, but
to drop I lie hmkeman on n friendly
slillng and grasp the lever In your own
firm but not too exacting hand is to
sup a lilKTal foretaste of the Joys of
heaven. I'rarwiif a Magazine.
Pearls Were ThnnKht to lie Derr-
4 ran. raanht br tbe Shell.
Tbo Indiana called rock crystal an
"umiic diamond," and until the begin
ning of the eighteenth century India
was thought to lie the only land which
produced that precious stone. It was
not, then-fore, until the discovery of
India that the diamond was known to
us. Yet as fr.r back as &si II. C. a
"didactic history" of precious stones
was written, and In I'liny's time the
supply must have lieen plentiful, as he
wrote, "We drink out of n mass of
gems, and our drinking vessels are
formed of emeralds." We nre also told
that Nero aided his weak sight by
Hie'tacles made of emeralds.
Hut Is very dillictilt to determine
whence all the gems came, as discov
erers took care to leave no record. The
nations who traded in them were
afraid of their wherealsjuts being
known, and even the most ancient mer
chants would not disclose any definite
locale. All sorts of myths have ac
cordingly sprung up concerning the
oriein of veins. "Dlniuoiid" was the
The success of a store is measured
which it caters.
Haymaking !
Sold at $1.79.
events of the year. We happened
to close out. We made him an offer
a shoe as can be found elsewhere at
in the lot, every one of them good, and
name given to a youth who was turned
into the hardest and most brilliant of
substances to preserve him from "the
ills that flesh Is heir to." Amethyst
was a beautiful nymph ticlovcd by
Bacchus, but saved from him by Pi
nna, who changed Amethyst Into a
gem, whereupon Itacchus turned the
gem Into wine color and endowed the
wearer with the gift of preservation
from Intoxication.
The iM-arl was thought to be a dew
drop the shell had oticiied to receive.
Amber was said to lie honey melted by
the sun, dropped Into the sen and con
gealed. According to the Talmud, Noah
had no light In the ark but that which
came from precious stones. (lentle
mnn's Magazine.
A Lincoln Reason.
Speaking of gray hair puts me In
mind of Hates Attorney General
Hates, you know and of one of Lin
coln's remarks. We were all going one
day out from Washington to Tennnlly
town the president. Secretary Chase,
Mr. Hates and myself to see General
McClellan review the Pennsylvania re
serves. Hates' hair, I noticed, had re
tained Its original dark color In perfect
freshness, while his beard was almost
as white as mine Is now. It was an ex
ception to the usual law, and 1 asked
Mr. Hates after he bad sjiokeu of the
peculiarity If he knew any especial
reason for it. lie said lie didn't, but
the president exclaimed laughingly:
"Why, don't you know? It's becnuse be
uses his chin more than he does bis
cad." Era.
A rresbyterian minister said at a
meeting of the Chicago presbytery that
the book of discipline of the church
is "the worst liook ever published," re
ferring apparently to errors and am
biguities. "That's right," responded a voice
from the rear of the room, but when a
Gray haired brother arose to protest a
wave of laughter swept through the as
sembly and ended the Incident.
A t.lofinir Outlook.
She could not forbear asking lilin aft
er the refusal if he were of the belief
that he would never love again.
"I dninio." hu said sadly. "It is oil
even chance that I will have another
attack next spring." Indianapolis
A Reminder.
"Yes," Mrs. Starvem was saying nt
the breakfast table, "it's a splendid
book. It certainly Is strong and"
"Ah, that reminds me," remarked
the nbsentiiiinded lionrder. "Please
pass the butter." Philadelphia Press.
A Psrrholoarlrnl Deduction.
"My dear," said the wife of the emi
nent professor, "the hens have scratch
ed up all that eggplant seed you sow
ed." "Ah, Jealousy," mused the professor.
And he sat down ami wrote n twenty
page article on "The Development of
Knvy In the Minds of the Lower Grade
of HiiHils." Haltlmoie American.
The love I list never grows less Is the
love of money. Chicago News.
Sweetheart Takes at a Hatch Dam
sel Eatyptlain Rrldrajrooma Mo
Work For Their Sapper win In
rhlna Married bjr randy.
The important part which different
rinnds play lu marriage ceremonies
nakes rnth-r an Interesting story.
For example, the Swedish bride fills
tier pocket with bread, which she dls
ihmis s to every one she meets on her
nay to church, every piece she gives
iway averting, as she liellcves, a nils
fortune. On the threshold of her new home a
.wide In Sen In Is presented with n
;late of bonbons, one of which she and
'lie bridegroom share between them,
.he divided IhiiiUui signifying that no
litterncss shall divide them. A sieve
)f wheat corn is also given to the bride.
-f this she takes three handfiils,
:hrowg It over her head, emptying the
dove niKin the ground. The scattered
?orn denotes that the bride brings Joy
md prosperity Into her new home. The
,iide Is still outside the door, nor can
-he ent.T until she has placed two
oaves of bread beneath her arms and
taken a lnittle of wine Into her hands.
With these emblems she at length
.Tosses the threshold of her future
ionic. At the first meal of the newly
narrled pair bread and wine must lie
ta k' n by b. th to denote that thence
forward nil they have shall be eipially
livlded between them and that their
narried lifo shall le passed lu unity
I lid fidelity.
A ltussiaii wooing culminates in the
jet rot hill feast, at which the bride elect
n return for a long tress of hair which
die has given to the bridegroom re
lives bread and suit and an almond
In Holland If a young man Is In lovo
w ith a girl and wishes to ask her hand
n marriage he buys n small sweet
ake and, wrapping It up lu soft paper,
irooeeds to the house of his Inamorata.
He Is ushered Into the midst of the
family circle. Without a word lie
walks up to the young lady and lays
the cake on the table before her. The
rest of the family affect not to notice
anything unusual nud continue their
work or their rending. The young man
turns aside and talks to the father or
mother on some very ordinary subject,
keeping his eyes eagerly fixed on the
lirl while be Is conversing. If she net-opts
bis offer, she takes up the cake
and eats It. if she Is n ctxpiettlsh
lamscl, she tortures the young man by
turning It over and playing with It be
fore she divides to taste it and then en
raptures him by eating It to the last
crumb. If, on the other hand, she
wishes to have nothing more to do
with her admirer, she puts It back on
the table. The young man takes tip
the cake and, with a "Yaarvoal byzn
men," leaves the house. The matter is
Mien kept a profound secret by both
families, and the outer world never
liears of It. In place of a wedding cake
ii Holland wedding candies are given
"bruid zulkers" they are called.
They nre passed around by children
ind are served In flower trimmed bas
kets. Ilrlde pudding Is the name of the
piece de resistance served ot a Norse
)ea sa nt wedding. This Is not brought
3ii the table until the last day of the
festivities, three or five days being
niven up to feasting and merrymaking.
The appearance of the bride pudding
is the signal of dismissal, and at tbo
lose of the feast the guests say fare
well, presenting at the same time their
gifts, which consist of cash. This the
bride reoehes, the bridegroom prosent-
ng each donor with a glass of wine.
Partaking of two tiny glasses of wine
Is all the ceremony necessary to make
l marriage in some Chinese provinces.
provided n iuantily of fireworks nre
set off. These nre to wake the "great
Joss" from his sleep that he mny wit
ness the ceremony.
At a Hebrew wedding man and wife
lip from one cup of wine, symbolizing
lartlclpatlou lu the Joys and pain of
arthly life. The emptied goblet Is
placed on the floor and crushed Into a
thousand pieces by the bridegroom.
who thus r.hows lliat he will put his
foot o-i all evils that may enter the
family circle.
At nu Egyptian wedding feast meat
s not eaten because of the belief that
t would lead to future bickerings be
tween them. ICggs, fruits and sweets
ire served. The first inenl In the new
house cannot be touched until, after
tvcrv device known to the bridegroom.
the bride has been nt hist Induced to
speak. Once she utters n word, he claps
his hands, and supper Is brought to
Married by candy is the plan In Hur-
nia. Of nil marriage rites this takes
the palm for conciseness ami sweet
simplicity. Here the dusky lady takes
tne Initiative. Seeing n youth who
pleases her, she offers him a sweet. If
he accepts her proiiosal, he promptly
eats the token of affection, and they
are thereby made man and wife. In
I le ai t of eating alone this prim
itive rite consists. If the youth be not
favorably disposed, he remarks with
all gallantry that that particular candy
is not to bis taste, and the matter is
ended. In Mandalay three weeks after
a marriage kinsmen bring the bride
groom il bowl of rice, a vessel of wine
mid n fowl, much of which collation is
sacrificed to the spirits of ancestors.
A Hagoda bride in the Philippines
if she be good looking and the daughter
of a warrior. Is sold by her father for
about $'M. which sum Is not given In
money, but In vegetables and chickens.
One way of estimating such things Is
at the price of n brass gong. Such a
gong Is worth thirty silver dollars, and
it Is a valuable mnlden Indeed who will
bring two brass gons. What to Eat
She I'd neve;- have married you If
70U had not deceived mo about your
self. He Rather you never would have
married inc had I not deceived myself
about you. liostou Transcript.
It is well enough to make hay while
the sun shines, but if there were no
rainy weather there would be no hay
to make. Saturday Evening Post.
Every man barked nt by a dog Is not
a thief. Every man talked nliout by a
gossip Is not guilty. Atchison Globe.
Thought to Have Been Due to Dea
pendency at Not Eelng Re
Employed. Portland, Ore., May SO. Professor
Eugene K Sehaeffer, senior master at
Hishc'i Scott Arcndeniy. a sehc.ol con
ducted under the direction of the Kpls
copal church, committed filicide by
Shooting with a revolver. Ills body
was found sitting In a chair In one of
the class rooms.
Professor Sshacffer was 5n years
of ago, of scholarly attainments and
had been employed in the academy
for 10 years. He had not been re
employed for the coming year and It
Is supposed he became despondent.
He came here from Rethiehcm. Pa.,
and was for some time employed In
the engineering department of the
Vnlon Pacific Railroad company.
Deaths From Waterspout
Lacrosse. Wis., May 20. News has
reached here from Preston. Minn.,
near here, on the Ptibmpie division
of the Milwaukee road, that a water
spout struck a few miles from there
Sunday night, deluging the country
for miles around. Four unknown per
sons were drowned and Alderman Con
key was killed by lightning. The
damage to property Is very heavy.
Near Korrcstvllle, Michael Wllhrlght.
a farmer, four children.
Must Float the Flag.
Albany, May 20. Superintendent of
Public Instruction Charles H. Skin
ner has Issued an order directing the
trustees of school district 2. Chautau
qua county, and districts 8 and 17.
Steuben county, to crrcply with the
law requiring the American flag to be
floated on or near all ached buildings
In the state, and until the oni"rlscom
plied with their share of public money
will be withheld.
General Functon Co-'fircd to Bed.
Denver, May 20. General Punston
is confined to his bed by r.n attack of
remittent malarial fever. His tem
perature nce to 10314 but subse
quently dropped to 101. Ills Illness
is not regarded as serle.ti;.
New York Provision Market
New York, May 19.
WHEAT No. 2 red. 90 "no f. o. b.
afloat: No. 1 northoin, Pultun. 830
f. o. b. afloat.
COHN No. 2 corn. CV4e f. o. b.
OATS No. 2. 4f.c; No. 2 white.
61Hc; track mixed western, 47048c;
track white, 5(Hi55e.
POHK Mess. l8.0ifl 18.50; family,
HAY Shipping, 536r.c; good to
choice. 87 Si (Ti 93c.
BUTTHR Creamery .extra 22c;
factory, 20c; imitation creamery,
western fancy. 20fi20ic.
CHEESK Fancy large white, 11'
pll'if; small white, II Vic
EGGS State and Pennsylvania.
POTATOES New York, sack, $2,00.
BuPalo ProHio- Market
UufTalo, May 19.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, 79V;;
winter wheat. No. 2 red, 89 c.
CORN No. 2 corn, 67Vic; No. 3
corn, t5c.
OATS No. 2 white. 49c; No. 3
mixed. 4fic.
FLOUR Spring wheat, best patent,
per bbl., $4.2" 4.50; low grades,
nt'TTEIl Creamery. "stern, ex
tra tubs. 224 23c; state and Pennsyl
vania creamery. 22c; dairy, fair
to good, 19 20c.
CHEESE Fancy full cream,
12V4 13c; good to choice, 12ViT13c;
common to fair, 10011c.
Eggs- State, fresh fancy, 16ty17e.
POTATOES Fancy, per bushel
East Buffalo Live Stock Market
CATTLE Hes-t steers on sale, $7.00
67.25; good to choice shipping steeis,
$6.35''(i 0.50; coarse, rough but fat
steers. $3.2547 fl.25; choice to smooth
fat hcirers, $i.m?6.40; common to
fair heifers, $4.00 4.75; good butch ir
bulls. $l.7575.40.
lambs, choice to fancy, $7.40g7.55;
common to fair, $7.0O7.40; choice to
handy wethers. $6.50 0.60.
HOGS Mixed packers' grades,
$7.20Q7.35; medium hogs. 7.3507.40;
choice 250 lbs and upwards, $7,409
Buffalo Hay Market
HAY Timothy, loose, No. 1 pjr
ton, $13.30 14.00; timothy, prime
loose baled, $13.50014.00; timothy .No.
I baled, $13.00 13.60.
Utica Cheese Market
L'tica, May 19. Utican board of
trade. Cheese sales:
Large white. 4 lolB of 220 boxes at
HVic; large colored 13 lots of 907
boxes at HVie; large colored. 7 lots
of 463 boxes at llVie; large colored,
3 lots of 164 boxes at lc; small
white, 5 lotB of 250 boxes at llMse;
small white, 2 lots of 161 boxes at
llc; small colored. 13 lots of 98S
boxes at 11 He; small colored, 2 lots
of 95 boxes at. llc; small colored, 3
lots of 1S0 bores at HTc.
HUTTEfl Creamery, 197 packages
at 23c; 12 packages at 23 Vic
Little Falls Cheese Market
Little Falls, May 19. Cheese fales:
Small white. 12 lots of 570 bcxes
at llVic; small white, 9 lots of 420
boxes at 1 1 V c ; small colored, 12 lots
of 780 boxes at 11 Vic; small colored,
9 lots of 554 boxes at 1114c; twins,
colored, 6 lots of 326 boxes at HV4e;
twins, white, 17 lots of 745 boxps nt
No Proof Necessary.
Colonel C. L. Colipieen of IOiiislana
was balled on the street one day by a
gentleman who evidently did not know
"Can you tell me," asked the un
known, "who Is the best lawyer lu
"I nm, sir," replied the colonel with
out hesitation.
The man looked surprised.
"Excuse me," he said; "I should like
to have you prove It."
"Don't hnve to prove It, sir," thun
dered the colonel; "I admit It." New
York Times.
oiler Had to r-rntert the rood at
the Mansion !lone Unit.
The Lord Mayor's Dinner and the La
ly Mayoress' Hall.
Here was a twofold entertainment en
Monday for John Hull mid his family.
The fust eoiul.alcd ml her too soon for
loiicst Jehu, for at a ipiarter past 7 the
dinner party broke up. with the excep
tion of a few particular friends, ho re
tired with the bird mayor lino a private
room to partake of some excellent Cliiuu
I'tigti. The dinner Mini wine arc sup
f iscd to have cost 1,11K1.-Mr. Hose had
lent a unble stur-isiii.
The luill ill the evening was very crowd
ed. Mr. Common Hunt (the S'r Clement
Cot I red of the Kustl, exerted himself
rrently to preservo order. The Tea and
Refreshment Rimiiii Is-iu? small, wns soon
lilliil. and it was found impracticable
to procure anything. Intelligence was
lirouglit to Mr. Cur.iiiioii Hunt that a
body of gcutli-mcn had settled thein
jclves nt the iilchuaid, devouring every
thing within their reach "Locusts, yun
mean, sir." said Mr. Common Hunt,
"from Egypt, brought by Tallica from
that ll.mi i-liniT colony." It was asked if
Lud Chesterfield was present, that he
might rend a panel from hi ancestor's
Trvnlise Uhiii tiood Manners. The City
Man-hall told Mr. Common Hunt that
he hsil some adepts at hand, who could
give practical essays iihiii (biod tinier,
which was instantly proved by a ImmI.v of
constables clearing away these gentle
men. Mr. Common Hunt theu gave orders to
guard tile avenues of the E .-yptian Hall,
whore the dinner hnd been served, ami he
dispatched u courier to the Cent rat lor
(icncrul of Prnvisiuiis to be upon his
guard. The t!entlei:ieii were aain dis
appointed: ami then' wri no prospect ot
ncccKa below, for the kitchen was forti
fied en marmitiin.
The I lam iie: continued until a late
tl'-nr. Several minuets were danced. Al
derman ( in lis gave his hand to Miss
Laagliorn. Though not a In pus de Nivc
lon. his minuet was correct and most
Towards the rinse of the evening the
Lord Mayer nlTonled his pmatc frieiuls
a little divertissement, a In piie dn IV
Then- wns said to be no fcnn-ity of re
freshments, hut it wns impossible to
Pome at thein. Then was only one small
room tlieir ilistrilmlion.
That is jiHtwhat we chum and propose
to prove to you right here. The Kreat
chum for Th jminou's U irosmf, Hackuche,
Kidney ami I.iver Cure in, that it not
only cures hut make a PKRMASKNTcure.
We offer if the following statements
are not genuine.
Cured Twenty Years Ago.
Twenty year Ut ClirUima I wan takea
ic with Dropsy. My let(aii.l feci writ-Imdlv
swollen. 1 w,m routined to my all inv frieml
thought my time U .diiic' Mr lien! uinet mi
lerriMy. nml (inn 11 y my wife wa mnetl Uy Mr.
Kvrinn. the mine, to try ThomnH-m's iWimMiifi
ami DamMnin ami M-imlmke I'lll. "they wohM
cure me." lte wttt. As a U-4 resort we tnel
llanvtma. Uver, kidney an I l.umUnfoCure nml
lanlclin nml M.imlr.ikf 1'ilR 1 wintoiv that
the pain mid aweMing Ik-nan to leave me at once.
ami a lew unlit- made a complete cure.
have recommended it to other with good reditu.
I am well aud have Wen ever since, which wan
the fill C.ur field w.ia elected. Aiivourcnn cnll
i ra - it iney wish to know the virtue o( "II
n aiu.."
linker. South Fr.iuUin stn-et,
March loth, 1900. Tituville, Pa.
No Return of Disease la Fifteen
About fifteen vrnr rnro I vai .ill nm .1...
with nrrvoii milnitliiu anil p.ilpilntinn of thf
henrt (often petting hlark in the fnee mid
thimtiht to heilviiiK). I kni flenh till from i so
pou:iil my welitlit waft reilm-el to qo ioiiniU,
ml for six month I Mi cnnlmrtl to mv lieil
A relative ol mine who hud been tmtiMeri with
female weakm-M aud nervoua prostration and
nun oern cnreti ny I nonipn s liaro.ina, re
commended it lo me. 1 Ileum to tnke the llnr-
osina at once and was not oulv cured of nervoul
prost ration anil palpitation of the heart hut he
gun to gain in tlrsh uutil in a short time I
weignett 140 pounds, and moil that timk t'M-
my own housework.
Mia. Kiv M. Mlll.
rloneer Road, J miles south ol Titusville, T.
April 4. 1N;6,
All druggists, $1.00 a bottle or aiz (01
For 25Cts.
Par tha briehtwjL mtwtiwlt
sporting paper iuinaa, y
K-.ttiwa lor iftiiiMB ytt- ai fi
uthuriir oa vattora trutntHf t
Dim Ball. Trip SU-fiUm. Billiard
m1 kintlrvaapirtj. Jh hi piper of
IU fttaa BwMnhi'J, trtu purr
of tntnw'ictnff U In 1'M-alltiM,
wt will Mild itttiliiMn WMkafnr'i-sa.
(tump). tiampltcupyfrM, Addraia,
f porting !'" Dnnilu niilic, I'lilln
Olhca ) t TM National Hank UniMing,
Oil, CITY, PA.
Kye examined free.
Exclusively optical.
Vhaiprtl Kxcumion Unli t ever in ellwl
to piiinut Went mill Northwest. Pornon
ally Conducted Pullman TouriatSleopliiK
Car KxcurniotK from C'liu-ago and Cin
cinnati every week.
Klenaiit Through Sleeping Car Service
and (2uk-ket T11110 lo
l'u II man Dmn inii Itnom Ntertrr, Pre
KecliuiliK Chair Cars, liulUt-l.ihrary
Smoking Cam, Cafe Ilining t am (meals a
la carte),
Doulile Daily Service and moat direct
Route lo the luinoua
Donliln Dally Service and nnniriimispd
ICqiiinmunl In all points ill 'I'l-niii-wc,
MisKisaippi, Louisiana. Arkansas, Jwltan
Territory, Oklahoma, Texas,
Arizona, New Mexico, Iowa, Soulh Da
kota, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming,
Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washing
ton and Hi itlsh Cnlumliia.
Hometrrkert' Fjrcnrsion anil CuhnixW
tickets on sale to points West, Southwest
and Northwest.
IIVoV Tn-ilni) for Vice descriptive mut
ter and full particular to
E. A. RICHTER, Trav. Paas. Ant.
81 Park Ifiiilcling, Piltslmrg, Fa.
The Open Season
lo all aorta of Farm toil Garden Maohinorx, Toola and Implement, i,
here, and hme la where ynu get filled out in the beat and moat aalia.
factory manner and always at the imalleat coat.
Our Line
Ofl'lowa, Harrow, Cultivalora and the like, aod our a lock of gar
tleu hoes, rakes, spades, forks, etc , is not surpassed in any respect.
No Flies
Get throuch our Screen Doors and Windows, and they are ornamen
tal as well as useful. And no chickens break through our Poultry
Netting, and il sells cheap. In all kinds of Shelf and heavy
we lake the lead as usual, aud save ynu money on every article, as
old customers will tell you.
County Phone 2". T1QNESTA, PA.
W'e have moved our stock of Hardware iuto the ma
chine shop where we are prepared to wail on customers
as of yore. Our machinery was unhnrmed aud we au
do your work same as ever. A good line of saws, axi s
and belting, saved from the fire, and your wants in all
other material will be promptly supplied.
Hani ware. Mill Supplies, etc, . , .
Mill Machinery Repaired Vrompt-
Block Furnished on Short Notice.
5?helf Hard are, Iron, Nails and Tools at the Lowest
Market Price. Stoves of all kinds. Perfect Olive
Ranges a Specialty; Guaranteed to Hake. Axes, Pea
ty Cint Hooks, Spuds, Alkius' Hand Croscut, Hand
and Circular Saws, Returned if Unsatisfactory. Abra
sive Emery Wheels.
Not to Burn,
But to sell.
All kinds of
except poor ones
All kinds of
except high prices.
cm to.; tea1;
Shows every word as
written; aligns perfect
ly, and needs least ro
pa;r. Write for cata
logue and get name of
2) dy
nearest representative.
Agents in all leading
The Oliver Typewriter re
ceived the Gold Medal, High
est Award, at the Buffalo Ex
107 Lake St., Chicauo, 111
Fred, (ircttonborgcr
O EN Kit At,
All work pertaining to Machinery, IC11
glnea. Oil Well Tools, Una or Water Kit
UngsandOeneral lllarksniitliliig prompt
ly done at lxw Katea. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear or and Just west of tha
Shaw House, Tidioutn, Pa,
Your patronage solicited.
FRKD. O It KTT K N It E 1 1( J K 1 1
GimmI Stock, (imsl Carrlai;os ami Hun
irinii to let upon the most reasonable Utiiis,
He will hIpo do
All orders loft at the Post Ollice wll
receive prompt attention.
A Book Free
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attached coupon, correct lr filled oat and
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The Dictionary of Sporta-Vol. I."
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K. Moravia and Mrs. E. Mac Namara.
Tbe Booklet waa written bj Mr. Will
Curler. Kditor of Field Sports. New
York Jomtnal, for Messrs. Alfred
Bsnl&mln & Co., New York.
Makers of Correct Clothe 'or
Men. who, at an catenae of many
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A Quarter of Million Copies
The book is of intrinsic Talne and If
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ritait tend mi frit tm cepYBoei
let: " Dictionary of Sporta."
illustrated, at published by Messrs.
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Enclosed is one eent to cover postage
or deliver to bearer.