The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 07, 1902, Image 3

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Wi:i)Ni:.SI)AY, MAY 7, l'.Wi
. . AMI
All Leading Campanlcit
. Jtepreneiitt'd.
Wild Land, Fortius, Houses
0 Lotufor Sale or llent.
New Ailveillscincuts.
I.ainincra. Ail.
Robinson. Ail.
Hopkins. Locals.
1'i'iici' Ky. Header.
K i Miner ilros. Local.
Heath A Kelt. Locals.
Dovoe it Co. Headers,
111. Ci-nlrnl Itv. Header.
l M. A St. l Hy. Kim lor.
White Slur (IriKJury, Locals.
Tin n i! -il a Cash Store. Local.
Oil uuirkct dosed it f l.lid.
Oil mill gas leases at thin olllce.
Kresh candy Hi T. C. S. It
Hopkins sells the Douglas shoes tl
Fresh strawberries at tlio White Star
(inx-ery. It
(iroeerie are always fresh at Tlo
liostu Cash Kt iro. It
Oct ymir cemetery lots dressed up
Tor Hesitation Day.
These are busy Jays whero cash rules
the prices. T. C. 8. It
Ijawn iiiowera aro in business once
more to the full extent.
Don't forget Conw ell's lectin e at tlie
court house this evening.
Iron lied, springs, mattresses, din
ing room chairs, JU, at Hupk ins' store. 1
James Emert, of (Icrman Hill, lost a
Bond team horse ly dentil last Saturday
(loto Killnier rtnw. drug sloro for
delicious Ice cream soda or ice creem In
any quantity. It
Ttw season for cab bing lias does not
npeii till J. mo loth, and eominues till
February lith.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Sean
drelt, of Fox Creole, Monday inurnlug,
May 5, l!,a son.
Nothing nicer than a pood ham mock
swinging under a shade tree. Hopkins
lias thorn all grades. It
Sty lish fctraw hats nro tho chief ex
liltiit in our show window this nock.
Hive a look. Heath A Kelt. 1-
Tho new stea . laundry Is in opera
tion, having made tho first eolleetion on
Monday morning of this week.
Tho hammock reason is now on and
wo have a very nice assortment uf tins
cninfbruible article. Month A Kelt. It
Tho Northwestern Association, (S. A.
11.. will hold lis annual rn-iinion In
Franklin on Wednesday, Sept 10th, next.
Mr. (Ion. V. Sawyer and family wish
to tlnuk tho neighbors and friends for
their kindness to them during their re
cent bereavement.
It's a tnlhly ill wind that blows no
body good. Since tho trust boomed the
price of meat up beyond our reach we
haven't had a touch of rheums! ir..
W. J. Campbell has the foundation
completed for his new residence on May
street and tho building will be rushed
from now on as rapidly as possible.
A great treat is in storo for those who
who attend the Cottwcll lecture at the
court house tills evening. Ills fame is
too great In need mention. Hear him.
Wanted, man for Forest Co. Organ
izer lor fraternal benefit society. One fa
miliar with insurance, preferred. Liberal
terms to right ptrty. II x Scranton,
Pa. 3t
All kinds uf fruit trees aro blossom-.
Ing, and If that wore any indication the
crop should bo a good one this season,
though early tippcarancea aro oftoii de
ceptive. Tho proper time to begin work on
the roads is right now, before the hot sun
and wind bakes them so hard that a
scraper will not make an Impression up
on tbein.
Tho river keeps up to a pretty nice
boat running stngn, and there. Is Bcun-ely
a day but that souio boats or barg'S are
started from or Dnss this point for the
lower markets.
Tlio Doiieks' oil report for April
shows Ii7!t new wells completed with C72
rigs and drilling wclN. This is an in
ereaeofal wells and a decrease of 2'.'fl
barrels in new production compared with
the mouth of March.
One lioiindrsd and fifty thousand
trout fiy have been shipped to various
points from the State fishery here within
the past three days. Seems as if the
streams ought to be pratty well stocked
a this rate. Corry leader.
Lenore, (he l-year-old daughter of
attorney T. F. Hitchey fell out of a ham
mock at her home yesterday and broke
the bono of tho left leg above the ankle.
Dr. ltovard attended tho ationl and she
ia doing cmito well this morning.
'The Marlenvllle Express reached Its
nitrons again last week, being printed at
tue Clarion Hepublican otllco for the
present. Kditor Pickens expects to have
things running in his ollice sgaln as soon
aa a building can be secured and a print
ing outlit gotten together.
Tho Franklin district conference of
tlio M. K. church began its session in
the church at this place Monday evening,
and lasted till tills morning. Nearly all
mo ministers of tho district, numbering
upward of Z't, were present uml a very
successful session w as hold.
. A. V. Kkhards, fur tho past eight
years manager and superintendent of the
gasa'd water plants of Tiunesta, re
signed that position last week, and Jas.
R. Clark was elected to tako bis place.
Mr. 1(1 hards' thorough acciiainiaiice
with tho busin us has put both nlaula on
good footii g, Keepii g up s good supply
of both these excellent com mod dies, so
that consumers had no occasion for com
plaint on that score. We are not aware
where "Al." Intends locating, but in
whatever co.niiuiinily or capacity wu
w ish and bespeak lor bun success.
Rev. J. V. Stockton, ul Wdklusburg,
Pa., will supply the Presbyterian church
during the ahsence of tho pastor w ho will
take a vacation in ordei to regain his
health which lias not been good since his
return from abroad last year.
You may have uoticcd that when a
man has d 'lie you a iniaii t'lrn, ho acts
m id at you and w ill not spcuk as he
passes you. If you endorse a frjend's
nolo, and he lets you pay it. it is dollars
to doughnuts bo will say all suits of
mean things about you. It Is strange,
but true.
The twelth annual tournament of tho
State Sportsman's Association will lie
held in Oil City tills year.lasting from the
l.'tth to tho Kith of May inclusive. The
Oil City gun club has completed all ar
rangements lor this special event and
will show their visitors a royal time.
Many shooters of national fame w ill be in
Kay Ilirtcil wishes to announce to
those w ho contemplate putting down ce
ment walks that ho is now. ready for
orders, and w ill commence work as soon
as the rirer is low enough to get giavel.
(hve your win k to a home man whose
guarantee will hold good and who will
put in a foundation of the proper depth.
Joseph Mong, of tho . township had
the middle and third lingers of the rigid
band badly lacerated by the knives of a
rotary feed cutter which he was operat
ing Monday morning, lir. ltovard
dressed tlio Injiiied baud, and atjongli
nouu of tho lingers had to be amputated
he will have a mighty soro hand for
sums time.
An exchange remarks that the gaso
line season Is now at hand and accidents
limy in cur, and to remember that if you
have a gasoline lir:', throw Hour on it, or
meal or sand, never water. Flour, meal
or sand w ill put the tire right out. Water
only spreads it. Now tlx this in your
ow n mind so it will come Handy when
you need it.
W. II. Frost and wile who have spent
tlio winter in Lcmison, Alabama, where
Mr. Frost has large interests in the lum
ber business, started north last week, and
will Ink up their re idince for the sum
mer at their home In Fredonia, N. Y,
The thermometer registered lull down
there and they concluded that was a little
too wurin for comfort.
The Advocate, Kidgway, Pa., says:
Hev. S. Sager, of this place, left here
Monday last for Peterboro, Ontario Can
ada, lie and rue of Ills brothers are go
ing into business In Canada, and will
open a boarding school in tlio near future.
Thov seem to have an excellent opening
for such a school. Rev. Sager expects to
move his family to Canada before long.
"Had I saved my lumber," said A.
J. Thompson, a lumber dealer of t'ilus
Ville, al the ('niiin Station last night. "I
could now get more for It on the stump
than when 1 had It milled. Tho men
who Kept their trees standing aro now
getting all tl e money, while tho other
fellows who did not look Into the future
are cussing their luck." Pittsburg toi
lette. The thirteenth anniversary of tho
l'pKorth League will occur Sunday, May
llth. Following is the program: Sun
rise prayer moeting at 0 o'clock conduct
ed iiy Kev. Nicklu. At 11 o'clock, there
will be a program rendered by tho F.p
worlli I.cauue. At ti: in, League rally;
7::i(, Kev. Nickle will address the League.
K very body is invited to attend theso
A now scliemo to swindle tho farmer
is coming this way from northern Ohio.
A men comes along and oilers to sell tin
right for a new-iauglod wagon tongue.
If the farmer does not bite readily the
tongue is left Willi him. A confederate
then comes along and gets struck on the
pattern and offers f-UHl for it. The man
sends fi'iO to man No. 1 for tho right and
the job is done.
Scowilen A Clark have a ear load of
buggies of all grsibis, a very lino selec
tion, ami something tosultany purchaser.
Also a good line ol learn wagons of their
ow n snpoi ior make. They are ready for
allcomers in these lines and hopo to
have a cal I from any who may contem
plate purchasing. And if you want a
plow or anything In the farm implement
line, they can lit you out satisfactorily
and save vou money. tl
Tlio Republicans of Venango county
nominated the following ticket at their
primaries last Saturday : Congress, Jos
eph C.Sibloyj Senate, Willis J. Hilling;
Assembly, Dr. (ieo. W. Magee, It. II. Os
burn; Register and Recorder, D. K. Ilu
cliannn ; Protlionot iry, Marshall l'hipps;
Treasurer, John It. Steele; County Com
missioner, Charl-s W. Shaner, John W.
Irwin; State Delegates, P. M. Speer, O.
II. Parsons, A. R. Newton.
Joe and Sarah, the baby bears which
have been on exhibition and attracted so
much attention at Wager's market for
the past two weeks, were this morning
taken to Oil City, where they will bo
shown for a lime. It Is likely that the
little ones w ill bo sold to the Citizen's
Traction company of Oil City ami will bo
placed in Smithnian's park at that place.
Mr. Wager has set a price ol $UM on the
pair and they aro well worth It. Titus
ville Courier.
Three boys, sons of the most promi
nent residents of Iteynoldsvill", Jclb r
son county, namely, Fiancis Ilarilman,
aged II. Charles McF.ntor, a'cd 1-', and
John Cowley, aged It), were rlronned in
Sandvlick creek yesterday. Tho boys
were playing alorg the stream and it is
supposed that ouo of lliein fell between
tho logs ill tho creek and in attempting to
assist him the other two fell in and wero
drowned. Their bodies were recovered a
short time after the accident.
The impression is general among the
fi-heriuen of Pennsylvania thai when the
game and llsh laws wero enacted by the
lust legislature, that the clause imposing
a penalty ol $2" for lishing on Sunday
was eliminated. This Idea is erroneous.
Although nothing was said in tlio new
statute prohibiting Sun. lay fishing, there
was no clause nullilying the clause in the
oh) law, which now stands. Any one
guilty ol fishing on Sunday can bo mulc
ted in costs, the minimum of which is
f i"i and costs, ono-half of the line to go to
the Informer. Two men from Youngs
t oAii, Ohio, who I elieved that the new
law c limiiia'.d tl.e Sunday penally,
crossed tho Slate line and fished ill the
Mahoning river last Sunday. They were
nrrested and each paid an amount ap
proaching fit). Derrick.
A ii. an lavor begins to in the
Wolld until he settles down.
The viewers appointed by the Dauphin
county court to view tho bridgo across
Tionesla cr. ek, Greeu township, lately
destroyed by llxsl.wllh the object of hav
ing the State rebuild the same, met and
viewed the site on Thursday last. Their
recommendation to the court covers sev
eral liiiMrtant points, they believing the
now structure should be of steel, single
span of .")."i feet in leuulh, to be ten feet
higher than former bridge, and that the
approaches should be of steel, the one
on right bank to be 100 feet long, and
that on tlio loft bank 1 :B feet long and ex
tend over the railroad track. The report
states, also, that tho probable cost will be
about t.t),(0.
School Dlreehii'h' ( onrrntlon.
Tim convention of school directors for
the election of a superintendent of schools
of Forest county met in the court house
in this placo yesterday, and woio called
to order by Superintendent Stit.iiiger.
The convention organized by electing
(icorge W. Warden of Hickory township,
President, and Win. (. Morrow of Har
mony, and M. II. Shick of Jeuks as Sec
retaiies. The question fixing the salary
of the superintendent w as the lirst to be
taken up. It was decided by a vole of
the convention that no action be taken,
after a motion to fix the salery at $1,51 u
was voted down. The question w ill be
determined upon the length of school
term for the past year, which seems to
exceed seven and one-half months, and
it will not likely I15 less than $1,51)0, but
no part of that sum will be taken from
the appropriation for Forest county.
Nominations wero then ma to as fol
lows; K. K. Stit.ingcr, the present in
cumbent, R. Specr and T. E. Arm
stroll ', of Tionesla. Hut one ballot was
necessary, resulting as follows: Slit.
inger 2!I, Speer 2n, Al mstinng There
were hut 51 of the HI directors present.
The convention then dispersed.
Democratic Xomiiiiilions.
At tho Demoirratic pritnarios held
last Saturday the following ticket was
placed in nomination: State Senate, W,
D. Shields, of Harnett ; Aasseiubly, J. W.
Landers, of Tione-la Ilorough; Sheriir,
Henry C. Keinble, of Harmony; County
Commissioners, Henry Woingard, of
Green, R. J. Flynn.of Kingsley; County
Auditor, B. A. McCloskov, of lireen;
Jury Commissioners, Lewis Wagner, of
Tionesta twp. At the meeting of the
Democratic county coinmitteo held yes
terday there having been no name an
nounced for the olIh;s ol Prothonotarv,
D. J. Murphv, of Howe township, was
given that place on the ticket.
The total figures on thoso ollices for
which there was a contest aro as follows;
Hiteliev ;
Landers s!H
Carson I.VI
Hoovler 1."
SiL'uins ISH.I
H inegard ; 2-0
Flynii 'iTZ
(t reenewalt lo-t
Herman U0
The Iloilies Mill Missing.
Since Monday teiephono messages from
Cairo have been received every niejit giv
ing new s of tho day's work and tho Unit
ing of bodies, but the waters still keep
our loved ones in tluvr embrace.
The searching party has a special boat
which leaves Cairo In the morning at 5
o'oloek for the scene of tlio disaster, re
turning in the evening. L. C. Porterfleld
has had one gang of men under him and
J. II. White another, mid tho gruesome
work goes on day r. Iter day w ithout re
Traces of Mr. Hunter wero found in
Pie wreck in tho way of toilet articles,
but no clothing or baggage has been lo
cated. Hut fast in the wheel of tho boat
wore found a door and a shutter of the
statu rooms occupied. Il Is now sur
mised that they were awakened, had
lime to dress and get hold of the door and
shutter ns floats, and Iheil jumped over
board. Whether they wero struck by
the wheel or were drawn under the boat
is surmise. Hut it is generally thought
that Ihey w ill be found together, as Mr.
Magill, who was a powerful swimmer,
would not hate left Mr. Hunter who was
So far as we can learn, tho boat or
wheel have not beeu raised or moved,
and Ihey may bu imprisoned under one
or the other.
P.ills, showing half tone pictures ol
.Messrs. Hunter and Magill, have been
thoroughly distributed all down the Ohio
and Mississippi oiler log reward for
the recovery of tho bodies, and Robert
Humier Is at Cairo to watch for such in
formation. Ttdinute News.
Fiiilcnvor Hems.
A heavy thunder shower accompanied
by considerable hail occurred here on
Sunday evening.
The Saints held services in the K. O.
T. M. ball at Last Hickory Sunday night.
Supreme Deputy Wll-on of tho K. O.
T. M. Is hero for a few weeks to stir up
interest in lodge manors.
The Democrats held their primary at
the township houso Salurilry afternoon.
Hark peeling opened this week. Men
aro not very plenty, consequently wages
aio middling high.
Prof. K lucker's two nights entertain
ment in K. O. T. M. hall last week, from
a financial point of view Mas a failure,
very few people attending. I'kiiiio.
Yi. c. t. r.
The F.xeciitivo committee of the For
est County Woman's Christian Temper
ance I'uiou w ill meet at tho homo of the
President, Mrs. N. P. Wheeler, a'. En
deavor, on Monday, May llth. Luncheon
at twelve o'clock . HusinesH meeting at
half past one o'clock. The county ntli
oers, including the Local Presidents and
county Superintend) nts, are n quested to
be present. Ai.ii'K II. Sniuiss.Secy.
No (ibis Carriage Palm .lliulc
w ill wi ar as long as Devoc's. No others
arc as heavy bodied, becaice Devoe's
w eigh :l to s ounces more to the pint.
Sold by Jas. D. Davis. II yi-.iui
Ilium seekers Cxciirsfoii Hates.
To points West, Southwest snd North-
w est w ill be on sale the 1st and :lrd Tues- j
it. iv of each month during March, Apnl-i
and May via Illinois Central Railroad at;
aliont one fare plus f.'.oo for round trip
w ith stopover privileges. Write to day
for free de eriptive matter and full par
ticulars to F.. A. Kleiner, Trav. Pass. Agt
Ml. i K. !(. Park lllllldiog, Pllls
buiu. Pa.
Clifford Craig was up from Oil City
over Sunday.
Hairy Watson was a business visitor
to Oil City Saturday.
Mrs. H. H. Felt was a visitor to Oil
City last Friday afternoon.
Miss Mae Hurtt, of Marienvillo, is a
guest of Mrs. J. H. Robertson.
John Joyce was up from Oil Citv to
spend Sunday with bis patents.
Mrs. I). W. Clark was a guo-t of Oil
City friends a part of last week.
('apt. J. J. Haiglit, of Cooper Tract,
was a visitor in town yesterday.
Mrs Lizzie Hilling made a shopping
trip to Oil City yesterday aflornoon.
Mrs. C. Ammo and Paul were visit
ors to friends in Warren over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Proper, weio
business visitors tu Oil City Friday a f
tcrnoou. Mrs. Suio M. Sharpe is a guest at the
Inline of Dr. aud Mrs. C. A. Hlack, Titus
villc. Pa.
Mrs. E. E. Fleming and Mrs. A.
Carson were Oil City visitors last Friday
W. L. Culbertson, ol Oil City, was a
guest at the home of J. II. Foues over
last Sabbath.
Mrs. A. M. Doutt and daughter,
(iunovieve, visilod friends In Oil City a
part of last week.
Mrs. C. Russell and son Nelson, of
Tidioute, visited Tionesta friends be
tween trains on Monday.
Misses Katharino aud Mary Joyce
pleasantly entertained a number of the
young folk last Friday evening.
Our staunch old Republican friend,
Isaiah Cassatt, of Harnett township was
one of our pleasant callers yesterday.
Miss Jessie Wells, telegrapli operator
at the I'ennsy depot, is spending a week's
vacation at her home at Salamanca, N. Y.
Waller J, Morgan, one of the carvers
at the mantel works, left Saturday for a
week's visit at his home at Hughesville,
C. R. Bowman, superintendent of the
mantel works, was a business visitor to
Jamestow n, N, Y., a couple of davs last
Mrs. Robert Adams, of Henry's
Rend, who was visiting her daughter,
Mrs. J. W. McCrea, returned home Sat
urday. P. C. Hill, who has been seriously
sick for the past week with pneumonia,
is somew hat bolter, but not yet out of
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Irwin, of Tiones
ta, are in the city on a short visit to the
former's sister, Mrs.CHeydrick. Frank
lin News.
Tho Rkfi'Iimcan had a ptoasant call
yestorday Irom (ico. Wagner, ol the ex
tensive lumber firm of Wagner A Wilson,
Merit nville,
Chas. and James Conger were housed
up last week with a sevcro attack of grip
combined with nourulgia, but aro able to
be out again,
L. Agnew is roeoverlng slowly from
a severe attack of rheumatism in both
feet, eonllning him to the houso for the
past two weeks.
Walter Crouch and CJus B. Evans
were down from Hickory township Mon
day evening learning the mysteries of
the second degree in Masonry.
O. H. Keller, of Lyons, Pa,, is hero
on a visit to his son, County Treasurer
F. A. Keller, and Miss Edith Weilo, of
Warren, is a guest of Mrs. Keller,
Quite a large party of young girls
from hero picnicked near West Hickory
last Friday, going up on tho morning
train and returning in the evening.
Mrs. J. R. Morgan is home from a
months visit to the family of her son
Frank, in Pittsburg. She report i that
Mrs. Morgan and tho children, who were
on the sick list, as all well again.
By an oversight last week we failed
to mention Charles and Harry Wolf, sons
of Mr. and Mrs Henry Wolf of tlietowu
ship, who loft last Tuesday for Pittsburg
to attend tho summer term at Duff's Bus
iness College.
"Farmer" I. E. Dtun arrived in the
citv Friday evening, direct from the
Texas oil fields, his personal appearance
being ample evidence that tho glorious
clinialo ol the South agrees with him.
Oil City III izzard.
Miss lloula MoCroa. ofSiyerly, who
has been the guest of her cousin, Miss
Alice McCrea for the past week returned
to her home Mou lay evening. Misses
Lillian and Uraco McCrea are visiting
friends at Eiglo Rock,
Will Craig, who has been at homo for
the past three weeks on sick leave, re
turned to his work for the National Tran
sit company at South Vandalia, N, Y.,
Monday morning, feeling and looking
much Improved in health.
R. J. Thompson, who has charge of
Ihe stock room at the Ridgway Dynamo
and Engine Works, and moved hero re
cently from Brockway ville, has pur
chased tho residi-nee of James Penlield,
on Hydo avenue. Ridgway Advocate.
Jas. Aliarali and David Thompson
were business visitors in Tionesta dur
ing tlio past week. 'I hese gentlemen are
both successful Jefferson county jobbers,
woll known to Forest county lumber
men, where they have been engaged in
extensive contiiu ts for lime years past.
Mrs. R. T. Biizard and son, ol Brock
way ville, were guests of Mrs. (i. F. Wat
son on Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Fred
Slocuin, Hary Spinger and Miss Lena
Watson, of toilinza, aud W. A. Showman,
of Kebctlvillc, wero guests of Mr. and
M rs, Watson yesterday, aud Miss Ada
McColluin, of Oil City, was a guest of
Miss Georgian Walson.
Ula S, Miles, who has for the past
two years been employed as a clerk in
Tionesta Cash Store left Saturday for
Pittsburg where ho has secured a good
position ill the upholstery department
of th large store, of Jos. Homo A Co.
Ula has many friends among the young
people here who will wish hlin abundant
success in his now position.
Friends hero have received invita
tions from M isa May H. Murphy lo at
tend the lilth annual commencement ex
ercises of the Geneva, Iinl,. High School,
next Wednesday evening, May I I. Miss
Murphy was at one time a pupil in the
Tionesta schools and has many friends
among the young proplc. Her aunl.Mrs.
Win. Morgan, leaves lo-inoriow noon
for Gcueva 1 1 alt"iid the exercisys,
JlarleiivllIcN Fire Loss
Since the great fire at Marienvillo the
people have been pretty generally en
gaged in having their insurance adjusted,
ami It is h ped all losses will be settled
to the satisfaction of those who sullcred
by the conflagration. As a rule the loss
es have been complete, very littlo being
saved, a fact which should make a proper
adjustment much easier. The Express
says "tho prospects for Marienvillo are
to-day belter than tvor. It was and will
be a good town, and ill tho near futuro
several brick buildings will bo erected.
Marienvillo Is not dead Jusd begun to
Through the courtesy of the Turner
Bros, insurance agency we are pormilted
to give the following accurate list of
losses and insurance carried :
Loss Insiir'co
C. W. Amsler f 1U,0'K) f:,lnV7
M. A. Carriuger fMKI 400
Mrs. Laura Graybill I,2fm 500
Mrs. Cora Cooper 500 lluO
Cecil Gross 2,000 l,2"iii
Fennor Hart 1,21:0 1,(nki
Miller A Co M) 350
David Mintz .W.IMIO ls.250
J.H. Menseh 12,000 (t,5ll
J. H. Fiddler 2"0 ami
J. J. Young 7,eoo 5U0
A. M. Neely A Co 14.(100 10,000
. D. Neill O.OOO 3,500
Neill A Stoneoiphcr 3,.'ki0 2,550
Marienvillo H. A M. Co. .. S,5on 2,500
T. J. Kevner 8,000 3.000
A. S'roinquxsi M) 200
A. F. Smith 2,ooo 1,400
Mrs. M. E. Graybill 1,2ihi Sun
M. C. Carriuger 3,500 2,0n(
J. II. Moorisoii 400 400
J. II. Powers 10,000 5,ihi0
W. W. Kribbs &,IK 0 5,200
Mrs. Martha Leech 700 500
Mrs. M. It. Sutton 1,000 7o(l
Jenlcs Lodge I. O. O. F.... 1,510 1,100
Amsler Bros. A Co. 1,500 1,000
II. II. Harp HI) 050
P. O. S. 01 A I.6iH 1,4,10
A. E. Stoiicciphnr S.noO 3,200
G. S. National Rank 4.0 450
Marienvillo Express 2,0 i Set)
Dr. b. Porter 1,0011 s:;,o
Mrs. E. C. Davis 1.200 WW
Walton Estate 1.000 (150
I. O. O. F Encainp't :mo 15o
(ieo. W. Buhl fi.OOO WHi
C. II. Hitchey MOO Hot)
Star Grocery Co l,0o l MMi
Mrs. J. T. Smith I, "00 1,000
O. F. Carlson 2,(HI0 1,300
Fire Association 5'0 5ti0
Presbyterian church 2,500 l,(kiO
M. II." Shick 200 200
It. K. Carriuger A Co 1,000 Win
Susan Carr 1,200 Hi
L. Hunt 5i) 3o0
H. B. Hoover Wdl 5n0
II. Cohen 5,000 2,500
John llonvor 1,000
John Kohrig 100
Haiigbman Bros ?K
B. A O. K. K. Co 15,000
A. L. Emert 400
Dr. J. E. Beck 5,0( 0
Johnson (Photog'r) 1,2IN
P. Cunningham L2no 1,000
Harry Towler 1,00 400
II. S. Keck 175
Mary B. Kohrer A Co 4,(loo
N. F. Hoover 1,000
Mrs. Lindslny 400
J. N. Saudrock 3,ouo
Blood Kstalo NU
C. II. Knapp 000
P. Walton 400
Moriaritv Estate..: 2.000
Sarrah llottlsli tloo
Mrs. M. Levy 400
N. Burton 2'M
D. Kil'er 4e0
Mrs. Mortimer 1,000
Towler Estate 2,5(0 2,2( 0
Dr. C. C. Ylngling 400 150
Kahle Estate 4u0 4oo
J. H. Watson fl.oni)
Ruben Stopp IP'O
Mrs. E. Cunningham Io0
It. Sigwoath .mo
J. A. Grubbs 200 200
H. C. Howard 0"0
G. W. F.ddv 4iKl
T. C. MeM aster 1.500 l.ooO
BuhlAGibbs 2,l"H tmO
Mrs. Mahenev 1,000
.1. P. Goth...." :too
D. 'Stelner 200
A. E. Hiines (loo
Sundry individual losses.. 2,ooo lion
Letter to F. P. Amsler.
Tionesta, Pit.
Dear Sir: Dovoe Jead aud zino not
only goi s further than Mixed Piiiuls
except lead and oil, the paint that covers
as well but is full measure.
Few paint , that aro sold I v the can,
aro full-measure; generally thoy aro
about ten per cent short, Tho same is
true of almost everything factory
wolghls and measures aro almost always
Lead and oil is an honest paint; the
only objection to it is its chalking oil' in
three years.
Dovoe lead and ziuu neither chalks nor
peels, but lasts twice as long as lead and
Yours truly,
74 F. W. DevoK A Co.
P. S, Jas, D. Davis sells our paint.
Take Laxative liroino Quinine. Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to euro. E. W, Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c. 11 27-ly
I'lUlllllin ION MTITE ( (Nl:TK.
Itrilui'fit Kales lo New Caslle vitt 1YiiiisI
vniiia Unilroiiil,
On account of tho Stale Convpntb n of
t lie Prohibition party, to bo held at New
Caslle, Fa, May 21 and 22, 1002, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
seli excursion tickets to Now Castle from
all stations on its lines In Pennsylvania
at rate of singln faro for the round trip.
Tickets w iil be sold May 10 to 21, ami
will be good to return until May 21, in
clusive. 11
sii'iitlie Khcliiiinllsin Cureil Alter Fiiiirlccn
Ycnrs.or Miillerliia.
"I have been allliclod with sciaticrheu
matism lor fourteen years," says Josh
Edgar, of Gerniaiitown, Cal. "I was
able to be around biitconstaiilly sull'crn.l.
I tried everything 1 could hear ol and at
last was (old lo try Chamberlain's Pain
Halm, which I di I and was Immediately
relieved mid in a short time cured, and I
am happy to say it has not since re
turned." Why not use this liniment and
got well? Sold by Killiner Bros., Tio
nesta, W. G. Wilkins, West Hickory, Pa.
This sitfnnturo in on every lx of the c'i'ne
Laxative BromoQuinine Tabkt.
th remedy that curvtv a cold in one cluy
COSGI'.R-GKA Vl' At thoYionio of the
bride's parents, Grove avenue, nil City,
I'a , Thursday evening, April 20, l!i2,
bv Itev. Thomas K Thulium pastor of
Trinity M. E. Ch.lrch, Mr. John Con
ger, ol T10111 s'a, I'a., and Miss Mary
Grant, ol'Oil City.
V. inteil, 0110 to three milesse' olid hand
tee rails for cash payment. Any sixe
f cm Id to lo pound per yard, sh.pmont
prompt or later to suit seller. Want also,
one lo two miles 50 to 70 pound per yard.
Address room 700, Publication Huddiug,
Pittsburg, I'a.
Nn I.vss of Time. -
I ha-c sold Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
ora aud diarrhoea Remedy for venrs, and
would rather be oat of 001 lee 1111 I sugar
than it. 1 soiil Hve la It'es of it yisn r
oav to ihresheis that eon Ul go no farther.
and Ihey are al work auain this morning.
IL K. Ptielps, Plymouth. Oklahoma.
As w ill lie set 11 by the above threshers
were aide to keep on with their work
w ithout losing a single day's time. Vou
should keep a bo tie ol this Remedy in
your home. Sold by Killiner Bros , Tio
nesta, W. U. Wilkins, West Hickory I'a.
I haveacoiuple stock of ev
erything in my line and my
goods are kept fresh and up-to-date.
A trial older will
convince you that my prices '
uro aw ay dow n.
Try a I Jar of
H V-.TI ' vf' .
1" -. s .
I have the agency for
Garfield Grove.
v jf 'wS.-ij
Agent Lr tlio Famous
Ladies' Misses' Children's
Patent Leather 0 fords. Common Leather Oxfords).
Kid Valour Oxfords.
oxFQim Qxmnns oxFonos
for big men. for small men. for boys.
' Oxford of Any Kind at Any l'riee.
Our Shoes are made for us. All guaranteed
by the manufacturers. No jobbers' job lots among
them. Our Shoe Department contains every
style kept in an up-to-date shoe store. Come and
see us when you want shoes.
oil City, Pa.
It's a season of ligh weight, ilrapy dress
stulls, such as Veilings, lialisls, Twine
Cloths, Mistials, Kolieiics, Me.
All these wu have and others, ranging
from isle to fc!.uu a yard, any ol which, or
all, we'd bo glad to sample for you.
W. 11. JAMES.
First, last and all tlio time, tho average man wants
style in h a clollica. He can't gut it unless he gelt qual
ity, Ico, Style nieatis hand-worknd collars and lapela, as
niibjh &i it ineuns correct outlines, aud it alwAysmeaus fit.
Two suits of clot lies may look almost precisely alike
tlu first (lav thoy are worn, ami very unlike iu a week's
time. Ti e beauty of good made to measure is that il
keeps riojil on luuking; well. Tlio trouble is, it costs loo
Our ready to-wear has the sunn characteristic of per
manent good looks, nml costs very inucli less.
Our clothing is made tor men who want to dress as
well as anybody, but who object to paying; loo dearly for
the priviKgu. Our manufacturers aro merchant tailors
oil an enormous scalo.
Good suits, $ 7
Fine suits, 12
Finest suits, 20
Ami "your money back" if fur
Everything that's gum! in Hats and
!E2Zif fQNEi PR
41 & 4-3SENf.CA ST,
Feed: & Sale
Fino Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates,
tear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
LEY nmsioN'.
Taking effect, Nov. ltd, l'JOl. f,
No. 30 ltull'alo Kxpress, daily
except Hunrlay 11:25 a. 111.
No. Oil City and Pittsburg
lixf ross.daily, except Sunday ..7:110 p.m.
For lliekory.Tidioute, Warren, Klniua,
Itradford, Oloau and the I'ast :
No. SI Olcan Kxpress, daily
exeopt .Sunday 8:65 a. 111.
No. 81 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday i:'S0 p. in.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Geu'l Passenger Agt.
of every kind
to I 'l Center St.
and $10.
and 15.
and 22.
any reason you are not satisfied.
Men's Furnishings At right prices