RATES OF ADVERTISINCt One Square, one inch, oaoweek...$ 1 00 One Square, one inch, one month. S 00 One Square, one inch, 3 montha.... 5 00 One Square, one inch, one year 10 00 Two Squares, one year.-.. .. u 00 Quarter Column, one year 30 00 Half Column, one year ..... SO 00 One Column, one year .................. 190 00 Legal advertisement ten centa per line each insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash on delivery. Fore 3YTT3Y TiT A -T Trriua, 91.00 A Ynr, mrk-tfj la Advaare. No subscription received fur a shorter poriiMl llian tbree months. Correspondence solicited, but no notice will be lakou of anonymous uoiiimuiilca lloiin. Always give your name. VOL. XXXV. JsO. .'. TIONESTA. PA., WEDNESDAY. API ML 2:5. 1902. $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offioo in Bmearbaugh & Wenk Building, XLM HTRRKT, TlONKMTA, PA. ST RE BOHOUGH OFFICER!. ram.-T, F. Kilchoy. tyKMCilmm.-J. 'I. laNi. W. r. Blum. Ir. J. V. luinn, H. l.iMon, J. U. Muse, C. F. Weaver. J. W. Lander. Jnttleet ol tki react V. A. Randall, 8. J. Nntley. OotuitableS. It. Maxwell. 0eetor S. J. Heller. .V A.io Ihreelum (. W. Kolomaii, J. K. Wenk, J. V. Neowden, Patrick Joyce, W. W. (.rove, Win, Nmcarbaugli. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congrett J. K. 1. Hall. Member of Senate A. M. Neeley. Aaembly.. M. Doutt. PrtHidetJlgeW. M. Lindsay. AnioetufJudye.t It It t'rawford, W. II. II. Dmterer. Prothmtntary, Regiittr J Recorder, itt. Jolm II. Koharuon. tlkerf.i, W. .Ismitvon. iYeumrr Fred, A. Keller. tiMimsionert It. M. Herman, John T. Carson. J. T. Dale. IHntriet Attorney S. I). Irwin. Jury Qommiitionert I,evl O. Rey nolds, Peter Yniingk. Coroner Ir. J. W. Morrow. Ormnf.v Anditemt J. K, Clark, K. J. Hyiin, Geo. U King. Lunty Superintendent E. E. Htltzin- ger. Kraalar Trma mf '(. Foin 111 Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of September. Third Mondity of November. Church n Hnhbaih -.!. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 0:45 a. in. 1 M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sal bath evemnir bv Rev. O. II. Nickle Preaching in the F. M. Church every Salibath evening at the usual hour. Rev. Mrdarvv, Pastor. Services ill the Presbyterian Church every riabbath morning ami evening, Kev. J. V. McAninch otllciallng. The regular meeting of tho W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the aoonnd and fourth Tuusdays of each iin nth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. i p- N EST A t.OIX i E. No. MO, I. ). O. F. 1 Maita every Tuesilay evening, ill Oild Follows' HullPartridge building. FmKHST I.OD'iK, No. IHI, A.O. U. W., 1 Meets every Friday evening in'A.O.U. W. Hall, Tionesta. c A PT. G KOR i K .STOW H )HT, No. U. A, K. Meets 1st and Sd Mommy iiinu In each month, lu A. O. I'. S . eve Hall, Tiouesta. CAPT.WEOIvUK Sl'OW COUPS, No. V.tt, W. K. C meets first and third Wednesday evening of eaeh month, in A. O. U. W. liall, Tionesta, Pa. rpiONKSTA TENT, No. Kit. K. O. T. 1 M., ineeis 'Jnd and 4lh Wednesday eveuiiiKln ea"h month in A. O. U. Vt. hall Tionesta, Pa. 1 F. HITCH EY, . A TTO K N E Y - AT-1. A W , Tionesta, Pa. S HAWKEY MUNN, ATI'OKN EYM-AT-LA W, Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. C. M. Shawkky, Uko. 11. Ml'SN. AC. HKOWN, ATTOKNEY-AT LAW. ( Ullce In Arner ItulldiiiL', Cor. Elm and Bridge . sot., Tionesta, Pa. J W. MO 11 HOW, M. D., Physician, .Surgeon A Dentist. OlhVe and Residence three disirs north of Hotel Agnew, Tionesta. Professional calls promptly respombsi to at all hours. I) R. F.J. IJOVAKD, I nvstcian .v nnrueon, TIONESTA, PA. 1) K. J. C. DUNN. PHYSICIAN AND Sl'KUEON. OIUiw over Heath it" Killmer's stare, Tionesta, Pa. Professional calls prompt ly resHiniled to at all hours of day or night. Kesidence Elm St., between Urove'a giwery and tlerow's restaurant. 1 lt. J. I), ti HEAVES, I Pnysiclan and Snrireon Ollb-e and residence above The Davis Pharmacy. 1 K. LANSON, T. HEAL ESTATE,i Tionesta, Pa CJ J.SETI.EY, O. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Keeps s complete line of Justice's blanks lor sale. Also lllmik deeds, mortgages, etc. Tionesta, Pa. HOTEL WEAVEK, E. A. WEAVER, Proprietor. Tills hotel, formerly the LAwroneo House, has undergone a com plete change, and is now furnished with all the mod em liniiroveinents. IleaU'd and lighted throughout willi natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts ol guests never neglected. flENTKAL HOUSE, UEKOW . UEHOW Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This is the mostceutially located hotel in tin) place, and has all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public First class Livery in connection. pilIL. K.MEHT FANCY HOOT A SHOEMAKEH. Shop in Walter building, Cor. Elm ami alnut streets, Is prepared In do nil Kinds of custom work Irom the litest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. OKENKO FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS. tOLLUPS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONEHTA. PA. 1. 1. HAW k SDNS., GENERAL MERCHANTS. Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of tome ninii Qiii(UitJuQir Hrtui JOHN WtlDPll:l:ils en bmyfMnKUn, I. v.,tf thir $i,u prtu vttm FflEE TRIAL Costs You Nothing If Ycu Are Not Cured The proprietors of that splci did rem edy Tlii!in)-ou'8 H.irostna, Iiai l ache, Kid ney end Liver cure authorize the drug gists of whi'iii you buy theirieiutdy to le fund all your purchase money if the Rums m. i fails to cure you. The Bnrostna sells nt one dollar a bottle or six for five dollars. With each purchase of six bottles your drugibt will give yon a guarantee certificate. Thompson's l!aro-.ina is performing wonders not only in the great number of casts cum!, but in the fact that the cures are Permanent. Look Out for These Signs. Pain in the back, a giddy sensation or headache, palpitation of the heart, a sal low complexion, a bad taste in the morn ing, flatulency and fullness of tile stomach costivness, loss of sleep, cold feet and fee ble circulation. Is there a sediment in your uninc, or a scum on it after it has stood for twelve hours? Is it stringy and ropy? Are you sure that albumen, the most vital element of the body, is not be ing wasted away in the urine? Does the urine stain your clothing? Do you have an unusual or scanty supply? Do you get tired easily ? Is your breath short ? Do your feet and ankles swell ? Do you have Khcutnalisin, Sciatica, Neuralgia, ('out ? Take immediate warning ; do not wait ; you v. ill get worse instead ofliettcr. Ilarosuut and- D.inJeloin anil Mandrake -Tills w ill cure you and save a doctor's bill, f i.oo a bottle, or six for $$ oo. All druggist. New Silverine Watch Cases traded for Old Silver 'Cases in any condition, i Old watches taken in ex cliaim" for new ones u. t. .iX1i:umx, Anderson .V O' liars barber shop, TioncHia, Pa In every town mil vi 1 1 -l itt (ilV.( lllllV i may be had the fa A' i 4 &1ica ffe) Axle that makes your horses glad. Msd Slssisr Ull l. Fred, tircttenberger GENEKAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Mai-hinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, lias or Water Kil lings and lienors! Itlacksmilliiug prompt Ivdoue at lxw Hates. Hepairing Mill Machinery given hsvial attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sliop in rear of ami just west of the Miaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FREI. () HETI'KN BEHtlER OFTICIAU. Ollictf ) A li Natiounl Hank Iliiilding, OIL CITY, PA. Eyes examined free. Exclusively optical. A Book Free We will be pirated to send, on rt-ceipt of ttacUM coniMn, correctly filled out and one cent to coyer irne of mailififf or will deliver to anv nrn prenrntinif the coupirt properlj made out at our atora a copr of The Dictionary of Sports-Vol. I." cont.tininir, aph.-ibetUall.'r arrantrcd. nil drr each one of the main apart, tiurh aa (iolf, lia.e-ltall, Kaciiitr, etc., all the pojmlar fxpnsifni witto a conctkCda tinition of each. It is The 0i.ly Booklet of lis Kind Extant of cmTpnrrnt and rest pocket size. Kvcry tttinif attract irely and ariiKiit allr HiMtr.ited. It nlM) contains a oartiWer of handsome f till-paif illuHtratiom, Mowing correct cl"tlicfor turn. The Uooklet tiirotitfhout in ill mi rated In color tints, the work of the f.imom New York anihta. Messrs. Grant Wright, M. ft. Mortrin and Mn. I. Mac Namira. The Ittioklet wai written hr Mr. Will Curler, Kditor of Field Soortn. New Vork Jrntlt for Messrs. Alfred Bvnfsvmtn ct Co. Now York M ek Iters of Correct Clothes for Men. who, at an rtttense of maur titjustanda of dollars, published A Quarter of a Million Copies Tha book la of intrinsic Tnliic and tf prodmed for book hiore aal WualJ readily bring; Z5c. to 50c. If Sold to a Lover of Out Door Summer Spuria COUPON-CaiKitand aeo la TIIH Jlel TEX CO., OUTFITTERS OP MEN k E0Y8, The Mct'urn Co. Block, Oil City Pirate itni me free nt (tifyBfoi Ut: " Dictionary o( Sports," illustrated, at fullished ty Afssrs. Alfred Henfamtn C" Co., AVrp York. KnckstJ is cue tent Id covir postage or anivtr u bearer. sVame Street I ft CHAIR WAS OVERRULED On Amendment to Remove Dif ferential on Refined Sugar. Morgan Controls Steamship Lines. High Food Prices Steamer Burned. Death of Frank R. Stockton Gover nor Goes South Insurgent General Surrendered Friars' Lands. On tho quoatlon in the house on the adoption of the Cuban reciprocity bill, 7 Republicans voted with the entire Democratic membership to amend the bill by removing the differential from reflned sugar. The chair (Mr. Sherman of New YorM declared the amendment Diit of order, but he was overruled by a veto of 130 to 171, and aa amended the bill was passed. An analysis of the vote shows that 121 Republicans and 123 Democrats voted for the amended bill and 42 Re publicans and 10 Democrats against it. Mr. Grosvener, was one of those who voted against the bill. The bill as passed authorizes tho president as snou as may bo after the establishment of an Independent nov el nine nt in Cuba and the enactment by said government of immigration, ex clusion and contract labor laws aa restrictive as those of United States, to negotiate a reciprocal trade agree ment with Cuba by w hich in return for equivalent concessions the United States shall grnnt a reduction of 20 per cent from the Dingley rntes on goods coming Into the United States from Cuba, such agreement to last un til December 1,1U3. During tho ex istence of such aKreement the duty on refined sugars and all sugars above No. 10 Dutch standard is to be 1.825 cents per pound. Instead of l.S5 as under the Dingley schedule. Merger of Steamship Lines. Clement A. (Irisrom of Philadel phia, president of the International Navigation company, one of the five tiupsHlUuitic steamship companies which have been merged under the di rection of J. P. Morgan, talked freely concerning the consolidation, its pur poses and probable effects. Mr. Gris coin mi 'd he was unable to speak iliii nlli ly regarding the financial plan, as that was a matter for tho considera tion of Mr. Morgan and his partners, which will perhaps be decided on with in the next two weeks, in any event, President Giirom said that the con solidated companies would probably be In operation under the new condi tions within a few months. "The consolidation." declared Mr. Oiiscoiu. "will result In better trans atlantic sei vice, steadier and more uni form rales, a just distribution of traf fic over all American and Canadian seaports, Increased lines on the Pa cific and services to South America as traffic mny be found to Justify them. Having lines between Great Britain and Australia and New Zealand and Intimate connections with the far East, American manufacturers will be able to distribute their products on through bills of lading and avoid the expense of trans-shipments which they now In cur." Investigating Beef Trust. Attorney General Davies Is in New Vork to conduct an investigation into the charges which have ap peared in print of late that a combina tion c;f the big beef packers of the country have forced up the price of menta. Of his investigation Mr. Davies said: "I hnve received many letters from different sections of the state. All of Ihe writers complain of the present difficulty of supplying meat to their families. They ask me If I can not do something to relieve them. "Before I left Albany I talked over the meat situation with the governor. He is willing to Indorse any step I may take looking to the relief of tho citizens of tho state. Loth the gover nor and I are interested in the ques tion because of additional cost the rise In prices of meat will bring to the maintenance of the state Institutions as well as to private families. "I am not at liberty to tell the re sults of mj Investigations. I can only pay that as far as my investigations have gone It looks very much as if tho packers had exceeded their legal pow ers. If any criminally is found tho proper authorities nhall be lnstiucted to bring proceedings against them." Higher Prices For Food. Prices of all kinds, but particularly beef, hog products and butter, have been advanced ostensibly and appar ently berauso of reduced receipts. Cattle and hog prices at Chicago are the highest reached in years and re ceipts are the smallest. Nothing like the present activity In fc;;ilding Is recalled for at least a da cade past, and lumber and kindred ma terials aro very active at most mar kets. The strength of raw cotton and re cent advances In wages make for strencth In cotton goods. The market is dull at New York for Immediate business, but a large business has been booked for fall delivery. The tin satisfactory position of the yarn trade lends Interest to the talk of a combi nation of Southern producers. Wheat. Including flour exports for the week, aggregate 4.1IS.1U8 bushels, against 3.842,012 bushels Inst week and 5.3n;,217 bushels in this week last year. lluslness failures for the week num ber lf3 ns against 1 S2 last week. 212 In this week last year. Kl in 1!no, 137 in 1S.' and 221 in 1MI8. Loss of Life on Burning Steamer. The side- heel steamer City of Pittsburg, from Cincinnati to Mem phis, was burned to ihj water's edg j Sunday nicrning at Turner's landing, 11 miles from Mcunt City, III., and 21 miles from Cairo. The early re ports stated that G5 lives were lost and that many wero badly burned and oth erwise Injured, but that the list of cas ualties is not yet definitely deter mined, tho register having been burned. Among the first bodies recovered v ere those of Cap'ttin Wesley Doss of Cincinnati and Miss Marie Tiss.im of Cannolton, III., There were 70 passen gers and 70 all told in the rrew. The captain and clerk claimed in all eighty persons have been accounted for, baling CO people lust or unac counted for. Many passengers clung by finger tips to the burning boat with bodies tubmerged until overcome by fire or water, they sank to death. Question of Friars' Lands. Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul had a conference with Secretary Root at Washington following a talk he has had with tho president respect ing the Philippine friars' land ques tion. It was the Idea of Archbishop Ireland and Bishop O'Gorman that this complex question should be settled di rectly at Home. The government here has come to accept their view as mos:t business like, and therefore Governor Talt will stop at Home on his way back to Manila and endeavor to arrange tho basis of an agreement for the trans fer of the lands to the Philippine gov ernment i:i trust for the Philippine people. Mgr. Sbanettl favored a set tlement of the question at Manila. The decision In favor of Rome will In volve a change in his plans. Death of Frank R. Stockton. Frank R. Stockton, the wullknown novelist, died suddenly In Washington Sunday morning from hemorrhage of the brain. Mr. Stockton had spent the past win ter in New York and bful done very little literary work, ptf'lerring to rest. After a visit of nearly a month to At lantic City he came to Washington so that he might attend the banquet of the scientlstsZntending then to go to his home In Charlestown, W. Va. Mr. Stockton was a Philadelphian by birth; In early life was an engraver and draughtsman, but soon abandoned this occupation for journalism. Many years ao he retired wholly from news paper work and devoted himself to lit erature. His reputation as a story writer was world wide. Governor Starts on His Trip. Governor Odell started from New burgh on his southern and western trip Sunday night in the private car "Con voy" which was attached to the 8:4 West Shore tiain. In the party were Senator Ellsworth, the governor's fath er, ex-Mayor It. B. Odell; his brother, Postmaster Hiram D. Odell, Captain Joseph M. Pickey and F. N. Bain. The three last named will go only as far as Charleston. Mrs Odell, the gover nor's wife, and Tcllie Odell, his daugh ter, and his sister, Miss Ophelia, will join the party at Washington. Tho governor will he gone five weeks and will visit Monterey, San Francisco, Tacoma and Seattle, returning on the Canadian Pacific, and visiting Mon treal. Benjamin B. Odell's Leg Broken. While Governor Odell's young son. Benjnmin Bryant Odell, was riding at Newhurgh, N. Y., the hrose slipped and fell, and the youngster's right leg was broken between the knee and ankle, lie was conveyed to the home of his grandfather, where the bone was set by Drs. Gleason and Howell. The governor was there at the time, having rome from Albany In the morning. It is not et known what effect this accident will have upon the governor's projected South ern and Western trip.' Canal to Open on the 24th. Superintendent of Public Works Charles S. Body stated that all nec essary arrangements for the open ing of the Erie canal on April 24 have been completed. One of the tea sops for this early opening is that there are mote than 100 loaded boats in the Erie canal which were fro-.:en in last full, awaiting opportunity to pet to tidewater. The Champlain and Cayuga and Seneca canals are to be opened also on the 21th, nut no date ha been set for the opening of the Black River and Oswego canals. Queen Has Typhoid Fever. (Jueen Wilhelmina's fever has not abated, but the condition of the royal patient Is satisfactory. Her maje?ty's physicans are said to be less anxious, for it is b' lived that the malady will not assume the ordinary malignant character. Queen Wilhelmiua Is vis ited by her doctors three times a day. She is supposed to have contracted her illness as the result of a chill. Among the cable messages received it the palace inquiring about the Queen's prepress was one from Presi dent Roosevelt. General Malvar Surrendered. Insurgent General Malvar has un conditionally surrendered to Brigadier General J. Franklin Bell, at l.ipa, Ba tangas province, l.uion, with tho en tire Insurgent force of the provinces of I.aguna and Batangas. O-neral Bell says ihat his (Bell's) Influence is sufficient to quell the insurrectionary movements in Tayabas and Cavito provinces and capture all those in the Held who have not yet surrendeied; but Malvar has ordered tho complete surrender of every Insurgent to the nearest American force. State Tax For Fiscal Year. Governor lltnjauiin II. Odell has signed the bill fixing the state tax rale for the next lis(al year at thir teen one-hniidieiltlis of a mill. Th'-re would be 110 direct tax but for the con stitutional provision which reipiirei n h ty to be made to pay a part of the canal debt CIVIL SERVICE LAW. Commission Amends Rules to Conform With New Code. Cy the Ellsworth Law Veterans Can not Be Removed Except Upon Charges Where a Veteran's Posi tion Is Abolished His Name Must Be Entered as "Suspended Employe." Albany, April 22. Tho state civil service commission has amended its rules to conform with the changes In tho law made by the Ellsworth, vet erans' preference law, and also to make them conform with rerent rul ings of the courts, particularly in the section defining a laborer's position Tho supreme court has ruled that in determining whether or not a position shall be classified as a laborer's, the work done, rather than the title given or the compensation paid, is the vital point. The decision, however, inti mutes that the compensation pail "may be indicative of the fact." The commission has modified Its rules to provide that "no persons are to be rated laborers, exempt from competi tion, unless proven by heads of depart ments to be unskilled laborers who re ceive more than $2 a (lay or $iiO a month. The beard claims that there has been great evasion of the civil servlre rules by reason of the ap polntment of persons as laborers, so called, to positions actually in the competitive class. The amendment caused by the Ells worth law exempts veterans from the rule as to probation by appointments. Tho removal of a veteran Is also pro hibited except upon charges of in competency or misconduct Where a veteran's position is abol Ished or beromes unnecessary It is made mandatory that where another place cannot be provided the veteran's name shall be entered on a list of "suspended employes" for the purpose of certification to a similar position In any branch of the state or munici pal service. The state commission has exempted from competition the following posi tions: Cashier In office of register, New York county; one notorial clerk In the office of tho county clerk of New York county, confidential ste nographer to the deputy state comp troller, three keepers of the Erie coun ty morgue. QUEEN'S CONDITION UNCHANGED. Extraordinary Cabinet Council Held. Grief of Queen's Mother. The Hague, April 22. The condition of Qiieeu Wilhelmiua is unchanged. Her physicians say It Is impossible to predict the date of the criiflj lu nor illness. An extraordinary cabinet council was held Monday. The meeting en gendered numerous rumors concerning a decision in the matter of the regency but it is said upon good authority that this matter was not discussed at tho council. It Is reported that a lady's maid ol Queen Wilhelmina's household has been attacked with typhoid fever. The queen's mother burst into tears when she was first told her daughter had typhoid fever. She seldom leaves tho sick chamber. Says Reports Are Too Sanguine London, April 22. In a despatch from Castle Loo, the correspondent ol the Dally Mail declares the Information vouehsnled to the general public mini mizes the gravity of Queen Wilhel mina's condition and magnifies hei chances for recovery. The grief stricken nation, which loves the queen to the point of idolatry, the corres pondent continues, is in a stale ol terrible suspense, while the politician are aghast at the possibilities of a fatal termination of her illness. New Party Incorporated. Albany. April 22. The Liberal DenT oc ratio party, with headquarters in New York city, was incotpoiated with the secretary of state. Its certificate says it is organized to establish a po litical party to teach, promulgate and carry out the principles of Democracy and of Democratic government and tc promote social intercourse among Itt members. The directors are Dr. G. W. Thompson, James It. Brown, Robert Stewart, Melvin 0. Pnlllser and II. C S. Stlmpson, all of New York. Fitzsimmons Posts Forfeit. New York, April 22. Bob Fitzsim mon s has posted $2.5i0 to bind s match with Champion James J. Jef fries. He sent a telegram to Jeffrie In which he said: "Please post me as to bid and which you prefer, as soon at possible. What do you think of Na tional Sporting club bid, $ ITi.nno pursr and $1.0u0 each expenses? Leave it all with you. Go ahead and get best bids. When will you post forfeit?" Court's Holiday Cut Short. Pekln, April 22. The prevalent pop ular uneasiness has cut short the out Ing of the Chinese court at the H11.1t Ing park. The court arrived at the park, which is five miles from Pekln and Intended to remain there one week. But officials hurried after them and begged them to return Immediate ly to Pekln In order to allay tho un easiness of the masses, among whom all sorts of rumors are circulating. Strike of Masons. Quebec. Q . April 21 All the mas ons and bricklayer in this city to 1 In number of four hundred are out or strike. They have been getting twelve and a half cents un hour for ten hours and they demand fifteen cents an hour TOO tv-ANY OLD MINISTERS. Bishop Merrill Says Wyoming Confer ence Is Crowded. Waverly, N. Y., April 22. The morn ing session of the Wyoming conference uf the M. E. church wa3 opened with prayer by the Rev. J. L. Race, Dr. Tnrkley, who took a vacation last year and went abroad because of poor health, was restored to effective rela tionship. No changes were made in the superannuated list. Tho Rev. G. H. Davis lost $100 In Ihe recent flood, a large part of which consisted of benevolences. By order the conference excused him from pay ing the amount. Bishop Merrill said thnt this con ference is no exception to many others In that it is crowded. "I cannot un derstand," said he, "what the Ixrd wants of so many Methodist ministers. Perhaps He wants all the people to have a Methodist training. Some times one of our young preachers goes to another denomination and the news papers herald it as an evidence that we are unable to hold our young men. I am thankful that I belong to a church that can raise up young men enough for its own pulpits and give a few to other churches. It becomes difficult to provide places for the old men, the churches demanding young men. We have room for a few young men and only a few unless some of the good old brothers die and make room. We have a number of charges that pay too small salaries. This makes It impos sible to give all young men the appoint ments they desire. This should be re membered and remedied in admitting men Into the conference." The fallowing were admitted on trial: C. E. Waldron, .1. W. Coleman and A. A. Callender. On motion of Dr. Sprague a resolution was adopted changing the charter of Wyoming sem inary providing for a large board of trustees. By a vote of 109 to 34 the conference decided to reduce Ihe number of pre siding elder districts in Ihe conference from 6 to 5. to take effect next year. A commission was appointed to fix the nv-v district bouudnrles and to re port at the next conference. RESERVE CLAUSE BINDING. Court's Decision Will Bring Back Many Players Who Jumped to the American League. Chicago, April 22. President Ban Johnson of the American league re fused to talk about the Pennsylvania supreme court decision that the Na tional league reserve clause was bind ing and could be enforced. President Hart cf the Chicago Na tlonnl League club, who Is a member of the National league governing com mittee, said: "This decision brings buck to the National league over two dozen players who jumped to the American league. I cannot see It in any other light than a fatal blow to the rival league. Undoubtedly the Philadelphia dub will ask for an order of Injunction in the l.a.lole case imme diately nud 'Larry' will not play with the American league team unless he wants to go to Jail. Every other play er who under circumstances similar to I a.Iole deserted the old league will bo included in the Injunction." MARKET REPORT. New York Provision Market. New York, April 21. WHEAT No. 2 red, KXc f.o.h. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 84c f.o.b. afloat. CORN No. 2 corn, CO'-ic f.o.b. afloat. OATS No. 2, 4Hc; No. 2 while, .ri2'.c; track mixed western. 48 (Q 4!o ; track white. 31fi5."ic. PORK Mess, l.7j(fl 17.75; family, $i!Uioifi i!.ro. HAY Shipping, OOffCSc; good to Choice. 83!oc. BUTTER Creamery, extras, 28c; factory, 2)o; Imitation creamery, western fancy, 2fl'i27c. CHEESE Fancy ltirge white, 12 12ic; small white, 13 1314c. EGGS State and Pennsylvania, 18Msfi lite. POTATOES New Yoik, sack, $2.20 2.30. Buffalo Provision Market Buffalo. Anril 21. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 79'Ac; winter wheat. No. 2 led. 8:V4c. CORN No. 2 corn, C7',ji& 67Tic; No. 8 corn. u7V4c OATS No. 2 white, 4!i'jc; No. 3 mixed, 4C'A'. FLOUR Spring wheat, best patent, per bbl., $1004.2,;; low grades, $2.25ffi 2.75. UUTTER Creamery, western, ex tra tubs, 31&32c; state and Pennsyl vania creamery, 293Uc; dairy, fair to good, 27281'. CHEESE Fancy full cream, 13c; good fa ihoice, 128 12'c; common to fair, 9 1 lc. EGGS State fresh, 17c. TOTATOES Fancy, per bushel 826 87c. East Buffalo Live Stock Market CATTLE Best stocrr. on sale, $7.10 good to choice shipping steers, $G.no(fi ti.40; coarse, ro'ogh but fat steers, $r..25fi ti.oo; choice to smooth, fat heifers, $.1.7041 S.ni); common to fair heifers, $4.niu& 4.80; good butcher bulls. $4 104(4.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS -Handy Inn.bs. choke to fancy, t7.2.1&7.35; common to good. $.1..1n''al.fi": choice to handy wethers. $ii.o(j( B.7.1. HOGS Mixed packers' grades, 7.204i 7. 3t; medium hogs, $7.30fi 7.3"; choice 20"lbs and upwards. $7.40 7.13. Buffalo Hay Market HAY Timothy, loon. No. 1 per ton. $13.00; timothy, prime, loose baled. $13.50 fi 1 1. on; timothy No. 1 light bulcd, $13.0013.50. SUMMARY OF THE NEWS Short Items From Various Parts of the World. Record of Many Happenings Condensed and Put In Small Space and Ar ranged With Special Regard For the Convenience of the Reader Who Has Llltl? Time to Spare. J. Sterling Morton, formerly sec retary of agriculture, is seriously 111 at Chicago. Major L. W. T. Waller has been ac quitted by a court martial In Manila of killing natives of Samar without trial. Since he became president Mr. Roosevelt has become one of the most heavily Insured men in the United States. A general strike has commenced In the coal mines, glass works and fac tories of the central districts of Bel gium. United States District Attorney Warner, in Kansas City, has been in structed to institute proceedings against the heads of the beet trust Tnursday. Governor Odell has signed the bill abolishing the office of coroner in Erie county. Harvey Bruce, In court at Hudson, told the story of the killing of Peter Hallenbeck on Christmas eve. A registration duty on grain imports was the chief new proposal of the Brit ish chancellor of the exchequer. Emit Colton, butcher, and Jules Hunt, chef, fought with knives in kitchen of Union League club, Chicago. Both will probably die. Rockland county is filled with armed men looking for the escaped convicts, Frank Martin and Frank Wyman. stimulated by the offer of $1,000 re ward. Two lieutenants and nine bluejack ets were killed by the bursting of a 12 inch gun on the British battleship Mars during gun practice off Bcre baven. Friday. Attorney General Knox is examining complaints against exaction of the beef trust. Insurgent leader Malvar surrendered unconditionally to Brigadier General Bell in Luzon. The number of strikers In the chief industrial centers of Belgium Is es timated at 1.10,0110. M. Slpiaguine, the Russian minister of the interior, was shot and killed by a Kleff student out of revenge. Chinese Imperialist troops sent against the rebels were ambushed In a narrow defile and 2,000 were killed or captured. Mr. Lodge's amendment to the Chi nese exclusion bill striking out tho clause prohibiting Chinese sailors on American ships was carried In the senate. Saturday. Secretary Root has gone to Cuba on the Ward line steamer Esperanza. Three sectlonsof "the crimes act have been put In force in several counties of Ireland. The corn merchants of Liverpool, Eng., have railed a meeting to protest against the new duties on grain. Transvaal and Free State leaders are divided on the question of accepting British tern.8, the Free Staters holding out. Secretary Root has made arrange ments to continue a light in the statue of Liberty on Bedloe's island in New York harbor. For the second time In a month James Ryan escaped from the jail at Poughkeepsle. He was accompanied by three other convicts. Monday. Diplomatic relations have been re sumed between France and Venezuela. The World's Columbian Exposition company Is prepared to pay 40 cents dividend on each $10 share of the stock. Tho Boer leaders have left Pretoria to lay the matter of peace proposals before representatives of the variolic commandoes. Nearly 20.000 miners have quit work along the West I'enn railroad In obedience to the order of tho district meeting at Locchhtirg. The chamber of representatives by 84 to 64 votes, rejected the proiKisal to revise the Belgian constitution so as to provide for universal suffrage. Burton, Willis and Frederick Van Wormer were found guilty of murder ing their uncle, Peter A. Hallenbeck, at Hudson last ('In 1st mas eve. and were sentenced to be electrocuted the week of May 30. Tuesday. The winter's output of gold In the Klondike is estimated to he $311. nnn.onn. The president has nominated Cap tain Joseph II. Coghlan and Captain James II. Sands to be rear admirals. Frank II. Stockton, the wellknown novelist, died in Washington from hemorrhage of the brain. The steamer City of Pittsburg was burned on the Ohio river near Cairo, and 75 ihtmhis were burned to death or drowned. Five of the principal Transatlantic Steamship companies have beeu merged under the direction of J. P. Morgan k Co. A court martial has been ordered for the trial of General Jamb H. Smith, wjio was In command of Unit ed States troops on the island of S-rtiar.