The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 16, 1902, Image 3

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v ..Of..
c. m.a n a soi,
All Lfadtnj Companies
Wild L(inU, Farms, IfouHca
cfc Lot for Sale or Rent,
Nw Adverliscmculs.
I.aimnsrs. Ad.
KohlllHiill. Ail.
lViina' ll.v, liomli-r.
Dcvoo iV ('o. llrmlnrH.
Nickel I'lalr. Hi-atlrr.
Killinnr HroM. Loi-hIx.
S. J. Stftli'y, J. 1'. Curd.
Clarion Normal,
WiinHd. l'lili'lilv Ins. Co.
Ililkin Ail. mill Lorain.
('. M. A St. I'. Hy. H.iuUr.
I'riulrnrlHl InH. Co. tadftr.
White Slur (friiccry. Iim-als.
TionoMn t'-nli Nlnro. I.oml.
llentli A I'cil. Atl. mid Locals.
Oil market closed at $1.15.
Oil and gns liasus at tlilit ollloe.
llopKini sells tlie Douglas tliurs tl
New units fur boy and cliildron at T.
C. H, It
Iloath A 1'eat Hell I lie now Krie Mine
fur men. It
Window shades from 10 cent up at
Killittor 1 1 ). ll
Have you noon thoio new HliirU at
Hopkins' Mora. It
Would yon 1 . k o t have your anil
mado rixlit. So- I". l". S. It
Oolonlal slipper tho nowest fcolwear
for ladies, Heath A Kelt. It
Klant now lino of shoea for both
ladies ami genual Killtner 1 1 rod. It
All the seai'inahlo vegetables away
alioad of tini at the White Star lirooery.
tadlo, hHshi-m, childroiiB, boys and
nvna oxfords patent leather or valour
dir. Hopkins. It
A rou ion oftlio 8:!il regiment ia be
ing arranl t lako piano in Tiouesta
tlio coming Minimer.
Tlio recorder of Clarion count one
day tail week grunted a license, to wed to
J. T..MuMillpii and Mis Vina Wiugard,
both of C'lariiiKtoii (his uouiity,
The recorder nl Klk county ha Is
aued a iiiiirringo liccn-e to 11. It. Hack, of
Marivnvillv, Koreat I'o., and Mla Delia
t'aiiiilinll, of IvepiT, I'lai ion U'lunly, I'a.
Holb oftlio invn raptured near Titus
Villo recently and suspected of complicity
in the Town villo bank rubbery baic been
held In tho inn of fiiK) hail and lodged
in the jail at Meadvillr.
At license court yi.tvrday six of the
aeveu applications were granted, the ap
plication I ro in llyrcimlowu being refused,
it boinjj the only onu iin.iiiint which there
was any reimmstranee.
Wild ducks have baon plentiful on
the river lor the pat few days and our
local sports have been enjoying thein
aulvos greatly a large, number ut tho
bird having been killed.
During the nii ntli of June the New
York State l'ies Aocialion, tho Pen
nsylvania KJiioriul Association and lhe
l'ciiuay Ivauia liar Associatim will meet
at C'auiurhlgp Spring".
Tlio Whilfl .Star Grocery ia tho oldest
established and meat tellable II nil in the
fruli and grcon grocery btisinraa and has
everything in its lino in stock and an soon
as it conn a into the market. Call ua up
on either 'pliun . It
Instead of aouding out of lowu lor
Bainplcs for tha'. new ditss, try ua tir.-t,
if we lad to Mid you, then uo fay a nd,
for It would be liupoMdhlo to see such
another hto.'k in this noca o' woods,
Hea'U A Kelt. It
Yesteulay tho limiting season began.
It was a fine day, but other conditions
were not an favorably for big ealclira.
Tao water in the sliiaius is yet loo high,
and worst of ull there aro pesky few
tr nit in tlio bc't ol tin in.
lit v. II. F. Fed has pureiiavd the
property of l)riij,i nin Hubert, located on
tho river front at the loot of 11. Ion St., and
formerly rwnd by Mrs.llannuli Siggins.
He will give up furui lux and move to
towu during the summer,
i Black cat liosii ry boys and girls la
too well adveitised, and has beeu ac
knowledged loo long lo le the best for ua
to t 'II you about their wearing qualities
a I wo aay Is that n o and we only have a
full lino lor said, iliatli A Feit. It
In a small tow n down In Kentucky
as editor slated that a oertain girl's breast
ws filled Willi nige and the printer gut
il'rags" and now the editor is camping
out on a rise near town, w here lie can get
a (rood view of llio landscape, from four
different directions. Kc.
h-The best lenn in the hUlory of tho
tijarion Sia'c Norma! School is now in
to:resi. Tlio young people In tills re
;)on appreciate tho advantages otlcrrd
ajld the spirit inanifitc 1 ill this school
Tjo innliiil oii Is managed in the intoreai
of the youiiij Ktiidcnts who attend its sea
B(ons. t
j (Juarterly nieotiiig services wcro held
U the M. IC. Churches here and
at-Nebraska last Sunday by Kev. Dr. J.
N;. Fradenberg, I'. K., assii.tcd by i.Ia
6n Rov. Kdrnost Fradenborg, of hpart
atishnrg, I'a. Vioy eloiiient and imprea
atve aerinons were delivered at both
. Onnorour pictliest and newsiest ex
cbangea. the Sandy Lake News, come to
ub last week so enlsrSed, beautified and
generally linprovmi a to be hardly recog
nizable. ' The evidence of prosperity thus
dispiayed is very gralifylng, and Hie
News' enterpri-io should he appreciated
by a greatly extonded patronage.
There is scarc..y anything that a wo
man eaiinnt ilo with a ii lirpin. She uses
it topic- h-r teeth, iKitton I it shoes
clean linger iwiN, puucii bed bu-s out of
cra. ks, l'.i,t,,n up su-.iy bang, clean her
husli:ind'pipo, run int.) Oake to see
if they aro done, am! a'oout a d oten oilier
things that poor, deluded mankind
knows nothing Burnt. Ex.
This ia great weather for candidates,
Tho roads aro so bad that no one ex
pecta a candidate out alter votoa, a man
running from the tax collector i r ftoing
for a doctor would think nf traveling
llieiii, J ence the monarch nf the situation
tlio man 'with the vote ia preltv cor
tain tobe fonnd at home. Kx. .
Clrls, who have nothing better to do
than to gossip wih young inon over the
telephoiM, tliirlngiiuslness hours, ahould
bear in mind that the young men are ex
peeled to devote a portion of their time to
business. And It also occasionally hap.
pens that others would like to get at the
'phone. King off. Oil City lilixzard,
Thuro is not another town of its size
In the country whoso merchants are tnak
lug more attractive displays of spring
goods than are our home mercnaiits and
there is no necessity for any ono going
out or town to spend their caali. They
should patronize the Inane mercharl, on
whom ihey have to depend when they
want credit. ; .
, E. W. Salsgivorof Tyloraburg waa
pleasant calier at the liKl'miLio N ofllce
yesterday. Mr. 8. has been running a
good-sized sawmill on his propeity lor time past, but sold the mill and tho
remaining limber on his tract a few days
ago to Hamilton A Wolf, w ho will com
plete the culling ef the stock on that
place before tuovlng the mill. Ell did
well while lerun tho mill, and disposed
of his properly at a nice figure.
A woman ts usually balf afraid to
enter a banl. Hha d-iea not know what
she wants, whether It ia a check or a
draft. She signs her name with a tremb
ling hand wfaero she is told to sign, and
does not kiiow Just whst the paper means
and w hether she Is being robbed oi not.
There are lots of such women. Every
one should know tlieso. methods of or
dinary business proceed uie and lu the
school la the place lo learn them.
The Iluffalo Dnard of trade excursion,
consisting of the leading business bouses
of Uullalo, to the number of about 00 ar
rived in town about 2:45 o'clock last Fri
day afternoon. The party traveled in a
special vestibule train composed of onm
blnalion baggage a'id amoking car, two
day coaches and a dining room car, slid
the locomotive was nicely decorated.
Owing to tho Inclement weather very few
of the visitors came over town, but to
those who did visit the business places
representing their lines and left cards and
pamphlets, a hearty greeting was extend
ed by our business men who hope they
wifl eomo again,
What was a thrilling spectacle to
those who witnessed it occurred at the
depot Friday afternoon when a one-legged
hobo Jumped a moving freight train. He
carried a pair of crutches that wero cut
otf Just lie low hiselbowa wiiere they were
filled with copper bauds which euc rcled
each arm. The fellow aloud up close
to a freight train which waa moving at
the rale of seven or eight miles an hour
and when the peoplo who wore watching
saw his Intentions a number turned their
btcks in horror, expecting to see the man
ground to pieces beneath the wheels, but
nut so, he had been there before, and
swung on with the easn and grace of a
professional braW email. Ills cru dies
swaying on his arms.
Special officers Gallatin and Dunn of
tho Pennsylvania railroad have started a
crusade against the trespassers npon the
company's proerty. Tbey declare that
the practice of Jumping on moving
trains must bo atopped and a number of
arresla liavo been made In Oil City dur
tho past few days, but the work will not
aiop there the olllcers say, and in a con
vcraatioi', the other day with a Tioneata
man they declared Hint they had inside
information against a number of the
bio a here and that if the practice was not
immediately stopped srres's would be
made. This Is no Joke, buys, and II you
don't walrh out, some nf theso days vou
will be called npon to ray a flno of$23 or
$10 and possibly in addition languish a
few weeka in jail. Take warning,
Here's ono on tlio average newsboy
that may or may not apply to this town,
just as you happen to fool or may have
been compelled lo hunt for your paper
any old place about the premises. It is
from the Lewlsion Journal, and you will
know whether It's so or not :
I find it sometimes at the door,
I lind it at the gate;
I find it twisted into curls,
I Hud It laid out straight,
I lind it wrapped around the knob
1 tlnd it In the snow ;
I find it forty feet away
From any patli wa go.
I tlnd itolten on the walk, - .
I lind it on the lawn ;
Sometimes I fuel it (in your mind)
That ia, I find it gone.
J lind it in the entry wsv,
I lind it in Hie hall ;
I Hud it tucked behind Hie screen,
I lind it not at all.
I lind it sometimes in I lie rear.
And sometimes out in front;
1 always tint! that ere I lind,
i 11 nil I havo lo hunt.
letter (o Tlio Lead i tig Jeweler.
I her Sir i How much gold do you Bell
in the curse of a year? and how much
pewtcrf how many 18 karat watches?
Imw many filled cases?
No matter. A man may wear a gold
looking watch, or gold, it's nobody's
business. The money he didn't pay you,
he may have In the bank. Some women
may wear pewter; and paste may be aa
good as a diamond.
Not ao with paint. Poor paint lets
property go to w aste. Lead and oil is
good for three years; but that is the end
of its wholeness.
Zinc is aa good for six years as lead for
Leed and oil will keep out water three
years; Devoe lead and zino six years
sixteen in favorable conditions.
Youra truly,
71 F. W. Drvob A Co.
I. 8. Jas, p. Davis sells our paint.
Kiopa the Caaak aad works all' ibr l aid.
Laxative Broiiio-Qiilnlue Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cure, i o pav. Price
s cents. lt-27-ly
Prompt Payment of Insurance by the
Prudential Company.
East Hii koiiv, Pa., April 10, l'JOi
To My Friends and Neighbors:
Tho Prudential Insurance Company
havo this day paid me f'-IK) 0 insured hy
tl.eir policy upon the life of mv sister.
The amount due was paid in liill very
prompt!) and without putt tig nic to any
1 recommend (he Prudential to all per
sons needing lite insurance.
It Mtai Nina I'urks.
T. F. Itilcliey wa. a business visitor
10 Oil City last Friday.
Misa Itertha Vi light was a visitor to
011 City last Saturday.
M iaa Kmma Hunter ia visiting in Ti
oneala Fianklin Newa.
F. It. Lanson waa in Yoiingsville ou
business the first of the week.
Mrs. J. it. Robertson is a guest of
fi lends in Oil Cilv this week.
Mrs. A. C. Urey waa a visitor lo Oil
City over last Thursday night.
Mioses Marie and Dora Matha visited
Ir lends at Hickory over Sunday.
Mrs. Janus tl vdot was a gooit of
friends iu OH City over last Salibath.
.mm. w. i'. McKay, of Oil City ia
visiiing her brother, Daniel Salsgiver.
Misa Aletha Wallace, of near New-
uiauaville, ia a guest of M re. Joseph Clark.
Mrs. J. F. Proper and aou Curtis,
visited friends in Warren last Friday and
Alex Swanson of tho mantel works
was a business visitor to Oil City Monday
Bert Roberts was over from Titusville
on a visit to his uncle, Sheriff Jainieson,
over Sunday.
Charlie Ssrlorli and James Miller
were down from East Hickory on busi
ness yesterday.
-Mrs. C. A. ltandall and daojjbtcr,
Misa Lizzie were Oil City visitors yes
terday afternoon.
Misa Tallmau will give her inusicale
thii week, Friday evening, at the homo of
Mia Maudo Butler.
-Earnest Sibble and Philip Wolf, of
the township, wore business visitors to
Oil City on Saturday.
J. C. How man Is surveying some
land in whi' li he ia interested down
near Oil City this week.
Oeorgo H. Hobiiison attended an in
formal party in the Ivy Club parlors at
Oil City last Friday night.
Commissioner Clerk S. T. Carson
and E. E. Fleming have been in Brad
ford on business this week.
Mrs. W. W. Carson and Mrs. John
Elder, of West Hickory visited Tiouesta
frieuds between trains Monday.
Geo. F. Watson Is moving his family
from Oolinzi to his home in Tioeesta, in
tending to make this his future home.
Cant. J. M. Clapp was up from Pres
ident ou business Monday of this week
and gave the a pleasant call.
Misa Ivu Iloleman has returned from
Pittsburg whole she had been working at
the millinery trado during tlio spring
B. F. McM iehacl, one of our valued
subscribers, lias moved his family from
Marienville to Cherry Orove, Warren
Billy" Cooper one of West Hick
ory's firt class ton orial arllsia waa a
business visitor to the county sout lust
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weaver leave to
day for Luelnda, Clarion county, to at
tend I he funeral or Mis. Wa fattier,
Joseph Voglebacher.
Miss Christine Agnew, who has been
t home on account of illness for the past
two weeks, returned to her school at
Cooper Tract last Friday.
Mrs. Jennie E. Agnew, Stulo Treas
urer of the W. It. C, is in Brookville
tills week attending a meeting of the
State olllcers of the Corps.
Mrs. C. Itussel and son, Nelson, were
down Irom Tidloute a couple of days Isst
weok looking for a house to rent, with a
view of returning here to live.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp
son, of Nebraska, Wednesday, April 10,
P.IA2, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sal
shiver, of Tiouesta, April 11, a son.
L. S. Cloiigli arrived from Ashvllle,
Friday and reports that Mrs. Clotih and
children are improved iu health and will
remain until summer. Warren Mail.
Dr. J. C. Dunn hss moved into tlio
resilience recently purchased by him on
Elm street, botween the residence of YV.
W. Grove and J. N. liorow's restaurant.
Leon Watson, of Kellettville, Super
inti tidant of the S. d T. It. It., was ut
Mill Village, Erio county, over last Sun
day to visit his father who expects to
start on a western Irip this week.
Will Craig, who is employed by tlio
National Transit Co., at South Vunilalia,
X. Y., came home Monda1 on a two
weeks' lay off, ho having beon feeling
aomowhat under the weather lately.
A. P. Andir8on, who has been quite
ill at (inl inza for tlie past two weeks, is
able to be out again and moving his liuii
ily to Warren. Mr. Ando.-son is a good
citizen and we are sorry lo seo him leave
the count;.
Dr. O. F. Bowman and Harry Wal
ters, of Tidloute floated down tho river
Monday hunting ducks. They expected
to go on as far as President, but sto ped
;) Tiouesta for dinner and gave the ItK-
PtiiiMCAM a pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swanson, of
Jamestown, N. , wero guests of Mrs.
S's mother, Mrs. YV. W. Grove, over last
Sabbath. They wero accompanied em
on tliolr return by Misa Mniule Groro, of
the Bell Telephone force, who takes a
well earned vacation for a week or ten
Deputy Factory Inspector, W. W.
English, ol Wellstioro, Tioga county,
made his nlllcial rounds in Tiouesta on
Monday and found everything under his
jurisdiction in this vicinity in excellent
condition. Mr. English is a genial gen
tleman and his call at tlio Riirriu.iCAN
office w as a pl asant one.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Irwin returned
last Saturday from a ten days vis.t to
Washington, D. C, and lo the U. S. Na
val Academy, at Annapolis, whithe r they
went to visit their ni phew, Hiram Ti win,
who is a cadet there. On their return
they atopped at West Chesler, Pa., and
spent a pleasant day witli Mrs. T. B.
- invitations were received by the rel
atives oftlio family here lo the marriage
of Miss Annie Love'la May, daughter uf
Mr. and Mrs. William Huntington May.
of Louisville, Kentucky, to. Mr Willis .
Perkins Davis, of that city. Tlio mar
riage t' ok place ou Tuesdav, the fit'eenth
of April, at hL'li ti'Hin at t'lnist Church
( atliedi al. Mr. May is a son of tho laic
Mr. ami Mrs. Huntington May of this,
place. During the lile of her grand ;
mother Mis AnnU Love'la visited her j
ou several ocnisioiis in e uipaiiy w lib j
bcr mother and sistoia. I
tills. KOI'lllA Klt'tKK.
Sophia, wife of Fred. Killer, died at her
homo ou Whig Hill on Friday evening
after a brief illness liom apoplr xy, aged
.12 years, 8 months and 10 days. Key.
Steele conducted the luneral serv.ecs in
the.M.E. church at East Hickory, of
which Hie deceased was consistent
member, at ten o'clock ou Sunday morn
ing, after which tho body was laid to
rest in the M. E. cemetery at lliat place
A husband and family of six sons and
two daughters, are left lo mouru the loss
of a good wife and kind mother.
A. E. Moore died at his home on Hun
ter run, Mond iy evening, April II, VM1
or c.itnrih of the stomach, from which ho
has been a constant sufferer for over a
year. I), ceased was aged 51 years and
leaves a wile and live cliildron one son
and four daughters. Mr. Monro camo
herewith his familv about eight years
ago from Ekastowu, Holler county, and
purchased a part of tho Capt. C. W. Clark
lurm on Hunter runwhere he hss since
resided following the avocation of a farm
er. He was quiet, law-abiding citizen
an I bore the respect ol his neighbors, w ho
join in extending sympathy to the bo
reaved family. The funeral was held at
tho home at 10 o'clock this morning, tlio
services being conducted by Kev. (J reaves
The interment took place in Uiversitlo
cemetery at this pla e.
Joseph Voglebacher was stricken w ith
paralysis Monday al'icrnoo ut ids home
at Lucinda Furnace (Marion county,' and
died Tuesday morning April '13, 1002,
lie had always bucn a man of under-
lul health and vigor never having needed
the service ofa physician, and up to the
time that he w as stricken bad not com
plained of any unusual ill feeling. Mr,
Voglohaclier'a parents settled at Lucinda
when ho was an infant and he bad bee n a
re-ident n: that place all his long and
useful life. He was married about
years ago to Miss Mary Ann Moore,
daughter of Squire John Mooro, also of
Lucinda., who died lottio 13 ago,
Tho result of this union was ten children
seven of whom survive, namely: Mrs'
James Ulllillau, of Miriciivillr, this
county; Mrs. Gust llorne, ol Youngs
town, Ohio; Mis. ilanrahaii, of Man
ulngton, W. Vs.; Mrs, John Suit., of
Dallas, Texas ;"Mrs. C. F. Weaver, of
TioiiesU, and John and Joseph Voglo
baclier, of Lucinda. He was a good
citizen and an honest man, possessing
many stei ling q ualilies of character and
he will bo deeply mourned in tlio com
munity in w hich he had spent his entire
life ol 87 years. The funeral will be held
at tlio Voglebacher church to-morrow,
Thursday, morning at 0 o'clock, tlio in
terment being in the. churchyard there.
Take Laxative Itronio Quinine, Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to euro. E. W. Grovo's signature) is on
each box. 23i). 11 27-ly
State Hill Ilnllil New lirldLrr.
The Dauphin County Court has ap
pointed viewers to examine and report
on Hie matter of replacing Hie county
bridge that was destroyed by Hie Hood of
a few weeks ago located a short distance
below Jug Handle road, and spanning
Tiouesta creek. Tho viewers are as fid
lows: John Male Jr., Honesdaln, Wayne
county ; Josbua W, Gross, Harrisburg;
John T. Maglnnis, Scrauton ; A. M.
Eastman, Tuiikhannock, Wyoming
county; F. F. Whittckin, a: list Tiouesta.
They have set A pril 20th as the day for
viewing the site and will immediately
Hi. re after make their report to Hie
Dauphiu county court. It is expected
tl.o bridge will bo rebuilt during Hie
coming summer.
SEItVOl'S txiui'.vrio.N.
An every day history, hiph fclrung
nervous, excitable, constant headache,
no rest at niulit, heart weak, appetite
poor, loss of weight, strength all gone.
Head tho following:
Mrs. Fred Wholoben, of Glailerun,
Warren, Pa., says : "I was induced to
u-o A. W. Cliase'a Nerve Pills for excess
ive nervousness. I was so nervous I
could not bear a noise or much talking.
I was vory forgetful my mind seemed
dull. I was listless and tired all the time
Tho lesult of the uso nl tho box Hint I
used was reinai kable. They toned up
the nerves and system generally and I
work well rrgain, am strong, my mind is
clear and noise and talk do not bother inc.
I am very much pleased with Hie pills
andean recom mend them highly to any
one who feels as I did."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are Bold
at50uabox at dealers, or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Company, Buffalo, N.
Y. See that portrait and signature of A.
W. Cha-e, M. 1)., aro on every package
For sale by Killmor Bros., druggists.
Thai llenullliil ilaa
comes from the varnish in Devoe's Var
nish Floor paint ; costs 5 cents more a
quart though. For sale by James. I).
Davis. ;il!l5in.
Listen to II. C. Alien
April loth and 2nth special parlies lor
Washington stato in particular and all
western points in general will Inivo Erie,
I'a., via the popular Nickel Plate itoad al
4 .11 p. m. (Eastern or City lliiio) under
my direct care. Special representatives
of each road over which panics pass w ill
ho with mo. Important arrangements
have beon made for tourist csr space.
Careful attention w ill bu give u to women,
children or tho aged who may elect to go
with me. No other Agent can give you
the samo advantages tor a trip of this
kind. I ales will ne greatly advan-ed af
ter this party goes. Vou are strongly ad
vised to make your arranirementsat once.
Address II. I'. Allen, !to State Si,. Krie,
Pa. A-U 2t
Last On tut ( liiiuce
for this year to go west fonn way) very
cheap and comfortably is with II C. Al
len's special party to leave Erie, I'a., on
A pril 2llh. W rite for particulars and
havo M r. Allen conic and see you. Ad
dres 0-0 state St. Erie, Pa. A-13 21
ANTED: All up to-dato man for
manager sn.l general agent of this
county by Tho 1'nlelitv .Mutual Lite In
surance Company nl Philadelphia. Sal
ary and commissions to the riirht man.
ddre-s, with rejereiiees, F. M. Witea
ton, 112 X. Broad Street, Philsdelphu,
Pa. 1 HI :ii.
Cream of tlio News.
Oil of eloquence is frequently mixed
with water of weak argument.
The way our carpet sella is proof of
their wearing quality, wo all know them.
Hopkins. It
i no f.nglisti soldier s pay Is J7 .0 a
month. Tlio soldier of no other country
except Hie United States gets so much.
Shoes, just a short story about this
pirt of our stock, wo keep tho best we
cau buy, and can lit you all form the
smallest to the largest. Small prices ia
the key lo all. Heath A Feit. It
There's n fool like a )oung fool who
tries to act like an old tool.
Clover and timothy seed, flour and
feed at T. C. S. It
Aa the cost of living increases tho
supply of great peiets decrease.
Talk about Lace curtains, here ia the
place to see a stock of them, that is up-to-date.
Haven't been resurected Irom last
year, all new end cheap. Heath A Feit. 1
Speaking of nd sights, an old woman
at a ball in decollete costume is nearly
tho limit.
I'O'plo can afford to put window
blinds on barns and chicken coops nowa
days. Killmer Bros, sell shades and
rollers conipk-to at 10 cents and up. It
When a w idow calls a bachelor by
his first namo it indicates that she lias a
stiango design on his last name.
Summer underwear at Tiouesta Cash
Store. . It
Tlie stingy man who gives away llie
things he can't use imagines lie has a
strangle hold oil charity.
Mercerized loitlards, wo dofy you to
tell them from Hie real silk. Most beau
tiful for waists and dresses, they only
cost you 23c yd. Heath A Feit. It
It doesn't matter how prolty a girl
looks at the piano; If she doesn't sound
well she spoils tlio effect.
When you think or buying shoes of
any kind don't puss Hopkins' store with
out taking a look. It
Alter nmn etine woman and she
lias been after him every since.
Latest iu hirt waists for men at T.
C. S. n
It isn't always the brightest girl that
casts the most reflections.
Organzino tlio new thin goods, pink,
blue, bull and black. Tills ia the most
beautiful thin goods on the market, come
und see it. Heath A Feit. It
Bring up a boy I he way he should go
and awav he will go,
Carpets that are H ied and Iruo at T.
C. S. it
The average longovity in tho United
States was 33.2 in P.W0.
Ladies Oxford- in every style,
It The number ol sheep in Australia to
day is given as about BT.Onu.ono.
Tlie Buiterick publications for May
are hero eomo iu aud get ono. Heath A
Feit. n
Tlio now Ameer of Afghanistan lias
declared against the admission of mis
sionaries to his country.
If you want to see a lino assortment
of ladies' and gents' shoes go to Killmer
Bros. New stock just in and tho prices
nre wonderfully low. u
The democratic party in this Stale
has leaders enough. What it now most
wants Is followers.
New hats, shu ts and shoes at Tlo-
nesla Cash St"re. it
It is always a good plan to spend
your money at home, where you make it.
Just a low of our wasli goods, organ
zinc, gaze, do soie, mercerized foulards,
organdies, dimities, batistes, mercerized
zephyr, brauaby ginghams, percales and
many more. All the now and hcauliitil
designs. Solid for samples. Heath it
Feit. u
If you will notico carofully you will
see plenty of $2 30 hats on SO cent heads
as you pass through the world.
New china this week at Tioneata
Cash Store, u
That man is a good bit of a plrloo-
pher who never allows himself to get into
an urgutiient with his wile.
When you go out lookinix for malar
ial tor a new waist or dress, vou wili do
tlio right thing it you come hern first, be
cause you have the advantage oftlio larg
est and host selected stock of wash goods
u roicsi county, lieain a' 1'eit. It
Indiana county people aro talkimr
about celebrating the centennial of the
organization ol the county.
New lot ladies skirts and wrappors at
'.C.S. H
Poker causes men a deal mors
loss of sleep than do babies, vet lliev
don't scold hull so much Hl.outj it.
By the way have Vou seen the Olira
Netiiersole shoe lor women Heath A Feit
am showing. If not drop in and take a
peep, they are Hie best lor the money, 1
roe cost iu a ?!K) huv lawsuit, now
ponding at Foreslville-," N. Y., will
amount to about Dl.nno.
Soi the latest in hosiery at Tionesta
Cach Storrf. u
A duly is a pleasure which we Irv to
make ourselves believe is hardship'.
I'nhit Your lliiaay fr 7.3c.
to $1.00 with Devoe'a Gloss Carriage
Paint. It weighs 3 lo H o.s. mole to tlio
pint than others, wears longer, an glvrs a
gios equal lo new work. Sold by Jas.
ii. imvis. 3 Hi 5,.
Notice lo 1'iiiitraclors.
The School Hoard of Kmgsley District
ill receive sealed bids (ill It) o'clock a.
Saturday. A p; il Jiitli.l'.KIJ. for the erec
tion of a school boose near Mtizeilo P. O.
I Ian-and siieeilieaiioua can be seen at
the Secretary 'h at New own Mills, Pa.
lho Bo.rd reserves tho right to reject
any or all bids.
v KSI.KY Vt 111 T Kit: I, L,
W. F. Junks: Sec.
Apill 1st, 1!02.
This rignnturo is on every box of tho fTTUilne
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet.
tiia remedy thfct cures n cold In one day
tYniit 1, ono t'j throe fiiilrttftni mid hunt,
li'o mil fr vAh pay i ii ti it. Any wzo
f.niii MS U) 40 pninM per yard, sli'pnifliit
pninipt or litter t still ni'llr:-. Want nlot
i-iic to two ni U-h to 70 ton ihI "-r van!.
Ail'iicsN room 7", I'liUirrHiun lluiltlin,
rittf Itiirir,
V alniut your Mock of Nttilionary?
e uo in,, n Man jou .'riming.
"A neighbor ran in with a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy when my sem was suffer
ing with severe cramps and was given up
as beyond hope by my tegular physician,
who stands high in prototssiou. After
administering 'uree doses ol it, my son
regained coitcioosness and recnvereel en
tirely within twentv-four hours," sava
Mrs. Mary Haller, ofMt. Crawford, Va.
This remedy is Sold by Killmer Bros.,
Tionesta, W. G.Wilkin's, West Hickory,
I have a comple stock of ev
erything in my line and my
goods are kept fresh and up-to-date.
A trial order will
convince yon that my prices
are away down.
Try a Kar of-
)1 Pride
I have the agency for
try my
Garfield Grove.
Ageut for tha Famous IMUGLAS K1IOE.
Ladies' Misses' Children'
I'a lent Leather Oxfords. Co mm on Leather Oxfords.
Kid Valour Oxfords.
for small men.
for bij men.
Oxfords of Any Kind at Any I'rlee.
Our Shoes are made for us. All guaranteed
by the manufacturers. No jobbers' job lots among
them. Our Shoe Department contains every
style kept in an up-to-date shoe store. Come and
sec us when you want shoes.
L. J. Hopkins.
Oil L'.ty, Pa.
It's a seavin of lili weight, iliapy ilreaa
Btulfa, such as VoiliiiK", liatitita, Twiuo
Cloths, Mistrals, Kuliinox, Klc.
All llicfe we havo ami others, raiiKiiiK
from &c to SJ.IHI a J aid, any ol which, or
all, wo'J lie glad to sainplo Tor you.
Stetson Hats
A lasting quality about them that
appeals to the thrilty and makes them
the best hat investment obtainable.
In either soft or stiff hat, price
41 X435ENECA ST,
Our Famous
For Spring and Summer ia be
pinning to attract attention,
i'eople who like tlio correct
new things ia clolhcs and are
willing to pay a fair price Rod
liere the very things they are
looking for. The youDg man
who is a reader of Vogue, and
t hose who do not care to much
for style but want first class
quality aud perfect fit, aro de
lighted with our showing for
the coming season.
Come in and post you reel
on styles aod prices. Everyl
thing here to dresi you wel.
while it ia new aod up to datef
of every kind
for boys.
to ill renter St.
Next to Helmets
for Wear!
$3.00 & $4.00.