THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. i E. WENK, COITO 4 PSOSNICTOR. 'Vr.nXIDAY, APKlt. hi, IH'2. 1902 1902 Su.iMo.iTu. We. Th.tFr.iSa. 6 13 09 20,21 27128 2 8 3 4 91011 12 141516171819 23 24125 20 30! ASNOTNCEMEXTS. Republican Primaries, Saturday, May 111, 1!W2. Tkhms Congress, J1.'!) ; Senate, $15 ; Assembly, I2 ; Prothonotary, Sher it), ; County Commissioner, t7; Aud itor, f."; Jury Commissioner, $: State Helcvate, Jo. Invariably the rash must accompany the ordei lor announcement. CONGRESS. We are authorized to announce the name of Hon. Joseph f. Sibley, a a can didate for the liepuhltcsn nomination for Congress in this (JMh) Congressional District. ASHKMHI.Y. We are authorized to annnun -e F. F. Whittekiu, ol Tiouesta B irouth, as a can didate lor Assembly, subject to Hepubli can usa(s. We are authorized to announce C. W. Amsler, of Jenks Township, aa a candi date lor Assembly, subject to Republican usages. I'ROTHONOTABV. We are authorized to announce J. C Gcist, of Howe Township, as a candidate for Prothonotary, Ac, subject to Repub lican usapes. We are authorized to announce C, F. Feitt, of Tiouesta Horouiili, as a candi date for Prothonotary, Ac, subject to Re publican usages. Wo aie authorized to announce R. A, Siibkenlier of Jenks Township as a can ilidate for Prothonotary, Ac, subject to iiupuijlioan usages. . , . , SHKR1FF. Y e are authorized to announce Richard W. Lcdebur, ottireen Township, as a candidate for Sherill', subject to Re publican usages. We are authorized to announce Oeorge W. Noblit, ot Howe Township, as a can ilidate for Sheriff, subjtut to Republican usage. COt'NTV CMMISSIOXER. We are an'horized to announce A. K. Ship.", of Jenks 't ownship, as a candidate for County Commissioner subject, to Re publican usages. We are authorized to announce .1. A. Nash, of Howe Township, as a candida'e lor County Commissioner, subject to Re publican usages. We are authorized to announce Con rad Hurhenn, of Green Township, as a candidate lor County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce R. L, Whitton, of H ickorv Township, as a can- ilidate for Comity Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce J, R. Maze, of liarneit Township, as a candi date lor County Commissioner, subject M uepnulicsn usages. We are authorized o announce N. CI. Cole, tf iJreen Township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to Re publican usages. We are authorized to announce John 8, Vail of Harmony township, an a candi date lor County Cmnuiitsionur, subject to Republican ux.tucs. JI T.Y COMMISSIONER. Wo are authorized to announre Ernest Silible, of Tionesta Township, as a candi date lor Jury Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce T. K. Carson, of Harmony Township, as a can didate for Jury Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. STATE DiXKHATK. We are authorized to announce Wm. J. fiayley, of Green Township, as a candi date !or lielegate to the Republican Slate Convention. We are authorized to announce George W. Osgood, of Kingsley Township as a candidate lor lielegate to t lie Republican State Convention, TtiKiiK has been something doing in Stale political circles within the past few days. That there have Ikhii great efforts making for several weeks past to harmonize eeit.iin ditl'eienees in the Re publican fold, la ijuile notorious, but whether the latest turn of affairs w ill bring about a settlement or not looks rather dubious. The altitude of Senator Quay ou tho iiulcrnatorial situation lias been soniew hat of a question among lead ers, and an expression from him haleen earnestly sought on both sides, Ihe up shot of wbiiu lias been that on Saturday last the papers contained a word from the silent Senator to this effect : "I am a friend of General Klkin. and if I was ivermittcd to name the Gover nor of Penn-vlvaiiia 1 would name Mr. Klkin. Hut 1 regard his candidacy under resent conditions as threatening to Re p.ibl can success upou Ihe Siale, Con giessionsl ami Legislative tickets, and il I am a delegate to the Kcpuhlicau Mate convention 1 cannot support Idol, i nave no candutale lor the position of Governor or auv other (Msiil-in. The selection of cindiilatos is for the conven tion, w hich I believe will be an Intelli gent, impartial and deliberative laxly." Attorney General Klkin says he will stay in the tight to tho finish, bo with standing Senator Quay's refusal of bis support What the outcomo will be re mains to be seen. At any rate the party, by its chosen representatives in the rou vention will decide the matter ou the 11th of June, and whoever the nominee, he w ill be elected, because he will be a clean man in w hom the people havecontidence. Sam Francisco's mayor has planted in a public square of that City a young elm frofti Canton, Ohio, as a uiemoi lal to the late President McKinlev. Trees are a form of monument that deserve more at tentinn in this country. Democratic Still Pond. There is a game the children play, called "Still Pond." One piayor is blind folded and tho others move around until the leader calls "Still pond, no moving. Then tho blindfolded one tries to ralch some one else, and if possible to tell w ho it is w ithout removing Ihe baudge from tne eyes, if successful the plavei so caught becomes "It" for the uext game. In muor the same way the Democratic party Is seeking out a leader for the next national campaign. It has no settled pol icy, and a majority of its members agree that it has no platform that insv not readily be disensed Willi or reversed if the circumstances seem to require it. In Congress and outside the only thing it can do is oppose whatevi r the Kepuhll caus propose and criticiso w hatever the Republicans do. And so the Democratic party Is hunt ing around in tho dark for a statesman, ami all tho Democrats who havo aspira tions are keeping very still and quiet, for the reason that whenever any one of thorn makes enough noise to attract any altention all the others unite in a loud whisper: "For goodness' sake, don't catch that one." Colorado Springs Gazette. Uliuse Ox is lioredt Oiieoon Democrats in their platform demon I the withdrawl of the United Stales from the Philippines. It will be interesting to uote how this proposition is received in a Pacific coat State. Fiikk-trapkkh won't argue from the standpoint of actual ob-ervatlon, so the only way lei t to deal with them is to knock them in the head with your little ballot. Moravian Falls, N. C, Yellow Jacket. Tins year's memorial address at Grant's tomb will be delivered by United States District Judge Thomas Leopold of Montgomery, Ala., who was among the confederates at the Appomattox surrender. Gkx. Funtson is for giving medals to tiie American hemes who defended the fUg in Sauiar, a course that greatly dis pleases the slanderers who abuse our soldiers because they stamped out a sys tem of treacherous assassination in that isiuiid. STOLE FOR TfcN YEARS. Italian a-'.-ikes Rerrarkable Confession of Serial E;.i":er:!errcr.t4. Washm.cti n. Pa.. April 14. Giovanni Ghizelli, an Italian of Charleroi, was glen a hearing cu a cb iro of stealinj $i.t:?S.4it from P. Sossi. an Italian gn cer of Charlerol, by w hom Ghizelli we employed. He was held for court atifl the case was Inter compromised with the district attrrnry by Ghizelli ro funding the money he was charge! with having stolen and Sc.-sl paying the costs. Sossi alleges that since he took Ohirc'.li Into hia employ Id years ac ho has boon missing money steadily His sMspirh n was first directed to hi employe when the latter recently took a trip to Italy and information came tc Sessi from a friend there that Ghlzell! was fpendir.g money lavishly. He set a trap by marking some bills and his suspicions were confirmed. Ho at once made an information before Jn tlce F. II. Prow it t of Washington, whe sent Constable James l ane to Char lcrct wl:h a search warrant. The rcnstahle found over $G,000 In Ghizelli's trunk. Including some ol th? r:arl;ed bills. When confronted with this evidence Ghtr.ellt ccnfes.'erl an.l pc'.nlsfd to make restitution. Hf admitted that he had been embezzling from Sessl systematically for 10 years STORM KEPT SWAIN. Heavy Stjrm Prevents Him Meeting Sweetheart on Nuptial Day. Washiagton. Pa.. April 14. As a re suit of the terrific snowstorm whirl) swept over this section last Tuesday Timothy Campbell, a young farmer ol Wjst Bethlehem township, this county whoso niarrtate with Eva Smith, whe lives In a neighboring township, was scheduled for that day, is still a single man. and the girl cf his choice now refuses, cn arrount of his faint-heart edness, to have the delayed ceremony performed. Campbell and the girl had been en gaged for some months, and had ar ranged to have the matrimonial knot tied by a justice of the peace on Tues day afternoon. Snow fell all Tuesday and by neon it had reached a depth ol 15 larhes. Traffic on country tvadf was prartirally blccked. and Campbell was unable to reaeh the home of his rtanrer. although he made several at tempts on horseback and in a buggy. As seen as reads permitted travel the next day he went to the Smith res idence and attempted to explain mat ters, but the. girl refused to take any excuse and declared their engagement off. Senator Hoar's resolution before the Senate substitutes tho last Thursday in April for March 4, as the day for inaugu rating a President. The propsed change is one of importance to the health and comfort of the eoplo of the United States and their representatives charged with high responsibilities. Vasts ess has its penalties as well as its advantages. Texas, which has thousands of afflicted persons at thn present mo ment, has had many cerious yisi ations in the past lew years in the way offlooils, tidal waves, droughts and cyclones. That Slate covers such a bi expanse on the map that it gets a little of everything, bad and good, which is floating around in the heavens above, on the earth be nt ath or in the water under the earth. Several of its counties are now suffering from the drought of tlie past year or two, and deserve tut aid of charity through out the country. I he State is so big and hi rich however Unit ibese calamities are i-.iiikly Kst siiiht of. an 1 leave no tn e . vcn in tiie neil ixulf i. 1 in whi.-u loey ertirred. For example, u new aud li -aier liar.. ioii l.a ri: cu on the ruins i f .iio oi.o !,. ii was Je? ti.'jcd a year or two ago, and even tiie older residents of Hint town are lginiiing to forget all about the calamity. The manufacture of bee', sugar in the United States has largely increased Our the year. In fact, it has nearly doubled. In several Stale-s, and notably California and Michigan, this has become one of the leading industries, end has resulted in a material advancement of farm values. It is not surprising, llnrefore, that those States protest strongly against the re duction of the tarill'duty on sugar for the benefit ol Cuba or any other country. This opposition is born of self interest, which is more or less the inspiration of protective duties in general. If the chief industries of this country were the culti vation ol beets and the manulacture of beet sugar, it goes without saying that our people would be strenuously kick ing against any reduction of the duty on sugar. It Is also safe to say that if the industry of Cuba pertained to iron and steel instead of sugar and tobacco, there would be a howl against the reduction of the tariff on those articles w hich would extend from Maiu to California, and many of the howlers would be those who now favor tho reduction of the duty on sugar. It makes a great difference whose ox is gored, and people should bear this fact in mind in considering the important question of Cuban reciprocity. The sugar industry of this country is largely in the interest of farmrs, who, comparatively, have derived little bene fit from a prod ctive larill. While there have been booms and booms in other lines, agriculture has languished to the extent of reducing the value of faun lands from 40 to fiO per rent. The sugar men rite the facta to Bust tin their conten Hon, and also claim that as the sugar manufactories of Cuba were established before the Spanish war, Cuba will be but little more dependant now than former ly upon the United Statas for a maiket for her crops. It is claimed by some Hist a reduction of jo per cent, of the duty on sugar would not severely effect the beet sugar interests of tLis country. This is denied by the manufacturers, who stoutly resist Ihe 20 per cent, reduction and evidently in tend to discipline any of tho Congress ional representativi s who may vote for such a reduction, as evidently they h: the power to do in several States. Penn Yan, N. Y., Express. 8 1 (Ml ItKVYAHII, IOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to lea- n that there is ut least one dreaded disease that science has 1 een able to cure In nil its slngr, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only nositive cun-known to tho medical Ira- temity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternallv. acting directly apon the blood and mucous surface ol the system, there by destrov iug the foundation of thn dis ease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution ami assist ing nature in doing us worK. 1 tie pro nriutors have so much faith in its eura live powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case mat n i.iiis 10 cure, Send for list ol testimonials. Address, F. J. CU EN KY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold bv Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family I'ills are thebest. . VAI.I'AHI.K VII l INK Kr k. ,l ( tfl,l In klMrra. "I have not the slightest liesitaney in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all w ho arn Miiroriug from coughs or colds." says Clias, M. Cramer, Fq , a well known watch maker, f Co. IoiiiIhi, Coy bm. "It has It- rit some two years since the Cuv Dispensary first called my attention to this valuable med icineand I have repeatedly used It and it has always been beiietlcisi. It has cured me quickly of all chest colds. It 'a es pecially eiieetive for children and seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of hoarstiess. I hsve pcisuaded many to trv this va cable medicine, and they are all as well oleavd ss uivsell over the re sults." Sold bv Killmer Itros , Tiouesta, W. G. Wiikins, West Hickorv Pa. 1.00 Chicago to St. Paul or Minneapolis for double berili in tourist sleeping cars of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Rail way, each Tues.Uy and Friday luring Vareh and April, '1, on tisin No 1 leaving Chicigo at t::tu p. til. For liirthcr iiilortnaiion apply to the nearest coupon ticket agent, or address F, A. Miller, Geneial Passenger Agent Chicago. S-l-J ;tt Suspects Four Play. Sharon. Pa., April 14. Coroner T. 0. Hasen of Shnrpsville was railed here to inquire into the drowning of Mrs. Kate Wassin, aged 62 years. Mr. Was son believes his wife was the victim of foul play. He claims that she wore two rings, t ne valued at $18 and the other $3. When her body was found In the river In the rear cf the First National batik at 7 o'rlork In the morning there were no rings on her fingers. In her right hand a 25-cent silver piece was found. A shawl float ing cn the water was observed by William and Frank Maculay, whe were on the way to the barn to feed the horses. When they lifted the shawl they were startled to find the womnn!s body. A Matler if Ilislorj. The Chicago, Milwaukee fe St. Paul Railway, popularly known as "The St. Paul Roan, ' began tlie use of electricity lor nam ligbti..g in In that and iinv wavs It ha lie College Widens Field. Washington, Pa.. April 12. The faculty and trustees of Washington and Jefferson college are making prep arations to Improve tho institution. Professor Norman Duncan of the University cf Toronto has been elect ed adjunct professor cf the English lanrtiage and literature to assist Pro. feasor William C. McClMland. Pro fessor Edwin Union has i ne Fat to inspect the laboratories at several universitic3, and it is the general be lief that a new biological laboratory "'HI he established. Makes World B'a;t Record. Your.;stov.n, O., April 14. No. 1 fur nace of the Ohio works. National Steel company, during March made 19.734 tons of irrn. This is the largest monthly output made by any furnace In the world. KKIM't'KII It AT EM TO RIIKiWAV. Praaatltanla Knilroa-I, ss arrcant mf I. O. O. F. Annlvrroar?. On account ol the meeting of the Inde pendent Older of Odd fellows' North western A nniversary Association, to tie held at Ridgway, Pa., April '-!, the Pen nsylyania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickds to Ridgway from Waterford, Farrandsville, and Interme diate points. Including stations lietweeo Ridgway and Falls Creek and stations on tho Karthaua branch; from Templeton, Fast lirady, and Intermediate stations; Red Hank, Driftwood, and intermediate stations, including stations on the Sbgo Branch; from Corry Centreville, and in termediate stations; Tiouesta, Corydon, and intermediste stations, including sta tions on the Kiiizua Valley llrancn; from llul I is Mills, Kmporiiim Junction, and intermediate stations ; Ijirahce. Johnson burg, and intermediate stations, at re duced rales (minimum rate, twenty-tlve cents.) Tickets will lie sold on April 2-'i and '2f and will be good to return until April '-S, inclusive. For specilin rates apply to ticket agents. It A Jit-w Departure. The Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway has recently put in service on its Pioneer Limited trains the largest and handsomest dining car ever built. It is s-.! feet in length from tip to Dp, and its body is 6 inches wider snd higher than the usual dining car. Iti-ests M pe pin comfortably in movable chairs, and has a kitchen large eoou-ih to permit the work ing ol six cooks which with six waiters anil a conductor make np thn crew. The dining cars heretofore in service did not provide sulllcient space to properly laro lor the largo number of patrons of the Pioneer, so that it be.-amo necessary to have a larger car. - 4 1" St Travel Like Princes. w. . - . -n r-T-, Those who saw thn special train in w hieh H. R. H. Prince Henry of Prussia made his tour of the United States aie compar ing It with other trains in regular -services, and it is admitted that none of the cars in tho trsin compare lavorahly with the bullet, compartment and siandard ii a pioneer in the i sleeping cars of the Pioneer Limited bption of comforts for the traveler. In trainsofthe Chicago. Milwaukee A St. lidding, the world lanious Pioneer Lien- i Paul Railway in daily service between I llicago, m. I'aui alio .ti imieipoiis. n.r Mercantile) Appraiser's List For Forest County, Pa., A. D. 1902. The Wholesale and Retail Venders of Foreign and Domestic Merchandise, Fating Houses, ItlllKird Rooms, llrok ers and Opera Ibuis.a, in Forest Coun ty, Pennsylvania, are as follows, to-wit i NAVK. lll'-INKvs. P.-ST oKt ll'K. Agncw, L., bilhards ami pool, Tiouesta. Amsler. F. P., merchant Tiouesta, Arner Son, brokers, Tiouesta. Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesla. Aiosnti, V , plumber. Tiouesta. Andiews, M., merchant, Kcllctlvilic. Ranchman llrcs., incut market, Marten ville. Render, Jacob, merchant, West Hickory, Hates tV. Wlntiou, merchants, Fast Hick ory. Render, Robcit, merchant, West Hickory. How iiihii. T. J., merchant. Fast Hickorv. Ruhl, t-.lizibcth, milliner, Marieuville. Baxter, J. V., merchant, liiltoyle. Ritfonv, .1. G., tailor. Tionests. Henna A Son. Merchant", Dubi nin. Here, C, J , men-:. ant, Duhi imr. Hlack. J. VY. A Son, meiehauts, Piueon. Itlue Jay l.umbt ri'o., merchants, Lytu h. Hcrhn, Fli, merchant. Whig Hill. Hovard, G, W., merchant, Tiouesta, Karnes, I. , m-rchant, Starr, How man Lumber Co., merchant, Row- iiiauviUe. Hraneh, L. K., cigars, Clarinuton. Clout h, L S., merchant, McCrays. I arson. A., lewelcr, I loiiesta. Carringer, M. C, merchant, Marieuville. Collins, Watson A' Co., mirchauls. Go- I in ..I. Crm p, Wm., merchant, Tiouesta. Croa-nuin, S. R., merchant. Kedrlyffo. Carringer, M. C , broker, Mancnville. Carringer, R. E. A Co., merchants Mar ieuville, Cantield, S. S, buggies .f sleighs, Tio nests. Cohen, l., merchant, Marienville. Coll. ns ,V Krettier, merchants, Nebarska. Clollon. Win., merchant, West lliekorv. Cooper, W. H., meichaiit, West Hickory. Croiieh, W. P., merchant. Fast Hickory. Cook ,t Sons, merchant, Cookslmrg. Cooper, W, II , billiards A pool. West II lekory. Dav .V Hnucr, merchants, Kellettville. Day, H. J., merchant, Kellettville. Day, II. J., pool A billiards, Kellettville. Davis, J. li. druggist, TioiicsU. Daw son, John A. .merchant, Stewart Run, Dick. Fred, tailor, Ti ne-t i. Fuller, John, ciiMia, Marieuville. Forest l,n m her Co., merchants, Pigeon. Fulton, L., harm-- store. Tiouesta, GillM-rt, M. N'., cigars. West Hickory. Gulb, J. P., jeweler, Marienville. Gtldersleece, I. II., merchant, llrookston. Grove, Garlield, merchant, I ionesta. Grnhhs, I. A., bicycles, Marienville. Gcrow, John X., ea big house, Tionesta. Gerow, J. N., billiards and pfsd.Tioni sta. Holiibic, J. W., butcher, F.asi Hickory. Heath A Feit, merchants, Tiouesta, Herimoi, IC. M., merchant, Tionesia. Hill. P. C, busies ami sleighs, Tionesia. Harp, H. II., merchandise, Marienville, Hoover, II. II,, merchandise, Marten-vill-, Howard II. II , Jeweler, Marienville. Hopkins, L. J., merchant, Tiouesta. Hem-in, Mrs. Mary, cigars, Klulalia, Haddon, May, men-limit. Wntsnn Farm, Hoyf, Oiiias, morcli iMl, Cooper Tract. Ila-let, S. II. A- S in, furniture, Tiouesta. Henderson. II, N,, ctirars, clariugton. Henderson, J. J., merchandise, daring ton. Henderson, H, M,, billiards and ptsjl, Claringtoii. Irwin, J. I-!., ciirars, Clsrington. Irw in, J. K., biilirds, ClariiiKlon, Johnson, Mrs. John, merchant, Watson Farm. Jackson, Andrew S., ciirars, Marienville, Jackson, Andrew S., billiards and pool, M.irienviile. Kribbs, , W merchant. Marienville. Kribhs, W. A., bugg;es aud sleighs, Kel lettville. Killmer Pros., men bants, Tionesta. Killmer, . H., dreggist, Tionesia. Kellv, F. II., billiards and pool, Marien ville. I. vie b, Mrs. II. A., mi'liner, Fndeavor. Lutz, J. A. A Co., merchants, liiltoyle. Lntiaiigh. S. G., c liars, Mnrienvillo, I.hiisoii Hros., It e I, etc, Tionesta. Mohney, Mis. I,..cigrs, Marienville. Morgan, J. U-, m reliant, Tionesta. Mann, J. H , mer-hntit. Perry, Myets, E. F., iner han lhe, Fndeavor. Mi-Master, M., jocler. Mnrienvillo. Mmtz. David, merchant, Marienvilln. Mec;ilin:r, London A Jiradcu, merchants, Cl.irington. Neil, A. II. .V Co., drucu'ists, Marien ville. ve. C. V'., merchandise, Miirieuville. Neely, A Co., merchandise, Marlonville, Powi rs, J. II., cigars, Marienville, Roehrig, John, lisrni s-maker, Marien ville. Hand. ill. C. A., cigars, Tionesia. I ohmsi-n, I.. W., merchant, Tionesta, Hozon, V. A Hro., merchants, Marienville. K- yner, T, J., men-hint, Marienville. Sta Grocery Co.,m. rehants. Marienville. Smilb, Mrs. M nor. -hunt, Marienville. Smilli J. I.., merchandise, Marienville. Shields, W. Ii.. on reliant, Clarington. Seowdcn A Clark, merchants, Tionesia. Salmon Creek L iinl er Co., merchants, Kellettville.l Salmon Creek Lumber Co., met chants, 1 1 means. Sigworlb, V.H.,u derlakcr, Marienville. Stewart, II. A., coiit'ectionery, Marien viile. Smith, A. F., mer hmdise. Marienville. Turner, J. A., me. chant. West Hickory. Tionesia Cash Slo-e, merchants, Tionesta. Turner, J. A., insurance, Marienville. I'rev. Mrs M.. in iiliner, Tionesta. Van I lorn, A. M., merchant, Pigeon. Weaver, C. F., cigars, Tionesta. Walters, F. A Co.,'inerchandise, Tionesta. Wsaner A W il on, merchants, Marieu ville. Wheeler, Diisenbury A Co., merchants, Fndeavor. W t son I suds Lumbnr Co., merchants, Mayhurg. Wilkiiis, W. l).,driiL'u'ist. West Hickory. Woo l James, broker, Marh nville. Young, Joseph J., cigars, Marienville. Younger, J hu, merchandise, Hnokstou. NOTICK is hereby given to all persons concerned that an appeal fiotn the loro going appraisement will be held at the ollice of ih County Tr a-urer,in Tionesta, Pa., on Wednesday. April an, liirj, when an I where thev may attend if they see proper. " M. J. Met TLI.OGH, Mercantile Appraiser. Hated at Tionrsta, Pa., March lil, VMU. Underskirls. lUvo jufl placeil nn vale a new lot. Several ttyles, but till lileck merccrii d goods - fine quality material. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50. ROBINSON. MMH'E for CoiiK'iiliou of School Hirei'lurs to Kl cl ( niint r Siqii l inlcn lent. Gknti.kmkx : In pursuance, of the forty-third sec tion of the Ai t of May 8, IS5I, you are hereby notiliid t" meet in con vention, ut the Coutl House, in Tionesta, at two o'clock p. in., on the fust Tuesday ill May, A. 1 being the sixth day of the, month, ami select, i i'iu nice by a majority of Ihewholo number ot direct ors present, one person ol literary and scientific acquircmcn'a, ami of skill and experience in the art of teaching, as County Superintendent, lor tho three succeeding years ; and certify the result to the Stain Superintendent, at ilatris burg, as required by the thirty ninth and fortieth scelious of ssid Act. K. I' . STITat NO KK, County Superintend! nt of Forest County. April 7, Hay. t.'iMMl htr KluiHinlUm. Ijist fall I w as taken w ith a very severe attack ol rheumatism w inch caused me great pain uiul auioj After trying several prescriptions and rlieuiustism cures, 1 il-cidel to use Chsuiberlsin's Pain IUIiii, which I had seen advertised in tiie Souih Jerkcvmati. Alter two ap plications o this Remedy 1 was much U tter, and uller using one bottle, was completely cured Sal lie I arris. Salem, .VJ. Sold bv Killmer Hros., Tionesia, W. G. Wilkius, Wcsi Hickory, Pa. I'lOMXI'A .M.VItlilJTH COKPbCTEli EVKIIV TUESDAY, BY lti i.iABi.i; rKAi.i:i:s Flour sack .1.I0(iI.,Vi Corn meal, IW-il, fi bm lt ... Corn meal, family, 1 .10 B. Chop feed, pure grain Oats Con:, shell. d Illlckw lent l..ur, '( th Heans i bushel Hani, sugar cured Hacon, sugar cured Shoulders Salt Pork, '( It' Whitetish -fi kit Sugar Syrup N. O. Molasses Collen, Koiisi Rio Cotfee, blended Java... Tea Butter Rice Fggs, fresh.... Salt V barrel Dnrd .n Potatoes, f bushel .11) Potatoes, s,ut f lt .i l.iniu -f barrel WHKI Nails V keg i!.5 .40 l.fltl 1.45 0 .M .SO 114 2..VI .11 .14 .10 .IJ .till MffiS.I1" Xitai .SO w .,!''( .bn I-)(H :I6(S .Wl (.D-'il Ooyi.uH On .1-4 Substantial Shoes for Women do not depend on the amount of leather worked into them, but tha quality of it. Tha lightness, Ihe grace and the wearing qualities of the Olga Nethersole $2,50 Shoes have woo them a distinctive prestige with women. Tbb makers guarantee them, we do, and invite your inspec tion of the new styles jusl in. HEATH k FEIT. Up-to-Date Doalors in AO. BO.tff. A. Watnb Coo, President. A. B. Kai.LY. Cashier. Wm. Smkarbaugh, Vice Preslden FOREST COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, 150,000. niHBoTORa A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Robinson, Win. HmearbaUKh, N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Rltohey. J. T. Tale, J. II. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pr.ynient at low rales. We promise our custom era all the benellta consistent with conservative b king. Interest ptld on time deposit. Tour patron airs respectfully solicited. to. SKTI.KV. J Us I'lCK OK TIIK PEACE. Keeps a complete line of Justice's blanks lor sale. Also lilank deeds, mortgage, etc. Tionesia, Pa. The Spring Campaign is uow on iu WALLPAPER! GEO. I. DAVIS, The reuonnined artist in Paper Hanging and Palming, has all his samples ready lor inspection, and a finer line at lower prices was never exhibited here or else where. Mr. 1 lav is la prepared In show simples and give estimates on all work in his, and it well for parties needing his services lo consult bun st once before engagements are made too lar ahead. Rorder papers go in st same price as ceilings and walls. This is a new thing and an important Usui in keeping down the expense. FOREST POULTRY YARDS, H. II. HARP, Prop'r BREEDER OF BARRED AND WHITE PLYMNUTII ROCKS, and BLACK LANGSIIANS. Scad for Catalogue and Prices. Makienvki.le, Pa. J ANTRIM Knergeiia men and wo- V men to represent us in each ontintr. Kxcluaire I-rrilory ; bockI payj steady employment. Call on or address, K. C. J one",' No. 5j Main St., Bradford, Pa, 41 A royal array of Sprina Footwear. Our new 'Colonial Ties" bare caught the town. There is no fash ionable shape or Culor, no idea of newness in Oxfords that is not found in nur line of Ci lonial and Oxford Tin. We originate, others imitate ; and while they copy appearance, they canont approach''Ours" in style, fit, quality and price. We invite your iu-pection. JOE LEVI, Cor. Ceo I re, Seneca, & Sycamore Hli OIL CITY, PA Phooe 23. ' r uaaaa ROYAL SHOES. m mm m - LEATHER atent Kid. RIGHT PRICES. We arc proud of our showing of these superb shoes. Wo know they are going to be prime favorites this season ind have taken special pains to make a complete showing of these superior shoes. No other house has such a range of patterns or de sirable styles. S Men'i Women's Children's SHOES Goodyear Welt Hand Turn McKay sewed. Carpets. AXMINSTERS MOQUETTES BODY BRUSSELS VELVETS TAPESTRIES INGRAINS UNIONS MATTINCS LINOLEUMS Rugs. lin ilil itiu ited trains a mni k Has set In luxury and i canty ofcars that has never wen ro,iiHi ed and prohslily never will he. You cau get it at Hopkins' Store tf Ieole of this counirv have llin satis faction of knowing that st any time they cannot only travel like I'rinces, hut can get much better service. 4 l-:t or . i- rsi w f--. h;s iGQLVEiN RELIEF SCUTS CUHS RNr GRIP loRUISFS 1-T 'P'Vlr COLDS ISTIHOS r--riT V B v.-! SOME THRUST (COLIC n.II OJ. OUT OIARRH ini(7rfl In 1 to 8 minutes ?V.fiflr 3 TCJj iostI A'mv Srnxc? Samples of Farm. ,Ymv Gaam i.v Evert gEPdRTMEAT. nesta Cash Store ALWAYS LEADERS JIT QUAIjIT"Z" OH PRICE. ro