The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 19, 1902, Image 2

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J . C. WINK.
f Dire PnorntcTon.
1902 MARCH 1902
Su. : Mo. Tu. Ve. Tb. Fr.
23 24
SO I 31
19,20 21
25 26 27.23 29
Republican Primaries, Saturday, Mav
-It), lsnti.
Tkrms Cona-ross, $'.'0: Senate, 1," ;'-!; l'rothonotarv, $ VI : Slier
Itl, fH; I'onntv Cntnmivimier, $7; Aud
itor, $5; Jury Commissioner, f !: State
Dlei!te, f i. Invariably ilia rali niut
accompany the ordei tor aniiouiux'incnt.
We are authoriztvl to announce the
name of Hon. Joseph O. Sihlev, a a can
diitato for the hVpiilil'oaii nomination lor
Conaress In tun (.Ml!) Congressional
We are authorized tn announce F. F
Whillekin, ol Tionesta Roroimli, as a can
. didate lor Assembly, subject tu Kepuhli
can usages.
We are authorized to announce C. W
Amsler. ol Jenk Township, a a randl
dale for Assembly, subject to Kepublican
We are authori.ed to announce J. C
Geist, of tlowo Township, as a candidato
for rrntnonotary, An., gutjct to Kepub
lican usages.
We are authorized to announce O. F,
Feitt, of Tionesta lioroueh, as n candi
date for Prothonotnry, Ac, subject to Ko
publican usages.
Te are authorized to announce
Richard W. l-eilebnr, ofUreen Township,
aa a candidate lor Mieritl, suiijccl to tiv
publican usages.
We are authorir.ed to announce Oeorte
W . Noblit, of llowo 1 ow nship, aa a can
Uidale for Sheriff, subject to Kepublican
We are au'horlzed to annnunce A. K.
Sbipe, of Jenka Township, as a candidate
lor i ounty commissioner sunject, to it
publican usages.
We are authorized to announce J. A
Nash, of Howe Township, as a randida'e
' lor County t imimissioner, subiect to lie
publican tisanes.
We are authorized to announce din
rad Biirhenn, of Green Township,
aa a candidate for County Commissioner,
auhject to Kepublican tisanes.
We are authorized to announce R.
Whltlnn. ol II ickory Township, aa a can
didate for County Commissioner, subject
to Republican uai;es.
We are authorized to announce J. It
Maze, of Harnett Township, as a candi
date for County Commissioner, subject
to Kepublican tisanes.
We are authorized to annnunce N. ()
Cole, of iireen Township, as a candidate
for County Commissioner, subject to Ke-
puDtican usaues.
We are authorized to Announce John S.
Vail of Harnmnv township, aa candi
date for County Cnmuib-sinnt-r, subject
to Kepublican usages.
We are authnrixed to announce Ernest
Sihble, of Tionesta Township, as a cam!
date for Jury Commissioner, subject to
itepuDllcan usages.
We are authorized tn announce P. K
Carson, of Harmony Township, as a can
didate for Jury Commissioner, subject to
Kepnmican usages.
We are authorized to announce Wm. J
Gayley, of Green Township, as a candi
date for Delegate to the Kepublican State
e are authorized to announce George
w. Osgood, of Kinuslev township as
candidate for lie legale to the Kepublican
state convention.
Ges. Kitchker's regrets are several
sizes lamer than they were at any pre
vinm time.
Little can be said in favor of military
plana that are repeatedly upset by a mule
Kicaf.Aoua and Columbia are trying
to strike Uncle Sam for concessions and
mark their price for a canal route up or
down according to circumstances. Their
visions of wealth beyond the dreams of
averice will be curbed in due time.
Wrtn.K in Boston, just prior to his
leave taking lor his home, Prince Henry
said in one of his speeches: "Tho United
States has been closely watched from the
other side during the last year. We are
aware of the marvelous industry which
has brought yourcnuntry to its position.'
The party of prosperity ha a right to feel
gratified by the remark. Its policies may
bo judged by comparing the present In
dustrial situation with that of aix years
Tbb Senate'a blind chaplain, the Uev.
Dr. W. H. Milburn, was first elected
chaplain of Congress In IMS. Represen
tative Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois nom
inated hlin. That was ten years before
John Sherman and Justin S. Morrill took
seats in the House. "In those days,"
says Pi. Milburn, "one chaplain offered
the praver at the opening of each branch
of Congress, and the only way this could
be done by one man was to have the Sen
ate clock kept tcu minutes slower than
the House clock. After I ottered the in
vocation in the House a page would take
me t the Senate chamber where I per
formed a similar duty."
Thkrb were in ISiifl 00,711 farms in Cu
ba having an average size of 141 acres and
an average cultivated area per farm of 13
acres. Only 10 per cent of the farm area
and only 3 per cent of the total area of the
Island was under cultivation. Matanzas
and Havana Provinces are the most
highly cultivated parts of the island. Of
the cultivated area loss than SO per cent,
was owned by its occupants, the rest being
rented, and & per cent, was occupied by
whites, as owners or renters, only 11 per
cent, by colored people, the remainder
being unknown. Measured by the aras
under cultivation, sugar cane occupied 47
" per cent, of tho cultivated lands; sweet
'potatoes 11 per cent.; tobacco, 7 per cent.;
bananas a little less than 9 per cent., and
other crops in similar proportions.
Front In Prosperity.
Pesimistic publications are accustomed
to Include (he ItcncliW of industrial pros
perity by Waiuiing (hat the increase in
waiies is more than offset by the Increase
ill the cost of living ; but aueu statements
are not supported by facta.
Kstimates have been made showing
that the accumulated and reserved capi
tal of wage earners, in savings banks,
trade unions, loan associations, fraternal
orders and life insurance asaooiationa
now aggregate about .",Om,000,W)0 iu the
L'nited States, bein double what it was
ix years ago, the increase being t2,5lV
Oon,i0 in six yeais, or an average of
Jt-fi.oOO.iHD a year, P oritur the "hard
times" there was a falling off, rather than
an increase.
During prosperous times there is not
only an accumulation ot savings, but the
wage earners have increased comforts,
enjoying many things of which they are
deprived during hard times. Present
prosperity is real, not liotitioua. Min
neapolis Progress,
Citizens l'ri;cd to Plant Trees.
Governor Stone has issued a proclama
tion disignaliiig April 4 and IS as arbor
days. The proclamation states that the
recent Hoods show the need ot forest
preservation in Pennsylvania. Itlollows:
"The trowing demands of our indus
tries have in recent years brought about
such a rapid drain ofour forest that it be
came necessarv to tako actvie steps for
tin ir rehabilitation,
"The forestry department of Pennsyl
vania is rapidly acquiring forest lands
and establishing foresty reservations and
efforts in this direction will be product
ive ol great good, but if the ends sought
arc to be accomplished it is of vast im
portance that trees be planted upon the
unproductive landsof the Commonwealth
in order that the damage already done
may be in part at least repaired.
"The recent Hoods have again empha
sized the danger in further reducing the
wooded areas. If the unproductive lands
ol'tho Ststo were adequately piot?cted by
trees the heavy rains would pass into
the streams more slowly and the loss to
the Commonwealth would be infinitely
"Owing to tho frequent floods and re-
n i ta ii t muddy and impute water, the
cities and towns of the State are fast re
alizing the necessity of obtaining their
water supply from the head waters of the
streams. Almost all the towns in the
State can have pure water if forest areas
ar maintained at the source of suitable
"These conditions make it tiie duty of
every citizen to ai I in this beneticlenl
work, which alfecls not only the Stale at
large but each individual in the Coin'
"In order that our citizens, both young
and old, may have an opportunity to con
tinue to contribute their share in this
laudible vork.
"I, William A. Stone, Governor of the
Commonweallh of Pennsylvania, in cc-
cordanee withal, do hereby designate and
proclaim Friday, the 4th day of April
and Friday, the 18th day of April, A. D.
!!";, to be observed as arbor days
throughout the Commonwealth,
"Two days are set apart for the ob
servance of this custome inasmuch as the
climatic conditions n ay render one of
these days more favorable for the pur
pose intended than the other, the selec
lion is left with the citizens ot the var
inns section of the Commonwealth."
Tact has many fine gradations. The
nuns who sent word to the pope that they
hoped lie would live to be a hundred
seem to have missed it by putting the
figures too low,
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases put
together, anil' until the last few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a local
disease, and prescribed local remedies,
and bv constantly tailing to cure with
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a con
stitutional disease, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, inaiiulbfturcd by F. J. Cheney A
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu
tional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspooniul. It acts directly on the blood
ard mucous surfaces ol the system. They
oiler one hundred dollars for any case it
fail.', to cure. Send for circulars and tes
timonials. F. J. CHENEY 4 Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Listen lo Albu
March 4th and 18th, April 1st and loth
special panics for Washington State in
particular nnd all Pacillc coast points in
general will leave Erie, Pa., via the pop
ular Nickel Plate at 4 54 p. ill (Eastern or
City time) under my direct caro. Special
repres' ntalives of each road over which
parlies pass ill also be witli i.e. Im
portant arrangements have been made
lor tourists car space. Caiefnl attention
will be given to women, children and the
aired who may eloct lo go with me. No
other agent can give you Hie same ail van
ages lor a tup of this kind. You are
strongly advised to make your arrange.
Huntsman early date. Address H. C
Allen, Via state St Erie, Pa. A-12-3 6-5t
I,a ripe (tiirkly C'nrrd.
"In the winter of 1808 and 1S! I was
Uken down w ith a severe attack of la
grippe," says b . L. Hewett, a prominent
druggist of Winlield, Hi. "The only
medicine I used was two bottles otChain-
beilain's Cough remedy. It broke up
the cold and stopped the cough like mag
ic, and I have never since been troubled
with Grippe." Chamberlain's Cough
Kemedy can always he depended upon 10
break up a severe cold and ward olf any
threatened attack of pneumonia. It Is
pleasant lo take, too, which makes it the
most desirable and one of the most
popular preparations iu lisn for these
ailments. Sold bv Killmer ltros., Tio
nesta, W. G. Wilkins, West Hickory, Pa.
Chicago to St. Paul or Minneaimlis for
double benh in tourist sleeping cars of
the Chicago. Milwaukee 1 St. I'aul Kail
wav, each Tuesday and Friday during
March and April, 1002, on tl all) No 1
leaving Chicago at (I:.'t0 p. in.
For further information apply to the
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
F. A. Miller, (ieneral Passenger Agent
Chicago. -'- '
llnnarr of Colds and I.a tirlppr.
Tho greatest danger from colds and la
trrinnn is lueir resubmit In pneumonia
If reasonable care is used, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy taken, all
dancer will be avoided. Among the ten
of thousands who have used 'his remedy
for those diseases, we have yet lo learn of
a single case having resulted In pneu
monia, which shows conclusively that it
is a certain preventive of that dangerous
unlade It will cure a cold or an attack
ol In grippe in less timo than any oilier
treatment. It is pleasant and nalo to lake.
Sold bv Killmer ltros., Tionesta, W. O.
Wilkins, Wost Hickory, Pa.
demote Several Large Stones and
Descend on Rope.
Clearfield, Pa.. March 14. John Ser
gay and Frank llarotta escaped from
Jail Wednesday morning by removing
several Urge stones from the wall.
They used a piece of steel railing aa a
jimmy and descended to the ground
on a rope.
Many escapes of thin kind have tak
en place from the county prison ever
since tho comity commissioners began
to prepare plans for a new jail six
years ago. In each Instance the re
quired implement has always to be
found somewhere within the structure.
After the prisoners left the escape
was used as au argument in favor of
a new jail.
Former Resident of Batavia Makes
Confession In Findlay, 0.
Flndlay, O., March 17. Charles Rol
lo, a suspect arrested by the police,
made a confession to Chief of Police
Ramsey in which he stated that he
was until a year ago a market gardener
in Uatavla, N. Y., and that in a quar
rel with his wife last August he had
struck her a blow which had caused
her death. For months he h&9 fled
from the police and has been dodging
about tho country. The strain Is too
much, he says, and he is willing to
suffer punishment. lie is In a state
of nervous collapse and is being held
for developments.
Prominer.t Business Man Dead.
Philadelphia, March II William L.
Flkir.s, Jr., died at his country homo,
"Mcr.lo lodge," near Elklns station,
Ta., a few mile3 from this city. Ho
was a son of the millionaire traction
magnate and was himself prominently
identic! with many business Inter
ests, lie was about SS years of ase
and married. Sir. Elklns had been 111
since Octi'.'rr and was constantly un
der tho fare of a physician for a
cercbrc-spii fil trouble. Mr. Cikius
was president if the Pennsylvania Iron
Works ccmpany, the Otto Coke and
Ch' uiirnl i-i.n-.nany, the PitisVuirj Gas
and Cike ccmpany, the United Cuke
and Gas ccmpany, the Ilygela Hide
and CilJ Storage company, the Me
Kep3pcrt Gas Improvement company
and the New England Gas and Coke
Prcrratjre Settlement
Connellsville, Pa., March 14. Ja
cob Palcka. a Slavish miner of Mt.
Eraddcck, called Wednesday to see his
administrator, who had his estate
about settled. Friends of Baloka have
thought him dead for a year and his
appearance caused much consterna
tion. In May, 1901. the report reached
Balolia's home that he died In Pitt3.
burg and had been buried In a Slavish
cemetery. John Hudak took out let
ters of administration and the man's
affairs were being straightened up at
the First National bank here, when
the supposed dead man appeared. Ho
did not tell where he was during the
last vear.
( ream of the News.
It Is likely that a good 10-cent cigar
straight was nerer made In vain.
Shoes that wear well are the cheapest
IT. n. S. H
Good manners and aplcy talk at din
ner redeem the plainest tare.
Nice bright new goods for spring.
Every thing you could possibly think of
and the prices aie lower than others.
Heath Fcit. I
As a general thing, first impressions
live forever after.
The largest line of shirt waiata ever
shown In Tionesta now on exhibition at
Uopkins'. It
What Is home without a corkscrew?
Don't forget that some of the beat
carpets In town aro bought at Tionesta
Cash Store.
Don't oorrect errors for the m -re sake
of pointing them out, but for the purpose
of amendment.
Why not get the beat while you're get
ting, and when it costs no moref The
White Star Grocery. It
This world is filled with harinoniea
and liumb'.igB.
A good black underskirt for fl 00 at
Heath A Fell's. U
Never cut a friendship wiih an axe.
Do it courteously with a keen instru
ment. -Hopkins is headquarters lor foot
wear, having the exclusive agency for the
tainnua b-.uglaa snd Strootman makes.
New stock just In. It
Don't throw physics to the dogs.
Give Ihem to thine enemy.
One price on feed to everyene, and
that the lowest, at T. C. S. It
O, prime cigar thou art a peach I
See our line of ready made shirt
waists they are the latest. Heath A
Felt. It
If your hens scratch np your (lower
beds, ladies, you have a certain remedy.
Boll the bens or b ike 'em.
While Goods Most extensive as
sortment ever exhibited In town, lust In
at Hopkins'. It
There's books in running brooks,
sermons in stones and cash in every
thing. See those ne.v shirts at Tionesta Cash
Storo. It
You may put a yoke on a man, but
by the long horn spoon, you caa't make
hlin into Armour canned beef.
Dress patterns in the new canvass
cloth in all shades at Heath A Feit's. It
The public likes music thai has either
tears or jigs in it.
New dress shirts for men just opened
at Hopkins'. Don't fail to look them
over. All up-to-date goods. It
Many hold a friend to be somebody
who may bo worked, nr made oselul.
Is your money goodf If so why not
make it go as far as your neighbors' by
tradingatT.C.S. It
How Is it, do the days grow longer or
the nights shorter f
Waist patterns in silk ginghams, also
the real silk no two alike. Heath it Feit.
Do not run after strange gods. Bet
ter confine yourself to your well-known
As usual Heath t Feit have the
largest and best selected stock of wash
goods in town. See them. It
I-anson ltros'. Price List.
We are not doing business for our
health, neither are giving Iced away, but
we will sell
loom Pure corn meal for fl.M
lootti Pure corn and oats chop I 40
limit) Pure white mhldlini: I.'JS
lOOIti Coarse In an ai d bag l.-i
Ionia Itrowu mill. nines and bag .. I -"
iVIIti Heal shelled corn .7S
::tti ltest white oats ftS
llring your dinner basket and a lot of
bags ami we'll grind you a load of feed, if
you like, while here." Kemember the old
adage, "Seeing is believing." There is a
vital ditference between pure corn nie.l
and pure corn hulls. 'No doubt you
would rather have chop made out ol pure
corn and pure oats, instead of oat hulls,
corn hullsaud barlev hulls.
It " I.ANSON Bros,
Executor's Sale of Valuable Ileal Estate.
I will expose at Public. Sale on tSatur-
dav, March ll, Iturj, on the premi es, at
1 o'clock p. in., Uih Kdward Kerr Farm,
Iving along the Clarion Kiver, in Baruelt
township, t-oresl County, I ., one-'iall
milo from the mouth of Coleman Run,
containing 77 acres more or less. Im
provements A limit su acres cleared;
houso, barn, wagon shed, and necessary
Farm In Harnett Township, leffersnn
County, IV, oppo ite the mouth of Cole
man Kim. along tl. e Clarion Kiver. Con
taining S8 acres, more nr iei. Improve
ments iionse. Darn, at., iiuriy-iiYB i"
forty acres cleared, balance ill aeeond
It owth ihnber.
TmtMs up SaI.K One third el purchase
money In le paid at time ol sale, balance
in tw o annual pay mom with approved
sociirlty. Kight reserved to reject any
and all bids.
S, M. Henry, Executor.
March . llXtt.
Ilotr lo fare the (-rip.
Keinain quietly al home and take
Chamberlain's Cough Komedvasdirected
and a ouick recovery Is sure to follow.
That remedy counteracts any tendancy of
the grip to result In pneumonia, which is
really t e only serious danger. Amorg
the tens or in iiissihIs who have used it
for Ihe grip, not one case has ever lieen
reported thai did not recover. Sold I y
Killmer Bros , Tionesta, Y. U. Wilkius,
West Hickory, Pa.
Flour sack 1.101.M
Corn meal, feed, 100 lb i.40
Corn meal, family, lot) lb 1.A0
Chop lets), puro grain 1.45
Oats ,'H)
Com. shelled - .0
Buckwheat llonr. lb .'.'4
Beans bushel 2.MI
Ham, sugar cured .14
Bacon, sugar cured .14
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, lb .12
Whilellsh kit .)
Sugar Mft.tM
Svrup &( .50
N. O. Molasses .3.Vi .SO
Collee, Uoast Kio l-i!'"
Collee, blended Java ."5
Tea '(al .SO
Butter (.ii')
.0,-1(4. ON
Kggs, fresh
.( . 1-i
Salt W barrel
I.ard -IS
Potatoes, V bushel .00
Potatoes. Sweet 4 tb M
Mine p barrel 901.0
.Nails V keg -!.iS
rniTOKS1 KF.POKTofOreen Twp.,
A for the vear ending March 10, I'.HIJ:
Pet-r Youngk, treasurer, in auct.
w ,th road Intnl.
To .unt. from Cha Klinestiver . $
' I.M.Fox, K.O.T.M.
By returns from Koail C"Pt
40 S7
a 1 00
.V Mil
24.) 6.S
" ' County 1'reas ..
II. inrgard
1,'JBl 'S!
By amt. overpaid on vouchers ... 33 1
Kv orders redeemed !I,(fc!l M
By 2 per cent. com. on il.HJO HI .. 31 43
$l,0.l Wl
Henry Wlnegard, Col., In sect,
with road fond. PR
Bv bai. from 1!NK $ lot 7S
To am1, of duplicate l.liU 27
To road woik lax 10
Bv ail 1 1. overpaid treas V li'.l
H.'JOtJ 04
tl 1"7 33
47 2S
27 to
II 62
5 ( II
U 7
Ht Treas. receipts
By 5 per cenl com. on ?'H5 ....
By S per cent com. on liOO ...
By 5 per cent coin, on l!rJ.M
By land returns
By exonerations ,
t'.H'O 04
Cash on hand, none
To balance t 084 l
i.iAiiti.n iKs.
Road orders outstanding $3,081
Welhn auditors 01 ilreeu Twp. have
examined the above and louud il to be
E. '. Kkb;.ky,
Frkd Uatiifon,
Klimkstiveb, Clerk.
Charter Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all appli
cation will be uiado to the Governor of
Hie Slate ol Pennsylvania, on March 17,
I!r2, i.y lieorge A.'Steckle, A. K. Shipe,
Joo llould autl oihers, under the Act of
Assembly of tho Commonwealth ol Pen
nsylvania, entitled "All Act to provide
for the incorporation and ngulation of
certain corporations." approved April
2!l:h, 1S74, and the supplements thereto,
for the character ol sn intended corpor
ation. 10 lie called Ships (HI A lias Com
pany, Iho character and olij i t of which
is to drill wells for oil and gas and mar
ket the product within the County of
Forest :n saia State, and for these pur
poses to have, posse-a and enjoy al! the
rights, benelits, and privileges of said act
of Assembly and iu supclemeuts.
A. K. HiurE.
Charter Notice.
Notice is hereby given that an applica
tion will lie made 10 the Governor of the
State of Pennsylvania on Friday, April
4, 1002 or as soon thereafter as may be,
by J. F. Proper, F. C. Proper, F. It. Lan
sdii, O. W. Proper ami I.. Ilehrens, under
li c Act of Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An
Act to provide for the Incorporation and
Regulation ol Natural Gas Companies."
Approved I he the 2!Hli day of May, ls8.',
and the Supplements thereto, for tho
Charter of an intended Corporation to be
called the "Kellettvillu Gas Company."
The principal oilice or place of business
of which is at Tionesta, Forest Co , Pa.,
with branches at Kellellville, Fast Hick
ory anil W-fl Hick ry, Hie character
and object of which is for the purpose of
producing, dealing in, transporting, stor
ing and supplying natural gas for eithor
ligtit, heat or Isitti, and for oilier pur
poses, and for these purposes to have,
possess and enjoy all the rights, benetits,
and privileges of said Act ol Assembly
and its supplements.
Samiiki. II. Irwin, Solicitor.
Tionesta, l a., March 10. 1002. 3t
llnir, :j
l:i 1 to 8 minutes
HOW al.out jour stock of Stationary f
We do high, class Job Printing.
av.5oc.ii. I
The materials wa are showing
in Wash (inoiU for Shirt Waists
ml Sliirt Waist Suits are the
fines' we have ever had.
ami a new lot of dainty While
Gooili at any reasonable figure
in can
II lrr.
Mule by
SUndard Oil
The Spring
IS lloW i ll III
The reeoirnizcrl arhsi in I'xper llaiminit
ami HainliiiK. has all his shim pics rcsily
for insieclioii, anil a liner line at lower
prices was never exhibited here or else
where. Mr. Davis is prepared to show
samples ami nive estimates on all work
In Ins line, ami 11 will lie well lor parnei
neetlinir his services to consult li I ill a
ni ce before enuairenieiits are nimlo too
far ahead, tinnier papers no in at same
price as ceilings and walls, this is a new
lliinir anil an important item in keeping
down the expense.
Uur fee rcturnctl if we tail. Any one sendini
ketch out! drvtintiuit of anv invention will
promptly receive our opiuiou free cunceming
rne paicnianiiity ot name, "now 10 urxaiu
l'atetit " nctit uiMin reiuest. Patents aecurctl
through 11s ntlvcrtiMru for sale at our expert
patent t.-Acn nut ttirouch us reeivc frrial
nolu e, without t riAttie. in Tub Pathnt Rkcbd.
a itlustrutpi and wltlrly circulated iourual.
ciin suit rt l lv M.intiMctinrr nnd Investor,
beud (or sample cupy FftCK. Add t is.
(latent Attorney,)
Evan tulldinf , WASHINGTON, D. C
Wanted-An Idea 2S
Who eu think
some tTnpM
tur 10 naif ni
Prcct Tour IrlMjt: thrr mar tririt you wraith.
WriM JOHS WKUDF.HHrRS ft CO.. Patent Attn
Deys. WashlnguD, D. v.. tor their $1,(M prlaa ulTar
Aa u ox two ounarau lUTanitoiu wsuiao.
kT x vV v M
Kin suit wt , J
h 1,0 a BitTntTSCrt il
i "lyREKA
urn I til. It te- ' J
sil th.s iVwrp, if W 1
aiuUut. IhtlVV VV . Wll
J harm! ol Jft'C A V fl
k eolykeciN afW. A sSm
I lookiiwi.k V.T'jv V- . Vr"" 7
B new, but fAJf I 'L
H we.irs twice ir Jij
M at lonijliv ib SmJ . ,.. JPxr 1 1
B U.c ul Kurrlta A V I
We are proud of our showing of these superb shoes. We
know they aro going to be prime favorites this season
and have taken special pains to make a complete
sli owing of these superior shoes. No other
house lias such a range of patterns or de
sirable styles.
A'jzw Spring SaMmES of Wsizl Pfe.
New Gocms m Evert Bepmzitjiejvt.
Tionesta Cash Store
Whal Would
If it stranger hnulil ak you the Mail
to Kellellville, won I J you aiarl liim
toward Pleai-antvillef Wo dare
u 1--J0.U would tell him the best and
nearest road tou knew. If a friend
or stranger should ask you where to
- go in the largest lelection of
hat aeulil you lay T If you had
looked over our line aud would tell
him the (ruth, (which of court you
would) you would lay go lo Ilealb 1
Fcii'i. There you cao lee
lIoly.Hriiclii, Velvets, AxiulmterM,
Tiiiclrlci aud Ingrains In all Stjle.
And you will be assured the lowest
pi ices, as well ai courteous treatment
Now Wouldn't You?
Up-to-Date Dealers in
A. Watns Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Robinson, Win. Nmearbaugh,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. RJUhey. J. T. Dale, J. H. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.y ment at low rates. W. promise our euslom
era all the beneflls consistent with conservative b klnir. Interest ptld on time
deposit. Tour patronaite respectfully solicited.
Stock of new Goods.
Patent Kid.
You Say?
Style doesq't alona belong to
ilkisnd tatini tod I'ariiian
hat. Tbera it style ic foal
wear nowadays, to btr. wo
wish to tell jou of oar orw
'Colonial Oxford,'
Wiinon wbo are particular
about their footwear will find
they are model of Fashion'
latest creations and art tlrik
ingly haudsnni tnd attrac
tive. Wo have io stock tho pro
vailing stylet in Oxford tiro
Cor. Ceo 1 re, feoeca, & Sycamore Hit
Phono 23.
Goodyear Welt
Hand Turn
McKay sewed.