The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 19, 1902, Image 3

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WKDX KSDAV, K Kit III' A MY 10, Ili2.
All Leading Campanle
Wild LtmdA, Farm, Hquhch
cC Lot for Sale or Itent.
Sew Advcrilsenienls.
James, Ad.
I.aninicis. Ad.
ItoliiiiNon. Ad.
Met'iinn Co. Ad.
Hopkins. I,ic.ils.
(ioo. 1, SIi'kcI. Ad.
Hevne A Co. Header.
Ilcsth A Foil. Locals.
Clarion Normal. Ijih-hI.
Kdinihiro Norinnl, Local,
C. M. A St. I'. Ky. Header.
Timiesta C.mli Store, l.oenK
White Star Uroccry. Locals.
tiuorKO I. Iavin. Ad. and locals.
Oil market closed at f 1.15.
Oil and Ks leases at this olllee.
Hopkins sells the Douglas vliopa tl
III uroceriei ilio White Star lenda. It
llroceries, always fresh and cheapest
itT.f.S, It
There aro 11 fly applications for 11
censu to null llimor in Clarion coflnty.
We have untied that the very poor
et heaters and furnaces made soein to be
put III churches.
There aro 1571 pensioned employes
of the I. K. H., whoso allowances last
year worn $.2,.,,.H).ai.
The Freedinan hiiildiiiK la boliiK fit
ted up for a millinery Mnro and will lie
oocuplod by Mia. Urey.
Have a look ai (eo. I. lsvis' ad. In
this issue, and then consult him about
your painting and papering. It
J. W. Hires will have his photograph
(irlli ry ai this place open for business
every Friilay until fiuther notice. If
No need of ladies all wearici( same
pattern of shirt waist. Hopkins has pat
tents by the hundred no two alike. It
Shoes, the kind that keeps out cold
and damp slid therefore keeps the doctor
away and ssves you money at Tbmoti
Caii Store. It
New dress (roods, new wash goods,'
near while ksiIs, new lacoa, now euihrot-derlo-,
new dry gisids of every descrip
tion. Hopkins. It
The reputation of Ili9 Editiburo Nor
mal as a high grade pnifessional school
altracts students from far and near.
It John F., Principal.
A religious expert having declared
that sin is dlmiiii-hiuir as time advances,
thn llradl'ord Kra concludes that our an
cestors must have boon a pretty tough lot.
Always be sure Ihe groceries' you eat
are the best and Ireshest that can bo hail.
You'll always lie rlnht when you send to
the While Star 11 rocory for 'eiii. Kllhor
phono. It
Following la tiie list o loltera remain
ing uncalled for in tho Timiesta, Pa., I'ost
Otllce, for tho week ending Fob. Ill 1!H)2:
Mr, II. II. Milward, Mr. S. T. Anderson,
AI Signor Nlefiuo Uirolamo,
l. S. Knox, P. M.
At the Whito Star llrneery you al
ways get the best and freshest the market
affords. They sell loo ninny groceries to
allow any alaleness to gather on their
shelves. Kithcr phono brings joiironlcr
to tho door. It
While we are talking a'out muslin
underwear, carpets, etc., we do not wish
you to overlook tho fact that we keep
shoes for sale. We handle only the best
makes, all strictly now and marked very
low. Ileate Jf Keit. It
Tiie outlook for the spring term at
the Clarion Normal is most gratifying.
That Institution has done much In tho
way of providing efficient teacher for
our public rchools. It deserves tho sup
port of all good people. It
(imirge t. I'-avis, tiie artistic paper
harmor and painter, has Hie latest in wall
papers. Ask to soo his samples and get
prices. You'll be astonished at the
miialliiess of cost, florders, ceilings and
walls all tho same price. Kngsge bin)
quick. tf
Attention Is directed to the doublo
column ad. ol fieo. I,, Sciuel, Seedsman,
Erie, Pa., in this issue of the KF.rrm.i
can, Mr. Selgel lias the reputation of nn
holiest and conscientious dealer, and
while von are thinking of your spring
seeding It will bo well to correspond with
him in regard to the matter.
Wo hav'nt the litorary talent to write
anything as interesting as the Kiddle af
fair, o we havo to be content at writing
about something we have to sell. It's the
same old story, "They were married at
last" and needed a new carpet. Here's
where wo emtio In ; we have it to loll, at
very low prices. Heath A Felt. It
The two cubs recently born to the
pair o old bears at the Traction company
power house have mysteriously disap
peared and hldo nor hair of them can not
bo 'oiind. As there ti no way for them
to get away, tho only solution to their dis
appearance seems to be in the theory
that their canlbalistic pupa ato thorn up.
Tilusvillo Courier.
Tho Titus', ille Iron Works served
their employes a trick last Friday which
they will remember for soma timo to
come. It was Valentine day, and as
each employe who had been with tnem
during limi, was leaving the works he
was presented with an envelope contain
ing 5 per cent, or his earnings during that
year. Tho total paid out was about Jil.nnO,
and men received from $12.' to $!HI each.
Friday morning last, while Melvin
Moore from alwve Nebraska was cotn'ng
to t wn with a team hitched to a pair of
bob sleds, and when he stopped a mo
ment to talk U a Iriend, Ihe horses got
lidgety and rai, away, leaving Melvin be
hind. They came through town on the
jump, but were caught at the upper er d
of tow n and stabled. Nothing was hurt
but the feelings of the ow ner, who ar
rived hull' an hour afterward somewhat
"winded" but still abl? to go on a Ir 't.
A. (', Brown, Ki., one of Clarion a
limliiiK j uiiiik attorneys, li ai ilecideil to
bx-ale in TiomsU, and was ovit Monday
rraiiKinK for a dwelling which tie si-
cured and will bring his family here
April lirst, which ia as soon as he can get
po-sessiou of the house, but bo will be
here t begin practice March first. Mr
lb owu comes well lecomniended aa an
able, conscientious and hardworking at
torney ,and lis will no doubt rapidly build
up a large practice in Forest county.
Tcsliuiany In the equity case of tho
School Directors ol Forest ooiiuty a ainsl
K. K. Stitr.inger, County Superintendent,
Is being taken this afternoon " before
Court Stenographer W. B. Weed, who
l appointed master in Hie case. The
skin of the plaintill Is being hoard at this
meeting, and aa soon aa the defonne Is
through w ith their side, the case will be
argued before the Dauphin County court.
It is hoped that the case can be brought
to a speedy termination and a decision
The recent re-appointment of Capt.
P. H. Knox as postmaster of Tionesta by
President Koosevelt, was continued by
the Senate on Morula,'. Capt Knox
makes a capable, painstaking anil very
accommodating official, keeping the ol
lice open evenings almost "till the last
galoots abed," and there no timo .from 7
a. in. to I) p. m. that onecannnt do busi
ness at that office. His petition for re
appointment waa unanimous, and Ihe
President has made no mistake in again
naming the Captain.
Tho smallpox scare In Oil City Is
practically ended. The Derrick of Mon
day says : Henry Chlshnl o has been re
leased from quarantine and It is hoped
that the other three cases of smallpox
may be released in a short time. II, F.
Ilrumlred has w ritten to tbe state board
of health pointing out the extremely
mild form this diseafe has been In Oil
City aed asking II it would not be possi
ble to discharge Ihe patients under the
six weeks' limit. An answer Is expected
the first of the present week.
The story Is told by an exchange that
a handsome young lady entered a street
car In Olean, carrying baby. Her at
tractive appearance caused several young
men to offer her their seats. The baby
was very play fill and finally kicked a
handkerchief from the lady's lap to the
car floor. Four young men made frantic
rushes for it, each desiring to receive a
smile from tho aweet young woman.
Two of the galants retained their grasps
on the handkerchief and tendered It to
the mother but it wasn't a handkerchief.
Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Osgood of Endeav
or, were pleasant callers at tho Ilepubll
can oil) ce yesterday morning. March 4lh
Mr. Osgood ex necta to start on a three
months' trip to the Pacific Coast States.
II" will visit Oregon, Cilifornia and
Washington with a view to locating if
the country suits him. Ilia son L. J.,
Jr., has been located near Seattle for
some time and ia very much taken with
the lay of tho land" out there., and is
anxious to have his father come out, Mr.
Osgood is a practical lumberman, bavin)'
followed the business from boyhood, and
will be able to sire tip the situation quite
readily when he gets there.
The Farmer's Institute on Friday
and Saturday of last week was one of tho
best that has been held in this place so far.
The attendance on Friday evening was
large, but the sessions Saturday and Sat
urday night were hummers In point of
atlendanca, on the latter evening there
icing scarcely standing room left. The
discussions throughout were spirited,
and the talks by the imported speakers
w ere far above the averag , the farmers
in attendance taking home with them
many valuable hints touching their busi
ness, which will stand them in good
hand in future. Every phase of agricul
ture was touched upon during the two
lays' sessions, and without doubt much
good will of the late farmers' in
Tho Daily Times of Chattanooga,
Tenn., saya of Prof. DoMott's lecture,
"The Harp of tbe Senses," that it was the
greatest psychological treat ever enjoyed
in the city. The illustrations were su
perb, and they brought science into such
familiar relations as to rob it of all its
technical drudgery and made It simple
and charming to all present. Tbe speak
er represented one's personality as sur
rounded by two oceans, one of ether and
one of air, and he showed how they af
fected one's personality . He pictured Ihe
brain and Its action aa they govern hu
man conduct. A number ol musical in
struments were exhibited to show the
effect of sound in all Its variations. All
iu all, tbe lecture waa deep, serious and
uplifting and tho audience was enrap
tured with it. This lecture will begiven
in tho Court House Saturday evening,
March 1st.
Mrs. DeVore, who spoke in the Pres
byterian church on the evils of Mormon
ism last Sabbath evening was gree ed by
the largest house that was ever assem
bled in this commodious edifice, every
available seat being taken. She spent
a year in Utah as a miss nnary, but was
driven out by the extreme hostility and
bitterness shown by the Mormons, and
the history she gives ol that shameless
Institution, which seems to be still per
mitted, and iu fact Is steadily growing,
should call for nothing short of extermi
nation. Just why this foul blot should
be longer permitted to, disgrace our fair
lam) ia one of the mysteries of tbe coun
try, and If not soon blotted out will, in
tbe opinion of the speaker, bring on a
war that for cruelty and bloodshed wilt
be greater than any the country has over
Some of thn denizens of tho land
along tho placid Alliglieny pretend to
havo fear lest tho forthcoming break-up
may bo an extra hazardous one tremen
dous thickness or ice, immense snowfall,
etc. It is best always t reach the
bridgo before crossing it. Inhabitants,
who aro not the oldest either by a long
shot, can easily recall a winter back In
the seventies almost identical with tho
present. The ice on the river and creek
was of Immense thickness white two and
threo leet ol snow covered the ground
everywhere. When the proper lime ar
rived the snow began to melt gradually
and the Ico to rot. The break -up was of
no consequence whatever, while there
there was not sufficient water in the
upper crrd of (he creek to 11 oat what luin
lier had lioen raited, and a number of
rafts lay atianded iu tbe creek nearly all
the following summer. And so It Is.
You never can tell, liesl plan is ! saw
wood and not fret.
TionrMa borough ycslerday elected
the i-ltiiens ticket, hich had no opposi
tion, a follow : School directors, L.
Fulton, J. V. Meow den, Hv, J. V. Mo
Aiiinch; high constable, W. I.. Hunter;
auditor, C. F. Feit j council, J. W, Lan
ders, C F. Weaver, J. C. Dunn ; consta
ble, n K. Maxwell; judge, U. W, Saw
yer: inspector-, J. N. (ierow, J. J.
Landers. Tionesta twp. elected the fol
lowing: Auditors, J. II. Wcntworlb,
Wnt. Mealy; school cirect"ra, Henry
Wolf, Mnlcholr Jaun ; road commission
er, Fred Dryer; treasurer, William Law
reuce; constable, J, I). Eden; clerk,
diss. Woll ; judge, David lluulor; In
spectors, Win. Thomas, Nathaniel Emert.
Nu . erous letters have boon received,
saya the Derrick, from its correspondents
throughout the rural districts, making
pleas for the protection of quail. The
ricenl heavy falls of snow and cold
weather have been especially severe upon
these attractive birds, whose smalliiesa
of size prevents securing any thiug in the
food line. It ia suggested, and tbe sug
gestion was one of the leatures of the
fanners' Institute at Cooperslown recent
ly, that tho farmer who knows quail to
bo in the vicinity of his farm place a
sheaf of oats ill the woods where they
Irtquent. The cost would bo compara
tively nothing to tbe farmer who would
have the satisfaction of knowing that he
had preserved a llock r two of the
harmless birds from the most cruel of
deaths starvation.
-The consumption of ice in a town the
size ol Tionesta is something people
scarcely stop to consider though It is one
of tho chief staples of sny well regulated
community. Hart Lawrence was taking
"account of stock" a few days ago and
here are ti e cold (acts and figures he
gathered of tho harvest this year : Tbeie
were ai parties who took advantage of
the tine crop, the amounts ranging from
10 tons, the lesst quantity, In 70 tons, the
greatest, and mak ing a total of KM tons.
Taking for a fair averago $1.00 per ton It
will redily be seen considerable cap
ital Is invested to keep cool during the
healed term. Pete Karris takes the lead
for this amount lie having tilled contracts
for putting up ovt r 300 tons, and yet be
didn't neglect his wildcat industry to any
ex tent either. It shows that while Pete
is tho bos cat slayer he stil. cuts con
siderable ice besides.
One often wonders at the rapid in-
crerse of quail during a favorable season,
remarks the Marion Independent, but
from an incident related iu our office the
other day by William II. Stewart, of
East Mahoning township, such Is easily
accounted for. Soino years ago Mr.
Stewart captured a pair of quail and shut
them in a cage. They soon became very
tame and were much thought of. Alter
keeping them in captivhy a short time,
the pets were liboraled. They would
roam around at will but always retnrnid
to the house in the evening. When the
nesting season arrived tho ben selected
a place in tiie garden and after laying 16
eggs commenced to sit. Evory eirg
hatched, anil the brood was laiseil.
Twice mnro during tho season she laid
the same number of eggs, and each time
HI liitle quail was the result. Thus one
pair of quail in one season batched 43
young ones. In the fall the old bou loll
a victim to a hunter's gun.
Forest County People in Pittsburg.
Moses Hcplor bus returned from Pitts
burg, where he has been employed the
past live months as a carpenter wiih tho
West .V Wilson firm. Tbe firm is one of
the largest contractors in the city, having
built 130 houses during die past season.
He reports the Forest county boys as
having the reputation of being lirst
among the hustlers. Following are the
names of Ihoso still iu the Smoky City:
Peter Ilepler, John Savior, S, V. John
ston, tleo. McCarvcy, Philip Wolfe, Wal
lace Mealey and Steve Johnston.
Peter Ilepler is their foreman, he hav
ing charge of five $12,000 dwelling bouses
located at a distance of 100 feet apart, and
which are all about ready for plastering.
Mr. Ilepler has twenty men under him.
John Youni-k, also a Forest county
boy, has charge of four $14,000 dwelling
houses for the same linn, and located
near the five houses spoken of.
Peter Hoplcr and John Youngk have
tho reputation of being expert managers
and wideawake hustleis. When spring
opens there will be a scarcity of men to
do tho work there. During this zero
weather you may go any direction you
wish in the city and you will ace new
buildings springing up all aronnd.
Letter to ( lias, llaukhoail., .To.
Dear Sir: The usual paint, lead and oil,
Is made more durable by the addition of
zinc; as the more intelligent painters
Lead and oil, they say, lasts three years.
Add zinc, and It lasts three years with a
margin, they say ; but paintors generally
advise to paint once In three years.
Pcvoe lend and zinc is nothing but lead
zinc color dryer and nil; but it lasts
aliout twice as long as painters reckoiK
Mr. Knox, an undertaker for fifty yea rs
et llrewstcr, N. Y painted Devoe nine
years ago. Tho paint is said to be in
about as good condition aa when it was
ll'Kt put on.
Lead and oil don't last nine years.
Yours truly,
02 F. W. Dbvok, A Co.
P. 8. Jas. ft. Davis sells our paint.
Card ot Thanks.
To the people of East Hickory who
gave us their sympathy during our late
bereavement, we extend our heartfelt
thanks. Mils. LaI'Ks Hanok.
John Shollas Kange, mention of whose
death on tho 1st lust., was mado in tbe
llKrX'm.ic'AN of Feb. "th, was aged -1
years, 8 uios. and '11 days. The luneral
was held on the :tr.I inst., at In: to a in.,
Key. Stone of Pluinmer, assisU d by llev.
liradlev ol Tidioule, officiating. These
same ministers (illiciated at the funeral
ol Mrs. Kange's son Henry but a short
timo previous.
Slops the CouhIi nml work oil' Ikr t old.
Laxative Iiromn-tjuinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cure, ro iav. Price
i; cents. ll lT-ly
Mr. W hrrlrr tiol Kill of Mis lltiruinallsm
"During the winter of S! I was sr
laino iu inv joints, in fact all over my
bodv, that I cou d hardly liolililo around,
when I bouglit a bottlo of Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. From the lirst application I
began to get well, and was cured and
have worked steadily all the year. It.
Wheeler, Nortliwooil. X. Y. Sold by
Killmer llros. Troiiesla, W. U. Wil
kins West Hi. krv, Pa.
Harry Klinestivcr was down from
Tirlioute over Sunday.
8. D. Irwin, Esq., was in Tidioule on
legal business Monday.
Mrs. It. W. Moon of Guitonville, was
a Tionesta visitor Monday.
Miss Laura Lawrence visited friends
iu Oil City last Thursday.
Miss Nannie Morrow visited friends
iu West Hickory Monday alternoon.
J. T. O'Rcurke of May burg was a
business visitor to Tionesta last Satur
day. Mrs. W. M. Harr.of Chipmunk, N.
Y., it a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jas.
-Mrs. W. J. Bleakley, of Franklin,
was a guest of Mrs. A. 11. Kelly over last
O. W. Proper left for a month's so
journ in Washingtou, D. C, and points
in Florida.
Charlie Shawkey, of Warren, was a
guest of Frank Joyce a couple of days o(
last week.
Mrs. Minnie Phillips of Youngsville
was a guest of Miss Louise Killmer part
of last week.
Dr. F. S. Hunter and F. P. Amsler
were business visitors to Oil City yes
terday afternoon.
-T. D. Collins of Nebraska and G. F.
Watson of tiolinza, are in Pittsburg on
business this week.
Mrs, J. II. Muse and mother, Mrs. P.
K. George, visited friends in Franklin a
few days Isst week.
C. R. Ilowinan was In Oil City on
business connected with the mantel
works last Saturday.
Miss Florence Klinostiver, of War
ren, la spending a short vacation period
with Tionesta friends.
-Fred Wilkins of West Hickory was a
pleasant caller at tho Republics N office
last Saturday morning.
Mrs. L. Agnew and mother, Mrs.
Carson, left Monday noon for a visit with
friends at their old home near Indiana,
Mrs. II. II. Kroner and children, of
West Hickory, visited hor parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. S. Canlield, a day o' two of
last week.
-J. R. Ault and son Allan of Nebras
ka, were In Oil City Monday looking at a
tine team of draught horses, with a view
to purchasing. .
Mrs. XV. II. Morgan, of Hughsville,
Pa., who has been visiting ber husband
and son here for two weeks past, returned
home Monday.
Niin Craig visited bis brotherCliflord
in Oil City over Sunday and attended the
performance of Keene, tbe magician,
Saturday nihl,
Miss Artie Robinson returned t
hor home In Tionesta this afternoon, after
a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Wood-
burn. Franklin News,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. McMichaol of
Mnrienville enjoyed a sleighride to the
county seat Saturday, where Mr. M.
transacted some business.
Ed. Ilu in gar doer, who has been em
ployed in Pittsburg during the past win
ter, has returned bore with bis family
and is again working for C. Amann.
Miss Klinche Pease was compelled
to close her school at West Hickory oil
account of Illness last Thursday, but
abeexpected to be able to resume to-day.
Mrs. Wallace Imboof of Fox creek,
Oreen twp., left on the evening train
Monday for Kane, where she will try to
get relief from a troublesome arithmetic
Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Oaklund, of
Jamestown, N. Y arrived on the noon
train yesterday and will risit Mrs. Oak
lund's mother, Mrs. Felton, and Mr. O.'a
sister, Mrs. Alex Swanson.
Mrs. II. Klserand (laughter, Mrs. W.
If. Smith, of German Hill, were guests
of Mr, Win. Smearbaugh last Sabbath,
and attended tbe ervices at the Presby
torion church In tho morning.
-Dr. Will II. Morrow of West Hick
ory was called to Kellersburg, Indiana,
county Monday to attend tbe funeral of
Mrs. Mc El hoes, mother of Mrs. Morrow,
whose death occurred there on Sunday
Mrs. L, J. Hopkins and Mrs. J. F.
Proper visited their mother, Mrs. T. C.
Jackson, at Warren, last Friday. They
were accompanied home by their little
niece, M iss Mnrie Jackson, who remained
over Sunday.
Geo, Blum and A. L. Weller, of Tru
mans, the new town located near the
mouth of Fools creek, on Ihe Tionesta
creek, were visitors here Friday. George
gave the KKi'UnucAK office a friendly
call during his stay.
-The home talent company which re
cently produced "The Deacon" wore en-
joyably entertained at luncheon by Mrs.
V. O. Armstrong last Thursday evening.
As a token ol t'.ieir esteem and of their
appreciation of the many favorsextendrd
by ber during their rehersals the com
pany presented their hosbss with a very
handsome rocking chair.
8. M. Henry took advantage of the
excellent sleighing last week to move his
fsmily and household goods to bis former
home in Marienville, where he will be
associated in the hardware business with
L. II. Mersch. Our people are sorry to
lose Sam. from the citizenship of our
borough, where bis popularity had be
come universal. Tionesta loses and
Marienville gains by the change.
The Rer. Irl Hicks' Alumnae.
This splendid book of 200 pages Is not
only a work of art of the highest order,
but it is the most complete snd valuable
book on Astronomy anil Moterology lor
l'.Kti lo be f und in tiie world. No won
der the lirst edition of one hundred
Ihou'snil was about exhsusted by the
end of January. The Bible excepted, no
other trnok can be found in so many
American homes. The millions have
proven its value ami will not be without
it. The publish! rs will supply this
book for a month or two for the regular
price, with the Increased postage added.
Send 'M cents to Woril and Works
Publishing Company, ISO! Locust Street
St. Louis, Mo., and this splendid Issik
will be mulled to you prepaid. Do not
pass the year without it in your ollice or
Take Laxative Kromo quinine Tablets.
All ilrugists return! the money if it fails
lo cure. E. W. Grove s signature is tin
.achb.x. !. n n-iy
Cream of the wh.
Society is a place whore idle people
go to get weary.
Iluy flour and feed at Tionesta Cash
Store. tt
Honesty pays, although it la tome
wnat slow.
See George I. Davis for wsll pp rs.
He's got Ihe winners. Prices ridiculous
ly low. It
The weight of evident a seems tn in
dicate thai none of us know much.
We hav'nt the "only" store In Tio
neatn, but we hate one of the best ones.
Our stock is all new and is one of the
largest. Would be pleased tn see you in
here. Heath A Foil. It
A great deal of vahiable time Is
wasted listening to tood advice,
Ladies' shirt waist patterns silk,
gingham, madras cloth, seersuckers,
tole du nords. All kinds. No two alike.
Prices 50c lo f I. JO each. Best go first.
Hopkins. It
Many a man is a cronio kicker be
cause le has corns on bis conscience.
See those line dishes at Tionesta Cash
Store. It
There are nieii who can take one
glass and stop provided you treat first.
Kind ofchilly these nights tn think
of climbing Into muslin night gowns, but
never mind, "Old Sol" Is drawing near
er and it will be well for you to remem-
ber that we have the night gowns tn -ell
at MK 75c, and f 1.00 each. Heath A Feit. I
Tho groat trouble with first love
seems to be that it is stldnm last.
Career and Character of Abraham
An address by Joseph Choate, Ambas
sador to Great Britain, on the career and
character of Abraham Cincoln his early
life his i arly strugglos wilb tho world
his character as developed in the later
years of liis life and bis administraliou,
which placed his name so high nn the
world's roll ol honor and fame, has been
published by the Chlcsgo, Milwaukee A
St, I'sul Railway and may be had by
sending six (6) cents in postage to V. A,
Miller, Genernl Passenger Agent, Chica
go, III. 2-17-Ut
Prohibition Meeting.
Tho Prohibition Part of Forest county
Is reit nested to meet at the Court House,
Tionesta, next Tuesday evening at 7:'W
o'clock, for the purpose of transacting
such business for tbe welfare of the parly
as may be brought before Ihe meeting.
u. a. iiii.i., inairman.
NcmicllliliR Tbnl Will lo Van (Joed.
We know of no way In which we can
be of more service lo our rea 'ers than to
tell I hem of something lhaj will be of real
good to them. For this reason we want
to acquaint them with what we consider
one of the verv best remedies on the
mar kit for coughs, colds, and that alarm
ing, complaint, croup. Wo refer to
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have
used It with such good results In our
family so long that it has liecome a
household necessity. By its prompt use
we haven't anv doubt but that it has time
and again prevented croup. The testi
liinnny is given upon out own exper
ience, and we suggest that our readers.
especially those who have small children,
always keep it in their homes as a safe
guard against croup, Camden, 8. C,
Messenger, rnrsalehy Killmer Kros..
Tionesta, W. U. Wilkins, West Hickory,
I'ni'illc Const Without ( hnnar,
III new Pullman "ordinary" aleepers,
w ide vestibulrd and with every modern
convenience, In charge of competent
agent, from Cincinnati and Chicago via
Louievllls, .New linearis, Huston. Sail
Antonio, Elpaso and Los Angeles to San
Fran, isuo. Rales lor berths less than
half of cost in regular sleepers. For free
descriptive matter and lull particulars,
address E. A. Kichler, Trav. Pass. Agent,
Illinois Central Railroad. 81'2 Park Build
ing, Pittspurg, Pa. 1-15-tf
"I have used Cbamherlaiu's Cough
Remedy for a numbor of years and have
no hesitancyin saying that it is the best
remedy for coughs, colds Bird croup I
have ever used iu my family. I have not
words to express my confidence in this
remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star,
Midi. " Sold by Killmer Bros. Tionesta,
W. U. Wilkins, West Hickory, Pa.
Straight Talk ami to the I'tiiut Tiie
Virtues of Dr. A. W. ( liases'
Nerve Tills Told in a Few
Words by One Who
Mr. George Schreck, Jr., of No. 01
Pine street, Meadvillo, Pa,, says: "When
I got some of those Dr. A, W, Chase's
Nerve Pills I was In a very n rvous state
due to work that kept me up at all hours
and denied me sleep. I had dizzy spoils
as well. Thn box of Nerve Pills cured
all this. I am n longer dizzy nerves
are strong my sleep natural and I feel
good iu evory way. I think this proves
the medicine is a great one."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold
at 50c a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W.
Chase Modicino Company, Buffalo, N.
Y. See that portrait and signature of A.
W. Chase, M. D., are on every package.
For salo by Killmer Bros., druggists.
This sifftiaturo is oo every boa of tho fenuine
Laxative bromo-Uuinine Tablets
ths remedy that cum m cold ia 4mf
taught by mail.
Three month" for fd.oo. Including a com
mercial arithmetic. A snts-iil tiller.
Write at once lor same, or liookkemiing
and Shorthand.
Hollinau Block, Warren, Pa.
The Spring
ia now nn in
The rfMifiii.uil saint in pMiwr HuntttnK
and Painiinir. linn all hl -Hiupltw rf-mly
for inn j tectiu ii, and a liner linn at lower
priff wm nevnr exhibited Iihia nr
whero. Mr. )vin in tr'Hmi to hlmw
am'!M and .five eMiiiiatt on all work
in lilt lint, and it will Im well lor purlin
need i ii hi wrvicea lo ronmilt him at
once Itt-foie v-iinnement are nide too
famli'Mid. Itunir pHMT no hi at Maine
pre mm ('filmic and h all. Thiw i" a new
tiling and an iinirtaiit itfiii in keeping
down the expne.
Clearing Out
all aud euda through the whole stuck. We
have set out about 100 pails of Lailics' Mit es
and Children's shoes. They will every pair go'
regard lest of price. It' we could let this old
Chestnut to niueic to you could memorize ae
would, "but wo can't."
We have lot of good shoes. One and two pain
of kind They must get out of tbe way of new
goods. Moat any price will buy a pair tif them.
Come iu aud tee the pricet, we hate on all rem
nants. And you will go home with all Ton can
carry. Best Go First.
L. J. Hopkins.
JfOTIv-About April lal, we will r
Cell re Street.
Second Week of Stock Taking
Sees a lot more t tuff" out on the centre aisle tables with a
prioe on to tell them instead nf taking into stock
Flue Dress) TrllUinlugH Bands aud All Over, nut up to
date exactly, one hall, one third and one Ion.-ill former price.
NklrlH 21c Laditt' Short Flannelletle Skirts some three or
four doien, u close.
Watata Want end of week to see last nf these Wool Waists told
so the reduced price ol one third off applies until all are soli).
Embroideries -Npeelal" By the yard, 60 or 60 pieces of
Edges and lusertinna at 43c lo 15c a yard.
Underwear Odd Lots We've put half price on to sell, and
that we won't take into stock.
Ladies' and Men's Ladies' 50c fleeced, 1 !c; in small sizes.
Men's Brown Ribbed, exlra heavy fleeced, Hoc
Golf ; love, 25c Ten dozen lelt of our original 40 doien
purchased black and while.
Write lor Samples. Tele) hone, either line, 257
203 CENTRE 1 204 STC1HI0BE STS.. Oil CI T If, Ft.
An elegarnt assortment at
extremely moderate prices.
Come to the Drug Store for
Pure Drugs,
Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles and
Druggists' Sundries.
Killmer Bros.
Price, $3.00. -
Young Bros. Silk Hats, $.5.00.
We have a handy little article, a akirl or truu-e.r hauler,
easily and quickly adjusted uml aa cniivriiiniit ai a pocket
in shirt. - - I'riee each, 2-le.
FOR SALE Two 8-foot, light oak wood, (.'lass sli" esses, practically
as good as new.
ALSO One of two large mirrors, purchaser can have thoice.
41X43 SENECA 5T.
nve t the large Hi re loom al 112
OIL Ci i i. u'a.