!E THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. t. WINK, toivoa 4 Psosshtos W ED N KS DAY, FEBRUARY in, IM. 1902 FEBRUARY 1902 Su. Mo.' Tu. We. Th. ' Fr. 1 Sa. 1 2j 3 6 8 91011 12 13 14115 16 17 18 19 20 21122 2324!25;26;2728 licpuhllcaii County Committee Meellnir. There will be a meeting of tha Fepub-lU-an County Committee of Forest County at the Court House, in Tionesta, on Mon day. February 24, IW2, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of fixing a date for hold In the Republican Primary Flection, and the transaction ot such other busi ness as may be properly brought before the committee., A full atieniUnce a earn estly desired. W. U. Morrow, Chairman, West Hicko y, Pa . Feb. 10, 1902. The 1 linn Ticket Licked. A special dispatch from Pittsburg says: Chairman J. O. Hrowu, the Pittsburg Times and the Pittsburg Press, concede the election of Larkin, candidate tor comptroller on the t'itizena' ticket, and a majority of councils follow tbe same ticket. The majority for Hie cilianns ticket will lie from lO.Ouu to 15.(Ki. ( I B hat the chance toenter the Uni ted States as a territory, and that is one of the bigires' concessions on earth. As A country grnwa in population and wealth it ought to provide more efflelive safeguards against tire, but the conflagra tions with which the year 1!NI2 opens in the Unite I Stales break the record the Wrong way. Gen. Vk Wit has slipped t-ro igh the British cordon again. In about two weeks (ten. Kitchener will regret o an nounce that mischief has broken out in aome unexpected quarter. Only a day or two ago we read of another Briiish loss of over fifty men. v n km uoouiera are detected but go unpunished, the situation changes from bad to worse. No boodler should go un punished, much less should his villain ous transactions be forgotten by the peo ple. The stripes are what every boodler should be compelled to wear. (iKVKRAL Hkkiikr, chairman, has is sued the call ol the Republican State Convention, which is to be held Id the opera house In Harrisburg, on Wednes day, June Htb. Candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Internal Affairs will be nominated. Whkn Congressman Wheeler, the young Ketitui-ky upstart, delivered his harangue against the efforts being put forth by this country to accord a genuine American welcome to Prince Henry of He: many upon his arrival, be didn't know it was loaded. Neither did his Democratic colleagues when they ap plauded his reference to an honored rep resentative or Iho German Empire as "a little Dutchman." Those Detnocrals are now bearing from their German constitu ents, who want to know if the party tbey represent is to be understood as endors ing that sort of sentiment. Tit Rot i m the votes ot the Venango enmity delegates to the Warren conven tion on Thursday, Forest and Elk coun ties were given equal representation wilb Mercer, Warren and Venango in tbe Con gressional i onventions. The little coun ties up the river will doubtless remember the neighborly act on tbe part of Venan go. rlliizard. Tbe little counties are not forgetful of a kindly and magnani mous act shown toward them. A cipher code found in Mrs. Soffel'a room showed that by pointing to her tnreheail. Kd. Riddle in his cell opposite her window, kiifw she was spelling the letter A. Pointing to her eyes meant B and (', lo the tip of her nose D, and so on, her chin, ears, shoulders, breasts and el bows having special significance. Clasp ing her bauds meant a period and tbe end of a sentence. This code was used for weeks by the conspiring couple. Mr. Maiwkx, Assistant Postmaster tieueral has sent to the House of Repre sentative the memorandum of a provis ion to be incorporated into the postollice appropriation bill, the terms of which if adopted, will meet with the approval of every busine-a man iu tbe country. The measure will permit the payment of postage on third and fourth class mail matter by tbe pound when mailed in qiimititiev No stamps will need to be affixed and all fractions of a pound will be calculated to the benefit of the gov ernment. The only certain thing a out islbminn canal legislation la that if the country gets any at all from this Congress it will be much later than was looked for a few months ago. Tbe squabble between the friends of the Nicaragua and Panama proj els, the injection ot a pruosition for a different canal rout from either of these and the further proposition that the whole matter of the selection of a course be loll to the President, means delay. When Congresa met early in December there w as belief that a atnal bill would be in the bands of the President by ti e litter part ol February at the latest. No body at that time imagined that the Pan ama scheme would be seriously consid ered by Congress. The Nicaragua route was the only one which had any consid erable advocates, so far as the general public could see. It was the route, too, that the majority ot the people wanted, aud which, it is safe to say, the majority now want. The outlook for canal con atruction legislation of any sort at this session of Congress is decidedly uncer tain. I 2STH C0XiRKSSIOS.lL DISTRICT. J Plan of Mukinc Nomlnatioas la (he ' rw District Adopted. Faira'ss , lo the Smaller Coantlr. j Delegates appointed by the Ci airmen , ol the Republican County Committee of the m w 28th Congressional District, com prising the counties f Mercer, Venango, Warren, Elk and Forest, met In Warren on Thursday last for the purpose of adopting a plan for nominating Congress men in said district. Each county waa fully represented by live celegates aa follow s ; . Elk-U D. Osterhout, W. II. Baker, and J. C. Millin, Ridgwa ; A. A. Clear water, Wilcox ; W. 8. O lesson, Jonson burg. Mercer S. D. Downs, Greenville; Jas. M. Campbell, Lyle W. Orr and Thomas K. Adams, Mercer; M. A, Young, Grove City. Venango E. W. Smiley and I. H. Bor land. Frani-lin i W. M. MeKiin, F. W. Bowen and C. E. Cooper, Oil City. Warren E. W. Parshall, F.M. Knapp, Joe. A. Schofield and J, W. Dunkle, Warren; W. P. Wood, Grand Vaih'T. Forest J. K. Wenk, Dr. J. C. Dunn, and William Smcarhaugh, Tionesta ; Uus B. Evans, Endeavor; Urorgs L. King, H ic - ory. Chairman Dunkle of the Warren com mittee bad established bradquai tera in the parlors of the Sti others Hotel, where theconlerence was held. Mr. Dunkle called the meeting to order ot 1:30 p. ni., which immediately organized by electing the following officers: President F. M, Knapp, of Warren. Secretaries-J. E. Wenk of Tiouesta, ami L. W. Orr of Mercer. Business began by F. K. Adams, of Mercer, moving the appointment of a committee of one delega'e Iroin each county, to formulate a plan and present it lo the couiereuce for consideration. After the adoption of an amend mtnt of- lered by Mr. Smiley of Franklin pirmit ing first tbe introduction ot plana by the several counties, the motion was carried. Mr. Smiley then read a plan, which provid d for nominating Congressional candidatea by the popular vote system, and very earnestly urged its adoption Uuder its ptoviaions each candidate for congresa was to go into all the counties and secure aa many votes as possible in each. In the convention, when tbe votea cast at the primaries weie counted, If any candidate was found to ha 'e a inijor ity, he should be declared the nominee. Hut, in case oo candidate had a majority tbe name ol the one having the lowest vote should be dropped, this to be con tiuued until a nomination was made. Dr. Dunn of Forest county presented I plan which favored an equal representa tion in the conference, giving to each county in tun district inree conferees, as has been ll e custom iu the old i!8lh dis trict. The Doctor presented good and logical reasons why a liberal and mag nanimous disposition should be showu toward tbe smaller countiea in the dis trict. Klk county also strongly favored this plan, sending a very able delegation to support it. Mercer county, tbrouitb Mr. Adams, stated they favored I representation in tbe conference based upon the Republi can vote cast In each county. Chairman Knapp then appointed the committee as follows : K. W. Smiley, 8. D. Eowne, William smearbaugh, W. II. Baker and J. W. Dunklo. The conven tion then took a recess lill 3;uu o'clock, and upon re-assem filing waa informed that the committee was unable to agree. Mr. Baker then presented the Forest county plan, and moved ita adoption. Mr. Smiley moved tbe substitution of the Venango plan. This waa voted down by viva voce vote. Mr. Downs offered an amendment to the Forest county plan giving Mercer county five dolegates, Venango and Warren four each, Elk three and Forest two. Mr. Dunkle of Warren moved to amend the amend ment by giving Mercer, Venango and Warren five each, Elk four and For est three. These amendments were both voted down, Venango j lining with For est and Elk, and Mr. Parsball of Warren in tbe vote. Tbe question then reverted to the Forest county plan, w hich waa adopted by a yea and nay vole, the five votea eich of Venango, Elk and Forest, and Mr. Parsball of Warren making 10 to 0. A motion prevailed to provide each County Chairman with aceitified copy of the new rules, and then tbe convention adjourned, the two litt c countiea of Elk and Forest fe. ling elated over li e fact that in a spirit of fairnesa and magnan imity equal representation had been ex tended to them in fiitnrj diitnct couven tions. Here follows the full text of tbe PLAN ADnPTKfi: The undersigned Representatives cf the Republican party of the coo nt lea comprising the 2Mb Congressional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, by authority wal ed in I bcui b the Hi publican pally ol tbe several counties of aid District here by adopt the follow ing rules lor nomina ting candidates of sai'l party for Congresa in said District, delegates lo National Convention and Presidential Klectiun : 1. The Republican Primary Elections in each of the Counties comprising said Congressional District shall be held on the sstiie day (except iu the year 19U2) in years in which Congressmen, Presiden tisl Electors and Delegates in (be Nation al Convention are to lie elected. Kacb County to hold their County Convention according to their owr rules. 2. The date on which ssid Primary Elections shall be held shall Is9 fixed by the Chairmen of the resiective County Committee of ea'h of lbs Counties in said District at a meeting lo be regularly called for that purpose, and the majority of said Chairmen shall be competent to fix such date, and shall be at least one month betbie holding the Primary Elec tions. 3. The Congressional l-istriet Conven tion of the iHib District of Pennsylvania slisll lie composed of three Conferees or delegates from oai-h County, who shall he selected by the Republican Party of such County in accordance w ith the rules ol the said party then goverinng said Countba. Naid Conferees or delegsfna to elected shall meet in convention at a time and place fixed by a majority of the Chairmen of the different County Com mittees of aaid District, but always to I located as nearly central as possible in said Distrb t, and shall perform the duties devolving Uon them as hereafter pro vided. 4. The Conferees or delegates regular ly chosen to represent tteir County in the Congressional Convention, shall meet at tbe time and place fixed by a majority of the Chairmen of the County Commit . .ci i i ... i ...i LtW III IIIH (Wfi'lBI Lignum, iiuiiicii in Section 3. (the first meeting of said, Conference shall not be later than the second Tuesday in Jul ) and organize by electing a Chairman and twofi) Secretar taries, and such other illicers aa may lie necessary, and shall proceed to voto, viva core, for the nomination of a candidate for Congress, in accordance with the fol lowing directions : The Chairman shall direct the Secretariea t proceed to call over the Conferees form each County in said OiMrict, w Inch aaid Confertva w hen so called, shall arise and vote, ru n rocc fr a eaudidate :or Congress in said Dis trict, which role shall b recorded by said Secretaries, snd tbe candidate for Congress who ahall have a majority of all the voles ol the Conle.eea ol sal I District shall be declared to be theaioininee ol the Republican party for Congress in said District; in case no candidate appear to; have a nisioiitv of sll tbe Conferees oltlie 1 District nil the fiist La I lot, the roll shall ; be called again nnlii some or.eot the Can- ' didsies anpeara m have a majority ot a I the Conferees from said District. J 5. In case ol a tie vole ill any County ! fair a candidate for Congress, a niaioriiy j ol tbe Hoi u rn Judges or d legatee st the i County Convention shall deckle, either hv lot or otherwise, which candidate! shall have the instructions ol said Conn- ly, ond be enti led to the votes of the I on Is roes representing said County iu the Congressional Convention. 6. The District Convention shall Is mail! in session from ilxy to day until a candidate is nominated for Congress in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing rule, unless a two thirds t i) majority ol aaid convention should de cide oilier wise; but in nocssecin an ad journment lie bad lo exceed three ,:) bus iness dava. 7- lVlenates to the National Conven tion and Presidential Electors stall be nominated by the same rules governing Congresiouel nominations in said Dis tr lot. Itrafaeas Caasst He Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased po rtion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed oou dilion of th iiiuismis' lining of the F.u stachisu Tube. W hen this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperiect hearing, mi l when it is entire ly closed dealneRs is the nsult, and un less the tntlamation can be taken out and this lube restored lo its normal condition hearing will lie destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but sn Inllauiod condi tion of the mncivis surfaces We will give One Hundred IVllara for any ca,-e of Iealntss (caused by cstairhl that cannot be cured by Hall's t 'atari ll Cure. Send for circulars, lice. F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. Hall a Family Pills are the best. U. A. It. Resolution. Resolutions adopted, Feb. 1", V.2. by Eli Berlin Post, No. ij., of East Hu k ory, Pa. Also ny Cant. Meo. Stow Post, No. 274, of Tionesta, Pa., Feo. 17. ItHii VYhkkkas. It Is the duty of every member of ihe Grand Armv of the Re public lo aid ami assist our comrades in every manner possible; and VtiiKRKAs, The building of some of our naval vease a in Ihe Government navy yards by the Government employes will largely increase Ihe resources of steady employment lor the veterans, by easonoi mo pr.lerencs Hist Is given the n in the employment of mechanic- snd latmreraat all the navy yards; there fore be it Remih ett, That our Representatives in Congress ae nniiested to me v 11 tbe means in their power to have enacted law dire ling the construction ol a nsvsl vessel at each of Ihe Government navy yards having li e mce-ssry facilities lo perlorm Ihe work: and further Iieaolrril, Thai a copy of these resulu liona le published in our local papers ami Kssent to our two L. !S. Senator our Represents ives in Congress and tl e lion. Secretary or I lie Navy, reiiuestle co-operation with us in securing the passage ol such a law. A'tesi: Kli Uerlic Post N.i. o!. J. Aliiai iiii, Commander. Atlosl; ('apt. Geo. Stow I'osf, No. 271. S. J. Skti.ey. Commander. Tit I t I, LIST. List of causes set down for trial iu :ho Court of Common Pleas of Forest Cotintv, Pennsylvania, commencing on the rourlh Monday of February, MS.' : 1. Truman I). Collins vs. John Wilson. No. 33, September term, ItKU Summons iu ejectment. 2. J. W. Baxter, vs. M. V. Patterson and J. K Beck, trading as Patterson A Beck. No. ;w. May Term, lwl. Sum mons in assumpsit. 3. Richard S Wlnlnck vs. A. D. Neill, No. Si), Feb. Term, IWH. Summons iu assumpsit. 4. K. C. Heath and George II. Killini r, doing business as ll-afh cfc Killiner vs. Free Methodist Church, W. J, Foreman contractor and W, .1. Foreman and Guv Hillard, trustees. No as, Sept. Term, l!M. So . Fa. Sur. Mechanics l,icn. a. J. F. Proper vs. John T. Carson. No. ti, Feb. Tei m. PxrJ. Summons in as sumpsit. U. Mary Caldwell vs, llralia ev ft Ilea leand J. S. Caldwell. No. 7, Feb. 'term, Iisr2. SherifT'a Interpleader. 7. II. L. Hepler vs. Thaddeus Ilsher. No. 40 May Term, IsaJl. Appeal by Deft, from J. P. Attest, JOHN H. BOHEIITSON, Proibnnotary. Tionesta, Pa., January 2s, SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Firri Fa cias, issued out of the Com t of Com mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva nia, and to inn directed, V cro w ill beex posed to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court H us, in the Borough of Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, A. D. I!i2, st one n'clocU p. in. the following de scribed real est ite, lo wit : SAHAIi ISOVARD v. JollN W. NO BI.K Fieri Facias No 3. February Term, RNrJ, i Waivers;. T. F. Ritchey, Attorney. All defendant's right, title, infen-sl and claim of, in and lo all tost certain piece or parcel of la d I viiiuan4 Iseiuir Iu lbs tmroiigh of Tionr-ata. l-'orest county, Pa., bounded and dcscriiMsl as follow -: On the west by Vine street, on the north by lot of Ihe Tionesta Scbo.il District, on V e east hy land lormnrly of D. S. Knox and Sickles, mi ibe south by I ind lormerly owned by A. It. Kelly, now F rdrikson lot. Containing one aero more or less. Being same land inenlioiier! in deed to John W. Noble, recorded in Forest coun ty, leed B'Kik No. 21. pagetl. There is erected thereon one lvo-storv house, wr ather-bosrded and painted,; 21x32 feel, and In good repair ; one barn ; 2hx2t f't, and other out buildings ; one j good well of aater. ! Taken in exei-ut ion and to lie sold as; the protierty ol John W. Noble, at the suit of Sarah Hovard. TERMS OF SAI.K. -Thc follow! -g ! must Is9 strictly com pi in I w itb w inn the j property is stricken down; 1. When the plaintitl'rirotber Icin ercd ; itors liecomc the purchaser, tlm cols on : the writs must Is- paid, and a list ol 'liens , including mortgage scan-hf-son the prop eity sold, together with such lien credit-' or'a receipt' lor the smnunt of the pro- i ceedsof the sale or such portion thereof as ' he may claim, must be furnished the Sherifl. 2. All bids must lie paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will lie continued until n'chx-k p. in., of the ' next day, at which time all pniicrtv not settled tor will auain be put up and sold at Ihe oxieiise and risk of the person to whom lirst sol, I. :Sce Purdon's Digest, Nin'h Kdilion, page 44H andSmith'a Forms. psL-e :ts4. J. W. J A M I KSO.N . Sherifl. i Sheriff's Ol'ice, Tionesta, Pa.. Fi-bru- , ary 3, Dr2. VI7ANTED-R liible man for manager V of a brani-h otlice we wih to open III this vicinity. Here i Hftm.il opening for the right man. Kindly give gl ref erence w hen writing. Tbe A. T. .Morris WhnleaalcHnuse, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1-. Iutrated catalogue 4 ets. stamps. I U 1 7 V H ftp "I BUY FURNISHINGS FROM ROBINSON," Slid the well dretfeJ dud. "SO DO I," Slid the economical man We p'eae them, and we can pli asc ymi, when it it a question of NIKS f Fine I.lne of Xerkwrar Just Itrt-i-ivrd. ROBINSON. Threshermen! The HUBER We call your attention ooce again to the Xew II liber Separator which it a model of simplicity and nearest per fiction of any separator in use to-day. Aoyooe can under stand ail will readily admit that tbe machine having ihe fewest moving parts and the leant number of complications will run the lighten. One Kelt propels every part. One Tighteiirr serves to increase Ihe'tension of ihe belt on ev esy pally ami can be adjusted instantly. The concave can be raised or lowered while machine is limning at full speed Our Claim Are J 1st. The nearest perfect Separator 21. The grcnlrsl capacity for saviug the grain. 3d. The best cleaner fir all kinds of grain The Ilnlier Wind Slacker niul Nell Feeder are not equaled. The catalogue explains why Ash for it. TIIK 20th Century Traction Engine, (The original teluru flue boiler,) with Water Jacket Smoke Box, which carries the water to the extreme front eml to make st m. II is no o.u.l drum to fill up aud blow up. Over liOOU b iters in use and never an explosion. Smeiu ute continu-ou.-ly fr twenty five years. We hold I lie World's record for s ift ty an. I economy of fuel and water All Kinds of NeeoiKl-IInnd Holler mid Engine!, Ilonse-Powcr and Threshing- Machine. tlaiiuracliirerM' Agents lor Machinery. JOHN A. MAGEE & SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE AND MACHINERY, BUILDING MATERIAL. ETC CLARION, PENNA. Rin anl sweat have no cite fc.rnt- u ni dii. It ie iu the (Jimp, eteepMiielr-iUi S:ittlie lcvt. ih (V.;) V, Iwrm.tM iVH. PROCLAMATION. Wiikhkas, The lion. W. M. I.indsey, Presidi-nt Judirn of the Court of Coin mop 1'liiis snd quarter Sessions In and lor the count y o! ' Forest, has i-nuiil his pre cept for lo .hi i n ' a Court of Coininou Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Coo rt, Over ami Terminer uud tlcneral Jail lielivery, at Tionesta, for th County of KoreM. lo coumience 01 the Kourth Monday of Fehruarv, heina the -Ith ilnv of Fi 'irusry l!i lice is tliercfoin iriven to the Cor oner, Juxtiees of Ihe I'ewo and Con stalile of sal couiitv, that they be then and there iu their proper person at ten o'eps k A. M., ol said dav with their rer-oiiN. lii'iuiKitions, exainiiiation, and other lenieuilirsnces, to do Ihoso tluuirs whli-h to their otlice apriertain to he done, and totliime whoarelMiiind in recognizance prosei'iile ajain't the prisoners ' hut are or shall lie in t lie jail of Forest County, that fhey may t.e then and there to prcwecute aminst theiii s-. shall lie just, (iiveu un der my hand and -al this iiTth day of Jauo irv, A. !. l!"0i J. W. JAMIKSON, ua. ShnrilT. Confirmation Notice. Notice is her' hv uiven Hint Ihe lollow ill! ai-coniifs have lieen tiled ill my oflice and w ill he pr" nted at llm next term of Court for confirmation : Final account of A. II. Kelly and O. W. It'ilonson. Fx colors ol the iat Will and Ti-sfauieni of Itenjamin Msy, late of Tio-m-la Iforoiih, pa., deceased. F'lial aceoont of !,eon Watson, Admin isirator of Hie F.-tate of Jatn- s O. Haller ty, la'e of lireen Tonnnhip, l'a., dc-ci-ased. J. II. HOIIICIITSOX, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, l'a., January -s, l!y. W ANTKD Men and Women solicitors foi frnmcoi the newest and liet sellintr pulilicstioi s i.riuled. Idle of Mi'K.nlev, L'niler ll i h FIsl's. etc. A liolden har vest f.ir the eneriiet c. Aihlr.-ss lo dav. The Househohl I'lildisliinf; Co., Krie. l'a. 5iit M . Ii.ni'l y the Q B ul Kurrks B liuncuOii. ammsiriMi i e' sold Kr&'iTjp Standard 01 ( -WJ Company Jf Of Interest lo Ladies. We are showing our line of Ladies Waists for the season of 190'.?. To those who bought them last season we need not point out their merits of perfect fit and correct style. In this connection we are showing about 100 Waist Patterns of Mercerized Madras and Oxfords (no two alike). They are ex clusive, confirmed styles and cannot be duplicated. Ladies are invited to call and examine. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 2 SENECA ST.. OIL CITY, PA. for 1902. IIl'ltElt" Saw 91111m and all It hid of rORKNZO FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS. COLlkRS. BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1IONKSTA. PA. $8.00 For a limited time we will make to your measure a Suit to FIT you at a reduction of from $2.00 $4.00 on each suit and PANTS AT $3.00 AND UPWARDS. You will have no complaints on account of any gar ment RIPPING if made by us. Ladies' Suits at a great reduction. Also Jackets and Furs, and a good selec tion to choose from. We carry the best line in town. To Start the New Year and make it as prosperous as the past we will offer you special reductions on all lines of goods. Watch for "Good Things" in Groceries, Shoes, Furnish ings, Chinaware, &c. Thanking you for your patronage in past years we in vito you to call and see spec ial prices for the new year. Tionesta Cash THE ANTI-TRUST STORE. NEW AND COMPLETE LINE FOR LADIES JUST ARRIVED Come and Examine. HEATH Up-to-Dato A. Ways Cook, President. A. B. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom era all the benefits consistent with conservative b kinij. Interest ptld on time deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited. Up-to-date! BRIGHT SPARKLING ARTISTIC. Stock of new Goods. DIAMONDS. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. NOVELTIES. LEATHER GOODS. UMBRELLAS. CANES HtinvEV Fritz The LEADING JKWELKU 32 NF.NECA St., Oil. CITY, PA. SUITS SLT k FEIT. Dealers in Kkllv. Cashier. Wit, Smkakbauoii. V Ice Presiden NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. DIRECTORS U. W. Robinson, Win. Smeai liauKh. T. r. Rllchey.' J. T. Dale. J. II. Kelly. Now for a Clearinci in Shoes Sli'M for Wi.oicn, Men, It ), Girla aud llabiet. They are a'l lliia leason'i style, the lust wearing lea' her, from makers who :nml at i lie top in tlio thoo mat ufactorii'p li'ineis, aud are nlTereJ to you now at a price that lutans a li' i-av-' iiij, anil dill we ptisraolet every pair we rell. JOE LEVI, Cor Centre, Sen' t a, A Sycamore Sla OIL CIT1, r.i. Pbona 'J3. $8.00 Store CASH BARGAIN MAKERS.