The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 29, 1902, Image 2

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J. I. WINK. . Coito 4 Paoraitroa.
1902 JANUARY 1902
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa
2! 3
o m 11
15 16
19 20 21
22 23
26 27128 29 30
It would b a joke on Uncle 8ni If the
French, after selling us (be Panama filial,
should shift operations to llio Nicaragua
canal and flank us with a shorter route to
the Pacific,
If a lobby is at work in Washington to
defeat the building of nny isthmian canal,
it is waisting time. The American peo
ple are practically unanimous fora water
way Isstween the two oceans and by the
route most advantageous to this country.
Prksipkmt PaLma, the first executive
of the Cuban republic, bas just said to a
meeting of Cubans that "we owe all that
we luve, and all thai we expect to be, to
the American government." H is a
pleasure to bear these words of gratitude.
Tbey hate been rather scan- in the Cu
ban newspapers.
Whks the urgent deficiency bill was
reported to the Committee ol Appropria
tions attention was called to an item in
dicating the cost of the late President Mc
Kinley's funeral. The appropriation la
to provide for the expends of tl.e Con
gressional rarty attending the cere
monies, the sum asked lor being Wi,.1O0.
Thk iiear trust literary bureau Is
working overtime organizing poverty
and syndicating misery in Cuba in the
bope of getting the duty on raw sugar
removed. How much of that duty would
go into the pockets of the Culm planter
or wage earner ? The American people
have a v. ry accurate estimate of the phil
antrophy of the sugar trust.
SATsthe Pbiladelphia;inqnirer: "The
powers of Europe are tumbling into line.
They all wan1 to pay re peels to Ua,
There is cot one of them that does not
wish to stand well with the United States.
England has bad her say. So bas (Ger
many, so has Franc, so hss Russia.
They all wish to be on g.iod terms with
this country. We are getting along."
(k ofthe nioat expert chaffeurs in
Washington is Representative Sibley of
Pennsylvania. He bas an automobile,
and every morning when congress ia in
e:on takes it up the avenue to tbe east
front of the capital and then turns it over
to an attendant. Mr. Sibley is so expert
that he can cut figure eight and do other
fancy stunts in steering the machine
Lancaster Ex miner.
Skxator Quar has introduced a gen
et al tension bill on a new line. It gives
widows of old soldiers a pension ol $12
per month, and to all old soldiers who
served ninety dsya in the Civil war who
are not receiving ensions and were
honorably discharged, it gives a pension
based on their age, as follows: 50 years
of age and under f5 years, ff) a month;
65 years of age and under AO years. 8 per
mouth; f6 yea-a and over, Vl per month.
Lord Kiti hknefi's concentration
camps appear to be arousing nearly as
much hostility among the Liberals and
Irish Nationalists as Weyler's did among
the Americans in 18f7-H8. 8 far as
learned, the destruction in tha British
case is not as great as it was in that of
Spain, but it is serious enough to make
the mailer a scandal which ia pretty
suro to cnll out ihe hostility of a majority
ofthe people of England if it should lie
continued much longer. Weylcrism bas
already put the Sali bury ministry on
the defctiseive.
A kkiknd of Governor Leslie M, Shaw,
the new Secretary of the Treasury,
ask him Ihe other day if be did not think
it advisable to request the Des Monies
Loader to cease printing the injunction,
"Keep your lye on Shaw!" which it dis
plays c inspictinusly every day. "Thia
advice was all right while we were talking
ol nnniinstingyou for the Presidency,"
said the (inventor's friend, "but now thst
you are to have the custody of $700,000,
000 or $ftO,us),iKP0 of ;hn tlovernmenl'a
money it's time to lake the Mgii down
People wilt think we haven't confidence
in your integrity."
Tu K Pacific cable question will come in
for a great deal of discussion, but the
chances are that it will be disposed of
quicker tlrin the isthmian canal issue,
w hich now promises to bang on to near
the end of the session, and may possibly
go over to the next session. A Pacific
ca. ilc, like an isthmian canal, ia very
urgent need. Happily, the expenditure
in Ihe case of the cable will be small
compared with that which tbe canal will
necessitate. The only thing which baa a
chance to delay the construction of a ca
ble Is Ihe possibility that Marconi'a sys
tem of wireless telegraphy may be made
commercially available In the next two
or three years, and few persona are san
guine of this.
TiiKline must be drawn somewhere
ami, though German diplomacy may sen
nothing wrong in a program for Prince
Henry's visit that would require Presi
dent Roosevelt to go to New York to
rivet the Prince, American dignity will
permi: nothing of the kind. Our Presi
dent, temporary oflleial though bo is, is
superior in rank to anybody below the
rank of sovereign. If Emperor William
in person were to come to the United
Slates, it would be Aiotb proper and
couitooua for our President to meet and
bid him welcome on bis landing in thia
country; but to extend tbe same courtesy
to even the mostexalted of the Emperor's
subjects would lower the President's
dignity in (ieiinan eyes even more than
in American. Public Ledger.
Is a letter from an old friend now re
aiding in Michigan, hich we publish this
week, ihe writer, Mr. Pcrclval. refers to
the growing iudustry of sugar beet rais
ing in bis section, and says if allowed to
retain the tariff protection now afforded,
the industry will steadily grow in impor
tance. Why should not In tariff on raw
sugar isnialn as a protection to tha farm
er of America who are engaged exten
sively in tbe culture of the sugar beet?
There ia no argument In favor of a re
duction of duties on raw sugar that doe
not emanate from the sugar trust. That
mam month institution w ould derive all
the benefits, leaving cot a crumb for the
consumer, to say nothing of tbe annihil
ation of the sugar beet industry. Tbe
sugar trust ia piling up millions fast
Chai m b If". Black, an rx-Lieuteuant
Governor, of Pennsylvania, was asked
recently by some of bis p.irilnns to sug
gest methods for the reorganisation of tbe
Democratic party. He issued long
tnanileto w hi. b waa published at length
iu some of the leading Democrat pjpers
of the State. In th:a document are found
these words: "There are some Democrats,
most of them as honest as we, who mag
n'fied the ailver question into a vital is
sue, and who, therefore disagreeing with
us, our platform and our candidates, as
sisted directly or indirectly to put thn
imperialists' party into power. They
have rtaliMnl thiir error. They ace the
republic transformed into an empire."
And it is with such trash as this that men
like Black seem to think that the people
cau be duped into restoring tbeui to
power. So long as Ihe common schools
exist such ranting will fall on deaf earn.
05 Ihe curious plea Ibat if Ihe Repub
licans don't do it the Democrats will,
Mr. Roberta or Massachusetts advocates
Ihe opening up of the question of tarifl
revision at the present session of con
gress. Why slop at tantT revision? Why
not urge tbe repesl of tl.e Dingley law as
a whole, on th plea t' at ihe Itemocrals
would do it if they bad Ihe power f To do
things that tbe enemy want done, lest tbe
enemy himself undertske to do it and
thereby gain all the advantage, is a queer
doctrine in practical politic and practi
cal statesmanship. Political advantages
have tot usually beeu gained Ibat wav or
retained Ibat wav by tbe party iu power.
Mr. Roberta evidently is a new convert
lo the school of tariff ripping theorists
who would be more dangerous if they
were more numerous. As the matter
stands they aiejusl numerous enough to
attract some attention when they make
f-olish breaks. Mr. Roberts has succeed
ed iu attracting some atten lion. Ameri
can Economist.
National and State Propcrltr.
Two reports just made public Indicate
how great is the prosperity ofthe United
Stalea generally and of Pennsylvania In
particular. According lo the statistics
collected by the census bureau, Ihe gross
value of the producta of manufacture of
Uie Uuited States in 1 900 was $l3,Ou3,l27,
42, as compared with f0,.'Kr,37.'J in
l0. This shows an inureas of 37.73 per
cent, within lOyeaas. as the census tig
urea were collected over a year and a
half ago, it is probable that if II ey were
brought down lo date they would ahow
an increase In excess of 40 per cent, aa
compared with those of ll years ago.
When this phenomenal growth ia con
sidered Mr, Schwab's declarations re
ported Irom Berlin as to American good a
being destined to invade and control tbe
markets ofthe world outside of Europe
do not appear to be without much ai
rant. Tbey also servo clearly lo indicate
the great and increasing prosperity which
tbe Nation has been and ia enjoying.
The figures contained iu the report of
tbe Pennsylvania Slate banking depart
ment Indicate tbe samo erudition of
things as Iu this Commonwealth. From
them It appears that during the past year
tbe deposits in banks, savings funds and
trust companies increased $7(1,093,089.30.
This does not include the deposits in Na
tional banks, which would griatly in
crease tbe amount. The figure as th y
stand, however, are sufficient to show
that Ihe beople of Pennsylvania are fully
sharing in the great prosperity of tbe
Nation. Pittsburg Times.
A tollable Daily Paper.
Tbe Pittsburg Times is the only daily
newspaper in that city w hich doea not
have a Sunday edition. The Times puis
all its energies and money into publish
ing the best newspaper there aix dayaout
of the week. It people believe in Ibe
Biblical and humane idea that men and
newspapers should have one day's rest
in seven. The Times shows the resulta
of this in sending out a vigorous paper.
Accuracy and brevity are its walcbwards.
Its editorial page is Ihe work of several
specialties and .a one that commands
Jtselfin its discussion of current topic
to tbe children of iho public schools, as
woil as their fathers, inothors, teachers
and all who read and think. In politics
its policy ia Republican, giving all Iho
newa of all parties a well. Tbe sporting
page ia in charge of an expert, and
cream, not blue milk ia served in its
columns. The Times also pays particular
attention to church matters, and it
church news is at once reliable and gen
eral, lis social correspondents every
where keep Its pagea day by day a per
fect mirror of the world. The woman's
page ia a carefully edited one, and erery
woman who knows Tbe 1 imes is devoted
lo this psge. Tbe Times I a mod-1 pa
per. Six days a week for six cents.
How's This I
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that can no
be cured bv Hall's Cslarrh Cure.
K. J. Ch kkky t Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known K.J.
Cheney for the last 13 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable ill all business
transactions and financially able to carry
nut any obllgationa made by their linn.
Wkiit it Tbal'x, wholesale drugirists, To
ledo, u., Wai.iiino, Kixnan A Marvix,
wholesale druegixts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 7's;
per bottle. Sold by all' druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are Ihe best.
The NU lei I'lute Road
will sell bomeseekera excursion ticket
to all points in (he West, Northwest and
Southwest on Feb. 4th and lHth, li eral
return limits. Inquire of nearest ticket
stent ofthe Nickel Plate Road, or call at
or address Citv Ticket Ollice fr.1) male
St., Erie, Pa. II. C. Allen. C. P. A T.
A. No. J-1 a at
Loiter From a Former Fursetonlan.
Pal. V:rn , .! . 21, l-.srj.
AM. Ktpul'tieoit :
To-day I salely passed the Sth mile
stone on my Journey lo the land from
w hich our friend do not return. Whilo
looking backward, toy mind naturally
revjrtd lo the lime when, with my wife
and aix boys, I left Ihe rait and climbed
up to the hotel la Tioncsts, in the spring
oflSi7. We located at Newtown Milla
where we remained till lvs, when we
came to Michigan. There have been
changes in our family during the past few
years. Two boys and my w ife have left
us, and I feel Ihe loss deeply. We are
keeping up Ihe I c home, having a good
woman lo do the woik, but we mis
mother. My health is pretty good, with
the exception of being somewhat lame
from rheuuntiKiii.
We are having a mild winter, with no
sleighing up to thia lime. There is some
auow, Just enough to cover the ground.
Thia has been a good season for burners,
the crops have been abundant, and prices
good. The beet sugar industry Is being
carried on quite extensively In this sec
tion, with good results, and if Congress
Icaies Ihe tariff on foreign sugars, there
will be a great increase ofthe business in
In reading "The Sportsman's Review '
a few weeks since, I saw a'l item referr
ing to Mr. Robert GuUon, of Uuitonville,
in which he was credited with having
killed 300 bears, and thai be was now able
to do somethirg in that line. I con
gratulate him, and hope that Ms health
may continue f.r years lo come. Mr.
Guitonbasa lecord of shooting seven
deer in a day, with a single barrel, mux
xle loading ritlle. I have bad my
deer hunt, but go out occasionally and
shoot some cotton lad rabbits. Deer are
plenty in Ihe Upper Peninsula, and hunt
ers geueially gel Ihu three deer that the
law allow each man lo kill. There w ere
mil as many mi n shot this se son as in
ns!. With a strict enforcement of the
game lawa, game will increase.
Yours Truly,
J. C. Pkhi'Ivai..
To Ksow Ihe Cure for Any Form of
5rrronsness or Hysteria .Nerdi
But to Read the Fol
lowing. Mr. Chester Kerr of No 151 VctSpring
street, Titosville, Pa says: "IV, have
nsed Dr. A. W. ('base's Nerve Pills in
our house in two instances one a case of
nervous sick headache, nervousness and
depression and Ihe other a case of gen
eral debility, lack of energy and strength.
In the first instance Iho Ixadaches were
stopped and tbe nervous system put Iu
good condition and in the other the pa
tient built up generally until In good
health and strength again."
Dr. A. W. Chase Nerve Pills are sold
at 50c a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Company, Buffalo, N.
Y. See that portrait and signature of A.
W. Cbae, M. 1)., are on every package.
For sale by Klllmer Bros., druggiala.
lie dared Rutin for Hoinrsrrk' rs
Feb. 4th and lSlh via Iho Nickel Plate
Road to Minne-ota, Iowa, Colorado, So.
Dakota, Arizona, all parts of T xas in
cluding iu oil fields, and all Western,
Northwestern and Southwestern points.
Liberal return limit. Inquire nearest
agent or the Nickel Piste Koad, or call on
or address Citv Ticket Office fc!0 State
St.. Kris, Pa. " II. C. Allen, C. P. .. T.
A. No. 17 1-20 3t AKKAHI.K ( I KK OF ( HOI P.
A Utile Bnv'a Life Naves'.
I have a few words to v regarding
Chamberlains Cough Remedy. It saved
my little boy's life and I feel that I can
not praise It enough. I bought a bottle
of It from A. E. Steer of Cioodw in, S 1 '.,
and when I got home with It the poor ba
by could hardly breathe I gave tbe
medicine as directed everv ten minutes
until he "threw up" and then I llinuubt
sure bo was golna to choke to death. Wo
bad to pull Ihe phlegm out of his month
In great long strings. I am positive Hist
if I had not got that bottle of cough med
icine, my boy would not bo on earth t
day. John Demnnl, Inwcnd, Iowa. For
sale by Killmer Bros. Tioncsta, W. O.
Wilkins, West Hickory, Pa.
Tsar ! Cwba.
The Illinois Central Railroad hss ar
ranged to run an excursion to Cuba via
lis own lines lo New Orleans thence via
the Morgan Steamship Line to Havana,
Will leave Cincinnati and Chicago J ami.
ary 30, 1002, and on return will reach
Cincinnati and Chlcag.i on Februar, II,
1IHU. A delightful voyage across the
Hulf of Mexico, s six days' stay on the
Island of Cuba, Matanzs. Ihe valley of
Yumuri, tbe Caves or Bella Mar and other
interesting points. Parly will reach New
Orleans on return in time for Mardi Gras
festivities. Tour under the escort of the
American tourist Association. Rale from
Cincinnati and Chicago fl.Vi.OO for the
round trip which Includea all expenses
everywhere. Address E. A. Richter,
Traveling I'assoi iter Agent, Illinois
Central R. R., M2 Park Bldg. Pittsburg,
Pa. 1-15-31
".tlsnll lira al New Orlcaaa."
The Illinois Central Railroad will run
special excursion from Cincinnati and
Chieaa-n for those desiring to sttend Ihe
f stlvities on Ihisoccasion and will sell
tickets from sll points at greatly r dueed
rates. Mardl firas occurs this year Tues
day February lllh. Diagram for Sleep,
ing cars now open and reservations will
be made In order received. For full sr
t; ulais address E. A. Richter, Traveling
Passenger Agent, HI2 Park building,
Pittsburg, I'a. 1-15-41
PsrlSr Cast Wllknat Ckssae,
III new rul'msn "ordinary" s'eeper",
wide vestibiileil and with every modern
convenient. Iu charirn of competent
auenl, from Cincinnati and Ch cago via
Louisville. New Orleans, Huston. San
Anlonin, Elpatoand Los Angeles In San
Fran isc". Kstes for berths less than
halfofcot In regular sleepers. For free
descriptive matter snd lull particulars,
sd dres E. A. Richter, Trsv. Pass. A cent,
Illinois Central Kailroad s2I'ark Build
ing, Pittspurg, Pa. 1-lVtf
Education For Ererjone.
We teach at your home, bookkeeping
typewriting, shorthand, telegraphy,
aril Inn. lie and English, by mail.
Write for free information ns lo our
We will send yon the first lesson in
shorthand on receipt of 10 eta.
Try it. We furnish our students Willi
typewriter al their homes.
Warrkw Coum spokhk"i'k Seiioor..
ollice. No. II, Hollinsn 111. i k.
Warn n. Pa.
For !alc.
At once, nn acoont of death Iu Ihe
family, at invoice, a sir ck ol general mer
chandise in the F. K. Set ley slorn build
ing. Call or sddresH .s k lx XI,, West
Hickory, Pa. II Y. Woon. Mgr.
Kany-ave Data Twsr via Praaa?taala
The Pennsylvania Railroad Personally
Condnrted Tour to Mexico ai d California
which leaves New York and Philadel
phia on February 11 bv special Pullman
train, covers a I rr and inteus'y interesting-
portion of North America, em
bracing a great pari of Mexico, lbs beau
tiful oast resorts of Cal'torma, the
lirand Canyon of Atirona.onsofthe great
wonders of the country. Fourteen dsys
will lie spent in Me ieo and nineteen in
California. The Mexico and California
Special, lo be used over Ihe entire trip,
w ill be composed ol the hiithest grade
Pullman parlor, smoking, dtnnini, draw
room, sleeping, compartment, and obser
vation cars, heated by steam and liiihted
bv electricity. Itonnd trip rate, covering
all necessary expenses during Ihe entire
trip, $o7. from all points on Ihe Pennsyl
vania Railroad east of Pittsburg, and $7i)
from Pitlstiurg. For Ihe lour of Mexico
onlv the rate will be$C0 and for Califor
nia nnlv, which will leave February Z
$.175. For itinerary and full information,
spplv to ti.-ket sgenls, or address Grorire
W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
Aiient, Broad Strtel Station, Philadel
phia. 1 22-lit
Florida. Prrsnsll-I'anflnrlril Twar Via
IVaasiltsala Katlrwaa.
The first Jacksonville tour of thn sea
son via the Pei.nsvlvsnia Railroad, al
lowing I w o weeks In Florida, leave
New York, Philadelphia, and Washing
Ion by a ecial train Febniary 4. Excur
sion tickets, including railway transpor
tation, Piilliran accommodations tone
berthl. ami meals en route in both direct
ions w bile 'ravelinir on the special train,
will be sold at Ihe following rates: New
York, fi 00 ; HntV-ilo, ,v i"; Rochester,
.MHO; Elmira. M 4.1; Erie. $.V SS; Will-iam-p
rl. $.'i0.00; Wilksbarre. $Vi0 3T; snd
at proportionate rst s Horn other points.
F- r tickets, itineraries, and full infor
mation applv lo ticket agents, or address
Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Genera! Pas
aenger Agent, Broad Street station. Phil
adelphia. 1-22 21
A 1'are.for Luaabaaw.
W. C. Williamaon, of Amherst, Va.,
ssys: "For more than a yar I suffered
Irom lumbago, I finally tried Chamber
Iain's Pain balm and it gave me entire
relief, which sll other remxliea had
a lied lo do." Killmer Bros., Tioneste,
W. G. Wilkins, West Hickory, Pa.
tio:si-i ivVitici-:xH
Flour 1 sack . 1.10 1.50
Corn meal, feed, 100 lb. i .Ml
Corn meal, family. j IJ0 tb 1.75
Chop iced, pure grain 1.S5
Oats Q .iio
Con:, shelled .HJ
Rtlckwheat flour, "fA lt .21
Beans 1 bushel 2.A0
Ham, sugar cured ,15
Bacon, sugar cured....... .15
Shoulders 10
Salt Pork, "f th .12
Wbitcfish kit .Ik)
Sugar AQ.ftj
Syrup 2."i(i .50
N. O. Molasses 85' .MI
Coffee, Roast Kio I2I5
Coffee, blended Java " .25
Tea .S5(3 .50
Butler ($.25
Rice 05(g). Od
Kgas, fresh . fa .25
Salt -p bnrrcl !.S5
Lard .n
Potatoes, Ti bushel .75
Potatoes, Sweet p tb .irj
Lime 1 barrel 901.00
Nails V keg 2.75
Whereas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessiona in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept forholdingaCourtofCnmmoii Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of tbe Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer mid General
Jail Delivery, at Tioncsta, for Ilia
County of Forest, to commence on the
Fourth Monday of February, being
the 24t h day of February 1H02. No
tice is therefore given io the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables of said countv, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol saij (av wjt, their
recoids, inquisitions, examination, and
other lemeiuhranees, to do those things
which to their ollice appertain lo be done,
and to those whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against Ihe prisoners that are
or shall De in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there, to prosecute
against them as shall lie iust. Given un
der my band and seal this 27th day of
januarv, A. I'. l!r.;.
j. W. JAMIF-SON, L.a. Sheriff.
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hen bv iriven that the follow
Ing accounts have been tiled in inv office
and will be pr"sented at the next term of
Court lor confirmation :
Final account or A. B. Kelly and G. W.
Robinson. Executors ofthe iast Will and
Testament of Benjamin May, lato of Tio
in sta Borough, Pa., deceased.
Final account of Ioii Watson, Admin
istrator of the Estate of Jam' O. Raller
iy, la'e of Green Township, Pa, de
ceased. J. H. ROBERTSON.
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tionesta, Pa., January 2H, 1002.
Tit I A I, LIST.
List of causes set down for trial In the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest Countv,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Fourth Monday of February, 1002:
I. Truman D. Collins vs. John Wilson.
No. 3:1, September term, I'.mo Summons
in ejectment.
2. J. W. Baxter, vs. M. V. Patterson
ami J. E Beck, trading as Patterson iV
Beck. No. m. May Term, llll. Sum
mona in assumpsit.
3. Richard S. Wlnlack ys. A. D, Neill,
No. 30, Feb. Term, l!n. Summons iu
4. K. C. Heath and George II. Killmer,
doing business as ID alh t Killmer vs.
Free Methodist Church, W. J. Foreman
contractor and W, . I. Foreman and Guy
Hillard, trustees. No :n. Sept, Terni,
llml. Sc . Fa. Hur. Mechanics Lien.
5. J. V Proper vs. John T. Carson.
No. I), Feb. Teim, 1002. Summons in as
sumpsit. U. Mary Caldwell vs, Braha"ev A Hea
it and S. J. Caldwell. No. 7, Feb. Term,
I!i2. Sheriff's interpleader.
7. H. L Hepler vs. 'i'hadileua llisdier.
No. 40 May Term, 1001. Appeal by DefL
from J. P.
Tionesta, I'a., January 2s, l!r2.
We Have
sent lo the front of our store a
mall army of Remnants,
Shoes, OJdi am) Eud, ami
goods that bave Dot been mov
ing rapidly eonugh, ami have
put pricis nn them lo make
tbem move. Ad inspection
will show you tome tnony
savers. C.higliaius at 5r Yd.
OiitiiiKN nt 3c Yard.
Will buy more and heller
Merchandise at The JIc
Cuen ( o.'.'i than any oilier
place io town.
Men' overcoats Inventory price, $." to
1 12.
Men'a Stills inventory price, $." lo $15
Young Men' Suit and overcoat $1
less than men'a.
Men'a Trousers $1 and upward.
Boys and children's clothing inven
tory pi Ice. suits, $1 and upw ards.
Knee pants 25c and upwards.
Children's veslee suit- at half pi Ice.
Men's iinlaundcred shirts, best in the
market, at 42c.
Men'a lancy stiff busoin shirts. Otic to
Wint, r negligee shirts, c.'le In $1.50.
Men's negliuee shirts, 30c.
Men's aox, To.
Men's all-wool and cotton mixture aox,
2 pairs for 2.V.
Men's work in j shirts, attached collars,
black and colors. 42c.
Men's and boys' heavy sweaters and
Jersey w rking shirts, 30c.
Men'a Underwear, 20c.
Boy' and children's h-avy underwear,
Fifty lines of men's underwear, some
at less than half price.
Men'a black and colored hats al ic.
Men'a Jean pants, a lot thst areslighliy
soiled-half price. 50o qualities al 2.V,
7 V qualities at. TV, $ qialtlica at 60c,
$1.25 qualities at 63c.
Meu's overalls and jackets 25c
Stock of new Goods.
For n limited time wo will make to your measure a
Suit to FIT you at a reduction of from $2.00
$4.00 on each suit and
You will have no complaints on account of any gar
ment RIPPING if made hy us.
Ladies' Suits
at a great reduction. Also Jackets and Furs, and a good selec
tion to choose from. We carry the best lino in town.
To Start the New Year
and make it as prosperous as the past wo will offer you
special reductions on all lines of goods. Watch for
"Good Things" in Groceries, Shoes, Furnish
ings, Chinaware, &v. Thanking you for
your patronage in past years we in
vite you to call and see spec
ial prices for the new year.
Tionesta Cash
Come and Examine.
Up-to Dato
A, Watmk Cook,
A. II.
A. Wayne Cook, U. W. Robinson, Win, Smearbaiigh,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Riuhey. J.T.Dale, J. II. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yinent at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest paid on lima
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
I mi ,. ruia Iiafev
H On Jellies ft
prrMTvri nntl low, nn'nd
o Uiia cottUntE of
WI.J kern ih1 ,fn fil'MuMr mntmre an.1
m l i nui'. 1'u.rv iw :i : U i'.ir.u'i: . a o
iiM'i.ii i i ft jui en mid r wrfia i.oiii
Ihjum. t iiil tlircrliuti-t I i (.Mil iu iutfco.
row cvit ufc re.
enuists sjrss. wr colds
DruoaUUi In 1 to S minute JV. Mc.ll
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kind of
'su, -, err
Dealers in
Wat. SmkaRDAI'OH,
Vice Prcslden
Now for a
in Shoes
Shi es for Women, Men,
B y, (iirls itui Iitbiei.
They are a'l thia leism't
styles, iho but wearing
leal Iter, from maker who
aland al l lie top iu tliu shoe
manufacturing hu ines. ami
are nlTared tu you now at
pi ice thai mean a U'g lav
ing, and Kill we guarautet
eery pair we fell.
Uor. Ceotre, Seneca, A Sycamore Su
Phone 23.