Smart k Silberberg. Semi-Annual Clearance Sale. Merciless Mark-Down Now the Rule. Our Semi-Annual Sales have always been epoch making from a money-saving standpoint. This year it will be an event ol extraordinary power. The season just passed has been a remarkably busy one with us, and as a fitting climax we propose to end the first year in our new store with the Greatest Low Priced Sale Ever Known. Every article in ev ery department of this entire establishment, from base ment to third floor, will be reduced, some 10, some 25 and some 50 per cent. Not a single article will be reserved the price on everything will be cut during this great sale. SILKS IWDKKGO KEF.X C I T PKIC F.S. What conM b stronger than ibe plain laets, coniiely Mated itli the fnl!et ("m Alienee in Ibe merita of these item, we n limit the Mliiwinm Black all silk taffeta, fully guaranteed to wear, aells in the regular way for 7 V but now mark) to. .... 59c yd Blark yarn dyed laffeta, warranted in evenr way, ell regularly at 1, now '.c Yard wide biac UfteU, the k.nd that wear, uiiuviiallv ipkxi 11.51) ifrml-, now t) I!) Rioh. black Pan lie fviie. heavy ami lnltmu, the kind that i-IIai$l ySo Hn.lnm , sei vii-eable atm lmchea, mi tl Uon by Fashion, aella regularly at $1 ii, now '.)) Very let quality colored taffeta, sold all over at 8,'w and tale, now .. (Wr Colored peau de crer, peaa de leimx. etc , at ., ?!V Crepe de cbene, colored and black, regularly ft yd., now . 7fc Colored aatin liberty. 75c grade at .".... . . 49c COLORED AD IIMC K DHKSS GOODS RADICALLY lll.I)l( i:0. A lot of plain cheviot. plaid and fancy aniline that were 50c, 65c, an T5c at ...39c vd M-in hninennr'. all wool, Oxford grays, were Vic, now 59c Colored and black prunellas, fine, satin finished all wod goods that were $1, JVC 59c Colored ch-riots, granite cloths and ivoelinea that were S, now Colored and black voiles, canadensis cloths, clav aerges, etc., tbat were tl.115 and 1U0, n w . DRESS TRinniXfaS. Jet, Appliques, All-Overs, etc., all at a reduction of S3 percent. LACKS AXD KtIRROIDERIEN. All to lie sold at 25 per cent, discount. " DO.t1E.STIO AT CLEARANCE PRICES. '.Sc fto id, heavy brown muslin ..3Ju Host brown muslin Hill, I, 'iirWI anil fruits Tie. Mohawk 5 i blen-hed lie Mohawk 8 4 bleached .... 13c Mohawk 7-4 hleeched Inc. Mohawk 8 4 bit-ached 17c Mohawk 9 4 hleeched Mohaw k 10 4 bleached I.aocmier apron ginghams American indigo prints ........ Simpson's mourning prints ... Merrimae shirting prints Itesl English llanneliettes ,.l!lc ,.21c " tje , 4fo 7c SHEETS AXD PILLOW CASES. Mohaw k Vallev sheets, nearly as good as Ctica, size yds., all hand torn and well mxde, at 49c. ea Pillow esse of same, 36x45 In., at li',c ea SMART & SILBERBERG, OIL CITY, PA. WELKLY TRADE REVIEW. llrailtrct' Ilrport on the Condition of ttu.lnei. Now York, Jan. 11. Braustreet's says: Trado advices as reflected In teleg:au-.s to Bradst reefs exhibit some irregularity, caused by weither ccuili tiuus or preceding frou the early iage of the season. Retail distribu tion ol Heavy clothing, boots and shoes aiid ru'j'jeis is checked by mild weath er but cn the other hand wholesale trade In spring goods, though still tuiet, is preparing to throw off the in ertia ol midwinter. Stock taking is now completed and Jobbers are antici pating an active spring business. Specially good reports from the North west. Southern trade advices are least favorable. Cotton Is 20 per cent lower than a year ugo and in Louisiana the depression in sugar is spreading. The industries in the main continue active, iron and steel still setting tho pace, and lumber, the textiles, boots and shces und machinery manufactur ers are actively employed. The grow ing ease of money is a reflection of previously reported good collections, following active trade In tbe late months of last year. Bank clearings continue to show moderate gains over a year agn's enormous totals and rail way earnings likewise show growth. Cotton goods are apparently in Btrong position. Spring styles of prints and ginghams have been opened at eastern markets, but Jobbers claim the season is later than usual. Ginghams are, however, heavily sold ahead, and the dress goodd market as a whole dis plays a very confident tone, but a strong buying movement was encoun tered on the reac tion and most of the loss was regained. The disposition to accept medium crop estimates has grown. Exports of yam and clothing from this country and from Great Britain were very much heavier in December than the year heft-re. Wcclen goods mills are actively employed, plain dress fabrics are meeting with a liberal business and orders for men's wear are such as to stimulate confidence in the raw ma terial, which is fully one half cent higher on the week at Boston. Shoa shipments are still largely In excess of a year ai;o, though this is a stock taking period and new business is naturally light. No diminution of strength Is noted In leather, thouga hides are easier. An advance in price of the finished product of from 2Vi'S5 cents per pair is considered sure to come. Weather conditions have favored lumber at the Northwest, and demand there is active. Yellow pine is said to be wane at Chicago and an advance is expected. The paper trade is ac tive, there is a scarcity of new sorts and higher priceB are looked for. Small sizes of steam coal have advanced 15 per cent at Philadelphia and family grades are 25 cents per ton higher, while bituminous is from 10 to 15 cents up. Iron and steel production Is active beyond precedent for this season of the year and further advances of 50 cents and ?1 per ton are noted in char cobI pig. which is taking the place of other grades at Chicago as a result of scarcity due to insufficient transpor- tatii.n 4ttit!iarn oIt iron hna been firmly put on a $12 basis for No. 2 Birmingham and foundry pig iron has been advanced 50 rents at Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Other metals are weak. Copper, though ostensibly held at 12 cents per pound, lias been openly cut .and ex pectations early In the week were for a further reduction. Tin is also lower on the week. The feature in cereals has been the unquestionable growth of speculative feeling as reflected in Improved out side or commission buying of wheat, corn and oats, while flour has also Im proved In general demand. Livestock receipts have been heavy, those of hogs particularly so, and this is reflected for lard, selling of which has been heavy. Large imports of foreign potatoes have caused a reduc tion In prices for this important ar ticle of feed. Busine ss failures for the week num ber 346 as against 27u last week: 322 In this week last year; 295 in 1900; 304 in 199 and 323 in 1898. Canadian failures number 32 as against 23 last week; 3i in this week a year ago; 28 in 1900; 48 in 1839 and 34 in 1898. CROP ESTIMATES. Statistician Gives Estimate of an Aver age Yield of Wheat Per Acre. Washington, Jan. 11. The statis tician of the department of agricu't ure estimates the average yield per acre of wheat In tho United States in 19(11 at 14.8 bushels as compared with 12.3 bushels In 1900; 12.3 bushels In 1809; 15.3 bushels in ISMS uid 13.3 bushels, the mean of the. 'ierags of the last 10 years. The newly seeded area of winter wheat is provisionally estimated at 32,000,009 acres, an increase of 3.6 per cent upon the area estimated to have been sown In tho fall of 1900. The newly seeded area of wlntor rye is provisionally eFtlmater! ct l,2."i0. 000 acres, an Increase of 2.9 per cent upon the area estimated to have been sown in the fall of 1900. The department has no reKirtu us to the condition of winter wheat later than Dec. 1. At that date It was SH.7 per cent of the normal, as compare! with 97.1 In 19o0. 97.1 in 1889 aid 92.6 In 1898. The department will not Usue any further estimate of the total produc tion of any product of the soil nor of the number of faun animals until it has made such adjustments of its es timates for the Inst 'wo years as may seem to be required by the reports of tho census based on an actual farms to-farm visitation, now in course of public autlmi The Last Straw. Mrs. Ncnlywcd (rending! Do you know how lobsters nre caught, John? Mr. Newly wed Come, come, Mnry Don't rub it in! Puck. It requires-an average of more tli.nti 20,000.(H N) pins per d:iy to silstnin dislo cated shirt wiiisls, replncc missing sus pender buttons and meet the other needi of the American people. The velocity of propagation of eleetre magnetic waves through space Is iiboul that of light, IHC.tHN miles per second. COLONEL PARSONS' GREAT RIDE. Tbe Feat Wi s.cb Tn-nt tieaera Mraile Wuald No Belter II. Coloiu-I 11 Bless Parsons of New Vot . was bivvotted general for ditiugitish eorvhc during tu,njy. but,!ttiftrut)en4i nidity fcfuvUiJV su.- of that till when he returned to civilian life. N only did he perforin the only nutlieuii feat of decapitation during the civil war but he was the hero of a remarkable ride A few days ln'forv the battle of Itettys burg was fought tfeneral Meade had an iniKrttnt nicssace to send to tieneral Harding. ItHI miles distant. As the route was through a i win try swarming with rebels, the message was n ritteu on tissue paper, that it might lie swallowed in the carrier was captured. Tin com mander waa in doubt regarding a suitable messenger. He summoned tiencrul laTi to headquarters. "toiieral. who is the hardest rider as well as the most trustworthy Hum in the serviivV asked Meade. "Colonel Parsons, sir," wan the prompt reply. 'Slid liim to me at once." It was ti o'cloek on a Monday night when l!i ncral Meade gave the young of Har lis inst met ions, lie was to ride with all haste to tieneral Hardinc's head i:':irtv'iN anil rvturn tit once with mi an swer. lie I essi ner retired. Two hundred miles were to U covered. The roads were heavy, and they led through the en emy's leiinti-y. Kaetly ut noon the following day Colo iii 1 Parsons entered tJeiier.ll Meade's tent. Tie laltir's fa.v grew purple wild rage, mid he ripped out n string of oaths. "Is this the way you obey orders?" he tliiind, ivd. " lint are you hanging amimd camp fur: Yon ought to lie with tieneral Harding by this time." "1 have just returned from tieneral Harding, s.r." "You lie!" exclaimed the exasperated general. Parson's face paled, nnd he dug the nails into his hands to restrain himself, "tieneral Meade," he said in a voice that ill eotiivahd bis nnizcr, "if you were nut my commanding otlicer. I would knock yon down for that insult." Without the formality of a salute, he tinned on his ncW and left the tent. Mci'.de afterward made nil ample apology. Colonel Pnrsnns killed two horses and went himself w ithout it particle of food. For is hours he was not out of the sad dle. Bangor Coininereial. ANIMAL LIFE. A good cninel will travel 100 miles a dny for ten days through the desert. The lobster is his own most deadly ene my. The young ones scorn nil other food when they have a chance to eat one nu other. The stupid policy of hunters ill South A f lira 1ms led tu the nlinost total destruc tion of a host of wild animals, the iuag gn among them. Drngon fly giubs nre most destructive to the fry of Mi. Out of iiO.IHIO turned into n piiiid one April only 54 could lie found the following Scptcnilior. Tin pond was infc.ted by dragon fly. Bee nre known to lie excellent wentliet prophets. Then is n common country saying that "a bee wits never caught iu a shower." When rain is coming, liecs do lint go far nfield, but hintx close to their hii'es. A falion which strayed from Fontaine bleau. m ar Paris, iu pursuit of some oth er bird, was f i:ind next day nt Malta, in the Mediterranean. Another f.ihotl is said to have returned from Andalusia. Spain, to the peak of Tenerife In six hours. When taken young, the hedgehog may be completely tamed nirl made familial', allowine itself to be hint lied and associat ing with the dog and cat upon terms of perfect concord. It feeds indifferently upon bnad and milk, meat, etc., nnd keeps up a regular nocturnal chase after insects. All Wives or Widows. "When a girl is born in India." relates a woman missionary, "the lirst question asked is Whom shall she marry? Kvery high caste girl must Is' wedded at 12 and to n mini of her enste nnd her horo scope. He inny be comparatively young, middle aged or old, immoral, diseased or brutal. It makes no difference, if his caste and horoscope agree with hers. A woman in India is perfectly helpless. "She is generally married nt 8 or 0, hut does not become n member of her husband's family until she is 1-. If it should chance that her husband die be fore that time, she becomes a child wid ow, the most despised of creatures. A curse is believed to lie upon her, and if she goes the ordinary course she commit suicide hi desperation. There nre 7".'i0 child w idows under !l years of age in In dia. There is no wooing or being wou in India. Kvery girl over 12 is wife or widow." As n rule, n man's relatives will let him nnike almost any kind of a fool of him self without inteifcieiiei' until he begins to give his money away. Atchison Globe. It is difficult to understand the mental condition of n lover wdio goes courting with a gun.- Detruit Tribune. The Real Need. Mamma -We must get a nurse for the baby. Pnpn -Viiise be hanged! What he wants ii a night watchman! Unknown to Women. Every woman should read, without fail, lite following paragraph. She w ill learn omethtng about herself she never knew lef ire. Thompson's Baro3ma is not only a won derful kidney, liver and bladder cure, but has a particular advantage as a remedy forChronic Female Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, beariug down sensations, Nervous Debility, Leucorrhrea or Whites, and Dropsical Swellings. Its peculiar ad vantage lies in the fact that it is both a female regulator attd kidney, liver and bladder cure. The womb is situated back of and very close to the bladder. A woman having any pain or distress in the back or 9ide, at once attributes it to female weak ness when many times her trouble is en tirely from the kidneysor bladder. Hence a woman making tliis grave mistake will And a sure remedy in Barosma, for whether she is suffering from womb dis order or any disease of the kidneys, liver and bladder, Barosma will effect a per manent cure. For this two-fold reason Batosma is the best woman's remedy on the market. Thompson'! Dandeloin and Mandrake Fills should be used with the Barosma, fir the liver and constipation. They are purely vegetable and do not gripe. Vat Letting Control of Her Mini I was losing control of my mind and couM not remember li.nnes of people, canned br female weakness, chrimic infl.i intuition of the liver, kid neys snd MarMcr scaliline of urine nnd nun-retention of the same, which h.vl troubled me, making me very nervous, the post twenty years. All the medicine 1 used only relieveil me fur the time. Yuii don't know liuw dclit;htrl I am to think I am so mnch lietler and stronger all through tnv system, ami Thompson's HaroMna Backache. I.lver. Kidney anl l.uniU'igo cure di J it, 1 ii-i! six li-r.tks. It 'y iiw irlh more thin money to mo. I: give in.- heihhanl strength, a 1 was very weak and mi-er ible hflore. MRS. M. A. CHX. Titusville. Pa. All druggist, fi.oo a bottle, or si fur tj.oo. Bi-nmi cu-cj ut Permmcnt. I fmm mm- t-O. fn if H im nrimm win 1a MEHOIACCO ill FROM "Sur." "Hor Shoe." ''Standard Nv "Spcarhei.l." " Drumtuoud M Natural Lent "Good Luck,M 't.per IM-Uirck," "Bool Jack," "Nobby Spun Roll, Mf x 'Otd Houetv." " Master Workmau," "Jolly Tar," "Sickle." Brandy wine." 'Cro Bow." "Old Peach and Honey," "Raior," K. Rice, Greenville," Tenneee Crojtie'' "Planet." " Neptune," "Ole Vargiuy," "Omiger Twit," two Granger Twit tap bcm equal lo one of other tueutioued). Red tin Ugi fiom " Tiuley't it o. Natural Leaf" inJ W. N. Tiitsfey picture tin tags, and paper bands from " Florudora" Cigars are also coA for Ptescuts; 8 Trademark Stickers fjhfe FROM PACKAGES OF '" kae 'law Slff 111 Mr, V 9 II U 11 llM BMaa etmt-tt. AMmtttst mult pouu nt nut rot tec t. lines 0""-U Ay 1 TAGS AND FIVE BROTHERS' PIPE SMOKING i TRADE MARK STICKERS ARE OF EQUAL VALUE AND MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS Our New Illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 include! rut ay article not ahowu here. It contain the most attract ire List of Present ever offered for Tag, and wilt be aeut by mail on receipt of postage two cent. Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, iooj. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO. Write your name and address plainly on outside of package coutaluing Tags, and forward Tag by registered mail, or eiprrss prepaid. Be ure to have vour package securely wrapped, so that Tags will not be lost la transit. Seud Tags and request for Preseuts (also request for catalogues) to C. Hy. BROWN, 4141 Folsom Ave., St. Louis, Mo. C"tos str. it ru. e?3 ?bs nur tir. $nr riArto. mo tags warn wa'C. srfA wiho ki.isir. 1 ""s jraTew'A S0 TAGS. V'V " I 1 1 ji ( H't HtAiwt. itomt 111 o L v a Nothina in Hardware Th t can't l.e founrl at tliia 'ore Ve have il in SHELF AND HEAVY GOODS A gimKl or a twn inch anger. A pen knife or a six cross cut taw. We cud Gl ymi tut quickly, satiafactorily ami at a very snail margin above actual cost. We can set ynu out fur hnuK'keejiiiig, farming, lumbering, teaming, or any way ynu like, so l ing as il's in the hardware line. Stoves and Ranges We always keep in stuck ami of the clats suiter to this lati tude Gas, Wood or Coal. An l if it'a a Wagon, Sleigh or Buggy. You want we're preparoil to figure money into your pocket ami nnl half try. It's up l you diiw. Give us a chance to prove what we're saying. SCOWDEN & CLARK.1 County Thone 2'.'. TIONESTA, PA. MARIENVILLE HARDWARE & MACHINE COMPANY. J la I'd tea re, Mill SnpiiHc'tt, etc. . . . Mill Machinery lie pa I red Prompt hj. Shafting, I'lrfleix a i id VUluw Block Farulahcd on Short Notice. NEW AND COMPLETE LINE 0. .RUBBER AND LEAWER BELTING, Slieininrl nrr. Iron, Nnili h!'I T'nla at the Lowest Mnrkel Price Stoves nf all kiiuls. Perfect Olive Rnnee a Specially; Guaranteed in linke. Axes, Pea vy Cmt Il inkn, Spmi, Alkins' Hand Cr wcut, liiinil anil Circular Saws, Returned il Unsatisfactory. Abra sive Emery Wheels. E. A. YETTER. MANACER, MARIENVILLE, PA. WilUBMwrilJ ILLLL ..llwaiimii lumn imamMFwr?Br,wl