The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 11, 1901, Image 3

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We are going to make it easier than ever be
fore for you to make all the Christmas presents
you care to by giving you better bargains than
you have been used to. The greatest problem
of the buyer is to make his money hold out
long enough to buy something for every one to
whom lie wishes to make a present. The great
est problem of the seller is to dispose of all
goods that are only seasonable during the Holi
days. The solution to both these problems is
the same LOW PRICES. We intend to
carry nothing over and on many articles have
made the cost price the selling price. On some
others the selling price is less than cost. On
nothing is there a big profit asked. Gome and
see what we have to offer in HOLIDAY BARGAINS.
C. M. Mi & SOI.
All Leading Companies
Wild Lands, Farms, I o tine
Jt Lots for Sale or Rent.
New AJtitIImiiii'iiN.
Hopkins. All.
Joe Levi. Ail.
l.aininera. Ail.
Kotjinann. Ail.
Mrs. l.vnrh. Loral.
Devoe iV I'o. Keailerg.
liavia Pharmarv. Ail.
lVnn a K'y. Hrailer.
Oram Shunter, lx-al.
U. T. Anderson. Loral.
Clarion Normal. Loral.
Uartielil (J rove. Locals.
K. Walters. I'o. Ia oaK
FMinilnro Normal, Lix-al.
White Star (liooery. Ina'ala.
Tionesta Call Store. L vala.
Heath it Knit. Ail. anil local.
Killmer llr. Ail. anil locals.
A. H. Kelly, Trea. 1.0(til Notice.
Oil market closed at fl..'W.
Oil and gas leases at tliia olllee.
You ran get It at Hopkins' store.
Fine llaviluiid china at Tlunnsla
Cash Store. It
Toilet arts, very handsome, nt Kill
liter Bros, drug slore. It
Teacliera' Institute lieuins next Mon
day in the opera house at Marlenville.
Plenty of lime to get you an "Inter
national" ault for X in as. Heath Kelt.
F. Wallers A Co. have the lineal lino
of Christinas good. Come In and look
them over. It
The expense of attending the Clarion
State Normal ia scarcely more than it
costa to live at home. It
Hill'a homemade bread, ,'ookiea and
doughmita always fresh at Garfield
drove'. None better. It
J. W. Sirea will have hi photograpq
grllrry at tliia place open for buainesa
every Friday until fill liter notice. If
Ground waa broken Thursday for
llio St. Louis Fair, which will be throwu
open to the public April 30th, l!H):i.
Try package of ! utch Java coffee.
Former price S rrnla per pound now 16
cents. For sale by Garllold Grove. It
On and after Jan. 1st, l!HiJ, wo will
do arash business. This rule will be
strictly adhered to. 2t Lanhon Hiiom.
The largest and most beautiful as
sortment nf fancy chir.aware for Christ
mas will be found at Killmer Bros, new
store. lit
Medallions, albums, mirrors, and a
hundred other fine articles that make el
egant presents at Killmer llroa. drug
alore. It
Ifita jewelry you want lor Xnim
look through onr assortment. Largest
in towu. Every article fully guaranteed.
Heath A Feit. It,
Kev. Frederick of Columbus, Ohio
will preach at Mt. Zion Lutheran church)
German Hill, next Sun Jay morning at
the usual hour.
Jewel cases, nothing your girl would
appreciate more for a Chi Istmas remem
brance. Killmer Bros, drug aturo ia the
place to get them. n
Low prices and well selected Rtork
tell why we hive been dubbed the
"Kuau Store." Kush this way for Xmaa
presents. Heath A Feit. n
The Anti-Cigarette League will bold
business meeting at the borne of Mrs.
Angus Carson this, Wednesday, evening.
A full attendance ia desired.
Depend on the White Star Grooory
for your Christinas candies and fruits
and you will not be disappointed. Can
(lies from 8c to 75o per pound. u
Send the Kkpibmcan as a Christmas
present to a distant friend who Is ac
quainted hero. It will be a welcome vis
itor filty two weeks in the year.
For toys and Christmas goods of all
kinds, go to Endeavor, Pa., and call at
Mrs. II. A. Lynch's and theie you will
find Santa Clauses' real hesdiiuiTters. 2t
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
f Endeavor, will hold a bazaar at En
deavor hull, Toiiisilav afternoon anil
evening of this week. All aro cordially
Mania Claua unloaded his pack of
Christmas ollerings at F. Wallers 4 Co's.
tills year. Fancy China, Candelabras,
Picture frames. Hooks and Dolls. Don't
forget the place. It
the best training obtainable in the
slate uormal may be had at Edinboro
Stale Normal School. Winter term be
gins Dec. 3(1. For particulars address the
Principal, John F. Bifilor. It
- -Following la the list o' letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Tiounsta, Pa., Post
Olllce, for the week ending Deo. li, 1901 :
Wash Older, Mr. J. A. Townian.
D. 8. Knox, P. M.
The Pan-American buildings have
been sold to the Chicago House Wreck
ing company for f'.U.OCO, but there are
claims against them for more than that
amount and just how the matter will end
is yet to be learned.
The Tlonesia Cash Slore distributed a
very pretty and very unique calendar
among its many cuatomeia and friends
last week. This is one of the first to
make it- appearance for the new year
which will soon be upon us.
-Mrs. James McGalllgan and Mrs. V.
A. Wood of West Hickory, wil'o and
daughter of the late James McGalllgan,
desire to expresa their heart felt thanks
to those who were so kind and helpful to
them in their late sad bereavement.
Mrs. N. McManigle, of near Mav
burg, died Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock.
She was aged 2 years, and leaves a hus
band and two small children, the young
est hut one week old. The interment
will be at Howe, Jeflerson couuty, bur
former home.
One of the handsomest and most com
mon sense calemlars that has yet come
under our notice ia being distributed by
C. M. Arner A Son, the wide awake real
estate and insurance agents. It is one of
their own selection and reflects credit on
their good taste.
The black bear, weighing 200 pounds,
which waa shot by John Kyle and I. N
Smith, on Tionesta creek and which was
on exhibition Friday In front of Schwar
tz's restaurant, was sold by the owners
for $10 and was shipped Saturday by ex
press. Warren Mirror.
Olllcors were elected last Friday
evening by the Forest Lodge, A. O. U.
W., as follows : P. M. W., J. B Eden; M.
W., J. C. Dunn; Foreman, F. P. Anis
ler; Overseer, J. W. Morrow; Financier,
8. J. 8"tley, Receiver, L. J. Hopkins .
Recorder, J. R. Clark . Guide, J. It. Eden!
Rep. to Grand Lodge, J. U. Clark.
Epwortu League elected the follow
ing ollicers for the ensuing term, Mon
day evening: Pres., Mrs, Nick le; 1st V.
P.. Mrs. A Carson; 2d, Mrs. J. H.
Derlckson ; 3d, Claudie Graham ; 4th,
Blanche Hunter; Seo'y, John Jamleaon;
Treas., Lester Holeman ; Organist,
Maude Butler.
When thinking over your holiday
purchases and you come to the items ol
confectionery, nuts and fruits, just keep
in mind the fact that Garfield Grove has
as line an assortment In tills line as ran
be found in town, at d bis prices will
com lie to with any. Candy for Christ
mas a sp cially. It
G. T. Anderson has opened up a
watA reparing ahop in connection with
his barber shop next doer to the Citizens
National Rank, and be guarantees all bis
work to be satishvtory. He will make a
specialtyof repairing jewelry, sending all
hard and aott soldering to a Cincinnati
firm where it will be done right. It
Cards have been issued announcing
the approaching marriage, Jan, 1st, 1002,
of Miss Amelia Sloeltzing, daughter of R,
D. Stoeltzing, of Ploasantvill", and Mot
ley J. Ueal. Titusville Courier. The
bride-to-be has many friends among the
young people of Tionesta, where she has
visiled frequently as the guest of Mrs. K.
C. Heath.
The Greenville Record warns Its
readers against a silver polish agent, who
has made himself very obnoxious there
this week. His modus operandi is thus
described by the Record : "He rails on
the President of some Ladies' Aid So
ciety connected with a church and tries
to soil her keg or polish, to be bottled
and sold "for the benefit of the church"
at an immense profit. The President
either refuses, hesitates or accepts it Is
all tho same to him. In the Greenvillo
case the president did not indorse the
project, and the -fakir immediately calls
upon the secretary and tells her the pres
ident said I r she (tho aucrelary) was will
ing, the president was agreed to buy the
polish. The secretary refuses to enter
tho scheme and the polish man rails on
treasurer and delivers th- keg of alleged
polisL and demands the pay, sheds teara
and makes such threats that a tim Id wo
man might bo cajoled into paying for the
slull'. As easy fruit he is always ripe.
Pats tho warning along."
Morgan, an Oil Cily youth is
I charge liefore (lie 1. S. court of raising
the liuurea on (1 bills anil paxsinir tliem
for ft. The papers say there is much
sympathy for the young man. There
ought to be for one who is cunning
enough to accomplish such things and
still refuses to turn his talents ,u a proper
J. M. Hickman, a veteran printer,
whose life of nearly sixty years has been
spent in Meadville, is missing. He
walked out of his house one evening
about tlnee weeks ago while his wife was
preparing supper, and he has not been
hear I nf since. Ho Is a man of medium
height and does not appear to be over .'i0
years old. He ia fainiliary known
"Mike,' Hickman.
A correspondent of the Hrookville
Republican makes the statement that
many teachers of the public schools of
Jefferson county bought Iheir positions,
II his statement is correct they must pay
very much larger wanes there than else
where through the Slate or the teachers
could not afford to bnho the directors.
The story looks flshv and ought to be
taken with call. Freeport Journal.
-Old John Brown, of Harpet'a Ferry,
and a patriot whose memory is ever
greon, laid down his life for his princi
ples froty-lwo yeara ago. John Brown's
former home and tannery at New Ri b
mend, Crawford County, are now points
ol historic Interest, and while a stono's
throw of the old tannery sleep his wife
and three children. Captain A. Cannon
occupies tho tannery as a residence.
Meadvlllo Trihnno.
CapU Geo. Slow W. R. C, No. 137,
elected th i following olllceraat their last
regular meeting night : President, Fan
nie Grove; Sr. V. Prea., Anna Carson;
Jr. V. Pres., Alice Vonght; Trea., Jen
nie E. Aguew; Chaplain, Mrs. J, W,
Morrow; Conductor, Emma Hunter;
Guide, Alice Agnew. Delegate to State
Convention, Anna Fours; Alternate,
Anna Carson; Delegates to the Home
Ilo.rd, Mrs. Jennlo E. Agnew, Mrs. L.
Agnew and Mrs Anna Fones.
Following his annual custom, Ains
ler, at the White Star Gocery, has on
hand hundreds of pounds of ch dee can
dies to be used atSunday school aud pub
lic school holiday celebrations and hewill
make special low rates with all school
teachers and Sunday school superinten
dents thioughout the county. Don't fail
to correspond with the White Mar Gro
cery, If you wish to buy candy in any
quantity. Wc have It from So to 7So per
pound. Also tropical and domestic
fruits. 2'.
The Franklin News tells of two
hunters;?) who recently bagged in three
days .'I pheasants, 30 rabbits and 20squir
re s, a total of 07, and says It does "nut
believe this record has been broken by
any two .. eu in the county during the
present hunting season.'' We should
hope not. If the report be true it is
doubtful whether two more such game
hogs could be found In any couuty iu the
Stale. If a legislature ia not aoon elected
in Pennsylvania with sufllcent intelli
gence and decency to stop that sort of
hoggishness, all game laws may as well
be wiped olT the statutes.
Th a Measuring Parly.
The ladies of the Relief Corps, as usual,
did themselves proud at the "measuring
party" given at the home of Mrs. Jennie
E. Aguew, treasurer of the State depart
ment, last Friday evening. Upward of a
hundred guests were present and enjoyed
the evening's festivities innnensily, e
sides those who were piesent in spirit
aud purse, many having sent the amount
of their "length" in the cute little bags
which accompanied the invitations.
Dominoes and other Innocent games
formed tl.e principal amusement of the
guests, while the "measuring up" of
couples for the tallest and shortest prizes
alforded no little merrimeiv. A feature
of the evening was the elegant spread set
out hy tho ladies, a thing that has become
proveibial with them. It was aurcly a
pleasure to have been there and help out
in this particular part of the program.
The proceeds of the evening, which go to
reimburso tho "infirmary fund" of the
Hrookville memorial home, amounted to
A number of letteis of regret character
istic of the authors were read, two of
which are appended, which will illustrate
the longing desire of absent friends to be
present on his occasion:
Your kind invitation eame tlulv to hand,
For which many thanks to your loyal
Wo regret that your party we cannot at
tend. So ha k to your rare this little bag send.
I he enclosure please add to your "meas
uring" pile.
And during the evening pray once
in a
In the midst of the fun which the parly
Give a passing thought to your Warren
We cannot hope either prize to win,
As we are neither tall nor short, but only
So hoping your treasury good ducats may
Wo remain yours sincerely, in F. C. f L.
R. II. A h. I j. Smith,
HOi! Wnter St., Warren, Pa.
According to vour instructions enc losed,
Our measure we have taken from head
to toes.
And find to our utter dismay.
(that by nureomhined lengths)
We have' lift v -live cents to pay.
May we ever retain our linear measuro
Anil thus be able to help swell your
Mb. and Mrs. C. M. Whitknan,
120 Lincoln St. Jamestown, N. Y.
Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 2oc. 11-27-ly
Mevtart Itun.
Quarterly meeting at the White chinch
First servites Friday evening, continu
ing over Saturday and Sunday the Illh
and loth.
Miss Lulu Handy and Miss Anna
Copeland made a flying visit to Rotise
ville last Friday.
Geo. Decker's baby has been quite
Uro. H. E. Bryner, of Pleasantville,
filled the pulpit at the White church last
Sabbath lor Rev. S. E. Greaves.
Mrs. Twombley of Titusville is visit
ing ai the homes of her sons James and
Ed. Twombley.
Twice as Long.
The paint that wears twice as long as
Ita i ami oil is Devoc lead and .inc. Sold
by J. D. Davis.
Mrs. Suie MSliarne is visitimi
friends in Chicago.
J. R. Osgood was iu Emloiiton on
businoss yesterday.
E. E. Fleming is in Meadville
business Ihi" week.
Ed. Fitzgerald of Marienville, spent
last Sunday in Tionesta.
James T. Brennan, Esq., of Warren
waa down on business Monday.
J. K. Green was down from West
Hickory on business last Satuiday
Mrs. J. C, Dunn returned Saturday
from a visit with friends in Oil City.
Hon. N. P? Wheeler was a business
visitor to the county seat on Monday
Geo. B. Robinson was a guest of
friends in Oil City over last Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Proper were busi
ness visitors to Oil City Monday after
W. J. Bloonilield and mother of
Trunkey villo were Tionesta visltora on
Mrs. Fed .. Jones, of Tidioule was
a guest of Mrs, Chas. Annum over last
Win. Hood spent Sunday with his
daughter, Mrs. J. G. Carson, at West
J. S. Wilson, of Bradford, was a busi
ness visitor to Tionesta a couple of days
last week.
Amos F. Ledabur, of Starr, gave th
Rkpuiilicau sanctum a pleasant call
Misses Lizzie Randall and Emma
Salsgiver were Oil Cily visitors yesler
lay afternoon.
Mrs. A. B. Kelly departed for Ciu
cinnatl Monday, to visit her daughter,
M ra. Dr. Rogers.
-Mrs. Will Campbell, of West Hick
ory, was the guest of Mrs. O. r . Miles a
part of last week.
J. R. Chadwick returned Saturday
evening from a two weeks' visit with rel
atives in Warren.
Ex. Judge McCray, of Jenks town
ship was a pleasant caller at the Repub
lic n olllce Saturday.
Mrs. Clara Hayden and sou Guy were
up from Slverly to attend the funeral of
the late John Wallers.
J. H, Butler has been home from
the Bulb r county oil fields for the past
week on a visit to bis lamily.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Everett, of Fa
gundus, were guests of iheir uncle, Win
It unter between trains yesterday.
Mr. and Mra. A, II. Gall p and little
(laughter, of Youngsville, Pa., are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Gerow at the Cen
tral. Mrs. W. W. Grove returned Satur
day evening rrom visit with bis daugh
ter, Mrs. F. J. Swai'son, at Jamestown,
N. Y.
Mr. J, E. S'.'. aU and daughters, Em
ma and Edna, of Trunkey vllle, were
guests of her sister Mrs. P. C. Hill, over
L. D. Stewart of Canoe Creek, Blair
county, and Miss Frankie Mntzgar.oneof
the popular teachers of Jenks town
ship were married on tho 2d Inst,
Mrs. A. J. Small of Nebiaska was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Hagerty
over last Friday niiiht and attended the
Relief Corps parly at Mrs. Agnew's.
G. W. Roiiinson returned Monday
from Reynoldsville, where he was sum
moned last week by the sorbins illness of
his sister, Miss Belle Robinson. There
is considerable doubt of her recovery.
Miss Grace Foreman of East Hickory,
was a guest of Mrs. S. T. Carson, of the
West Side, a part of last week, and Miss
Knitiia Anderson, teacher of the New
town school, was her guest over last Sab
bath. Mr. aud Mrs, Gus Wenzel, ofXebrss
ki, are taking their holiday vacation
among friends at their former homes.
Mr. W, will spend most of his time in
Pittsburg, while Mrs. Wenzel and the
children will visit friends near Oil City,
her old home.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Roberts aud
little boy, of Titusville, were guests of
Sheriff and Mrs. J. W. Jamieson over
last Sabbath. Mr. Roberts is still master
carpenter on the "Pennsy," his division
extending from Oil City to liiill'al", which
responsible position he has held f r a
dozen or more of years.
Ileal h of Joint II. Wallers.
Mrs. Sarah Walters arrived here Mon
day evening from Burlington, North Car
olina with the body of her husband, John
R. Walters, whose death occurred at that
place on Saturday evening, December 7,
1901, at about nine o'clock. Mr. Walter s
was a son of Anthony Walters, one of the
first settlers of Washington township,
Clarion county, Pa. Just ono month ago
Mr. and Mrs. Walters accompanied R. L,
Haslet to the South, iutenting In remain
there at least one year. On Tuesday of
last week the deceisod contracted a cold
which settled on his lungs, ballling med
ical skill almost form the first, finally de
veloping Into pneumonia resulting In his
death at the hour mentioned. Tho sub
ject of this sketch was born in West
moreland county, Pa., October 2S, 182K,
but soon alter came to Ibis part of the
country, where he has since resided, fol
lowing the occupation of a farmer. In
the year 1S50 he was married to Miss
Sarah Dewoody, whose parents resided
at East Hickory, this county, at that time.
Mr, Wallers has been a member of the
M. E. Church for the past quarter of a
century and will long be remembered as a
good citizen, a kind neighbor and always
a good friend to those in want. Besides
his wile, ho is survived by three brothers,
Anthony, of Tionosta, Pa., David It., of
Newmansvilln, Pa., and Jacob, of Pierce
county, Wisconsin. Funeral services
were held at the home of J. H. Fones, by
Rev. O. II. Nicklo on Tuosday afternoon
at throe o'clock, after which the body was
laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery,
Peace to his allies.
Simps the C'onah and works mK Ihr ( Id.
Laxative Broino-Quiniiio Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cure, no pav. Price
2.i rents. 11-27-ly
.1 Christmas Kin.
To evervone ordering a suit I efore Jan
uary 1st we will make a present ol 10 ier
cent, from the list price. See samples
and order at once at
Tmmksts Cash SroKK.
Manicure sets, s li'ie Christinas pres
ent, at Killmer Bros, drhg store. It
Important Laud Case.
The December term of the court of
com moil pleas convened at lOo'clock this
forenoon. A portion if the morning waa
devoted to going over the trial list and
shortly before noon the jury was ein
panueled iu the case of W. J. Knupp vs.
Frank Bernard and E. Piquignot. It ia
au ejectment proceeding anil the case
hinges on the boundry line between
Warren and Forest counties. The origi
nal survey waa made by Stale surveyors
in the yesr 1705 and at that tune a tract
of land bordering on Forest county waa
ceded to W. Bozer, the tract adjoining to
the north was ceded to Henry Bozer and
another still to the north came into pos
session of Jacob Courtnian. All border
on the Allegheny river on the W( at. The
case involves the title to about 100 acres
of land in tho Courtnian tract.
Ibe plaintitr will endeavor to show
that the original William Dozer tract runs
over the Forest county line for several
ro Is, and if this is true the property of
the plaintiff, which is conceded to be in
the Henry Boxer tract, will lap over on
th" property now in the possession of the
defendants, upon which are some valua
hie oil wells.
The Plaintiff came into possession nf
the property in the original Henry Bozer
tract by deed from the Falconer heirs, by
whom it was putchased at tax sale.
The case will be tried by eminent
counsel on either side. The interests of
the plaint id are being looked after by
Judge First of Bellefonle, and D. I. Ball
and J. W. Wiggiua of Warren, while the
defendant's attorneys are Perry D. Clark,
W. W. Wilbur and Hinckley A Rice.
The case will be largely determined
upon the testimony of surveyors. Messrs,
K. R. Wheeloek and L. S. Strong
hav been subpoenaed by the plaintiff
and for the defense F. F. Wbittekin of
Tionesta; Mr. Morgan, of Ridgway. and
Mr. Curtis ofTidioute, wil' testily.
I he case will doubtless cousuuie three
days, although it was materially short
ened hy dispensing with certain testimo
ny, F. B. Barnard is a resident of Buf
falo and E. Piquignot lives at Trunkey
villo. Warren Mirror.
Cream of the News.
.Sou. get a little up in the mornins
and shovel snow.
Xmas candies from 8o to 7oo per
pound at While Star Grocery. 2t
All some men do on Saturday is to
get shaved.
If you are a practical giver here ia
the place to select your presents. Heath
x relt. it
Bad habits go harder with some men
than with others.
Get a price list of groceries at Tionos
ta Cash Store. It
Rich kin are usually nf no use ex
cept to point to with pride.
Confectionery at high, low and mid
dling prices at Garfield Grnve'a, It
Some people are natural born artists
at drawing conclusions.
The White Star Grocery will have
the finest assortment of tropical fruits in
town for Xmas, 2t
What is your favorite color scheme
in pumpkin pies ; a rich golden yellow.
or a deep brown f
A pair of gloves or mittens makes an
appropriate Christmas present. See
the lineal K miner llros, it
Some people loox so far ahead that
hey almost forget the present.
Groceries are always fresh at Tionesta
Cash Slore. It
Soinooow we always associate a
very timid man with carpet slippers.
School teachers who anticipate giving
heir pupils a treat during the bolidkvs
fill do well to correspond with tiie
While Star Grocery, Tionesta, in the
matter of fruits and confectionary . 2t
What the world really needs ia a
steam woman that will wash dishes.
Big reduction in ladles' jackets at T.
C. S. It
If vou want to lease a boy, give him
almos' anything thai has nuts in.
Have you had a look at those nice
mulllers we have. Good sellers for Xmas.
Heath A Feit. It
Some people think they are good be
cause they are aorry when they are bad.
A nice handkerchief makes a very
acceptable present. See the large assort
ment at Killmer Bros. It
In these dais it takes a terribly rich
man to afford tiie luxury of a son-in-law,
Best line nf ladies' suits and jackets
at I . C. S. It
If you want to make a farmer mad,
propose to put a road through his farm.
When you select your Xmas gilts be
practical. Buy something that will be of
some use. Come to us and we'll help
you get on the right track. Heath tt
Feit. It
The popularity ni lazy people is a
great discouragement to the industrious.
Winter is surely here aud now is the
t'ine to lie carelul ol your leet. Go to
Killmer Bros, lor best rubber goods. It
Sunday School attendance is looking
-We have a very nice line of stand
covers, etc., in drawn work. Nice Xma
gifts, these, and they don't ami as much
as you would think. Heath Feit, It
Hot air makes baloons go up, but the
average man's business is down here on
Parlor games, cororonole chessindla,
table croquet, etc., at Killmer Bros, drug
store. , It,
Iu these latter days some students
study and others make the athletic tenuis.
A necktie is one of the nicest pres
ents lor a man or boy. We have a sus.-k
from w hich you can choose any kind you
want. Heath A Feit. 11
Every mail ought to have a good na
tural wile to grumble at (s-casiunally.
A beanliful line of lamps at Killmer
Bros, new store. See them. It
Fame is something that makes a lot
of finds want to shake your hand.
How do you think your wile or
daughter would like a nice walking
skirl for Xmas. We have just received
a nice lot ol them. All sizes. See them.
Heath A Feit. It
It is no crime to be pixir unless the
word is applied to singers.
A bcx of pretty note paer with en
velopea to match makes a pretty and
acceptable present. Killmer Bros, drug
store. It
The man who boasts of heing a cynic
ia not very dangerous.
Eighteen head fur sale or exchange.
Come for Bargains, for I will positively
not stay here longer than Wednesday,
Dec. It. Must be sold.
Hrookville, Pa.
The Stock holders of the Forest County
National Hank of l ionesta. Pa., will meet
on Tuooday. January 7lh, lto2, at 2
o'clis k p. iu at the office of the bank,
for the purpose of the election of directors
lor the ensuing year.
12 4-fit. A. II., Cashier.
This sifrnst'jre Is on ererr bei of the fenuine
Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tabic-
Um nmadr that rare a cvM la mmm mj
Headquarters for
Just as Usual, Hopkins'
Store is Filled With New Goods.
Doll, Toys, B'ink?, Cliinaware, Hricalirac, of every descrip
tion. Something suitable for a present for anyboiy, young
or old. Besides a magnificent lire nf useful presents, pnch as
Sterling Silver Spoons, Rogers' Silrerware Knives, Forks,
Spoons and Hollow ware.
Stirling Silver Handles
Nee the fjoodsj and Hear the
II Helps Un Ont on that Llue.
Come and Itrinp; the Children.
L. J. Hopkir ,
Country Flannel,
29c yard.
Tbe quality you're asked lois o places tu pay 35c aud 40c lor. Just
what' w Died for Men'i Shirts nr Voiueu' Underskirts, iu tact, I lie styles,
many of them, are pretty enough fur dress pui poses.
Suitable for making Children's dais. The weight wauled ! r that
purpose aad i he colors The two we wake reference to here are $1.50 and
$2 50 per yard Tne dollar lil'ty oue cuiuea in red, castor, tuoile, brown and
blue. The two fifty oue is a heavy Mellon m Beaver cloth, aud comes in
r d, tail, mode, brown, blue aud ruse. Both cloths are 56 inch s wide.
A price considerably under the regular on every piece or set ill slock
Mure of the 2-yard Cloths at $1 9H, and the $1 69 Napkins, mentioned iu a
recent advertisement, in to-day, and we ihiuk onw there will be pltuty to
last until Thanksgiving last day nf this lineo opportunity.
Not really a velvet iu the strict sense, but railed that, aud a sight pret
tier than velvets at $1 or $1 '25 usually are, aud a whole lot more satisfac
tory fur the purpose. Width 25 inches; price, 75c.
Write for Samples.
TWO STOEES F.ili of Holiday Goods
ill aud Iuspecl Them Before Purchasing.
In the Dry
Goods store
we have
Santa Clans
Killmer Bros.
Black, While and
Scotch Mixtures
uro the new cloths for the high class
city tailors' "Great Coats."
Cut 50 inches long, wide full skirts, high
military shoulders, cutis and sleeves, and
no yoke, and a sash pocket.
We have a limited number of this gar
mentno duplicates and for the man
wanting something new and out of the or
dinary in an Overcoat, this garment will
fill the bill.
41X43 SENECA $T,
Ladies' and Gents' U"hrellas
Twel, Napkins and Tahle Linen
Tele hone, either Hue, 'S1
In the Drug
Store we
Toilet Sets,
Jewel Cases
Note Paper,
Headquarters. ,
1 :