THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WCNN, CtHTOa ft Paoeaicroa. WKHNKSIUY, HKCKMltKK II. IHOl How to be happy, though married mul a queen, has not hi en settled satisiactor ily in the palace at Ainsn ril.nn. As Til : Philippines iio not raise even enough rice to supply tlio home demand why not open them, at an early day, to the American homesteader, wit:i his splendid grit and unequalled farming machinery. Tiik latest estimated cost of the Nica ragua canal Is about l,0On,00ii a mile. Your Vncle Samuel can afford it and is abundantly smart enough to make it pay handsomely. As vkt no camlidate for Mayor appears on 10 ine political horizon. Alvmt thirty six tutn have been "mentioned," but that is sa tar as it has gone. Oil City Blizzard. If we were down there we'd holler for one of the lllir.rard Colonels either Col Howen, Col. McKuUht or Col. riathbun. All good mayorality limber. Mark Twain, ho it is said has writ ten a book to be published io a hundred years, has been outdone by an Australian proftssor who will leave $l.",0ot on the con lition that, at his dtath, his personal belongings shall bo packed in air-light ca-es and pr. served two hundred years, so that the denizens of the world in that distant time may know ho a prolessor lived in the twentieth century. Mark .twain s nook will pr. bahly prove more Interesting of the two, but the book re viewers ami the rello collectors will not quarrel on that subject. i KorLK who trade in stock can sit down as a fundamental proposition the fact that any man ho claims to V now what the market is going to do any more than to say that be thinks this or that will occur as a result of certain specified condi inns, is unworthy of trust as a fraud; fust because he knows when he makes Mich ttatemenla that ue caunot do it regularly or with certainty, and, sec ond, because if he could, he would sure trade for himself, and would scorn work ing for one-eighth commission when lie could just as well have the whole amount made. Wall Street Journal. The tame rule applies to many another "good thing'' which people are almost daily en deavorirg to sell you. Thk fault of absent inindedness is the source of a host of absurd situations es pecially if they occur when a guest is at dinner. The Detroit Tribune mentions these instances: Pasteur, at a dinner party, dipped his cherries one by one in to a glass of water and carelully wiped them explaining as be did that! they were covered with microbes, and then with a line unconsciousness drank tho glass of water. A famous gp-hbishop, also diu ingout, fnigot that be was not at bis own table, and r. marked loudly to his wife ; "This si up is again a failure my dear." Perhaps the most ridiculous of all these is told of a United States senator, who was observed at a presidential din ner to pull from his pocket in place of a handkerchief, a huge blue woolen sock and unconsiously wipe hi heated brow. Concefnino the report that insurance companies are said to have inaugurated a war on Christmas trees on the ground that they endanger property and increase the risk, the Blizzard hits off a few truths that will strike a sympathetic chord wher ever read. The edirt."will hardly result in anything more serious than bringing the (ompanies into disfavor. While it is no mure than right and proper that rea sonable care and caution should be exer cised in handling the lights utilized about the trees, the companies have no right to ask anything more. The companies al ready have so many exeinplible clauses in their policies that about all the insured has to do is to pay the premiums. If Christinas trees are to be tabooed, the in surance companies may lie expected to ere long issue a decree prohibiting the use of light or heat in any insured build ing." Ox the disposition of the Democracy to commit tariff agitation the Erii Dispatch comments: "Fo: awhile, in the present prosperous times, tho Democrats had the seeming good tense to my nothing. Their o 11 effort toward helping on the hMsinesi of the country were so disastr ous in their result, and the work of the Jleuublicans soelleclive that there was nothing lelt for the f-ce traders to sav. Now, however they have become tired of good times, and they have again found voice and are calling out for free trade. That policy has never brought business prosperity to America. Tne Democrats have repeatedly tried it and have tailed in producing the desired result every time, while the operations of the Republican policy of protection have not only pro duced better business conditions at home, but extended our trade abroad. And yet tho Democrats again cry out for free trade. Truly Democrats never learn anything." Xo Time for It? vision. One is almost tempted to question the sincerity ol Representative babcock when 0110 notices bow inopportune a timo ha has chosen forh is demonstration. In tho workiiigmen clamored lor tarill revision. They got it. Remember ing what happened as aconscqueiice,thcy are not asking for it now. Consumers are not. Workingnien and business men see before them the golden prospect of assured jiood limes for the next twelve month. They aro al! eager to cut a gen erous slice from the loaf of prosierity and they pay 110 attention to tho voice ol one socking after notoriety who is crying "revision, revision." This Is not the time for revision. The sun is shining and it is hay making time. Willi "reciprocity" the case is different. Commercial treaties with foreign nations which, while not disturbing seriously existing home industiies, open new mar kets to domestic products will have pop ular approval. They accord with the views enunciated by President McKinlcy j just before he died. Let the land' alone. Jt cannot be I changed at one point without an attempt 1 being made to change it everywhere. The whole subject was discussed in Is!sl, in ls!i,gain in ls!i7 only four yearsago. wishes it discussed now. Forest County Teachers' IiMilute. Next we. k, IVeeml-er IttlM, the An imal Teachers InMiute will be helil In (he opera house at Marienrllle. The tal rut has lieen employed, a-ijl all arrange ments Tor the principal educational event ol the county tor the year have lieen com plcteil, ami we are anxiously looking forward with bright anticipation to a pleasuit ami profitable week. If talent with first-olas recommendations is a cri terion ol the quali'y of work they can do. our coininc institute will certainly not J fce ness value than its predecessors. Prof. W. 11. Kama. President of the Rochester Normal University, will be with us during the entire week, and will lecture on Monday evening. Prof. Han ta comes to us w it h the very best of rec- oinniondationa from prominent educa tors. "The character of bis work Is modern, progressive, and of the highest order ol efficiency. lie is a highminded christian gentleman and an excellent cit izen. He ia in the prime ol life, the for tunate possessor of a splendid physical manhood, and is endowed with a wealth of the finer qualities of head and heart, making his presence magnetic and charming." As an educator, he has but few equals and no superiors in the part of the State in hich he resides. Frof. A. J. Kinneman of Clark I'uiver sity will also be here during the week and will co-operate in the wei k'a instruc tion. Dr. P. M. Greeting, Stale Superin tendent ol Ind., speaks ol him as follows: "During my two terms as State Superin tendent, I visited every county institute in the state, and can speak from observa tion of the work of the various in structor. During my visits, I must have seen Prof, Kinneman in aa many aa fif teen ditler.'nt meeting and his work wai not only practical and pedagogical but was given with a good deal of force and it is well received and nniveasally commented upon aa being helpful in every way. He ia easy and pleas ant in manner and is always sought alter by teachers during intermissions, to ans wer such questions as have arisen dur ing the week." Prof. Kinneman has worked in a number of Institutes in this stale and many very nice things have been said about him and his work, by those who employed him. Prof. Louis D. Kichboru w ill conduct the music again thia year. He needs no words i f commendation to tnose who heard him last year; and the fact that he has been recalled should be, to those who are not acquainted with him, suflielent evidence of bis ability to successlully carry forward hi part of the work of au institute. Tbe Clarion Stale Normal School wl.l be rcpiesenled at our institute by Prof. W.Y.Welch. Many of our teacher are acquainted with Piof. Welsch and his work, and will be glad to have him with us. It may be that Supt, W. A. Beer of Clarion Co. w ill spend soma time w ith us; and if so, he will have something of importance to say to us. Prof. Heer's long experience as Supt. tits him well for practical work among teachers. On Tuesday evening, the people w ill have the opportunity of listening to the Tremnnt Male Quartette of Boston, ac companied by Miss Hennigar, reader. I am confident that this entertainment will be a tieat. Following are a few com ments of the press: "Theainging of the Tromout (juartetle was something Im mense. They carried everything before them with their beaiililul melodius strains." "Lovers of music had a rare treat when tbe Tremnnt Male Quartette appeared." "The Hnesl concert that haa beeu held in town for many years." These and many other expressions of praise are given the Tremouta, showing ibat the company is one of rare ability. On Wednesday evening an entertain ment will be given by the Hearons Sis ters, another concert of high Blinding. The following is only one of the nany expressions of the quality ol the enter tainment: "The Hearons Sisters are be- yocd a doubt the finest musical organi zation which baa given an entertainment in Camdor for years. It ia to be hoped that they may visit us agiin." These la dies are not only vocal artists, but artists in instrumental music aa well, and a combinat on of these two will certainly make a highly pleasing entertainment. Dr. Ed. Amberst Ott, Dean of the Drake University ot Oratory, will lecture on Thursday evening. A. O. Thomas, President of tbe Central Nebraska Edu cational Association, places the following estimate on Dr. Ott and the lecture he is to deliver here: "It is the unanimous ex pression of those who heard it that this lecture is one of the very fluest ever delivered betore the teachers of the state. Splendid in delivery, sparkling iu its humor, and rich in lis truths, it impressed every one who heard it. It ia the gem of its kind. Mr. fit ia a strong man and will please and inspire wherever he goes. Tliis lecture should he given in every part of tbe state." The talent baa been selected with the greatest care, and if the estima e placed upon them by the press and b, promi nent educators is a correct one, no mis take lias been made In securing them, anil the coming convention will be sec ond to none in the history of Forest county. A very cordial invitation ia extended to teachers and directors, pupils and pat rons, and every one who is interested in educational work to come and receive the benelit of this Ireat. Come prepared to take away with you sumo valuable thoughts that will contribrle towards making your life lielter and more useful. Course tickets $1. General admission twenty-five cents each for Monday and Thursday evenings, and tbirty-iivo cents each for Tuesday and Wednesday even ings. E. E. Stitzinokr, County Superintendent. 1. 1 (Ml KMVAKIt, IM. Tho readers of this paper will be pleased to leai 11 that there is al leant one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in nil ita stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. If alls Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly apon the blood and mucous eurtace of the system, there by do-lroN ing tne loiindatlon or tlm dis ease, and giving the patienj; strength by building up tbe constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prieiors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they oircr One Hundred Dullsrs Tor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, K. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo, )h io. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are thebext. Becoming More Poteut. ' The Mormons have invited the atten- t on that they are again re civ ing in all J parts or the countrj, and they will have j I themselves to blame if this attention as- I j aiimea later on what they may be pleased j to call a crusade against their church. ' They have been increisiog rapidly in I Utah and surrounding stales. They bold J the balance of power In three and prob ably four slat a. Their missionaries i abroad have been a great deal more active than is generally supposed, and thous ands of new recruits from Europe join them every year. They are also active in the cities and towns. Moreover their natural increase has exceeded the growth of the territory which they inhabit. No objection can lie raised to the. 11 011 this score. They are a sober, industrious, thrifty people, and as plain Mormons they do not trespass upon the rights of others. But their growing political strength has emboldened "tin m to take some liberties which the sentiment of the country cannot tolerate. When Utah was admitted to the Union it was Ihe understanding that tho Mor mons would abandon even tl.o secret practice of polygamy. Of lute it is be coming apparent that they are returning to it, and even practicing it openly in some parts of Utah. The United States government cannot now, as formerly, la' hands upon the evil and crush it out lie cause Utah isasovet.ign state, and the sovereign state of Utah will not lay bands upon it, Ik cause I is in (he contiol of the Mormons. The time may not as yet be quiie ripe for an anti-polygamy amendment move, nevertheless, one is to be made in that direction at the coming session of con gress. Such a move will have the effect at least of calling public attention to the grow ing evil. It may have the effect of checking it. In any event it can do 1.0 lurm. The sooner the Mormons mi le stand that polygamy will not lie tolerated by the rest of the nation, even though It be confined to a Mormon state, the better it will be for the Mormons themselves. At present they are seeking trouble which nay ultimately prove disastrous to their church, even in Its more tolerablo form. Horrible Thought. Joe Wilson and Ed McKe were stand ing in frort of the postollice when a man weut by carrying a sack(of Hour on his shoulder. "Do you see that? " asked Ed McKte, assuming an expresslen of surprise. "See what T" asked Joe? "Why, that poor man trudging along with a sack of flour on his back?" "Certainly. What of it?" "That," replied Ed in serious times, "illustrates the horrible results of the eating habit. Tt.ere goes a poor, over worked man, lugging home a saek of flour, and the chances are he nasn't go' a pint of whiskey in the house !" Punxy Spirit. Taint EctinoiiiT. Putting it on costs twice as much as Ihe paint Itself; and Devoe lead a"d zinc lasts twice as long as lead slid oil. Sold by J. D. Dav . I'riseaallr-Csndurted Tours via I'manylva Is Itailreail, siraiwa of I1MH-2. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces tbe following Personally-Conducted Tours for the season ol I!KU -1 :H.' : Mexico and Calliornia. A forty-live day tour will leave New York, Philadel phia, llarrisburg, and Pittsburg Febru ary 11. Mexico only, February 11 to March 4; California only, February 21 to March 27. The party will tiavel ocerthe mire route by the "Mexico and Califor nia Special," the finest train that crosses the continent. Florida. Three touts to Jacksonville' will leave New York and Philadelphia Baltimore and Washington, February 4 to 18, and March 4. The lirst two of these admit ol a B'journ of two weeka in the "Flowery State " Tickets for the third tour will be good to return by regular trains until May 31, lHO'J. Tickets for the above tours will be sold from principal points on the Pennsylva nia Railroad. For detailed Itineraries, giving rates and lull Information, ad dress B. P. Eraser, Passenger Agenl Buf falo District, Buffalo; F. Palmateer, Agt., 20 State Street, Rochester; or (ico. W. Boyd, Assistant Ueneral Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. A. J. Sneil wanted to attend a parly, but was afraitl to do so on account 01 pains in bis stomach, which he feared would grow worse. He says "I was tell ing my troubles to a lady friend, who said: 'Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will put you in con dition for tbe party.' I bought a bottle and take pleasure in staling that two doses cured me and ensbled me to have a good time at the party." Mr. Mnell is a resident of Summer Hill, N. Y. This remedy ia sold by Killmer Bros., Tio nesla, W. U. Wilkins. West Hickory, Pa. I'ransylVanla. It n I rand will Isaac Clerical Orders Tor W2. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces that c.erical orders will lie is sued lor the year 1H02 to ordained clergy, men having regular charge of churches located on or near the line ot Us road. Application blanks may be obtained ol ticket agents, and same should reach the Oenral Olllco by December 21, so that orders may be mailed December 31 to clergymen entitled to receive them. Or ders wid be issued only on individual application 1 f clergymen when made on blanks furnished by the Company and certified to by one of ita agents. No v cliinawaro for Xmas at Tionesla Cash Store. It The (karlt-sloa Exposition. Itrdiirrd Knlrs via Ihe I'riuisvlvnnin Knilrond During the continuance of tbe South Carolina Inter-Stale and West-Indian Exposition, to be heM at Charleston, S. C, Irom Dec. I to June 1, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company will sell excur sion tickets to Charleston and return from all points on its lino al reduced rates. These tickets will be sold dailv from November :w to May :il. and wil'l be or two descriptions: Season tickets, bearing a final limit of June II. 1102, and eleven-day tickets, good to return within eleven davs, including date of sale, but not good arter June 3, 1H02. These liekels will not be good to stop off en route. For rates and other narticu. lars apply to Ticket Agents, ' Poisoned From the Bite ol Cat. i Mrs. Danial Porter, residing near War-! ren, Pa., in putting a cat from tin house! after it had a fit, received a serious bile ' in her thumb. Her whole arm became swollen and highly iiillamed. She at once , bad it reduced and in a lew days cured, I by applying freely, Wann Electric Oil, I The remedy is guaranteed for injuries, skin diseases, ueuiHlgia, sores, rlieuma- I lisui, calarili, bay lever, etc. 2-o a Isiltle. i sri.u.-B.avas.v s. .1' , T 1 fcT 1 1 ' Vaf I I I x 1 r fce W ' 1 1 A 5 ami ilnien of other things Our display ofC'ameo Novelties it worlh seeing very artistic and apprnpria'e l-r present. Tourist Cars on the Nickel Plate Road j Semi- weekly Transcontinen'al Tourist Cars between the Atlantic and Pacific coast, are operated via the Nickel Plate Road and its connections. Tourist cara relered to afford the same sleeping ac commodations with same class of mat tress and other lied clothing that are pro vided in the regular Pullman sleeping car sorvii-e. These tourist cars leave Boston, Mondays and Wednesday, and leave Sin Fianeisoo, Tuesdays and Kit- days. Sune cars leave Ilullalo via the Nickel Plate Road at 1:00 a. 11.., Tues days and Thursdays lor Ihe west, East bound leave Chicago, Tuesdays and Sat urdays at 2;.M p. m. Berths in these Tourist cars are sold at greatly reduced rates. Conveniences are ottered without extra civ-4 lor heating food or preparing coffee or tea, affording every facility for comfort on a long journey, especially for families trave Ing with children. Low est rates may heohiaitud always via the Nickel Plate Road for all points East or West. For special information regarding II trains on the Nickel Plate Road, in cluding the tourist cars, coatilt the near est a. ent of the Nickel Plete Road, or call at or address City Ticket Office 820 StatoSt., Erie, Pa, H. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A. No. SU-ll-fit Notice. Notice is hereby given that I the un dersigned Treasurer of the Tionesla Man tle .Manufacturing Company, Incorporat ed, will expose to sale, by public auction at the olli.-e ol said colli) any Iu Tioneata, Forest t'n., Pa,, on Jan." 2, !H2. a 1 o'clock p. m , Ihe shares, or a sufficient number thereof, of stock of the persons hereafter named who are the proprietoia thereof, in the said Tionesla Mantle Man 11 aetiirinv Company, Incur pors ed, and who have neglected to pay the sums duly assessed thereon for Ihe space of thirty days, to pay the assessment due, and hereinafter mentioned, with the nec essary and incidental charges thereon, aa er clause two oi seo. 3". ol Ihe Inooi Hiation act 174. SI IIKIH I.K OF !U.IN(t'RNTS ; Alexander, i'elers ,tt Wakelce, 20 shares, due on each shares, $2A 00 It. F. Alexander, 10 shares, due on each share, $.00. A. B., Treasurer. Dee. 0, I'HU. xoTici:. Notice is hereby given that II. Downs, alias J. S. Cough, on September 17, 1!H)I, left at the Hotel barn ol the undersigned one hon-p, one buggy, one set harness to be k. pt fur thr. e days, and has not yet returned lor them. Thereiore notice is Imebv given to the owi er of said propeitv to come forward, prove property, ami pay charge tor keeping the same, or they"wlll be sold on the 14th day of Drcember, P.Htl, al my bam in CI .ringlon, Forest comity. Pa., at 10 o'clock, a. 111.. to piy. keeping said properly, and expenses of sale, etc. L. E. Hiiancii. Clarington, Pa., Nov. 2U, loul. TIOlCsSI-A sIAUKKTIs CORPRCTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour t sack Corn meal, feed, 100 m. ... Corn meal, family, 100 lb Chop feed, pure grain , Oats Com, slielUd Ituckwheat flour, ft lb Beans bushel Ham, sugar cured Bacon, sugar cured Shoulders Salt Pork, 'r' tl Whitefish V kit I.00(.l..0 ,.4.-, I 1 t.M 1 .So 1 -21 2.M AS .16 .10 .12 .no Sugar (Ifti.iH syrup ostaj .50 N. O. Molasses ,f0 Colli?, Roast Kio PJleJilS Collee, blended Java .25 Tea :a j Mutter . Kice Kirirs, fresh Salt V barrel Lard , Potatoes, "fr bushel. ., Potatoes, Sweet fl lb. I.iine "f barrel Nails V ken .O.Val.Os I.Hfi .11 .7ii .rj .901.00 Up-to-date! . 1 u BRIGHT SPARKLING ARTISTIC. Stock of new Goods. DIAMONDS. WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. NOVELTIES. LEATHER GOODS. UMBRELLAS. CANES The LEADING JEWELER. 32 SICNKCA St., Oil. CI f Y, PA. Wanted-An Idea Ss Prr'ect your Mmm: thfr mar lirlnif vu wealih Wrlw JOHN WEDIEKBl'RN ft CO., Patent Attor Hera, W&Ablnittnn. I). r.,or tbir prise utTe Ad lilt ot two tiuuOred InTeuiiuui wautod. WW Practical (lifts. We make it a point o liuve for II -Inlay buyers 1 luce variety of ar ticles suitable fur gifts, ami of nracti cal value to the recipient I'mbit'llus llniulkc rrlilrfw, Mi.U!rr, Jcwrlry, Xcfkt.esi. Hook, NlippfrN, Pockrl books), ROBINSON. The PANTOURIS A Crow 11 for Ihe King or Fashion The hat rensaiion ol the season. Everybody likes this hat. Stylish a rl becoming to old and ynung Two colors black and pearl. Wire, 'phone or mail fur your size -price, 4,00 Every other thing to dress you well THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST.. OIL CITY, PA. mi 10 IIK.4I OF First - Class Horses At Private Nale or Fxehauge. Until further notice I will lie at BROOKVILLE FAIR GROUNDS With a full stis'k of high grade Ohio and native horses, diivers. general business and draft horse. All horse glian nteed represented. 1 mil not siny longer than Second Week in DECEMBER. I'ome for bargains they musl he sold Extra lot of Heavy Draft Horsea GRANT SIIUSTER. '-'t.'?r' ' ntls - ) The Cat Came Back ! and so will you after you learn our Prices and Methods. We do a strictly cash business its the only honest way. Eveiy article in marked at the lowest cash price consistent viih Honest Quality. We tell the truth about our goods. Ouri is a permanent businem we want your confidence and futuie patronage. ONLY THREE WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS WHEN YOU BUY GIFTS. Don't ruiM our store for we have planned to (erve you better than ever before, and w know if we cau save you money we can inter est you. igsc- I -.y.. Tionesta Cash Store CASH BARGAIN MAKERS. FIT vs. The uil i at than ihe Suit it INTERNATIONAL" CLOTHES FIT! BESIDES, All the Lining are (Sua ran teed for One Year Re lined Free of (,'liarie if lining wear out in any garment in that lengtii of time. HEATH Up-to-Dato AO. A. II. A. Vatn Cook, President. FOREST COUNTY TIONCSTA, CAPITAL STOCK, DIRaXTTOKH U. V. Koblnson, T. F. Rltchey. J. T. A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, Collections reiuittsd for on day of pr.yinent at low rales. We promise our custom er all the lienetlls consistent with conservative b klnir. Interest pid on lima deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Kavjn mt mil nvc Mi cite hirnr- it" viih kutrkn Ha ne hi. It ic iit the tii mo. kniMineii r act I 4ml lt iniuii to not Itfoal No ruujitii w tin fore in thj aniUut. 1) harm vt rut only Lx. looking Itkt new, l lit Wear Iwu 4 k'tv In ih n.r l Kurrka Haroaa OU. Sold vrryw her in ian all tim. kUtlc by Standard O'l Company Dr.Frantr'sGOlDEN REtlEF A Til l M-fci mc IX At L INFLAMMATION &rrtbruat, HfvU h DUnulrai, TKth tit' ' 1 miuntt-i, find Hurr-rkin, rtr rv "Coldi," Forming Ffvrn. GRIP, CUKLa ANY PAIN INSIDE Oit OUT In une to thirl v itiuuiiri lvlra. Iba iM by mail Kredoeia.X JOUISNZO FULTON. Manufacturer of am. !nler In HARNESS. COLLARS, BRIDLES. Ami all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1 IONKSTA. PA. V' Ladies' Suits, Walking Skirts, Jackets, Men's Suits, Overcoats, and Pants. Boys' Suits, Over coats, etc. Chinaware, Lamps and Groceries. You'll come back if you trade with Us. MISFIT! I' its 0 it 1.0 nint tht l'oetti'a. . . , L FEIT. Dealers in RO.IS. Kai.i.r. Cashier. Wat. Smkarbauoii, Vice P icsidin NATIONAL HANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. Win. NmeatrbauKti, Hale, J. II. Kelly. A Sure Thina il is a potilive fact that thnte who try ALFRED DOLGES FELT SLU'PEUSjo.n tl.e ar my of enthusiastic pationa. Ouce I lie fuel is in I lie Slipper tlie iinrvelnus success of Dnlgs, Slippers Deed no lurllier en ia nation. There is no longer in such a case anv need of argu ment D'.ltfeV' Htppera aie the handsomeU anil easiest Slip peri made. The latest shapes ami in all colors Ked, Mack, liloe, Krown anil Green, liefore purchasing your Holiday Slip per it will be to yiur interest to inrpert out line of slippers JOE LEVI, Cor. Centre, Semra, & Sycamore Sir OIL CIT1, 1A. Vbone 2:1.