The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 06, 1901, Image 2

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Published every vVeiliieailuy by
Offica in Sinearbaugh & Wenk Building,
One Square, one inch, one week.. .f 1 0
One Square, one inch, one month. S 0
One Square, one inch, 3 months.... i 00
One Square, one inch, one year .... 10 00
Two Square, one year IS 00
QuarUr Column, one year SO 00
Half Column, one year. 50 00
One Column, one year 190 09
I.-Kal advertisement ten ten La per Una
each Insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rate, but it'a cava
on delivery.
Forest Re
Trraaa, 91.00 A Yean Mtrlclly la Advnare.
No ulwcripthin roceived Tor a shorter
period tlian Uinie liiimlha.
Corriwpoiideni'e auliriUHl, bill no uollce
will lie taken of anonymous ooiiiuiunlc
doua. Always Hive your uame.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Rurgess.-T. V. BUi-hey.
LUHCimrn.-J.,V. IU'.W. F Blum,
Cliaa. Clark, T. B. Armstrong Dr. J. C.
Dunn, U. U. Oeton, J. II. Mi
Justices of the Peace C. A. Kan Jail, S.
J. Netlev.
Om..fahf II. E. Moody.
(dtector S. J. Metier.
.Vcaoof Directors O. W. Holemaii, J.
K. Wenk, J. C. Heowdou, Patrick Joyce,
W. W. Grove, K. I.. Haslet.
.femberof Congress J . K. P. Hall.
Member of Sennit A. M. Neeley.
Assembly A. M. loult.
President Judqe W. M. Idndsoy.
A tMcmte Judges K. I. Crawford, W.
II. II. Iiolloror.
VoMowoinry, Register it Recorder, e.
John II. Itobert-Hon.
Sheriff. J. W. Jainiesiiii.
rreasurer S. M. Henry.
(Ximintssmners II. M. Herman, John
T. Carson. J. T. Hale.
IHstnct Attorney I. Irwin.
Jury ttnnHssioners Levi U. Boy
nobis, Peter Youngk.
troHer Ir. J. W. Morrow.
County Auditors J. K. Clark, U. J.
Klvnn, Geo. lj. King.
untg Superintendent K. E. 8titr.ln-
liraular Terms of Court.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of Keptonilier.
Third Monday of November.
aarra d Makbnth Mrkaol.
PreMbvterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
in. : M. K. Sabbath Schd at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching .n M. K. Church every Sab
bath evening bv Kcv. I). II. Nicklo
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath ovening at the usual hour. ltev.
Mi'darvv, Pastor.
Services ill the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath inoriiitiir ami evening,
ltev." J. V. McAniiich otriclating.
The regular meetingM of the W. C. T.
U. are ludd at the headquarter on the
second and fourlli of each
m nth.
PIN EST A U I I E, No. 3d!, I. 0. 0. F.
1 Moilsovorv Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
j .NIK EST l,OIHK, No. 1H4. A. O. U. W.,
I Meets every Friday ovoning lnA.O.U.
W. Hall, Tlonesta.
U. A. H. Meet 1st and 3.1 Monday
evening ill each month, In A. O. U. V.
Hall, Tlonesta.
M7, W. 11. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each nioiilh, In A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa.
rpiMNKSTA TF.NT, No. Hit, K. O. T.
A M., meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening hi each month In A. O. U. W.
hall Tionesta, Pa.
Tionesta, Pa.
Warren, Pa.
Practice 111 Forest Co.
C. M. Siiawkky, Oku. B. Munn.
Phvsician, Surgeon A Dentist.
Ollh'e and Residence three doors north
of Hotel Aguew, Tinnesla. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
It. F.J.
Physician A Surgeon,
DR. J. C. IiUSN,
Olllee over Heath d' Klllmor'a store,
Tionesta. Pa. Professional calls prompt
ly responded to at all hours of day or
liighl. Residence May St.
J I Poysician and Surgeon
Ofllceand residence above Fores C.
National Hank. County 'Phone No. 1.
Tionesta, Pa
E. A. WEAVER, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a coinpletechaugo,
and Is now in Hushed with al. the mod
ern Improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout with natural gns, bathrooms,
hot mid cold water, etc. The comforts ol
guests never neglected.
V. GKKUW A OEROW Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. This Is the niostcentrally
located hotel ill the place, and has all the
modern Improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place lor 1 le traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm
and alntit streets, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work troin the finest to
Iho coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion iiven to mending, anil prices rea
sonable At thi lAFrm B- c :;;r:c3 usi ysksity,
I'irreii, Pi.
7h Bcvt practical ,up-to-dit ftu
lnrft Tf-irur.j Hot.oot in Pannaivania.
iw cur SiuJrats (ttiiJ
inning lucatiou.
Jll W f.1 to OS'.! ran wr.
tlauifri ta alii-a, upon roipv
Oar g.-Bi-i'M it bnitllr.t coti.
ttont of benor truit id all part
for fuil tartiTalirs. tairssi.
Reported That French Have
Seized Turkish Customs, j
srelna That France la In Karaest Sultan
II a. Turned to (irrat III llaln aul Now
Aka That Kulanl Krml First to Pro
tect A.lHtlc Turkey, t ailor Treaty by
Which lals uf Cyprus Wat Surrcuilered.
J.O.M'ON, Nov. 5. The Puris cones
tiiiiideut of The Haily .Mail says he un
lcrHtiuuls Hint ilispntchcs have been re
ceived at the French cnpilul announcing
:hut Aiiuiinil Cuillnnl's division of the
HtciicIi Meiliterrnuciiiv Htindron hus ar
ricd at Smyrna and Hcixcil the customs.
PARIS, Nov. 5. "The porte has asked
titeiit lliitain," says the Constantinople
correspondent of The Echo tie Paris, "to
Ci'llill the terms of the convention of 18TS
whereby ill exchange for the Island of
Cyprus Great liril iiin guarantees the In
tegrity of the sultan's Asiatic pusscs
linns. "The porte claims under this conven
tion that (ireat llrituiti should protect
Asiatic TurKcy against attack by France
and suggest that (ileal Britain should
end a squadron to the Levant for that
According to the Athena corespondent
jt The Journal n French dispatch boat
Slivcd yesterday at Syin, capital of the
inland of Syra, to get a nuinlicr of dis
patches th .t were waiting ut the tele
graph olllee.
l.onlon Knveloprd lu Impenetrable llaae,
Htrerla llecMiiie tllm-keil and Kven
Tolira r I.n,t.
I.OM)., Nov. 5. A fog such as
tlrcnt lliitain had not experienced for
years enveloped Loiiih n and half of the
United Kingdom yesterday, bhskailiug
shipping, deranging railways ami throw
ing liusiiiess in liOiiiloii. ltirniiiigiiaui ami
ether provincial cities into confusion.
So dense was it that a walk into the
streets was an adventure. The fog de
scended upon the streets of the metropo
lis nnd the suburbs so thickly that be
tween 4 anil ." o'clock in the afternoon
the princ ipal avenue of trnlllc resitniblcd
the steainriaiui of a Turkish bath.
Hundreds vt thousands of London's
suburban population vainly endeavored
to grope their way to the railway sta
tions. The few who succeeded found the
trains all stalled. Anion. 1 Trafalgar
square anil the houses of parliament
scenes nnparnllch d for years were wit
nessed. Hundreds of omnilnisses, cabs,
caits and wagons formed un inextricable
nnd ininiovnhlf mass. The mounted po
lice, lu trying to char uwav the jam, got
lost themselves. Many vehicles were in
collision. The drivers, not knowing where
they were, stood at the hendu of their
hotscs, p.iticntly awaiting the lifting of
the premature darkness.
Lanterns were at a premium. News
boys trim-formed their papers into tem
porary torches. Highwaymen pursued
their vocation. Casualties were frequent
and even hardened Londoners freely ex
pressed a iln nd of the continuation of
such fogs, which yesterday reached a
If the fog had not lifted somewhat to
ward night, London would have been
so congested that the housing resources,
commodious as they are, w ould have been
taxed beyond their limits by the forced
accommodation of the fogdiound stibur
hauiti s.
Aiiioiii; chilih'cti ami old people the
deleterious effects nf such n continuous
and exceptional fog can scarcely bo es
Aero CI ! Committee llevldea tie Won
llnelacli l'nrse Fairly.
PARIS. Nov. 5. The committee of the
Aero club, by a vote of JU to 1), yester
day proclaimed M. Santos I Hiinoiit. the
Ilraziliun aeronaut, the winner of -the
prize of lisi.lMKi francs offered by M.
lieutsch for n dirigible balloon.
The vote was preceded by n warm dis
cussion. Count lion, who presided, while
eulogizing the courage of M. Santos-Du-niont,
contended that ho had not won
the prize owing to the time limits Prince
Kolaml lleiiaparte, on behalf of the spec
ial committee who watched (he contests,
declined that M. Santos-Duinoiit hud ma
terially and morally won the prize be
cause the new regulation as to the time
limit was never olllcially endorsed by the
Aeru club.
air Michael Illcka-llrneh Hints at Iinpo
altloti of tremer 1'uxea and Loan.
LOXHON. Nov. 5 What is regarded
ns an important announcement preparing
the people of (irent Uritain for new
taxes and fresh loans was made last
night by the chancellor of the exchequer
Sir .Michael Ilicks-Rcnch, in a speech nt
111 is-lol. After alluding to the "enor
mous increase in the ordinary expendi
tures" of the government, he reviewed
the war taxes and said that the ever
increasing demand of the national ex
chequer gave reasons for careful
thought and even anxiety for the future.
"The cost of the war in South Africa
Is enormous," said Sir Michael. "It still
drags on. It may be, when aj"'xt yenr
comes, that I may have to ask the people
of this country to ls-nr even greater bur
h us nnd to make even greater sacri
Family Made to Give I'p Money A tier Hav
ing llnlr nurneil From llsR
MASSILON, O., Nov. IJalsor Race,
his wite and two sons, living near this
city, ear'y yesterday morning were tort
ured bv burglars until tlmy gave up
aver $ I.IKKI in certificates of deposit and
(in in money.
The burglars set tire to the hair of
their victims and threatened to roast
them alive. One of Races' sons may not
recover. The burglars escaped in a ve
hicle stolen from .Mr. Race.
Burglars Ntarted Coitly Fire.
.MAY VII.LE, N. I)., Nov. .".-burglars
In attempting to blow the safe ill a butch
er shop st Clifford, 1U miles from here,
started a fire which has nluiost wiped out
the business portion. The loss amounts
to 50,000.
Willi. U Moor On Ilia Matter of Prevent
Htnnus by l .a or tipl oalve.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Professor
Willis L. .Moore, acting secretary of ag
riculture, has issued an oiliciul state
ment concerning the mutter of the at
tempted prevention of hailstorms by the
use of explosives from specially designed
cannon. Itrief refererce is made to the
renewed Interest in the subject lately in
France and Italy and to the Apparatus
now lu use iu conducting the experi
ments. The professor says In purt:
"After examining all that baa been
published during the past two yours on
the subject of hail prevention 1 have to
repeat the opinion heretofore expressed
that we have here to do with a popular
Ji-lusion and that efforts should be made
to prevent its spread ill this country.
The great processes going on ill the at
mosphere are conducted on too large a
scnle for any man or any nation to at
tempt to control them. The energy ex
pended by nature in the production of a
hailstorm, a tornado or a rainstorm prob
ably exceeds the combined energy of nil
the stcuin engines and explosives in the
world. It is useless for man to attempt
to combat nature on this scale."
Conmiliilatcd TaleplioneCompsny of renn
aylvanla Take. In Several Lines.
EASTON, Pa.. Nov. 2 A mortgage
for !fi;,ISJO,oiKi, given by the Consolidated
Telephone company of Pennsylvania to
the Equitable Trust company, trustee, of
l'Liln k'lpliiil, has been hied in the otliic
of the recorder of deeds of Northampton
The Consolidated Telephone company,
which was formerly Iho Schuylkill Val
ley Telephone ami Telegraph company
of Reading hus consoiidulcd tlie follow
ing corporatioii'j and lines: Lackawanna
Telephone company,!svl!le: Slate
Belt Telephone company of Slatington;
Lehigh Telephone lompauy of Allentown
and the lnter-Stute Telephone ami Eng
lish company operating lines in Lacka
wanna, Luzerne, Carbon, Lehigh, North
ampton, Montgomery. Itcrks and other
counties in Pennsylvania.
Ynnntc Couple Left Note Hnyllig Their Love
Affairs Hud lleeu Interfered With.
UEADlXti. Pa., Nov. 2.-Th bodies
of Walter Snyder and Minnie Reich
steller were found on Mount Peiiu with
bullet holes through their temples yes
terday. A pistol was lying by Sny
der's side and it is supposed he killed the
girl mid then committed suicide.
The couple left u letter in which they
said that their love affairs hud been in
terfered with iiinl that they decided to
die together. Snyder was 20 years of
age and the girl 21.
Law lti4t Take Its Course.
NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-Anthouy J.
Frank, who threw red pepper into the
eyes of Curl N. (Iticuther, jeweler, and
thru tried to steal a tray of diamonds,
was yesterday sentenced to live years in
Sing Sing prison by Judge Aspinwall.
It was shown that Frank, who bad the
support of a huge family, was without
work or money and that the crime was
planned iu desperation to secure money
for medicine for a dying child. Stroug
elTurts were made to secure the release of
the prisoner hut ho pleaded guilty nud
the court would not suspend sentence.
Fatul Wreck In Delaware.
WILMINGTON'. Iel., Nov. f. A
southbound freight train on the Philadel
phia, Wilmington and Baltimore niil
road ran into a work train nt Claymont,
1 c I . , six miles north of this city yester
day afternoon. .lames Miihlletou of
Philadelphia, fireman on the locomotive
of the freight train, was instantly killed
and Engineer Frank Gallagher and
llrakemnn J. J. Devine also of the freight
train was seriously injured. Five freight
cars were derailed nnd set on tiro by the
collision and the tracks were blocked.
'o Mslfgnant Kplilcmlc Aiming Indians
OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 0. The report
that nialii'iiant smallpox is epidemic nnd
causing scores of deaths among the In
clines oil the Winnebago reservation a
pears to be exaggerated. Deputy Mar
shal Allen says the deaths to date re
sulting from smallpox number 20. It
has been 10 days since nn Indian has
died and the disease is now under control.
Every precaution is being tuken to pre
vent its spreading.
Montana Train Itnhbers Caught.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. S.-Fotir men,
Kid Wilson. Charles Holmes, Frank
Smiley and W. E. McKernon, wore ar
rested lure Saturday charged with belte
confidence men. Yesterday the police
received information to the effect that the
men are the Wagner, Mont., train rob
bers. AMi'.luvits have 1khii made against
the men and they will be held awaiting
further advices from Montana.
Forced Murderer to Kill llhnsetf.
LONDON, Nov. 5. Yesterday after
noon a man nanusl Lnncnmbe entered the
Kensington branch of the London nnd
Southwestern bank and shot the cashier
dead. He then culled upon the clerks to
deliver the contents of the till. A clerk
grappled with the robber who finding
that escape was impossible shot himself.
Another clerk was wounded in the strug-
Tobacco Tru.t Killers Ohio.
COH'MIU'S. ()., Nov. 5.-The Amer
can Cigar company, a trust organized
under the laws of Now Jersey, was
qualified by Secretary of State I.nylin
yesterday to do business in Ohio. The
trust has a capital stock of ?10,000,000
and will have its headquarters iu Cin
cinnati. James H. Duke is at the head
of this trust.
tiled From Klt'ecta of Slight Fall.
HAI.I.STOX. N. Y., Nov. 5. Maurice
'iwcr, a railroad conductor, died at his
home here yesterday from internal rup
ture caused by a full on stubble iu a
cornfield on Saturday last. He wus 3D
years old and had constructed several
side lines for the Delaware ami Hudson
railway on its Susquehanna and Cham
plain divisions.
Herring Msy Remain In Prn.ala.
I1ERLIN, Nov. 5. The police order ex
pelling from Prussia Joseph Herrings,
the American newspaper correspondent,
on the grouud of an alleged evasion of
military service It) years ago, has beea
D.sastrous Encounter Wi h
Boers In Eastern Transvaal.
Many Other Officers Fell Total Los. la
7 llea.l ami Kill Wounded Boera
Made Hear Attack Fighting Wua at
Clorte liuiirters anil Very Iletermlued.
Ciilouel ltetiKOil Among the Killed.
LONDON. Nov. 2.-Lord Kitchener
hus reported to the war ullice a disaster
lo the Ilritish near Kcthel, Eastern
Transvaal, iu which two guns were lost,
several olliccts killed or wounded and
M men killed and 1I!0 wounded. The
following Is the text of Lord Kitchener's
dispatch, dated Pretoria, Nov. 3:
"Colonel ltarter. who marched from
(he constiibulnrly line yesterday reached
Benson's column early this morning (Fri
day) unopposed. He reports that Colonel
Reason died of his wounds.
"The other casualties are the follow
ing: Killed Colonel Guinness, Major F.
1). Murray, Captains M. W. Linsuy and
V. II. Thorohl, Lieutenants E. V. I.
Rrooke and R. E. Shepard and Second
I.ieuetuant A. J. Coilctt. Died of his
wounds. Captain Eyre Lloyd."
Lord Kitchener then gives the mimes
of 13 other olllcers who were wounded,
most of them severely, and announces
that o4 non-commissioned olllcers and
men were killed und IHO wounded, adding
that four of the later have since died of
their wounds.
The dispatch then says:
"I assume that the two guns have been
recorded and the enemy has withdrawn
but 1 have no further details.
"I deeply regret the loss of Colonel
Reason and the "Mirers ami men who
fell with him. Iu Benson the service
loses a most gallant and capable otllcer,
who invariably led his column with
marked success and judgment.
"The fighting was at very close quar
ters ami maintained with great d( termin
ation by both sides. The enemy suffered
heavily but I have not yet received a
relnble estimate.
"The liners retired east."
Colonel Retison had been for some
time operating in the vicinity of Bethel,
which is northeast of Stundcrton. He
surprised a Boer laager Oct. 22, near
Trirhaidsfontein, taking o7 prisoners.
Three days later, according to Lord
Kitchener's report nt the time, after a
long nis'ht march, the commandoes under
Grolielar and Erasmus "honvily at
tacked Benson's rear guard and flunks
at YziiMiikfontein, but were easily
driven away."
Whether this was the attack which re
sulted so disastrously or whether the
Boers, who had been repulsed, took ad
vantage of the mist to renew the attack
is still U"explained. Lord Kitchener
does not give the date of the Itethel en
gagement. WE'VE G0TT00MUCH MONEY
Coin Is Filing t'p In Treasury anil Ouga
Waul, to lluy Hack lloml..
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Reserving
the rii;'nt to discontinue without previous
notice, the treasury department yester
day announced that for the present it
will accept offerings of I'nited States
homls if tendered at the treasury depart
ment in Washington or ut the sub-treasury,
New York, at prices to yield the
government interest as follows on the 3
per cent bonds, loan of 1!K2-1!)1S, 5 per
sent bonds, loan of Idol, anil 4 per cent
bonds funded, loan of 111(1", to yield
1.720, nnd on the 1 per cent bonds, loan
3f I !."., to yield l.fHK!.
In spouking of this action iu resuming
the purchase of the bonds Secretary
Gage said: "The terms 1 offer are practi
cally the same ns those tinder which the
purchases were made under the last call,
I took the market quotations and nimlH
;he price about the mean between the
iffi rs and bids, which, of course. Is a
ha :e above the prices at w hich the ac
tual transactions were made. This I
believe to be entirely fair to both the
irovcriiinont and to the bnndowiiers. My
reason for making the offer at this time
Is that I ti ml from (mlay's treasury
stnteii t I hat we took in in cash this
month S!i..lnl.!l."2 more than we paid out.
and for this single day the excess of re
ceipts over expenditure)! was .1,(IM1,-1 1 1.
The circulation of the country could not
stand this drain .very long without being
affected seriously, nud as I do not wish
to lncreuse the deposits iu the national
bank depositaries, there was only one
thing left to do, itml that was to buy
bonds. I can give no approximate idea
of how long this offer will remain open
or how many bonds I shall purchase.
Bondhclders who wish to sell would do
well not to count on any grent length of
Heceipls nnd Kipemlllures.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. The month
ly statement of the government receipts
and expenditures shows that for the
month of October. 11KI1. the total re
ceipts were fl'.l.Sol.Uo'J and the expendi
tures iSKi.lilo.S:!.'!, which leaves a surplus
for the month of !f!), 1S(I,1 17. Tho re
ceipts were nearly J,(KHI,(KK) less than
for October. l'.WXI. and Ihe expenditures
nearly $7.:W"l.lKI less. The receipts
from the several sources of revenue are
given as follows
Customs, $2o,4l5,.7l. an iuiTonso over
October, Html, of nearly, 0(K); in
ternal revenue, o.Ml.OI!): decrease,
H.lCIAHi: miscellaneous, $2.1)0 1,732; de
crease, ;?!77,tHio.
The expenditures on account of the
war department were .y.).r4,'l. 170: de
crease, ".7iUHH); on account of the
liuvy, .Vl.l.'l.27i); increase, $1,500,0(10.
Tor the four months of the present fis
cal year the total receipts were IflDl,
!I.S0,S11, u decrease of .V.KIO,00i from
those of the corresponding period last
year. The expenditures aggregated
$l(il.lil!l.'!71, a decrease of $27,000,000
as compared wilh the corrcspending pe
rioil of l'.iilO.
Dr. Ilurnett Indicted For Murder.
CHICAGO, Nov. L The grand jury
yisterdiiv voted uu indictment against
Dr. ville Burnett, charging him witn
murder ns an accessory before the fin-i.
Dr. lb molt was wilh Mrs. Churl itte
Nicliol when the hitter committed sm
ell" at u hotel recently, alone fulfilling
l.i nciiement which Burnett says they
infill- to die lo ther rather ilwm be
RohtMra Try lo Mnke Hrr Ilrli Kup
pmrtl Vlli ti'iKcil Iinalil
SCIi.N XTOX, Nuv. 1.- Four masked
itH'ii lin!,r it:t) the hnim nf Mrs. Ann
Welles, u vviilc.w nf Kt-ott,
early Ycliii's;iy morning. nnl after
hiii'lini; nnd u;iuiic hr inn I Iht invalid
son, who was ln r only minimuinii, mn-KtK-kt'd
the lmu'.
Tln-y could find only S1..VI, and in tlndr
('tularin they brutally mattrratfd the old
woman and tier L"y to niui;' tin-in dis
Hum u-ln'iu they kept tlitdr snpposs'il
Wealth. There was no money in th
house otluT than what the thieves pot,
and when they heeame convinced of thin
they left.
The old woman Hiiccecdi-d in releasing
her hands after an hour's ttmpiim it the
ropes which hound ilitin, ami iTinitiriii
herself to a neighbor's house pive the
alarm. The whole country wax scoured,
hut no trace of the brim s could he found.
New Futsl Disease A'iMclciiiK faille.
XK'.V CASTI.i:. Nov. 1 A new nnd
futul disease anions milch cows and cat
tie is reported in this section of tho
state. Dr. lioornc S. .lobson. who has
been invcstipitiiu: for the State l ive
Stock Sanitary boaid, finds that the
symptoms of the sick cattle resemble
those of anthrax. The latter is ii most
duuKcroiis and coi.tatdoiis disease, which
is communicated to man iu the form of
luiiliiriiiiut posture by accidi ntal inoeii
liitiou while hamlliii!.' anthrax sides or
carcasses. The cattle attacked by the
new disease die in from one to three
N'ell Murilcr Suspect Viint.lie..
IMONTOWX, Nov. 'J I lllleers who
have been worl.iiu; on the murder of
I.ouis Neil, who was found locked iu a
closet in his house w ith bis head crushed,
have loiimi no clue to the perpetra'ors.
An old Herman, who came from Haiti
more and stopped with Neil, is under
nt riH'; suspicion. He persuaded th old
man lo convert his property into --ash,
preparatory to coini: buck to llaltitnore
with him to live, and he was seen
ill Addison just before Neil's body win
found with lots of money. He dis
appeared and no trace of him can
be found.
Accused of l.ootlt:!; Mull litis.
CUKKNVII.I.K, Nov. l'reil Ash
by of Cleveland was arrested chanted
with stealini; and -lestroyinn mail, forg
inK a check ami atteii.piinn to cash a
folded check. Shortly after the tireen
ville National bunk opened a stranger
presented a check for s:(IMI made out
to I'idel Ituhser. superintendent of the
Slu iby Tube works. The cashier be
came suspicious and called in un otticer.
At the pistollice foe lock box of the
Shelby ccinpiiny was looted and about
at) letters stolen. Ashl y was held for
court in tin sum of .f'J.liisi.
Hterp Walker Kllleil ly tilt-Foot Drop,
COVNKI.I.SVII.I.F,, Nov. 'J. The
death of Paul Zinehe, a Slavish miner of
I.eisendiui; No. 1, was the fatal result
of slccpwalkim:. Thuislay 1 1 i 1 1 1 the
wife of Ziuche was avu!;eued by irroans.
A window was wide open, ami upon the
ground, -II feet below. Ill" prostrate body
of her husband lay. lie wus hurried to
the Cot t aire Slate hospital here, where
he di 'd. .iuche had been llililicteil to
sleepwnlkiiii: for several yenrs. He was
uiarried about two weei.s ami. Internal
injuries was the cause of death.
Sni It Ii Held For Il.iniittiM's lleatli.
WASH I NtiTt IN. I'll.. Nov. 2. Cor
oner .1. .1. l'itpatriok returned from Ells
worth, where he nunle imtuiry into the
death of (Iconic Hampton, who yvas
shot during the progress of a poker uuiuo
at Unit place last Saturday uiulit. The
jury found that I ieorge Smith is re
sponsible for Hampton's death and tired
tin; fatal bullet. A quarrel over a If-'i bet
led to the trailed)'.
Flltlll II lint I life Aeelilent.
XKYV CASTI.i:. Nov. 1. Another fil
ial hunliuj,' accident has just occurred
near Kllwood. of which William Hip
per, u 17-year-old boy of North Sewick
ley township, was the victim. He and
(leoi'se Sheets of Freedom were out
hitntini; nnd the latter bred at a rabbit.
Kipper received the contents of the kuii
in the stomach and was probably fatal
ly wounded.
Hunter Ituriiil to llentli.
WAP.IU'.N. Nov. l.-.lohn Irvine, a
hunter, was burned to death in an old
shtuity near lliisscll and his couipanioii,
Gene Christinnti. suffered terrible inju
ries. The men had retired, leaving nn
old tin stove biirnini.'. The shuck ignited
duriiiK tiic night nnd the men were awak
ened by the falling roof.
ITF.MS IN Hltlt.F.
(HlKllNSP.l'ltti -Mrs. Ueoige Bridge
and Mrs. Joseph ltridge, wives of l'nity
township funncis. were thrown from a
buggy by u runaway horse near lleiilty
station ami both seriously hurl.
I.Al'tllll.lNTIlYVN -The forest Hies
which have been riuing above l.aitgh
lintown since last Saturday, are believed
to be under control.
SULT.VAI.E August -I. Hunt, while
out hunting, accidentally exploded both
barrels of his shotgun, the contents of
one barrel entering his left foo(, almost
tevcring it from his leg.
MO.NONCAHEI.A. i'a.- -Mrs. l'
Yohe, who for years has I u under the
cure of a inns., was binned to death ut
the house of lo r son, I'ranU Vol:,-.
HKA VIMt I'AI.I.S-The big barn be
longing to the estate of John Light ncr,
deceased, situated ill Darlington town
ship, was bitrniil to the ground. Loss,
WAIIUI'A --The American Turret
Lathe company is about to locate in
Warren. The company ha?; been given a
site of six acres and stock has been
taken by local capitalists.
KI.VIMA-.I. A. McDoiinid nud loseph
Kolb. enrpeute'-s nl wort on t! . ocw
Catholic sclioolholls,. here, weie ..'.lied.
A scallold upon which they were at woik
Ijml.eji.uUhey t- il in feet.
S11A I.J.--'l he jonru, yiii"ii phiiol.ers'
strike has been amiiiiltly s- liic,i.
Til I . -VII. I.!-: Whde pl ying with a
honlire the y ar-old chil l of .Mr. and
Mrs. .1. W. Moloney was burned so bad
ly that it died.
Al.TtMlNA - milk lru-t lias been
formed in this city and tie- price ad
vanced to 7 cents u quart. The plant of
the Allooiiu I 'lass compnn.i ias n-suuied
Pointed Paragraphs Chronic
ling the Week's Doings.
I.ana ULpatche From Yarlnna I'arta nf
Ilia VVorltl SIhimi of Tltflr I'uiMliu:. and
Only tha fwiU Cilven In ma Few Words
as I'oaaibla For the lleuellt oftha Hur
ried Kemler.
The body of the Duke of Alba, who
died of pneumonia in New York, luia
reached Spain.
(lencrul Weyler created some sensation
m the Spanish cortes by declaring that,
although not aiming at a dictatorship,
be wus above till a soldier.
Missionaries now in China, says a ca
ble, expect a recurrence of uuti-foreign
troubles in China within the Dext five
yea rs.
A. G. Jones, governor of Nova Sco
tia, twice refused knighthood during the
visit of the Duke nf Cornwall, the last
time to the duke himself.
Citizens of Chester, S. C, hnve pri
testcd against the appointment of Will
iuin P. Crawford as lieutenant iu the
army because he jilted his fiancee.
Hear Admiral Taylor, as chief of the
bureau of navigation, will advocate ex
tending the duties of the gem nil tumid,
of which Admiral Dewey is president.
A special cable dispatch from Paris
says M. Dcutsch hus sent M. Santos
Diiuiont ."i.lHKI for the poor of Puris, iu
addition to the bulloon prize of J'-MMSX)
which he feels sure M. Suutos-Duuiuut
will receive.
President Roosevelt has discontinued
the lime-honored custom of giving un
annual reception to the public. lie does
not intend to giv some uiiscreunt the
chance to shoot him w hile preteudiuK to
shuke his hand.
The state department is Informed that
negotiations with the Kulgatian brig
ands who abducted Miss Stone have been
op; ned, and the brigands demand the or
iginal ransom asked If 1 IO.ihni.
Sharply cross-examined at the court of
inquiry. Hear Admiral Schley yielded
little to his opponents, though contra
dicting several olllcers.
J. SI. risher 4; Co. of Boston were ac
cused of conducting a get-rich-fast con
cern in which many pcrsous were swin
dled. Friday.
Sinclair Tonsey, a tibllsher, was per
hops fatally injured by being thrown
from a speedway wugon at Yonkers.
Sliss C. Becerra. daughter of Dr. Ki
cardo Itecetra, former minister from Co
lombia to the I'nited Stutes. and wh)
was held as hostage by General Castro,
escaped from Venezuela und joined her
father in I'ort of Spain.
Information was received that commu
nication bad been opened with Sliss
Stone, the captive missionary, and that
Consul General Dicklnsmi had gone lo
Sumnkov to superintend arrangements
for her release.
King Kdward bestowed decorations in
St. ,lntnes' palace, and is said to have
looked aged and pallid, but a special ca
ble dispatch from Ih-riiu says those who
met him in llomburg saw no symptoms
of Illness.
S'x deaths from the pl.inte have oc
curred In Liverpool since Sept. 3 and pre
cautions are being tuken to prevent its
In a special cable dispatch Sir Thomas
Llpton is quoted as saying that the
Shumt'iN-k II is not for sule.
Dr. S. T. Lowther. owner of the Low -ther
oil fields, wus mortally wounded, Ms
wife was shot and his opponent killed in
a shooting affray in West Martinsville,
W. Va.
P.efore the naval court of innuiry Ad
miral Schley sniil Admiral Sampson
forced him to change his report on the
Santiago battle.
Prinidcnt Castro of Venezuela replied
to the resolution of the Pan-American
congress relative to his troubles with Co
lomliiu that Venezuela did not desire
war, but sought nn honorable peace.
Sliss Jane Toppnn, a nurse, wus ar
rested in Amherst, N. II., on the charge
of poisoning .Mrs. .Mary Gihle, one of
four members of the Davis family, of
Cntuumcf, Mass.. who died mysteriously
within a month.
A special cable dispatch from Lisbon
ays the Visconde Santo Thryso was re
called from Washington because he made
a premature report of President SIcKin
ley's death.
Italy is quarantining against Liver
pool, nud vessels from there arriving nt
Bordeaux are to lie rigorously inspected.
A report reached Sofia. Bulgaria, that
Sliss Stone, the abducted American mis
sionary, and .Mine, Tsilka, were safe.
Counsel for Hear Admiral Schley, iu
the court of inquiry, closed his case, and
the taking of evidence in rebuttal was
The naval board on construction sub
mitted lo S.tretury Long a program
proposing for new butt leships, four
cruisers, IS gunboats am) six dispatch
bouts, at a cost of $:;5,(KHI,IKKI.
John Chnrtrand, killed in llolsikcn by
pistol sli d, had been separted from bis
wife, who suys she shot him accidentally
while giving him a farewell embrace.
The French minister of foreign af
fairs has presented a note to the porte
requesting information ns to the prom
ished payment of the Lot undo claim.
Admiral Cuillard's squadron is due at
its destination in the Levant today. It
may be reinforced by severnl French
The ti'st and second divisions of tlia
Italian .Me'iterraiiean squadron are tu
join forces in Kastcrn waters.
Fusilier detnils of the recent battle In
the Eastern Trunsvuul state that tool
cnil Botha personally shared in the nhl
ing. which lasted a night and a day.
Li Hung Chang's health is reported to
have improved.
Secretary Long will take steps to de
velop efficiency In the engineeiing de
partment of the navy.
It Is expected lii otlh iul circles that the
new Hay-I'auiiefute treaty will be ac
ceptable to the senate.
held head in flames
Wutuan Horrible U'ay of Trying
Commit Nntciile.
ST. PAI L, Nov. 5.-SIrs. William
Slaver made an attempt to end her lift
jesterday in a terrible manner. Sin
piled newspapers into the bath tub at her
1 ie, saturated them with kerosene and
lighted tbeni. Then, bending over the
burning papers, she remained in tlint
position until the entire upper portion of
her body was burned in a horrible man
ner. The smoke attracted attention and
she was found lying on the Uoor uncon
scious. She was taken to the city hospital
where she regained consciousness and
said she tried to kill herself because bIh
was u burden to her family. This ie tl '
si ml attempt the woiuuu has made ti
end her life within three diiyi. It U
belie! ed she cannot recover.
F.ntlre liisurg-eut Force '. . U.i . i Ar A
to General llu. i .
MANILA. Nov. l.-Gemial 12 ,
reports the complete surrender of tin
insurgents in the island of Cebu, con
sisting ,r 4o0 men and ISO officers, witi
l.'n ritles and eight brass field piece.
The pouring of ti ps into the island
of S.iniar Is believed to have had a gooa
effect on the Cebu inurgenn who had
been wavering for some time. The mal
contents kept up the coiillict by saying
that a majority of the American trooui
had left the Philippines.
Lehljfh Teleyraiihers fiot a Ratao.
HAZLETOX. Pa.. Nov. 5.-Annnunc
incut of au lncreuse ranging from $2.30
to $Hi per month in the wages of teh
graph operators on the Huieltuu and Ma
hnnoy division of the Lehigh VaJlef
railroad was made here yesterday. Tin
advance is graded iu accordance with lo
cution, ability and the aniuuut of work
required from the men.
La. I Arrival. From Ktoniltka.
PCliT TOWNSKND, Wash., Nor. 6.
The steamer Dolphin arrived yeaterda)
from Skagway, bringing 1:10 passengers,
most of whom are f rum Dawson aud an
the hist to come up the river before thl
close of navigation. The passengers re
port that Dawson has practically gon
into winter qiunters, and active prepara
tions have been mude fur wiuter mluiug.
ilaw York Money Market.
NV VOI1K, Not. L
Money on cull, ;i(jil per cent.
Prime mercantile puper, 45 pet
Sterling exchange: Actual business in
bunkers at f4.titiViH.8T for demand
and fc.JC",44 for sixty days. PoateJ
rates, 1.SH jf'H.NV
Commercial bills, JSI.cki'ul.NlVs.
Bar silver, CTc.
New York Provision Market.
FLOl'k Winter putents, $.5tKij:.86
winter straights, ;i.;tiii t.-)."i; winl r "X
VJ.oliti-.4ll' winter low7 grades, fJ.MXjj
li.411, Minnesota putents, W.7o((ld.lKii
.Mii.iicMitn linkers', fJ.lH.i.Jo.
CGUN.MtAI-Yeliow wiwtern, $123
city, 1.J.; brandy wine, SX&Vild.uX).
liS K- No. 2 western, tije f.o.b. afloat;
stale rye, fiTitoN'.
V llLAT No. 2 red, 8D4c f.o.b. afloat,
No. 1 northern, 7pi ,c f.o.b. admit.
CtlliN No. 2 corn, tST:'Nc f.o.b. afioat
GATS No. 2, 42'i I2'ic; No. 2 flute,
44f(i I lc: track mixed western, 41'.i(J
4'J'iC truck white, 17c.
I'HKK- Strong; uiess, $l0Al(C,Mk
fuiniiy, flT.25'(i 17.50; short clear, flT.&ij
I1.V1- Shipping. tkiisic; good to
cho ce, srKlio.
lH'T'i Kl;-Cren ry extras, 22'-jc
factory, LVc; imitation, creamery, 17(9
CHKLSIC - Fum y large white, tVSJ
tffcic; small white, l!lfill)bje.
KGGS Stute and Pennsylvania, 21V4
I'OTATOKS - New York, $1.25(3
2.12'n; New Jersey, $ l.fHKiil.75.
Buttalo Provision Market.
1H FFALO, Not. 4.
WHF.AT No. 1 uorlheru, Tti'.ac; win
ter wheal. No. 2 red, 77c.
COliN No. 2 com, ti'ic
02 t-je.
GATS No. 2 white, 411c
No. 3 corn,
No. 3 mixed,
l'LGL'lt Spring wheat, best patent,
per bid., f l.i(t;',U.J."; low grades, J.tXrfii
It t'TT Kit -Creamery, western, exln,
2-i :'.'.'; state und Pennsylvania cream
ery, L'J' jc: fnir to good. lltfuJiie,
UlLhM-; -Fancy lull cream, lie
good lo choice, liKi.tlUl-jc; comiuou to
fair, is(Sc.
LGG2 V eslcru aud slule faucj.
FGTATOFS- Fancy, per bushel, 05c.
East Buffalo Live Stock Market.
CATTLi: i:tra export steers, $5dX
(yVi.tMl- good to choice shipping steers,
Ho.Vii7). Ill; coarse, rough, but fat steers,
V4 J-''" I : choice to smooth fat heifers
$4.ii.Vii.i.ltt; common to cood cows, Ijst.J.'.
fed.'.si; good butclicr balls, f:i.5t N&I.73.
KI1KKP AND LAMBS - Handy lumbs
choice to laiicy, I.WiH.OO; lair to good
fl..r,iif(; t.To; wether sheep, $:j.5(Ka:i.T5.
IK MIS Mixed puckers' grades, ?5.UK2
5.b5; heavy lugs, V'l.'.I.VdH.isi; choic
heavy and upwards, $i"dt'"i(U'juX).
Buffalo Hay Market.
HAY Timothy, loose, per ton,
$ 1S.IM Kir i:!..,i); timothy, prime, loose
buled, Jl l.'"il I. 'ill; timothy, prime,
tight billed, l:;.iS)'(( i:;..iii; mixed, loose,
ton, ;f lu.WKj; ll.iMi, timothy. No. 1, tight
Utlea Cheese Market.
I.'TICA. Nor. 5.
At the Plica dairy board of trade today
75 lots of 5. P'si boxes of cheese were sold
at the following prices: Large white mm
colore, I at tr'jc; small white and colored
at lI'At'd'ic ruling at Creamer)
butter Lighten tulw sold at J'J'r; lis
tub? at J-'le; Jini cases of 5-pouiHl print
at 'J V-jc; 1.iO cases of 1-pound prints ut
Little Falls Cheese Market.
J.liTl.K FALLS, N. Y Not. 4.
Kales of cheese today wen1:
Large colored. 1 lot of Jisi boics at
'(' ; huge colored. 1 lot of lis) boxes at
i)V,c; small white. Pi lots of ps,, boxes
at '.)e, small colored. It) lots of 1 .:')
boxes at !A,c; twins, colnied, 4 lots nf
325 boxes at y-,c; twins, while. I. 'I lots
of 7J5 boxes at !e: sl.i.ns, 11 ; ,t . nf
TM boxes at ft V .