THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Office in Binearbaugu k Wenk Building, KI.M BTHKKT, TIONKMTA, PA. RATES OF ADVERTISING: One Square, one inch, unewwk... 1 Oft One Square, on' inch, one month. 3 00 One Square, one inch, 3 months..... 5 00 Onu Square, one inch, one year .... 10 00 Two Squares, oue year. 15 00 Quarter Column, one year 30 00 Half Column, one year 60 00 One Column, one year 160 00 Legal advertisement ten cents per line each insertion. W do tine Job Printing of every de scription at reawnalile rates, but it's cah on delivery. Forest Republican. Terms. l.00 A Year. Wirlrllj la Atlvaare. No ubscriplum received lor a ahurter perlnt than three liiontliM. Corroapoiiil.'liifi solicited, bill no notice will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Always Hive your name. VOL. XXXIV. NO. 30. TIONESTA. PA., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1901. $1.00 PER ANNUM. BOKOUGH OFFICERS. Hurgeim.-T. V. Itit-liy. C,UHC,lmen.-J. T. Il. W. K. Blum, (has. Clark, T. K. Armstrong. Dr. J.C. Dunn U. O. Gaston, J. It. Mime. ja!iee of the l'eaeeC. A. Handull, S. J. Hutlev. Constable H. K. Moody. OWfretor S. J. Sutley. .Ncnoot IHrttton O. W. Holeinaii, J. K. Wenk.J. C. Heowden, Patrick Joyce, W. W. drove, H. 1.. llaslot. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress-J. K. P. Hall. Member of Senate A. M. Noeley. Assembly A. M. iVmtt. I'rtsident JndaeW. M. Lindscy. .issoexale Judges K. I. Crawford, . II. II. Dolterer. VofAonof ury, Itegister t Recorder, fe. John II. KolierlMon. Sheriff. J. W. JkiiiIosoii. Vecwurer S. M. Henry. anHMtssioHnrtM. M. Herman, John T. ('arson. J. T. Dale. Histnet AttorneiiH. D. Irwin. jury Oominissinnert Levi G. Rey nolds, Peter Youngk. (bronr Dr. J. W. Morrow. County Amnion 3. K. Clark, It. J. r'lvnu, (ieo. L. King. (imty Superintendent K. E. Htltwn- ger. Itraular Terms of ('earl. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of 'September. Third Monday of November. k.rra ..a suoTbnlk Hr...l. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:4,r a. in. : M. H. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. K. Church every Sab bath evening bv Key. . II. Nicklo Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at tho usual hour. Itev. Mcliarvv. Pastor. Seryices In the Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Kev. J. V. Me A Hindi officiating. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and foiinn Tuesdays of each m nth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PI' N F.ST A LODGE, No. 3fi, I. O. O. F. 1 Me-iU every Tuesday evening, In Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. IXUIEST LODGE, No. IM.A.O.U.W., I Moots every Friday evening inA.().U. W. Hall, TioneaU. CAPT. (iKOH'l K STOW POST, No. 1.74 (1. A, H. Mta 1st and 3d Monday evening lu each mouth, la A. O. U. . Hall, Tionesta. CAPT. GEOKGK STOW COUPS, No. 137, W. K. ('., meets first and third Wednesday evening of eai'li month, in A. O. U. W. liall, Tionesta, Pa. rpiONF-STA TKNT, No. Kit, K. O. T. 1 M., tneeis 2nd and 4tli Wednesday evening in each month In A. O. U. Vt . hall Tionesta, Pa. p F. HITCH KY, 1 . ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. S HAWKEY" . MUSN, ATI'OKN EYS-AT-LA W, Warren, Pa. Practice In Forest Co. C. M. SUAWKKY, OKO. B. MtlNN. J W. MOKKOW, M. D., Phvslciaji, Surgeon A Dentist. OlHce and Residence tlirco doora north of Hotel Agnew, Tionesta. Professional calls promptly resHndod to at all hours. It. F. J. BOVAKI), t'liysluian t sturgeon, TION F.STA, PA, DR. J. C. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SUltllKON. Olllce over Heath C- KMImer'a store, Tionesta. Pa. Professional calls prompt ly responded to at sll hours or day or night. Residence May St. 1 R. J. n.GRKAVKH, J I Poyaiclan and Surgoon OlHce and resilience above Fores C. National Bank. County 'Phone No. 1. R. LANSON, REAL ESTATE. Tionesta, Pa HOTEL WEAVER, K. A. WEAVER. Proprietor, This hotel, formerly the Lawrence House, has undergone a compleleeliBiige, and is now furnished with all the mod ern Improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of gnosis never neglected. CENTRAL HOUSE, tiP.ROW A liEROW Proprietor. Tionseta. Pa. This is the mostcentrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place lor me traveling puiinu. class Livery In connection. DIIIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shoo in Walters building. Cor. Elm and alnut streots. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees bis work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to monding, and pricoa rea sonable. At THE lAPPm t'ttlUISS UKIVXMITT, arrt-n, pa. The ot practl?il,up-.o-Stt feua In Training lotiooi in Pennaylvania. tm f our studenta a 'braad inning" ducatlou- fa all! ta ein lo ui 1 full par ticulars to T.7 alitrafs, upon raoaipt Of application fcr ara. Our iraduot-i ara holding poi. tlona or honor truat lo ail part a r Ida Unltai SUtea. tor full rm-ulara, tadrtaa, TKI tAflM BUJIKaXS UNlVUtilTY. NINETEEN KNOWN DEAD And Many More May Be In Ruins of Philadelphia Fire. Crowd Raw Men and Women Ktwaled to Heath on Fire F.tcitpe, Willie Other Jumped or Fell anil Were Crimh-il on Pavement Cause of ConflMgrutlon 1 t'nkmtwn. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 2t).Niiutecii know n dead find property loss amounting to upwards of J.-IKI,OIMJ is the awful re sult of a lire which occurred yesterday in the business portion of the ciiy. The number of injured Is not known definite ly, but fully a score of victims were trentcd nt various hospitals. Police and firemen are delving iuto the ruins In search of bodies supposed to have been buried heueulli the debris, ns it Is fen red Unit others besides the I now ii dctul may have lo t their lives iu fhe Humes. The liuil lings destroyed were the eight story structure at 121!) and 1221 Market street, occupied bv Hunt, Wilkinson ,"i Co., upholsterer and furniture dealers, and three three-story buildings occupied by small merchuiils. The big furniture building extended hack a half block to Commerce street, mid was owned by Henry ('. Lea. Never in Its history has Philadelphia cxjierieiu ed n lire which spread with such crest rapidity. At 1ii;2i o'clock in the morning the blare broke forth aii'l one hour later Hie horrible sacrifice of life had been made and the immense loss of property had hts'ii accomplished. The origin of the death-dealing conflagration is unknown. It is said that un explo sion of naptha or gasoline in the base ment was the cans", hut this is denied by Mr. Wilkinson, who says there never was a suKlcient quantity of either explo sive about the building to be rcspeusihle for the terrible disaster. Uuinor has it also that nil elevator constructor at work In the basement permuted the flame of his lantern to communicate with some of the gaseous liquids stored ill the bnseuieiit and that this was the cause of the conflairration. Such n disastrous lire, attended with so great n loss of life iu such n brief period, was never before known in this city. Men anil women died a lingeiir. agonizing death in the presence of thnu sands of spectators v. ho were unable to lift n hand to their assistance. The rear of Hunt. Wilkinson & Co.'s building faces on Commerce street, a small thoroughfare, tin the fire escapes nt this end of the building two men ami one woman were slowly roasted to death, while the horror-stricken throng on the street Isdow turned sick ill the sight. One woman who leaped from n window fell nstride of nil awuiug pole nnd her body was torn almost in half. The corpse hung iu the air many minutes be fore the lircmeii could recover it. Iu front of .Market street n woman, driven to desperation, leaped from a win dow on the top floor ami was dashed to death on the pavement. These are but n few of the heartrending scenes attend ing the toiitlagriitiou. l-'irciueii claim to have seen men and women unable to reach the w indows or fire escapes burned to death in the interior of the building. If this Is' so, little or nothing remains tins,, victims ami It is doubtful if any portion of their bodies will be recovered. Seventy-nine of the 1IKI persons In Hunt. Wilkinson & Co.'s huildiug when the fire started were employes and the remainder were customers and outside workmen who were ergnged in putting the finishing touches on die new eighth floor. More than half of the firm's em ployes were on the upper five floors, and it was unions these that the greatest number were killed nnd injured. With the possilde exception of the engineer, who is missing, all persons on the first three floors got out of the building safely. The members of the firm hail their offices on the third Hour nnd their familiarity with the exits is all that saved them from suffocation. .Mr. Wilkinson said the smoke came up the stairway and the elevator shaft iu such great volume that he and Mr. Hunt hail much dilliculty in reaching the st tret. .Most of those killed were at work on the sixth floor, where w-oinen were en gaged in sewing. They were nt work Iu the rear of the building close lo the fire escapes, but became confused by the great quantity of smoke that rushed up through the building. It was reported that gm-ds were stored ngainst the win dows which prevented the women from getting out on the fire escapes, but this wit positively denied by a member of the firm. GOOD TOBACCO SOIL Agricultural Kxpert Will Search For f'nn-ti'lons Favorable to It Cultivation. WASHINGTON', Oct. 2S.-Sccretnry Wil on iiuiioiim eil yesterday that experts or the I'grh nlfural department will hunt nil over the I niied States and its new possessions for comlilioiiH favorable to the cultivation of the filler tobacco, such as is now raised in Cuba, so that If pos sible nil the tiller toluuvo used in this country eventually niay be raised within the boundaries of the ( niled States. "The 1'nilcd Slates," he said, "is now paying $S,isuski for wrapper tobacco. e have sin e led in finding in this country the conditions under which u'l the 'wrapper tobacco we need can be rais -il here and experts of the depart limit ot agriculture for the first time are seek ing s -ills adaptable to the cultivation of tlie fine tiller product. We have parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas selected for the investigations of our experts nnd land for similar purposes will he selected in all our new island possessions with view lo ascertaining how and under what foiiditions the filler product can be built up here." 'oer Mine IteofieneiL P.ITTE. Mont.. Oct. ai.-All the mines of the Amalgamated Copper com pany which were closed temporarily on account of a break in one of the con centrators, were opened yesterday. One thousuiid nien went back to work. Schley tor President. RICH HILL. Mo.. Oct. 2. A Schley club has heen organi.ed here by some of Admiral Schley's Democratic admir ers. Strong resolutions endorsing him for the next Democratic presidential nomination were passed. TOOK OVER A MILLION. But Lowell Abrontlors Returned All but ll.l,OOa Which 11:11 Been Made Ooo.L WASHINGTON, Oct. W.-The comp troller of the currency has received front Examiner Ewer a full report of the re cent rols-bry of the .Merchunts' National bank of Lowell, Mass., by the lute Tel ler Smith nnd Itookkeeeper Swift but declined to make the report public on the ground that reports of national bank examiners are confidential communica tions to the comptroller's olllce. The comptroller said, however, Hint tlw report showed that the teller nnd book keeper entered the bank during the night ami abstracted .$il."..1ISI in cash; $H()8,2.!fl of securities nnd .1iKI,IKHI of collaterals. All of these securities and S'.rJ.IKHI of the cash were recovered through the counsel for Smiih nud Swift and the only loss the bank appears to have sustained was about ftlo.'NN which has been made good out of its surplus and undividisl profits. The examiner stated that no promises of immunity from punishment ns n con dition to the return of the cash nnd se iritlcx were made by the directors nnd the facts have all been placed before the 1'nilcd States district atorney. GOLD AND SILVER. Blateiiient or Production llurlug UN 10. flitted ii I.-id. la lloth. WASHI'GTON'. Oct. 2(l.-Dircctot Roberts of the mint has prepared n state ment show ing the production of the pre cious metals for the calendar year of Ilk si. U shows that the production of gold In the world that year was 12,l."i7. V'ST ounces, of the value of .f'.'oT.ol 4.700, n loss in value of If l!i,70,200 from IS! I! I. The loss was mainly in the Transvaal field of South Africa and due to the war. The principal gains were $S.US.0OO in the I nited Slates nnd .'Ri.lHlii.tMSI in Cunndn. The I'uited States again heads the list. In the I nited States the prin cipal gains were by Alaska, Arizona, Colorado and I'tah. The silver output of the world amount ed to 17V7I.S1,7'. fine ounces, the largest ever known. It exceeds the product of 1S1KI by 1l,ri72.3i:i ices. The I'nitcd Slates again leads all other producers with n slight excess over Mexico. There was nil important advance In the price of silver during the year, the price rang ing from fiP.l wilts per ounce in .1 mi liary to (ii..'l cents in the last month of the year. The chief factor iu the rise wus the purchases for the account of the government of India. KING IN A BAD WAY.. London Paper Aert lie Has Cancer of the Throat. I.ONIION, Oct. S.-K.-ynolds" Weekly newspaper Is the first Hritish paper to assert that King Edward is suffering from cancer of the throat. In yester day's issue it declares that since his ma jesty's accession three operations have been performed for the removal of papil loma on the left vocnl chord nml thnt one was removed from the right vocal chord lust week. "Assistance was hastily summoned," says this journal, "as his majesty wns breathing with .difficulty, nnd nil immedi ate operation was performed. But it wns regarded as only u temporary relief, the injured epitheluin now having become a cancerous growth nnd serious develop nieuts are expected." AUTOMATIC GUN EXPLODED Kl Soliller Severely Wouniteit Ilurlng Tet at Kort Leavenworth. LEA ENWOltTII. Kan.. Oct. 2l. Hy nu explosion of n Col Is automatic firing gun at Port Ij-nvenwortli yester day Captain Charles T. .Mcnohor and five men of the Twenty-eighth buttery of field artillery were wounded, three se verely. The gnu, n new one, was being tested ami wns allowed to become too hot, nnd when a shell cuine into the breech after firing the shell exploded, tearing out the breech, fragments of which struck ami injured the men. These are the injured: Private Snyder, leg, severe; Private Meripolt, nrm, se vere; Private liejdcr, nnn, severe; Pri vate, Hayes. Private Junes, Captain Menoher. CONDEMNED MAN ESCAPED American Koliller Convlrted of Murder In Philippine iot Away. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2!.-The war department hns I icon informed thnt I'liin rns 1'outz, n soldier convicted of murder in the Philippines nnd under sentence of death, has escaped. pout!! was a soldier in the regular army and enlisted from Zaucsville, O. He niiiidcred a Filipino woman nnd nfter his conviction the case wns taken to the president. It wns the only ense wherein President McKinlcy npproved a dentil sentence upon nil American sol dier ill the Philippines. The execution of 1'oiitz would have taken place some time ago hud he not escaped from prison Caynor Cane Assailed For Argument. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2!.-The cases of Benjamin 1. (! recite, John F. Guynor, William I . (laynor nud Edward F. Gay nor were yesterday assigned for argu ment hi the i luted Mutes supreme court on Nov. 11. These men arc charged with conspiring with Captain Oberlin XL Carter to defraud the United States. The preseut proceeding is a hals-as cor pus case, coming to the supreme court from the district court for the Southern district of New York, where a writ waa ilenied. The purpose of asking the writ is to prevent the removal of Green and Ihe Gnynors to Georgia for trial. Xerk llroken In Football Game. COLU.MP.rS, ()., Oct. 2S.-John SI. grist, center rush of the Ohio State uni versity footl:ill team, is nt one of the city hospitals with a broken neck. Ho wus injured Saturday in the game with Western Itcserve. An X-ray examina tion showed the third cervical vertebrao Was fractured. An operation will 1m? per formed, but there is little hope that it will avail. Sigrisl's body is paralyzed from the shoulders down. Havana Hewer Contract Award. HAVANA. Oct. 2!l.-The Havana mu nicipal council, which hns under consid eration the bids of the Havana sewering nnd paving contract that were opened last week, hns received 1 letter from the city engineer, Mr. Harden, recommending the accceptnnce of the bid of S. P. Mc Givncy nud It. T. Itockeby of Jersey Ciiy, which is 10,3'j:i.U15.jy. ; WENT OVER THE FALLS Mrs. Taylor Made the Trip In a Barrel and Lived. Plunge Waa Made Over llorehoe Cat aract Uarlna; Woman Had Head tjuslieil aud In SuAHrliiK Front Hhock. First Human lleing to Survive the I.eap. Ordeal Lated Half an Hour. MACAKA FALLS, X. Y Oct. 2."..- Mrs. Anna Edson Tujlor, the Hay City, Mich., woman! successfully went over I he Horseshoe Falls iu u burrel yestcrda', thus accomplishing the greatest and most daring feat of any ever attempted in this oculity. She is the first aud only hu man being wlio bus made this fenrful leap over the fulls nud lived to describe it. Mrs. Taylor, who says she is 42 years old, arrived here with her manager. Frank M. Kussel!, 10 days ago and brought her barrel along. It was built under Mrs. Taylor's direction, heavily padded with cushions and a harness ar rangement wlih arm .sirups inside to hold the occupant from contact with the ends or sitles. Mrs. Taylor got into the barrel nt the head of liniss island and wus towed over into the Canadian chiiuuil. Shu was cast loose at 4:l .-( p. in., uud the current iininedialcly caught the barrel, carrying it down, slowly at first, then more rapid ly, until it was cnught in the rush be fore the first cascade of the rapids. J here is n stretch of almost a mile of wild, tempestuous rapids between (Irnss island nnd the brink of the Horsesh te Falls ami it took the barrel nearly 20 minutes to make the trip to the verge of the falls. Tlie barrel plunged over nt 4:2." p. m. It went over just a little west of the ecu. ter of the Horseshoe and reappeared iu the river helow within a minute. After being dashed about for 17 minute it was picked up in an eddy by n party of men who removed the manhole and found Mis. Taylor alive, hut greatly dis tressed. Wood wns (lowing from n gnsh in her head and she was suffering from shock. A larger hole wns sawed In the top of the barrel nnd she was taken out, brought to the Maid of the Mist landing and taken iu n carriage to her lodging place. Mrs. Taylor rested easy last night and is somewhat recovered but it will be sev eral days before she will be able to leave her bed. She is a widow nud has been teaching for it livelihood. She was born nt Au burn, N. Y. Her husband died over 20 years ago. Yesterday was her birthday nnd she said she knew she would come out nil right. PLOT ON SHAH'S LIFE. HI Two llrotlier. Ron-ln-Law and the Ciraml Vller Planned lo Kill IIIiu. LONDON, Oct. ".-. "News has been received here from Teheran," says n dis pavh from St. Petersburg to The littily Mail, "of the discovery of a serious (dot o.i tlie life of the shah. "Tie leaders of the conspiracy vre the M:ah' two brothers, the grand viz i -r. Sadi Anzam. aud Ihe shah's s ui-in- Inw. The two brothers have been ban ish. ! r, r lire to Ardchil." The son-in-law was sentenced to denth but on the scallold his sentence was mit igated by the shah's lirmun to Hugging until he had revealed all the names of the consoirators. "The shah's favorite, (iavame, who was also concerned, was pardoned ou the scaffold, but died subsequently in prison. "The whole revolutionary party, to gether with the higher priests were iu the plot, aud all will be beheaded or im-prison-d for life. There is a veritable panic among the people of Teheran. LETTER TO MISS STONE. Cnii.ul IXeklnson Krquest Her to Urge Ilrienud to Kedlli-e Itanaoui. LONDON, Oct. 2!.-"Mr. Dickinson, I'nitcd Stales consul-general nt Con stantinople, has written to Miss Stone nt Ilelitzn, requesting her to induce the brigands to consent to reduce the ran som," says the Yienun cot-respondent of The Daily Telegram. "The Ilnlgarinn opposition journal. The Mir, dccliired that the troops fraternized with the brig ands nnd allowed the hitter to escape through the cordon." Eipeeteri New llmn't Arrived. CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 2!.-Those who have been in hourly expectation of favorable news regarding Miss Stone nml her companion have again been dis appoint",!. Nothing definite has yet been reached ill the dealings with the mis sionary's abductors. A point which is iiun-h discussed among those here who are interested in the case is what shall he done if the brigands insist on being paid' the 2-i,-IMNI (Turkish) which they nt first !c inniidcd? Scarcely half that sum is nvnil nble thus far an 1 it is believed that should nil agreement on reduced tonus lie impossible, the offer of a less sum tlm n f.'i.iMio (Turkish) will be with drawn, even lit the cost of the life of Miss Stone. EATEN BY WOLVES. Twenty-Three Person Meet Awful Death Near Wltptk, Poland. Y1ENNA, Oct. 2S.-Twenty-tliree per sons have been eaten by wolves, says the V'eues Wiener Joii'iial, while working in the fields near Wilebsk, Poland. Ailtoniohllist to Have a lay. P.I'ITAI.O, Oct. 2!).-The automobile exhibitors of the Pun-Auicricuii exposi tion will make Wednesday. Oct. .'to. Au tomobile day. Invitations were wired to automobile clubs of Kcshester, Erie, Cleveland and Detroit, ami it is expected thnt fully l.Kl motor nhicles will be in the parade ou Wednesday. .1. McMillan Hamilton or the Locomobile company is chairman of the committee of nrrunge- nients. lead at Age of lot. WATEUTOWN. Oct. -W.-Mr. As, nath Lnrnctt, the oldest woman in this m-ction ol the stati-, is dead nt her home at Cape Vincent, aged PC years. Mrs. Burnett was oue of the few surviving "original" Daughters of the American li yojuliou. FIVE ELOWrJ TO DEATH. ' Fntal Fzi'c on el' f it-. In Mine lVeal Witl; -! n--fe. WII.NKS HAiati:. Ph.. Oct. 2ft.-A tcivilic cvplo.-ion oi' g;is m cut red iu tin.1 Buttoiiwooil mine of tlie Currish Coal coiupuny. situatisl one mile sottli of this city, late yesterday afternoon, which caused the di.illi of live men uud the in jury of utile others. The killed: Ebinez. r Williams, nged ZA. first as sistant ton-man. Comer Williams, aged ."7, second as sistant foreman. Thomas (lucst, uged o7, eninpnuj lined. Thomas Price, aged '.)'., track layer. W. S. 1 hillips. ng.-.i .V, inspector. Daniel Davis, rope iuspeit.i:', was bad ly burned u:id i ntiiiot live, au l Pctci PicusM was burned seriously. Several others were injured by ouciissioii. Directly after tlie explosion a nutnbei. of rescuers at the ris'i of their liv.-s entered the mine, now tilled with dung 'r ous uiterdamp. nud brought out the bod ies of the dead and injured. So far as can lie h ni ne I the explosion wns caused by the f-arclcss-c-ss of otic id the Hungarian laborers, who was in jured, lie opened his safely lamp while at work in his chamber. This caused u small body of gas to explode, which however, did not injure the men or cans nuy damage. The explosion mis li:-iird, however, bj the foreina:! and his ass'slanis, win. rushed info H." cboinic-. ly to eiiionn- ti r another and I'rg-T body of gas. Tht second i .pl ision eas of s.-eh force that it hurled the men iu nil dir -ti us. Tin injured were taken to hospital. With tlie exception of Insist tor Davl i: is thought all will recover. WILD MAN CAU?HT. Poe of Farmer Cttplore it Klotggy Crea ture Near Flunk. in. FKANK1.IN. Oct. So. When th Sandy Creek r-chooh: 1 t nut for recesf Wcilnesday morning Lie s-. holars no ticed it man with hr.ig. 'ir: ' hair, verj small or stature ami entirely naked, nil utiig in tin- woods neui- the st hoollnMse Tli" teacher was ietifi--d and .die in turn alarmed the fniuurs in the neigh borhood, who tunic. 1 ont a d.i.eii stroiia litld gave chase to the wild lua.l. When first seen by the pos'e he win sitting on the ground cntius some root and watching u bunch of rags, which served ns his clothes. As soon as he saw the farmers he started to run and was captured with dit.i -.:!:y. When brought to the commissioners' olllce he said hit name was Luther Turk and that he win from Philadelphia, where his parents re side. When asked what he had been do ing he replied: "Doing the .Messia1' ai-r.' "What is thai'.'" cs'.i.l n bystander "Doing Chrisilike things." he replied. LIVED WITHBULLET IN BR.' IN Kelimi kalile Vitality H-lapluyed by Con nelUv.lle ltoy. CONNELLSYILI.E. Oct. 2p Physi .-iti its at the Collage Stale hospital un nstoi, tided at Ihe remarkable vitality shown by liohert (.'rev. an ll-year-oh colored boy. who was accidentally shot at (lilison lust Friday au l iiii d Thurs day. The bullet entered the fonheaii throi gh Ihe mid Me and penetrated tht brain, ltrains oozed froi i the wounc and the boy never regained conscious niss. but during th;' w ck he lived lit showed little depr, s i m. liei ian So man vns arrested after the affair foi tlie shooting. Forest Fire Tlireiiteli'n Furiner. COXNELLSVILLE. Oct. 2'!. Then arc tierce forest fires iu .'clnglielil nut S.ihlick townships. The i.-uvca nrc verj dry just now uud the lire spreads rap idiy. Farmers arc working hard tn save crops, fences and buildings. Neai Uockwood. iu Somerset county, there ii a bad lire, and mm h damage has beet done. There the fanners have beei. plowing iu older to stop the ndvuucc ol tic Haines ton ai d their grain stacks H lie buildings Stttlrrel Migrate From Moun'ittn. CONNELLSYILI.E. Oct. 2H.-Th gray squirrels have left the portion ol the Allcghauies near here for other lauds Mountaineers say that it is the first tiint in many years thai the squirrels hurt departed in it body. Their exodus wm cniiscd by the utter fuilure of flic chest nut and acorn crops. Pheasants ant rabbits, however, arc more abundant and Ihe red pine squirrels are plentifu throughout the mountain region. Detective Held For Triple Sliotttlng, (IKEENSHrilC, Oct. 2li liuilmnr Detective t loorgo II. Craig was held foi co'ir: ou tints' charges of shooting pre fttrcd by .1. S. Campbell. Harry T Si ivclt nnd M. A. Ityau. Lewis -V .i It m ill, who claimed to be an eye wituesi tn the slifoting of tlie thine men, gaM test iinoiiy thai coinebb d w ith that f fered by the three victims of Cruig'l biilli'ls. ITKMH I HKIKP. P'ELLEVEI!.ON-Ptarl Kil'l". t yen is ol died from bums received at tut home of her father. John- Kittle, n.i tin West side. Mr. Kittle was bull heriiit and rendering lard. il lxES P.AIU:E - The body Mrs. .lames Tolun was found in the I'nn at l.nilsville. It is believe! she i mi niitteil suicide. She has grieved grratl) over (lie death of her husband, wlio v.m killed recently. BELLA I HE A Cleveland and Pills burg yard engine instantly killed .lamei Hasset, ngetl 10. a glassworker. CHEENSIM'ln: Frank Ki.-oer. 1." years old. a sou of Iliraui, i blacksmith at Manor, was run ocr bj a wagon uud cannot live. (;i!EENSItri!ll A little .Vycnr-nli daughter of John Kittle of l!ost-avei township was faintly burned Tli.irs.lay Her clothes caught lire nt r grate. CON'NKLl.SV li.l.K-Fue a'-res wen purchased renin the Kuril heirs by l,n Pittsburg. Mi Uccsport mil Co' ;iX!s ville Kailwnv company for the lo.atioi of the muiiimol h powrr plant that wil supply clcclritiiy for the big co'.e re gion sysiein or the company. WASHINGTON-Engi is of tie Baltimore and Ohio Ituilmad c o:,,:;-n hate been iu N ashing!.. n this w--.-k lllg ColHiei-tions with t;t'- Clli. li-T Inline li of th,. Pi iiusylvani;' ma I wicn by the Baltimore and Ohio t an eon- h ivt its coi'.tici Ii: g road from W, si Wa-liiug-ton through t!:.' new iudustiiul cont"l uiude a part of the (Tiarti s system. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Pointed Paragraphs Chronic ling the Week's Doings. Lone Dispatches From V arttitis Part of lite World S':ori, of Ti!t'!r l'atlilliu iind Only the Faota Given In a Few Wurtl a PiMsible For tlie l:euellt of the Hur ried Keader. The report of the indnstrinl commis sion will show that certain American goods lire sold cheaper abroad than nt home, and will give tlie reasons stuted by uiuutifufturcrs. Opinion in Paris, says a special cable dispatch, is strongly iu favor of M. San- tos-Diiiuout us regards the award of the Deutsch prize. Lucius 0. Burt, n prominent Poiigh- lecpsie Christian Scientist, died after a long ilh.css without medical attemiancc, refusing to permit the possibility of phys ical disease. Marquis Ito arrived iu Washington to call upon President ltoosevelt and Sec retary Hay. Alix, queen of trotters, wns chloro formed to dentil at Providence, U. I. Dr. Frederick LofTler. eminent Herman pathologist, concludes from 'scarcity of cancer in those regions wheie miliaria is most prevalent that tu inoculate cancer ous patients with blood from uiuhiiia subjects might prove curative meusures. Thursday. Marquis Ito disavows knowledge of any at ;u-k by his party iu Japan upon the ministry. iVDiioiiiKi'iucnt is made of betrothal of the Duke of Hamilton, Scotland's pre mier peer, to Miss Nina Poore, a relative by marriage. The lit wnger Empress of China is said to lie considering tlie appointment of a new heir to the Chinese throne. There Is renewed agitation iu ("riiiuny for a Eiuopenn customs union against America. liitiirn of stolen securities saved ihe Mor-hunt's National bunk of Lowel1 Mass., but the deficit by missing olllcials' thefts is still Ifll.'i.lHKI. The Duke uud Duchess of Corn wall nud York lift Halifax, N. S., for St, Johns, N. F. Friday. By the quick action of a telegraph nn srator near lliiighamton n collision be tween n passenger train and a runaway fii-icht car was avoided. Twenty-six gunboats and the cruiser New York were ordered to co-operate with Lnited States troops in suppressing inscricctioii in the island of Saiuur. Ileports from Sofia say Miss Stone is in Turkey. It Is reported that .Mine. Tsilkn, her companion, died in captivity. In n tire panic iu n Louisville theuler 13 persons were injured, one perhivps fatally. A footpad robbed a woman, poured ker osce over her dress nnd set tire to it in Jenkiutown, Pn. The woman escaped se rious li.jnry. After a long contest a New York estalc bequeathed to llle Misses Sarah and Esther Hart of Illinois, under queer con ditions, wus given to tlieiu. Saturday. Conservative Chinese ollicials are work ing to recall .Minister Wil on the ground thut his popularity in the I'uited States is inconsistent with loyally to China. Signer Luzzuti, says n Berlin cable dis patch, declares that the effect of the pro Fioscd new tariff would be the export by (termany of less merchandise nnd more tneu. . Yale university closed the bi-ccnleiiuial relebrutiou by conferring degrees on President lbsisevclt and 00 other prom inent tneu. New York customs officers seized the uniform of the representative of King Edward to tlie Chicago couclnvc of Knights Tcmphtrs. Before the naval court of inquiry, Chief Boatswain Hill of the Brooklyn described tlie battle of Santiago in pic turt sque lungu.ige. Secretary Knot dei iilcil not to send any more tumps to the Philippines. It is reported that Genera! Fribe Urihe has again invaded Colombia from Vtneitiielu. Monday. Sir John liigby. hud justice of appeal, hns resigned his oltli-e. Advices from South America say yel low fever is epidemic iu Biieiia Ventura. According to reliable reports received at Shanghai by the British consul gen eral Mto.oiHI persons iu the province of An 1 1 ill, and :i . M x t persons in the prov ince of Kiang S,i re ou the verge of starvation nnd the famine is spreading. The available funds ure insignificant. A fumtuiltco of the consuls is being formed to aid the sufferers. Professor Clarence Johuspiu has been ordered by the department of agriculture to proceed to Italy uud Egypt to study the irrigation systems of those coun tries. The Auti-Iinciiiilist league hns issued statement expressive of its hope that President ltoosevelt will lake the view Hint a colonial policy by this government :s nu iinpossilde one. Former Inspector George W. Dilks, Who for -PI years wus a prominent figure ki the police affairs of New York, died, lie wus 81 years old. Tnesday. The body of the Duke of Alba, who died of pneumonia in New York, has reached Spuin. General Weyler created some sensntion in the Spanish fortes by dechii'iug that, although not aiming at a dictatorship, he wns above nil a soldier. Missionaries now iu China, suys a ca ble, expect a recurrence of anti foreign troubles in China within the next live years, A. G. Jones, governor of Novn Sco tin. twice refused knighthood during the visit of tlie Duke of Cornwall, the lust time to (lie duke himself. Cit iritis of Chester, S. ('., have pro tested against the appointment of Will iam P. Crawford ns lieutenunt iu the army because he jilted his fiancee. Bear Admiral Taylor, as chief of the bureau of navigation, will advocate ex teuding the duties of the gent rill board f which Admiral Dcwcy is president. NEGRO BURNED BY MOB. Thought He II.-! Kll -d Victim, but She Iteeoveretl and ace th A'arni- COI.t .MBIA, Miss., Oct. 2,".-The ne gro. Bill Morris, who assa .died Mrs. John Ball nt P.alltown, La., was burned at the state yesterday. After being cap tured he luade un effort to iiiipiicatc others, bur they proved their innocence. Morris was token to the scene of his clime and chained to a pine snplteg. His hands and feet were bound to his bo,i,- I'iue knots nnd pine struw were pib'd about the body and saturated with toa! oi! uud the nitit'h appiied. Tlie ncg'-o made no outer when the Ibimes hist reached him nud only wlcii he was partly consumed did the specta tors iiotn-e any movement on the part of the wrttcli. lie maile no resistance when being loiind to the stake and suid thut he 'li served his fute. Morris beat his victim ou the ! - ! with a pine I. li .t and thought I her. Going back to B ll'i nil the change in the c ; . Bull, however, recov, ' t and crav.itsl to her fathei ::iiled . Mis. i.l-U' .- .I He at once gave the aia i:. ai. : . '.u. neighborhood commenced n seurch for the negro. He was found nt hi' home about four miles from the scene of the tragedy in trying to escape wus shot by ou of the posse and wound d in the hip. CoBdif loti-t Id Yeiiexue a, WASHINGTON, Oct. 2!l.-Mnll ad vices up to Oi-t. lo were received yester day from his country by Seuor Pulido, the Venezuela ii charge here. They from Edward Blanco. t!:e minister of foreign affairs, who reports that affairs are tranquil there nnd the condition of the country normal. The situation on the T'liclii in frontier, where the nnne-t of Coli on I oh and Venezuela are facing each other continues one of expectancy. The economic condition of the country is reported good, though awaiting the i" ercuseil animation that will follow i movement of the coffee crop. Ambassador White Annul to Return. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2!l.-.nilrew White, ambassador to Germany, culled upon Set r-tnr.v llay yt-sterdny to say farewell, lie has been in the Inited States two months ou leave nnd is about to return to Berlin. MASK El &PORt. Maw York Money Market. NEW YOKK, Oct. 28. Money on cull, 'il per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 41-Jio per Cent. Sterling exchnnge: Actual huincss In bankers' at iM.VJT;, for demand and J-t.s:!;.! for sixty days. Ponied rates. $i.SI.Ai4.s.'. Commercial bills, fLSTii l..s;ij,. Bur silver, 57Vic. New York Provision Market. Fl.OI'It Winter pateiitu, !S:!..-,( Kf.T..S5; winter straights. .f:i..'liir(i.'U0: winter ex tras.; winter low gindes. !P2.::oft; .Minnesota puteuts, $.'l.70frj .'l.lio; Minnesota bakers', 'J.IHifiM.r,. COUNMEAL-Yellow western, $1.19; city. M.17: brandy wine, :l.:!.ViiM.oO. It YE No. 2 western. lilc f.o.b. atloat: state rye, ."nfi'-'iS -. Will-: AT No. 2 red, stlc f.o.b alloat; No. I northern. 7Hi4e f.o.b. ullont. COIIN No. 2 com, ri':.t- f.o.b. allout. OATS -No. -tlV'l ll'-jc; No. 2 white. 4,'P (a 1.'! -"'c: truck mixed western, difil'Je: track white, 4Unl7c. POIIK Strong: mess, lii.llilf'i 17.011: family, $ 1 7.1 HKo 17.25: short clear, $17.50 U P.i.oo. HAY Shipping, OOfy I Be; good to choice. STf'.uit-. BI'TTEU Creamery extrns, 22V: factory, l.V..icj imitation creamery, 170i is.-. CHEESE -Fancy huge white, f)'.ffj ll-'lie; small white, HK.iloi.jc. El ICS State uud Pennsylvania, 2114 622e. POTATOES New York, $l.2.V(J 2.12';,; New Jersey, fl.rsiffil.75. Bo Halo Provision Market. Ill l'FAI.O, Oct. 2S. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 75'jc; win ter wheal. No. 2 red, 70'jc. COKN No. 2 corn, til'.c; No. 3 corn. GUI .. OA I S No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3 mixed, Mr-,,-. FLOl'II Spring wheat, best pnlenl, per bill., .? l.Oiifi,- Li",; vy g-.ades, tClHKij) 2.7.V BI'TTEU Crenmery, western, extrn 23c; slate nud Ceiiiisylvai-ia crenmery, 22V: fnir to good, l"'-;2 te. (TI EESE Fancy foil cream, 11c; good to choice, lo'.MoV; common to fair. li'.iSc. HJtiS Western ami stats taucy, 21c. POTATOES-Fancy, per bushel. Hoc. East Buffalo Lire. Stock Market. CATTLE -Extra export steers $0.00 (; g I to choice shipping steers. lufo."i.."iO; course, rough, but fat steers, (. Pifii l.7."i; choice to siiiiHith fat heifers, $, 4-.iiiiui.iii to good cows, Jfd.25 (gl.rsi; good butcher bulls, :i.riOf.i:l.7r. SHEEP AND LAMBS- Handy, choice to fan.-v. $ I.O.V, t.Nti; fair to good, Sl.'JVil l.titl; wether sheep, 5vl.."SK((,". HOGS -Mixed puckers' grades, $ii.2.V( (i..'iri; heavy hogs, $i.;.Viii;. 10; choice heavy uud upwunls, f i. l,Vi(ii.50. Buffalo Hay Market. HAY Timothy, hsise, per ten, ( lll.oof.j i:t.."iO: timothy, prime, loose, billed. :td l.isSfi 1 1.. "si; tiuiolhy, prune, tight baled, S l.;.i m ,', i;i.."iii; mixed, loose, ton, ? lo.oof.i 1 Lou; timothy. No. I, tight baled, 1 2.1 (J 12.50. Little Falls Cheese Market. LITT LE FALLS, Oct. 2S. Sales of cheese ou the dairy market today were- Large colored. I lot of INI boxes ill !"ic; small white, IS lois of 2.10S boxes a: !'ic; small colored, 17 lots of l.'.i'ai boxes at !l,c; twins, col ored. 5 lots of 477 boxes in !'lc; twin white, II lots of MT Isixes at !'ic. skims, ti lots of ,'!I0 Ihixcx at lie; skims. 4 lots of 2-0 boxes at Ki,c. BI T TEK -Farm dairy at 20f.fjl. . creamery, 2IV22V; sales were almiit l. packages. Utles Cbeesa Market. I I T ICA, Oct. 2-H. At the I'tien dairy board of trade tv-luy : the oU'-rings id t In-t-s,- weir n t,n-- of t;,!l70 boxes. All bug. cl se i:t.-tl boxes) sold at (te Slid small i-ln-ese i.lX'iU box. s sold ut i'l,o. Sales ol ci y . butter were IS lobs at Ht'jr; ISO I . -t at 22V; lis) cases nr Kve-pui n.l tceni ' at 2:i-.' 2(S cases of oic -p' :nl p.. : ;.t