The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 09, 1901, Image 3

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M The best time in the year to paper is when M
1.1 JJ
O everybody else lias finished. Then there is no
jfoi difficulty in securing the services of a compc-
tent paper hanger because of the light demand j
jjj for such work and another and more potent rca- J-j
fol son is that after the regular season is over you Q
can buy paper hangings at to J off the rcgu- jrj
lar prices. We are now selling wall paper at jjj
p actual cost. Not remnants cither, but full lines Jp
and a large variety of designs : j
p Tapers that were 15c per roll, now 10
$ " 20 " " " 13 $
P u 23 " " "17 '
& " " " 35 " " " 23
and all others at proportionate reductions. At
these prices we do not expect the stock to last
jjji a great while. Ijj
k m
. . AMI
. OK
C. li. AMI k IE,
All Leading Co in pontes
Itei resented.
Wild Lands, Farm, Houhcs
& Lots for Sale or Kent.
Sew Advertisements.
James. Ail.
I,ainmers. Ad.
ltohinson. Ail.
Hevne A Co. Homier.
Clarion Normal. Local.
( ll!t'l' Stllllill. 1M'1.
Hopkins. Ail mill Iik'hIk.
Smart A Nilherler(. Ail.
C, M. A St. P. Kv. Headers.
Tionesta ChhIi Store. Locals.
While Star liroocry. Ii'als.
Killmer HroK. Ail anil locals.
(Hunt Minuter. Horse Sale ail.
Tioneiila I'hnto (ialery. Local.
Ili'lll (t KuiU Ail. ami I,ocals.
Fureal County Nat. Hank. statement.
Oil market closed at tl.lUi.
Oil and gas leases at this olllce.
You pan Ret it at Hopkins' store
ItidKway baa a scarlet fever
No trouble about lining ladios' coats
IT. C. S. It
New line of caps for mon ami child
ren at Heath A Keifs. It
-You aavn a nice sum by buying
ladies coata al T. C. S. It
There are no chestnuts to bran about
say the boys, and tuoy know, generally.
An elegant, well-made box calf shoe
for only at Kllliner Ilroa. Come and
aee it. It
When it cornea to selling Jackets,
we're at the head of the procession. Fall
In! Heath it Kelts. U
irapes are at their best now both In
quality and prlo. Send in your order to
the White Star Grocery. It
The White Star Orocory has gum to
rent and aiuuiiition for sale. Remem
ber this when the season opens. It
Did you receive an Invitation to our
opening Friday, Oct. 11, if not you're In
vited anyhow. Heath it Fcit. It
When looking for shoes for that hoy
ofyrursgo to killmer Pros, and see
what a bargain you can get for $1.IK). It
Mrs. Alfretta Devine will inspect the
Roliof Corps, Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock. All members are requested to
be present.
Graduates of the Clarion Slate Nor
mal School in the new course of study
are competent to teach any class in the
high schools. It
S. J. Swanson of Jaiuleson station
lost a 2-year-old heifer yesterday, the an
imal and a train of cars having attempted
to pass on the same track.
The annnal reunion of the liilst Regt.
P. V. I., is being held at Smithman l'ark,
Oil City, to-day, and a number from this
vicinity are in attendance.
Fifteen photographs for the price of
otie dozen at Cliappell't Studio, Oil City,
Pa. The finest work at popular prices.
Kastinan Kodaks and supplies. 10-9-4
Every baby Is the sweetest baby in
the world, says an exchange 'You were
once considered the sweetest thing in the
world, although you may not look it now.
The "aerial carouspl" which has been
located in rear of the ltKPt iu.HM n of
fice lor the past week is pulling up stakos
this morning and the kids are in mourn
ing. At adj Jiirned court Monday the Ho
tel Marien license, at Marieoviile, issued
to Jas. A li r rail and F. I. Larrimer, was
transfered to Joseph J. Young, formerly
of Jefferson county.
There is al least one little consoling
thought about the approaching fall and
prospective cold weather the walcr
from the city hydrant gets cooler and
more palatable also. .
A liltloNortn r-asl girl w hose pan nls
decided to move over to Corry wound up
Iter prayor the night before by saying:
"Good-byo find, wo aro going over to
Corry to-morrow." Breeze.
Tho new bridge, over tho Clarion at
the Pike is at last comploted. Yesterday
the bridge was examined and accepted
by the bridge company and the bridire
ooiiod for travel. Jaoksoiilan
The first snow of the season fell In
Tionesta last Thursday, Oct. 3. It was
"Jnst what you could notice" here in
town, but iu some places in the woods
there was a fair "tracking" snow.
An exchango ssya the biggest trust
on earth has been discovered at last. It
is the country newspaper trust. They
trust everybody, get cussed for trusting
and trusted fur cussing and finally get
busted ior trusting.
We are in the lead when it comos to
winter wraps as well as with every thing
else. Come to our opening Friday, Oct.
II, and see the largest line of jackets,
capes and furs you will be able to sie
this fall. Heath Feit. It
The H id Riigimeiit, Ponnylvania Val
u n leers, will hold their annual reunion
at Killnboro, Wednesday, Oct. 10. This
section has still quite a number of ti e
survivors of this old regiment although
tho ranks are last thinning out.
The weather is fine, but we don't
know as we care about it being Just quite
so vory cold. This dropping suddenly
Iriuii winter into summer is easy enough,
but when tho progra'ii is reversed it takes
too lively hustling for back-number
dmla to suit the average plobe.
Read and remember that the photo
graph galery in Tionesta is still open ev
ery day and I am making a nice oval
center photo for $ oer dozen until Oc
tober 17. Don't fail to come in and seo
them while they are being made at this
price. It .. B. Phillips, Mgr.
Dauiel Walters is laying one of those
tine cement walks in front of his prop
erty. Hay Ilirtcil, who picked up li e
trade here during Iho past summer, and
who has put down several hundred
square leet In the town, is doing Mr.
Walters' job, which will be a complete
The Indianapolis News has arntr
tniucd Inini exptirts employed by it that
the exact center of population in the
I'uited States is ten feet north of the barn
of Henry Marr, In the southeastern cor
ner of Columbus township, Bartholomew
county, Ind. This Is Important. Bliz
zard. If true.
We solicit comparison on stylo, qual
ity and price of capes, jackets and furs.
Our garments are not thrown logelher,
they show workmanship and skill iu ev
ery little detail. The iineuessof material,
the skill of manufacture, the tone to tho
garment, moela your eye when you pick
It up. L. J. Hopkins, It
F.ditor Smith of tho Punxy Spirit has
been taking lessons in golf, and says "as
an out door exercise it is a good dial like
hunting rabbits or picking black ber
ries." Never having aeon the game
pluyed we don't know much about it, but
wo do know hunting rabbits is just ex
actly like picking black berries.
Truenians is a new post office estab
lished recently In this county. It is lo
cated near the mouth of Fool's creek,
three miles above Porkey on theTlonesta
creek, and the name is in honor of True-
man D. Collins, who has extensive lum
bering operations situated there. Abra
ham L. Wollor contractor for Mr. Collins
Is the now postmaster.
The Jucksonian one of the leading
Democratic papers of Clai ion county, is
out tlatfooted for Harry K. Wilson tho
Republican candidate for President
Judge of that county. It looks very
nm h as though the people of that county
were alxmt lo lay aside politics for a lit
tle bit and elect a nou-partizan Judge to
presido over their courts.
Our special correspondent from IIow
manville gives an account of the fire at
that place which destroyed the engine
house of the Bowman Lumber Co. In
conversation with Mr. F. S. Bowman we
learn that their loss is about 500. This is
tho third time fire has caused damago to
their property In the month of September
of diflorent yoars, and the company be
gins to feol that there is a strange coinci
dence connected with it. Clarion Demo
John I.. Mattox, Ksq., was as happy
as a boy with a new sled to-day. He
spent Sunday at a club house, which he
and some friends have at Hunter's and
early this morning went out ishing.
He had two poles and lines trailing after
hisboat, with minnow on the hooks.
Presently there was a great splashing in
the water, and, after considerable exer
tion, be landed a muscallonge which
woiglied a trifle uioro than twelve
pounds. Strange lo relate, tho 'longo
had "struck" both minnows and was
safely booked on both hooks. Oil City
Blizzard. We are glad to bear this for
the safety of our good friend Mattox.
Hie man who can struggle with a Im
pound 'longe for five or ten minutes, fin
ally land him and then recover, is in no
immediate, danger of dying from heart
"New Krie" shoes aro the kind that
wear. Heath A Feit have thtm. It
Bills printed at this olllce announce
that on Saturday. Oct. in, 1!M)1. at 10
o'clock a. m. 8. M. Henry, executor of
the estate of Edward Korr, will oiler at
public salo on the promises in Harnett
township, all the goods and chetlels of
the deceased, consisting in purt of farm
ing Implements, buggy, wacgnn, sleds
etc. Also 3 cows, young cattle, horses,
hogs, bees, oats, corn, buckwheat, etc.
The tlmlier on a 40 acre tract of land will
also lie disposed of.
The convention of tho W. R. C. of
this district, composed of several coun
ties iu the northwestern portion of the
Stale, meets iu Tidiouto to-day and to
moriow. Mrs. Mary Thomson of Stow
Corps is president of the district and will
deliver tho rosponsive address at the
meeting to-day. Mrs. R, N. Speer and
Mra. Alice Vought will represent Slow
Corps as delegates, and a number of oili
er prominent corps ladios are in attend
ance from Tionesta.
The attention of parents is called to
the fact that the law requires the atten
dance of all children between the ages of
eight and sixtoon years at school, and
parents who fail to have their children
attend, aa required by law, ore liable to
prosecution and flue. Further urging
ought to be unnecessary in this matter,
and parents or guardians should see that
school districts are not put to an addi
tional expense ol enforcing the law by re
sort to harsh methods.
It will be but a short time now beforo
the season for rufl'ed grouse, woodcock
and other small game opens, October
1ith being the dsto. It is reported that
there are ph nty of grouse, that wood
cock are abundant and black and gray
squirrels coining in. Titusville Courier.
Judging from this Information we should
say that Titusville would be a good place
for sportsmen to begin the season, as no
such favorable report conies from any
other section so far heard from.
An ixporienced advertiser suggests
to tho man who has double In getting up
an advertisement: "Write a letter lo a
distant friend telling hi in about your
store, your goods, prices, etc. Then have
it printed as a newspaper advertisement."
This is only another way to say that the
merchant should talk in his advertise
ment just as he would talk to a prospec
tive customer. Every stoia keeper can
give reasons why people should buy at
his place, and to do tills in plain words is
to make a "fetching" advertisement.
Philadelphia Record.
The fine monument erected to the
memory of Col. Kdwin L. Drake In Wood
lawn cemetery, Titusville, was unveiled
witli eluhorate ceremonies becoiuiug to
tho important event, on Friday afternoon
of lasl week. Col. Drake, as all oil
iloin knows, started the great oil indus
try of the world by drilling the first
well, ami the erection of this eieuant me
morial is according but tardy honor to
the one whoso pluck and perscverenco
opened up one of the most gigantio in
dustries the world hits yet know. The
gift ol the monument is by an 'ndividu
al who refuse to allow his identity to be
made public.
Hand Iluilly Sawfd.
Richard Ledebur, who lias beon In the
employ of the Wairen Lumber Co. at
their mills at Orundnrvillo, near Warren,
for tho past few mouths, met with a ser
ious accidont on Wednesday of last
week. Ho works near tl.e cut-oil saw
which is manipulated by treading on a
block under a long table. A light pres
sure of tho foot on tills block throws tho
saw up thri ugh the tablo. Mr. Ledebur
had an armliil of edgings which ho was
in tho art of throwing over the tablo
when he Inadvertently stepped upon this
block while his right hand was directly
over tho saw, thus throwing the saw up
and striking the back of the band. The
to midillo fingres were lakon olT entire
ly. The iinl'ortuuate man was tuken to
tho hospital at Warreu where the wound
was dn sscd, and where he is slid receiv
ing treatment. It was found necessary
to take part of the bones buck of the
knuckles off, thus leaving him hut two
lingers the index and little one besides
the thumb, on that ban I. At lasl ac
counts bo was doing well nud expected
to be able to come homo this week.
County Superintendents Salary
A Harrlsburg dispatch lo
tho Phila
Oetober 4,
dclphla Press under date
" Tlie school directors of Forest County
have men red a preliminary injunction in
t lie Dauphin County Court to prevent
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Schaeffer from paying $151)0 annual sal
ary to County Superintendent Klmcr E.
Stit.inger, of Forest, on the ground that
he is entitled to but f lOOO. In the ai
plication it is alleged that at tho.di rectors'
convention Stitzinger was elected and
his salary was not fixed. Cudcr the
law, when this is not done, tho superin
tendent is allowed $10u0 salary."
A hearing in this case has been set for
to-day, Wednesday, at Harrisburg, when
argument will be heard for a continuance
of the preliminary Injunction until
final adjustment of the matter is had.
The case is one in w inch the tax payers
of this county are thoroughly interested
and it Is hoped to bring it to a speedy
lei m ination. ,
(iriuul Opening.
A representative of one ol the largest
manufacturers of Ladles', Misses and
Children's Jackets, Capes and Furs, will
be at our store all day Friilay, Oct. 11
I'.KJl, with the largest assortment of wraps
ever shown in Tionesta.
Wraps sold will be delivered same day.
If vou have a wrap to buy, this will be
your chance to get a good one cheap.
Free ticket for dinner or supper to each
tiuichaser of a wrap of any kind. You
are invited. Hkatii ft Fkit,
Wait for lite Wagon.
Only about two weeks until Hopkins'
Thrco Day Opening. If you can't get
more stylish garment, bettor material,
for at least 2. per cent, less money, they
will belli vou buv one someplace else.
Come in now and seo lor yourself. Full
line in the store now. It
.News from K'rie.
"The name 'Wano' should be chair;!
lo wonder, as it bus done wonders for
mo. Dr. C. H. Harvey, Erie, Pa."
V ano Electric Oil. a L'liurenleed rem
edy lor Neuralgia, Skin Disease, Injuries,
Pains ami Sprains. tf
Zinc mid (Jriinliua; ninke
Dovoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twite
as long as lead and oil mixed by band.
J. S. Grove was up from Oil C.ty on
business Monday.
-Will H. Hood left Monday for Buffa
lo and the Pan-American.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I). W. Reck were
Oil City visitors on Monday.
Miss Mildred Horner is visiting her
parents at Kinzua this week.
K. D. Wasson visi ed his old home at
Me idville a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Urey were visit
ors to the Stoneboro fair last week.
W. W. Hague of Tidionte was a bus
iness visitor to Tionesta on Monday.
Miss Tena Lindquist is visiting her
parents at Youngsville for a couplo of
Miss Ilatlle Gould of Oil City spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. S. II.
H. W. Roberts of Titusville was
shak ing hands with Tionesta friends last
Mrs. T. B. Cobb of West Chester is a
visitor to Tionesta friends, the guest of
Mrs. S. D. Irwin.
(J. W. Robinson and daughter, Miss
Artie, are visitors to the Pittsburg expo
sition this week.
Mrs. B. F. WeiKal of Dompseytown,
Pa., is here on a visit to hor daughtor,
Mrs. R. N. Speer.
Win. Royerand Dr. Brewer of Clar-
ington were business visitors to tne
county seat yesterday.
Frank Swanson of Jamostown, N.
Y., was a guest of Tionesta friends be
tween trains lust Friday. ,
Miss Clara Wenzel of Franklin is a
guest of Mrs. P. K. George this week at
the home of Editor Muse.
Mrs. J. II. Derickson returned home
from a week's visit with her sister Mrs.
Dr. Wallace at East Brady.
Mrs. Harry Carr and children of Du-
quesne, are here on a visit to her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Blum.
Charl e Anderson who has been down
from Golinza on a week's rest spent Sun
day with friends in Warron.
Miss Eva Davis left last Saturday fur
Williauisriort, Pa., whore Bhe hassecured
position in a dry goods store.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Muse and Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Grove are Pan-Ameri
can visitors at Buffalo this week.
.lames Frazier and Miss ZellaConfer,
both of Maricnvillc, were married. In
Franklin on Monday of this week.
Chas. Kussol has purchasod the Han-
diet House barber shop at Tidiouto and
has moved his family to that place.
-R. J. Flynn and W. F. Jones of New "
town Mills returned this morning from
le Pan-A m. reporting a lino time.
Mrs. G. E. Gerow, of the Central,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Horner, at Kinzua a part of last week.
Miss Sarah Morrow left Monday for
Chester, Pa., as a delaijute Troiii tins
county to the State Sabbath School con
vention. Mrs. Frank Weaver and baby, of
Fryhurg was a guest of hor sister, Miss
Maggie Miller at Hotel Weaver a couple
of days last week.
Walter Crouch, one of East Hick
ory s enterprising niercuaius was a
Dlensant caller at the RErt'Bi.iOAN office
while in town last rriday.
Mrs. Jas. Canfield and Miss June
Herman are attending tho county con
vention of the Y. P. 8. C. E. at Marien
ville. Pa., to-day and to-morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Morgan and
children are up from Oil City visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Morgan.
Clark is taking a lay off on account of a
boil on his left hand.
Col. ('. W. Amsler and Rev. Mr.
Erseinan were down from Mari-nville
yesterday, and in company with Rev.
Mr. McAniueh tried their hand at bass
fishing in the creek and river.
Mr. and Mrs. George Weller return
ed Saturday from Starr, Forest county,
where the former has been engaged in
drilling a well for Barnr-sdall ft to.,
which proved to be dry. Emlentnn Her
Austin J. Stuchul, and little dnugh
tor Margaret, of Turtle Creek, Allegheny
county. Pa., wore guesta of the family of
Dr. J. W. Morrow a part of last week
Mr. Sluchul is' the father ol Dr. Mor
row's adopted daught?r, Carrio.
Newton F. Merriuin of Amsterdam,
N. Y., was a visitor to this community
durina the past woek. Ho came here to
visit the children of his brother, the lute
Will Merriam, who died here in Novem
ber of 1811. Ho lound his nephews and
nieces iu good health and spirits and
week of leal pleasure was passed in their
c 'inpnny
We aro sory to learn that our town is
about to lose one of its prominent Tamil
ies, Robert L. Haslet, a lifelong resident.
having about completed arrangements to
move his family to Burlington, North
Carolina, whoro he will engage in busi
ness. having two or three openings of
fered him. Burlington is .a nourishing
citv of about 5000 inhabitants
whose chief resource is cotton mil's and
manufacturing indus ries. Mr. Ha lot
thinks he may be ready to depart within
Hie next two weeks.
Letter to V. C. Hill.
Ttonenta, Pit.
Dear Sir: The annoyance caused by
short measuro In paints, that are sold by
the "gallon," is worso than the loss by
the shortage. Misled by tlie maker's
presentations as to how fur a gallon will
go, you buy too little of every sort, and
must send for more In the midst of the
Besides, a short-measure man is.
doubtless, also a cheater in other ways
his paint is likely to cover perhaps two-
thirds as much as he says. This also you
find out whilo the work is going on, and
the paieting must wait while you send
for more.
Even this is not all, nor the worst. If it
wars halfas long as he says, you are
lucky. Vou have the whole Job to do
again in a year or two; and perhaps your
paint is not really good for that short
One law of lying is that liars lie most
where it's hardest lo catch 'em. Another
Is that a liar lies wherever lie can.
Ixok out lor short measure. It in
eludes all the rest. Dcvoe lead and zini
is full measure and pure and durable.
Yours truly,
hi F. W. DkvoK A Co.
p. s. lames I). Davis sells our paint
in your section.
Cream of tlie ws.
There is no pleasure in loafing unless
you have something to do.
Shot guns for rent and amunition for
sale at White Star Grocery. tf
Cash prices save you mauy dollars at
T. C. 8. It
The mill of lo day grinds with the
water that has passed into steam.
Friday, Oct. 11, is the day of our op
ening of ladies' and children's jackets,
capes and furs come and look them over
anyhow. Heath ft Feit. It
Shoos that fit well and wear well at
t. c s n
A basuhull game is merely a contest
between two nines and an umpire.
Now is the time to buv itrapes. write
or 'Phone vour orders to the While Star
Grocery and they will receive prompt at
tention. It
It will pay you to be at Heath ft
Feit's opening if you have a jacket, cape
or fur lo buy. Friday Oct. II, is the day.
We read of the seyen ages of man,
but one age Is ample for the average
Unless a man really loves a girl he
is unable to toll the color of her eyes.
They are all weli satisfied who pur
chase at T. C. S. It
Call at Hopkins' store and see capes
that are capes, see jackets that are jackets,
see furs that are furs. In about two
weeks vou will see an openim. that will
be an opening. It
The wise girl always rearranges the
parlor furniture sltor a vouug man has
Of course jackets is our "hobby" just
now but we have lots of other nice things
too. Heath ft Feit. It
These chilly evenings remind you
you need heavier clothing, and best place
to buy underwear is al Tionesta Cash
Store. It
A man doesn't mind being a fool, so
long as he doesn't know it.
Our competitors would feel ashaim d
if we advci Used all our prices. Heath A
Some men have reasons for
lings ami some have excuses.
Free ticket lor dinner or supper to
each purel aser of a jacket, cape or fur at
tleatn iV. fell s opening, rriday, Uet. 11,
sit. It
A full line of the best make of rub
r hoots ami shoes for men, woman and
children at Killmer Bros. It
Besides seeing a large assortment of
w raps at Heath A Feit's Fridav Oct. 11,
you can see tlie nicest stock of dry goods
in town. it
Some men are so liberal they are
continually giving themselves away.
Free dinner at Heath A Foil's Fri
day, Oct. 11. It
Au imginative writer is one who
boasts of the prices he gets for his arti-
You eat dinner at our expense il you
uy a wrap or tur at our opening r rnlay,
Oct. 11. 1!)01. Heath ft Feit. It
It is tlie uneon ven'.ional woman who
has a inuii a for attending conventions.
Free dinner at Heath A Feit's, Fri
day, O-t. 11. lit
the average man uoesn t seem to
think it counts w hen he breaks a prom
se made to himself.
Free dinner at Heath A Feit's rri
day, O.t. 11. lit
Heavy Weight Carriage Paidls.
Devoe's weiuh 3 to 8 ounces more to the
pint than any others. Extra weight
means heavier body covers better
Wears longer. Sold bv James I). Da
A (; real Railway.
The Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul
Railway Co. owns and operates 6,t00
miles of thoroughly equipped railway.
It npprutes Us own ."sleeping t ars anil
Dining Cars, and the service is tirst-class
in every respect.
It traverses the Desi portion or tne
States of Illinois, Wisconsin, the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan, Iowa, Missouri,
M im.eo'a, South and North Dakota.
It runs electric lighted, steuin heated
ll has the absolute block svstem.
It uses all modern bppliunces tor the
comfort and safely of iis patrons.
Its tram employes are civil and ohlig
11 tries to give each passenger "value
received for his money, anil
ll asks every man, woman and child to
buv tickets over the Chicago, Milwaukee
St. Paul Railway lor it is A Great
Time tallies, mans and information
furnished on application to John H. Pott,
Distriil Passenger Agent, 810 Park lililg.,
Pittsburg. I0-;it
WILLIAMS HOST At the K. Al . par
sonage Iu Rullalo, N. Y , Oct. 3 1 ! HI 1 ,
by Kev. F. F. Slump, Mr. William
Williams and Miss Gertie Host, both
of Lickingville, Pa.
POUTER MKA LEY In Clarion, on
Sept. 10, 1!KII, by A. R. Cypher., J. P.
George Porter, of Oolinza, Pa., an
Miss Minnie Mealv, of Tylersburg, Pa.
G ATES LUIIOLD At the home of the
bride, September IU). limi, Kev. . E,
Praiupton, officiating, Mr. II hn rv Gates
and Mrs. re'lle Liibold, all ol Marlon
v lie, Pa.
BRIGGS BA LL At the M. E. parson
ago, Panama, N. Y.. Kov. J. It. Miller
olliciating, Mr. Charles A. Itriggs and
Miss Lucy Belle Ball, both of dough's
M ills, Howe township, Forest county,
Bank Statement.
No. 50.W.
AL HANK AT TTON KS'I'A, in tho State
of I'onnsvlvaiiiii, at tlie clo.e of business
He ptHiiiher Ml. HUH.
sin kckh:
I.ouns and discounts $l!f,Hd(i 5:
Ovenlrults, secured and un
seen ml l.o'.M o
U. M. IfiinilM to secure circula
tion fiO.noO (Mi
Premiums on U.S. Bonds :i,l7 '.11
Stocks, securities, . 1c Ito.lM 0 nO
ihinkimr-hoiiMB. furniture, and
fixtures 12,iiTI 02
line from approved reserve
agents M.7S7
Checks and other cash items 24:i 3i
Fractional paper currency.
nickels, and cents 1W ."3
Lawful money reserve in bank,
viz :
Snecie .'!) 01
Legal tonder notes... 6,MK) KI 14.6S0 IK)
Keilemntion Mind with U. n.
Treas rliiiiorct. (it circulation) 2, 500 IK)
Mui.7:w s:
Capital stock (mid in M."""
Surplus lu ml :t,U:il i
Undivided lirolits.lcss expenses
and taxes paid 4,1W HI
National bank notes oiilsiauil-
liiu 5u,nno no
Individual deposits siibiis t to
cheek i.'!'2 l
Demand certificates of deposit... Ti.Th 7
Tiino certificates ol'ilcismit 1 1 s.714 '-ll
$ii,7.!5 K
Stato of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
sm :
I, A. It. Kelly, cashier of the alsive
mimed bank, do solemnly swear that the
above stuteinenl is true to the hest ol my
knowledge and heliet.
A. It. KF.I.I.Y. Cashier.
Subm-rilicd and sworn to before me this
7th day of October, I'.sil.
('. M. A UN Kit, Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
.1. T. IUi.h.
T. F. Kin ll KV,
Jamks II. Kki.i.v,
L. J. Hopkins.
About October 25.
We will have (he. grandest display of Ladies' Missra and Children's L'spes,
Jackets ami Forever opened in li"iiens
worlh of the best .onrls Maiiiifaeiureil by Philadelphia's Lsrg
est Clonk Manufacturer, Displayed in our store fir ihree dsys.
Dou't miss this opening, it will he a treat, and yon will have a
chance to suve at least 25 per cent on any garment you huv.
We solicit a comparison of (roods and prices, any We
have a complete line in the more now. Lok through any
line of Jackets in town, tho , if y m will step iu we will show
you tho Material, the Liuing, the Style, the General Makeup
and the I'UICE that will prove what we say.
Don't forget this riiul'Nt
Dale Will be Advertised in l'lenty of Time.
Ladies' 50c
Underwear, 35c.
WEAR Vests and Paula All 35o per garment. In Jupe,
when nut ouc. u.'eri haul il fifty thinks of bnyiog Winter I J ml rwrar
we rau across a mill iu neeil of ready cash ibat ha- some 200 ca-es
of underwear t'i sell at a price fullv ealiziug the exceptional val
ue we bought two cases aud sion d ih in, knowing that no such
values could be had October 1st ill's in why "U get a 50e gar
ment for 35c.
Cloth for Boys' Suits.
Mothers ho prefer buying ch ili mil inukii ' ihe suits instead o.
purchasing tlieiu ready made will iiiireciule tins cloth it's an ad
vantage dou't cost ss much anil you gel a much better ma'erial
conies iu three shades Navy, Hr iwn and Dark Guru-t cloth is
SI. 50 a yard anil is 50 inches wide
-10 inch JIOPSACKINi;, 50o.
40 inch VENETIAN, 50c.
These cloths comprise w hut we think Ihe hest FIFTY CENT
DRESS GOODS VALUES oH', r?d in this city -sol;d and n ixed
colorings 15 Different Shades
Saturday Evcning-SI'KCIAL- 7 to 10 o'c,
Ladies' Made Flannelette Skirts, 21c.
Write lor Samples.
Killmer Bros.
New Fall and
We have put forth every ell hi ' n buying our new goods
to buy only that which is ht it Miiled to the community
and to the tastes of our pair ins, and we have bought low
so that we may sell low We invite you to inspect our
new stock of
Vu carry the Freshest Drills and PaU
Toilet Articles, Paiuls, Oil, Varnishes and Wall Paper.
Clothina thai
Possesses Character.
Suits at $10.00.
Dozen lo select from, iucl'iiiu: fahiotiahle Krecn, brown
and gruv mixtures, ViciiLSs, I'hihets, Woisleds, Cheviots, l ie,
in Hwauer miliilary cut r the more conventional and sedaia
Top Coats at $10.oo.
"The Hrailler," "Tho F'lllm re." "Ihe Paddock" ami other
swill styles are here ill ill widest po.sib e variety of materials
and shades, lvich unm-ul alllioiiL'h low iu price, maiie with
skill ami care, an I tilling perfectly.
$15 Suits and Top Coats.
The lormer ll hiJi 'lass linisiied and unfinished Worsti lis, (,'he
ion, Tweeds, Surges, Vicunas, Ktc , the Overt' ia's iu Coverts,
Whipcords, Vicunas. Kcney, Ktc. Exemplary garineuts iu
every particular.
FKKIi! With every ('A!! Sale "fa Man's Suit or Overcoat a Fold
ing Sewing Table.
7 v
SV;.i 1 5
J. X
f ONE:
of TiontMttn Opening. KhHi
Telni hone, either line, 'Sil
Winter Goods
- iil .M-iJiciu.-e, Finest lrli.iuei and
OIL CiiYi'A.