RATES OF ADVERTISING: One Square, one inch, one week... f 1 0 One Square, one inch, one month- 3 M One Square, one inch, 3 months.... i 00 One Squire, one inch, one year 10 Ot Two fvjuares, one year. 15 00 Quarter Column, one year 30 0 Half Column, one year 6 0 One Column, one year 160 0 Legal advertisements u-n ceuie per line each insertion. We de fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash on delivery. Published ovory Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offica in Smearbangu & Wenk Building, KL.M STHKKT, TIONKMTA, PA. Forest Republican. Trrais, l.00 A I'm MlrlcUy la Adtraare. No subscription received for a shorter period than throe month. Correspondence solicited, hut ne notice will be taken of anonymous conimiinlca ,ion. Always ive your uame. VOL. XXXIV. NO. 2(5. T10NESTA. PA., WEDNESDAY. OCTOJ5KU 2. 1901. $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. BOKOUGH OFFICERS. T v Hilclinv. 0,1.c.nen.-J.,T. Inilo.W. K. Ilium, ('has. Clark, r. niimrin, ' V. Illlllll " I'SNlon, it, l. muse. jut! (ret - fthe VeuceC. A. Uaudull, J. Hutloy. Cotable II. E. Moody. (MlectorS. J. Metley. K. Weuk,j. C. Ncowdiin, Patrick Joy co, W. n. Strove, it. ij. nasioi. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of OongreMi. K. 1. Hull. Member of Nenate A. M. Neoley. Ataeinbly A. M. Doult. I'renitlent J(tgeVl. M. Mnclsoy. Ainoeutte Judge It. H. Crawford, W, II. II. Ilolterer. frotSonotnry , Register A Recorder, re. --John II. KolMirtson. .VAeriT. J. W. luliiieson. 'IVefiAurer H. M. Ilenrv. CViiiii.ioii?r It. lit . Herman, John T. Carson. J. T. Palo. IHttrtet Attorney H. I). Irwin. Jury (na,iaioiem IjOvI U. Key- nobis, I'etur YoiingK. (kroner Dr. J. W. Morrow. County A uditom I. It. Clark, K. J Flvnn, llm. L. King. thunty Superintendent K. K. Btlt.lu ger. Itegulnr Terms ef C'eurt Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of September. Third Monday of November. (aarrh aaa Mabbnta Mrke.l. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a, III.) M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. Ill Preaching in M. K. Church every Sab- t.ul. 1. 1- Il.iv IV P Mnr.Hi' Preaching in 'the F. M. Church every LI-I.I....1. .......I.... ..I ll. A ...... ,.l 1. U.,U nn'Miiuii r von iiift n. viiv iiniirai ..... a.v. I II M.ll.ir P..l.ir Services in the rresbyterian Church every minimm nioriiiiitr nun ccum., Kev. J. V. McAninch officiating;. ri... - i..- i. ...... ..r ii. m iv r T IHD uvuiai uicm i tin- 'i ..." ...v. .. U. am held at the headquarters on the aeoowi ami lourui iiieminje ui cnui ill. nth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ipi'.N KSTA l.ODt 1 K, No. 3(i!, 1. 0. 0. F. X Me"U every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. I.VKKST I.OlKiK, No. ISI.A.O. U. W I Meets every Friday evening lnA.U.U. W. Hall, Tionesta. APT. t.KOlN i K STOW POST, No. 271 W. A, It. Moots 1st and 3d Monday evening in each month, iu A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta. CAI'T. (iF.OltHK STOW COUPS, No. 1.17, W. It. ('., meets tlrst and third Wednesday evening of each mouth, in A. O. U. W. hull, Tionesta, Pa. rrMON I'-XTA TF.NT, No. Hi I, K. O. T. 1 M., ineeiM 2ml and 4th Wednesday evening in each month in A. O. U. W. hall Tionesta, Pa. P F. 1MTCHKY, 1 ATTORN E Y-AT-Ii AW, Tionesta, Pa. S HAWKEY .V MUNX, ATTORN FYS-AT- LAW, Warren, Pa. Practice In Forest Co. C. M. SHAWKKY, liKO. It. MUNN, J W. MORROW, M. P., Physician, Surgeon ,i Dentist. OrtVo and Residence three doors north of Hotel Agnew, Tionesta. Professional calls promptly responded to at all hours. L) R. F.J. P.OVAKD, Physician A Surgeon, TION KSTA, PA. Dlt. J. C. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SUKO ICON. OIHee over Heath it Killiner's store, Tionesta, Pa. Professional rails prompt ly responded to at all hours of day or night. Renidenco May St. J. 1. ORKAVES, 1 " Pliysiclaii and Surgeon Olllce and residence above Fores C National Hunk. County 'Phone No. 1, 1. R. I.ANSON, 1. REAL ESTATE, Tionesta, Pn HOTEL WEAVER, E. A. WE.VVEll, Proprietor. This hotel, formerly the Lawrence House, has undergone a coinpletechange, and Is now furnished with all the mod ern Improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of guests never neglected. CENTRAL HOUSE, V. HE ROW A OK ROW Proprietor. Tlonseta, Pa. This is tho most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public. First class Livery in connection. pilIL. KMERT FANCY HOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm and slnut streets, Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the Unest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. 'US4AUM At THI t A PR EH PL'S IS ESS UMI VfMITYa arron, Pi. The atott practical, up'to-dat Bu lntM Training School in pennarlvinla. fa gtv our Students brad inning ducation. t am jim to Mil mil pnr ttoulara to any ajirava, upon raoipf, Of application for o-a. Our graduates ir noldlng poai. tlom of honor and tryjt in all part or tn United S'.atea. for full pnrtlctilari, i11r!i, THI f AKRKS. B'J31M1S UNIVERSITY. rOMB GUARD SET UPON Sentry Over McKin ey's Body Attacked by Unknowns. )ni of tha I'alr Was Mankcd Roldirr Flrnl at One llul I lie Olhnr Kuwked l'p Ilia liun, MuIiIiIiik Him aa lie Hill Kit. Mianlnu Mar llnie lleen to llluw l'u the Vaull Muramlrra Karapeil. CANTON. O.. Sept. :ti. The guurd ut he MiKiulcy toiub chiiius to have been utmkc.l l:it night. lie rind a shot, but he was diverted by I second mini with a knife thrust. It pcnclriiti d the guard's overcoat and ilouse. Military regulations prevent either the ilhicrs or the men of the post from lu ng quoted on any mutter comn'cted with heir si rvii c and for this reason Cap iiin P.iiliMc, who la ill command, was mlig'sl to decline to be ipiotcd. I'livi.te Hepicnd was on guard duty en M of the valut. The mall approin hcd from the rear. Shortly Is-fore 7::H he law what he took to be the face of a num jeering from behind a tree about 40 fis't from his post. He watched it for 20 Jiiniites, lie says, and saw the innn huiT7 :n a tree HI fwt nearer, lie challenged he ni mi to halt, but this was not heeded. Iii'pivtul levelled his gun nnil niin-d to ihont for diet, hut jnst at that instant another num. who caine toward him from the opposite hide, caught the gun. hrew it up and the bullet was spent hi :he air. This same man struck Deprend jii the right side of tie- abdomen with a knife or other slurp weapoi., culling an "I." gash iu his overcoat an Inch and a balf long each way and a smaller one ill liis blouse. The llesh was Hot broken, but was bruised under the cuts iu tile clothing. Iicprctid in the struggle fell and rolled down the side of the vault. Lieuten ant Ashbridge, olMccr of the day, was iu front of the vault and rushed to the top on healing the shot, but the men made good their escape. .Ml members from the company on In uring the shot hurried to the vault ami besides searching the renietery the guard was increased. liepreiid says the innn who attacked him w as nias'.icii, but the first one he saw was not masked. He says the hitter car ried a while pnekiige ill his right hand and something that glittered iu his left. There are III soldiers at the cemetery. L'U of whom are constantly on guard duty about the vault and camp. DEATH IN CLOUDBURST. Thirteen Piwpeclnrs Ilrowneil In a Hag- Ink rioml In l'resliliu County, Tel. SAX ANTONIO, Tex., Sept. 'JH. Ncws has jnst bit-u received here of a terrible disaster iu Presidio county, near tlic Kir. Cran.le river, on the '.Tith instant, l'i men who weie prospecting for ci'ini b.ir, losing their lives in IIimhIs caused by a water spent or cloudburst. The dead are: Henry Carter, Ilenmr.- il" ( oftello, Philip Humphrey, Peter SchnnVr. Alfredo Monte. William .let fern u, Thomas I'ickcII, Algernon Illi-n, I'i'spe, I leutsehmnu. Ocorge Aiusili, C'diricl Chit, William Hulls, ticor'i Il.:t..:.. Tl.c men were iu two parlies, camped one n iie apart in a dry ravine known f.s Aluili to ciis'li, iu which there lol l licen n wilier for 15 months on account of 'lie ilrnutli. The men were asleep at I' o chick, when there was a cloudburst several miles np the ravine. A volume of water I'll feet high washed down the channel of the ratine ami swept over lue uicn in mo nvo c.-unps before they were aivare of their danger. All wen- drowned and up to this tune only six bndles have been recovered. The Alaniinto (comstt empties into the Kin (iiiindc river not far from where the fatality occurred and it is more than probable that the other seven lsnlics har been swept into that stream. INVADERS BADLY ROUTED Conflt-iiintlnn of News of Ilatlle at GnnJIra Sept. 13. tieneral Orliil Kllleil. COLON. Oct. 1. Arrivals here from the const bring no news from Kin Ilnclu, but they confirm the news previously ca bled of the coinidcle defeat of the Venc 7.uclnn invaders at the peninsula of Ooa- jiia by Colombian troops, unassisted by Venezuelans. Several gnus, some mitrail leuse and ritles and a large ipiautity of nniniuniliiiu were captured. It is said that the date of the engagement was Sept. 1.1. After this defeat the Indians who in habit ti'oiijiia captured the returning Venezuelans, who had previously rohls-d them of their horses w hile on their way through the country. A lining the prison ers captured were three Venezuelan rebel chiefs. The invaders lust many men killed, ticncial Orbiz, who formerly Kcrvcd under (iciieral Alban, was also killed. Hrtytien Itevnlutlnn Suppressed. KINGSTON, .In.. Oct. l.-Ollleial nd vices from llnyti report the suppression of the rcvnlutinmiry movement nt Jen niie. The arrests there are now reported to have been confined to one family, which was working in tho interests of M. l'ouelinrd, the former Hayticn minister of finance. It is said on good authority that I'ouehard was recently advised by a party of ll.iyticns, who were making a lauding to join the revolutionary force In the south of llayti. where he is exceed ingly strong. He, however, declined to ili so an l expressed his willingness to await developments here or wait until election time. The Hayticn exiles hero say there is no truth in the reports that the revolutionary movement has been suppressed. More Money for Ilnrat Frea Iellrery. WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-Tlie olllclal estimates for the fiscal year beginning July I. VMC, which Postmaster (iencral Charles E, Smith will oibmit to congress nt the opening of the session call for an aggregate id $i.-J."i(I.ikI fr rural free delivery service throughout the country. This is an increase of JiL'.Trsi.lKKI over the expense of that rapidly growing ser vice for the current year. The total for the free delivery scrviee proper, which is that operated iu cities, is $lg.715.NM, nil increase of 0 per cent. The grand aggre gate for the entire postal free delivery services, inclusive of both the free de livery and rural free delivery, is fJ4,- CZOLGOSZ COLLAPSED. I-arga Crowil tiirruiiiletl the Assassin at Auburn lr!un anil t.ave lllm a Had Fright Went Into Convulsion. ItCFFAI.O, Sept. JS.-Shcriir Cald well returned yesterday aftcriitHin from Auburn, whither he tisik Leon F. Czol gosx Thursday night. He left Auburn ut ll.5 oYliM-k in tin morning, ami ar rived in Hnflalo a few minutes alter one o'clock iu the nftcriioon, appearing in his nllicc at the city hall about 1.45. His account of the excitement outside the prison when the assassin of President McKiuley arrived there was as follows: "Wo nrrived in Auburn at I1.15 o'clock yesterday morning, uud there was a crowd of iilsiut, L'lHI people outside the prison when we readied then-. Oeputy K. M. Kates went on ahead of us in the afternoon, to keep me. informed of the Kit uu lion. 1 rccived telegrams from him at two or three phucs along the route. He says that 1.5IHI people were gathered around the prison at !) o'clock iu the evening, mid the warden places ihc num ber at 2.HM. "As sisiu us we reaehed Auburn, we hurried Czolgoss over towards the prison. The crowd tpiickly surrounded us, mid there were erics of "Kill hini!" 'Kill the !' "Throw bricks ut him!" No bricks were thrown, however, and we got him into the prison without anyone being ni,eh hurt. Some of us were iruiscd a little iu t lit crushing against the gates. "We closed the gates the minute the members of our party were all inside. Czolgosz collapsed completely us soon ns he entered the prisonto say that he went all to pieces is the best way I can "csciibc it. lie fell to the lloor and yelled and shouted, and his iiruis and legs jerk ed around ns if he couldn't control them nt nil. We took off his el. .1 lies, an. I I stooped dow n beside him and said: " 'Czolgosz, don't you know ineV "Mi didn't seem to recognize me at all, hul .'ust rubheil his eyes and shouted in coherently. He didn't say anything we could understand I guess he was too frightened to try to talk. He jnst yelled and In. Ilered like a crazy man. After the doctor came and gave him something he iiiietei down, and then I left." Had Auburn been reached nil hour or two earlier in the illuming it is doubtful whether Czolgosz could have been escort ed into the prison without the loss of s lives. SherifT Caldwell and Jailer Mitchell would have taken him there even nt the risk of their own lives, and they deserve great credit for the promptness with which they met the emergency which arose. Miinlerer Closely (.intnleil. Afltl'liN, Sept. S. Czolgosz has re guincd his uorinal condition and seems to have fully recovered from his collapse. Then- are five cells for condemned men in the prison, and Czolgosz wns plneed ill the only vacant coll, so all lire now oc cupied. Two keepers arc constantly on guard In the room, which Is separate from the main prison, hut to guard pguinst au at tempt on Czolgosz' part to commit sui cide, two more guar. Is have been add.sl, and one will constantly sir in front of Czolgosz' cell and w ill have a key. so thnt any attempt at self-destruction can lie easily frustrated. Vent let In Clly of Trenton Ktplnalon. I'llir.AlUCl.PHIA, Oct. 1. - The coroner's jury which invi-stigatcd the ex plosion of the ...it b.iiler of the steam boat City if 'Trenton in the Hchiware river Aug. L'S. which resulted iu the death of L'T persons, rendered its verdict yesterday. The jury was unable to chnrge criminal negligence on the pnrt of any of those who constructed the boil er or those who operated the boat. Warrent For Mi Klnlev'a Cnlnrr. WASHINGTON, Oct. 1.-Warrants were drawn at the treasury department yesterday in settlement f the salary of the late president nt the time of his dentil. 'The amount was I.S.iii.sS. War rants also were drawn covering Mr. Koos,. veil's salary to (let. 1, or 17 days, and aggregating $'-'..".im.7S. Venezuela Denies Mlorle of ItHtikrnptry CAItACAS, Venezuela. Oct. 1. The reports published in the I'nitc.l States to the effect that the Venezuelan govern ment has exacted from banks and mer chants forced loans ami that n num ber of the stores nrc closed, and that bankruptcy is impending, are pronounced false by the Venezuelan government. Il.lllllgllt With Alllnlllohlle. PA IMS. Sept. :in.-A dispatch from Hayonne to The Figaro describes a bull fight which occurred there yesterday in whic h un automobile replaced the horse of the Picador. The novelty drew nu enormous crowd: but seven bulls in suc cession turned tail and tied at the sight of the auto. Seven Chlneae in lie Itelieniteil. PEKIX, Sept. ",(I.-At the reoilcst of Dr., Milium Von Schwarlzcnsten, the German minister, seven Chinese have been trieil ami sentenced to be beheaded for complicity in the murder of a IJer- milli trader in n village near Pckiu lust mouth. Itev. Atibe Itojcntl Dead. ItOS'lOX. Oct. I.-The dentil of Kcv. Abbe llogtiu. S. S. Hit., for ninny years, until recently, head of St. John's sem inary nt Brighton, in I'm nee, near Paris, was announced by cable yesterday. The nbbe was 7- years of age. Two I'nknown Men Kllleil In Wreck. PETEKSItl liO. Oct. 1. In a freight train wreck on the Seaboard Air Line railway, 4l miles south of Petersburg, yesterday morning, two unknown men were killed end four injured. Welcome flendy. 'ihe Bosr Mr. P.jenvon. if yon can't Veep up with your work Is tter, we shall hare to hsik for nn. alter innn. Hjouson I'm glad to hear that. I've been thinking all aloic; that I was lining enough work for . two. Indianapolis 1'ress. Cast iron plows v.vro fi;-st made in this country in 17P7 and were greatly ob jeitcd to from the belief tli.t the cast innt poisoucd the ground and prevented ihe plants front gr.i..i:i4. A city's parks i-anuot bo t"0 lime. If its parks are its Inn :s, it will consian''. lie m-i-iliiiZ more breathing ni'in.-ht. Louis OlolK'-fioinncrat. KILLED BY INSURGENTS Company f United States In fantry A most W ped Out. Were Atla-ke l While at llreakrnal, and Though They Made a VslUnt llesl.t auce Wera Over helmed by Forre ol Numbers-Only 4 K.rwpeii Out uf To tal of 14. WASHINGTON. Sept. SU-Nows of the disastrous fight Is-twccn troops of the Ninth infantry and the insurgents in the island of S.imar Saturday was sent promptly by I iencral Hughes, coniiuand- iug iu lh.it island, to General Ch. .fi lm. I by him transmitted to the war 1 partinent from .Manila. -It reached the depaitinent during the early hours yester dny and Adjutant General Corhin, real iziug i's impm-tanc, at once liMtde it pub lic, nfler sending n copy to the White House. General Chaffee's dispatch is as follows: "Manila, Sept. 1"J. "Adjutant General, Washington: "Hughes reports following from Bas sey. Southern Samnr: Twenty-four Ninth regiment, I'tiitcd States infant ry 1 1 wounded -have just arrived front Halaugiga. Kcmuiudcr company killed. Insurgents secure. I all company supplies and all lilies except 11'. Company was nttacked during breakfast morning Sept. "S; company 7J strong: ottlecrs, 'Thomas W. Council, captain; F.dward A. Hum pus, Inst lieutenant: Or. H. S. Griswold, major, surgeon, csc.-tpcd. 'The liens crcatisl a sensation in ottlelnl circles. It is the ist severe reverse that has occurred for a long time. Still, the olticlals were let unprepared for news of just this character from Satnar, in which the revolution started by Agttl nnldo still continues. Saniar is a coun try about ns large as the state of Ohio and the American lot of occupation numbers in all between L'.ikhi and li.oixi men. These are distributed among vari ous posts iu the island, large itumls-rs being locn ted nt more important centers. Spain never made any effort to oc cupy SiiniHr, and It has been f.c proba bly throe months past the T'nited States has undertaken that work. The latest report made by (iencral Hughes to the war department wits that the number of insurgent ritles iu the Island aggre gate! about :PKI. The Filipinos carried on a guerrilla warfare and operations against til. in were .lilll. ull. The disaster to Company C of the Ninth infantry occurred, it is believed, while it was engaged in an expedition (o char the country of roving bands of these Insurgents. 'The fact Hint the Americans were attacked while at break fast indicates the daring and pluck of the irsiti gents. Immediately upon receipt of teh ilis patch Adjutant General Corhin cableil General Chatfce to semi a complete re port of the tight and a list of the casual ties. FATAL KENTUCKY DUEL. Minuting Atrray Knits In D.-nlh of One Mnn and Fnlal Injury tit Another. l.oriSVII.I.i:. K.v.. Oct. special from Callaway. Hell county, says: In a shooting affray on Prckcl's Creek, this county, Is-twccn Joe and James liny on one side and losiaii 1-,'ly on the other. Kly was instantly killed and Joe Gay wus fa tally wi.uiideil. .1. inn s Gay escaped un harmed, .lames Gay is a deputy sheriff and had asked L'ly to give up his pistol. Altered Connterfoller Canifht. NKW VOKK. Oct. l.-I'i-ancisco Hir nghi. nu Italian. 42 years or age. who ar rival here last Saturday from Havana on the steamer kspcrnuza, under the name of "H. Frank," wns arrested yes terday by I nitcd States secret service agents. Hiriighi. it is alleged, is the man who i In the dies for the Paris gang of counterfeiters, which was run down by the secret service I. mean in January last. Six of the gang were con victed and now iu'o serving terms of im prisonment. Hiraglii, who is an expert engraver and die sinker, left the city just before the raid was made, going to Havana, Cuba. Floriculture ftlntlslb-a. WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-'The sits bureau yesterday announced its statistics of commercial llorieiilture iu 15 states, showing an aggregate value of Jll.tXKI, IMKI of Ho wets and foih:gi plants raised iu l.MIP, with :i.V.I5 esii' ilishmetits and $.'i."i, IIOO.imhi ns ihe value of the lauds and bail. lings. 'Ihe value of flowers anil plants raised iu lKi'.l iu New York was '.'.r.r.'.SP!!: in Vcr it. $5(1.51:1. The numl.er of establishments anil value of lands and buildings June 1, I'.hxi, In New York was and $S,:iiKI,(Ht7. Mm. Lynn 1'iillinnn OrHtited IMvnrre. fHH'AO. Sept. 2S.-.lHdirP Hishuu ha Ki anted 11 decree of divorce nf Mm, Lynn l uHuiao from i leorne M. I'ulliiian, won of the late palace car magnate. Ali mony was hel at t N I a year and th ptuintiir :rantcfl peiu.ission to apply foi nn increase in the alimony a ad fur attorney'-, fee later. .Mr. 1 n llmu 11. who is now in California, let the suit go i default. Want ( lirrkral-wr Kxtrariltetl. AUAY. ct. 1.-A retpioHt that n requisition to the Argentine Kv"d'lic for the extradition of William Ilocppnrr. who is wanted in New York city on the rhnrtfe of funrery. was scut to Secretary Hay by t.ovn nor nd. II. It is alteued that he rtecni 'd some $ lo.iHm by the rais ing of cheeks. Morse CitilrlH Talcsraph Ciiijiny, NKW nl;K. Ort. 1. Control or the Telephone and lYU'irraph nnd Cable comimny of America passed into the bands of Clinics W. Morse yesterday. Mr. Morse was reported tu have ex ercised bis option on more thon two thirds of tho Htm-k of the company. Affrtl NurMi Ilrail. FTICA. X. Y rt, 1.-l!iehar.l II. liubcrls, njred 77, fur many years wait ing man to the late Governor Seymour nnd professional nurse to iimnv leading i-itieim ot l'tia.died yenerluy at tiie home fur flf'd iti 11 and couples. Murplilnn Ffrii'l lliftl if Ovfitltnr, t'TICA. X. Y.. ht. 1 Mm. Andrew Kasfin-r. aired Iu. died yestenbiy fmm au overdo'- of morphine, to which ilniK he wos addicted. SKINNED COW ALIVE. Shock. I'm of C ruelly lleportf'd From r-riiliii-C. ;i;ki;nsim'!:;. v.... si ;.t. 'JT.-Turs- ilnr ii row lit'loiihiK to licrniaii Nnxtmrg cxhihiU'd yiiipiniiis uf li ns and a vwi'rinarj" mr.;i-tiii v;ts suiiiiiMMn-d. Sax burj: wus iiiti: tiit'il tli.it tin row would die The xiiir.e l:i Snxlin sn u I word t tin t five incut would Ih iiiwu to all who would It nd a hand in lnildit'i int. a wirk ccv.v. Yt-strrdiiy nioruiii tin- v wan tiilaii fiyju the Kt.ilili. Tm fiirciiiiuT; linrry for frrsli lierf witp on hand. Tliu HiiiiMtl'M leys wm tied and wli'i ont t lit formality of first disiatrhiim the niiiituil the 111411 set uliout to sliiu tin1 cow all vi'. Th animal di-d just as the tiay inj; was roinpU-tcd. The earniss wai then ilniilcd aiiioiij; tin1 mtii. Itavitl .Madisuii, ut-tiim cruelty np-nt for .Moness'ii, am std Saxluu j; and four otlicrx. .histiii1 4'nii'lior.' tii:cd Saxhurg and the uthi'm f 10 ca-h. A'-nt Dint' has ordered the an est of others ini )ieuted. USED OIL TO QUICKEN FIRE Woman lliirned lo ll.-slh, Two l-'alallj aud Two Seriously llurned. riTTSHL'IMJ, Sept. :i(i. As a result of an atteniit lo use oil to hurry along; the kitchen lire yesterday, .Mrs. liarbara St urgent is .lead, ami her husband and sou (ieorge, are dying. Two other chil dren of the family, ltnrlinra ami Andrew, lire very badly bin lie. I. The family occupied two rooms of a tenement house in Washington avenue., Hraddoek. .Mrs. Si urgent, while getting the breakfast, poured oil on the kindling wood iu the stove. Au explosion imme diately followed. The room was tilled with clothing hung 011 a line to dry. In au instant the two rooms were a blazing furnace. Mrs. Sturgent w-as burned to death, while her husband and s u me probably f-itally burned. The other families iu the Imild ing were rescued by prompt work by tho rircmeu. TERMS NOT RELISHED. ltellalr Men TlirHtMi to ltitrt h AuiuleitinattM. Mnel U'orkft Slit I i. HKI.LAI KK, U.. Sept. "JS.-Tlic Itel laire Steel works resumed in full yester day tnoiiiiiiL'. the strike having heeii set tled at a conference in Pittsluirj: between Prcsi' - t T. .1. Ia vis of Shatter l.n ip and Assistant I'resideiit Lindsay of the National Steel company. The lodc took two votes on the terms, the second ..allot behitf favoralde. Tlic tennn so far as known provide that the men shall not la discriminated atraipHt liy the manaKemeiit for their Amalgamated leaiiinics. except in the case of not more than L'n. Tin se were said to have been too persistently active to suit the company. The lodge will make weekly payments' to the men discharged until they find other jobs. It ut it cannot be said that the terms are relished by the men as a whole, and there is talk of leaving the Amalgamated and retaining a separate liH-al. WILL BE DEPORTED. Young KinMiHii Si.nVrinic Willi F.ye III ett4f KiraptM From 1IimiIIh1. Kit IK. Sept. 2S. Swituu Oiloff, a 20-year-old Uussiau, was anesteil here on n v ariant brought by au ollieer of the New York migration Itureaii. OrlotT arrived nt New York Sept. S, mi the Statandam. Hi'U'eriii' with trachiuua. a very In fee ti ins eye disease. letaiii"d at the L'n Islam1. Hospital to be deported, he 'scap ed an! came here hint week, whiT' he lias beet, workinu as a lonyshureii an in th Anchor line dm ks. Tin' otticer left with his prisoner for New York last niulit and lie will he put on the next ship of (he Holland line which leaves New York. C'liurnril With Muriler. .IMUNSTOWN. Sept. L'S.-After being a fugitive fruni justice since last June, Kred Hay Chambers as arrested in Somerset nnd yesterday passed through hen in charge uf au oill er from Clear licld county to an..ver a charge uf murder, Chamls'i'S is a negro yearn old. It is claimed that he killed a color ed mar named Heveily near Karthaiifl last June. He came to Somerset with a woman and was promptly uaMied. Sheriff Sailor IniviriL' Im u on the h-oko it to: hitu. rornwnll Iron fionxiny ( hmler.il, HAUKISHCKti, Sept. L'S.-The Corn wall lroh company r.f Cornwall was ia corpora tet I yesterday at the St-ite lb-part it h tit uith a capital of SCnu.uoo. Fi'u. sul -sfi ibi'is are Kdv. ard C. rrceman and Ii. Percy Aldeti of Cornwall and I sal. el C, Kreilrian ol V us,i.iigt on, 1 . .Margaret C. Itiickiiigham of Wasliinglon and Small C. pel by of .New York. The lirst i.iiee Hiibseribera compose the bourd of direct urs. Ileml Torn Fruni Itinly. Al.TOOXA. Sept. 7.-Theodore Karnsworth was instantly kilted at the Kcllwoud .Manufacturing Company a plant, ut Hellwouil, by a burstimr emery whei l. The iiuiii'm liead ns completely severed from his body ami thrown to a distant corner uf the lonni in which he was working. He leaves a family. IUMH IN 1HIIKK. KIIm;KWAY TresMi Tomi, keeper of a Rpeak-easy at Crenshaw, a milling town - miles froni here, was found dying in her shanty Tuesday noon. Four men who were in the shanty -are under suspiciuti nf having administered knock A !.' J N A - At i 'I. e-a 11:11 Spl ines, JuImi Lai e and Pi-ininn' Permup, both of l'ort I'ciry. were having targ. t pi..cb t when Pffimttt's revolver feli uu a bi-nch a ml ilisehaiL'i d. The bullet euteied Lane's body iu the back, nnd it is be lieved the wound will result fatally. MASSILLON. (I. I ieorge Herman, a f aimer, died here. A iav days agu be wore a colored Mocking jii a sure foot, causing blood poison. LA.NCASTLI' - Unrgla is blew 1 lit safe f the Adams K press cumpany al Sa iuiia tu pities uiih nil 1 o ul ei-riiio, se 'ciini: ll iu cah ai'd StM wutili ut M'tauv stamps. M.SSILL)N. O. The W.irwiek iUn 'rii'pau.; b is uruanied. K. 1-. I''n was leel-d president, W. 11. 1 1 'llilbi I U'el'. vie,' nidrnt; J. M. LVcr. iii j r; .1. X. Mel'Wili. cert:irv lllid Ml t I ; . e . . !KI I.KI-'UNTK- I'ifty .Ma-ous from Lih k ILiv.-ii. Tyrone, 1'hiliip-lnirg. Al--sna. LewUtowi and Ittdlefouie received h ure a tut v. i-re iiistalled a elass iu Irem T p'e, Anii -ot Order. Nobles of .he Mystic Shrine of Wilkcsbaire. I BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Pointed Paragraphs Chronic ling the Week's Doings. Long DUpntrliM From Varlon Tartii of Ihe W orld Hliurn of Tlntp fuddlnitii and Only tha K u ilven In mm Few Words mm I'tMNlhlt Far U10 Hut.H of th Hur ried KtMiJr, Pr. Ilixcy admitted that Mrs. McKin ley was being crushed by her grief, and that the outlook was not au favorable aa earlier in the week. Conner Judge Loran L. Lewis and Itobvrt C. Titus have ucepted their as Mgiimeut as counsel to defend Leon V. Czolgosz, who killed President McKiu ley. Indications point to the early ratifica tion of new H;iy-Pnunccfoto treaty cov ering the construction of an interoci'iinic canal. Siuiu lias Kent war sliipH to Tangier, fiillini; to irct recovery of the Spanish boy uml (.'ill carried oil' by a Moorish tribe. The Archduke Frederick of Austria was shot at by a poucher. but escaped without injury. lliilliiud's minister of foreign uffairs ariinuucis that he will briuj; the lloer appeal before the arbitration court at its m-.t iiicctiit. ineiinwhile the Uoera are uu'ii iuvailiiiK Nutnl. Thunday. Judge Mcl'hcrson of the lVedial Court at Council KlulTs iu the suit against the Niagara liisuiauce Company declares the Nebraska anti-trust law unconstitutional. A. H. Cummins opens Iowa Ucpublican campaign with speech at Ceuterville, in which he declares there is no room for anarchists under Stars anil Stripes. Kiglit nf the eleven buildings of the in sane asylum at Norfolk, Neb., are burned nnil two iniuutes cremated, l'rupcrty loss Is Sl.lO.IMO. President floosevelt luiM taken up his abode in the White House, where he will be joined by his wife shortly. Krederick l'liiylcy, president of Na tional Hoard of Trade anil veteran tinan cicr, dies ut Philadelphia. American Consul Maluiros at Colon warns Colombian insurgents not to inter fere with free transit across Isthmus of Piinauui aud prevents attack on Colon. Friday. I is announced from The Hague that Mr. Kinder luis abandoned the idea of a special Hoer mission to the I'uited States. .Miss Klleii II. Stone, the missionary who was kidnapped by brigands in Turkey, has been taken to Bulgariu and her captors demand a ransom. In barely thirty minutes the Czolgosj jury at Uullalo four.d the President's slayer guilty of murder ill the lirst de gree. Jinlph S. Cobb. Jr.. of White Plains, N. V., a sic, lent ill nu academy iu Morgan Park, ill., was siuIiIhiI tive times by a resident of that place. Cobb'i wounds are not fatal. Kdward Siillig. under arrest in St. I.ouis for theft, staled that he conspired with C.olgosz to assassinate the Presi dent, and tied I lit- huii.lkc.lcliicf which concealed (he revolver. Saturday. A special cable dispatch from London says that all the details have been ar ranged for the creation of the liuke of Cornwcll and York ns Prince of Wales. Prince Chun has gicu up his intended visit to Ainciicn. having been summoned to Pckin to take part in the festivities at tending the return of the Chinese court. The American Hoard of Missions has charged Its agent iu Constantinople with paying the ransom for the release of Miss Stone from l.i igauds. The number of soldiers on guard at the tomb of William McKiuley in Canton, Ohio, was reduced. The contest of K.lgar K. Iiinyeu's will was abandoned nnd a verdict was order ed establishing its validity. I'r. 1'riiiiklin I'X Sylvester had nn en counter with two buck deer who were fighting In Long Island. He broke a whip and sprained his wrist in interfering with them. Monday. A novel kind of bull light, in which nn am bile will play a p.m. is announced in a special cable dispatch as about to be held at ltiurritz, Spain. Certain Palis papers are spreading re ports that the recent l'iiiuco-Eiissian con ferences relnlcd to joint action in regard to Turkey, and that ticrmany will con c,ir. Heath in the electric chair in the week beginning Oct. is was the sentence pro nounced on Czolgosz at Ituffalo. The casl.ct i oiitaiililig the body of Abraham Lincoln was opened at Ihe l auli in Illinois, mid sixteen persons gazed at the features. Pivnrcc has been grunted to Mrs. lieorge M. Pullman, Jr., by n Chicugo court. The explosion of a gas tank at Newark, N. J., killed six men and seriously in. jured as many more. Mrs. Howard Hrockway threw herself from the Southwestern limited train on 'he New York Central near Crugcrs, N. Y., nnd was killed. Tneaday. At the request of Pr. Minimi Von Schwartenstein, the ilcruiaii minister, sewn Chinese have lseii tried mid sen tenced lo be beheaded for coiuplicily in Ihe murder of a (icrn.uii trader in a vil lage near Pckiu last month. Julia Tinkany and .Minnie Tiukany, 11 uud lo years old, respectively, swam across the Narrows ut New York. Sir Thomas Upton took a spin uboaril the old America, which brought the cup across Ihe sea half a century ago. In a battle between striking teamstcra and poli.e in San l'r:iucisco seven per sons were Woiliuled, Points so far brought out by both par ties to the Schley-Sampson controversy iK-l'ire the buiird of intjiiiry have been suniiiinrizcd. Tradesman in Trenton, N. .1., was t!iic:tt i.ed with two boycotts lis u result ;' a church w arfare. l or the first time aince their accession t1 King and Queen of Italy visited Ve ni. . , the city being guy with color. M'KiNLEY'S WILL FILED. Ilia Wife Made Legatee of III. Entire Ea- tate Vuluml at About a)-50,0OO. CANTON. O., Sept. 2S.-Secretary Cortelyou cume here yesterday to assist Mrs. .McKinfc.v in disposing of matters connected with the late president' estate. He arrived yesterday morning aud wns nt once driven to the McKiuley home. After inci ting Mrs. McKiuley, the ques tion of tiling the will wns taken up. The trying task of reading it to her was undertaken by tilt faithful secretary. Mrs. AJcKiulcy inude a heroic effort to bear up nnd succeeded in doing 80, nl tliongh the ordeal was difficult for her. She was resting well Inst night. All legal formalities necessary for her to aub Rcrihe to were disposed of. At .'t o'clock iu the afternoon Judge Pay nnd Secretnry Cortelyou went to the ollice of the probate judge and o" -ed the will of Prcsi. lciit McKiuley f i ibute. They carried with them tl '" !. I. Mil S. McKiuley. ', : .. ..: William McKiuley. ibi-eased, 1. . li.v tli . i.uc !'. ilinlnis ration of his esir. .1 re. !! mend the appointment of Willi : It. Day nnd d'eorge B. Cortelyou as admin istrators witli the will annexed." This recommendation bears the date of Sept. '.'T, lUnl. Following is the text of President Mo Kinl.-y's will: "Kxceutive Mansion, "Washington, 1. C. "I publish the following us my hist will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills: "To my beloved wife, Ida S. Mc Kiuley, I bequeath nil of my real estate wherever situated, and the Income of nny personal properly of which I may be pos sessed nt death, during her natural life. I make the following charge upon all of my property, both real and personal. To pay my mother during her life one thous and dollars n yenr, nnd at her death said Hum to be paid to my sister, Helen Mc Kiuley. If the Income from property be Insufficient to keep my wife in great com fort nnd pay the annuity above provided, then I direct that such of my property be sold so as to make u sum adequate for both purposes. Whatever property re niuiiis nt the death of my wife, I give to my brother nnd sisters, share and shara ali!;e. My chief concern is that my wife from my estate shall hnve all that she re quires for her comfort and pleasure, and that my mother shall be provided with whntever money she requires to make her old ii-e comfortable and happy. "Witness my hand and seal, this 22.1 day of October. 1 si 17, to my last will and testament, made nt the city of Wash ington, I'istrict of Columbia. "WILLIAM M'KINLEY. "The foregoing will was witnessed by us this 22.1 day of October, 1 N! 7. at the request of the testator and his name signed hereto ill our presence, and our signatures hereto in his presence. "(1. It. COKTKt.Y'op. "CHAUI.ICS I.OKl'I'l.KR." It is given out on authority thnt th McKiuley estate will total !f22."i.lMMI to $2.-.i,iiiiii, including life insurance of $i!7, 01 Ml. Aside from this insurance the estnte consists of real estate here nnd contiguous to Canton, nnd of deposits In Wnsliiigtoii banks. Monday morning has been lixed by Ihe probate court for a hearing prior to probating the will. Then It is expected Secretary Cortelyou nnd Judge Imy will be finally appointed ad ministrators of the estate, with will uu iicxe.1 uud w ill give bond. WEEKLY TRADE REVIEW. Itradl reel's Iteport nn the Conilltlna of HiislneH. NEW YOUK, Sept. 2S.-Bradstreet'i od.:y says: Iu distributive trade the feat urea are the continued good tone of advices from Ihe jobbing trade west, northwest and 8ou;Iiwcm and on the Pacific coast, mid the better retail trade reported at the east, due to the advance in the season. A quietii.g down in the dcinnnd for dry goods, usual ut this season, is noted at mui.y markets, but tin so reports are gen erally accompanied by advices of au en larged distribution of clothing and foot wear. The iron trade appears to be ex ceptionally active anil full of orders ex tending well into next year, while shoe manufacturing, woolen goods, flour mill ing, lumbering, jewelry, furniture anil a number of oilier lines are all active. The situation iu copper is not as yet clearly defined. Domestic consumption is large, but American prices nre fully three cents higher than in London. Pig iron is active and in Inrge sale, and Southern iron hus again advanced in all markets. While the excessive premiums on tin plates and other atrike-nffected products hnve disnppenred, the ilemund Is so large I hut billets lire $1 higher, bars $2 up and u number of other products bare advanced in proportion. Tlie shoe trade is of goed volume and owing to the advance In leather. Home manufacturers of foot-wear will only ac cept orders "at vioue." The print cloth situation at Pall ltivcr Is a peculiar one. A mouth ago talk was heard of possible strikes, due to reductions of wages. Since then the price has advanced &-8 cent per yard, and this week two mills have announced wages advanced.' The available supply of cloth is rumored to be practically c. lucre. I, but against this it is noted that business is only moderate and ihnt pr s are not as strong, owing partly to tin- weakness in raw cotton. Kustern and southern mills are reported free buyers uf actual cotton, but wool is t.rni. f ailures for the week number 1!)7, us uj:uiiist loS last week, Hill in this week u y. ur ago, 12!l in lMi'J, and lii in UV.lS. Wl eat. including Hour exports for the week, aggregate li,470,.'t.2 bushels, ns ng.iiu't .'i..SIO..i7i bushels last week, and t." 12. Sill bushels In this week hist year. Wheat exports, July 1 to dale (thirteen Weeks!, aggregate 7S.t'i."i2..r.'il bushels, ns against -1 1.7iHi,22il bus.!i''!s last seusou. Corn exports airegate rS.i,7(K! bushels, ns ngniust CI L.VJS bushels last week, and 2.1.b,171 bushels lust year. July 1 to date corn exports are I2.71S.1I10 bushels, ugainst 40.7-i2.til7 bushels Inst season. New Itig Telephone Kysteiu. ALBANY. Oct. I. The Frontier Tel ephone company of Buffalo, with a cap ital of Mmsh. was i ii porato.1 yester day, to operate a telephone system con iieciug Buffalo, llochester, Syracuse, I'lica. Albany, Poughkccpsic, New Y'ork city. Toiiawanda. Niagara Palls, Lock port, Dunkirk, Krie, l'u.. Cleveland, .laiii.Mown, Llmiia. Itjuliamlon uud Hol'llellsville. the 1 1 rec t r being J. A. Stearns of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Alviu M'.l.lc of Ha., lion, l'a.: J. M. Thomas of New Y'ork city, K. C. I.iifklu. .1. B. Weber and C. B. Hill of UufLihi. ad 1-'. 1C. Greene of Kredoiiiu.