Smart L Silberberg. OIL CITY, PENNA. We save you all Intermediate Profits. The ability to give great values is determined by two factors BUYING FACILITIES and EXTENT OF OUTLET. These are what bring the hundreds of customers here. Our immense business enables us to buy in large quantities from first hands, thus saving our customers all intermedi ate profits. Let these illustrate : Ladies' Black Lace Lisle Hose, 25c Pair. 25 doz. of as good a grade as ever a competitor jd at 50c. It's just simply a little lot we happened to pick up at a price; a little over 25 doxen, but tbey won't last long, they're too good. English Flannellettes 5c Yd. A whole case of remnants of these goods. The piece price is 10c yd., and as these remnants run from 2 to 12 yds., you can fiud any length you want at about half regular value. Wool Blankets at Half. This is an odd time to advertise Blankets, but in truth we expect our new line of some half dozen or more cases will arrive here 1u a few weeks, and we want to sell every pair we have on hand before the new ones arrive. In all, we have about 50 odd pairs of all wool Blankets, which we divide into three lots. $3 and 63.50 blankets will be s !d at 8100. SI and $5 blankets will be sold at $00. 66 and $7 blankets will be seld at $3.!)0. Some of these are slightly mussed, but they're wonderfully cheap. Sole Leather Suit Cases, $5.00. The best in the world for the money; made of specially selected Kua- lish Russet Sole Leather on sjeel frame, sewed in by band, dues quality brass lock, lined throughout with pure Irish Linen. SMART & OIL CITY, PA. WEEK .Y TRADE REVIEW. Iril Itrpmt mi the . mil 1 u lr l!im!iit4. ...... i".u, -inn. in. nr.csir.--. i review nf trmlo says; Icpitc sonic irregularity, due to tin recurrence uf corn damage relents fn ..i the eastern surplus producing stales 11,1 the f.irr,:al launching of the niucli-henil I ecl geneial steelnnrkeiV strike, tile ng predate business the country over siino to le of a good, nml in must section! unprecedented, volume for this season nl the year. All available measures nf sup ply. demand nml nincinent point to tin business done in .Inly having cxccciW anything transacted in any similar mid summer month. Inited States and Canadian wheal suplies increased 2..I14.IKSI bushels dur Ini: .Inly, owing to a recniil-brenkin. nioveiuent of what undoubtedly is an nn pniedeuted winter wheat erop. Iut Ivi rnpean, Australian and Argentine wheal supplies fell oft" much more heavily, t!:. result Mug a grand total of supplies o! Aug. 1. l!i, of 12-J.:?.i.ihmi linshels. r loss of 4,."ilo.(t(KI linshels for .Inly. Nine (.'roups of staples, textiles, pro visions and groceries, oils. lireadstufTs chemicals and drugs, hides and leather fruits, coal and coke and liuilding mate rial were marked higher during tin month of .Inly, the Hrst four partienlarh so. while miscellaneous products, livt stock, metals and naval stores mover lower. Cotton goods have been firmly held do pile the ipiiet and even dull condition ol business at first hands. Wool is firm and manufacturers art steady lmyers. Wheat, including Hour, shipments fot the week aggregate S..TJ.l!i!l linshels against IUi.'!.-'!!il linshels last week. 5UH.7'iO linshels in the corresponding week of T.kki. :!.f,l(i,l.-4 linshels in IN'.f. find .l.'.r.'N.i'iiHl Imshi'ls in IV.iS. Fruit July 1 to date the shipments aggregati ;!.". ell.." 7 1 linshels, as against lti.SNI,:;.V linshels Inst season and LIO.N7 J.I wis bush els in I.s;.!-1!HM. C.ini exports for the week aggregati fKHI.711 hiislicls. against ."iii."l.'ai4 hushel' last week. J.S!mi.7."i bushels in this week a year ago. ."i.!i.i.:ir,1 Imsliels in 1nii a,l 3il7.!l.iJ linshels in ls:w. Fr MV 1 to date exports aggregate N.71S.:i;l biisli els. against Jii.iWi!i..":i Imsliels in the sea Son of t'KHMPl. and J.'i.irjii.sjo huslicli in IM'.Ki-I'kmi. CHANGES WILL BE UNDONE fterrrtary of Treasury liage Orders A pralser Wakcuinii to lUiiiii ,. Men. WASHINGTON, Aug. l.l.-The s.t retary of the treasury a few days ago re ceived the res se of the cummin. -i friiiu the lio.iril of trade and transporta tion of Nc iv York to the reply of Aa praiscr Wakemaii of New York to tin charges which hail I n lib-d hy their against him in connection with certain changes and appointments made in ho ollicei The matter was referred to tin civil service commission, which has takei action hy ilNapjnoving of the temporal-.! npiMiintinciits of i:aniiueis tlrov.s. Me oiia!il, Hietzlelder, Jerome and .Mi th.-u-ls. The cinimioinn held that the appoint Went of these live uieii was illegal lie cause they Hi re not ipialitied tinder sit tion 11IIO of the revised statutes. Sir-n-tary tJiigc has approved the action ot the civil service conimissioii and will di-ri-ct Appraiser Wakeuiau 1o disinist these men. ami probably will direct him to return the lucti recently transferror from his ..ill. to the docks for the ex amination of l.aggage tu their origina Hisit ions. SILBERBERG, RATES TO PAN-AM. PanM-litrer Agents' .-iicI!Iiiii Irrlile li Make Mean Charge nf One cul Milr. JAMESTOWN, N. Y., Aug. S.-Tlu meeting nf the General 1'asseugei Agents' association in session at Lake wood yesterday was attended by repre sciitativcs of the h-ailing roads east nl the .Mississippi river. A new schcdiilt of rates for passenger traffic was estfib hslied from all points on all roads iu tin association tu llnllalo. on account of :ln Tan-American exposition as follows: Coach excursion tickets will he sold or Tuesdays, good until following Suuda) for 1 cent a mile: l.Vday return tii tickets will he sold from all points fm one fare plus 1: -iMay round trip tick els will lie sold from all stations for out ami nne-tliiril straight fare, From poiuti in Michigan a special rate was uiadt tor Aug. lit and 20 of 1 cent u mile tickets to be g usl until the follow ina Sunday. The matter nf a division of colonist, iml immigrant rales was referred to a mi-cling of the rale agents to he held ii Chicago today, the action of that bod to he telegraphed litre subject to con tinuation hy the association. MR.NATIONWANTS DIVORCE lUgln. Knit yT Separation Kriim II Ii Siilimii-WrrekiliK Wife. MKDICINK I.OI.til-:. Kan.. Aug. Ill llitvid Nation yesteinay liroig.t suit for a divorce from his wife. Mrs. turrit Nation, the i.-mperauce crusader. The petitioner alleges tiiat his wift held him up to puldic ridicule, neglecteij her family diiliea and ahau.loiied hi. houie. lnereiiss In ('aunt Tumiage. .ALBANY. Aug. !I.-The tonnage o. the canals for the fourth week in Jnlv shows an increase of ."iiU-7 Ions over the e period last year, the figures liein l!i::.;:ii for V.KPl. as against Hl'.st,;; f, l!x. The hulk of the increase is in wa f i eight east, the figures for 1'HKI heiug .l.SMi tons, as against HH.Iititl tons foi the present year. The total t igc tt Aug. 1 was r.i; t t ions, ns against 4SS,. oiui tons in thi heiug i,u increase of :iJ.Sti tons, iiotwiihstaiidiug llit canals iij ii in d last year more than two weeks earlier than this. IMell Wants to Know Atm-it I'olice. MOW YiHIK. Aug. I::. -t;.,v..-ti..t Odell's private s.-ereiur.v. .lam s C. t;,-,-,. ham. culled on ii-t,ici Alton.. ,- 'ii,iM yesterday. lie delivered a letter from the governor reipu-siing the district at torney to inform him as soon as possi- hie of all the facts in the recent ileensa lions against tin- police department. Mr I'hillaii saiil he was nut in a position ti. give the fads at once. I.nt would i wrilr with the governor in a few days. I'eler .lacksnn Deatl. VICTOIMA. li. C. Aug. !I.-I'et,.. fai-ksoii, t'le famous negro pugilist, ilj,.-.' Inly j:; at a priva.e s m; ai i i I!.,,,,,,, mar Sydiic, N. S. W.. ol ..oils uuption. hxpltfn III 'alieiMiver Mins. VANCOI VKl:. H. C. Aug. i::.-Theri was an c.'isjnu yesterday iu cMeiisiou mine No. :t on Viiiioiiivit island. Tin only uiiin known to he Ih-Ihw was lino, ttie tire hos. who was prohahly killed. Sean-hieg parties have lieen unahle ti enter owing to the itrterdaiup. Tin mines are not working at present, ow ing To lli.' San l'iaii. i-io dis k strike, henci Tie men were not Ih-Iow at the time. Th. cause of thu explosion is unknown. 31st Semi-Annual SalelKeep Cool THE SATUEDAY MORNING, AUG. 10, AND LASTS TEN DAYS. All records have been broken by this season's tremendous business. We are on new ground witli larger facilities, bigger output, better able than ever to serve you and carry on an aggressive warlare against high prices. NOTICE TO QUIT. Our buyer has just returned from the Eastern markets where he has bought enough merchandise to fill this store. Therefore, we have served notice on the present stock to vacate the premises in ten days from August 10th. Trice is secondary consideration. It's store room we want and must have, and to get it $60,000 Worlh TEN DAYS ONLY. Men's, Uoys's and Children's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Umbrellas, Rubber Clothing, Mackintoshes, and High Grade Clothing made to your ortler in our own shop, by UNIOX TAILORS of this city. Here are a few of the good things : The Famous McCuen Co. Ready to Wear Clothing. Men' black part wool units tale price 3 00 Men's (trey ami brown ami tan shadea. all-wool suits lormer price $7.o0 s. sale price 5.50 Men's worsted suits, light ami me dium colors, hard finish, for mer price sale price 6 50 Men's tine wonted soils (regular $10 qualities) sale price 7.5(1 Men's tine KiikMsIi and Scotch suits, $12 qualities sale price 8.50 Moil's line English and worsted cheviut suits, $13,511 quality, sale price '.1.50 Strictly hiuli grade black and blue worsteds and semes, rci;ular $15 qualities sale price 10.IKI All our line hili grade scini-diess suits, of impnrte Worsteds, $16 and $18 qualities sale prices $1 1.50 and 12.50 Stein, Hlock Co.'s Finest Knglislt and Scotch worsted suits, for mer price $J), $22 and $.'4 sale prices $1,5 and W.0 Young Men's Suits. Ages 15 to 20 years. Long trousers, cut iu very swell shapes, in tact our most fashionable cut with a 1 the latest touches are $1 and $2 less than the above prices for the same grades. Some very handsome and stylish young men's suits as low as $1. Two Thousand Pairs Men's Trousers. Men's striped flannel outing trous ers Half price, $1.75 to 3.00 Men's best makes of jean pants, lined throughout, ,'l grades 4c, (ilk;, Wo Our famous liutcli cottonades, great for service sale price l.nO Dutchess commercially all-wool trousers sale price 1.25 Men's strictly all-wool hair line stripes trousers sale price 1.50 Men's strictly all-wool hair linn stripes trousers, lormer price $2.50 ami $2.75 salo price 2.00 Men's all-wool trousers, f:) and $150 qualities salo price 2 50 Men's all-wool trouseia, $;.?.- 'ami $ qualities sale prico 3 Oil Men's all-wool trousers, $-4. 50 and Equalities sale price 4. IK) Workmen's overalls and jackets, good quality, light weight den im salo price 25c Union made, Erie made 45c Hole agents for the famous C'arhart brand of workmen's clothes and caps. 500 Mens and Boys' Skeleton Summer Coats. Some are half the marked prices, others are but a third, 50c, 75c, $1, $2 and $2.50. 1 dozen Men's Bicycle ' Suits to Close. $1.50 to $5 suits 5.50 to 8 suits 1.25 2.50 Light Weight Spring and Fall Overcoats. Men's light weight overcoats, $10 quality sale price 7.50 Men's light weight overcoats, $12 quality sale price 8.50 Men s light weight overcoats $1:1.50 quality sale price 9.50 Men's light weight overcoats, $15 quality sale price 10.00 Men's light weight overcoats, $Hi quality sale price 12.00 Men's light weight overcoats, $20 quality, silk lined sale price 15.01) Mackintoshes, Crevenette Rain Coats and Rubber Clothing. Men's black and tan double texture mackintoshes 3.50 Hoys' black and Ian, double texture mackintoshes 2.5n Men's rubber coats 2511 Hoys' rubber coats 2.110 Crevenetto lain coats $8,011 10.00 Our linest crevenette Oxford rain coats, with the Kite-liner yoke, former price $25.00 sale price, Just a word in conclusion. The Uoy who wore a :j-year-old Suit, when we inaugurated our first sale, takes a man's suit to-day. He has seen us grow. We have yet to find a man who says that he has not received full value for every dollar he ever spent in our store. The McCuen Co., 25-29 SENECA & 12 ELM ST., OIL CITY, PA. -of- McCTJEN CO., BEC3-I1TS of high class merchandise winch in many cases is but hall or quarter the cost price and in no case exceeds the present wholesale value. Ex cept only for contract goods. No Goods Charged at Sale Prices. No Deviation From Above Terms. I Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Cases, IN" BASEMENT In this department you can save enough to buy your tick et to the I'an-Am. TELESCOPES 3 qualities, half a dozen si.cs. We qnoto sizes 20, 22, and 24, the best and most used. Sale prices, line !'V and $1.10. I'AN-AM. SUIT 22, 24 and 2i. Sale prices, $1 and $1.50. A I.L-LK ATH Elt-$l 50 to $10.00. CI.LIJ HAtiS-Mic, PSc, $1.10 and$t.:!5. Sizes 12 to IS inches. Finer grades ol all leather goods, in the best makes, reduced in proportion. TKl'N KS A verv large assortment rang ing in price Irom 2.50 to $20. (io 1 quality of rivited trunks, $1 to $ii. steamer trunks $:i.5(, $." and $s. Children's Clothing. The Good Kind. School begins soon and this department is a gold mine for mothers and Imivs. Double breasted 2-piece suits (short pants i.ages 7 to IU years $ .l Double-breasted 2-piece suits (short pantsl.ages7 to Iti years L',18 Double-breasted 2-picc.e suits (short pants) ages 7 to Iti years 2.25 Dou bio-breasted 2-piece suits (short pantsi.ages 7 to Hi years lormer prices $3.50 and $1 2.75 Doulile lircasted 2-piece suits (short pants),ages 7 bvlii vears, former prices $4.50 and $5 3.50 orioik suits, the correct thing for ages 0 to 12 years, former price $" and $ii 3.50 ltussian blouse suits, ages 3 to 0 l.iis Kilt suits, ages 2, 2, 3, 31 former price $t) 2.50 Medium we'ght top coals, ages 3 to 12, 5 and $! qualities 4,00 Don hlc-breasted resfer coats regu lar fall and winter weight $1.!'H to .1.50 5n0 boys' knee pants, i'.ie to Hsu about )i price. Wash Suits. D. II. wash suits, blue iinen stripes, ages li to 15, lormer price $1.2 i... title Double-brcHstcd wash linen suits, plain brow n 311c Hi e blouse suits at price, $l.5o to 3.00 Wash knee panls less than half price sale pi ice, He to 25c The Mci'iicn t o. I'an-Am. suits for play 3Hc tlrownin overalls "11.. School hats for boys and girls, red, blue, tan and grey lUtnnet Me Children's Underwear. Sale Price Per garment. Child's white merino gauze ages 3 to 12 10,- Also boys' merino gaii7.e liic The Mct'uen Co. boys' lialhriggan 20c Hoys' union suits ages 8 to lli 42c Hoys suspenders pic The ideal waist, a perlect trotisersup- porter 200 .VI tii ix tine, so It, ocrue shade merino Imys' shirts and drawers, medi um weights, $1.00 quality 25e Children's wash lams hall price. Men's Furnishings. Men's Shirts. Woiking shirts, collars attached m l'-'c, 42c, 5oc The McCuen Co. cheviot shirts, col lars attached 80c J'cerless while shirts, unlaundered, men's and boys 42c Men's negligee shirt", 50c qualities.. 4J Men's u.'gligen shirts, 75c qualities.. Sttc Men's negligee shirts, $1 qualiiv sue Men's negligee shirts, $1.50 and $1.75 quality $ J.00 Finest Madras and white long cloth $2 quality j 25 Some special lines of the lanious Mar shins and all silk shirts, former price $2 .fin and 1.75 Stiff bosom fancy shirts $1.50 quali- 75c .Night shirts, lormer price .'inc., $1,110 and $1.50 price. 41k', ft and 80c Pyjamas, J price, 75c to $1 per suit The McCuen Co. Ilannel negligee shirts, made of silk and wool, unshrinkable neck band $ 1.25 will be sold at inventory prices No Goods on Approval. Underwear. Men's line Halbrlggan shirta and drawers, reinforced scats The M.Cucn Co. lialhriggan (regular 75c qualiiv double-seated drawers twin needle seemed and stitched) Same as the above in fancy shirts striped , The McCnen Co. mesh, the hit of the season on underweai Fine and strong derby rib balbriggan ecrue shade .". Undershirts only a surplus of shirts over drawers makes 11 necessary to sell number of lota of extra shirts at halt price. 50c qualities 75e quali ios $1.00 qualities Light weight gauze wool shirts ami drawers Fine-t liertiiau makes Metalntr. and Jacgar $l,5n to $: All winter garments one third oil price except only contract goods. 85c Hosiery. (liHid seamless half hose sale price An extra quality ol last black half hose, would be good value at 25e per 1 air lilacs' or tan lisle thread 50 doz. fancy half hose, as last in col or as can be made, thu entire lot st half price. 25c qualities 2 for 5oe qusl dies ami $1 qualilu , Fine natural or last black all-wool half hose Extra quality lino black or natural color all wool Neckwear. All washable neckwear, including stocks, 4 price. String ties, z lor 5c. Hat wings, 10c ami 2 lor 2.V.. Four ill-hands, 2 for 2-si. Shield bona, pic A1I silk neckwear, 25c qualities, 2lc; 50c qualities, 42c; 75e and $1 qualities, 50c; boys' neckwear. 10c, l,w and 20c. Men's Hats. Outing hats ol leather welgnt 42c Hlack and brown still'clerbys, latest correct shapes '. $1 00 $1 qua ities 2.00 4 qual ities 2.75 Men's light colored soil felt hats ,500 Men's tine fur soft hats, browns and pearls, $2.25 and $i qualities 2.00 $3 50 and $1 quali; ics 2 75 Siraw hats, all that were $1 or under 25e $1.25 to $1.75 ,-sic 2.IHJ to 2.50 7!ic 3.00 to 5.00 l.oo Umbrellas. 50;) special twilled gloria fust black lnekle trimmed handles.lho very latest construction; they were a cinch our buyer ran against bv accident price'$l,00 Higher grades umbrellas in pioportion. Some tine ad silk ladies' umbrellas of the linest grades, one-third off in price. Boys' Furnishings. Hoys' sweaters, $1.25 qualities OSc Hoys' sweaters, 50c quality 42c Midget sweaters, ages 3 to7 years.tlne worsted wool, $1,110 and $1.25 75c Children's fast biack h.df boso, 10c quality 3 lor 35c Black Cat quality, 25c quality 20c Some Plums for the Ladies. Ladies' white duck hats fide Knox shape felt hats, half price $1.00 to $2.00 Ladies' straw lints, Knox shspes, half price $1.00 to $2 So Indies' Star shirt waists j.fitl Ladies' stocks and bat wings 25c Lmlies' goirsweaters half price 1.50 Ladies' can't slip belts 40c to fiKc If you cno't succeed we'll help ynu do it, HOT PLATES GAS RANGES. We've tliein iu all stvlei and sell tltrtin at small mar gins They solve 'hn hot weather problem by keeping your l ouse cool while you are COOKING THE MEALS. C'ouir in and Ne Tliriu ami (.t l'rircN HARDWARE. Our slock of Heavy and .Shell Hardware, l.umbcitueu's Sup plies, Stoves, Ranges, Etc., is the most completo iu this section. I'ainls, Oils, and an artist In put it mi if you waul, ("all and tee the new Summer Gas Stove. It is a marvel. SCOWDEN & CLARK. fri02sTICST-A-. it if ii a v vVxi is what you can get if you want a . . . . or anything in tho jewelry line by go ing to The LEADING JKWELEIi. 32 SKNKf'A St., OIL CITY, V , OFTICIAK Olliee , Nutional Hank lluildiiiK, OIL CITY. I'A. Kyes exainiiied free. I'.xclusivelv optical. 13 Weeks For 25 Cts. Fir tti trithtit, e nl no -i'Uir ikiiihiim rUk H;kl7 porting ppr 'ubluhJ. VV Jy Itei-ncoitwt f'.rnlitfB y-ar f Sp bftM ball, Trap 8h.iri(, Bilnurdii mndkitnireJit-.rta. Tha l-t.tM-ri-f tU kl4 ttnl'liabrtl. I'r th irrM I of lnlri4uriTiK It 1b iw 1"ri!itli., f w will Mini it tttirtB wMkuf'.r'J.S, (tBiBs), Sample eu-j frw. Addrtu, . Kliurtfnw Mfr, 4UH Dnndu IUU, IMitlu ' w a - 3 I fVtPi : irW; J to g e W w s I Q. U If - -- If,' U w i i 2 SS i!io .rfefSi 1 i 5 1 1 - 0 entinly. keep as cool as you can ami if you'll take our advise anil use AND CALIFORNIA. COLORADO AND UTAH. Special Low Mummer Excursion Rate to all points. Pirsonally conducted Pull man Ton. 1st .Sleeping Cars. I'ersoiMlly conducted tour loSan Kran cisco, Cal.. account tleiicral fonvention F piscopal t'liureli. Tickets on sale Kept, 2-nd io27th. Cimid rcttirniiiK until Nov. 5tli, with stop-over privileges. (Quickest and liest In to OKLAHOMA, AND INDIAN TERRITORY. Oulv line with lia.i., Ti.i......i. Service. Dining t ars and Free Keclin- nK "air turs, rastest train service to th e fain us BEAUMONT.JEXAS, OIL FIELDS. TliroiiKh sleeping car from Chicago without change anil through sleeping car reservation from Cincinnati via Mem phis, 'ienn., to HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Special llomeseekers' Kxcursionstoall points South, West and North West. For FUKK descriptivo matter and full particulars regarding above, address E. A. RICHTER. T. P. A. m Park liuilding, PitUburg, Pa. D. P. FREDERICKS, 1-1. D. (Kye, Kar, Nose anil Throat Specialist.) Olllco Hours (la. m. to 1 p. in. (Kxcept Thursdays.) Careful attention given to furnishing all kinds nf glasses. ARLINGTON BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA JOKIiN.o FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS. COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONKSTA. PA.